So what have we learned from the newest TSA DLC?
>Shinobu has grown up a lot. She runs an orphanage and teaches kids martial arts. All of them are complete weebs, but its genuinely cute.
>Jeane the kid is CONFIRMED to be the daughter of Travis and Sylvia. There is another kid (Hunter) that Travis referred to as theirs, but that contradicts the statement that Travis made early on in TSA: That he only had one child.
>Henry is way more antagonistic now. He is part of a group that wants Travis dead. No confirmation or not whether they are associated with the Killer7, but probably not... this DLC seems to imply that EVERYONE wants to kill Travis for one reason or another
>The Garden of Madness
>Travis beats the true final boss by beating it in a game of Fire Pro Wrestling
>The game ends with Travis fighitng Death Metal Jr. at poolside
So yeah, Travis Strikes Again was dope as fuck. Its speculation time. What's going to come next?