Sudaverse thread

So what have we learned from the newest TSA DLC?

>Shinobu has grown up a lot. She runs an orphanage and teaches kids martial arts. All of them are complete weebs, but its genuinely cute.
>Jeane the kid is CONFIRMED to be the daughter of Travis and Sylvia. There is another kid (Hunter) that Travis referred to as theirs, but that contradicts the statement that Travis made early on in TSA: That he only had one child.
>Henry is way more antagonistic now. He is part of a group that wants Travis dead. No confirmation or not whether they are associated with the Killer7, but probably not... this DLC seems to imply that EVERYONE wants to kill Travis for one reason or another
>The Garden of Madness
>Travis beats the true final boss by beating it in a game of Fire Pro Wrestling
>The game ends with Travis fighitng Death Metal Jr. at poolside

So yeah, Travis Strikes Again was dope as fuck. Its speculation time. What's going to come next?

Attached: Travis Strikes Again.jpg (1200x800, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread: Magazine!lJ1jSSqY!JBL9HSy321BlbAL7nBzP0A!sF01SKoK!OM_X5O0u4g3hXdylm5XDxQ!kNllnbJZ!HlFx0HmRSQVTgdXLZqoZUg!dFMA2Kza!hf_Bj3UdewVHBnuMuDBy7gロリポップチェーンソー-Go☆Fight☆Win-ビジュアル-ゲームナビ-ファミ通の攻略本/dp/4047282227/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=ロリポップチェーンソー&qid=1555600849&s=gateway&sr=8-3ロリポップチェーンソー-ファミ通クリアコミックス-ハル/dp/4047287172/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=ロリポップチェーンソー&qid=1555600849&s=gateway&sr=8-10

NMH3 hopefully.

This is probably my favorite bit from the DLC, to be honest with you.

Attached: Henry compares himself to Thor.jpg (1280x720, 264K)

Attached: Travis and his daughter.jpg (1280x720, 255K)

All in all really interesting stuff. I fucking love video games.

>All this foreshadowing to a sequel

>Suda's gonna be at E3

What more can be said?

I want the words FROM HIS LIPS!

They foreshadowed a sequel or remake to Shadows of the Damned too.

I've learned I can't even download it because their servers are slammed. Fuck, I want it now!

Really? Why would they be slammed?

I'm waiting for Cuphead to come out personally.

probably cussa smash

I can't seem to access any DLC after the update

Does Bad Girl stop being bad dog?


Holy fuck, I never thought I'd see a fucking MCU reference in a suda game.
Not that I like the MCU that much but I'm just surprised, it's a sort of reference I wouldnt expect from Suda

Is Bad Girl still pissing all over Travis as a human?

anyone having problems downloading the dlc?

Travis gets into smash. it won't happen =(

>Travis got with worst girl Sylvia and not best girl Shinobu


>not liking Sylvia

Jeanes a cute kid.

Do Travis and Bad Girl discuss that time he murdered her?


Am I the only one who got major Cat in the Cradle vibes from that scene!

>let’s play daddy
>not now, next month
>oh okay

I 100% guarantee you that Jeanne is going to be fucked up when she grows up.

>Henry's turned evil and wants to kill Travis
>Travis seems to be physically attracting people to come kill him, including aliens and a superhero assassin who may be the top ranked
>Apparently owns/live at Death Metal's Mansion (which was implied by Glastonbury in 2)
>His little daughter named after his dead half-sister is a v-tuber

people jumping straight to 3 aren't going to understand shit

She will probably turn out to be the reincarnation of his sister.

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> that half sister he wanted to fuck

Fixed that for you user.

The cat is channeling her spirit though, which is why she talks now.

Did anyone find out about that secret FAX message Suda talked about in the live-stream a few days ago?

Will the Bads show up to help Shinobu style in the next game or will Travis murder both of them in a boss fight?

If you go to the unfinished Killer Marathon there's an invisible path that leads to another platform by the ramen shop. By walking around that area you get 2 new faxes.

He was a surprisingly nice guy all things considered.

Was it the one(s) in the original unfinished Killer Marathon or is there an even more secret one?

weren't those 2 added with the new update?
he mentioned there was one already in the game that nobody discovered yet and that he added a miscolored coin in the finished Killer Marathon that leads to a hint where to find it

I Should've posted the part where the translator talked about it here

Well if you can get on the eshop, go onto your icon on the top right and redownload the DLC. Actually it was downloading when I started typing. Joker is really fucking things up tonight.

Nah, you could always get it before, most people just didn't know. The chair that you jump on to start it is tilted, which was the original hint.

Everyone's trying to download Joker

Oh wow I would have likely never gone back there, I just got the faxes thanks for the tip man!

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He did fuck her, didn't he?

It's out? Damn, time to download it.


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>wanted to fuck

I don't care what anyone says, my headcanon is that they totally went all the way and Travis is still guilty over killing her

ngl, we need more threads like this outside of TSA.
also we should do a God Hand edit of TSA considering it's pretty much complete now.

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Oh me, oh my

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>that clipping
that's bad alright

Guys be honest, should I just watch a cutscenes movie for this or is the game worth buying a switch and playing

I second both those ideas greatly

I can't download it, FUCK Nintendo man.

Based Suda

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it's just a top down nmh with some changed elements. only thing that was really disappointing to me was there was a lack of voice acting, but other than that, it was fun.

Depends, how much do you like Suda games?

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The game is VERY rough but it still has some charm and even plot points that lead into NMH 3

>Travis knocks up Sylvia
>The worst girl
>Not saving himself for Shinobu or BadGirl

Pass on buying this. Also doesn't Henry have kids with Sylvia too?

maybe pick it up if you're a Suda fan and own a switch (which is good to have for other reasons).

but noooo this is not a system seller. Even if you like Killer7 and NMH.

its fun but I wouldn't get the Switch for just one game

>changed elements
NMH was a simple game
they dumbed the combat down further and made it way less visceral (excuse my buzzword)

NMH had blood gushing out with the controller rumbling and Travis yelling stuff right in your ears. This just has a beat droning in the background while you tap a button to kill things.

Death Metal jr is the new protagonist

Bad Girl is a trashy looking porn star who would give it up for nothing
Shinobu is a ----

Sylvia was the best choice. Travis's penis was in the right.

I bought a switch for it and really enjoyed it.
then again i'm also a massive retard so take my word with a grain of salt.

if you really want to get a Switch, have more than just 1 game to fall back on, otherwise, just watch a playthrough

Go for it and buy it, try it out for yourself since it's 30 bucks. Also I'm not sure if it can be a movie of cutscenes since there's a lot of dialogue in all over the levels and outside of cutscenes. It isn't to complex gameplay-wise but enemy variety is pretty wide, you can experiment with skills and clothing, and its dripping with style and personality, so I say go experience it firsthand.

you shouldn't really buy a console unless there are at least 5 or so games you want to play exclusive to it.

But maybe you should just buy the game regardless because we really need the sales

definitely get it, but don't buy a switch just for it.
get smash or zelda along with it or something so you've got something else to play.

I was surprised we didn't ever see them use Jacket's portrait used in the VN segments, unless I'm forgetting when they did. Does anyone know where this originally came from, I just saved it from another Suda thread a ways back?

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God I love the dialogue in this game.

Who else here is part of the 35%!?

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I feel like the percentage of people who own the dlc would be a bit higher just because it comes with the physical edition of the game

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Yeah, you're probably right. I still feel bad for Silver Face though since he's mainly right. At least he got unique kickass music for every part of his stage. Can't wait until someone uploads them.

>mfw Death and Drive tell you the stage is full of bullshit to make it more challenging but that Sweet's still a cakewalk
>mfw on Mild
>mfw getting my ass kicked by a fucking pinball machine before promptly being timed out before the second checkpoint

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I like that he gets a bit more pumped up that he's the game's final boss when you come back to fight him with bad girl

Yeah I was also surprised by how real the damage got on Mild and Bitter

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filename threads here we go

So how does Killer Marathon become complete in universe? Does he find a more recent version? Haven't been able to download the dlc yet

The previous Killer Marathon was a fake Death Ball, hence why the game inside was incomplete. This is the real deal.

The son of pic related used the death ball as a giant forehead piercing

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Okay got it. But shit I still need to finish Shinobu's campaign

She doesn't have a campaign, just different dialog in stages ala Bad Man

Oh wait so does Bad Girl actually have a different campaign? Or is it also just different dialouge

Same thing, in terms of a "campaign" there's the VN segments which there's only Travis's and then Badman's backstory

Got it

All characters go through the same missions, but with different dialogue (except for coffee and doughnuts, that was a one and done)

What are the chances NMH3 will be a Switch exclusive? Fully completed the first game a month ago and I need more but don't want a Switch

why is Henry even more of a douche now

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>Travis Strikes Again was dope as fuck
it's mediocre but also the best switch game I've played, pos console



So is Dragon's Dogma Sudaverse now?

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i guess it exists in universe like how Fire Pro Wrestling and Unreal Tournament were brought up the way they are

and apparently i guess it has a death drive port considering Travis in basically in the Switch version

Playing the update now.
>this 8-bit Shinobu remix

Travis fucked and impregnated his ex-wife, and is now a shitty father

>The game ends with Travis fighitng Death Metal Jr. at poolside
that sounds like prime kino

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>next game begins with that fight as the tutorial
God please Suda, it would be ultimate fucking kino

Also there better be adorable and pure child raising mini games

travis has to resist the temptation to dress his daughter up in moe~ outfits
it's like the cat minigames in 2

>mash the button to be a good father

I thought Sylvia was married to Henry, or something?
I only played NMH1.

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I get that they can't give him sunglasses because lore, but what about an eye mask or something? he just looks so naked without his shades

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Did she do anything wrong?

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How the hell did this crossover even happen? Does Suda have connections to someone who still works at Capcom who helped with Killer7?

That was already in the first game

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>mash a to push the swing

she's a murderer

Grasshopper and Capcom seem to be on good terms with each other.

>roll the control stick to hide your doujins

She's an assassin

I like to imagine that this is how Travis picks up his daughter in the TSB chapter

same thing
she says so herself

NMH1 Travis and Badgirl are the same character she is just more honest about it. In TSA Travis is becoming more like Bad Man so in 3 Travis will watch his daughter get murdered.

Attached: bad girl death.jpg (1200x675, 103K)

So, I didn't play the Shinobu DLC a while ago because I wanted everything to be out.

Do I need to start from NG+ if I want to enjoy the new stuff to its fullest, or is it better if I just continue as normal?

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continue as normal. if you go into ng+ you'll need to beat the game again before you can unlock Shinobu

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Reminds me of

Post favorite songs from any Suda game

I liked Jasper

Are they ever going to release the soundtrack for this game? Have they ever talked about that?

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fuck you jasper, stop posting from beyond the grave

TSA is easily in the top 5 games released this year. Fuck even the in the last decade. This game has SOUL

NMH2 reveals Sylvia and Henry got divorced because he was fed up with her insane spending habits, and by the end of it Travis and Sylvia get together instead.

Akira Yamaoka went nuts on this DLC.

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It's not him, it's DJ Abo and DJ 1/2, fuckface

Didn't he direct the soundtrack in general?

Now that is some straight up FUNK!

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Not at all, look at credits if you're interested
Killer7 might be my favorite game. The atmosphere, the dialogue, the music, the story, the aesthetic, it's all so perfectly down my alley. I absolutely adore everything about it

I really hope that the Smiths play some part in NMH3.

It's honestly perfect.

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oh my fucking good this is so good.

Let It Die and No More Heroes take place in the same world right?

I would be Henry i would kill Travis honestly.
Losing your wife, your supossed kid and your titles by a shitty otaku (that is also your brother) must be quite hard to live.

And Suda teased something with Ubisoft, who marketed NMH1 and 2 in the US.
Can't wait for Suda to literally taunt all the players who didn't played TSA because "it's a spin off".
Didn't played the dlc yet, but did Badman survive? will he have a comfy live with Badgirl now or is he still in the shit?

Nah, they were too young.

This guy is Suda new profile pic on twitter
who the fuck is he?

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Game didn't sold very well, and there wasn't a lot of physical copy of the game made.
but Suda doesn't give a shit of all the faggots now buying the game because it's a spin off, he will likely tell them to fuck off when NMH3 will be announced with a lot of plot points from TSA.

Real question now is : Will Travis keep his purple jacket or will he have the red one again?
He should have the red one, but the TSA should have the purple jacket as a bonus for playing tsa.

That's a Kozaki design if I ever saw one

Post your favorite OG character from TSA.
reminder that the real one is still living, but is hunted by Mondo.
Based badman doesn't count because he's technically a returning character from one of the short story of Suda.

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Looks like Travis with his hair down.

kek, he's right about Bad Girl, the waifu first, the boss later.
>Marathon Monkey
Thankfully NMH is a niche serie, if not Resetera would call Suda a racist for saying that to a black character.

He has the exact same eyes, eyebrows, sideburns, and the same scar. It's either Travis with his hair down or his son

I haven't played Killer 7 but damn do I really like that song.

So, is it explained how she became an human again?
does she goes full fangirl in the Shadow of the damned world?

>his son

Why do developers do this. Is it because the VA who voices Travis doesn't wanna voice him anymore so this is GH way of passing the torch?

Grasshopper also retweeted post saying he won't be in smash, and Suda also said that.
Travis is too niche for smash i guess, even the smashfag who want him didn't played any games from SUDA or even TSA, they only want him because...i don't know.

Hold on, i'm out of the loop, what the fuck is this.
never played dragon dogma, does i need to play it now?

She kinda was mindraped by a guy when Badman was also going crazy tho.

what? Robin fucking love Travis.
Calling it, it's one of the Travis clones.

It's not like Travis stole Sylvia from him, their relationship was clearly strained and they divorced before Travis and Sylvia even had sex.

Travis with new hair?

Attached: Malibu Stacy's New Hair.png (400x400, 158K)

Maybe Travis' son Hunter? A bit older than he must have been in TSA though.

Oh fug did he just teased a concept art of NMH3?
Hold the fuck up, Travis now also have a son?

Yes, play the DLC.

Yes, a son who likes camping with the Boy Scouts.

Look too young for Travis, also i think Travis actually need his glasses to see.
it's probably Hunter, Travis will only be playable in the intro and the final boss of NMH3.

every game suda had a hand in takes place in the same world save for contact, the anime adaptations and fatal frame
And I guess Killer7 because it's an alternate timeline

I really wanna play this since I bought the last two games many years ago, but I haven't bought a Nintendo console since the Wii. Nintendo has gone downhill and aren't what they used to be imo and I can't bring myself to buy a console for one game, even though I did that once for Dead Rising.

I feel bad since I really wanna support Suda.

Killer7 is in TSA though.

Suda had a hand in the original Fatal Frame? I never knew that.

I know right? The Wii was the beginning of the end for Nintendo. The N64 and Gamecube were great consoles, but the Wii ruined everything they had built up.

only dan, mills, curtis and shigeki birkin, they were from the short story
Japan is nuked in killer7 and it's fine in tsa, planes are outlawed in killer7 and travis takes one in tsa
not the original, he did some work on fatal frame 4 though the extent is debatable

Not the original, Fatal Frame 4 on the Wii. This update even added a shirt based on it.

In Dragon's Dogma, you have the ability to customize not only your character but also a traveling companion who fights alongside you called a pawn. You can share your pawn and hire other players pawns online to build a full rpg party.
apparently, alongside player made pawns, the Switch version of DD that's coming out in a couple of days is going to have special pawns like Travis Touchdown in it.
It's probably nothing special really. as you can probably see from the image, he looks to just have been made using vanilla assets so there probably wasn't that much effort into putting him into the game besides making a lookalike face in the character creator. you could probably make a better one yourself.

Definitely check out Dragon's Dogma though. it's a pretty solid action rpg from the director of the DMC games.

How the hell did Travis Touchdown get into Dragon's Dogma? Is Suda friends with Itsuno?

Suda is a weird guy who have relations with a lot of guys, he even did a snatcher thing back then when Kojima wasn't going full movie.
They probably see him as the weird but cool friend kek.

I need some answers regarding Flower, Sun and Rain. I know at least one person here knows this game.
In the end, when Sumio flies back with Peter/Tetsugoro Kusabi, Tetsu's eye lights up. In the story it is revealed that Tokyo Morishima and Sandance Shot had silver eyes and thier eyes also lit up during cutscenes. Does Tetsu really have an silver eye? In TSC and FSR it wasn't mentioned and he didn't kill anyone having an silver eye.

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Reminder that super fire pro wrestling is canon because of thunder ryu

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why the fuck is it nintendo exclusive? i heard some people say that's part of the charm for this series but come on.

Just buy the game then.
Hold onto it until you get a switch for cheep down the road.

I guess I could do that. I just hope I get to play it eventually.

Wait, the second DLC is out? I thought it was out in 2 weeks. I need to get on this shit

I don't get why so many people are hung up on this but not the Siren shirt. Siren is a first party Sony IP.

In the 25th Ward, you see a more common version of the silver eye being used by the government which is basically a huge harddrive and the mystic aspect of it is considered superstition, so tetsugoro may very well have one of those
You see a similar thing in Kurayami Dance and the death balls are probably similar as well

We're the ones who buy it

Will Badman return in NMH3 or will he now live a comfy life with his daughter?

Does Suda answer his tweet on twitter? could we ask him who is the mysterious character on his profile pic?

Badman and Bad Girl decided not to live together because they really barely know each other.

Suda you fucking madman, making all his project in the same universe.

Fuck, this is a sad ending.
I wonder if they will return.

Is badgirl fun to play? i can't play the game right now, Shinobu is kinda meh compared to travis and Badman.

It could have been worse. She could have just been Bad Dog forever and only becomes human when she enters the game.

how do you access the Bad Girl DLC content?

Just get a second hand one from some some kid's mum off kijiji or something.

I hope you enjoy it whenever you do play though.

I remember i had to do the final boss again when i downloaded the Shinobu dlc. probably the same shit.
White Sheepman could have been a better final boss honestly, even if she had some cool shit. still wonder how the hell Junevile became like that.

>I remember i had to do the final boss again when i downloaded the Shinobu dlc. probably the same shit.
You didn't, you just had to talk to Shinobu at the trailer and she'd be unlocked after rewatching/skipping the second credits sequence.

There should've been a new scenario from the 8-bit Travis Strikes Back, watch that to unlock Killer Marathon & beat that to unlock Bad Girl

Need do do the new travis strikes back chapter to get the deathball

the thing is, when i downloaded the DLC, Shinobu vanished and i had to do the boss again.

What if Suda is retelling the same story with each game?

Does this mean Travis will die and you will play as hunter for NMH3, with Jeanne (daughter) as the final boss?

You should seek a cure for your autism.

I really want to fight 51 ACTUAL assassins for real in NMH3.

>newest TSA DLC
Have all the DLC been released yet then? I bought the physical edition with the season pass, but I haven't played the game since beating it on release.

The only soundtracks on that can compete with the NMH OSTs are ones from other Suda games. It's been a while since I've been blown away and taken surprise by every boss theme like this. The variety on display is incredible. The Silver Face boss theme is something else. I don't think I'll get anything else like this from another game in quite some time

He basically is
The protagonist (Akira, Sumio Mondo, Emir, Travis) is working a job (police officer, searcher, political assassin, private assassin) without questioning his own identity under supervision from authority figures (The higher ups at the HC unit, Edo Macallister, Harman Smith and Christopher Mills, Sylvia Christel)
Eventually, the authority figures are removed (most of the HC unit is killed off or in jail, Edo Macallister is poisoned and crawls away, Samantha Sitbon and Christopher Mills are killed off, Sylvia Christel disappears) and a conspiracy decades in the making is revealed (the silver case, the sundance genocide, the killer7 murders, the UAA being a scam)
The conspiracy ends up being tied to the protagonist's forgotten past (the silver case kicked off the shelter children policy which produced Akira, Sumio was one of the eleven shelter children who escaped the euro maspro, Emir Parkreiner killed the Smith Syndicate, the UAA scam was set up to give Travis a chance at revenge)
After that, the illusion is shattered and the protagonist regains his original persona
It's commendable that even though all these stories have the same basic framework or structure they end up being so different

Shinobu + badman story was released in february, Badgirl + NMH3 tease dlc was released just today.
Suda's games really have a soul, like, you knows they are made by Suda, they are quite niche but most suda fans stayed a suda fan over the year.
...he's already 50 something years old, this mean we will very likely stop having suda's games in the next 20 years, fuck.

Just finished the 25th ward, i didn't understand the shit with shiroyabu and kurumizawa

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Did killer7 user ever found a killer7 partner?

Does Bad Girl want to murder Travis or fuck him?

I hope so god i wish i could find a killer7 gf

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cursed images

Yo how do I unlock the windwaker shirts?

wait the 2nd dlc is out??

is 25th ward good?

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My GF just came home from a flea market with a copy of Killer 7.
I know nothing about it, what should I expect?


expect some absolute kino.

An amazing game with a unique gameplay and a great story (it can be a bit confusing in your first playthrough) with a great artstyle and god tier OST

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>tfw the scene with Pedro and his family.
This shit woudln't be able in our time.

did you play FSR?
Shiroyabu's story is basically a sequel to FSR's storyline

"Unlock All" in the T Shirt Shop

Can someone give me a spoiler rundown on how FSR ties into the 25th ward?

Guys I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna play the PS3 version of NMH. Have mercy on my soul.

Yeah, i played it, but didn't FSR happen before 25th ward?

can i play this shit on pc yet?

I heard the PS3 version took out this song:

have fun anyway

Never ever [goldface]

I know, but honestly I didn't even like this song that much anyway.
But the graphics look absolutely horrible. The Wii version had this cell shaded look while the PS3 version looks like a blurry mess. The Wii game emulated with a higher resolution is God like.
They should release a remaster of the 2 games already.


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FSR takes place in 2001 and the 25th ward in 2005, yes, I probably misworded my original post
I meant to say that the practicalities of how Shiroyabu works are introduced in FSR
FSR introduces the idea of a collective of stock bodies / clones which share one conciousness. That is the nature of the Euro Maspro, as opposed to the Kamui and Ayame maspros from TSC. Sumio Kodai was part of the batch of children used as the basis for the euro maspro.
Shiroyabu works in the same exact way in that all the shiroyabus have the same basic personality, and conciousness can move among the various bodies and inherit each of their memories. That is what happens in FSR; Sumio Mondo experiences the memories of 16 Sumio Mondos on Lospass Island.
Shiroyabu is either a result of the Euro Maspro, or the next maspro that is hinted at at the end of FSR. Kurumizawa helps Shiroyabu awake to his full potential, and inherit the memories of all Shiroyabus.
Kurumizawa is a digital man that only exists as information (he actually lives in the game's HUD kek), he ascended to a similar existance as Kamui(god)

>dumbed down the combat even more
Except that's wrong.

Oh, i didn't think about it like that, thanks user.
Another thing i didn't get is what the fuck happened in the second half of placebo, like what was the red room?

Pretty high. Suda was never involved with the port of NMH1, actively disowns it, considers Travis a Nintendo character and has flat out said NMH will always be on a Nintendo console. Besides, who else is going to fund it?

Also, what's this about a hidden fax? And a miscolored coin as a clue? Also, also, I'm still transcribing the book from the CE. It's kind of garbage so I'm dragging my feet. I was hoping to have it done by the time this dropped but I didn't expect it early.

N-no. It was me. It can’t be. This is all a big misunderstanding...

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Looks like the Payday Jacket.

That'd be lame. It'd just NMH2 all over again.

My memory is hazy on that but didn't that happen while Tokio's eye was getting hacked or something along those lines?
The red room is probably a manifestation of his memory of when he was being hired as a human tape to record the 25th ward experiment data, I remember there being parallels with what you see in the red room and the story he tells at the beginning of the placebo arc, but I can't say I remember it that well

There's two extra faxes in the incomplete killer marathon, nothing important at all but people were not able to find them originally so they added some useless aztec coins (since the update also added a button to just unlock every shirt kek) to show people where the secret area is

Oh, ok. I found those already. TSA really kicked the NMH lore up a notch

thanks for transcribing that artbook by the way, I have the french version so I can't really read it

I'm still fuming Joker got in over Travis
Fuck Persona

>e3 nintendo direct
>suda comes out
>tells people to go view the post credits in TSA again
>game updates
>3 is announced in game with a full demo replacing the teaser

Attached: 25th ward ending.jpg (1512x5768, 866K)

Holyfug the user actually did it? any link? thanks artbookanon.
I'm french so i could hekp you with the french artbook kek. i'm still salty i didn't manage to buy it because of my bank. (they canceled the order for no reasons, and all the stock were gone when i tried to rebuy it.)
I actually think NMH3 will be announced at the Ubisoft conference.

not related, but tell me i'm not the only user who kinda want to live in a comfy van like Travis in TSA? only problem is the job part...

What was Travis job before becoming an assassin? was he just a neet living from his dead father money in a motel?

We know he became a pro unreal tournament player between NMH1 and 2 but Travis kinda was a changed man after NMH1 and wasn't as lazy as Early NMH1 Travis.

Nintendo aren't smart enough to publish No More Heroes 3, or anything else Suda, they are a dumb nigger of a company.

he mentioned he's currently typing it all out

God I have a lot riding on E3 for NMH3

The book is divided into 3 parts and I'm mostly done the bit on NMH1. It's oretty basic stuf like why they chose to include the open world, why they picked the wii, etc. When I say it's garbage, I mean that it's pretty misguided. It's like they're trying to explain NMH to peopple who have never played it, but then included it in a super rare limited edition that only super fans bought. There's also no new artwork

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I remember reading this in another thread...
...Wait a second, you're probably the same user, is it me or are all the suda thread populated by the same anons?

Most likely populated by the same anons.
Also, thebartbook has some stuff that's just off base. Like the Batman/Badman being a refernece to Batman the DC hero not the Killer is Dead short story. Also, also I'm probably going to pick up the Losspass guide in a bit here too.

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It’s the same 20-30 people posting in every thread.
Suda fans are a niche community even on Yea Forums.

At this point i woudn't even be surprise to see that all the thread are created by grasshoppers employees or even Suda himself, he's probably weird enough to be here, guy had a strange story as a gamedev : he started quite late in the business and before that he had a shitload of odd jobs (like being an undertaker.) because he left his family after some problems.

Since it’s implied the “real” Killer7 and the Killer7 in NMH are slightly different, do you think they’re the same person?

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There's also an interesting tidbit about hownl they wanted NMH2 to have the open world, but simply got behind and decided late in dev to drop it. Seems like he was a lot more involed in 2 than people give him credit

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>back from the depths of hell
Poor Travis

I don't get why some people don't like NMH2, sure it wasn't as good as 1 but it was still pretty good and a good sequel for the first game.

Marry her

I doubt it, they don't even have the same family name.

Imo, its commentary on sequels isn't handled as well and some of it just goes over peoples' heads. Not everyone is a fan of some of the changes and you can tell it didn't get 100% of Suda's attention. I think the hate is a bit hyperbolic and I'm glad the game exists because thebstretch from New Destroyman to Alice is some of the best in the series.

Also, would anons be ok with this picture quality for the artbook? Is that preferable to a transcript? I don't have access to a scanner for right now

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I hope destroyman will return in NMH3, i don't know how he will, but he has to.

I feel like if Killer7 was made in 2019 this is something he’s wear

Also the porch monkey one would cause controversy

Killer7 now probably couldn't release, just a scene like the one with Pedro would be a no no.

>his cyborg parts survived and became a full robot

only the heads survived and they hijacked the corpse of Holly.

I thought the gameplay was straight up aggravating to play through, everything is floaty and there's absolutely no strategy to the combat (in nmh1 you had to make the bosses vulnerable by hitting them during specific times or dodging specific attacks, it was all quite basic but it was there) besides button mashing while looking worse but somehow running at half the framerate. Add to that that enemies now have inflated health bars making everything even more of a slog.
Granted no Suda game has good gameplay in isolation but the story and dialogue in nmh2 were a whole bunch of nothing intersected with the occasional cringey moment where travis discusses the rights of anime characters and it went out of its way to undermine the ending of the first one, all these things together make a mediocre game pretty much unplayable for me. A remaster could fix the framerate but everything else would still suck dick for me

>but the story and dialogue in nmh2 were a whole bunch of nothing intersected with the occasional cringey moment
Literally Suda having a giggle, mate

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Is it me or Suda just never change over the year?
a lot of game devs (see Kojima who became almost a different guy, or Edd boon, who was a provocateur and now is a guy trying to not offend people.) change over the years, but Suda is almost the same, you could play a game he made at the start of his career (at 30 something years old) and now (At 50 years old), and it still feel the same.

I kinda like it, he didn't changed and stayed true to himself and his fans. Nowadays people change too much. (and not just in the vidya industrie)

there's no internet in killer 7, travis buys his katana online. It's a different killer 7

Isn't time travel present in the sudaverse? it could just be they got in the past and changed the future.

woah partner I love no more heroes 1 the most but even I know that game had less combat depth than travis strikes again.

I mean I'm glad he had fun but I sure as shit didn't, I played through nmh2 like four times over the years hoping to get something out of it and I never do, it's just stressful to play and mostly unfunny and boring outside of a few good lines that mostly hinge on robert atkin downes performance
I would outright say after replaying most of their catalogue during the last month that nmh2 is my contender for worst GHM game, even more shallow stuff like sotd or lollipop chainsaw is not as stressful to play
I'm assuming most fans of that game just rush through easy mode with all the upgrades to keep gameplay to a minimum and I guess if I ever replay it that's what I'm gonna do

TSA unironically have the best gameplay of the NMH franchise.
But NMH3 will very likely have a kino gameplay.

two characters are mentioned as being time cops once, yeah
now the accepted fanon is that everything in every suda game has to do with time travel due to that one line
even though time police could mean a number of things and the idea of shaping the future through precise calculations has been introduced in HiK7 already but no everything is timetravel now

It's pretty fucking small. There's a discord of Suda fans that you can find by checking for a link at the end of the Kurayami Dance chapters. Tons of cool peeps in there. Assume left-leaning audience if you speak though, otherwise they'll think you're a dick, kek.

Unrelated but, does anyone still plays Let it Die?

if by cool peeps you mean people who will gang up on you if you don't circlejerk and agree with groupthink interpretations then yeah
Try to go in there with a radically different view of what killer7 or fsr mean to you and come back to me about how cool it is to hang out with literal discord anime trannies

>left-leaning audience

I still think Yea Forums is better to talk about vidya, because people don't have to have mask and can talk about what they really think.
This is less and less present on the internet, it's kinda sad to see that Yea Forums is one of the only remaining place of almost true freedom.

I was hyped for the floor expansion until I realized it was a soulless RNG mishmash of reused assets and shit. I beat the original game, no interest in it now.

I personally haven't run into that situation or witnessed it, but sorry if that happened to you. I've spun some theories and shit and never got flak, but maybe mine fell into common opinion then. I just stay quiet when it gets political and don't question more sensitive off-topic shit like when literal discord trannies start posting their "feeling pretty!" type posts in it. Worth it for the cool dudes in there imo. Granted I'm pretty neutral on shit and don't care whether someone is left or right leaning unless they act like cunts about it. Mostly just throwing it out as a warning since I wouldn't want anyone to jump in and then get ousted from one of the only consistent sources of Suda discussion that I've found.

kek, I know it's pretty fucking obvious, but mostly saying it as a warning. Some cool peeps on there, but speak the same way you would on a college campus.

I remember playing it a little on PS4, is the PC port worth playing again?

I play it, it's kinda fun but post 40s is just an endless grind with really no motivation to go on
I'm currently grinding for a 5* armor and the RE Longsword to get through the forcemen fights, at some point I'd like to kill a jackal but I really don't give a shit about reaching floor 251 or however high it is now

>speak the same way you would on a college campus


Suda threads are relatively active nowadays, but don't act like these threads don't fizzle out on the reg. If you know of any other Suda discussion places, I'm all ears.

is it also shit in the US? In France, it's fucking bad, and i'm not even a right winger. i just want true equality to people, like, if a guy or a girl slap me then i have the right to slap them.
But now people only want a false equality, making one side more powerful than the other, it's shit.

half of the members are literal discord trannies who got up in arms about the 'catherine controversy' before fucking cj iwakura had to show up explaining the situation
(I don't give a shit about catherine. I just mean to explain the kind of audience to you.)
If you wonder where people pressuring suda to make trans rights statements on twitter come from, now you know
It is very unpleasant in general because some 'girls' (actually men) will come up with definitive explanations that cannot ever be challenged or looked at by a different perspective because everyone else is a white knight and will just shittalk you
For example, Sumio is now canonically a gay man due to that one joke in FSR and if you dare question it you are 'one of those people' as in alt right nazis
All discord trannies jokes aside there are a few legitimately cool people in there such as falions or transmitter who care about preserving and translating stuff, but you're much better off following them on twitter if you really want to have a social media presence, I just check on them for updates occasionally but I don't have accounts anymore

can't the people here make a discord channel that isn't shit and bans all trannies and political talk? done

>half of the members are literal discord trannies who got up in arms about the 'catherine controversy'

>can't the people here



discord is a government psyop
it is the same as the shelter children policy, except it is shaping future generations into mental clones of bruce jenner rather than kamui uehara

Yee, Falions and Transmitter are the dudes I'm mostly talking about. I don't recall a lot of that other shit though, but maybe I just haven't noticed it since I wasn't really paying attention to any Catherine shit other than pink Minion memes, kek. I know what you mean about the trans stuff though, they made a big deal out of the 25W Placebo ending person being trans, but I personally think there's a million other things worth thinking about from that, kek. Noticed that Sumio thing before too, which I thought was clearly banter but was used by some for definite fujo shipping bullshit. Are they actually pressuring Suda though? Maybe I'm unaware, sorry dude. If you've got a cooler place, I'm down.

I'd be down. I mostly sought out the Falions one because I was scared of these threads fizzling out after TSA. I'm sure Suda will have other projects soon that will spark interest, but these threads are rare. I personally haven't had any personal issues with the Falions one myself, but sounds like the other dude has more history with them. I can kinda see that being possible depending on the topic, so I won't argue against it.

why are people on discord weird? i only use it like TS or Skype.
What's the difference ?

also, anyone bought the pc port of Killer7? is it a good one?

yeah and that's why you ban the discord trannies right away

No thanks, I'm straight.

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Yeah it's good

>why are people on discord weird
The worst of forum circlejerking + hidden nature create walled gardens of leftist degenerates

No platform will ever remain objective. I used to be in normal discords a while back, but nowadays a lot of them are swamped with literal discord tranny shit. No idea what caused the jump. You could probably make an argument about the dumb corporate branding "Preparing Longcats XDDD" tier chat everywhere from the devs appealing to le quirky crowd, but that's not a direct enough link imo so I won't put my stake in it. Either way, trannies went there, and trannies stayed there. Just like how even if every user here died and this place was completely filled up with GAF fags, it'd still have a bad connotation. Trannies nested in Discord, so it'll be harder to move in there with an opposite opinion, meaning that most won't bother and will find someplace else.

>Travis seems to be physically attracting people who want to kill him
He has a Silver Eye. Bet. If I’m right, that means very few people will understand regardless because they haven’t played Suda’s Best work

to be clear I don't care if someone wants to chop their dick off, if anything I find stuff like the missing to be awful because it perpetrates this stereotype that the only problem for transexuals is bullying and completely sidesteps and ignores the horrible reality of having an illness and feeling the need to mutilate your body
What I hate is having discussion shut down entirely except for one or two people who are the bearers of truth and everyone else bows down to them
Back in 2007-9 I was in suda communities alongside muslims, gays, liberals, conservatives, russians, legitimately crazy people, cosplay models and black nazis and everyone brought something different to the table and had interesting perspectives
(Those communities fizzled out eventually due to how trash suda's output was for the past 10 years)
Nowadays the progressive stack is in full effect and if you can pretend to be oppressed and complain about your problems constantly you will always be the loudest voice online, this is an issue with how the internet works nowadays in general, not just discord or reddit or resetera, so even if someone here just opened up an entirely different community it would get flooded in a matter of weeks, as sad as it is once these threads are over there isn't much we can do
I guess someone could make an 4+4ch suda board as a last resort but that seems like overkill, and /vg/ would never accept a suda general

I really enjoyed the retro-remakes of the NMH1 boss themes in the new campaign.

the IT guy also seem to have the silver eye right?

artificial eyes are a lot less special than they were back in 1999, they are used as storage devices by 2005 already (you can see it in the 25th ward and kurayami dance too) so if someone has a weird eye it's not necessairly from a sundance hyena at this point
Hell even the death balls are eyes

Not even a bet, it's confirmed. Scar, heterochromatic eye colors behind his glasses. Story may not have acknowledged it directly yet, but it is very clearly out there.

Yeah fair, I get what you mean. I actually agree with you on pretty much all of those points and opinions. The only thing that really irks me is when I go on wanting to discuss Suda stuff, and then there's some tranny posting selfies and a bunch of circle jerking and I think "oh well I'll try again later" because it's like walking on eggshells. I'd say the progressive stack has applied to all aspects of reality at this point, it's a matter of society and culture at this point, but yeah it's definitely pretty clear on the internet. I agree on the /vg/ thing, we're too small to compete with all the bullshit that goes on there, and I personally think /vg/ attracts a lot of tripfag tier mini e-celeb drama bullshit anyway. Guess the same could be said of Discord though, kek.

Fuck man, I just really like talking Suda shit with people who actually GET IT, and more than just normie tier "dude Suda is le WHACKY crazy XDDD" tier shit. These threads are one of the few good things on Yea Forums anymore, fuck. I guess I should just have faith in Suda's announcements and enjoy these honest discussions while I can.

Besides NMH3 and a potential 1&2 remake, what else could he be working on at this point?

Shadow of the damned 2 also was teased.
but just anything made by Suda is a good fame for me, i just want more of him, his game still feel ike the ...huh, i don't know, old times when vidya weren't political, i don't know what happen after 2012-2013, but a change happen, not just in vidya, and after that, a lot of things became shit, with some exception.

I mean I'm sorry if I sound like an asshole, that's just the way I type things out but I appreciate how earnest you are about wanting to discuss these things, the sad thing is the internet world isn't really meant for discussion anymore, it's set up in a way that a few loud ideas get pushed all the time and nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say

Fire Pro World DLC as a sequel to FPS is literally confirmed and was announced recently. FSR remake or remaster, k7 Director's Cut, 26th Ward, and he's trying to convince Spike Chunsoft to port Fire Pro Special to Steam lately. Unlikely, but maybe a SotD sequel too. Suda is on a fucking roll.

I wonder how he is able to make so many games, his games often don't sold very well, even if there's a fanbase.
Killer 7 director cut would be absolute kino.

>Fire Pro World DLC as a sequel to FPS is literally confirmed and was announced recently
When? What? Also, I don't think the K7 director's cut is actually happening. Just something he wants to do. He hasn't even convinced Capcom to let him port the k7 remaster yet

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Oh, you're fine. And yeah I getcha, I actually agree and have the same thoughts. I guess between the daily grind at work and navigating the American social hellscape, I'm so used to shit that I assume everyone else is able to just deal with it. I had shit abusive parents, so dealing with everything else is ez mode, kek. It does suck though, and I used to be more outspoken and rebellious in my college years, but nowadays, there's way more to lose from having your social credit irrevocably JUST'd to oblivion because of wrongthink, so I've just gotten used to it. Kinda rambling atm desu, kek. I think you're a good dude, and thanks for contributing to Suda threads. I was just trying to spread the word because I have enjoyed some of my discussions on that Discord, but I'll be wary, thanks for letting me know.

NISA was also talking recently about how the engine they used makes it easy to port to ANY console. A Capcom exec also recently spoke about how he'd like to see a complete k7 one day and would be willing to assist Suda if he got the opportunity. Idk how the man does it, but he seems to have a lot of influence.

Suda is writing a dlc storyline for fire pro wrestling world on steam
Said storyline is a sequel to super fire pro special champion's road, which was his first original story
They are also canon with the rest of the games considering thunder ryu becomes travis' master in no more heroes

It's probably because he's very unique. japanese exec don't really care about politics and all. and suda's games, even if niche, still have a public.

Am I missing something with the space sections of killer marathon? There isn’t enough time to get from bubble to bubble without running out of O2

Make sure to use the dash chip. Also, with the new BUY ALL SHIRTS button, currency is useless, so avoid all the extra bullshit and just run to the finish.

recently every dev studio is trying to get ahold of their own 'auteur', like kojima or yoko taro
Even if suda games are not huge sellers, they attract the kind of public that would not usually pay attention to you. I for example am not a big videogame person but I did buy a switch because I needed one to play TSA.
I had no interest in buying firepro world, but now I will because of the suda dlc.
So overall it's a net positive, because it's not like there's any competition. If you want to play a suda game you have to buy a suda game.

Thanks, anons. I'm actually more out of the loop than I'd like to be. My ex-gf left and didn't take her pupper with her. So I'm trying to balance taking care of the dog finishing my PhD

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You're good, and I think I heard about that in a previous thread, kek, fuck that bitch. Abandoning a dog is some trash human behavior. Suda is on the UP. I'd recommend keeping an eye on Momocon, E3, and Ubisoft conference. Those seem like the most likely times for big announcements.

What a fucking bitch, you and the doggo deserve better.

Thanks for posting these pictures based artbook user but wow, you weren't kidding when you said this artbook sucks kek
Suda himself regretted the fact that his games got associated with sexuality due to producers meddling and this presents it like his trademark

Yeah, i heard he didn't wanted the gigolo mode in Killer is dead, but was forced too.
Suda like when it's a little lewd, but not too much.

Funfact, you anons probably heard of American Mgee, very interesting dev, also is quite niche. (and probably had the saddest live of the industry, poor guy wasn't lucky.)
Well, he said recently in a livestream that after making Alice Asylum, he's interested to make a collab with Suda, since both are very unique, i wonder how the final product would look like.

She didn't do it maliciously, but it's that retarded 20's something girl thing where they're stupidly irresponsible. She told her parents I bought the dog and when she decided to go home they didn't want her to bring a 55lbs pupper because they live in a skyscraper. She's paying for all the dog's expenses still, but it's more about the fact I don't have the time and always feel frazzled rushing to get everything done.

It's disappointing to say the least. The rest of the package is pretty nice though. I hope the remaster of 1&2 get something nice as well.

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are we even sure 1 and 2 will be remastered or ported?

No, but Marvelous seems on board on the Switch. They're making that not-Armored Core game as an exclusive

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Just so you're on the up and up
- FSR Remaster for modern hardware was announced alongside Killer7, no word since
- Suda discussed with Kobayashi the possibility of making a new edition of Killer7 with all the side stories that were originally cut (mostly partaking to the past of each Smith)
- Suda discussed the possibility of having Spike Chunsoft bring firepro special to the west
- no more heroes 3 is all but confirmed to be announced at e3
on the fan translation side of things
- Twilight syndrome 1 was fully translated on youtube, twilight syndrome 2 is being translated in weekly increments
- some dude on youtube last year said he was making a translation patch for moonlight syndrome and posted a bunch of documentation, no word since
- Falions (the guy who translated kurayami dance) is currently translating redout, blueout and greenout (a 25th ward sidestory), killer is dead (an incomplete short story for killer7 which was retroactively changed to be the prologue to TSA) and the original gameplan for killer is dead (the actual game)
- loads of twilight/moonlight syndrome stuff was translated on this website, along with the silver case spinoff novel:
- nobody is translating past killing to future killing but if anyone is interested in doing that I can post pictures of it

>Shigeki Birkin from Dan Smith short story is badman
Suda lore has LAYERS

Not him but thanks user.
Any news on what happened to Let it Die? Apperently there was some stuff going on with grasshopper leaving gung-ho

The game still seem to be supported.

forgot to mention Suda is also in talks with Marvelous to port no more heroes 1&2 on switch, I'm just not very interested considering they both fun flawlessly at 4k on dolphin with a mid spec pc and the switch can't even get to 4k, plus the joycons suck dick compared to the wiimote and the idea of playing no more heroes with those is just scary (I bought two pro controllers for tsa)

>tfw Travisman will never return.
Did you played TSA in coop? i had no friend to do it is easier?

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 126K)

Suda basically created a secondary company just called GHM (with about 20 people) which is separate from Grasshopper Manufacture to do his personal projects while the original ghm is still bound to Gung-ho
Let it die is still being supported by gung-ho and hideyuki shin (director of killer is dead and let it die) is now working directly for them as I understand it

Okay think about it like this on separate timelines
Killer7>Killer Is Dead(?)

Killer7’s characters still exist in the “main” universe, but under different circumstances. That’s why Mills is still alive. The same goes for KID.

It is much easier because unless both of you die you never lose a life, it's pretty much impossible to lose unless you are playing like a spastic retard
I played it coop with my wife after I had already introduced her to the rest of suda's catalogue in the past so we had a lot of fun with all the references

->FSR Remaster for modern hardware was announced alongside Killer7, no word since
I'm aware of this
>Suda discussed with Kobayashi the possibility of making a new edition of Killer7 with all the side stories that were originally cut (mostly partaking to the past of each Smith)
How recent is that? I know he wants to, but there's not any real concrete work being done. I'd love for it though, the reworked visuals for the TSA intro are top tier
>Suda discussed the possibility of having Spike Chunsoft bring firepro special to the west
Way cool
>no more heroes 3 is all but confirmed to be announced at e3
I'm aware. Still found time to 100% TSA
>on the fan translation side of things
>Twilight syndrome 1 was fully translated on youtube, twilight syndrome 2 is being translated in weekly increments
>some dude on youtube last year said he was making a translation patch for moonlight syndrome and posted a bunch of documentation, no word since
The twilight stuff is lower on my list since I know suda wasn't as involved in the original entries, but I'm aware it connects with lunatics
>Falions (the guy who translated kurayami dance) is currently translating redout, blueout and greenout (a 25th ward sidestory), killer is dead (an incomplete short story for killer7 which was retroactively changed to be the prologue to TSA) and the original gameplan for killer is dead (the actual game)
I've heard there's an outline of the original script for Killer is Dead (the game) floating around? Is that also being translated?
>loads of twilight/moonlight syndrome stuff was translated on this website, along with the silver case spinoff novel:
>nobody is translating past killing to future killing but if anyone is interested in doing that I can post pictures of it
Is this the story in the UAA Ranking Bible? What's going on with that? O can take a crack at some point. My japanese is a bit rusty though

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>tfw didn't picked the heavy chip and orbital laser chip in my first run of TSA
>My first run was fucking hard with no ability to slow time or do massive damages.
those two chips, especially combined, make the game a lot easier.

but at least the boss battles felt more rewarding.

Damn user, you lucky bastard. Now that Shinobu and Bad girl are out, i would love to play the game with a GF.

...But i'm a weirdo who act like Travis like in NMH1 so i'm probably going to be alone for a while. oh well, at least i live like a want to.

These are the games that are directly connected to one another

1996-1997 - Twilight Syndrome Tansaku-hen/Kyuumei-hen
1997-1999 - Moonlight Syndrome
1999-2000 - The Silver Case
2001 - Flower, Sun and Rain
2005 - The 25th Ward
2007 - No More Heroes
2010 - No More Heroes 2
2011 - Shadows of the Damned (is released as a videogame)
2017 - Travis Strikes Again

Killer7 is its own thing even though it uses stuff from past games (such as remnant psyches)

TSA includes a variety of cameos from other stuff which means it may or may not be canon. For example, Akari Tsukiyono from Kurayami Dance appears (she looks different but so does everyone in the VN segments honestly), and so does Mondo Zappa from Killer is Dead, the death drive from Let it Die (and taro gida is dressed just like mejin which makes me think mejin is apeing his style) and even the pitcher MacAllister from Diabolical Pitch (which in itself referenced both lospass and santa destroy)

For now there is no real reason to think these games wouldn't be canon too, there's nothing that prevents Killer is Dead or Let it Die from happening after the other games (let it die takes place in 2026, and Mondo Zappa from KiD could have worked for the mimetic assassin office or whatever it is called while he was still waiting to be employed by Bryan, the game itself never gives dates and it's very vague with the passage of time) but we'll have to see how future games pan out
The protagonist from Kurayami Dance was trained by Travis so I'd definetly say that one is connected, and Diabolical Pitch is just a small self contained story about a good pitcher

Killer7 is the only one that outright takes place in its own setting that is incompatible with everything else that is going on in the other games

Uhh yeah, Im silva face
>japanese rapping starts

Where are the heterochromatic eye colors? I haven't see them in any image. If any of you have proofs, please, post them!

Have they said if they are satisfied with TSAs sales?

>How recent is that? I know he wants to, but there's not any real concrete work being done. I'd love for it though, the reworked visuals for the TSA intro are top tier
Quite recent
>The twilight stuff is lower on my list since I know suda wasn't as involved in the original entries, but I'm aware it connects with lunatics
Suda mostly worked on Twilight Syndrome: Kyuumei-hen, and he was the full director for Moonlight Syndrome of which he penned half the scenarios directly
MS is actually where most of his recurring themes originated, it is a very interesting game but all we have for now are sparse snippets of translations
Twilight Syndrome is more of a regular horror story but it is well written for what it is
>I've heard there's an outline of the original script for Killer is Dead (the game) floating around? Is that also being translated?
Yeah that's the one I referred to as the original Killer is Dead gameplan. It was published on the latest Suda51 artbook along with redout, blueout and greenout and the killer is dead short story, Falions is working on all three.
>Is this the story in the UAA Ranking Bible? What's going on with that? O can take a crack at some point. My japanese is a bit rusty though
It is a story about Travis' childhood, I'll take a bunch of pictures and post them in an imgur album if the thread is still alive in half an hour or so

call me an heretic, but i hope Travis will have a little beard in NMH3.

Calling it, this guy is the new protag of NMH3, Travis will be the final boss since he's the number 1 target.
But we will also encounter Henry, Shinobu and all.
Travis is maybe die at the end.

I hope travis dies, he's basically an avenger at this point, he's so overpowered even observers from the 25th ward comment on how awesome and unbeatable he is
I know there's this track in a music cd where he's a 127 years old immortal man but I have no clue how involved Suda was with that

This is all excellent. Were all of the other stories in the artbook? I planned on picking that up too. What's the status of the other companion books? I know Hand in K7 was translated. What about the Losspass guide? Kurayami Magazine? And whatever the companion book for LC was?

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Travis have some clones now remember?
Maybe the real one will die, but before that Travis will clone himself so his family doesn't lose him.


Except that they did it in the Swtich presentation you brianless crybaby

feel bad for all the boss of TSA, they all thought they were the shit and Travis destroyed them without a sweat. he was even nice to them (beside Doppleganger.)

Yeah it's probably gonna be his son, which is why we don't see Hunter but he mentioned.

No, those are the only three short stories in the suda51 official complete book and they're all getting translated by Falions.
As per the other companion books, yeah as you said HiK7 was fully translated. The Lospass Guide as far as I know is just a replica of the Lospass Guide Sumio Mondo uses in-game. But I am sure there are interviews and other original stuff in it.
I never managed to get a copy yet, because they go for around 300$, it's one of the few things I am missing. I plan to get one in June or July if it's available then.
Kurayami Magazine is basically lost media (there were 2000 copies printed in total), all we have is this short wordless comic that was scanned from it: Magazine
I have no clue whatsoever what the other contents of the book may be. If I get a copy one day I'll leak it all over the internet.
As per the LC companion book, I never heard anything about it. Do you have any more info? When I was researching phisical media from Suda games, it never came up. (I like to collect physical media as I am a massive faggot)
The Moonlight Syndrome truth files (basically a prototype version of the placebo reports, it's a collection of news articles that narrate the events of the game from the POV of a journalist and it's how Suda was introduced to Masahi Ooka) was translated on that page I linked earlier and so was the silver case 4.5 novel, the twilight syndrome truth files remain untranslated.
I'll go take those pictures of past killing to future killing, be back in a jiffy

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I'm placing an order for the Losspass this week as soon as a check get cut. Traded an exam grading session for 300$. As far as the LC book is concerned, I don't know much about it, I was just browsing Japanese amazon and saw something on it. Need to up more. Holding out hope for Kurayami Magazine. I know it's limited, but I'm going to start asking around book shops.

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Is there a HQ version of the titty image somewhere?

>people jumping straight to 3 aren't going to understand shit

Here's past killing to future killing, I hope the pictures are decent enough to read:
as a bonus, have these
full GHM soundtrack collection!lJ1jSSqY!JBL9HSy321BlbAL7nBzP0A
Twilight Syndrome: the memorize (just look up online how rare this shit is KEK)!sF01SKoK!OM_X5O0u4g3hXdylm5XDxQ
every ending from the 25th ward!kNllnbJZ!HlFx0HmRSQVTgdXLZqoZUg
100% 25th ward save file (for the 100 endings achievement)!dFMA2Kza!hf_Bj3UdewVHBnuMuDBy7g
You seem like a cool guy who is interested in this shit, if you drop me an email account I'll make one myself so we can keep up with this stuff if you want

Yeah, just google NMH Naomi.
But yeah, I'm a physical media fag too. I'm pulling the trigger of some sealed copies of games too. I think I've sourced most of Suda's stuff. I'm upset the play asia listing for NMH2 Hopper's new was incorrect though so I settled for a used version. Not sure if I'm pulling the trigger on a sealed Flower Sun and Rain for PS2 ether. I know it's getting the remaster.

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Travis's kid plays a big part in the story and seemingly wants to be just "as cool as him"

Multiple endings based on the final boss which will be Travis's child/ren.

1 Travis kills them and continues the endless life of bloodlust he has become tired of.

2, Travis loses on purpose allowing his kid to go on but without a satisfying fight against the ultimate opponent dying words are "Don't be like me kid, fuckin do something with your life" both as advice to them and the players that admire his lifestyle.

3. Battle ends in a tie with both dying simultaneously nothing is learned, nothing is said. There is no poetism just like in real life.

All 3 endings are seen as controversial in their own way to the fans at large but will tie into the games themes of "how exactly do you end a life and a legacy the right way?"

Also a Dante-Like character will be one of the bosses if not Dante himself after the dragon's dogma reveal

check out this bad boy

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>select Bad Girl
>go into Coffee & Doughnuts
>"playfully" bash the Badman AI partner with your baseball bat
Now that's some wholesome family love.

That is a short story, I'll look at it this weekend. I want to get together a master pack before he announces whatever at E3. I don't have a throwaway email at the moment though

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Travis is said to survive and becoming immortal tho, he can't die unless he clone himself for his family.

You lucky bastard, i would stole you if i was a cunt, this is some collector shit.

>i wanted to attract western Otaku
Well good job Suda because you actually did it.

I had him sign my Killer7 copy too, but I don't have it close to me at the moment and I don't feel like going to the other room kek
Yeah it is quite short. Do you have a general idea of what it's about?
Anyway I made a throaway email myself right now
[email protected]
Feel free to contact me there if you ever want to discuss this stuff further, also if you would send me what you typed out already and the pages you posted up until now in their proper order I'll finish typing out the artbook for you next week

You do have the UAA Ranking Bible. How is it?
You can get an import of a used copy fairly cheap my man. I'm building my collection too.

Still deciding which ver of NMH1 I want for it though

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I had the shitty european version since i am French. and my mother sold the game when i was in my appartment, fug.

>signed K7
Ok, I'm jealous. I only have the signed card that came with TSA. But yeah, I'll get better pictures together and send them over.

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Did you play it on mild?

I have Euro for TSA CE, JP for NMH2 CE, thinking NA for NMH1 since there isn't any special edition and that one has the blood and it takes place in NA and all. I have my original launch vers of 1 and 2, but I want a pristine one for the collection

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I love NMH, I really want to play NMH 2 on an HD system.

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It's all right. All the illustrations from it are the same you've seen a million times around the internet, half of it is a straight up strategy guide.
There's nothing really exclusive about it outside of the short story so I don't really feel like taking it out for pictures at the moment (I put it back in the plastic bag)
I have everything outside of the following items basically:
Let it Die physical edition
Contact & Michigan official guides
Lospass book
Kurayami Magazine
NMH2, SotD, Dark Sides & Samurai Champloo soundtracks
Plus some shit I don't really care about like the evangelion rythm game or fatal frame 4 but I guess I'll get those eventually too, my next target is definetly the Lospass book just like you
the NMH2 OST and Kurayami Magazine are just things I made peace with myself that I will never have, though it's a good point you made about asking to book stores

He was getting an award in my country and I went there to show my powerlevel and spill my spaghetti over him, and I got a few things signed
It's where I indirectly made him confirm that Yayoi Itsushima from Moonlight Syndrome was the same person as Yayoi Hanayama from FSR kek (a question only he and I understood)
There's probably people itt who know who I am but I don't really give a shit as I erased my existance from the internet a while ago

what the fuck is No More Heroes red zone?

Japanese edition of Heroes' Paradise.

About the LC book that was mentioned earlier ITT, I found it, it's an artbook that also includes some prequel comic and an interview with Suda51ロリポップチェーンソー-Go☆Fight☆Win-ビジュアル-ゲームナビ-ファミ通の攻略本/dp/4047282227/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=ロリポップチェーンソー&qid=1555600849&s=gateway&sr=8-3
So I guess I gotta get this one too now
PS360 version

No More Heroes = Wii
Heroes' Paradise = Japan PS3 Remake
Red Zone = International Heroes' Paradise and Re-Remake for Japan

I'll still probably snag a copy of it. My collection only has
>Silver Case Limited PS4
>25th Ward Limited PS4
>Killer7 GC
>NMH1 Wii
>NMH2 Hoppers + Erotica
>Killers is Dead Limited
>LC standard
I just want to get some of the companion stuff and sealed copies from various regions. For a guy whose games sell poorly he has a ton of ce's. It's cool you got to meet him. I wouldn't be upset over being doxed with this. Oh, wow, I have a collector's hobby.

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Yup that's it. I set up my buyee account to get one

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What should we expect at Momocon? Jeane tells Travis that they'll meet in a month from today which is when Momocon starts. Suda announced the Killer7 PC version there last year so I wouldn't be surprised if we get a NMH3 tease.

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KEK yeah I don't give a shit if I get doxxed
Here's a list of what I have

Twilight Syndrome: Tansaku-hen
Twilight Syndrome: Kyuumei-hen
Twilight Syndrome strategy guide
Twilight Syndrome Truth Files

Moonlight Syndrome (I have like three copies of it because they throw them at you and I was looking for one that had a good obi)
Moonlight Syndrome Deep Psyche Files
Moonlight Syndrome Truth Files
Moonlight Syndrome Playstation Victory guide (pretty useless as the side story included in this is also in the Deep Guide which is a better book overall)
Moonlight Syndrome Deep Guide
Moonlight Syndrome Analysis Document (this one actually has two untranslated side stories in it)

The Silver Case (PSX, PC limited, ps4 limited)
The Silver Case ost CDs (both the originals, and the reprint that is in the modern CEs)

Flower, Sun and Rain (PS2, EU DS)
Flower, Sun and Rain ost CDs (both Water and Shine)

Michigan (both JAP and EU, I hear it's quite expensive now but back when I got it they were basically throwing copies away for nothing)
Michigan soundtrack CD

Killer7 (JP GC; EU GC, EU PS2)
Hand in Killer7
Killer7 soundtrack CD

The 25th Ward (PS4 CE)

Samurai Champloo (PS2 US)

Contact (DS EU)

Blood+ (PS2 JP)

No More Heroes (wii US)
UAA Ranking Bible
No More Heroes soundtrack CD
The Outer Rim music CD
The virgin child single cd

No More Heroes 2 (wii US, Hopper's JP)
Erotica Comic

Shadows of the Damned (PS3 EU)

Liberation Maiden (as in Guild01, JP 3ds)
Liberation Maiden SIN (JP limited)

Lollipop Chainsaw (EU X360, JP Valentine Edition X360)

Killer is Dead (EU Fan edition, I think the US collector's is the same exact thing with a different cover art)

Kurayami Dance manga

Short Peace (PS3 EU)

Travis Strikes Again (FR limited edition)

As you can see I'm not missing much, but keep in mind I've been doing this for 12 years, it's not like I spent thousands of euros at once

Maybe we will gave a tease of NMH3 or a remaster of NMH1 maybe on PC.
Nice to see that Jeane got Sylvia genes in term of cuteness since Travis isn't really that attractive.

Damn, that is pretty comprehensive. I did just start collecting last month though, although I've been a fan since K7. I doubt mine will ever be that extensive though and I'm jealous

Wouldn't hold my breath for a NMH1 PC port. He tells people to go buy a Wii used because that's the way it's meant to be played.

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This scar and hairstyle...that's Damon right?

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A lot of that stuff was much cheaper way back when. Like the Killer7 OST and Water for relaxing time I paid cover price for them. Now I see them going for 100$ or some shit so I hid them in a cabinet and I never take them out.
Though I only did find Shine last year, I thought I'd never own it since it was a limited GHM release not unlike the NMH2 OST and Kurayami Magazine. I paid an arm and a leg but it was worth it.
However you shouldn't be jelous, building up your collection bit by bit it's part of the fun. It always gives me something to look forward to whenever it is that I have extra cash (I'm not a wageslave which means my money situation is always fluctuating) and I often get some insight from the more rare stuff
For example, I just found out there's also a Lollipop Chainsaw prequel manga:ロリポップチェーンソー-ファミ通クリアコミックス-ハル/dp/4047287172/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=ロリポップチェーンソー&qid=1555600849&s=gateway&sr=8-10
Also I forgot to mention I managed to snag a copy of Twilight Syndrome The Memorize last month, it's that rip I posted earlier
Godspeed with your collection user, if you snag the copy of Lospass Guidebook I want you better watch your step for the rest of your life though

I'm not as worried about the prices. I made a stupid amount in buttcoin the other year. Just finding things is the issue. If I had seen that prequel manga, I would've been confused if it was even an officially licensed item. But yeah, I'm definitely getting a guide. I actually just started FSR and absolutely love it.

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I was pretty convinced it was just travis because of the eye scar but it could be this guy has the scar because travis took they eye from him maybe? Idk who damon is btw haven't quite beat the base game of TSA

FSR is great, though it confused many people when it first came out in english since it is a direct sequel to TSC
(As in, you'll be completely lost by the time the final chapters come around if you haven't played TSC. They just expect you to be familiar with Kamui, Maspros, the HC Unit etc.)

I'm learning Japanese currently and the first thing I'm doing when I feel confident enough is playing the PS2 silver case and the twilight syndrome moonlight syndrome games

Already finished TSC. Read the short story for 4.5, doing FSR and then 25th Ward

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>HE calls you out for not coming back to the game after finishing it

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Godspeed. Twilight Syndrome 1 is already subbed on youtube though if you're interested.
Shit gets weird pretty fast, have fun man. The 25th Ward is probably the most obscure suda game ever, pretty much

nah, suda will be a nice reward once I'm done

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The art in the 25th ward remaster is amazing and I look forward to it very much. Playing Suda at nught while sharing an apple and peanut butter with my pupper has been top tier

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He has some really varied dialogue. He tries to manipulate Shinobu with existential questions.

Damn. Sylvia is a milf.

Okay folks, I just got 100% completion and I'm ready to put the game down after 30+ hours. Overall I must say I'm floored by the mere fact that NMH came back to life after a decade and the game was way better than I expected. I didn't fully realize how much I had missed Travis and his crazy world, now I really hope no bullshit happens and that NMH3 is announced soon.

I think we all missed Travis because he remind us of the vidya landscape before it got to shit in like 2012-2013, since then politics are way more into games and good/fun games are just less common. there's also all the MTX shit, especially in the west. (People shit on Capcom and Konami but they honestly aren't that bad compared to some western studios like EA or activision.)

Hell, even in the game, i think Travis said he was annoyed of the new gamers that "complain about everything", see the sekiro controversy, this is what Travis is talking about.

Suda is a guy who keep doing games like the old days, and it's becoming more and more rare.

I totally get you man, I haven't felt this way about a game in a while, it feels good. Didn't think he'd be back, but I hope he can stay a bit longer.

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I fucked up. The whole reason I bought a switch was cause I saw Suda at the switch event. Now I can even grab the DLC cause I wanna stick emulators on my system, but I don't want to get banned from anything, even though I really don't plan to do much online.

>Travis gets a Jet Set Radio shirt.
Motherfucker has good tastes in games.

The PS3 version also has some of the most god awful screen tearing I have seen in a game. There's also some weird shadow casting from the characters. Shadows characters would normally cast on the ground or on their body also appear from behind their body from the direction they are casted. In this pic Sylvia's arm is casting behind her over her ass. Oh, and this pic was part of DLC, fucking DLC in a remustered port.

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I am the only guy who have a hatred for smashfag shilling Travis when they knows shit about NMH or suda in general?

Unreal engine 3 i guess.

I would also like to point out that the DLC isn't even available anymore, it's basically lost media unless it's playable on rpcs3 and someone ripped it

We got a fucking Siren shirt. I still wish there was the ability to do a custom shirt. Also bring back some of the NMH 1 and 2 shirts.

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>Henry and Sylvia got divorced before the events of NMH2
>but now he's a douche
Is he not over her?

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I just decided order FSR online right now, I'll have to dust off the DSXL. Does it play like Silver Case or does it have a slue touchscreen puzzles and whatnot?

>Several Zelda shirts
>No Metroid shirts.

he's just a cool, handsome foil who happens to be Travis' twin brother

They were married for more than 10 years user, kinda normal (they married when he was 17 and her 14.)

the entire gameplay revolves around finding hints in a guidebook and using them to figure out numeric passwords
The only use of the touchscreen is to plug in your silver case (lol get it) into items such as a fat trucker who asks you to come inside him
have fun

Where i can find these scans?

NMH thread getting popular? Hell yeah. Never thought I’d see the day

>Silver Face's theme
Goddamn, easily surpasses Eight Hearts' theme

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It's not like the silver case at all ypu get to move around in full 3d

She's no assassin, she's a perverted killing freak!

Yes, please.

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Blatantly Hunter

I'm currently playing 25th ward: the silver case
I really like the setting, the story and the characters but god the gameplay frustrates me so much
>here's a cool spinning globe to type out words lad
>wow so cool, can I use the keyboard
>no :^)
>oh? what's that? you gave an answer that doesn't fit the mood? Start over from the beginning please ;)
>here lemme give you the directions to go to this place just once, hope you got it memorized XDD

Fuck off suda I'm trying to play your game you prick
At least flower sun and rain didn't leave me with a fucking ulcer at the end of my play sessions.

could be the travis clone

Wait until you get to the epilogue and you have to replay the final chapter 100 times to get the final ending
Or when you have to search an entire apartment complex just going by feeling about how close you are to the target
there's no fast skip for dialogue either

>you have to replay the final chapter 100 times to get the final ending
Is this true?
and how long is this chapter?
was Suda on drugs when designing this?

I'm going to put together zip or something this weekend

it's very short but still getting all the endings takes around 4 hours
I don't know which kind of crack they were smoking when they didn't implement a fast skip option which is in every visual novel ever made, being tedious on purpose only goes so far
However I posted a 100% save earlier if you're playing on steam

Badman was more of a professional though where as badgirl was mostly just doing it for the entertainment of the people watching the ranking matches.

>people watching the ranking matches
I understand I need to accept all the retconned lore but it really hurts

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She kinda also was fucked in the head tho.
well, it was the same for Badman who got crazy after getting fucked by the kid.

>actually died on the first bit of Killer Marathon
Fuck, Death and Drive weren't lying

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I'm saying I liked the lore better when the UAA was fake and a conspiracy in line with Suda's other narratives. NMH2 throws that in the garbage and undercuts the whole experience. I'm forced to compartmentalize and acknowledge No More Heroes 1 as an awesome narrative on its own but when attached to 2 it loses something. With TSA I see that Suda has accepted these retcons and rolled with them and come to terms with a lot of the downsteps in his career so I accept them as well and I look forward to the franchises future. But in the back of my mind No More Heroes 1 was a lot stronger before they retconned and misaligned a lot of the characters in NMH2.

basically I just enjoy NMH1 on its own and I enjoy the series as a whole in a different way. Best of both you feel?

I thought the UAA in 2 became a real thing after the fake one became popular? As far as the TSA stuff is concerned, I wouldn't be surprised if Slyvia was selling vidoes of the matches in a weird darkweb snuff way for more cash

I agree, though to be fair TSA seems to hint that as most people thought even back then, the UAA was indeed fake during the events of NMH1 and they turned it into a spectator's sport during NMH2. The guy who sets up Bad Girl as this murder idol, has nothing to do with the UAA at all. So it is possible that bad girl's popularity is indeed what sparked the idea of the official UAA in 2.

if it became real in 2 then that's a great compromise


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lmao based

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That's what I got from the inro of 2 and it makes a lot of sense with the revelation they were being filmed in 1.
>small scale battles
>scam the entrants and film the battles
>sell the films

>the films started to leak out
>becomes really popular
>slyvia starts up again but more "legit" since there's a larger demand

Why people get angry as shit they don't like? can't he just ignore it? that's fucking dumb.
(hello if you are reading by the way.)

Who is this nigger and why the fuck should I care about what some stupid faggot's opinions are?
Fuck off with this gay shit.

Guy who did a lot of translation, or so i've heard, i'm not a lot in touch with the community.

Yeah that's basically the one explanation that makes any sort of sense in canon
Also nmh2 is a story that is being told by sylvia so other contradictions are explained by unreliable narration in my headcanon

It was in response to some guy earlier itt claiming that the suda discord is full of cool open minded peeps
the screencap is from said discord

b-b-b-but my suda51 and shigeru meetup

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So he's just some useless faggot with too much spare time?
I hope he fucking kills himself soon along with the rest of the discord trannies.

It's just known they are good friend, but then again Sakurai is friend with everyone in the industry, making smash probably enable him that.

I don't really care about there choice, they just do what they want, even if i fond them weird .
Forcing shit on other is just being a cunt, in both way.

Legit surprised that's his reaction. The suda threads are generally pretty civil. Fuck that, I'll just translate my own shit.

The films are what really made it click for me.

>Travis does a fucking colony drop
holy shit

Damn Suda’s gonna be at Momocon this year?

>At last... They are making a movie of that Gandum novel.
>A trilogy, to boot,
>A long life was worth living after all.

lmao based

I don't get it, why does they want people to say trans right? like recently i saw they paid david hayter to say that and got all carried away, i don't get why they want or even need that, if they are trans, can't they just live in peace and don't force their shit everywhere or something.
this shit is literally in all communities now, even the niche one like Suda's games.

Discord trannies is literal, isn't it?

fucking BASED queens of suda lore
bless us mortals PLEASE

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glad suda is just as excited for hathaways flash as I am

I remember him saying once in an interview that he'd like to make a Hathaway's Flash game

But...Why, just why? i don't understand, like really, the guy is a translator right? why does saying trans right have anything to do? can't the guy just do his job and not adding any political shit in it?
What's next? a guy saying that a character in NMH is suddenly trans?

You tell me, I dropped all suda discussions for years because I just thought 'yeah that's a trans thing now I don't really belong', everyone outside these threads who is part of the fanbase is either trans or obsessed with trans rights
I can safely say I did not have a good conversation about suda games before finding this general, since like 2010
I don't even give a shit what they do with their dicks but they're so uninviting and elitist as soon as you disagree with one word of their headcanons, while they shit on these threads without even reading them, fuck them I'll make fun of them openly then

So was Sylvia a scout kinda like that guy in Badman Strikes Back?

she was.
my theory is that her mother is the chief of the organisation, and just lied to travis.

>Being surprised that Suda's games attract a bunch of degenerates and weirdos.

Have you played any of his games? If anything I'm surprised at how normal and chill these threads have been.

I didn't know. I don't use discord, I'm straight. But yeah, I haven't really been in Suda threads since NMH1&2 first came out. I'm blown away by how many people in recent threads have only played the ps3 versions. By the time that came out we had all played NMH2 and agreed it the hd port looked like garbage.

Is this Gundam reference?

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yaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssss queen all suda fans should come together to have little kids chop their dicks off that's based AND redpilled

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There's a difference between being a weirdo and being fucking annoying.

>That wonderful smile is gone for eternity.

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I'm a weirdo and have been in this fanbase probably before some of you even owned game consoles, and yet I don't remember it being populated solely by men with anime girls as avatars pretending to be women online
One of the original killer7 fans was a psychopathic black nazi who posted about hitler under 10 different accounts all day long and that was still more entertaining and less annoying

Dissociative Identity sounds really good on the remastered soundtrack

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I doubt most people are like the discord guys, it's probably just a loud minority.

Was he in the right?

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pretty good desu

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14 years later, this is still the best cutscene in the history of all videogames. Prove me wrong.

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this but applied to literally everything
humans are very tribal
the squeaky wheels of every single fucking tribe are the absolute worst

>women are all the same!
was the right?

This is all so weird because the grasshopper discord I'm on doesn't have this issue.

go look up twitter and come back to me
go look up resetera and come back to me
guys get banned from suda discussions for misgendering fictional characters by mistake, it's everywhere outside of here and fucking gamefaqs and I really don't want to go to gamefaqs

Didnt even knew there were dlc. Just downloaded them all.
NMH runs good on the PS3 emulator, but you need a PS3 controller because siaxis emulation is not yet implemented and you need it to charge your weapon.

for the love of god link it and save us all

fucking lmao

to be fair there's been tons of games to play recently and it's easy to get caught up

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Twitterfags and reseterafags are just sensitive faggots. even the reddit NMH group is better because people only talk about the game.
At least there's no trans character in NMH...or i think in any of Suda's games.

I can't watch any cutscenes or listen to any music from Killer 7 because it will give me an irresistible urge to play it again.

Wait is the second dlc out?

reminds me of daft punk

>still no Super Daryl Deluxe shirt

user's getting upset!

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yeah, came out yesterday


Post your favourite quote from any Suda game.

>"I wish you all the luck, and die like a dog. Then laugh it off. I'll be waiting for you with a grin as wide as the truth."

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the talk box made me instantly think of space dandy

Doesn't look like the owner has invites open atm. Maybe it's chiller by virtue of being a smaller chat? Owner is chill brazilian lady.

>If you win, I'll let you in on a little secret: how to hit on women with 100% success.
>And if I lose?
>If you lose, then I want you to kill the President.

fuck right artist wrong song, this is the one I thought of

>"i just want to talk about suda's games!"
>proceeds to talk about everything except his games

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but how tho?

the fucking contrast of the whole scene is what make it better, it's just completely sureal;

No. she'll always be a bitch

t. discord tranny

They found all the Death Balls

okay so I've only played through NMH 1 & 2 and I'm hoping to get TSA later this year, can someone redpill me on the Sudaverse?

You can go directly into TSA but The Silver Case and 25th Ward are foundational games in order to understand Suda's philosophy and themes

a bit outdated but it's ok to get you started

alright so what happens in the new DLC?