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remake when

Everything about P3 is great, except the gameplay.

Gameplay is great, get good pleb.

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Best boy

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Slow ass start to the story and basically all of Strega is pretty bad too

P3P fixes the gameplay, but it gets rid of everything else to save UMD space. That game is begging for a remaster.

I don't know, Akihiko, but it's good to know I can get back here even now this easily.

>gameplay is great
>extremely basic jRPG combat within the most boring randomly-generated dungeon in existance

Great taste

>he didn't like Tartar Sauce

I love Fuuka!

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>most boring randomly-generated dungeon in existance
No, that's P4

Remember the times

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Just up the exp gain prior to hitting the 5th block. There, I fixed the gameplay.

I am so fucking sick of this track, and it's one of my least favorites in the game. Mass Destruction is music kino though.

Why does he even ask that question though? Why should he care where the MC was?

Git gud at shuffle time

>get max experience possible
>100 exp

Exp gain is fucking shit until you hit exp lv 6.

Sounds like you're just already overleveled for where you are, you must really suck. You only get


I think it's the most natural question. MC, unlike all the others, is always, and I mean every single day, doing something somewhere until late evening and presumably never tells anyone anything based on the type of sociopath he is (supported by the sequels, such as none of the S.E.E.S. knowing who Elizabeth is for instance.). It just seems extremely suspicious over such a long period of time. I mean, he's just a student, right? What the hell is up with that?



>says exp gain is shit
>"hurrr you just suck"

The bosses are easy until the endgame anyway. All the abysmal exp gain does is slow down the game and tell you to fuck off if you don't have S links for your fusions. Cards might as well be out of the question until late in the game. This is without Growth 2/3.

It's not hard at all. It's fucking boring.

been searching all along

>search vidya music
every time

Raidou is fun


The one thing Tartarus has is that its better than all the P4 dungeons just from the fact that its one place you are climbing from the start of the game while also having those midnight hour excursions in places outside like at the school and the train

You don't need to grind for XP if you just lern2fuse correctly
Unless you're a shitter

Raidou has probably my favorite design of any video game character.

The thing about Persona music is that half of it is atmospheric kino and the other half is trash.

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You're not going to get cards from fusing alone.

Gosh, it's like arguing with a child. What's next? You're going to tell me Tartarus is good level design?

Just use the compendium and buy back personas and fuse it with other shit, god you're like a retarded baby that needs to be told everything

Man, P5 is so boring. I played 3 and 4 recently, practically back to back. I'm 5 hours in 5, and bored out of my fucking mind

>blocks your path

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Because a lot of the time MC spends hours with people away from his dorm immediately after school meaning everyone else goes home from school and wonders why he isn't back until night time, he's only asking in casual, friendly manner.

Shuffle time is not the primary means to attain new personas in this game

Are the P3 movies any good?



because Akihiko is a chad and he cares for you, don't you have friends?


desu my only complaints were not being able to make effective use of orpheus throuhgout the game until telos and the school fair getting rained out
clean up scene was fun though

What part of "I have already beaten the game" do you not understand?

Table is free against Junpei+Ken and any persona with Mediarama. Literally babby's first group heal check. You can also cheese him with crit skills/knock down abuse because lolsingleboss.

The absolute fucking state of Personafags and their assertion that any point prior to the endgame is remotely difficult.

They're alright
First and last movies are good, 2nd and 3rd are meh

They're much better than any of the Persona TV animus

>Love everything about P3, music, characters, setting all excellent
>Can't bring myself to keep playing because it just reminds me of how I wasted my highschool years

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If you love shinji or aigis, sure

If you can't finish a game because of your high school regrets, you are likely to take your own life in the next five years.

>Needing group heals to beat table

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I lived in a dorm in high school and that same green-brown shit color of the carpet in persona's dorm matches my old school exactly. i get you, bro, i could have done so much more.

I was planning on it in 6 actually

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Why specifically six?

Persona 3 is best by far

I can't play P3 again because it reminds me of how I wasted my grad school years playing video games, before I dropped out.

Of course not. Table has clear weaknesses.

I hated the dub so much that I never finished the game.

A birthday gift to myself for finally becoming a wizard

It's all the same shit.

I hear people talking the opposite. everything is worse than p4 and p5 except the gameplay.

Because he wants to know what you were doing and how your day was? Have you ever talked to another person?

Enjoy dying, you weak pile of shit. You won't even see us topple the jews.

P3 fans are die-hard zealots for the OST. I

If it doesn't happen within the next 6 years, it was never worth seeing in the first place

what kind of harry potter shit shenanigan or whatever weeb anime shit are you deluding yourself, little faggot?

>not shinji

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You will die, your God will send you to hell, and you'll never get to see us finally destroy the jews. Have fun, idiot.

Now that's some prime newfaggotry right there.
This your first hour on the internet?

Based party composition

hot new

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You don’t need to pretend sleeping table isn’t tough user. Sure, if you already know what it’s packing and you pre-plan your party, then yeah you can probably win easily. But just walking into that fight with no prior knowledge? Come on.

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>tfw i played persona 3 on my second year of high school (out of 3), where i started to isolate myself

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Shinji is second best boy

I dropped out of high school and played P3P for like 200 hours while laying alone in bed in the dark on my hacked PSP

this desu, everyone in SEES were pretty much just coworkers before the beach stuff happened

I played it as a Freshman, same with 4. Persona 5 was out 2 years after I graduated, and I can't get into it. I think it's because of the High School setting honestly.

disgusting... i can't fathom how much you must have smelled. ugh

T-That doesn’t sound healthy user....

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Patrolling tbe mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

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There's no tatarus bosses you can just walk into unprepared and beat the first time

Gtfo dweeb

Do you need someone to talk to, user?

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tartarus dungeon was the worst part of that already shitty game. never liked persona series. they are all cringe emo shit.

? Most of them can user. There are only a few overpowered ones like sleeping table and jotun of grief

I can't bring myself to play P5, the MC and the characters are the complete opposite of what I was and I can't self-insert worth a fuck
>Giga-Chad MC
>Harem of Stacies and a slutty MILF all tripping over each other to get a piece of you
Just knowing there were people in my school exactly like that and all I came out of highschool with was a grand total of 1 friend just fucking kills me a little every time I think about it

fuck off random faggot.

Nice larp, faggot.

>he played Persona 5 in high school
Nigger, you are literally too stupid to post here. You thought it was cute, but no, you don't realize what the jews have done to your absolute nigger generation. You're worthless.

Uh, no? It was a psp 3000 white edition and I grinded out messiah and used it for NG+.

I took showers regularly

Im a normal perfectly well adjusted guy now, haha dont worry

Stop trying to ruin our comfy persona discussions with your pathetic blog post you incel

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>Just knowing there were people in my school exactly like that
I think you’re vastly overestimating the “popular” kids experiences in school

Did you just not read my post or has that /pol/ kool-aid just annihilated half of your brain cells?

Bruh I ain’t even outta high school and I got like 10-15 friends despite being autistic

lol there are autstic retards who actually think they are circlejerking in this shitty anonymous board.

Like what? IF you remember beating one first try you should remember who they are

>Posting in Persona thread
>Calling others incels
Glass houses, my friend

Those friends will likely quickly disappear from your life.

You played P5 in high school, which means you're utterly too stupid to talk about anything. Prove me wrong, you teenaged pile of shit.

that one seems like a larper making fun of you to me, dude.

The only good thing about P3 is the ending


But at least they were there

P4 and 5 balance the same cast in that regard. It's an anime game user, no need to overthink it

I literally spammed twin shot with Mot the first time I fought him because I realized how strong the move was at the time. He got critted twice and ate shit. Ken had Mediarama, so Megidola wasn't too bad. Second time I fought him he got destroyed because I found out he won't use Megidola nearly as often if your team has one fire res/immunity at the most and he'll just spam fire spells and fear instead.

Did I luck out? Maybe. Would I say he's hard to go in blind? Also maybe. He's definitely a boss that would steamroll a team with Mitsuru, Koromaru, or 2-3 fire immunity.

>He likes a video game that I like! He must be like me!
I hope you realise that Persona games aren't limited to a virgin audience

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KIMI WO I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU (take to your time)

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Well for one, I've never played Persona 5

I played P3P a few months ago, I don’t really remember the tartarus guardians. I mostly remember which bosses gave me trouble:
>The twin lust snakes (guardian)
>Sleeping table (guardian)
>Jotun of grief (guardian)
>Fortune full moon boss, fuck that roulette table
>Magical magus

The rest were pretty challenging, but not so much that I couldn’t do it the first time through

Yea Forums sings kimi no kyoku when

Hit a nerve.

You know how I know you got into Persona with 5?

Every time Yea Forums does a sing along, 90% of the singers are teenagers whispering so they dont wake up their parents


Completely disagree. I liked it from the start.

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>Jotun of Grief

Now that fight was bullshit.

He's in.

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you're are not a real persona gamer

March 5th.

>”haha you know what would be really funny, what if we made the last tartarus boss completely immune to everything except pierce and almighty, wouldn’t that be a great joke”

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>more projection
kek, try revelations you zoomer. Know why I know you're a zoomer? You're crying about high school life as if the pain is still fresh and you're naive enough to think anyone here cares.

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wait that was a bit harsh i didnt really mean it

>blocks your path

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I hope you realize this series wasn't made for people like you and you coming into threads about it then shitting you diaper about "incels" just screams "I NEED VALIDATION"

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If you wanna battle then I take it to the street
Where there's no rules
Take off the gloves ref please step down
Gotta prove my skillz so get down
My lyrical dempsey roll about to smack down now
Gotta shoot to kill and shoot the skill
Don't you be afraid mans gotta go how it feels
Six to seven to eight to nine ten
I flip the script to make it to the top ten, go

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He's in

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Underrated post right here.

>grabs your girlfriends ass

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Is it just me, or is Persona 5 disappointing?



Came facing twilight on and on ...without a clue

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>you will never play P3 for the first time ever again

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most attack types, biggest enemy variety, getting the right personas is clutch, not just optional, get fuuuuuucked you pleb.

Is it just me, or was your mom's vag disappointing?

Is this a Bavarain guy trying to rap?

This hurts

Here were my fixes to make it better.
Make Akechi actively in the metaverse try to stop the phantom thieves. make it like a cat and mouse scenario. Play him completely straight. We didn't need Adachi 2.0.

In addition, they had a good start in the phantom thieves in doubting if what they're doing is right but then they handwave it outta nowhere. The Morgana and Ryuji arc should've been replaced with The Answer 2.0. .

Make the bad guys smaller in scale. The teacher was the best arc because of it. Also tone the fuck down with the FUCK adults shit.

don't fucking make GOD the final boss without adding a bit of fluff before it. It's way too jarring going from shido to god.

My main gripes was really with Akechi. They really shouldn't have tried to make him a twist.
yes I know. The phantom thieves knowing he's the traitor is the real twist. Doesn't stop the twist being kinda dumb.

Tone down Futaba so she isn't a deus ex machina. Stop making hacking characters

the fes op was shit, only burn my dread is acceptable


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It is. Worst Persona by far.

While I like P4 and P5 a whole lot, I gotta say P3 is one of the most soulful games of all time

In what regard?

xD EPICcccc

New Aria of the Soul arrange.
Bit too P5 for my taste, but it's not bad.

It's literally the only game that still makes me FEEL

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>hits with a leg kick

Yeah, what the fuck, I don't like that at all.

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Based junpeifag with great taste

Man nothing can beat the P2 version

I unironically don't like this. Souless

It is

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This, something about having the opera singer right there too made it feel special, but the rendition used in 3 and 4 is one of the best vidya tracks of all time

Why not both?

I would love to be his wife.

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>everyone freaking out to this post when you did basically the same thing except with FES
i’m so fucked up

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>get Thanatos
>hype as fuck because of how cool he looks
>he's shit

Did I mess up his fusion somehow?

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I'm still here if YOU want to talk, user

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Thanatos is super underwhelming, but he does look cool.

You're either Siegfried, or you're not.


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I love Tartarus and hate P4 dungeon set up. It's a matter of taste.

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how are you not bored by the first five hours of 3?

You can talk to These

You start up 3 very quickly. It like 2 hours for 4 and fucking 5 hours before for 5 you get to do the daily activities and dungeon crawling

I want to hug Haru.

You get to free roam and spend time how you want in p3 in less than an hour you are building up social links, p5 takes 6 hours to give you that freedom

I see. I'm at floor 10 of tartarus and I've been playing for about 4 hours but I feel like I'm missing something.

I love Yukari!

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Tartarus isn't really a big deal desu. I only spent one day a month in there. I liked the socializing and sim life more.

Falling in love with a whore is just going to set you up for disappointment, user.

really? You're saying I don't have to keep exploring tartarus to progress the game?

The game is kind of a slow burner but if you can make it to the 2nd and 3rd month you willl see the game shine, don't give up. The characters just haven't given you much to latch on to at that point, you will love them all soon, they are more realistic, they dont immediately become your best friends like in P4 and 5, everybody has an uneasy relationship for a while

Yukari is a good girl and anyone who says she's bad are just trying to fit in. She's a better version of Sora from Digimon except she doesn't NTR you with your friend.

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No he's saying that just like I do he does all the tartarus floors and bosses on the first day of the month you can go to tartarus then you have the rest of the month free to socialise before the big boss, its the optimal way to play. I'm also sure you only need to complete tartarus by the end of the game

Totally right

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You need to clear all 200+ floors by the end of December.

Post ya boys.

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You only need to tartarus for exp/items/persona which are necessary for moon boss fights. And the boss fights are pretty difficult on hard.

People say she's not nice becasue she isn't a fake anime girl they're used to, she's more of a realistic depiction of a teenage female and that pisses incels off, its also why people hate ann and rise

Of course I am.

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She's mean and no one likes mean people, except maybe masochists

I haven't played P5 so I know nothing about Ann but you're right about Rise.

If you don't like Yukari it's because you were a Junpei IRL.

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Just beat P3 for the second time recently, did a bunch of side shit I haden't done prior (Monad Depths, fusing Thanatos and a bunch of other shit, getting Messiah)
Is it worth it to try and max every social link in new game plus? I dont know if I feel like spending another 50+ hours just to get Orpheus Telos and fight Elizabeth.

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You should probably kill the jews for making our entire existence a fucking hellhole. But what do you care, you're a low IQ nigger who is asking for tips for a game that a retard would have trouble with.

I was like Junpei IRL and I find their relationship funny. People who take it too seriously are spergs they are clearly friends in the game. Junpei never even takes it badly,

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I don't like Yukari because she's not pleasant to be with. I've had my fill of assholes in my life so the moment someone acts like a prick I don't bother talking to them.
You can't expect anything good from someone that doesn't have the least amount of decency.

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>played it during highschool in substitute for a social life
>mfw in my mind Persona 3 was my highschool experience

no regrets. real school sucks ass.

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That image doesn't show her being scum, it shows her trying to bolster her friends courage in the face of people who just tried to initiate a fight with them for no reason, she didnt try to get Junpei hurt, she was just telling the dude who fights demons in tartarus to grow some balls

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seek help

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She fights demons in tartarus too, why does she hide behind the MC?

Who am I kidding, yukarifags see her as literally incapable of doing any wrong

Yukari was a fucking prick in The Answer tho.
Probably because the time loop got her stuck on her period.

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Everyone was shit in The Answer because The Answer was garbage.

I was gonna post this but the one I had was above the file size.

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>why does a girl hide between a man in a fight

She didn't hide behind anyone in the actual game you're remembering it wrong

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Are the movies good? I still haven't watched them

First one was. There's lots of genuine funny moments in the movies.

Definitely much better than the Persona 4 and 5 animes as a whole, 2nd and 3rd films arent special but the 1st and 4th are magical

Yes they're great but they never got an English dub, just subs. Dubbing the P4 anime wasn't profitable for them.

What went wrong, Yea Forumsros?
Why wasn't it as memorable as 3?

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Why were the animated cutscenes so shit?
>everyone is 7 feet tall and no one sounds like how they do in normal gameplay
>english voice actors obviously struggling to fit lines in to footage
>come on kid youre just a kid

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Because 3 had the balls to have a sad ending in the digital age

>impressive, you chained your nose to your face so you wouldn't lose it

It's got its moments

>The P5 anime is shi-

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characters and aesthetic weren't as good

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Because it’s a copy paste of 3. It was made with mostly the same assets so they could get one more quick use out of them before the PS2 died off. It just took off because popular games beget more popular sequels.

10 years later and this meme still sees use

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At minute 34:20
She gets intimidated by a punk and hides behind MC, then seconds later goes "don't be intimidated by these scum"

Rushed development, I have typed out why too many times this week so ill give you the briefest of summaries.
they couldnt make up their minds who the killer was even just months before release and they found it hard to strike the right balance between happy and creepy, they just really wanted to move on to P5 by the end of development, I think they had really fallen out of love with the project but it went on to be one of their most successful games. The Vita release is even worse.

Man, I hate that the creator of these comics is anti-abortion. Just ruined them for me.

Seek a way to keep the goyim from murdering you in the streets.

I don't know where the Sleeping Table meme even came from. I got through that fight very easily and didn't even remember the damn name until I started reading more into P3 after beating it. Then again I'm a turbo tard and have huge difficulty getting passed shit that other people consider very easy.

Oversaturation and too much BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL. I don't mind a little of it but then P4G came out and they're fucking dancing in the intro and riding scooters then they make a dancing game and it's canon.

Well at least Persona 5 had Thanatos as a dlc persona and with fusing in that game and so on you can make him actually as badass as you want him to be

The only thing good about P3 is the music though. Otherwise it's the worst game in the franchise.

Shit taste

It's impossible for it to be the worst game in the franchise when P4 exists.

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I just really dont like the characters in 4
Right off the bat everyone's your best buddy and kisses your boots because of how cool and special you are
I think one of the best things about P3 is that most of the members of SEES aren't even fucking friends until halfway into the game. Theyre just a group of kids who have to live together because of their special ability, and the specialest one of them all is met with mixed reception. By the end of the game you feel like you've all genuinely been through some life changing shit together and have formed a real bond.
P4 is just an anime romp.

How the fuck did you find the roulette table hard? I landed heal every single time.


Did you really play the game? I think it's not only the best game in the series but one of the greatest games of all time.

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>The Vita release is even worse.
I've never played Golden, how exactly is it worse? I thought it was a strict upgrade.

When does this play in game again homie? This song has always reminded me of P2

You guys have absolutely not played this, if you think any of the nu-Sona games are the worst in the franchise.

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Went unused in P3 (files were there though), they dug it up for P4A

absolutely not
the music and atmosphere and the unique grid based combat make this game exceptional.
unironically better that 5

Nah it's a fan fiction game, the writing is terrible and all the new scenes feel out of place. Characters act out of character, some have different voices. It's a shambles. Feels like the new content is a seperate game attached to an old game with duct tape. The B team worked on Golden while the main team made P5, P4G was also partially outsourced. It also focuses on the dating aspects of the game to the point of it being creepy.

P3 remake fucking when

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It's not hard to be better than one of the biggest pieces of shit of all time.


>the gamer shits on the only game in the series with a black party member
imagine my shock

Same. Everyone freaking out is a fcuking secondary. You can easily clock 200 hours in P3. I played just the main story and The Answer and got 150 hours.

I can see it happening in the next 2 years, I am 100% fully expecting it. The demand for it from the Japanese fans is insane, they still milk P3 all the time and use it in concerts and promotional material, cross over games. They're gonna do it Yea Forumsros

Fucking babykilling roastie

I get the joke

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What the fuck

why is fuuka so fucking retarded

Bruh you cant keep blaming the tribe. Eventually you gotta pick up what you have and the good people around you, and make the life you want by your own hand. Put the previous transgressions made against your people aside.
That isnt to say you should take the blue pill, but be constructive with your life. Educate yourself and your close family, friends, and make your own family. Make it strong.


Please don't bully. Her mind is still recovering from the orgasm

The shock was more about him saying he dropped out of high school and lay in the dark on his bed for 200 hours

It's really bad. Check out .

There's no reason to say such awful and untrue things about Fuuka!
She's done nothing but be good and helpful to people!

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Is the joke just that Akikihio says 'where have you been' as often as they say that in New Vegas?

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Me on bottom left.

your tertiary waifu has the shittiest resolve and the shittiest voice acting

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That's a great WebM. Yoink.

For me, it's Elizabeth.

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My Sigga. Totally worth dumping my seed into a nigress
I used him as a replacement for Alice desu. It's sad that his clusterfuck of a fusion makes it a nightmare to try to reduce noise in his movelist.
Waiting for that sweet remake to add SMT4A skill selection.

I've played the remake for the psp and it's one of the best games in the franchise. P3niggers have the worst fucking taste.

I have no proof but I think they had the same VA
I could hear them both in my head

>Could have gotten a Persona spinoff with Elizabeth as the fool but instead we get shitty dancing games and Persona Q.


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>you canonically give her the knob
best girl

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Same VA friend. But that's also quite funny now that I think about it.

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Meh, it happens

There's that word again

I never really cared about chidori. But I remember her name so I guess that's something


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You're so cute user

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All 3 members of Strega were sick fucked up orphan kids, I don't know how anyone could not feel sorry for them by the end. Criminally underrated villains in this game.

almost perfect pic except for the shitty P3P character

Was it kino?

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Sorry but any scene where Junpei gets serious easily beats this moment.

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Holy fuck me too. On a shitty laptop with a ps2 emulator.
Man, I really gotta get on that whole GED thing. I'm fucking 24. I still feel like I'm 19.
Fuck me.

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>Tatsuya x Maya
>Door-kun x Aigis and Yukari
>FeMC x Ken
>Yu x Naoto
>Joker x Futaba

>Best girls each game are Lisa, Aigis, Marie, and Hifumi


Yes, holy fuck that scene was touching.

Can I get a "we're all gonna make it bros" in the name of all the nameless bros we never knew and never will, who didn't make it? Humor me people

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i can't imagine how someone could be bored by p5 but manage to slog through all of p3 without a problem.
door-kun is boring, tartarus is boring, the story that barely even exists for the first few months of the game is boring.


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>P1-P3 are seinen
>P4-P5 are shonen

Was all good until Marie but now I feel like this is bait



Nah, I genuinely like her more than the other P4 girls. She's dorky and awkward and cute and a bit chuuni, and I like all of that.

I think you’re missing a game there, zoomer-kun

Because P5 is shit

if you unironically self-insert in any game, you are a manchild. no exceptions.

>tfw P3, P4, and P5 made it to smash and the series got a ton of love from the devs
It's a warm fuzzy feeling anons. I'm so happy.

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The whole point of MegaTen is too self-insert

>Implying SMT/Megami Ibunroku: Persona is in the same series as P2-P5

>P5 comes out
>Yea Forums says it's the best one
>Fast forward two years later
>Yea Forums says it's the worst
What went wrong?


>devs make game with the intention of the player using the MC as a vessel for their selves.
>encourage you to use your own name

>lol self-inserters are stupid

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I don't like rhythm games but I'm so glad they made Persona 3 Dancing because we got this remix and music video, pure cool kino


they'd have to totally rewrite the beginning of the story and make actual dungeons from scratch to make a remake worthwhile. it's bad enough that it took three versions in a four-year span just to finally make p3 somewhat decent in the first place.
p2 deserves a remake before p3.

Imagine being such a low attention span pleb that you don’t like the slow burn of Tartarus evolving as the game goes on

Imagine being such a low attention pleb that you complain that the beginning of an 80 hour game doesn’t immediately launch you into the main plot and instead has you bonding with characters first

Yea Forums never said that

no exceptions.

Admit it: You can't listen to this without getting a little sentimental.

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Why rob yourself of ever having a chance at happiness? Especially when you have 6 years to make things better

They won't have to do any of that.

>create best waifu
>label her as non-canon-ish

What did Hackshino mean by this?

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The areas where a lot of the full moon shadows pop up can make for easy dungeons at least, they can make some sort of tartarus warping stuff happen to the area around the shadow, making the railway train longer maybe, and stuff like the love hotel and club escapade bigger than they actually are to make it more of a dungeon.


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too bad his game sucks balls, at least gameplay wise

>Hierophant/Lovers dungeon has you go through a small hotel looking for mirrors.
>Every other full moon dungeon is either a FF13 hallway or just a party select hub that goes immediately into the boss room.

fucking hell

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>t. pleb

Raidou does have shitty gameplay though

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Yea Forums, if i make it, i will make a game that is a mix of yakuza and persona
i need your strenght (and some money, but nevermind that)

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We already got it.

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you're probably taking inspiration from the cringy nu-sona games anyways
enjoy the free ironic weeb dollars

P5 has a 10/10 story.

>Wanting products of rape and retards to be walking this already shitty earth


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>p5babbies actually believe this

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They're the same. At least P4 has some designed floors an maybe a puzzle in a dungeon. That's still better than P3, if only slightly.

>That's still better than P3

Attached: persona4_dungeon.jpg (468x265, 27K)

Puzzle? Do you mean making it to the top floor to be told the door is locked and the key could be anywhere on any floor? No thanks.

Ken is not great. You take that back.

Ken is genuinely a great character

I can find a floor like that in P3 if I try too.
>he didn't find it before moving on
There was also something on Naoto's dungeon, and I didn't say it was good, but that it was better dungeon than just random generated floors with no design at all.

Okay do it then

Attached: 3gd4Rf5.jpg (960x540, 79K)

>plugging my PS3, installing P3 spending hours to get to Tartarus and more time to find a shitty floor like many I've found while playing, while the map can't be seen in full just to post a shitty meme pic to a random internet fag.
Why would I?

Each block of Tartarus is designed completely differently and also the maps are much bigger and more complex. There is also a smaller dungeon at the end of each month.

Attached: tartarus.png (1918x914, 3.35M)

haha faggot

god no one has ever put out such a horrible fucking opinion and been more fucking wrong until now holy fuck


So are P4 dungeons retard.
>The maps are more complex
Sure, a snake corridor is "complex"
And there is no "smaller dungeon" in most months, just straight boss fight, and the ones where there is it's usually a straight line to the fight, except the love hotel one.

>prove it
>nah I don't feel like it

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He's right though. The only dungeon in 4 that isn't a corrdier is Marie's. Still rather play these but 5.

But he's right.

Like I said, why would I?
You just posted a cherrypicked map, everyone can do the same, but I won't be the autist that wastes its time doing it.

I've been trying to play the rest of the Persona games after starting with 5 like a normie

Already beat 4, should I play P3P or FES?


FES. P3P turns half the game into a VN and by consequence removes some fun stuff.


Are you kidding? The one thing they did right with P4 was making it memorable, especially in terms of the characters. I forgot over half of the main cast for P3 days after beating it. Ending was memorable, sure, but that's about it


FES is the quintessential Persona experience

the only reason anyone would play P3P is to play as best girl

FES dont play P3P no matter what anyone tells you, its easier and shit, has no 3d world maps or cutscenes, its like a visual novel


I'll let you know when I beat it so I can get started on 2

Have fun user, and make sure to play The Answer. Because masochism is fun

I personally recommend you complete the journey then watch the cutscenes for the answer on YouTube it's not fun, most people do this and there's no shame. Also just forgive/ignore the stupid stuff in the answer and focus on what it was made for: to better explain what happens in the ending. no spoilers here, I wouldn't dare ruin this game for you, now run and hide before some cunt replies to you with spoilers

just get mitsuru or yukari to debuff wind and ice and fuck him up.

>They fell for the 'The Answer is canon' meme

I just pretend none of it was real, I only watch it on YouTube each time because it specifically explains the ending of the journey much better than the journeys actual ending cutscenes

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user I would love The Answer to be non-canon but denial isn't healthy

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seething yukarifag

It all depends on whether or not you have a persona with mediarama at that point.

what the hell is wrong with ken's neck?

I'm in the damn process of making a thread complaining about my giant backlog and you just remind me I stopped playing Persona 3 to go play Persona 1 and 2 first (and I also downloaded P4).

I was loving this game so fucking much I tired to fully immerse myself in all of the Persona games but I didn't continue it. I'm after killing the first boss, the lady controlling a train.

It just doesn't blend at all

>I can find a floor like that in P3 if I try too.
>Like I said, why would I?

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>They weren't memorable because they didn't suck my dick from the start

Tried playing 3 and 4 after finishing p5

Borderline unplayable garbage. You're all delusional

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all the persona anime are decent background noise desu
the little references to the game (Yu uses some NG+ only dialouge choices iirc, some of them are funny) and the occasional new stuff (like the Nanako episode in P4, and some extra Shinji scenes in the P3 movies I think?) is pretty cool

That's a pretty cool edit


>Get my ass clapped
>Go spend thirty minutes grinding
>Level up twice
>Beat the boss shitless
The level system was weird with how hard it punished you for being underleveled, also
>That part in layer 3(?) where I stopped using Junpei for the rest of the game because enemies spam magarula

make sure to play 1 before 2
1 and 2 are a trilogy

I think he's the first Persona that gets 1 handed sword master and Brave Blade combo so he has that going for him at least

Nothing. And no amount of ad hom will change that.

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>the most boring randomly-generated dungeon

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I just hope 6's party isn't all just high school kids

>Am almost done with 3
>Stopped playing a few months ago and picked up other games in the meantime
>Want to finish it, but also just started my first playthrough of Final Fantasy 7 and don't want to do the same thing to it as I'm doing to 3

Damnit why am I like this

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Incredibly based

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One last Fuuka

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I like it, but I really wanted a version more like the original (would've been GREAT for arena BGM)

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The Virgin Nyx
>Wastes your time with 13 forms worth of filler before the main fight
>Skims the Wikipedia articles of the tarot cards to seem "deep"
>Silly design
>Final form is a slog that takes half damage
>One of his big attacks is hiding behind a shield like a bitch
>Theme is only appealing to soi boys who clap when they hear that Aria they recognize
>Ultimate move is a cheap shot that will only ever get you once and then never again
>Vulnerable to Armageddon

The Chad Erebus
>Plethora of dangerous high damage attacks that can't be grinded past
>Ultimate attack is very clearly outlined and turns the fight into a fun and intense DPS race
>Doesn't waste your time at all, either you lose quickly or win quickly.
>Cool genuinely unsettling design
>Doesn't talk, only goal is to kill you not give a boring sophomoric lecture
>Theme song is an original composition that gets the blood pumping
>Has never seen an Armageddon spell in his entire life.

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>Criticizing P3 in any way
Hey you can't do that! G-get g-gud!

This but unironically.

I wasn't being ironic. People saying bad things about P3 makes me very upset and I spam memes at them to make them go away.

Dumping p3 pics if anyone wants, it's the dark hour and I can't sleep

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P3 was one of the most amazing experiences ever for me. I don't think a video game can make me feel the same way anymore and I am a bit sad about that. Every day I hope to be proven wrong.

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Rate my junpei stage Yea Forums

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I dont have a switch but man I'd love to make persona themed stages on ultimate, I have so many ideas. Oh well

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last picture ima dump before i fuck off unless someone wants more

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>the same 200 floor tower from the beginning of the game is better than thematic dungeons for each character
I like that tartarus has more mini bosses but eh

More pls

1 is decent, inoffensive but fun
2 is the best
3 is godawful trash
4 is trash because it has to spend half of the movie doing the character development that should have been taken care of in movie 3

Movie 3 is so fucking bad it ruined that line of movies

what's wrong with it? which timespan did it cover?

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nice bugged shadows emutards

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I did last year, why do even people like this shit game? Is it only the waifu faggotry?

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More like Stupei Stage Defective

Was table the reflect + rage? I beat that one with just MC at 1hp enraged all through that fight.


t. smtard

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You're right, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

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>high school students, child, robot, a dropout and a dog
>high school students and obnoxious mascot
>high school students and obnoxious mascot
Why did they stop doing creative party members
inb4 no one used ken or koro i used that dog like it was my own

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I used everyone equally, based my team on who had the lowest level at the time to catch them up. Handpick for boss fights, although sometimes I'd go in blind to see what I was dealing with and once in a while it worked out anyways

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agreed. i replay it every now and then and it continues to be better than anything else i’ve played in between

No one used Ken or Kuro, though.

Ya makin me seethe

Tartarus alone makes me never want to replay it ever again, it‘s such a terrible drag. Mementos is the same, to a lesser degree.

I did the same except for Ken
Though I almost prioritize Aigis just cause I like how hard she hits

well this got me sleepy enough, hope someone got something outta my shitty dump

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The time from Shinji's death, which has been changed slightly in the movies to be MC's fault to Ryoji on the bridge.

Part 1 was all about how MC is a emotionless husk who shows his first real signs of happiness when he sees Fuuka make friends with Natsuki.
Part 2 is him being afraid to let go of that, leading to the stuff that happens in the spoiler. Plus Ken's stuff is a little better.
Part 3 should have been about him facing mortality or going through any sort of character development at all or SEES growing closer or them butting heads or fucking anything. Instead most of the movie focuses on MC and Ryoji working at a resturaunt. MC goes back to being practically mute even though this is the movie where he should have more development and personality than ever. All the fights that are in are terrible, to the point that I think an entirely different team could have been responsible for them.

You know, aside from the arena, I really enjoyed the bosses in The Answer. A lot of them were resistant to everything so fights weren't just hammer the weakness and had other shit going on with them.

still have my p3virginity
played 4 and 5 but going back to 3 now doesnt feel so good with tartarus feeling so samey

best boy comin through

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P1 has dogshit combat, awful dungeons, and a mediocre story. The OST is the only good thing about it.

Persona 3 remake with Persona 3 Dancing graphics when???

Attached: Fuuka and Yukari.webm (1280x720, 2.11M)

You're right, the gameplay was only very good - not great.

reeks of cheap bait

>worse Ryuji
>best anything

Gameplay: 5 = 4 > 3 > 2> 1
Story: 3 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 4
Characters: 3 > 5 > 2 > 1 > 4
Dungeons: 5 > 3 = 4 > 2 = 1
Music: 5 > 3> 1 = 2 > 4
Final boss: 3 = 2> 5 > 1 > 4
Waifus: 3 = 2 > 5 > 1 > 4
Overall: 3 > 5 > 2 > 1 > 4

Attached: Persona Girl Tier List.png (2926x2107, 2.57M)

I feel the same way, user. It's been years and nothing came even close to P3 so far.