Enough of this Persona zoomer autism. What are games where you feel like a REAL master thief going on high-stake heists?

Enough of this Persona zoomer autism. What are games where you feel like a REAL master thief going on high-stake heists?

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Sly Cooper

More like Poop in the Turd lol.

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Bank

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Thief games. I liked Deadly Shadows but I've heard nothing but good things about the ones that came before.


Wasn't the day-long sticky at Yea Forums enough, OP?


No not until every zoomer lays asshurt before me


RIP Monkey Punch

Some of the GTA V Online heists with a full team of friends is some of the most fun you can have your first time through them all.

>English dub

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RIP Monkey Man

christ everyone of these dudes that passes away makes way for more shit tier story writers to ruin the media
there will never be any stories like the one written pre-2000

Monkey Punch had no direct involvement over Lupin since the original manga.
The characterization of Lupin known and loved across the world owes more to Miyazaki and the people who followed his footsteps.

Alternative suggestion: Uplink. By far the best game for those sorts of feels, even though it's about hacking into bank accounts rather than clambering into the actual bank.

i always lol'd at Lupin's censorship, they just remove the nipples lol

If it ends in one of your best friends getting crippled and the other going on a spirit quest in belief he was the reason of friend ones crippling, would that be highstakes enough?

I never understood if Lupin is a cuck or what

t. virgin

reminder to mods, lupin is Yea Forums

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>implying fujiko ever puts out

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I like your style kid

Shin Chan did it first.

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Sometimes I wonder if the boomers who grew up with this game happen to become Lupin fans overtime.

Monaco: What's Yours is Mine is pretty great

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amazing user, simply ebin.

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The Saboteur has a lot of pretty fun mission

Thief, and kinda Hitman, not exactly just stealing, but it has a lot of similar concepts.

>Persona zoomer
>1st Persona game came out in 1996
>1st relatively “mainstream” Persona game came out in 2006

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takamaki a shit

I agree.

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Why does Zenigata just marry Lupin?

>posts best girl
>pic resolution is 90s IE video-player-tier
one job nigga

It is the textbook ironic weeb liberal zoomer / millennial series

Take this as consolation

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It's like she was born to cosplay her

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Not for Lupin she doesn't. But otherwise she is a literal whore with no morals.

>But otherwise she is a literal whore with no morals.
So.....a normal woman?


its superior in every way

>he doesn't like the GOAT Red Jacket dub

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The dub was highly acclaimed at the time, all of the actors were perfectly cast. The problem was the jokes being made contemporary which in itself was a necessary evil since Lupin was full of weird 1970's Japanese in-jokes mocking politicians and shit nobody even remembers.

Space Station 13. Nothing like going on a huge heist against security and getting away with it

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why is lupin giving the white power gesture?

because he's based

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a bit too flat but ill take it

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>The problem was the jokes being made contemporary
That's only really a problem with the early episodes that aired on Adult Swim and Mystery of Mamo which was recorded around the same time, the later episodes stick pretty close to the original script.
On a side note, I'm so fucking glad the Red Jacket cast (sans Zenigata because his VA is long retired) got back together for the Blue Jacket and Legend of Gold Babylon dubs. Hearing Richard Epcar play Zenigata at the end of a fucking Jigen-focused movie was such a cocktease.

How did Monkey Punch get away with this?

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Thief 1 and 2. Possible also Deadly Shadows

I shit up that thread so good. It was a bunch of zoomers pretending to like lupin. That garbage didn't age well and everyone was pretending it was a masterpiece.

A large variety of quests in old school runescape.

>Zenigata because his VA is long retired
He died a few years back, unless that was the replacement, assuming they did.

is that what you think it is? lol stupid brain washed underage

More like everybody called you a faggot then you stopped posting, maybe you got bored or just realized how pathetic you were being but either way that was a good thread

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The guy who played Zenigata in Red Jacket's still alive, he just hasn't done anything in like fifteen years.


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Persona 5.

The great Goro Naya is dead, the English VA just retired

>I shit up that thread so good.
People kept mocking you and then you stopped posting

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No. He fucks tons of women and fucks fujiko too. Watch the last season. Fujiko is also not as big a whore in the last seasons


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Thief fedoras have reached peak delusion

the sting


Actually payday 2 has a bunch of heists in it that if you don't go full agro give you that feel really well. Pulling off a simple bank job on the highest difficulty feels pretty awesome the first time.


Payday 2 stealth is so fucking boring sometimes though.
Even on the hardest difficulty bank heist is nothing but
>wait for guard
>knock/shoot guard
>ECM rush civvies if the vault is out front

download a fuckton of fan missions for Thief 1 and 2 and you'll feel like you're going on a long thief career.

Sorry, I thought you meant the sub.

Sure, but the first time you do that the waiting is tense as heck. You think you know all the guards movement patterns but maybe not? You rush the civvies but somehow someone on the street sees and you have a second to decide to kill him or try and capture and now the ecm is done and you missed someone in the building and....

Shit can hit the fan when you don't have the heist totally memorized. A lot of the other heists can be really fun and a good challenge if your going stealth. Sure a lot of it is just waiting, but a good stealth game SHOULD have some moments of patience in it.

My ideal Lupin game would pretty much just be Spies vs Mercs from Splinter Cell

Took me a sec


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Mine would be tpp but with anime graphics. The story was similar to green vs red too


thanks for the (You) dumbass.

>You think you know all the guards movement patterns but maybe not?
Guard patterns in PayDay are obvious as fuck and bank heist only has 4 guards anyways, even at a starter level you'd know it's not a big deal
> You rush the civvies but somehow someone on the street sees and you have a second to decide to kill him or try and capture and now the ecm is done and you missed someone in the building
I don't think I've ever experienced this since every civillian that spots you has an '!' above their head anyways.
Payday, especially stealth Payday, is really simple compared to most stealth games.

Oh no no no, autist btfo.

Oh yeah, Goro Naya's been dead for a while. His replacement Koichi Yamadera's still around though.

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RIP Monkey Punch.

Epix. Eff is BTFO’d

Gunpoint (not really a thief)

It is a game someone can master pretty easily sure, but before you are a master of the game it gives you a great balance of things going wrong and the ability to fix it. Combine it was some co-op and it can lead to some fun. I won't lie, the first time I did the casino heist stealth I felt pretty cool.


Show yourself Mung

Kaito Kid: The game


>tfw no good modern femme fatales

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She is such a whire in this series. Cant believe people like her

>wanting a femme fatale that doesn't play dirty
Why the fuck would Fujiko not be a whore?

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She can be seductive like in part 4 and 5 and not be a whore like in that series, were she fucks zenigata of all people.

RIP Monkey Punch

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I never understood this complaint. No one had a problem with Fujiko when she was being a huge whore with countless other men but as soon as she fucks Zenigata everyone flips out about it. Sounds like more of a problem with how they handled Zenigata than with her.

She wasnt as much as a whore in the old series and zenigata is a known character who has a comedic role already. Its gross but not my primary complaint either

Believe it or not, Atlus already did a thieve style persona game before.
Let me summarize it in 3 words.
Indiana Jones.

You’re an agent for the rosseta organization; you are tasked with retrieving artifacts before an evil organization known as relic dawn gets them to use for evil.
You go undercover into a school that has ruins underneath it.
Many agents have tried and haven’t been heard from again.
I did an LP on youtube but it got little views

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Have sex

shut up tranny

Oh and the opening is a shot for shot remake of Cowboy Bebop’s

I already did with yo mama

Would help if I link the video ...

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_____ ___ _________

Wow thats almost as unashamed a rip off as this


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When does plagirism start and inspiration end,