>open source
>4 game modes
>active community and rewarding ranking system
>don't have to buy some faggy guitar
Why do other rhythm games even bother?
Open source
Other urls found in this thread:
>wanna play osu
>99% of maps are japanese songs
I got no problems with anime or shit but japanese songs are fucking horrible, I would rather pierce my ears with needles than have to listen to j-pop or anime songs again.
>pierce my ears with needles
What else would you pierce them with?
Etterna is better
>open source
>4 game modes
>active community and rewarding ranking system
>don't have to buy some faggy guitar
>game sucks
that's why
>rewarding ranking system
Did they fix the retarded combo-based score system?
deez nuts
No thanks, too busy playing LR2 and Infinitas
t. Retard who can't hold combo
>rhythm game
>scores you harder on things other than rhythm
There's no defending this
This, I've spergerd for 4 months on osu while other rhythm games only last a few weeks. Everything is perfect.
>thinks a rhythm game should reward a big combo instead of overall accuracy
>you and another player both play a song and miss only one note
>you have better timing than them
>their score wins because their miss was further from the middle of the song than yours
>actually defending this
>combos take more skill than accuracy
Play a real rhythm game, bucko.
If it isn't an fc you didn't actually play the map
In games like IIDX you can FC a song and not even get an AA. Full Combos don't mean shit.
>can't have high acc and fc
kinda cringe that you learned that lesson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rhythm game
dumb osuposter
a pencil?
How does one gets good at this kind of games?
Do you listen to rap 'music' or something?
Play more, do practice maps if you're bad at a certain aspect of the game
Playing it often.
Actually, I listen to jazz, classic, and sometimes hard rock.
>4 game modes
Which are all lower quality rip-offs from other, better games.
I wish they'd add a project diva game mode.
Just keep playing.
There's literally no other way to get better.
The good thing about rhythm games is that they usually have a very high skill ceiling, making them way more replayable than other genres.
Why the FUCK would I play Osu when all the good songs are taken from actual good rhythm games with more fun ways to play?
Such as?
project diva arcade
Rock Band
>don't have to buy some faggy guitar
implying a tablet isn't just as faggy.
How about some that aren't in the mania style.
>mania style
As in vertically scrolling? DJMax tecknika, Project diva, taiko.
I want to get into bemani is infinitas worth?
You can pirate the arcade games
Literally just play a lot
People always see shit like this and think "woah rhythm games are some of the most hardcore shit out there" but the thing with it is you generally don't really need to learn specific things or train stuff to get good at it like you would with an RTS, you just play it and you automatically climb up the ranks
You can argue that there are techniques you can learn or ways to train that will make you improve faster or have an easier time, but the key to gitting gud is literally just "play a lot." It's not like a strategy game where you can put thousands of hours in and still be a complete shitter
Dealing with finding semi up to date rips might be a pain in the ass so I'd rather just spend my money
get on sows or go to /1cc/ on unspeakablechan
Since when is Osu open source?
osu!lazer is open source
>4 game modes
Remember: Taiko > Mania > Catch >>>>>> Standard
>Taiko and Mania
Just play Beatmania or Taito then you fucking mongoloid, they're infinitely better than the Osu versions.
>Catch >>>>>> Standard
Only popular anime get good beat maps or nightcore/trash remixes Osu! is trash.
implying you have to have a tablet to be any good and enjoy the game
Have Osu players simply never tried the games their modes are based off of? There's someone in this very thread that for some reason wants a Project Diva mode when he could just play Project Diva. What's the appeal of an Osu version?
That's a pretty obscure pull, but I appreciate it.
>What's the appeal of an Osu version?
its free.
No clue, but I know for a fact Osu Taiko is just straight up infinite worse than regular Taiko. The drumrolls in Osu Taiko are basically just notes since you have to hit it at specific times for it to count, not just as many hits as possible in a time frame, and its nowhere near as polished.
So are all the others, sims exist.
So are a lot of other clones. The clones also actually try to remain faithful to what they're copying.
unironically this its a great rhythm game system but most of the available beatmaps is weeb shit
free and big community that can provide an endless stream of maps
What percentage of those maps are well designed and worth playing? Never played Osu but if they can deliver quality on par with official charts I might have to try the game.
this i don't even mind vidya osts/meme songs but anime music is a hard pass for me
I saw everyone saying this and went to check out beatmania, but that shit looks and feels like absolute trash. What am I missing? Did I find the wrong thing?
I have project Diva Future Tone. I like the game a lot. Now I want more.
A lot are high quality, also its made by different people, so you'll have different mapping styles
So download PPD.
>>don't have to buy a faggy guitar.
But you can play Clone Hero with a keyboard, though. Granted, doing taps can be a nightmare, but it's still doable.
>looks and feels like absolute trash
Describe why
The game isn't for everyone and it is one of the harder rhythm games out there
Too bad "high quality" charts for a fundamentally bad game doesn't make it less bad.
then why do you even ask?
I tried PPD before. It took forever to get it to work because the site is in japanese and hardly anyone talks about it. Then once you get into it you find out that getting songs is equally hard because you need to download entire videos instead of just mp3s (and from niconico), then find out the offset values because for some reason the beats are never in sync, then you gotta change the offset values anyway because the ones they provide are wrong most of the time. Then you can finally play your one song.
Say what you want about Osu's community but the game itself has streamlined the hell out of creating songs and adding songs. Having that in a project diva emulator would be amazing.
>Yea Forums is one person
Sure it's annoying but after years of F 2nd's edit mode I've gotten used to it. It's not too much of a hassle after you've done it a couple times, and I'd say the end result is worth it. You also can't just expect a fan-made platform to be completely smooth in every facet.
Well like I said, the game itself is pretty damn polished. All the negatives I hear are due to the community not taking advantage of the tools. If someone put the same polish of the osu mode into a project diva mode I'd play the hell out of it.
Disregard, I was thinking of o2jam. Beatmania is good. Only reason I don't play it is because I'm bad when more than 4 keys are involved.
>don't have to buy some faggy guitar
Yeah you have to buy a drawing pad instead.
You can be good with a mouse but the skill ceiling is lower compared to a tablet. It's impossible for the best mouse players to compete with the best tablet players. It's like if top FPS players on console using a gamepad played top FPS players using mouse and keyboard although the difference in skill ceiling is not as extreme in OSU! as my FPS example.
Probably because mania is a dumbed down version of those games.
In osu, maps have to pass a quality check to get ranked, also maps need to have a certain amount of "mods" (other mappers giving advices on what they would change, if a pattern is weird, if the timing is wrong) before getting ranked
If people are willing to polish up an Osu mode I'd rather them just put that effort into making PPD better.
I don't play really play PPD though because there's no way to transfer holds between the face buttons and d-pad directions, or use the analog sticks for slides. Until there's a way to do those things, I'm sticking to Future Tone. Almost at 999999 Diva Points.
I mean 9999999
Osu isn't a rhythm game, it's a precision clicking game. The fact that you can do an input on the correct time and still fail because you didn't click in the right spot makes it invalid. Please do not call it a rhythm game.
Is EBA not a rhythm game too, then?
The best freeware rhythm game and rhythm game community was Stepmania.
>The fact that you can do an input on the correct time and still fail because you didn't click in the right spot makes it invalid. Please do not call it a rhythm game.
>IIDX isn't a rhythm game because you can hit on time but fail because you hit the wrong button
Are you retarded?
No. It's also a precision clicking game under the guise of rhythm. EBA however is better though because it runs on hardware that uses a touch screen and a stylus. Obviously pc can do that as well but 99% of people don't have that for their computers.
Brainlet post.
>Brainlet post.
Concession accepted!
Beat saber is better.
Sound Voltex/Kshoot chads ww@
fuck off dan you ape looking fuck
There's a difference between doing a correct input (click) at the correct time and failing because you weren't in the designated circle and doing an incorrect input (right arrow) at the correct time on a left arrow prompt. The former is testing you on cursor precision while the latter is testing you on rhythmic pattern recognition.
Taiko is more fun, challenging and a more intense workout. All Beat Saber has going for it is the novelty of VR. And that Goku scream track I guess.
It's literally the exact same thing, tap in a certain place at a certain time. You are either baiting or legitimately retarded.
If you could make custom songs, Voez would be the best rhythm game
>Want to play Osu
>It's all just JPEG backgrounds instead of the cool stories from Ouendan 1/2 and EBA
>Need to buy a tablet or a drawing tablet for it to be fun
I tried getting into it but it didn't really stick with me
It's not really obscure, it's an improved version of Stepmania
The entire concept of moving your cursor to a location makes it inherently not rhythm, I don't know what's so hard for you to understand about that. Games like DDR, IIDX,Pump it up, etc. Have designated buttons in set locations that you press with your feet. Rather than sitting at a computer, you are physically moving your body to press the inputs to the mysic, making it rhythmical by nature. You might have actual medical aspergers if you don't understand this.
>The entire concept of moving your cursor to a location makes it inherently not rhythm
But moving your finger to a location doesn't?
This is my last reply, good job baiting me this far
All the best rhythm games are on mobile.
People like this user are the ones who can't into high skill rhythm games and killed arcades. Go play pay and leave us alone.
>open source
Unoptimized and unfinished mess. Just because it's open source, doesn't mean it's good. Then again, the closed source builds aren't good either.
>4 game modes
All broken badly in one way or another, either by shit charting, input lag or pants on head retarded decisions on how scoring should work.
>active community
The community is more based on how much garbage can you get ranked before you you get banned for stupid shit.
>rewarding ranking system
PP was a mistake.
>don't have to buy some faggy guitar
I only agree on that, except that you have to buy a chink cheap tablet if you want to have a chance to progress.
>Why do other rhythm games even bother?
Other games don't have the malware made by Dean "lol what's security" Herbert. Remember when puush was installing malware, and when the game source got leaked, finding that it sent screenshots of your desktop for "anticheat".
I'm a IIDX player you fucking autist
OSU isn't a rhythm game but the fact that you have to click in a certain spot isn't the reason why and you're an absolute retard, it's not a rhythm game because it scores you on streak over your rhythm
By your logic the only rhythm game is Groove Coaster
And I suppose DJMax Technika isn't a rhythm game either for the same reason? Go jump off a cliff into a pile of Legos.
Literally anything pointy?
>every rhythm games should be like [my favorite rhythm game], or it's not a real rhythm game
You know, you could just make your own beatmaps. Also I hope you're not just playing ranked maps.
probably cause others are a lot less likely to give you carpal tunnel
Are there any that have complex hold notes and isn't an unsynced mess like o2jam?
I need a specialized controller for beatmania, I don't need one for osu mania.
If i could be convinced that beatmania is playable at anything above babyshit without a controller I would jump ship in a second.
>Fucking awful fanbase
>Creator is a cock slurping faggot
i love this game and played it for years but it got to a point where playing it at all puts my fingers and wrist in a lot of pain so i had to stop and i wish i could play it again without feeling any of that
Literally this. Played it since 2015 to last week. Stopped many times because of that but now I'm decided to quit
But it's only fun with a specialized controller. Are you saying you'd rather play Guitar Hero with a pad?
etterna is the best nigger
>Someone says something
>Make a bad analogy
>Argue against your own bad analogy
>Declare the other person retarded
Are you retarded?
You're right, I'm just hesitant to drop 40 bucks on a controller for a game I'm not positive I'll like.
hello i am popular etterna man Skwid and i do not condone racism. not all etterna players are very racist like this person. i will agree that osu is stinky though.
>Pe "I rip off people then ban them" ppy
Aside from the retarded scoring system and horrible community, Osu is actually pretty alright. It doesn't deserve most of the hate it gets from rhythm game "purists".
Hello I represent the common etterna player and we would like to say fuck niggers, stay away from my cool rhythm game it's not for shitskins.
ok rkd, kill yourself
Aside from the shit scoring system and the shit commubity and the shit team running the game and the shit ranking system, yeah the game is good
do not listen to this person. he is an extreme outlier. we are a very inclusive (and very cool) community.
Rhythmchads, what's the best rhythm game I can play without peripherals at home?
Are you illiterate or what?
Just tried it and HOOOLY SHIT
It's insanely much worse than Stepmania. Fucking fuck off, user
you're probably just retarded
hello kyzentun, dont you have a new method of spinning the receptors in 4 dimensions while flashing 100 colours on screen at once to be owrking on for sm6?
I don't understand how you can hold this opinion, please elaborate
>get back in to Osu
>having fun with 4-4.5 star maps
>get good enough for 5 star
>start to despise the game
Most games get more enjoyable at higher difficulties but Osu is fucking obnoxious to play past 5 star
T. Image related
Nigger derived
>Hard Rock
Nigger derived
What, some of Chopin's stuff like everyone else?
You're no better, nigger.
Because of this:
HP drain needs to be fixed. Insta-failing every song when you miss once is no fun.
>literally only loli moe crap music
>tfw this is the only reason I can't recommend it to most people