Tits are worse than cutting a man open and pulling his intestines out

>tits are worse than cutting a man open and pulling his intestines out
How does this make any sense?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I thought feminism was about sexual revolution?

America was a mistake.

virtual sexiness leads to real world muh soggy knees but virtual violence doesn't lead to real world violence, how is that hard to understand you fucking incel

what would devs even do if they ban violence?
they suck at anything that isnt shock value

In Burgerland we're more OK with heads coming off than pants

Oh, don't worry, they'll go after violence next.


Pro-regressives are all body and sex positivity until they presume that all men had a hand in creation of a sexually provocative female character then they get upset.

Both should be censored

china doesn't like nude women in games. America wants to be up in china's market.

White supremacy doesn't make sense.
If you don't understand white supremacy everything else will confuse you.

women's rights was a mistake

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Give it time. After sexual anything is banned, violence will be next

What is the most violent and gory video game?

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>games toning down sexual content
Not in the EU, senpai

Puritan Christian values, where parents would rather condemn sexuality then be forced to explain to their kids what it is..

harvest moon friends of mineral town

It's okay to show dismemberment and guts being pulled. But god help you if you show a female nipple!

Honestly if they actually enforced things with "M" rating/PEGI 18 and whatnot, this probably wouldn't even be a talking point and the journos wouldn't be bitching about dealing with 13-year-olds all the time in CoD BL4 or whatever. It's a pretty known fact that basically no one enforces those--even Steam just has a "select your age to see this store page" thing. No one cares, no one asks, cuz kids are a massive consumer of games

I honestly don’t get why you people so desperate for sexual content in games that have nothing to do with sex. Just watch porn if you’re so horny.

tetris 2?

I honestly don't get why people get so worked up over sexual content in games they weren't going to play anyway. You weren't going to play them so why the fuck do you care?

whatever, I dont live in western femenist/islamic/buhddist shithole

At this point, feminist are making women seem like another "monority" group. You'll eventually have to start treating them not like equeals but in the same way we talk and treat children or disabled people.
Im not going to treat a child the same way to an adult.
and im not going to mistreat a disabled person.
So it all comes down to treating women like disabled children.
So much for equality of sexes there.

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nothing should be censored you purple haired moron

>How does this make any sense?
It makes sense if you're designing your game around people streaming it. Violence like that won't get complaints or your channel taken down, but too much sex might. They're just trying to spin it into a moral thing.

>violence good love bad
American culture is poison.

Stop calling yourself america

This is actually true though. This website proves that

Maybe the problem is that they're trying to cater to an audience of men and women equally so they think they have to cut out the sexual themes entirely because it focused too much on the women and not on the men.
Like they're okay with the gratuitous violence because the female characters can kill the male characters and vice versa.

>Hold hands

It's not just Christians anymore. This isn't the 90s

Because the tits are for betamales, which are a small, poor, angry market that nobody wants to cater to anymore. While everyone enjoys violent games. Sorry virgin :D

never ending incel tears

Former feminist here. This is how it used to be. Sex positivity and liberty of a woman's body to express it as she chooses.

Now we have neo-feminism that ironically pushes the same misogynistic idea that women should cover up/hide their sexuality that we've been trying to fight for generations. Doesn't help that Muslim "feminism" where women feel wearing a hijab and hiding their femininity from men is a symbol of empowerment has infected Western feminism and set it back by years of progress.

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My government banned porn
Censorship is evil

Looks like shit
Soggy knees? Wtf kind loser cracker both white faggot are you?

Can't wait to feel like I'm in the 90s again

Yeah, but they started it.

>sex positivity and liberty
aka being a dumb degenerate whore

There is sexualised men. People refuse to see it. FFXV was a prime example with everyone crying over Cindy but no one batted an eye with Gladious

>Because the tits are for betamales, which are a small, poor, angry market that nobody wants to cater to anymore.
on a scale of 10-100 how gay are you?

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Kill yourself

Yet sexualised shit was rampant back then. Christians gave more of a shit regarding violence

>tits are for betamales
honestly the muslims are right, queers should be thrown off roofs, your time will come fag boy

>how does this strawman not make sense
gee dude idk

Liberals are a violent suicidal cult. They espouse the exact same rhetoric as the Jim Jones cult.

They're basically passive aggressive terrorists that use an over engorged government to force the public against it's own nature.

Because they don't want you to see people having pleasure, they want you to see people in pain.

Missing the forest for the trees, probably on purpose
What these people wish for is a world with creative freedom without social pressure and without censorship. Not all which is censored is sexual in nature but it happens that a lot of it is.

In other words be dumb and slutty and do irreparable damage but be free from consequences

This is basically what happens to everything. It gets co-opted by stupid people and turned into a backwards mess while wearing the original intent as a skinned corpse mask.

Stupid people need to go. Fuck stupid people.

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ok retard

How is it empowering to be a nasty whore?

Well yeah who needs to know about sex or the human body until like 20+
Killing is good btw

Fucking murica man
Kids are well developed everywhere even where sex is a normal thing and theres no issues
Oh well i guess my parents fucked up by not giving me a gun at 5

t. she baboon

Not really. Wasn't the Bible all smiting and damnation and slaughtering? If anything, Christianity loves gore.

What the fuck are you talking about man?

Violence in video games helps a person calm down and let off stress .Lewds in video games helps a person calm down and let off stress. Take one away, and someone's gonna look for a new means of stress relief. Shit ain't gonna work how they want it to. I know violence in video games keeps me calm, because I put up with so much shit in a day that I need to relax. At least pixiv, twitter, and other mediums for lewd video game girls are still alive.

It is. They revolutionized the word "revolution" so that it means "regression" now.

not for fun


The point is that they're doing what they want to do, rather than being told by men to cover up and be modest.

you people just don’t understand human psychology. People who play video games are generally genetic trash taking up resources, so normies are a okay with encouraging you to kill yourselves or each other, or to get yourselves killed. They aren’t okay, however, with you reproducing and creating more genetic trash, thus they avoid encouraging it and look to all avenues to shame any sexuality coming from this genetic trash.
tldr; all normies support eugenics in some form

Racist white feminist is biych go fuck dog your dog ugly ass cave beast

I hope you realize that they'll never agree to allow sexual content and only double down on censoring violence if they're allowed to get their way.

Because oversexualization makes Hollywood and other institutions irrelevant, females are in a stock market type bubble.

only the old testiment which is also known as the jewish holy book the torah

They have been blaming violence on video games for the longest fucking time and still are.

So it's nothing you retard. You cant empower women who already have all the rights and more stupid white whores complaining

>men like violence
>women like violence
>men like sex
>women don't like sex
>why is one of these considered worse than the other???

No one truly understands human psychology.

source: rectum

>it's the Christian's, goy!

False. Christians main motivation in the early 90s was to protect CHILDREN from violent and perverted content.

What we're seeing now is puritanical leftism. It seeks to guard ADULTS from their own choices and tastes.

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nope feminism is a cancer that leads to immigration and the destruction of a nation
All feminists should be killed, especially the nigger and kike ones



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But guys are still pretty hot?

women love sex

Ah yes 14yo in bikinis on the news and reality tv is good and so are 40yo trannies making out with children
But god forbid those evil incels have their sexy costumes thats just pure evil

>I thought feminism was about sexual revolution?

>sexual content is defeated
>time to move onto the next target: violence
>explicit language after that
>and so on
What's the point of having ratings if everything needs to be 10-year-old friendly?

People weren't violent at all until video games came along, y'know.
Never mind that two of the bloodiest and most organized conflicts in human history occurred in the earlier half of last century.

>The point is that they're doing what they want to do,

Can we at least stop propping them up as if they're doing something meaningful?

>years of progress
See that’s the thing. Women are doing this shit like accepting Islam precisely because they want strong men to control them, which are being bred out of existence through social engineering. Just look at the Star Wars “male”.

>the same people who want more government support programs for the needy are the same people who support eugenics


>women don't like sex
Guess that means theres nothing wrong with rape, since if women dont like sex all sex is rape so violent rape is okay

t. faggot


Choose one

>Women are doing this shit like accepting Islam precisely because they want strong men to control them
haha you what


>homosexuality is fine
>heterosexuality is bad

>women like violence


Its all about demoralization
destroy everything you love

Its the jews

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All we wanted was look at some polygonal titty what's so wrong with that
Leave videogames alone

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show tits

Women sexually select the same men they call toxic, women are behind the importing of third world savages
Women literally refuse to date the men that act the way they say they want men to act

If women want men to be less savage then you have to change who you fuck, because men are going to act in a way that gets into your pants and the way to do that is by being strong, dominant and violent

Still true and it's so great

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I can't tell if you're being a faggot on purpose, but obviously degenerates fighting to feel free to express themselves instead of being socially pressured to act in a constrained fashion is empowering for them.

>le political tim & eric ripoff man who is just trying to take your money

which one do you pick, Id suggest the cross

this meme has to stop, both parties want you to be fucked in the ass, both are corporate whores. People said hillary was awful because she was a wall street goon so people elected a literal wall street goon to spite her, this is the state of things. Lets at least be honest

I'm inclined to believe both lead to real world influence but I would never argue that since it goes against my interest.

It really is the jews tho


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>they do what they want to do rather than be told by men to cover up
Funny how the ultimate manifestation of womens freedom is being a whore, but for free. Curse men for having you grow up with decency and self respect.

Sounds like you're upset that you tried to be what you thought others wanted you to be and it didn't work. That's understandable, but going in the complete opposite direction isn't going to help either, unless you realize that's silly too and find a balance between the two.

yes both partys are funded and controlled by the jews

The tweet is talking about the jews

Sure thing (((Peterson)))

I pick video games

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have sex

People do what works user
I have a gf it worked.

How we behave is entirely dependent on how you reward us for that behaviour, its basically all your fault

Im sure it would be an interesting way to die if I broke your favourite video game disk in half and stabbed you with it

You can reverse that logic and end up rationalizing Sony's current position. The point is both sides really need to fuck right off and stop concerning themselves with what other people are doing with their lives.

American puritanism is so pervasive that even feminism can't shake it. Look at the difference between the Euros and Americans when it comes to these issues.

Why are some faggots on here for this? I don’t get it.

For them, not you

One of these comedians like to censor other shows that just happen to be competing against them

Can you guess which one

I don't mind.

europe just ends up with the censored product anyway because of americas bitching

>The point is both sides really need to fuck right off and stop concerning themselves with what other people are doing with their lives.
I think a lot of people don't really have anything to believe in, so they make enemies to give themselves something to do.

Be careful with what you ask for.
It is going for the far left chopping block, just behind difficulty.

>if I'm not joining in the fun then it's degeneracy ;(

Canada was a mistake.

I hope you're not including UK when you say euro. They seem to want to take a harsher stance than americans.

Feminists and far left "progressives" get offended that attractive women exist, in game or real life.

Your cock on my mouth

Violence in video games is fundamental and appeals to everyone. Not everyone is looking to jerk off while playing video games.

post a pair of titties with timestamp right fucking now


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>blames America
>despite the fact that this shit is being done by extensively Japanese and European developers
America is a problem but to pretend that Asia and Europe are innocent is incredibly stupid.

That's shitty if it's true, I don't support that. But Sam still went fullretard in response.

surprisingly whore culture actually reduces birthrates so its degenerate by definition.

Mix in the easily accessible soap box the Internet has created and this is what we get. It's intolerable.

Mainly cause it said sexuality will be tone down even though men are still being shown shirtless. I mean women could enjoy it but most don't play video games. All that's left are faggots.

Love and lust are two very different things.

The uk peopple =/= the uk government

china doesn't like niggers in there games, they always have less sales

By “the needy” they mean muscular niggers with big fat cocks, not weak white neet dicklets

Is there anything better than euro incels seething about their sex games getting taken away?

I just can't morally support Tim. Sam's always been a boundary pusher though

>Boco in a political thread

>Women sexually select the same men they call toxic, women are behind the importing of third world savages
Ahh. I forgot that it was women who invaded the Middle East and not the Soviets and Americans who are now responsible for the arming and funding of Islamic religious fanatics who've caused the destabilization of the Arab world which has lead to the mass migration of Arabs into Western countries which has truly has mostly lead to the aforementioned countries welcoming them with the most open of arms and legs apparently too.

You do know if you keep complaining about the violence because you are upset over the sex being removed that the violence in gaming will also get removed.
Crying about blood isn't going to bring tits back. It's just going to cost you both.

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Let's say people just shut up and accept this type of thing, what says it couldn't spread to other institutions then eventually were putting ninja outfits on women?

I see both sides trying to talk about technology sometimes, so I wonder if transhumanism could give them something in common to work together with and stop worrying so much about titties in video games.

Fuck off back to /pol/ dipshits

It won't just be euro or incels if they're allowed to have their way.

fair enough

it's not the 90s anymore fuck off

>tits are love
lol eurotards

Violence in videogames will never go away. Too much money to be made.

I can almost guarantee you that violence will be next on the chopping block. I hope you are ready for the age of colorful puzzle and rhythm games.

You ever meet an angry bitch?
Ever meet a bitch on her period?

only if you're gay or have aids

That would be a good thing. While they are messing with obscure japanese VNs nobody cares, but touch new RDR or GTA and then gamers will rise.

So what you're saying is that the jews are trying to genocide white people, well glad you admit it

whats the point of rating games then

It's the women who overwhelmingly voted to let them in. If it weren't for that they would just be dying in their destabilized shitholes instead of dying in the middle of a concert.

You know what? I think we can't stop the influence of games being unsexialized in content now. This will future breed more incels and create chaos. I'm fine with this actually.

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>doing anything other than taking it in the ass from corporations


women let them in
specifically Merkel let them in

If women had no say in the matter the men would have looked the destabalised sand niggers in the eyes and said row your boat back to niggerland

Mostly just women really

shariah law then?

eh can't wait to marry 8 yo

>just let people censor things
How about we just let people make whatever games they want and the people who don't like it can just not play those games.

As long as a woman can benefit directly from it by exploiting a male.

What japanese and european devs are doing that?

Just the opposite: Trying to get the violence removed will result in another GTA situation where devs go full-on edge to fuck with publishers and distributors.
The reason they don't do that with the sex is because only R* has the balls to push that envelope. Everyone else keeps their head down regarding sex.

It's a fact of video games that violence in them is an unmovable tentpole while sex is something it hasn't grasped yet because of the mentally ill running the industry. Christian puritans yesteryear and tie-dye haired weirdos this year.

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honestly accelerationism is the only way
they will come for violence eventually anyway so aslong as it all happens at once, people might actually do something in responce

they don't like niggers or ugly people in media too. based chinks

Honestly I support this just because I like watching alt right heads explode. Oh and when titties got censored in my game Yea Forums just spammed the threads calling people edgelords, largely because it wasn't about sjws so who cares, right?

Fuck you. You don't stand with others don't expect them to stand with you.

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>keep playing porn games with active online communities to keep them shared and alive
>meanwhile you guys are bitching about toned down minor sexual content in AAA trash

You guys are fucking pussies, jesus christ. No wonder Japan doesnt want your business.

Its literally feminists censoring shit tho
or are you gonna try to blame the christians that are pacified and havent said anything on the subject for about 10 years

tim and eric suck ass

>ban cleavage in M rated games to protect the children
>meanwhile every 10 year old with a smartphone and wifi has access to an unlimited amount of free hardcore porn

You don't remember the 00's much, do you?
This is literally the thing we need to get the complacent zoomers on board telling these companies to fuck off. When we were kids, we use to love laughing at the out-of-touch adults and corporate suits trying to tell us that GTA should be banned and Doom created gang violence.

It's literally the same fight that occurred then occurring today, and escalating it can only work in our favor to achieve the same outcome.

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I haven't really liked Adult Swim since around 2010 when they cancelled Moral Orel and then turned Boondocks to shit. It's not surprising that Sam's show would've been taken off too, even if it was due to Tim's meddling. But I don't think it would've been a purely political reason for Sam's show being taken off and his way of reacting just made it worse.

Jewish women yea

honestly RDR2

Every thread, the liberal thought police arrive quickly to fight against the truth. Wake up kids, you're tools that are being used to destroy the world for the interests of the powerful and corrupt.

That's exactly why said kids are rolling their eyes at this and will grow up to be cynical kids who despise the current corporations and mouthpieces at the top of them.
This does nothing but help us by creating more and more people from a younger generation who want to rebel against the sterilized PC culture being established.

Judging by your response, you still are a feminist.

>video games are evil and they cause violence!
>devs tell them to shut the fuck up
>video games are evil and they cause rape!
>s-sorry we'll stop
What the fuck happened?

>women don't like sex
You ever meet an thirsty whore?

>specifically Merkel let them in
Do you actually have any understanding of how the German government works or do you believe that a single person is responsible for making all of the decisions that affect millions of people on their own.

"The north American is the most stupid creature in this world" Ziraldo

its probably the jidf, feminism is a pet project of the jews designed to lower white birthrates

women have less children if they work

social networking

Don't care, its pointing out the utter hypocrisy of a hardline stance of censorship towards beauty in vidya while allowing hardcore gore and ultraviolence - in some games against females and turning a blind eye toward that double standard

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Have sex

Why do people think gays are for this? I'm gay and I don't mind female sexualization at all.

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It was literally Merkel
>german government
this was done on an eu level

>What the fuck happened?
People became afraid of criticizing their own side because of online mobs, I think. So now stuff that a liberal in the '90s would think was stupid wouldn't speak out against it now because they don't want to be the target of thousands+ of people online harassing them and trying to ruin their life.

Unironically both should be banned, video game players are sick in the head.

Most people are more likely to be in situations where they try or feel encouraged to see or touch tits than to cut a man open and pull his intestines out.

Basic shit.

design with creativity like Splatoon

Why would gamers do anything about it?
>DLC becomes mainstream
Gamers bitch and moan, buy the game anyway
>Microtransactions become mainstream
Gamers bitch and moan, buy the game anyway

We can repeat this ad naseum with lootboxes, season passes, early access, online only, multiplayer only... gamers are just addicts. There is nothing that will stop them from buying games.

You sure about that? Nintendo does just fine without violence.
Keep sperging about it and it will go.

she(penis) says while posting on the video game board of a degenerate website like Yea Forums

It's a cope due to lack of adequate boogieman.
They screeched about jews and feminists until they noticed everyone is laughing at them and not with them, so they decided to pick another boogieman, this time with even less reason to do the shit they need the boogieman to do.
Retards gonna retard

They actually complied at first, don't you remember? Doom, MK, and GTA was banned in stores in several countries at one point.
Devs even promised to be more 'open and caring' during this age, too.

Hillary Clinton was crusading to get most video games sterilized with a government mandated ratings system. The industry complying is how we got the ESRB.

It just takes a while for a dev to come along and say "No, you fuck off" for the trend to change. Same thing will happen here when the first AAA game with tits comes out and all the major consoles rush to ban/censor it. But the devs will stand their ground and say 'no'.

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gaming becoming mainstream and many devs being at the mercy of large corporations that can be influenced social media lynch mobs.

I don't care about sex in game, I care about ugly people shiting up my game. I can't remember the last western game that had a cute girl in it

This, and if you speak out against mob culture, you're also treated this way.


the vast majority of the gaming audience wouldnt even be interested in games without violence, everything else you listed doesnt actually effect the core gameplay loop

Wait I thought it was the Jews and Feminists sending the mobs after honest well meaning gay men like myself.

>Hillary Clinton was crusading to get most video games sterilized with a government mandated ratings system
Why is she such a bitch lads?

>Nintendo does just fine without violence.

Behind Sony's violent games. Which sell more than nintendo's nonviolent games globally.

barking at the moon. no one thinks 'the gays' are behind this. have sex desu

Pretty sure the feminists are the laughing stock here. They're the ones desperately trying to ban video games because they might see a tit.

>defending weird pedo incel shit
>Trying to equate it to violence in games or themes of mature and age-appropriate healthy sexuality
>having the audacity to imply slippery slope crackpot theories

At one stage even I would excise some level of tolerance for these games and communities, to try and understand and attempt to look past the balant anime-tropey incel sexualization shit plastered on top of Japanese games just to see if there was a decent game actually worth playing beneath it, But there just never was.

The truth is the weird pedo incel shit community is extremely alienating for gamers, especially those taking a passing interest in Japanese games are usually instantly repelled by the >i luh my anime tiddies in-your-face cringeworthy community and nobody would want that image to be synonymous with their platform. We now have hordes of incels driving a sub-market of games with their dicks and the end result dose influence the gmaing industry, it results in the endless propping up of absolute garbage tier games that repell lots of people away from Japanese games as well as the total and utter alienation of those who are into good quality Japanese games but not into the weird pedo incel shit.

I'm glad finally something in the industry is working toward tightening the belt around these communities so they can feel the squeeze and experience some form of pressure because it will motviate some people to think and reflect on their interests and how they're influecing the gaming industry because these wierd incel pedo community are only growing bigger and more vocal and loud as time goes along.

Everyone in gaming as well as Sony knows Sony has been a facilitator in housing these types of communities on their platform for some time now but it seems, they've been milked for what they have and Sony is trying to combat this image problem by telling those communities they are no longer wanted on their platform.

it is the jews
feminists are just jewish puppets or jews themselves

gay people have little to do with it unless they are involved in lgbt activism in which case they are just as bad as the feminists as the lgbt group again is funded by the jews

>but its not the jews


She's a woman

>>defending weird pedo incel shit
Stopped reading there. I bet you can't even explain why DMCV got censored (two girls in their 30's and 40's) or why Senran Kagura had to remove a game mode (all the characters are 18).
If you're the same tard that keeps baiting; you're not very good at hiding it. I'm sorry you wrote an entire paragraph that no one will read because we're already aware that you're retarded from that one line alone.

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why would the jews target gays? you people dont breed, they have no reason to target you

>well user all fictional representations of women that are made in japan are pedo regardless of what the stated age is or what those women look like and I dont argue with pedos so blocked
Willing to bet their response is basically this

She bends over backwards for which ever lobby gives her the most money. Its why shes flip flopped on so many issues.

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Wow idiots on both sides

Look sexusl shit. Porn. Etc. Is bad for you. Look at how you will defend anime cunts with no value but you probably have no family of your own to protect

You think men with families who arent cucked give two shits about fucking animes boobies?

Do you think men with real jobs and real lives give a fuck about fucking loli trash?

Also historically ((they)) used porn and smut to weaken men. They didnt use gore and blood. No man has ever wasted his time and life on Rotten.com (at least not any significant amount)

Stop watchihg porn

Stop defending your fake waifus

Get a job

Have kids

A GOOD family

Look at you weak little cucks. You're as bad as resetera. They virtue signal and cuck and you defend fake women who do nothing for you but make you weak, dumb and set you back years

Men used to fucking build things. Make things. They would defend family and nation and neighbor. Now you defend your ugly 2D waifu shit that 5999 other idiots jerk off to also

>slippery slope crackpot theories
its called incrementalism and its a very effective strategy, however you will call it a conspiracy because it is your strategy

Why do Americans do this?

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There's gays and faggots. Are you gay or a faggot?
The latter is hurt by hot wymmynz, See, webm related, notice how those "xen" are turning.

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The reason I think is that these communities are an active and vocal one that are trying to seep into mainstream consciousness is because these communities are in desperate search of validation and approval because of reasons that are obvious.

This isn't censorship in my opinion and I feel for people in the sense that I can sort of understand what it would feel like to have the industry criticize and dismiss your interests in gaming and have it seem like content that is relevant to you is being taken away from you but I believe it is for the better and despite all this, your type of games games are still going to be avaliable to play and purchase on other platforms, this just appears to be a Sony image problem that Sony wants to deal with, and it doesn't mean devs aren't still going to pander to you or that the market for these usually mediocre games is going to be turned off over night.

The best thing to do is probably to roll with this criticism Sony has recently dished out, it's not the end of the world and it doesn't spell disaster for your type of games.

>stop masturbating, get under control of a woman so she stops using us for benefits and also tells you who to vote in the process
You could've just said "incel" because that's the point of that zionist psyop.

good bait

I dunno, fighting against tyrants trying to censor you is okay. Censoring video games today leads to them censoring more tomorrow, and it should be stopped.

>Wow idiots on both sides
There's only one side trying to ban fictional shit. Literally the only stupid side in all of this.
>Look sexusl shit. Porn. Etc. Is bad for you.
Fuck off, retard. humans are made to have sex. That is an objective fact.

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Americans are mentally retarded. The very first thing they do when they hold their newborn sons for the first time is tell doctors to go ahead and take a knife to their baby's dicks, and start cutting off flesh while the baby screams and cries

>Have kids
Fuck of slavedriver
I'm not making any new workers for you, Shekelbergenstainenbaum

Not Americans; just Californians. Their state is such a dystopian hellhole and they have absolutely no perception of the world outside, they think everywhere else is as bad as their garbage state.

its not about the boobs its about the principle
If they were censoring curse words id be just as mad.
If they were censoring literally anything I would be just as mad

Censorship is evil

Wow you took all this time writing up a train of retarded thought that boils down to "I love sucking cock, I've never played any of the games that I'm talking about, and I don't know that this happens with M-rated games with adults in them like DMCV."

Sorry you wasted your time.

>This isn't censorship in my opinion
I'm also sorry for your brain damage.

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I'm going to go jack it to anime chicks right now just to trigger the hand-writhing soccer moms from resetera, who is with me?

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I wished. Now they're all 10th century puritions.

millions of people worldwide like erotic artwork and the free market will provide and no amount of posting on the internet will ever change that so you're going to have to deal.

Maybe this will help me get a girlfriend. Any hints?

The guys who want gore are willing to fight for it. The guys who want anime tiddies aren't.

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Unironically based.

>its not censorship for sony to censor all lewd games on their platform because they are avalible on other platforms

>its not censorship if the chinese government arrest you for calling their leader winnie the pooh since you are free to say it in any other country

Attached: First-they-came.gif (365x233, 6K)

Feminism is just an excuse for women to monopolise male sexuality and ensure that men have no other options but to worship them for sexual gratification.

Yea Forums - Clickbait headlines

>Video games cause misogyny
lol no, if anything video games are the only thing that make me occasionally remember why I might like women. Real women makes us misogynists.

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Have sex, oh right you're a eunuch who thinks sex is evil.
Try growing a pair.

the jews dont want you to have children idiot.
They want to wipe white people off the face of the planet

The guys who want anime titties are the ones willing to make games for uncensored platforms and stop buying sony products. While Sony can most definitely survive on shitty movie games and sports games alone, it will steal leave a dent and strengthen one of the much better alternative systems.

I'm just gonna guess is to not be banned from tournaments and keep the game relevant, unlike the doa fiasco from that evo cuck

just post anime tits in this thread instead it should produce better results

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The guys who want gore were once part of the industry. It's only a matter of time before they come for that, too.
Japan is the only country fighting for tits and ass. Everyone else simply gave up.


This is an American problem. Apart from being some of the worst lovers in the world they are also scared of sex, tits, ass and anything sexual. Why do you think they cut up mens dicks? To reduce sexual pleasure and reduce sex. Its also why they have such a large porn industry, its another method to reduce sex by draining men.

Great idea.

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Terry has a bigger rack than transeteras will ever have.

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>I've never played any of the games that I'm talking about
I've tried far more than enough, don't even try this line
>and I don't know that this happens with M-rated games with adults in them like DMCV."
This happened before the most recent Sony statement regarding underage sexualtion in games on their platform and was clearly, clearly a marketing stunt to drive conversation about the newly released AAA game that is avaliable for purchase right now!. If you think Capcom did it because they were unsure about Sony's new guidelines regarding sexulization (the actual official reason given) and that Sony aren't chummy bed buddies with Capcom swimming in the pools of money they're making together and decided to do some extremely basic marketing then damm dude LOL. The ray of light has even been removed.

Goodbye avatar fag

The Ruling Class wants angry, frustrated good proletarias, Who work enough for their masters, and vent their penta up anger in whatever boogeyman the plutocrats create for that purpose.

Video games are easy mode.
You're supposed to be a "misogynist", treat real women like objects, demand they be pretty and subservient. Western women have gotten ugly, both inside and out, over the past forty years because they've been allowed to run wild and destroy everything.

only in america

Reminder that threads like this make them asspained and they share screencaps of all of our posts in their discords so they can be butthurt together over it.

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Its an excuse to lower the birthrates so that they can flood your country with 3rd world migrants with a higher birthrate than you, this helps big buisness get cheaper labour, it allows for the government to become even bigger as these people always vote left wing and it helps the jews kill white people

guess whos behind feminism

ass too

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>e also scared of sex, tits, ass and anything sexual. Why do you think they cut up mens dicks? To reduce sexual pleasure and reduce sex.
I'm cut and honestly if my dick were more sensitive I'd be in trouble

What the fuck happened to her neck

The jews*

Sex makes you want to have sex
Violence doesn't want you to do violence

>when they cancelled Moral Orel and then turned Boondocks to shit

I still remember that. I fucking miss moral orel and they introduced me to the mountain goats.

>his reacting to his show being cancelled gave more reasons for his show being cancelled

It was definitely political though, he humiliated a left leaning journalist working at Buzzfeed because he tried sneakily getting Sam to say he supports nazi rhetoric after inviting him to an interview, which subsequently pissed off Bret Gelman another left leaning person in the industry who was close friends with Tim.

>Why do you think they cut up mens dicks?
same reason the jews do it to themselves, its a mark, a goyim with the mark is a good goy

nothing she's not a real person

Friendly reminder that if you don't want sexy images of women you're a desperate faggot looking to score poon via good behavior.

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>70 muslim
>45 Christian
Somehow I feel like one of those lists is incomplete.

Literally didn't even need to read your post. I don't care, idiot. You literally wrote something that Sony themselves proved incorrect by banning the ass and tits in an M-rated game of two women who are well above 30. It's still censored in the game, so you can't even claim that this policy has been reversed.

More proof censorshipfags don't play video games.

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Okay, how about this: game features a robot chick with razor blade tits who cuts people in half with them.

I understand that, and there is no other choice than to deal with it. I know I am in the minority so occasionally I'll bask in the fleeting moments where it feels like the industry has my interests in mind, even though corporations are souless and truly do not give a fuck about me or you and are just doing some basic pr. This whole thing is meaningless and I know demand for the specific type of artwork that resonates with you won't stop. I don't really have any real opinions hone way or another, I'm just bored. At least there are still good games being released and content that resonates with you, we all win even though we really shouldn't indulge in these minor disagreements because we're indirectly just doing the bidding of the latest command from corporate. Sigh in and ideal world..

Yumi is trash and has a bad posture.

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I'm really amazed that there's this many fucking people with no taste and who actively look forward to playing trash like Senran Kagura and Visual novels.

I look at you with disgust like the people who are on my 600lb Life on TLC. Visual Audible disgust.

Tales of Vesperia, Kingdom hearts 3, Sekiro, Divinity Original sin 2, all came to consoles within the past few months, all good games. But no lets complain over fucking shit that was never good and nobody fucking wanted.

See companies like idea factory and marvelous die is a good thing, they never made anything of quality. They peddled trash their entire existence just like Koei Tecmo or Modern EA.

Like my god do you people even fucking play games? All these affected titles are garbage or not even games. Like Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with you people there is zero redeeming aspects in all of those shit low budget japanese games.

Goddamnit just fucking kill yourselves.

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Which is why it's so funny that the idiots making MK11 have chosen to tone down the sexuality while upping the violence. I don't know why they think they're making a more respectful or dignified product now. Faggots who love censorship want sex and violence both abolished from media.

Tits lead to sexual deviancy which leads to overpopulation.
Violence leads to killers and mass murders which reduces the population.
This is all a plan thought up by the Free Masons and I for one support it.

Our society worships women.

I'm just not attracted to drawings.

>be extremist conservative that wants women to hide their whore bodies
>Call himself feminists
>Women are so dumb they believe and hide their bodies
>Laughs in muslim

>Goodbye avatar fag
>resetera newfag literally doesn't even know what 'avatar fag' means
lmao @ ur life

Check the subcatagories
anything with a C has subcatagories

Jews have the highest number by far tho

You have to show people the truth without naming the jew, then once they have become suspicious of the rulers prove to them the rulers are jews.

Sure they do, Bergenstainenbaum
That's why they keep mingling with whites and not gooks and niggers, living in white countries and not those of gooks and niggers, spreading natalistic anti-intellectual religions to whites and not to gooks and niggers

They sure do want to kill off their slaves by making them breed more.
Must be some 4D chess where they first combat the lowering white birth rates only so that whites later kill themselves off with their own white antics

Keep dilating, you tranny fuck.

How the fuck can you propose to argue with these fucks if you misconstrue their argument? They argue Mortal Kombat women are sexist because they're created and designed for the enjoyment of men, therefore making them an object, hence the use of the word objectification. Understand the difference between praising some chick for slutting it up and condeming Sonya running around with her tits out.

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>Look sexusl shit. Porn. Etc. Is bad for you.
we have evidence that proves the contrary retard


>I'm really amazed that there's this many fucking people with no taste and who actively look forward to playing trash like Senran Kagura and Visual novels.
I'm amazed Yea Forums has this many queers and Eunuchs on it. I guess its' part of the ongoing tranny invasion.
Reminder that when you cut your balls and they get scooped out: You're literally killing your sex drive.
>Goddamnit just fucking kill yourselves.
There's a 40% chance of this happening to you.

>I still remember that. I fucking miss moral orel and they introduced me to the mountain goats.
I still get goosebumps watching the Grounded episode where Orel has the near death experience.

>It was definitely political though, he humiliated a left leaning journalist working at Buzzfeed because he tried sneakily getting Sam to say he supports nazi rhetoric after inviting him to an interview, which subsequently pissed off Bret Gelman another left leaning person in the industry who was close friends with Tim.
Do you have a source for that?

>be american
>the most deviant country on earth
>literally run the porn industry
Hate nudity.....wut. Why is America such a stupid and polarizing country

>lower birth rates
>flood your country with immigrants
>promote race mixing
>only in european countries
but they love whites right?

Its a Yea Forums thread theres not enough time for that
I have been attaching the feminists by religion page to most of my posts tho

The thing is Senran kagura even if it was porn it's not even good porn.

So yeah it's something that appealing to people who I imagine are room temperature IQ people who live in South America and resemble treetop canopy forest apes.

So yes it's quite a feat to like something so bad that fucking Japan has even rejected it and said it's trash.

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exactly this. Cookie mansters trying to score good boy points by going 'ugh' loudly at anything vaguely sexual.
ugh so, so gross. Dear women reading this, hit me up anytime if you ever need to talk xx

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You are a literal retard

>lower birth rates
>by doing shit that increases it, like making a whole fucking anti-white, pro-brown religion that rewards mass breeding and punishes living own life

trannies and boomers
culturally humans have always had a fondness for listening to eunuchs

>Former feminist here.

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Cartoon violence isn't a political issue.

>It's the 'It never appealed to me' argument
You can't even enjoy porn anymore after they snipped the berries off.

Violence or sexuality Yea Forums? You incels can only have one.

Protip, feminist men wont get pussy
Women only date men with toxic masculinity because they secretly love it.

Dont be a feminist pet


Didn't the plot of the last mortal kombat game follow Johnny Cage transition from a ladies man and all around scum bag into a husband and loving father?

How did we reach the point where Mortal. Fucking. Kombat is the most wholesome game out there right now?

Bigger = better

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I like how people getting ass mad about the sony censorship thing when it's mostly directed at sexualization of children in games.

I'm just pissed I have to deal with MuvLuv Extra before I can read/play the good shit that comes afterwards. I just can't fuking do it

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I'm hoping this is gonna backfire heavily on Sony and them censoring VNs and Weeb games means Nintendo will entirely take over as the dominating console in Japan

Nips are proud as shit of their home consoles and have worshipped sony for a long time because it's basically THE console for weeb shit. Always was. But now Sony seems to want none of that, so hopefully this means they're gonna lose a huge part of their market.

Fuck you.

brb fucking some hookers in GTA 5 and then running them over

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>pro brown religion
thats the part user brown
It lowers white birthrates then it imports shitskins, then it promotes miscegination

the idea isnt to reduce the population in western countries to 0
its to replace you so that the only people in western countries are the brown horde

If that's true, why was DMCV targeted?
Oh right, you're retarded and listening to Sony, the same people who are feeding you shit and telling you that it's cake. Be a dullard elsewhere.

I’d rather live in a society with lots of whores over lots of whiny SocJus cunts.

>they're created and designed for the enjoyment of men
That's pretty anti-lgbthsdf of them

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

it won't backfire infact it will be forgotten just like it was 7 months ago

Sony censoring this shit is the equivalent of hoping that Disney goes down in flames over censoring The Room or never releasing Song of the South.

They're censoring shit that nobody likes, nobody is really going to fucking care. The only way Disney got backlash was when they fucked up star wars was because many many many people care about star wars.

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>we live in a society

And how did you get that conclusion, cunter?

I have to tell you something, visual novels are not a hill people die on. People don't buy game systems for VNs because they're not games.

The moment a new monster hutner comes out they will buy in droves for the PS4. Because you know what? Monster Hunter is a real videogame.

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and guess what, they reverted that. While we still have games like zanki zero that will never see censorship removed due to it being children sexualised.

why do you people keep doing this.
i don't care about senran kagura. I never heard of games like omega labyrinth before the controversy, that doesn't mean I can't be outraged over small companies and games targeting a niche being punished because I'm not personally invested in them.

See, I like them this big.

This is just right.

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I know there were so many good episodes, for me it was the one where orel goes hunting with his dad and his alcoholism is in full force.

I just followed the incident very closely back in the day, I'm sure the information is all out there but the interview is uploaded to Sam's channel, Gelman was patting himself on the back long after the cancellation and Sam was on Tim's livestream where Tim got very offended at Sam for calling out Gelman.

The Buzzfeed interviewer was Joe Bernstein and Sam had to take the original video down.


Sam on Gelman. There's another video online of Gelman gloating over World Peace's cancellation.


probably my least favorite, Sam butts heads with Tim.


No its pretty obvious when you guys false flag as /pol/ and even more obvious when you start replying to yourself to push the idea that Yea Forums suddenly became a leftist cuck haven over night

You nigger tranny

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nah its just resetera that hates /pol/

nice pasta

Sony is anywhere near as invincible as Disney. If Microsoft manages to control the American market, they're completely fucked because they will have alienated Japan for nothing.

>and guess what, they reverted that.
No they didn't, flare is still there on the PS4. It's reverted on the PC.

Be a dullard elsewhere.

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Its puritanism by another name

It doesn't. All I hope to see is this go further until violence starts getting banned, and all these faggots cheering on the titty censorship will be crying they can't simulate brutal realistic violence anymore like sociopaths.

Why promote sandpeople religion among whites then?
It only produces shit like quiverful.

If they wanted to off the whites, they'd promote atheism and not christianity, because atheists invest a lot of energy in few children, not get drunk and fuck and then leech welfare, like christians do.

That was 2nd Wave Feminism from the 50s and 60s.

Nowadays we have 3rd Wave Feminism which essentially undoes everything the first two waves did by making women super-dependent and super-prudish.

>monster hunter is a sony exclusive
oh wait its not

all women being whores for 20% of men is fucking garbage, I hope we have a shit ton more Elliot Rogers to deal out karmatic justice on these dumb sluts

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they are fucking drawings faggot. not children.

go to fuck yourself pro censorship retard.

The solution to this for normies isn't more tits, it's no violence. Be careful what you wish for.


Porn is bad for you
Casual sexiness is better

Good ol' cracker joe

Those games will also leave the PS4 for another platform.
It's shooting the PS5 in the back of the head to make a political statement now. The PS3 got fucked from lack of third parties, so what does Sony want to do? Fuck third parties.

You and Sony are retarded.

Two things Yea Forums will never understand:

1. Why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
2. Why most people find sexualized gore to be unpleasant.

All the games being censored all bombed like hell in Japan. You can't get backlash over something that people don't care about to begin with.

Like this is the equivalent of saying you're going to ban people from drinking shit filled water. Nobody wants to drink it in the first place, yeah some libertarian sicko might speak up and proclaim he's going to drink that fukkin water, but he will die of intestinal diseases just like all neets should.

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>I thought feminism was about sexual revolution?

30 years ago, women were fighting for the freedom to wear whatever they want and be liberated and free from societal imposition.

In 2019 women are literally fighting to force everyone else to wear burkas.

huh, must be why I was just playing it on my ps4 and no flare at all? keep being retarded.

I found the first link a few minutes ago. I didn't find Sam's material particularly great but all this shit behind it is baffling. Going to look into it a bit more. Thanks for the other links.

Blame tinder (owned by jews)

Get fucked by muslim cock, asshole.

this, but for the record FBI, no shootings pls

Normies love violence, though. They'll fight tooth and nail for their dumb violence outlets.

And the brown horde, having a collectively lower IQ, will be more subservient and vote in ways that give their rights away. (((They))) want to do away with all races (starting with whites since they are the most resistance) and work their way down until everyone is a mutt and has voted themselves into slavery.

not really, /pol/ is just becoming more ingrained in our basic culture. Why talk about /pol/ when we're all /pol/?

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>Has to tack gore onto the end of it.

Always easy to spot the kike.

Monster Hunter was a Sony exclusive in Japan and nobody bought it for xbox in the states.

Sexual freedom is a meme. Anyone can have sex, but a lack of restraint and waiting for marriage leads to disarray and depression in women. It was for their benefit, not ours.

But normies love COD


>Probably didn't update and get the flare
Keep eating that shit, it's definitely cake. You're not some retarded cultist playing a dumbed down console.

Which will cause a normalfag backlash and allow sexuality to bandwagon on the cause.

Americans are retarded

>anti vaxer is a retard
Yea thats obvious
>anti vaxer is pro censorship
now thats a new one

>They're censoring shit that nobody likes
but all fucking men likes tits and ass you fucking gaylord

Attached: happy sugar you.png (1920x1080, 1.52M)

Actually no because none of these games are things people will buy a PS5 for.

You know what will get people to buy a PS5? Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

You know what won't?
A fucking piece of software that's a picture book with text that you press X to advance over.

Attached: STdIm1W.gif (500x364, 399K)

judging by all the games it keeps pumping out, I assumed it did quite well for itself and that there were clearly people minding their business while enjoying them

Incorrect, /pol/ culture has become Yea Forums culture.

notice how the contrarian posts are SJW shit? That's because they're trolls and that's what gets the (You)s.

the update literally removed the flare you fat retard

First of all if it was an american secret inteligence agency doing it, then it would be the CIA
But the more likely person to do it would be Mossad

Rewatching it now. It's even funnier than some of skits lmfao
Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction

It's still there, retard. I doubt you even own the game or a PS4.

Yes but if I want tits or ass I can get them in real life and not some shitty piece of software that the japanese don't even want.

like you're acting like VNs are the sole source of providing tits and ass, they're not.

>why promote sandpeople religion among whites

A white and a brown person produce a brown child.

>Actually no because none of these games are things people will buy a PS5 for.
It is in Japan
No market in Japan = no third party support from japanese developers = It's the PS3 all over again.
Enjoy your paperweight.

Actually no, the anime bombed and the latest game even though it was uncensored in japan sold the least out of any of the series and turned no profit.

They need an overhaul or marvelous needs to die

a mixed race and a mixed race produce a white

>All the games being censored all bombed like hell in Japan.
Yeah, Senran Kagura, the game with half a dozen spinoffs and 6 main games "bombed" in Japan

>In 2019 women are literally fighting to force everyone else to wear burkas.
Women are just fucking stupid and don't realize that's how this shit goes down. They legitimately think the average muslim is just like the kind of shy burka bitch she met in college.

Of course, but we shouldnt let it get to that point

Japan hates Senran kagura and Visual novels. More people in japan buy First person Shooters made by activision than they do SK or VNs.

You don't know shit about japan white boy.

>fat, dickless retard who can't get hard because he snipped off his balls calling others fat.
Projection: It's what Sonyfags do.
Who am I kidding: you're a resetera discorder trying to raid the board. Fuck off back to Digital north korea.

a patch earlier this month removed the censorship on ps4, again quit being a retard. You obviously dont own the game.

>You know what will get people to buy a PS5? Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
>He thinks that is still coming out
Do you live under a rock?

Actually yes it did, it's on par with BIGGEST DUB EVER and could end the company as we know it.

Six games and zero improvements, people get tired of no effort trash

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feminism as "about choice" was always a bad idea. I am all for preventing government policy made as a moral authority, but attempts to restrict "problematic" content that pushes anti-feminist rhetoric is ironically about preventing freedom of expression, it's just okay when they do it. Living in a liberal democracy IS "about choice" and people should be free to publicly slut shame with no serious repercussions.

>Japan hates ... Visual novels.
>Visual novels literally have some of the biggest, most well-known characters in the video game industry.
Wow, it's rare someone on Yea Forums comes out and admits that they're fucking retarded.

Attached: fuck_off_retard.png (387x410, 6K)

MK11's far more violent approach to fatalities is a silent cry for help and a declaration of war both in response to the shifting social climate. Mortal Kombat and the people who make it will never truly let go what defines the series and thus when backed in a corner on one front will retaliate by doubling down on the other. Censorship truly winning the war will only start with games and if they stick to their guns and truly do homogenize all fiction, we as a species, not as political creatures will start to bite back, even those of us who advocated for it. The age we live in is but a fleeting moment of censorship beginning to find ground which will inevitably be lost once again by common sense once they step too far. We only have to be patient.

>the latest game even though it was uncensored in japan sold the least out of any of the series and turned no profit.
hm maybe because it was a remake and everyone already played the original

>Yes but if I want tits or ass I can get them in real life
irrelevant and most likely false
>like you're acting like
nevermind lmao

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You must be one of those japanese culture experts I've been hearing about.

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This. If Sony started censoring violence half as much as they censor women, then the average gamer is gonna lose their fucking shit.


Prove it, retard. Stop trying to damage control for your shitbox.

>Fuck off back to Digital north korea.
I wonder if the trannies are on here all the time exclusively to raid or if they have become addicted to the freedom of being able to post whatever they want. I honestly don't think I could nonstop browse a site who's values of freedom I fundamentally hated.

That only goes for Fate

99.99% of VNs are not popular and fate only became popular because it got an anime and a shitload of other games.

Attached: Nice.jpg (400x382, 14K)

no it doesnt user
>if I have orange juice and pour it into two glasses which become half full, then fill the remaining half of both glasses with water, resulting in watered down orange juice, if I then mix it all together I have pure orange juice again like magic and the water is gone.

2 mutts make a mutt.

You're a fucking hack, Peterstein.

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here you go dweeb, the site you literally linked me first had it right there on the side bar. Now kiss my feet and apologise

Women being objectively worse then men leads to misogyny.

>QUIT BEING A RETARD also please ban these icky fictional girls they offend me!
Do you ever read your own posts and wonder if your mother drank gasoline when she was having you? That's the only way I can see you not looking at your posts and wondering "gee, am I fucking retarded?"

I hope you don't point out the fact that removing pornographic images in games helps to raise birth rates. lol alt righters are too stupid to even breathe.

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Do you ever wonder why birth rates of alt righters are so low when you slobber at the mouth over 2d girls?

>Devil May Cry 5 on PS4 in the US has now had the game's censored scene altered with those in Europe still receiving no change.
Look at this self-own here, my god you're a clueless faggot.
That means it's still censored, faggot.
Now suck my dick after you're done sucking Sony's and apologize nigger.

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I like tits and violence because I am a man

>vidya fights tooth and nail to defend itself from censorship from the mid 90s to the late 2010s
>SJW faggots come along and all of a sudden the whole industry spreads its cheeks for that censorship assfucking

These fucking numale faggots should be shot. They only didn't like censorship because it was coming from Christian moralists. The second it came from leftist moralists they eagerly licked all the smegma off their cocks because they're hypocritical losers.

I would only kiss the feet of a girl that has a natural vagina

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nah, just ban the loli pedo fanservice junk. Im content with other junk.

>more prominant jews in media than other religions
>jews are weirdly tied into enthnicity than other religions
>higher degrees of athism in 'christian' communities
>christians' religious status gets less notice because it's presumed to be the default

I am not at all mad that Sony is censoring VN's since I don't play them, I am mad that Sony is censoring all sexual depictions of women in future titles because I don't want games I enjoy like Tomb Raider and Soul Calibur gimped because of SJW cucks

I don't play VNs or weeb games, but I care about them because if I don't then there is a high likelyhood Sony will keep expanding their censorship.

I think I need to read that piece of shit manga now.


Ever wonder why birth rates of resetera tards is so low when they snip their balls off and decide they're a woman?

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>alt right boogeyman out of nowhere
this is huh

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I agree. Cover the walking axe wounds from head to toe

Those are some weird ass feet.

>degenerate waifu fags btfo
>wholesome relationship games will be returning to the ps4 courtesy of sega

You faggots couldn't even stand 5 minutes of extreme handholding.

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>little busters


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Toning down sexual content is mainly just make less sexy outfit for female characters in settings where it doesn't make any sense.

>implying this won't get censored next cause get girl games are considered creepy by the left
You'll be dancing in the pit with us soon enough

lol Steingates never had a real videogame and neither did any of the others. Those are all thigns that got turned into anime.

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Man I hope they crack down so the shit really hits the fan.
Only way people will reject it is if it's too loud to ignore.


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this, I sure as fuck wouldn't hate women as much if they weren't such massive fucking unreasonable assholes

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What does that matter? The claim was "Japan hates VNs" which is just not true

lmao go back to resetera tranny. Fighting censorship doesn't make a person alt-right.

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The game is being made as a PS4 exclusive which means from the very start everything is according to Sony's own rules.

Everything in the trailer is allowed by Sony.

Nah, bikini armor is god.

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nah, I was right. They did revert the censorship where it matters. Noone cares about europeans.

They like violent porn.
>inb4 (((VICE)))

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Does this thing have a dick?

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The N-word

It is true Vns do not sell in the millions. Those games that sell in the millions are what people buy consoles for.

Japan buys far more games than Vns. MMos have more players than Visual Novels at this point and MMos are a dead fucking genre.

Grab those goalposts and sprint, boi.

Hohohoh. Go back to your resetera paedophile board, cunt.

I'm not autistic like you, so I don't need every type of content in it's own rigid category and they are allowed to mix.

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No it's true nobody fucking cares about europeans not even their own government

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>tfw you date a feminist who says you can "do whatever you want" to her body

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I think most 4channers are far more likely to awkwardly harass women trying to be "alpha" than they are to nut up and fight somebody.

That was in relation to a serial killer though and the guy said it was because those types of people can't distinguish reality from fiction.

VNs being niche does not mean they are hated.

Won't argue with you there.

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have you considered that maybe they slobber over 2d girls because they realized that 3d girls were fucking cancer?

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It doesnt. Your need for sense and logic is problematic at best.

She could if she wanted to I guess

I think most 4channers are actually fairly normal people who realize that it's the rest of the world that has gone mad.

#metoo and manbashing.

I'm good with this bring on robot wives.

>E tier VN
>good cause daddy sony approves
The absolute state

"It's fine that the nazi party is censoring those disgusting games, they will never try to use it to overreach and use the power to do more nefarious things"

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you should. it's quite relevant to this debate in that one of the themes is that forcing people to repress their sexuality ultimately creates lots of fucked up people.

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>wtf why can't I murder everyone without consequences, stop murdershaming! we need to empower murderkin people! they're just expressing themselves

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why is Sony doing this but not Nintendo?

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I want this meme to come back, I do miss super crown porn

Social media.

>Always Jews

Thanks Hollywood Jews for raping young women.

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>clean version
Come on mang

Nintendo is ran by hard working japanese men who freed themselves from America's clutches decades ago
Sony put the chains on and asked America to be 'more like them'.

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Take back the social media.
Blame all social media users as an paedophiles.

Entertainment in general is created and designed for the enjoyment of people.

Think About the children, it's okay to have violence but we CAN NOT let them know of anything impure. That's why I'm all for britain's much harsher age-gate


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are we gonna ban books, movies, music too?
are we in the middle ages again?

Fuck off, shill.

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Americans are muslims in disguise.
Nothing new.

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>What the fuck happened?
The devs of the 90's grew up and had kids of their own so now they are the idiots that panic at the thought of their children seeing tits and violence and make the same mistakes as the people they mocked back then, they tell themselves that they were misguided or immature in the past despite having actually been right the first time.

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nah dog, I own a rubber horse dong

there is no salvation for me

feminism is about making men miserable.

>those types of people can't distinguish reality from fiction
In that case it's just plain dishonest to point fingers at anime and games specifically as if they're the only sources of fiction

If you cunts don't shut the fuck up about it both will end up being censored.

They're doubling down on first party movie games and trying to move away from Jap third parties.

There's a reason this shit is targeting Japanese games specifically, Metro Exodus has an uncensored strip club scene up on their store right now. Anyone who says it's "FOR THE CHILDREN" is either lying or a fucking idiot.

Give woman thier tits back.
For Christ sake !


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thanks for the tits lads been fun but im gonna sleep
Hopefully I dream about tits too

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It's not hypocrisy, you retard.


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>Replying to an hours old post with no u

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the israeli government is unironically falling apart right now, and the country is being fucked by african migrants, coupled with the fact that they're surrounded by muslims. jews sure are fucking bad at strategy.

It's the 90s all over again, except for instead of the religious right being behind it it's the feminist left.

i have a hot half-latina wife, 4 kids, and STILL jerk off.

White leftists are worse than Jews and non whites.

You know what's even funnier? That all of that bullshit goes out of the window after you fuck their brains out, choke them and call them "whores" on the bed.
Suddenly they adore you, you can treat them like shit 24/7 and they can't live without you.
So much for feminism, all they want is to get demolished by a man they find attractive, it's always fucking sex.

I love the fact that white feminism is falling because it was always a toxic mess of white supremacist rhetoric wrapped in all these idiotic ideas about "liberty."

THEIR sexual revolution. Not yours, if you're looking at a naked fictional girl, it mean she's being raped and you hate women.

Uhh, hey.
You know what you don't do with your enemies after you bomb them?
You don't invite them in.
That is literally the last thing you would ever do.
White people somehow don't realize this, and it's why they (you) suffer.

can confirm. wife loves when i get about 2 steps away from beating her.

Sounds like Evangelical Christianity to me

But Nintendo did and might still do, allegedly Treehouse jets to Japan regularly to "give their input for western audiences".
Have you forgotten all those Fates threads? Game even got an entire retranslation by autists

If anything it was like 2-3 years ago

It doesn’t. It’s basically gonna be A paywall to what gets approved, too. Book it.

>Niche Jap date simulator that’ll most likely not see more than 300k downloads gets the shaft and tank the company with it because there’s no means of checking game until it’s fully developed
>Triple A titles with mega million dollar marketing plans like GTA will get free passes to do whatever

I’ll only truly be shocked if the next GTA has no strip clubs at all. But if that happens, I’m just giving up vidya entirely.



rule number one: no body may live without the purging of bad cells
you let the cancer in, women always let cancer in because they can't shoot down morons if they're in their click
I hope this is a lesson to you, next time you have morals or ideals that you believe in don't sleep on them just because you want to fit in with everyone else
like zero fucking women will push for crap if there isn't somebody they can do it with
fucking cowards, makes you easy to manipulate

Off yourself immediately

we should be celebrating #metoo for striking a decisive blow against pedo weebs

you know i'm starting to think that futa is actually a pretty patrician fetish lads

...and they think every where else should be like California
...while they pretending they respect other cultures

are u stupid is not that simple , you are right i i fancy a wank i have porn but , the real problem is giving women power it will start will simple things first sex related ban like sony later violence , and all of the sudden you end like fucking greating britain thanks to their conservatives and women you got a full ban on porn on the web , the worst thing that happened to the industry is follow what USA says on any matter strictly fucking country full of trannies sjw and the so called "multiculturalism" idgaf if they only aplly that to their respective C U C K E A N countries but that policies eventually reach all the world like this one , you fucking americans grow some balls and stop giving women so much power arent a fucking man , i v seen literall videos of europe an american of men getting beat by women wtf happened to america the america that fought 2 WWars and conquered the world via massmedia you are now disgusting and sooner or later all the countries that leaned to you will fall in line of the russies like mine (argentina) the grade of sjw shit your country is scattering worldwide is disgusting

Former actual feminist here.

I liked it better when the ideology revolved around giving women their social liberties like the ability to vote, better family planning policies, more choice, and a world where there children can actually be supported. What happened to that kind of feminism? There are a lot of third world shitholes where women get absolutely shafted yet all you fucks are too busy fightan for womains ritess in vidyaa gamez.

Waaa you shouldn't be playing games with stuff i don't like!!!!


>fucking cowards, makes you easy to manipulate
Ding ding ding.
Women are so easily-manipulated that it's almost funny.
Like I'm black and even *I* blush at how easy it is to get women to shill for giant corporations by peddling stupid shit and stroking their fragile egos.

what a fucking retarded post holy shit

woman, black, male, white... we are all cucks in our own way.



Watch a horror movie if you want to see blood and gore.

I unironically believe that women are the biggest cucks on the planet.
Especially white women.

is this why they hated bayonetta too?

By cucks you men people without the ability to form opinions of their own that just move with the crowd?

Help me understand this.
Why would feminist in the west want to ban this minor sexual content while promote freedom of choice which turn out very ugly.
I'm not a westerner but I do believe sex should be more acceptance but not full on slut.

Can you blame them?

More and more white men are getting asian wives and mail order seamonkeys from the Philippines.

Essentially, yes.
People who are so weak-willed that they will literally argue against themselves because it's the popular thing to do.

the N-word

>tits are for beta males
I bet you love seeing cocks plastered all over your face and computer screen, don't you, you humongous faggot?

Western women merely go with the largest group as long as it is tailored towards them. Why would they want it? They don't, somebody told them to want it.

It's because the culture in the east is more conservative and traditional. Doesn't matter if the bitch is ugly at least she isn't tainted by the insanity of the west.