Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1555483317649.png (1020x1320, 785K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Rabbit_Suit_(F)


Attached: 6e93f4efce3bbd2a9df09f75dee76216cff5f8df.png (785x833, 409K)

Requesting these to be drawn.

Attached: JokoJ vs reker.jpg (9468x4841, 3.92M)

Requesting a side by side boob press with Shade and Nieve please.

Attached: Shade Nieve.jpg (2168x1476, 1.93M)

Requesting this image but the catboy is young Link and the person in the right is Linkle

Attached: link.png (524x614, 318K)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her "Rhetoi Rabbit Suit", doing stuff related to rabbits or easter.

Hiding colorful chocolate eggs in bushes, decorating them while sitting on the floor, hunting easter eggs herself, jumping around like a bunny really fast, doing the special dance the character does when you wear the outfit without weapons (which is simply ear and hands flap flap, tail shake shake), fighting the easter bunny by throwing eggs to each other or anything else cute/funny you can think of.

Character reference:
Outfit and dance reference:'s_Rabbit_Suit_(F)

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: 1555498043725.jpg (220x220, 14K)

Hello Everyone! The votes are in for the Easter Collab, and it's been decided we're doing Characters in Bunny Suits (Pajama or Play-Boy). Pure is currently working out a background, Pic Related is a WIP of the background. He's also said character interactions, if any, are up to the artists, but if you have something in mind, let us know.

We'll be taking submissions between now and April 20th. As always, transparent images are preferred, but if you can't do that, it's not the end of the world. Also please do not redirect other artists work unless they state it's for the collab.
Here's the current list of submissions:

Looking forward to all the artwork you all are going to make and can't wait to see this all come together. Happy Easter!

Attached: Collab3.png (1600x900, 765K)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her "Rhetoi Rabbit Suit", doing stuff related to rabbits or easter.

Hiding colorful chocolate eggs in bushes, decorating them while sitting on the floor, hunting easter eggs herself, jumping around like a bunny really fast, doing the special dance the character does when you wear the outfit without weapons (which is simply ear and hands flap flap, tail shake shake), fighting the easter bunny by throwing eggs to each other or anything else cute/funny you can think of.

Character reference:
Outfit and dance reference:'s_Rabbit_Suit_(F)

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: 220px-Bg-easter-eggs.jpg (235x229, 19K)

Requesting pretty much this with the exact same anatomy but Link is sitting on Midna's face

Attached: Cutesexyrobutts-588764-Midna.png (1200x1480, 1.29M)

Attached: crop.png (375x291, 25K)

Who knew fags could clone themselves

Attached: a7020575eb35d8e2679e5bfec605fb7e4e7502312e8e3b257e3cdf60e2c4a0c9.jpg (640x664, 22K)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her "Rhetoi Rabbit Suit", doing stuff related to rabbits or easter.

Hiding colorful chocolate eggs in bushes, decorating them while sitting on the floor, hunting easter eggs herself, jumping around like a bunny really fast, doing the special dance the character does when you wear the outfit without weapons (which is simply ear and hands flap flap, tail shake shake), fighting the easter bunny by throwing eggs to each other or anything else cute/funny you can think of.

Character reference:
Outfit and dance reference:'s_Rabbit_Suit_(F)

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Requesting this Defias pillager hitting a nerd in the face with a fireball that has the words Nostalgia on the side of it.

Attached: Defias pillager.jpg (453x634, 59K)

Iggy no!

Requesting the Mariel Maid-OC sucking Trap-Re-Class dick.

Why no?

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her "Rhetoi Rabbit Suit", doing stuff related to rabbits or easter.

Hiding colorful chocolate eggs in bushes, decorating them while sitting on the floor, hunting easter eggs herself, jumping around like a bunny really fast, doing the special dance the character does when you wear the outfit without weapons (which is simply ear and hands flap flap, tail shake shake), fighting the easter bunny by throwing eggs to each other or anything else cute/funny you can think of.

Character reference:
Outfit and dance reference:'s_Rabbit_Suit_(F)

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: 1555498043725.jpg (219x220, 19K)

Requesting a femboy/trap Rex dressed as Pyra. With wide hips, big ass, small bulge and red lipstick

Attached: 1555482910263.jpg (1920x1920, 2.25M)

What the heck?

Amelia without her armor with some muscle tone, like she's exercising?
Or her using the SSG from Doom and slaughtering enemies or gone full-Berserker and using an axe to rip and tear

Attached: Amelia.png (720x1280, 351K)

Requesting Gwynevere from Dark Souls in this pose

Attached: gwynevere request.png (1807x900, 2.94M)

Hifumi cosplaying Jack Frost, like a gijinka
And Hifumi wearing a full chuuni outfit

Attached: hifumi.jpg (800x1750, 84K)

Stfu nigger

requesting someone to draw these slimes

Attached: kisspng-dragon-quest-monsters-joker-2-dragon-quest-ix-dra-slime-5ac3fd4ad58049.287198361522793802874 (900x700, 101K)

>small bulge

Requesting Ueno-san gets arrested by Chris and Jill from Resident Evil (because they think Ueno-san is a Umbrella member).

Attached: 1553651181668.jpg (1200x675, 91K)

Requesting this with Aradia.

Attached: 1537492896552.png (1280x720, 960K)

This but with Tifa.

Requesting Queen Nancy from Skullgirls giving an user a motherly hug. Bonus if Parasoul is in the background with a mixture of shock & jealousy on her face.

Attached: Nancyhug.png (1800x1500, 1.93M)

requesting Clementine from The Walking Dead chilling out with a Slugcat from Rainworld resting on her one-legged lap.
3 weeks I've waited on those god damn threads. And still not a god damn thing

Attached: slugcat sit.jpg (1920x1080, 885K)

Requesting Anastasia as a stalker in The Zone please

Attached: 1401642009706.jpg (640x800, 102K)

Take a crack at drawing rayman, please. Nothing specific, I just wanna see you guys try it.

Attached: rayman3.jpg (220x229, 8K)

Requesting Psyme and Risky as bunny girls


Attached: Purple girls.jpg (903x687, 110K)

This with Towa

Attached: 1555255221514.jpg (1795x1143, 185K)

What's Yea Forums's limit on attractive THICC?

Requesting Rayman as normal human guy.

Yea Forums isn't a person.
Personally, it depends on the day of the week, and the face. I can go full-on fatfag if they're cute.

Attached: 1555370618891.jpg (1024x713, 65K)

Requesting Peatrice getting her boobs groped like in the bottom right reference. Similar breast size please. Could be topless or wearing a nice lacy bra

Attached: Pea.jpg (1896x1800, 679K)

Made this Lineart + Color for my Sunbathing Anabel delivery. Only thing missing is the beach background. Can someone add one in plz?

Attached: 1E81E295-67D5-4B85-ABFD-09AAD3AF57CB.png (1111x646, 344K) with Light Cruiser Demon, kind of like she's on a date
I'm adding in an idea like this is too

I'm up for anything else of her like giving a thumbs up or dressed up in a bunny-girl outfit

Attached: Light_Cruiser_Demon_Full.png (636x924, 681K)

Requesting a 7-8 Month pregnant, no stretch marks, with Triplets and bigger breasted Kyoko Kuremi

Attached: __kuremi_kyouko_digimon_and_digimon_story_cyber_sleuth_drawn_by_yasuda_suzuhito__2d6bd1f8aebd79994f0 (1500x3163, 1.18M)

Requesting trap Wo-Class

Attached: Standard_Carrier_Wo-Class_Full.png (717x1050, 861K)

cute pokegirl requests

Mallow x Lillie

Requesting any kind of panicking or sweating reaction image with Lea with almost full elemental overload and or critical health.

Attached: 1554926906927.png (234x230, 22K)

Attached: 1555011812130.png (1819x2200, 1.12M)

Anything cute with Noel Vermillion from Blazblue, preferably with her looking at the viewer.

Attached: 5ad20d6b8a32a45dd3956b867f474861.png (1269x1780, 820K)

Do not want! ;_;

Jeanne d'Slack wearing glasses please

Attached: 9RjkHZS.png (927x496, 461K)

Requesting sexy Astolfo pin-up art

Attached: Rider_of_black.png (1598x2400, 2.6M)

is this faggot the only drawfag in here? i keep seeing his shit being the op

requesting forced public use or public nudity

Attached: de3f654a70ce10dd5dedb5a5ea404a7b.jpg (864x1280, 204K)

No, but he keeps drawing Singapore's requests so Singapore keeps putting him in the OP.

nobody draws here anymore

Requesting: make this scene (see picture) vidya related.
You can see it in this video at 2:08:

Attached: hoshi-kun_wwweeeeiiiiiiii.png (1011x756, 598K)

Requesting MGE Dragon girl Menardi

Attached: Dragonic Menardi.jpg (1731x600, 151K)

Or this scene.

Attached: hoshi-kun_wei.jpg (481x349, 18K)

Requesting Doom guy blowing off Dante's head with a shotgun or chainsawing him in half with his chainsaw. Any brutal killing method will be good actually. Just make sure Dante looks like he's in complete and utter pain

Attached: 1555537610178.jpg (940x529, 430K)

Requesting these guys riding in Nico's van together.

Requesting Doomguy and Dante as cute trap boys.

Attached: aigisBim.jpg (1600x1600, 447K)

Adding to this, They're in a drive-through window and Doom guy got a bunny toy in his kids meal

Requesting chihaya (persona 5) cosplaying as venom snake

Attached: C(Tallahassee).jpg (1024x724, 100K)

Requesting Dante barely caring about getting stabbed by a chainsaw.

Easter Benson please

Attached: Benson.png (545x1024, 412K)

Cool, a Wo reques...

Attached: IgMyx.gif (180x240, 752K)

Requesting Fubuki getting her own happy ending
or other big titty goth girl stuff works

Attached: Fubuki_profile.jpg (1080x1200, 258K)

Awesome titts! Please do Labrys too.

wew lad

Attached: trap_lives_matter.png (640x369, 269K)

Too lewd.

Requesting Nancy's huge nose blocking bullets

Attached: Nancy and her huge nose.png (1168x1280, 1.73M)

Riki using a rifle, or playing with the Monado
Inspired by his in-game lines of being good with rifles and wanting to play with the Monado

Attached: Riki_2.png (325x279, 130K)

Requesting Futaba with an actual bust

Attached: 6F203E22-7F57-435F-8C32-F0F5CB27B847.jpg (560x352, 191K)

Requesting art of booty shorts Heather.

Attached: heatherwallpaper.jpg (2048x1536, 838K)

Robo-girl android Thursday please

Attached: THURSDAY.png (1262x1108, 1.57M)

best i could do

Attached: sgaef.png (760x1100, 148K)

This but it's a monkey paw delivery.

Requesting Insomni wearing a bikini. Exposed areolas optional.

Attached: 1456608658368.jpg (992x988, 305K)

>tfw another person was also trying to make a real delivery to that request
Wasn't expecting that well time for two cakes then.

Attached: 1437326512375.gif (514x510, 94K)

Requesting Iris Amicitia in a summer dress smiling toward the viewer.

Attached: Iris.png (1350x607, 574K)

Damn, Heather is fucking hot and best girl in Silent Hill!

Requesting a drawing of either shrine maiden or MILF-mode wearing casual clothes and/or an apron.

Attached: Mataharinew3.png (512x724, 314K)

worst fetish

>flat chest
>best anything


Macula Marius blowjob, leaving blue smears, rings, and kiss marks behind

Attached: macula.jpg (550x519, 73K)

Requesting Luigi,Sonic,Mario and Ness as the ghostbusters

Attached: BooBusters.png (1777x1199, 1.19M)

pov of her with her arms tied behind her back while the viewer is grabbing her ass, or the waistband like he's going to pull them down

>monkey paw delivery
Eh, what?


Requesting sexy ara ara milf version Kokoro Belmont pinching Soma Cruz's cheeks

Attached: Soma and the youngest living Belmont who would be 40 in his timeline.jpg (942x720, 71K)

Requesting Sara Ryder rocking an Autism Awareness ribbon for April.

Attached: Andromeda.png (480x436, 217K)

did any user finish this request of Terra and Cloud fighting like in the Smash Poster?

Attached: Terra vs Cloud request.jpg (1500x1082, 459K)


What should I draw to get more (You)s?

Requesting Shimakaze as a trap.

Attached: azurlanecrosswave6.jpg (1200x784, 159K)

Shock value shit.

>Actually drawing for (You)s
What an actual nerd. All you really need is a "taking requests for [insert popular degenerate fetish] and never actually deliver

Attached: 1552271465418.png (551x551, 260K)

Pregnant Aigis

Like uterine prolapse?

2B works like a charm

Attached: 1553408209589.jpg (850x1202, 152K)

requesting 2buttjob

Not a drawfag

Requesting either twin getting throat or ass fucked

Attached: __devola_and_popola_nier_series_and_etc_drawn_by_ji_no__7c734a017775f1a86e6b96dd271d8939.jpg (1000x1333, 222K)


Attached: ACNL_Girl.png (150x251, 52K)

Should I stop?

no just stop drawing for singashit

Nah, ignore them. They're just pissy they don't get their request picked.

Keep drawing whatever you want, never take the autists who whine over op pictures seriously.

Remember, blue board.

Attached: 1543006611579.png (1248x727, 209K)

can you draw other things than waifushit?

For post No.455418040 from old threads.
This is Futaba.

God bless you, user!

Attached: D3754982-2E2A-4446-9E32-B18282458CC9.jpg (2048x1785, 607K)

I've been here for years and I have no fucking clue which requests are supposed to be singapore requests. Just ignore the screeching autists.

Keep going, you're keeping these threads alive

defensive aren't we

Requesting Dante and Doomguy fistbumping while user cries and shits his pants in the corner.

Requesting Rozalin showing off this swimsuit to Adell with like half of her face switched over to her Zenon side with a Yandere smile. Also requesting Rozalin in a bunny outfit being cute.

Attached: 1ad255082e7e703a97be4ad71dc05fcd.png (2000x2000, 2.58M)

Please take your autism somewhere else. Go on, shoo.

I tried

Attached: 72D3D0E8-D54F-4A5B-8D50-B54F85CEF319.png (1200x1600, 328K)

Attached: takehimaway.jpg (480x360, 20K)


be less obvious

Yes, and? Am I supposed to be hiding something?

Attached: chrome_2019-04-18_11-49-45.png (991x469, 28K)


Attached: Soft tail.png (1114x1038, 966K)

I love drawing waifushit. But I'm open to suggestions.

I need joker sitting in a waiting room

Why so defensive? Lmao. It's just a video game character
>n-no I must defend Capcom and buy another Red Orb pack

What did Devil May Cry fans ever do to make you so butthurt? Do you have a rage aneurysm when you see people enjoying themselves?

It's just a request for a joke pic why are you so defensive

Because your request is pathetic, like really, people enjoy DMC so you're butthurt over it?

>not the mecha version

Attached: 66966973_p0.png (1080x1440, 1.93M)

Not him but
Pregnancies are cute

You don't even need to like Capcom to see "revenge" requests as utterly pathetic desu.

>It's just a request for a joke pic why are you so defensive
I don't know, why are YOU so defensive that you're now trying to pretend it was a joke request?

Attached: chrome_2019-04-18_11-54-55.png (1641x110, 43K)

Your joke needs an actual punchline, otherwise it's a shitty joke.

Stay fucking aasblasted DMC fans are the niggers on Yea Forums and literally nobody like them.

Pfffft, what a schizo.

Requesting Aigis getting into Smash Ultimate

Attached: 1473902624417.jpg (640x852, 215K)

You're just sad to watch.

>Red Orb pack
Like this?

Attached: 1554853494183.png (652x386, 758K)

Because honestly DMC fags are a r/eddit fanbase that do nothing but spam threads full of unfunny ms paint r/eddit edits, invade smash and Seriko threads to shitpost and generally suck their own dicks and pretend their watered down Bayonetta is gods gift to man.

There, happy?

The shitty joke is DMC fans I honestly can't comprehend how shit like GET MOTIVATED is in any way shape or form funny. All DMC OC is incredibly unfunny and cringeworthy and the fanbase is a bunch of obnoxious faggots. Look at all of the replies I got just now. No other fanbase does this.

Which is why everyone's laughing at you instead of laughing at the DMCfags?

Requesting Len and White Len like
with White Len saying catgirls instead of animals.

Attached: black_white_len.jpg (1364x1444, 507K)

Requesting her pregnant!

Tails look like it makes wearing panties a bitch.

I'm not the one requesting revenge art, so I don't think the one assblasted here is me desu.

/r/'ing Lana popping a squat and taking a hyperdump

Attached: Lana_concept_art.png (1280x895, 1.1M)

>not ass blasted
>taking a request so much to heart that you're actively trying to prevent it from happening
Ass blasted.

there are better waifushit deliveries on the prev thread that are more worthy of the op
looks like someone is forcing their garbage draws for attention

I want to see Mega Man X wearing the sweater Dr. Light made for him om this old dorkly short and being super happy and thankful for it.

One of the reindeer has a Megaman helmet.

Attached: Screenshot_20190417-213000_YouTube.jpg (2220x1080, 340K)

>user really does get assmad when he sees people have fun

Attached: 1411725748970.jpg (632x483, 279K)

DMC has always been Yea Forums-core as fuck. You're a newfag so you think making OC of something is reddit but that's actually the most Yea Forums shit you can do.

This is not possible.

>Retard is letting the falseflaggers make him hate a fanbase
Bravo idiot.

I'll have lots of fun too if my request of Dante getting his head ripped off by Doomguy is done. Then we can all have fun.

>getting so assblasted that people think your request is pathetic that you respond to every single post non-stop
You sure are defensive.

Lyn dressed as a Succubus.

Ahe must look slutty and not embarrased, red eyes.

Attached: IMG_20190417_190412.jpg (850x1430, 470K)

You havent tried enough

You made the request, we made fun of it. So yeah you're the one assblasted here.

Lyn as a slimegirl instead.

Attached: Green_Slime_Girl_by_AkuOreo.png (660x1000, 459K)

>getting so assblasted you and your DMC discord tranny friends are mobbing my posts to insult me over a random request
Defensive and ass blasted and tranny pilled.

You and your one discord buddy you msg'd telling Capcom's honor was in danger? I'm so insulted.

>he just keeps going

Attached: 3595_V89ASiV0.png (600x600, 86K)

>making it into a conspiracy
I think user is so buttflustered he's actually going insane.

At least request original Doomguy instead of the one in that mediocre reboot please.

Requesting fusion of Ivy and Camilla swinging a whipaxe

Attached: Lovelies ref.png (1533x1337, 1.27M)

>so does he
The truth is we're both ass blasted but I at least I can admit it. You're just trying to play the ebin smug high road when in reality you're actually ANGRY someone insulted a guy who doesn't exist made by a corporation that only wants your money.

>keeps replying as well.
I'm dropping it here. Continue ree'ing if you want.

This is fine.


>He doesn't know

He's trying to get the last word in. This is incredibly common on 4channel, in which somebody thinks that if they just keep responding until everybody else gives up, they've won the argument. So basically this guy is going to keep responding to every single post calling him a retard until either everybody gets bored or the thread dies.


It's completely natural to turn out nothing but embarrassingly bad shit when trying to do exercises in art books at first, isn't it? I'm probably being too hard on myself as usual, I haven't even been at this for a week yet. I'm actually sure I'm better than I was 4-5 days ago, but everything is still like something you might see from elementary schoolers.

He got btfo'd already, know he's just buzzword insults to save face.

so it's singapore?

See? He keeps responding. It's like clockwork. He'll respond to this one too. He'll just keep going and going because he can't handle how pathetic he looks.

Similar level of autism.

I haven't done any practice to increase my visual IQ since about a week and I should, but I'm getting tired for tonight even if I didn't draw anything today.

Dont expect to be able to draw anything remotely pleasant to look at until you've completed 1000 hours of practice

Now its up to you to decide if youre prepared to dedicate that much time

shut the fuck up.

Requesting Polarday and Obelisk (from Girl's Frontline) artwork.
Make it spooky, cool, badass and cute in the same time.
Sexy erotic art is welcome, but keep it spooky and badass too. For one girl drawing: Polarday is preferred.

Attached: Polarday&Obelisk.png (2370x2050, 2.63M)

>It's completely natural to turn out nothing but embarrassingly bad shit when trying to do exercises in art books at first, isn't it?
Yes, all artists have been there. I've been there. You have to push through it with steady and consistent and eventually you'll look back on those baby scribbles and see how far you've come. It sucks, but you have to put up wit hit.

Drawing from real life is always the answer.

whoa sorry, what did I say to offend you?

Requesting Daisy getting sexually teased from behind. Any other lewdness is fine too.
Refs and Daisy porn:

Attached: cutie.jpg (3296x2992, 1.26M)

Just a frustrated autist trying to play troll, ignore.

Yeah sure, I'll keep at it, I've spent years learning other sorts of things before. Here's hoping I can produce things that don't produce the deepest of shame in a year (and some actual good art in a few years).


Attached: Screenshot_20190417-214240_Gallery.jpg (1080x708, 228K)

Vert teaching what Easter is really about.

Attached: 44.jpg (1679x2382, 546K)

Draw Kirby before taking a nap!

How will DMC fans ever recover?


Remember, you're not a mod.

Attached: Mariel cannot seal his lewds.jpg (987x1690, 511K)

Tbqh you should make an account on cgpeers and download some of the popular video lectures

Book exercises suck, fun with a pencil is a meme.

Good online digital artists will actually sabotoge newbie artists by telling them to practice stupidly hard or shitty learning material, because it devalues their work. But by telling you this, i'll probably be accused of being crazy etc. Its true though

The quality is pretty fitting.

Requesting Jeanne in a cheerleader outfit still with her flag please and thank you

Attached: jeanne cheer cap.jpg (3840x2160, 3.11M)

Requesting Humba Wumba from "Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts" rubbing her pregnant belly.

Attached: Humba-Wumba.jpg (321x599, 24K)

This took way longer than it needed to be

Attached: kumatora burg.png (1215x1381, 562K)

Not everything is your bogeyman.

Dude gay thread lmao

OR here, very nice and cute user. Thank you.

Attached: yes.gif (540x385, 1.71M)

Cute burg.

Remember, he is extreme narcissistic.


>looks like dante's shrugging
Ok that's kino

this with bimbo aigis instead

Attached: 1523159239994.png (1280x1268, 418K)

This but with Astolfo or both together.

>being so ass-blasted you're shitting on this guy's work
someones' a spiteful little faggot.

Aganos vs delta

Attached: crossover33333.png (1607x1600, 1.62M)

Blame Sai's opacity meter

Mecha Elisabeth holding a sign that says Do Not Fist Robot Girls in front of her kind of like but her normal face

Attached: Mecha-Eli-Chan_FGO.jpg (1528x2488, 1.04M)

Noted. I'll check it out, thanks. Right now I'm just experimenting with learning methods I've seen mentioned, trying to find what works for me. Been reading Fun with a Pencil and it's not exciting right now that's for sure, but textbooks usually aren't. Also have Ctrl+Paint bookmarked to check out some more later, I've watched a few videos.

Nothing wrong with stating facts desu

fucking based

little dmcuck got assblasted it seems

Attached: 1502868484062.jpg (189x189, 12K)

Kirby is shit

It's a fact that you're a butthurt faggot right now. Lmao.

t. fag who can't even draw. Let me guess, waiting for another drawing of your shitty JRPG waifu like the little cuck you are?

Looks like a hit a nerve, good.

Kawaii work.

You didn't hit a nerve. You're just being a mean spirited faggot over a request getting done because you personally didn't like it. Fuck off.

Attached: lmao.jpg (281x283, 13K)

Attached: stop metashit.png (999x976, 326K)

Literally the most kino fetish

Keep posting more smug Kaguya, it's a great way to pretend you're not devastated over my posts and it's also a cute sight.

It's the hour in which the local autists throw their own shit at each other over dumb shit, just sit back and laugh.

Nah I'm gonna keep replying to indulge your shitposting anymore. Gonna go play MHW. Goodnight.

Attached: lmao.jpg (225x225, 9K)

Draw your fav vidya girl as a majin!

Attached: 1555544811051m.jpg (791x1024, 78K)

2B wearing this new DLC costume in Soul Calibur VI

Attached: 2B_Nier.png (1024x1024, 578K)

Sounds good, have fun instead of shitposting for too long.

Requesting Esna in a small display water tank.
Wearing a seaweed or kelp bikini and a frilly grass skirt for her bottom piece.
Putting on pretty pearls or other sea mineral jewelry.
Acting a little shy and embarrassed but looking presentable for her viewer.

Attached: Esnas.jpg (1457x610, 117K)

But what if my favorite vidya girl is already a majin?

Attached: Puddin.png (513x512, 240K)

Requesting cheeky and mean Curly Brace laughs at user.

Attached: 1553298580484.png (512x384, 204K)

I can't user

Draw them as a human then

Requesting Medli attacking this snot kid like in the video.

Attached: 507F1C86-E03A-4E80-A98A-76CE529B1FDB.png (1242x2208, 1.37M)

No one cares about your OC Lani

Requesting Zanza giving Shulk a noogie like an older brother would to his younger sibling.


Zanza ref (SPOILERS):

Either that or requesting a solo Shulk dressed in a formal suit and in bondage/shibari, with his pants unbuttoned to show his erect dick, with a bit of precum leaking.

Thank you either way!

Attached: 85D9B13E-9552-4C15-BFC9-8A7A07030863.jpg (3218x1536, 787K)


Attached: BIG and STRONG.jpg (391x633, 69K)

Easter is coming and there's not enough vidya bunny boys
Requesting Link in this outfit and pose, with fishnets pantyhose instead of stockings and black high heels.
Some make up will be nice too

Attached: 1551309915885.png (1340x2382, 3.3M)

Requesting a nurse or modern day doctor Sophie
Nurse can also be modern day or more of a fantasy-look

Attached: 1554835211082.jpg (913x1200, 144K)

What's wrong with fun with a pencil? The author seemed fairly knowledgeable.

Requesting a very very thick squid presenting her big ass and getting it smooched.

Attached: 1555066483827.jpg (1197x1097, 400K)

Trap Shimakaze plz

fun with a pencil is literally the "draw two circles, okay now draw the rest of the owl" meme, but in book form

if you want to be a decent artist, you need to attend life drawing classes

cowgirl Hornet and/or riding a rodeo machine

Attached: Hornet.png (984x1022, 960K)

Dumb vulture.

Requesting Laegjarn as a zombie, with broken armor, burnt skin, a missing eye, and deep open cuts across her body, with a sad, distant look on her face as she looks at her sword.

Attached: 5287A4AE-14B0-4A01-B1DC-4067A1D805BC.png (1600x1920, 404K)

Looks like "pls draw my request" is how vultures do

Poison coloring some Easter eggs

Attached: Poison.jpg (1451x1738, 200K)

>if you want to be a decent artist, you need to attend life drawing classes

Eh, not necessarily, but it helps. You can be decent at a lot of things without formal education. I'm completely self taught at Japanese and it serves me well, well enough to earn me a living, and I'm not a special case either.

Coloring the eggs with 'her' hair?


Requesting a deep, passionate kiss between Alicia and Rudy. Both characters are from the game Brave Soul.

Attached: alicia and rudy.jpg (850x1008, 143K)

Fuck that I want to see Rudy arm wrestle with Cloud or Doomguy or someone, I mean look at those guns

God bless you!

Attached: EF11D61C-74BB-4165-8DF5-F6E9F32C35E5.jpg (1536x2416, 477K)

Hey kid, what are you doing drawing girls with big boobs, don’t let your mom find out

Requesting color this

Attached: Rin Maid Arrest.jpg (1126x395, 459K)

Give me something cute to draw!

Requesting Arash from Fate GO yelling "STELLAAAAAAAAAAAA" like Marlon Brando does in "A Streetcar Named Desire".

Attached: Arashnew1.png (1388x725, 661K)

So is the right part dolphin or something? That tail looks very smooth

In a lot of media they address it as a pain even with specialized underwear

Mephistopheles doing cocaine or meth and either shouting from a hard but good hit or seriously tweaking out, think of

Attached: Mephistopheles .png (605x749, 554K)

give me a loli

Koume with many ghastly pokemons

Attached: shirasaka_koume__3__by_dekodere-d9dxx0t.png (680x1173, 373K)

Requesting someone lewd this cat please

Attached: 1555366383450m.jpg (1024x660, 77K)


Attached: Coropata.jpg (500x444, 65K)

Submarine New Hime riding a mall car for kids shaped as a sea animal.

Attached: submarine new hime.png (2598x1064, 2.72M)

Requesting JRPG characters who have a hood as part of their design but never wear it, wearing their hood up.
Examples: Tidus from FFX, Kairi from KH3, Shulk from Xenoblade, Black Rock Shooter (if you count the PSP game), Sarah from Mobius FF, Gran from Granblue Fantasy

I'd like to request either this (SFW)
or this (NSFW)
with Eldridge and South Dakota

Attached: vanillachocolate.png (948x2576, 2.27M)

interesting. .guess i'm not the only one that likes this image

Attached: and the filename is just 'meta shit' you don't need to add 'stop' to it as (999x976, 341K)

Another bikini Anabel request. Can someone do Anabel getting sunburned and is feeling discomfort and pain.

Attached: AF5F10EF-0441-489B-8118-EC4401345ADB.png (461x971, 91K)

Are there any good pokegilrs or smash related request here?

Attached: Black and white.png (852x1475, 394K)

a pic from behind of kahili swinging her golf club and unintentionally showing an upskirt of her ass, with emphasis on her butt

or getting creampied in any position while congratulating the guy fucking her on his "hole in one"

Attached: Sun_Moon_Kahili.png (493x766, 555K)


Leaf as a Rocket grunt.

Attached: FireRed_LeafGreen_Leaf[1].png (453x1080, 405K)

Hat Kid.

Draw Ashley taking K.rools giga croc dick

Attached: 1533867134492.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

Any of them being cute

Attached: __team_plasma_grunt_team_rocket_grunt_athena_haruka_hikari_and_etc_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_ank (850x364, 127K)

Requesting female Earthlain on the wedding bed in bridal lingerie please

Attached: Female-Earthrun.jpg (691x1221, 119K)

Requesting that you fix Nintendo's servers

Are you fucking shitting me

Attached: GUN.jpg (710x1030, 124K)

Crazed Moneko cuddling with a Haunter

Attached: Fullsizeoutput_ab.jpg (828x926, 138K)

Hat Kid magical girl princess outfit shy guy royal family.

showing off her apricorns

Attached: HeartGold_SoulSilver_Lyra.png (610x1280, 473K)

lel, nice


Can you do please?

Requesting an Ash and Pikachu version of this.

Attached: 1466017216810.jpg (462x435, 153K)

Requesting these two as a duo of idols.

Can you not do please?

You got it.

Hey you! Yeah, you, the one with the overly specific BOTW NPC waifu! It might be your lucky day, give me a minor NPC girl from BOTW and I might draw them. Pic unrelated.

Attached: pic-unrelated.png (800x450, 505K)

holy shit

Requesting a follow-up to this.

Attached: 4ccaadafaf49fc47e8c8eed7dddb7461[1].jpg (741x1000, 140K)

Stop it. This is just pathetic impersonating Rivierafag/swimsuitfag just to make him look bad.


Attached: Luca_Edit.png (910x1648, 550K)


Attached: 1541587676959.jpg (351x388, 53K)

Will a Paya do?

Attached: 1554894376597.gif (540x373, 2.81M)

Draw Paya eating papaya.

Anyone? I'm sad

Requesting an adult Spyro based on Nicholas Kole's artwork as a Vault Hunter in Borderlands series
can be holding any gun of your choosing from any borderlands game

Attached: Adult Spyro by Nicholas Kole.jpg (1664x2048, 192K)

Maybe later

you have less chance of your requests being drawn if you post references from garbage artists

Requesting Buliara in spats and a sport's bra sweaty after a work out

Attached: Chocolate.jpg (800x450, 46K)

Can I get Cynthia in a schoolgirl uniform?

you have less chance of your requests being drawn if you post references from garbage artists

I can still dream

He's already a pariah. Ironic falseflag vulturing isn't gonna make this fag get free commissions

how many times have you requested it?

Just this once

OR here. You are pretty good. Well it supposed to be rifle instead of pistol, but it's a nice work non the less.

all I can say is don't give up on your request if it doesn't get taken the first time

requesting vidya character of your choice with;

giantess, futa, bimbo, tf, tg, shrinking, feet, dorse, muscle growth, body swap, skinsuit, ganguro, preg, belly stuffing, ntr, femdom, threesome, armpits, no limbs, and hand holding

Attached: IMG_20190227_151546.png (297x301, 39K)

Dude i’m so fucking badass

This isnt the borderlands thread

Shut the fuck up, Barry.

Thank you for your comment!
God bless you! = ^ ; ^ =

You are allowed to draw too, grandpa!

Bianca and Hilda booty bumping.

Attached: Bianca hugged.png (595x841, 381K)

I told you don't worry. I'll just go and get some fresh air and try not to be EATEN by a monster.

Convince me as to why I should draw Mariel's OC

Anabel as the 50 Foot Woman, wearing a black bedsheet bikini instead & grabbing trainers on Tauros off a highway instead of cars.

Attached: D4131D74-CBEF-40AB-9C29-CBEC5D46BA16.png (200x415, 64K)

Because you are a fucking shit of a person

oh shit I’m sorry

Has anyone done this with Shadow?

Attached: E2BFBA28-1D6B-478F-BFE8-5DD0B6309036.jpg (1738x1503, 282K)

Paya's fine although I was looking more for the random human NPCs. We'll see how it turns out.

Because it would make people mad. Or if its an ironic one; to bully the fucktard

If isnt her taking dick or being killed why Marisa why do it

Convince me why I shouldn't make my own less generic but superior waifu.

Someone like this?

Attached: Sagessa-0.png (700x394, 828K)

Loone please, maybe examining some Sheikah tech or something.

Attached: Loone.png (140x301, 50K)

ok then, do what you do best, user

Requesting Airy with either: armpits, shrinking, no limbs, or handholding.

Attached: Airy3.jpg (744x967, 105K)

If you want to piss off half the thread for shits and giggles, sure

Draw her being splitroasted by Futa Aigis and a Battlecat

This but Aigis is a battletoad.

How will that work?

This, but Aigis is a bimbo

Only if you reference this with his OC.

t. mariel

Maybe a grown up Lillie who looks as sexy or even sexier than her mom?

Attached: Professor Lillie.jpg (2480x3508, 1.07M)

Gave it a shot
I love areola slips but I'm not experienced with drawing them. gomen

Attached: insomni_sfw.png (1000x1500, 217K)

Here you go, user. Honestly, who can't draw Rayman? Such a fun and easy character to draw

Attached: raymancolor.png (1200x1200, 226K)


Nice linework user.

Saved, that's great

Thanks for the comments, guys. Glad you like it!

requesting this but with Mariels OC girl

Here you go.

Attached: Poke.png (1209x1748, 427K)

Good shit bro

Attached: Nice 1.gif (560x315, 3.65M)

Make her dress like Rash

Good? I can't tell you. Still wanna see this idea done before we're all singing praises of Shield-chan and the waifu House Leaders and whatever HD Hex Maniac's design's gonna be.

>Skyla and Mallow in whipped cream bikinis staring at each other competitively

Attached: mao_and_fuuro_make_a_porno.png (680x968, 815K)


Attached: 4-17-19_Johanna.png (1020x1320, 749K)

quality ass, thank you!

Requesting bob cut Charlotta but in her usual outfit and with color too, if possible.

Attached: Potato knight ref.png (1526x666, 621K)

Would use as a pillow/10

Attached: bote bulge.png (2271x2518, 875K)

Requesting Charlotta using her crown like an onahole.

Attached: 1506985403791.jpg (800x845, 95K)

Goodnight drawthread!

Remember, stick to the board theme and its nature, for everything else, there are red boards.

Cute butt.


Fucking kek

Requesting this but Nero is punching Vergil while Dante is shocked

Attached: 1498453569101.png (1278x884, 438K)

It begins, very cute bote bulge and benis. OR here, Shimakaze-kun is the best, thanks drawbro.

Attached: 1528385908510.jpg (962x973, 144K)

Remember, lewds can work with any board theme and nature! Remember you can link your delivery on a red board here!

And remember Mariel, you're not a mod - making announcements with a tripname is akin to pretending to be one!

Attached: lewd requesting is best.png (1200x1200, 377K)

Did anyone work on the Saki request from a few days ago? If not that's cool.

Attached: LoS_Mizushima_Saki_SSR01.png (1624x1008, 587K)

thanks guy enjoy bote

Requesting Ann Haru and Makoto all in Haru's big sweater

Attached: P5request.png (988x1732, 1005K)

Good, but I think she broke her spine

Attached: pichaSmug.jpg (1600x1600, 328K)

Fukken nice

Who dis

Requesting Marx, Jevil and Dimentio teaming up distorting the world into madness

Attached: download.jpg (1608x488, 172K)

Zenon Rozy but domesticated, still crazy/evil but also happy. Gotta have her gun though
Feel free to do whatever else, big(ger) tits preferred

Attached: Rozalin1_dg2b.jpg (1160x1000, 171K)

OR here. Looks great. Thank you for doing it.

Shit looks like the crap you see the loser weebs draw in the cafeteria during middle school.

Going to get started on one in a few minutes, if you have any more suggestions before i decide let me know (Text only)

Don't worry, user. In a year, you'll get to eat at cafeteria.

Edea or Agnes in the FF versions of their job outfits. Black/White/Red Mage, etc.

>BOTW NPC waifu
say no more

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.35M)

Saturday night fever Ringabel.

Oh shit Bardbot?

Magnolia having an orgasm eating a fresh mango

taking simple cute girl and pose requests, lewd also ok


It's Rayman. Unless you're asking who I am

How about them trying to escape the bottle but agnes hips or airies breasts get stuck

Here's a wip. Will get back to it tomorrow.

Attached: 4-18-19_maofuro.png (1020x1320, 414K)


Ilias from Monster Girl Quest in this pose.

Attached: Ilias.png (640x480, 309K)

projecting desu

Requesting Charlotta used as an onahole

>n-no u

Attached: Laughing Meat.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Lana lifting the bottom of her swimsuit like the pic in this article.

Attached: 1555243022923m.jpg (673x1024, 71K)

Have victoria get her hands on them

Requesting more of her her like this

Attached: 5.jpg (1200x1732, 455K)

Please refer to this user, I'm not taking requests

cursed image

Oh glory of glories...

Wakasagi trying to imitate a barrel snake.

Attached: wakasagihime_by_wolfiereimu_dd3rw8o-fullview.png (400x593, 152K)

i would try to draw breasts to practice, but no that big, got any suggestions

Attached: CuteFamilyFriendlyElf.png (429x394, 117K)

Delete this.

Requesting a version of this gif but with the Yetis from Ratchet and Clank on their frozen hellhole of a world.

Attached: Ratchet and Clank Yeti Art Request.gif (460x470, 2.42M)

Draw a b-cup nepgear holding up her breats.

Attached: Nepgear_V2.png (512x1443, 625K)

This with Edea

Big fat aradia tits

bimbo aigis


bimbo sigis

Requesting Yae washing her hair.

Attached: yae.gif (400x373, 1.86M)

The softest.

Oppai witch

Attached: puyo_puyo_20th__witch_cutscene_sprite_by_raffine52-d8k7nga.png (691x1157, 587K)

i dont remember the name of her game, she doesnt even show up in google

Attached: aradiasearch.png (649x347, 157K)

Paper, I swear it wasn't me


Can confirm

Night of Revenge
Glad I kept this.

Attached: Combat Reference Images.png (2338x1594, 2.68M)

t. Aradiafag
Fuck off

Everyone you don't like that requests a character is *-fag.

So you’re actually Aradiafag, good to know faggot

To you, I'm going to be whoever you pretend me to be.

who's Aradiafag

>more aradiashit autism
You faggots really love this subject huh.

who or what is Aradia?


Some character from some shit called homestuck apparently.

Character from a porn game.
Speaky doesn't like her, so he accuses anyone that posts her of being a samefag.

didnt feel like drawing her, heres a paint doodle

Attached: aradia.png (435x334, 16K)

Requesting Aradia from Night of Revenge dressed like the Aradia from Homestuck or vice-versa..

oh, thanks for the info

>still draws her


i dont accuse anyone buddy i spent this last minutes doodling that aradia

He did the same with Shygal once, what a fag

Speaky's ten second MS paint doodles barely quality as drawings.

Braid is on the wrong side.

>he undid her hair during sex, then tied the braid on the wrong side
This is ADVANCED bullying!

A lot of aradia deliveries fall under that category, just saying.

As long as he takes the time to make something in his own artstyle, it counts as a drawing. Even a doodle counts as a drawing. And its funny.

A lot of deliveries in general do.
Half of the Aigis deliveries are mspaint doodles.

Why was this shit popular again?

babby's first webcomic

You've got artist who do pretty much just simple doodles so I don't see the point in complaining desu.

seething :^)

When did I ever complain?

Judging by the booru has gotten maybe three deliveries that aren't coloured lineart or short doodle-tier, most of them being by the same few artists who like her, yet we have incredibly long arguments over Aradia nearly every thread. If you look at Aigis's booru deliveries it's balmost three solid pages of Bishop shitposts before you hit other artists and Speaky's scribbles.

The amount of bitching over those two is pretty disproportionate to the amount of deliveries they actually get these days. So whoever keeps sperging out should probably calm the fuck down and let them roll past.

Playing a game of poker with the courier from new vegas.

Attached: crossreference323.png (1041x1006, 920K)

Attached: Best Friends.png (556x581, 144K)

It's totally fine if they "barely count as drawings" is my point, so dismissing them because of that is kinda dumb.

Requesting vidya characters drawn with shitty mid 2000s webcomic aesthetics.

I just figured there's a difference between quick sketches and some lovingly crafted fully developed picture that took eight hours to draw, six to ink, and twelve to colour. If anybody's acting like the former's a big deal they need to step back for a minute and calm down.

>barely count as drawings
>better than anything you can draw
lmaoing @ ur lyfe

I never dismissed them though.
I feel like you keep making up my opinion for me to get angry at it.

Both are fine, it's a draw thread so take what you receive desu.

Aigis as a poorly edited Megaman 7 sprite?

Referring to them as "barely counts as drawings" sounds pretty dismissive desu.

But that wasn't my post.

Or Final Fantasy Sprite, maybe a Sonic OC.

Built for BDF

Then I'm obviously referring to that post and it's poster.

But you quoted me and someone else.
Why would you quote me if you weren't responding to me?

>That time speaky actually put effort into a drawing

Only one post replied to my posts, so I said that complaining had no point referring to the overall conversation, not only the later posts.

This. Also consider drawing Aradia this way

Here, have this old delivery.

Attached: Sprite.jpg (75x275, 3K)

Angry? Lmao, I'm HAPPY.

i just wanted to try and draw boobs, and people are derailing the thread

Attached: sigisCry.png (251x236, 4K)

That's aradiashitter for you.

Draw big boobs from not irrelevant characters and save the day, you can do it!

But he only draws Aigis and OC Elf Aigis!
And neither got into Smash as a costume! Even TAILS got in as a costume!
We're doomed!

That's what you get for being a shitposter. LMAOing @ ur lyfe!

Reminds me of a random knight/soldier from some snes rpg.

Different guy, but I gave it a shot.
Sorry the line art and jacket are kind of crummy.

Attached: Gastly and Gengar are almost the exact same size according to the pokedex. Imagine a nearly meter an (801x691, 31K)

Then he should draw Aigis dressed as tails or something.
Cute spooky.

Artists should stand out based their skill, not on gimmicks.

There's a point where drawing boobs becomes less of a selling point and more of a cover-up for one's flaws and stylistic shortcomings. Real talk.


Attached: 1474557041464.png (856x1272, 330K)

Yeah but he draws soft boobs, so I asked for a soft girl to be drawn with soft boobs.

Attached: Disgruntled Witch.png (328x278, 9K)

Sure but in the internet you've got a lot of horny fags who won't really care about that as long as there are big boobs on the pic. good thing i still have this


Good stuff!

Attached: 1442812151040.png (244x241, 72K)

>he drew not one but THREE pictures of Aradia

LMAO @ Speaky!

But that's the same image, reversed, and with BDF taken out.

thats not me buddy

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-18 at 3.24.18 AM.png (740x777, 756K)

Cute slimes.

Bravo retard.

Damn I was thinking of doing this one right now. Good stuff, user! I'm lovin' the colors you used.

Silly and cute fellows.

This is super cute! Their expressions are adorable and fun, their poses are dynamic and have a good flow to them and the whole thing gives off this nice innocent vibe!

This is great, you managed to get really energetic poses out of such simple designs.

New thread

Lots of good stuff this thread. Thanks a bunch drawbros :^D

New thread

Requesting mars eating something.

Attached: mars.jpg (2880x1735, 568K)



Cute as hecc

Favorite Deliveries Time!

wait, arent we still 60 images away from needing a new thread?

Way to show that youre fucking new

sorry i don't want to spend too much time on it, or i won't be able to post

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-18 at 3.43.56 AM.png (446x691, 145K)


Attached: 69476117_p2.png (1183x1690, 1.67M)

Attached: 1393811893283.gif (192x208, 104K)

She looks cute!