Indepth Beat Em Up Game Thread

Games like Bayonetta, DMC, God Hand, MGR etc, let's have a thread about them

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I enjoyed bayonetta a lot, especially when I learnt dodge offset.

shitty DmC reboot > Trannynetta

Games should never allow you to cancel an attack animation into a dodge. In fact, games should not have a dedicated dodge button.

If the game is built around it and balanced knowing the player can, like in Bayo then it's fine

Inb4 Bayofags fuck the thread up
It's a good game, but the fanbase is fucking insufferable for some reason

Are they? I've never interacted with the fanbases of these games, I've played them solo all the time. Why are they so bad?

Based and anything-but-Tricksterpilled
fuck Kamiya and fuck Platinum

Genre peaked early, only Ninja Gaiden seceded it.

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>Inb4 Ninja gaidenfags fuck the thread up
>It's a good game, but the fanbase is fucking insufferable for some reason

>Inb4 DMCucks fuck the thread up
>It's a good game, but the fanbase is fucking insufferable for some reason

Can we just have a nice thread without bickering shitposting or arguing?

>Inb4 Nierfags fuck the thread up
>It's a good game, but the fanbase is fucking insufferable for some reason

>Inb4 KHfags fuck the thread up
>It's a good game, but the fanbase is fucking insufferable for some reason

How would you design an action game around Lucha Libre? Lots of acrobatics and grapple mechanics?

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>Inb4 Sekirofags fuck the thread up
>It's a good game, but the fanbase is fucking insufferable for some reason

>Inb4 MGRfags fuck the thread up
>It's a good game, but the fanbase is fucking insufferable for some reason

Definitely those two, it'd probably be more about ground combat than aerial combos. Maybe adding environmental kills could be cool

Nice thread retards

>practice dodge offset and combos in Bayonetta
>play around with enemies on NSIC until Im comfortable with their movesets and AI
>still struggle to get pure platinums relying on fundamentals
>equip the accessory that lays down a bomb when you dodge an attack
>suddenly get non stop pure plats without trying
Oh, well this feels cheap as fuck

>inb4 God Hand fags fuck the thread up
>It’s a good game, but the fanbase is fucking insufferable for some reason

Mike Haggar in Final Fight except fat. I miss grappler characters, 3D beat em ups only have the occasional grab and throw move

>Non stop plats
Hello liar-kun

>Inb4 Gowfags fuck the thread up
>It's a good game, but the fanbase is fucking insufferable for some reason

I like DMC’s combos more but when it comes to actually fighting enemies I prefer Bayo. The flow of combat just feels really good. Also Gracious and Glorious are just an amazing enemy.

So when does it become obsolete? Im like a third into the game and its still amazing

I don't know, I think it's an inferiority complex, which is funny because nobody hates Bayo

Fucking lmao they literally can't help themselves

Just finished DMC5's blood palace. Now I'm going to replay KH1FM at Level 1. Anything I should know going in? Or any strategies I should avoid?

It never becomes obsolete, just that it lowers your combo score. Can you post some footage of you playing with the rosary equipped and getting PP on NSIC?

>Inb4 Soulsfags fuck the thread up
>It's a good game, but the fanbase is fucking insufferable for some reason

Which chapter/verse?

Any of them, pick your favourite

Ok sure gimme a bit

Quite clear these people are extremely autistic

There aren't enough of these type of games. I have heard amazing things about Otogi 1 and 2 though.

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>Beat Em Up

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He's completely right btw, rosary lowers your score because you won't get enough combo points for PP. Its a crutch that they punish you for.


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Playing a lot of dmc5.

A game I miss is Anarchy reigns, it was so short lived but it was great while it lasted. I honestly had the most fun playing deathball online.

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Its hard to talk about any niche genres in general around here, most people just come to shitpost () rather than talk about games.