I can't believe they let Yoshi-P get away with this line, bros....
I can't believe they let Yoshi-P get away with this line, bros
>second quest ends with you sleeping with noctis
>the reward is his pants
what did yoshi mean by this?
>implying you wouldn't
>We will never get to see her all grown up and killing daemons, we will never get the chance to absolutely dick her down.
FUck this stupid game, why did it have to be shit AND deny me my wife.
Wait... his shirt has a floral design on it?
Noctis should have gone for Iris instead of Luna. At least she actually has a personality.
>Punished user, denied of his waifu
i want to fuck noctis!
source me fampai
We know, Iggy.
Gender bent Noct is probaly sexy as hell.
Motto! Aisare Ouji Visual Kei
Wait, so he moved from a game that sucks ass to a game that sucked even more ass to the point that it died once? Is this man begging for suicide?
Those are skulls, specifically the Roen logo
(Japanese fashion brand that Nomura has a boner for that he contracted to design the clothes for the main cast of FFXV, it's actually on Young Regis' suit tie as well, but too pixelated to see in-game)
(Also represents Noctis being the sacrificial lamb and the entire nation of Lucis being essentially constructed around his prophesied death)
>Visual kei
fuck yes
>not playing pocket edition
She was the worst part of the game, even if I waited 13 years for it, that fucking cunt was worse
that's good shit
I kinda want to try xv now, but >100gb
big textures