City of Heroes - CoH/CoV/CoX

google doc with picture proof

>beloved mmo gets suddenly shut down
>character databases and source code is copied by a dev and given to Leandro "Megamind" Pardini
>Leandro is a very well known figure in the CoX community and runs the CoH subreddit and has his fingers in the Titan network.
>as soon as 2013 we are getting leaked emails about this "impossible" private server
>these emails detail not only how to log in and play the game, but also donation information for keeping the servers running and how the money is literally piling up and starting to effect their taxes
>a private server run by Leandro, a guy who has systematically stamped out all talks of developing OR there already being a private server for over six whole years
>he does all this while sapping people from the community who would be interested in working on this private server for the public community and locks them in with himself
>this has been happening for years, all while he lets in a small select few people to play on this server
>these people are vetted heavily and given the ability to invite their friends after deeming them worthy
>upon inviting your friends you find megamind is now using them as leverage against you and threatening to nuke them for any of your mistakes
>this manages to keep a lid on it for more than 6 years, any ones that have come out before are brushed off because of any lack of tangible evidence

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Other urls found in this thread:

what happened to the old thread?

Wtf really, I've always wanted this game AND I COULD HAVE

?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? Free Server ??????? The City of Heroes Protest of 2019 ?????? The Notre Dame Burning ????? The Anti-Argentinean Struggle ????? NCSoft Leap Forward ????? The Great Leandro Cultural Revolution ?? Server Rights ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Megamind ?????????

pruned. jannies are touchy with these threads because of the frequent threats to doxx Leo

it hit the bump limit

it was put on autosage before bump limit

needs something about the Falklands

2 Argentinians on 8gag Yea Forums are nearing leos house

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>hourly WoW threads are fine
>slow CoH threads about one of the biggest betrayals in vidya aren't
Fuck you, jannies. Even 4+4 jannies know better.

wait, does someone live near him?

yeah I can't imagine more than one window in Argentina having bars.


I'd be down with NCSoft deciding to just put out a single server at this rate.


Thread deletion soon.

>Even 4+4 jannies know better.
8gag mods have always allowed lulz, but there still fucking niggers

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>You may get to see user's raid a man's house to steal the source code for an MMO

imagine if WoW was shut down tonight and only one guy had the only working emulator and only allowed 100-200 people who sucked his cock the most on his forum in to play it while claiming it doesn't exist.
in fact, you can't prove Nostra isn't still running but YOU'RE NOT INVITED NERD

jannies please

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Go delete some WoW threads, you fucking giga niggers.

Fuck off already the spic won

It's over, user. Leo wins, we lose, there is no justicein the universe. Just go on with your life and try to forget

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even fucking Polygon has picked this up, no way this gets swept under the rug

Go away Leo


Sure thing, user. Justice always prevails in this world. People don't get caught and get away with it ever.


no you couldn't, only the cool kids got to play.

Enjoy your deleted thread and the thought that this fuck gets your game and you don't.

Meanwhile, on 2chan

They created a cult that destroyed social media because a tripfag annoyed them too much.

At least I'm not you ;)

Enjoy your power while it lasts, Stalin.

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Okay everyone, it's time we stop with the useless floundering around. Janitors are auto-saging our threads, despite the fact they are 100% game-related and despite the fact there are many unrelated threads and countless repeated threads (such as about Persona, Smash, Minecraft Steve, etc). No more trying to dox Leo (regardless if the scumbag deserves it or not) - we need these threads to last as long as possible.

It's time we need to professionally organize our efforts. Too much of our information is scattered about and we need to collect it. I'm creating a Pastebin that will accumulate everything we know into one location so that it will be easier to find and distribute what we need; it is currently in progress and needs your contributions. I will post the progress thus far in the next post.

In regards to our future actions, we have three options, I personally recommend that we share this information to as many other people as possible. Many of these game journalists, as well as those commenting on the articles, seem to be lacking an incredible amount of information for the subject their covering. In addition, it is highly likely that those in the Twitch/YouTube scene who care enough about City of Heroes either are invested in the server or do not care enough to be involved. Regardless of such, we need to reach out to any and all possible internet faces and share with them the information. From my own experience, Bellular handles video game news very professionally and an individual named Tommy Ruin covers an immense amount of World of Warcraft private servers - hopefully these may be two more people we can count on.

It's time to get our act together. We still have the time and ability to both save the game we love and prevent further defamation of our beloved game in one fell swoop.

I am now initiating Task Force Cheetodust.

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based nippon

Sounds like a plot.

Based Statesman

I just want to have side discussion about the game.
So besides Fitness and travel powers. What other side power pools did you guys pursue or enjoy using? What did you get for combat purposes or for style reasons? I always thought superspeed tornado was cool but impractical.

based and justicepilled










>did moderate the sub reddit for a time
>removed himself and planted some other mods there in his place to moderate it for him
>says in this email that he has multiple "eyes" in the facebook group

Just what a horrendous lying faggot.

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Dude is there any other fuckin fanbase willing to actually murder for it, Jesus Christ

>No more trying to dox Leo
he's already been doxxed tho

Take this to Kiwifarms and Mr Metokur
Trust me

Should we be archiving the leaker videos?

I am 99% sure the DMC fanbase would have murdered Antonables if they could get to him so easily in a third world country like this.

You're doing gods work user.

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probably a good idea. The videos of the private server itself and the actual videos where he talks about it.


>Mr Metokur

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Kiwifarms will just try to turn Leandro into a lolcow, which isn't productive at all

I'm not sure if they would make things better. But they already probably know by now.

So um, what's going on on cripplechan? Posts are getting deleted left and right.

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Too late. They already know about it. There's a lot of crossover between Yea Forums and KF.

Anons spotted outside Leos house.

Probably talk of raiding. Raiding's bad, especially when there's threats of physically going to someone's house to either intimidate them or actively steal from them.

I'm seeing some shit about guns and poison.

He might help spread the word. The more people that know about this the better.

Think metokur would actually give a shit? I know he's done gaming but not sure if it's mainstream enough for anyone to care. feelsbad

Some crazy spics may or may not be planning on killing Leandro

There are a grand total of three superhero MMORPG's on the market, and the best of them was closed without explanation.

After seven years we finally have a sliver of hope to reclaim something we once thought lost in the warehouses of some NCSoft storage facility.

This is a game held in high regard by Yea Forums, and this reaction is not exactly unpredicted. It's like finding the Ark of the Covenant in the Notre Dam

Yeah, that's a big fucking no-no. Neither cripplechan nor Hirochan wants to be part of a criminal investigation, even one centered around a single person.

>cr1tikal was probably in on it
I knew he was a normie but that's still someone disappointing

does rebeltaxi know? i remember once he mentioned he liked the game
>Rading's bad
he deserves it though, hes a fucking nigger

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People have been killed for less.

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>no one will care or be upset that i kept this a secret for so long
>meanwhile in South America

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It just depends how dirty the money from this is.

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>for less
>Raw Heavy

it's like some random priest was keeping the Ark of the Covenant in his basement after Moses himself gave it to him

>Nigga loved the game but has since moved on like a healthy human being
>Because he made one (1) video on it there is now a conspiracy about his involvement
This is how retarded conspiracies start, take it back and use what you actually can prove for fucks sake otherwise you look insane

New info? What is he talking about?

>We literally might see someone fucking die over what amounts to hoarding a historical artifact

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more lies

Guys i dont want him to DIE or be HURT thats too autistic

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Has anyone contacted Ross? Dead games are his thing.

Nobody that loved the game as much as he claimed to would blow off being asked about it with "I've read about it, I don't really have too many opinions on it, not much to say" if he wasn't involved.

Don't call it a grave.

Post about it on Reddit I don't ether

>and if there's any chance to speed that up?
gee I think he might be worried


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Oh i get you, you don't want him to "die" or get "hurt", yeah man, don't worry about it. I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy that is very good at "massages" with fancy "tools", don't worry.

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He's releasing the code! The redemption arc begins!


City of Heroes was never good anyway.

Dude what the fuck is going on





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It's just another nemesis plot

Can someone become a face to counter the disinformation campaign. Many comments on news articles seem to defend Leo. There needs to be a concise 5-10 minute video that spits out facts with links for evidence. People need to see that Leandro was running a pseudo cult with fear mongering to keep people in line "I'll ban your wife, friends and anyone who associated with you"

I will never forget about what he’s done, but I would be happy if he ended up releasing the code. At least he would be making things right (or covering his own ass. Either way we get the code)

Imagine what he's done to them. Imagine him wiping his slimy spic cock all over their faces after cumming inside of them. They're tainted forever.

ask mr metokur to do it

>implying people haven't killed over historical artifacts before

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Maybe some bad shit?

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>tfw He's probably log in on my level 50 account and the account of my mom and masturbating

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Nigga you make this sound like some Indiana Jones bullshit.

Please don't do this Argie jail is no joke

>Taskforce Cheetodust

I like it.

he's certainly not the first

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>make private server for friends
>hide it so you don't get sued
>have a nice healthy community that lasts 6 years
>e-celeb finds out after
>gets told to fuck off
>tattletales on private server
>community worried about losing server
>server owner worried about getting sued

Reddit and Youtube were a mistake

cripplechan figured out where he lives, his license plates, where he hangs out, and more, two brazillians are planning to intercept him at some point. That's all I've read so far.

So umm, why are people go as far as wanting to kill the guy that has the data of CoX?


So uhhh non-murder discussion aside, the leaker just released some info on the new content that was on the server

drink battery acid shitposter.


Oh no, hiro is going to freeze Yea Forums and this time, it'll be because of Yea Forums and not /r9k/.

The C&D excuse is so fucking weak
show us, faggot

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someone call Voltaire, he's got another three-word phrase to meme about

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You know, I can take roleplaying a Villain in game as okay, but trying to do shit like this in real life is too far.


Hue niggers can't do shit, they speak portugues and in Argentina they speak spanish

of course it had to be argies

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Is someone going to die because of some shitty MMO?

pretty sure everyone just wants a SS13 situation where all of his hardware gets jacked and everything on it gets uploaded

It's a Disney psyops.

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this world has truly gone insane

Disney doesn't have a super hero MMO though so what do they gain?

Imagine the actual absolute rage this faggot would go through if that happened. Imagine him trying to go to the authorities only for he himself get sued for having illegal privacy breaching content stolen from a korean company he's kept for 6 years.

Imagine if every single powertripping egotistical maniac on the planet went through this same punishment.

wh*te bois are just angry they got cucked out of our super secret server

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CoH was absolute dog shit, at least have nostalgia for good games.

Internal civil war, the Star Wars side wants to kill the Marvel side, so they want to kill some argentinian to make people criticize super heroes so Star Wars can be on the spotlight after Thanos gets fucked in the asshole by Robert Downey Jr.

have you never watched city of god? ever met a brazillian before? Brazil is exactly as bad as that.
we're getting pretty close to that I think, he's apprently done a damage control video that's not come up yet, he's going to play the victim some more, but if he keeps this up he really will be a victim.

I just shit

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Try harder shill

>ruining a community because you were excluded
You guys are as bad as resetera sjws

Possibly. Never doubt the autism of a man who has lost his main dopamine fix for almost a decade.
Welcome to the ride, you're here forever.

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Cripple Chan thread is actively looking for where he lives

SS13 was peacefully bought from the original owner, though. He had it kept on a flashdrive.

They want the source code, not to join his cult

I've played CoH but I don't consider myself in the community, I would just like to play a private server for a game long gone like I do with Vanilla WoW or Dark Age of Camelot.
Does Leandro operate Paragonchat? I heard he does.
I saw his post saying emulation is impossible for City of Heroes. I've heard rumors that he has works on the "Spiritual successors" and is in league with those "spiritual successors" preventing them from ever being more than just an idea. Anyone have proof of that. I know he denied the existence of his private server. I know he states emulation was impossible when he was already working on his private server. I've heard that people from the potential sequels were on his private server. Did he threaten to ban them or give them access to his private server to prevent them from stealing future profits? I know of only one group trying to recreate CoH, SEGS. Was anyone else trying to recreate CoX?

One bad apple spoils the bunch.

The bad apple in this case being Leandro.


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I don't care about their community, I don't want to be apart of it. I just want to play the game. The game =/= their community

>a community
a clique of people actively sabotaging a community and hoarding the one chance at its revival, which in turn has placed it in a position where it can potentially be lost, is not a community

Is cripplechan really gonna kill a man over a fucking super hero MMO?

I still have that comic somewhere.

imagine being such a dipshit loser you have nothing better to do than shitpost for feel good juice from your caveman brain. you don't even come here to talk about games, you're less than scum, you will die alone, and you will continue to stink as bad as you will when your corpse is found weeks later in the apartment you pay for with neetbux/your mom's money/your family's money.

Drop dead you worthless sack of shit.

>have you never watched city of god?
Yes, i watched
>ever met a brazillian before?
Yes, a mutt who was a kind of a faggot
>Brazil is exactly as bad as that.
Most Brazilians are poor niggers who can only speak portugues and they never leave they're country

I'm not sure a random dead spic is going to make people like Star Wars

I guess they'll actually get to dab on Thanos.

Was it THAT good of a MMO or do people just want it for archival purposes?

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People have been desperate and it’s revealed there was a working copy for years under our noses

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anyone got those Isildur images from last night?

Paragonchat was an extremely stripped down version of the game rebranded as a chatroom. Leandro promoted misinformation by saying they were actively working on a CoX emulator and that was as far as they could get, while in fact they had the entire game already working.

He did this to make sure no one else would develop a pserver, allowing him to continue jerking himself off to his power fantasy by hosting the last remaining CoX server

I haven't played anything quite like it since.

We are reaching He will not divide us flag hunt levels of autsim. The great code caper.

a little of both
the character creator was sublime

The latter. The game isn't really that good. Its the same thing with WoW

>Read that whole comic series
>That last page
>"Level 15 scrapper LFG"

Right in the fucking feels.

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Imagine if people got this bootyblasted when Nostralrius was invite only during its initial start up and reported it to Blizzard and then try to find locate and kill the guys who made the server

The fuck is wrong with you guys

Lots of people are on. No problem whatsoever.
Yet when I log in, once I'm in the XXPS server, I get this.
Every time
Every character.

I smell something.

Gotta be super serious, eh? Not allowing me to make light on the situation with funny jabs?

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>The fuck is wrong with you guys

So much hatred for based Leo I don't know him but I classify him as based due to how attractive he is. But no one bats an eyelid at the dev who gave him both the source code and people's personal/financial information.

This game has a chance to live and be enjoyed by anyone for fucking forever, but it's cunts like you that keep this shit from happening. It's not even like this clique are even the rightful owners of this code. You're whiteknighting for a bunch of elitist, gatekeeping faggots.

Shill harder.

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo can i play this game now or waht

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>Nostralrius was invite only during its initial start up
for 6 years? also its more like if WoW as a whole was invite only.

Nostralius wasn't invite only and complete secret for SIX YEARS


Not even memeing, but where do you think we are?

The game was dead.
Who cares if some guy hosted a server privately for him and his bros?
You guys are acting as if he's the next Hitler because he didn't personally invite you

A. WoW isn't offline you tremendous faggot, you can go play retail.

B. Nostralrius wasn't the only, first, or last private server

It's not like those french frogs were the only people on the planet who could play WoW. It's not even remotely the same.

No. Best you can do is DCUO or Champions.

hi Leo

drop dead maggot you're a waste of space and a burden to earth.

Trust me man, my dad works at Kathleen Kennedy's pussy.

Critikal likes to bring limelight to obscure stuff and CoH was one of his favorite games

Anyone play Champions Online? All this discussion is kinda giving me an itch to play a super hero game, and I wanna make a Symbiote lady. Is that something I can do?

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That's because we don't know who the fucker is. We do however know this prick and the fact that he's had his grubby cumstained hands on the source code for over 6 goddamn years.

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Didn't the devs for Nostalrius share their code?

Heroes, all of them

nostralius didn't funnel money from other projects to fund 'reverse engineering' a server that already existed

You need to be a god boy and ask /ourguy/ leo for an invitation we are playing right now and having a blast!

No, and you most likely never will.

Critikal said he "Doesnt have an opinion on it"


Doesn't Champion's Online have a better character creator? Come to think of it, is that one even still alive?

A developer leaked the source code of a popular MMO to this guy expecting him to anonymously distribute it and instead he used it to set up an ERP circlejerk

You know you can just say you didn't read the thread, or don't understand the situation? You don't have to just pretend like you know what's going on.

Still seething about the Faulklands I see.

So who was the e-celeb?

that was before he became a FOTM streamer

Any source on him using donations to Paragon Chat to support his server?

>it's that time again

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Is there any posts to confirm him sabotaging other servers. What was City of Titans? Was that just a forum or was it supposed to be a standalone game? I heard that the main guy from City of Titans was on the private server.

>game dies
>salvage code and make server for personal use
>invite friends
>internet finds out and wants to kill me

Oh my fucking 8gag fags actually think they are hardcore

CO would have a better character creator if the game didn't look like liquid ass

i.e. he knew all along

Link? I don't see it on the 8ch thread

There is none.

If you get caught.

Slowly working on archiving. My internet is trash.

He made the mistake of inviting an E-Celebrity.

Cr1tikal it's a fucking manlet cuck
If he loved city of heros so much he need to be butthurt like the rest of us but he don't give a fuck!

>Champion's Online have a better character creator?

Maybe? Probably. I think it had some finer detail options like editing left and right pieces. I don't know if it can match CoH's sheer amount of costume pieces, but maybe over the years it did. Even though CoH's models are aged as fuck, I still don't really like CO's heavily cell shaded design.

CO is still alive, but it's more like a zombie and it's microtransaction hell I heard.

Titan Network was the forum
City of Titans was the successor project

The Titan Network guys were almost undoubtedly in on it.
The City of Titans guys are apparently livid, and preparing a statement.

>salvage code
no, he was given it by a dev with the intent to keep the game alive, instead he has
>jeopardized the life of the game by not sharing it with everyone
>kept it a secret for six years
>actively moderated and silenced the community whenever they talked about a private server to keep his safe
read the thread next time fuckboi

you missed the part where he actively urged people to not make a publicly available private server using lies and appeals to authority

as much as Yea Forums makes fun of blacks for "gimme dats", they sure do behave in a similar manner...

>mooooommmmm user is playing a game without me!!!!!!


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>appeals to authority
who in this case was himself

E-celebs are sociopaths and don't care about anything but making money

The game is alive and still active. Of course, CoX love to shit on it so it not really wise to talk about Champions Online here.

They just had a new event that handed out dance emote if you max level a character, and a few Power Update the month before.

jesus I can actually imagine some 500lb neckbeard walking up to this dude with a fucking pocket knife

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would appear that way
Im on the outside looking in and I feel he should release the code.
I dont think people need to kill the fucking guy or hurt him but I understand that people are pissed. Shoulda/Coulda/Woulda but he made the wrong choices. If he just gives out the code he will be forgotten within the next few months if not by the end of April.
Also this.

He either knew about and played on the server or he doesn't love the game as much as he claimed.

Jesus fucking christ you really are a pathetic autist if it takes this much to anger you

His sekrit club donators keep the server running. Paragon Chat and his other scams are just more pocket money.

It was his server, who gives a shit.
Dev should have leaked it elsewhere.

How is there no one else working to remake CoH? From my understanding there was about 100,000 people playing when NCsoft shut it down. It seems like there are maybe a 2,000+ people who would want to be able to play an open private server plus the few people from Leandro's server who probably play it and suffer not be able to play with friends.

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Hello shill

>no, he was given it by a dev with the intent to keep the game alive, instead he has
Sauce of this? Maybe the guy who was working give him the source code as a gift and leo can do the fuck he wants with it

As much as I want to believe this he was in the middle of apex and I doubt he wanted to awkwardly explain to a bunch of 12 year olds who don't know or care what it's about. I'd say it's not worth until a few days passes. You never know.

there's SEGS, but they're basically rebuilding the game from scratch and the possibility exists that they were actively sabotaged by Leandro.

Based blobman

>How is there no one else working to remake CoH?
people have been trying, but this guy literally gave those people misinformation/reported them so they got shut down

>Doesn't Champion's Online have a better character creator

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You don't have two brain cells to rub together, do you?

>risk your entire career and freedom just so one autist can run his own little dick-tatorship
yeah I'm sure that was the dev's intention

What is there to be shilled? Do you know what shill means?

Some guy is hosting a private server for he and his mates and ya'll want him dead for not inviting you or making it public and getting sued to shit from NCsoft.

There is a project but it's far off. CoH is a shit show that is very server sided and heavy with non-standard spaghetti, according to former developers.

what a pussy, I hope the brazillians burn him to death.

>plus the few people from Leandro's server who probably play it and suffer not be able to play with friends
They should all be blacklisted from any future servers to be honest.

Get the code guys get his hardrive!
I feel like we barely helped over here.

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I heard something about sabotage.
It wasnt the devs to give away to begin with. Right now he has 3 choices
1.Dump it ("omg guys I got robbed :(" )
2.Be a massive fag and just go underground even further (not possible but he will try)
3. Get that ass whipped by NCsoft lawyers

go back to twitter

He sabotaged all other attempts that weren't directly supported by him, and the ones that were just funneled money into his asshole for the server and his private life.

It's nice to see material consequences for petty forum lord autist horseshit for once. I never even played CoH, I just liked to read about the lore back in the day and that's why I'm monitoring these threads (Speaking of which did they ever reverse the retarded decision to replace the 5th Column with a way lamer villain group?)

Anyways, I'm glad this faggot is probably living in fear and if some nut kills him I won't care. Sue me jannies.

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>yeah I'm sure that was the dev's intention
But the dev give the source code to some mod in reddit

The 5th Column came back, but they didn't replace the Council.

4. get murdered by a butthurt fan

How about you actually learn to read a thread before you shit it up, you mouth-breathing faggot.

some mod on reddit who previously was a well-known community member in the game

People talk about sabotage and it seems believable but is there any shred of evidence?
Like I can see motive; If I have the only working CoX server I can keep people under my control and have them donating money to me to keep it running. Competition hurts my finances.
The only issue is if he wan concerned about money he would have invited much more people. To me it seemed more like an ego thing. He wanted to be in a selective and exclusive cult with money being a bonus.
But still, no evidence of him actively sabotaging. Just lying and potentially dissuading others from making a server; which can be considered sabotage.

So the dev knew the guy and give him the codes as a gift
So what's the problem?
Learn to read nigger

>People talk about sabotage and it seems believable but is there any shred of evidence?
read the past threads ffs, he was involved with most of the reddits, the forums, the "revival" projects, and more.

Please respond

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This whole thing is literally cult shit. Literally.

You severely underestimate control freaks.

Yup, he risked his entire career and jail time just to give someone a gift. Not to save the game he also loved from being consigned to oblivion.

>marvel heroes omega shut down before we could get a Mania enhanced

It really depends on what kind of power do you want. There is a traveling power that let you desolve into a pudde.

Mission Complete, I'm at point K-12. I have the computer. Where is my extraction point ?

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Your third point is exactly correct
He's a beta male who suddenly found himself with exclusive control over a completely unique resource that had a semi-sizeable demand, so he used it to essentially create a cult worshipping him and milk his followers for massive amounts of money under the guise of funding the server

He was making over 8k a month just by keeping his club secret

We helped keep the outrage alive. If it wasnt for people getting angry at this then there would be nothing to fight for. That counts for something.

There is a literal symbiote faction, and there are various costume parts to turn you into a symbiote albeit some are behind lockboxes.
As for an actual symbiote archetype? No, there isnt. You'll have good luck with the Infernal AT.

Not entirely true. A lot of the people behind these side projects have been invited to Leandro's once he finds out how passionate they are for the game. After that invite, they are playing CoH again and the spark for recreating it has been sated. They join the server and live out their dream.
You got to admit, Leandro is kind of based in that way.

Haven’t been in any threads since the first where I left some shitposts cause this game sucks but I wanted to let you know you guys have my support

>Implying it's not his peeps doing damage control so he can whine that Yea Forums deaththreated him

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Holy shit, are CoXfags really this autistic?

Not really a cult, more like secret society. A cult has some kind of superstition tying the group together. Whereas a secret society is sort of like a gathering of sophisticated individuals who coordinate for a purpose.

Leo was clever enough to only invite people who REALLY wanted to play the game, and thus would have every motivation to not leak information about the p servers existence

If he would open the floodgates people would instantly see that he's using the original server code and pressure him into releasing it as it is happening now.

La creatura...

>he's a literal faggot

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If he wanted to save the game don't you think the first thing he will do it's uploading the whole thing on the internet instead of just give all to one guy?

It's not, cripplechan triangulated his position and they're figuring out how to steal his shit so they can release the data.

>make secret club for 6 years
>youtber wants in
>tell him no
>he mobilizes an internet rage coalition against you

How do ecelebs have so much power?

So then why did that obese guy leak it on youtube?

Ross Scott will

Jesus christ 2chads are just on a whole other level


He was not invited. That is literally it.

>Naruto volume 1
>Ghostbusters (2016)
>smart, powerful, secretive
I dunno user, something seems fishy

fuck argentos
peru master race

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He seems smart in an evil manipulative way. But as a businessman he seems dumb. He could have easily increased his earning by making it open and asking for donations. If you're making $8,000 a month from 100-3000 active players, imagine how much more you could make from 3,000 - 20,000

Nice fake account

>name is different
Yeah thats him sure

Because he was banned last november and held a grudge, and unlike real secret societies, revealing info about this underground private server wouldnt come with real life consequences

I mean, it's possible he though fagandro would do the right thing, and being in brazil he was most likely free from the law and extradition. If he wasn't a complete loser limpdick-leandro could've been the perfect guy to start up a real return of the old game.

except he literally was invited. That's how he got the video.

>tell him no
they let him in, he has videos of himself playing it, why are there suddenly so many people in this thread who don't know shit chiming in?

He was butthurt he needed to wait 7 years to get a invitation

He's gay and has a gaycupid profile

Not unique to CoX. FFXI and EQ private servers have some of the same issues, mostly revolving around RMT/Real Money Trading. People willing to pay thousands for certain items/raids in the games. Hell, private funding is what keeps Daybreak's (the dev/publisher) Everquest going along with a dedicated communtiy who actually took on the dev jobs.

Funny part was there was people willing to keep CoX servers going, which included rich nerds, but Ncsoft refused the offers.

giving it to someone he thought was trustworthy insulated him from possible legal action if that someone did the right thing and released the code.

why can't some people grasp the fact that source code is a thing and that he not only stole it, didn't share it, and actively sabotaged other peoples' efforts to get private servers developed? we don't want on his server. we want the fucking source code so we can make our own, and he's hoarding it.


Hope they do it. Without hurting him. Maybe shit on his kitchen floor.

>him and his bros
you really didnt read anything did you retard

failures at life posting for dopamine hits. the guttertrash of the internet, that's it

$8000 is a lot of fucking money in Argentina

>>this manages to keep a lid on it for more than 6 years, any ones that have come out before are brushed off because of any lack of tangible evidence
How exactly did not a single person think to record gameplay?

i thought he was a chadgentine living in argiland?

They refused the offer because they got wind of the source code winding up in shit head's hands.

>him and his bros

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(You) farmers, and a coordinated misinfo campaign by server members



Damage control

I mean at the end of the day he’s still a loser. He wants the attention and “power” more than money


I think he would be into the Bestial set like the Savage or the Predator. If he can get his hand on a Freeform, he could just make use of the Bestial tree and be content with using one of the most powerful powerset in the game.


>platinum member
No one would spend money to make a fake account you retards

Its not his to give.
Before he could give it anonymously
Now that hes """""exposed""""" he is liable if it gets out and could face a lawsuit from NCsoft
You guys are in the wrong here. Let the autist run his little secret server in peace.


At what point did we graduate from "yeah, CoH was great" to "FUCK HIM REE" to full blown slander? Did a private server really matter that much?

This whole thing makes me wonder what the zoomers think about the whole situation and pre-wow mmo obsession and massive money changing hands.

He is a fucking idiot, he doesn't know what liability is.

You don't know the internet newfriend

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>guy likes a dead game
>build his own server and keep it alive under the sheets
>makes sure no one opens his mouth about the server otherwise everything will be shut down and possibly sued
I don't see where he did anything wrong.

read the thread or kill yourself.

>next time we see Leandro is some dude holding his decapitated head over his corpse Isis style

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I don't care what happens to him afterwards as long as the source code gets re-distributed. He's getting sued regardless of what happens anyway.

The first few threads about this were raw unfiltered rage and hoping for his painful death.

My issue is; he already facing penalty for having the source code. Why not just leak it. You think NCsoft is going to go from "We were gonna give this guy a C&D but now let's just hire a hitman to take him out, and I guess his family too. He'd appreciate that"

Lied and gaslighted the community for 6 years and shut down all discussion on all 3 main CoH websites

he had 6 years. 6 goddamned years. and he sabotaged others' efforts. fuck him, I hope he does get fucked by NCsoft. all this gangstalking and doxxing is a bit much imo though.

yeah, I'm sure a guy misspelling his own name is more likely than some user dropping $15 to troll someone

>build his own server and keep it alive under the sheets
That part, he could've released the source code and then everyone would be able to play it, but he wouldn't benefit at all if he had done that.

go back to r/eddit fag

This is unironically turning out to be the next Gamergate. Somebody got really mad about some cunt and is now signalling for a personal army over a dead MMO.

Internet + Anonymity = Lack of morality

They legitimately want him dead or behind bars for not sharing his toys.

How did he get so much influence? I can't wrap my head around it.

CoXfags are really that retarded. These are the same guys that blame Cryptic for the death of CoX when it was NCsoft that did it and use it corpse to run Guild Wars 2.

Anonymity is morality

at what point did you become a faggot

>build his own server
he didn't do that, he was handed the source code by a dev

By having the code.

TonyV is literally in the SEGS discord right now, if anyone wants to ask him some questions.

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>they actually found out his address
I can't believe CoX is possibly going to get someone killed or extorted.

the frightened leo barks louder

Plenty of other games (ffxi, everquest, even fucking Earth and Beyond, an EA game) have ran private and very well as long as they were professional about it. CoX was a special case because the code was thought unavailable and a game community leader actively quashed indepedent attempts at reverse engineering and trying anyways.

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And for what reason would he release the source code to the public if he didn't have the authorization for it? I don't know who owns the IP of this game, but they could fuck him up in court if he did that.

>How did he get so much influence?
he bribed various mods and prominent members of the community with the chance to be in his secret club.

I miss the beginning of these threads when they weren't chock full of legitimate shills and ironic shills desperate for attention.

who the fuck even uses this terminology inside Yea Forums.

knowing la plata he'll get mugged and stabbed sometime soon even without this

He was a well-known community member before, and he could jangle the keys to get his whole cabal of cretins to help him out.

Prove it's fake

No one uses real names on dating websites you dingus


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We have his license plates, pictures of inside his home, etc.

unironically cringe

Interesting. How long would it take to get ahold of all that stuff without paying money? I'm already heavily invested in WoW, but having something to scratch my Symbiote RP itch would be really nice.

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>mfw i first thought leo was the bad guy here, but every new thread i read i think more and more he's the real hero

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TonyV is a lying cocksucker and always has been.

>yfw you're literally a leo shill

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Same, seems like some fags are butthurt probably because they got kicked from the server in question.

>CoXfags going to kill someone for not inviting them
Holy shit

This is the faggot who is in the private server, denied it existed before admitting to it, told everybody "lol we WERE gonna make it public but nah ;p" then played victim and wrote a page long shitpost calling everyone retarded. This cunt's in America isn't he? He's complicit and could probably face actual jailtime.

>t. leo

imagine hating someone as smart,powerfull, and secretive as leonardo

Hi leo

and now they can fuck him up in court AND we might lose the code forever.

imagine unironically samefagging to support a spic

Because the only person who could've known that the source code came from Leandros would've been the one guy who gave him the source the code, and the guy who gave him the source code wouldn't talk about it because he would be fucking himself over and he would've been sued too.

People from buenos aires deserve only death.


based and ghostbusters(2016)pilled

Internet + Anonymity = you shouldn't take everything seriously.

>pocket knife
>implying it wont be a replica of yamato

This is not a game to invest in. However you can make a few good symbiote costumes if you just want to hang out in Caprice and RP.

once again, you are a burden to earth and should kill yourself. you are parasites.

He's so smart, secretive and powerful.

bros he is based


Until the party van is involved.

it was inevitable

And he's an Argie probably a sex beast

Yeah, I would probably just RP most of the time, but I imagine it requires a bit of time investment to get the cool costume stuff.

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Those shills can’t do shit because they are paid, nothing can possibly top determined autists who do it for free

Still, he isn't exactly in the wrong for not releasing the code. He did made a server and invited people to play on it, but as he was the manager, you must abide by his rules. That's how a free society works, bro.

My god imagine his sweet droopy 37 year old lips on your lips

He's just an autist trying to keep a private server, private. And for good reason.
He fostered and maintained a healthy community for SIX YEARS, he knows each person personally and wants them to be able to enjoy the game without fear of C&D.
Secondly he himself doesn't want to get sued into oblivion by NCsoft, so he keeps the server well hidden using his status as a reddit moderator.
He doesn't force you to pay to play, just an invite only system with an agreement to stay silent on its existence.

I agreed with Yea Forums, until I did more research. Now I feel bad for Leo

Anyone who doesn't understand the uncontrollable mob mentality of the internet and willingly provokes it in 2019 is a retard and probably deserves whatever happens to them.

stop shitposting for (you)s and die already

God I wish I was Leandro

Podcast is out

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Fuck nu-Yea Forums and fuck these butthurt faggots, I'm with Leo.

he's in the wrong for gaslighting the community and sabotaging other peoples' attempts at developing and gaining what he was given for free.

Inky ooze Tunneling power cost about 250k questionite, so that would take quite a while. Some of the costume piece might be in the auction house for +100 global. All of this require effort and hard work. Free players are limited to the Free Archetype. It how the game make their money and kept it afloat for this long. You could unlock these archtype via ingame event that happen on certain months, or grind for global>convert to Questionite>convert to cash shop money to buy them or the costume in the cash shop.

>Symbiote RP
>you just want to hang out in Caprice
Yeah, if you want some ERP action.


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>What should be done with the server?

This is going to be good

Where is the source code you dickhead.

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You're just an asshurt faggot, go cry in the corner of your room for being shunned by a niche online community. Fucking pathetic.


I hope Leo reads this and I can fuck his gay butthole

i feel like i know you from somewhere...

Unless he's being awfully forward with all the paper work behind the scene, I don't see how he can disprove much. That, and if it did cheat his taxes like he lamented about several times, then that's not going to be in any books anyways. This geared podcast is a shame.

not giving these fucks downloads, if someone could re host or tldr much appreciated

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Sadly I'm no stranger to ERP user. It doesn't help that Symbiotes are really hot on top of being really cool.

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>Still, he isn't exactly in the wrong for not releasing the code
You're right, he isn't. It wasn't his obligation to make a functioning server of the game, and no doubt all the people in the secret club are very thankful to him. And whether he was "morally" in the wrong or not about keeping it a secret for 6 years is up to you to decide. However, what i do think he was in the wrong, was in manipulating the community and actively sabotaging any external attempts of creating a private CoH server.

So i want to know if i should give a shit about CoH,
How was the game's "skill" system?
Like could you choose exact powers from different trees?
Or was it that you chose class x and specialization y and you were stuck with that?

The only mmo i've ever played was Mabinogi and they sorta let you pick your skills from the entire pool, so if you wanted something out of every skill tree you could get it, and it would actually be good with enough time and investment.

this game sucked back when I first played it, why so many threads for mediocrity?

can ANYONE name a good MMO? CoX was just as bad as most shovelware MMOs

Literal faggot here. The fucker is scrawny and ugly and looks like an actual AIDs patient, which wouldn't be surprising. I would stay away from him.

Can you easily make a shitty Spawn knockoff?

I've hung out in /hpg/ for a bit. I've been around on /tg/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and a lil bit of /trash/

Attached: Andi30.jpg (1108x721, 81K)

It's nothing like Mabinogi and Mabinogi sucked dick anyway

Noone cares about CoH.
We just care about outrage
This is GG ver2


>without fear of C&D
There are so many MMOs with private servers.
Even fucking WoW has them.
There are ways to do private servers without having to fear C&Ds and they could've been getting worked on all these years if he wasn't a giant, selfish, cunt.

Imagine kissing him deeply and his tongue entering your mouth

Infernal Powerset is quite literally Spawn, hellchains and everything.

Now they're talking about vandalizing his shit.

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Nobody is gonna do shit. No one in that thread is even from Argentina

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It was an adequate game, i played it for a few months. Gameplay wise i thought it was a solid 6/10, story and graphics 2/10. The skill system was the biggest draw for me.

But im more interested how CoH worked rather than how it was in comparison to the only mmo ive played. Actually, i played OSRS too, so nvm.

>build his own server
He didn't build shit. The server was given to him by a former employee with the idea for him to make it public. The roach decided to hoard it instead and run a secret server and profit from donations.

So how do you explain his house picture?

Well you're going to have a fun time just hanging out in Caprice. Trust me, fourth of the playerbase never leave the Caprice Club because of the E(RP) shenanigan. The rest of the game is okay as it heavily dependent on events and open world raid.

What this user said . The Scourage/Cursed Archetype

running a public server with stolen code from a game is a terrible idea

it's been a while but ill do my best, anyone else correct me if you can. basically you picked an archetype and an origin. the archetype determined which powersets you unlocked and what priority they had (e.g. if you went tanker you were primarily defensive abilities like taunts and self buffs and secondarily offense). the origin would determine what sort of enhancements (the game's stand in for equipment) you could get later in the game. you assigned the enhancements to your abilities in order to strengthen certain attributes about them, and the enhancements themselves got more and more complex and specific as you progressed.

You chose a class, then picked a primary and secondary power set from that class. Scrappers, for example, picked a Melee Attack Primary set, and a Defensive Secondary set, while Masterminds picked a Pet Summoning Primary set, and a Support Secondary set.

Within those sets, there was a huge variety. Masterminds could summon robots, ninjas, street thugs, mercenaries, zombies, even demons and wild animals. A Scrapper could choose swords, martial arts, Wolverine claws, street brawling, and more.

You would choose a new power every few levels, and you could eventually choose to supplement your class's powersets with shared power sets that included travel powers like Flight and Super Speed, and also things like Leadership, Medicine, and Fitness. As you approached max level, you could get yet another class-specific power set to shore up weakness or strengthen everything.

Once you hit max level, you could begin the Incarnate system, a series of sidegrades that could massively boost your character.

You chose a primary and secondary power "pool" at character creation along with travel powers at certain levels. Everything was static after that.

Hero Archtypes dictated which types of pools you could choose from. If I was a Blaster, for example, I would have a primary pool of Offense and a secondary pool of Defense or Control. Masterminds generally had Minions as a primary and Support as a secondary.

so is taking money to build something you already secretly have

>100 members/players over 6 years isn't healthy

So how degenerate does it get in Caprice?

>beloved mmo

Attached: bluepilled.png (220x290, 32K)

if he released the code, other people would take the heat and he could still rule over his little fiefdom

There are more people playing D&D at my local game shop than people on his secret server.

Tiananmen Square Massacre.

>running a public server with stolen code from a game is a terrible idea
He didn't have to run it just release the code anonymously.

he didn't need to run a public server, but it would have been nice if he had maybe shared the source code, or, you know, not bribed prominent members of the community to shut down discussion and speculation about developing their own projects to make private servers.

Out, tranny-shill

People should stop bitching and move on

Maybe I'm thinking of another symbiote RPing WoW player

kys (you) fisher

This is so pro Leo it's cringe especially this stupid girl
Just scroll and see.

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He grinded Boomtown for years

>Leandro good
>We are disappointed in the community

Its a PRIVATE server for friends, no shit it has less players than PUBLIC game shop

The podcast is bullshit and they're downplaying it from the get go.

>Says Stroyer's claims are just that, 'claims'.
>Argie refutes them, but offers no evidence to the contrary even though he easily could
I really dislike slanted reporting.

>Linking this shit
You are literally the reason this game is cancer

What's Papa Vergil doing in Caprice?

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Its not hard to see why people side with Leo.

why don't you make us, Leo


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seems cool enough, anything with copious sidegrade choices is interesting to me.

He took the picture himself on then someone went into google maps to find his facade, that's how it works dumb dumb.

My local game shop isn't public. You need an invitation. If you tell anyone about it we ban you and anyone that you previously invited to the game shop. We take Dungeons and Dragons very seriously and we don't want Wizards of the Coast to shut us down.

because they want an invite or already play on the server?

We're all cancers, user. There is a reason why the Club Caprice is mock by everyone else in the game.

Do you need a license to play DnD or something?

It's just another shitty skinner box but with gimmicky setting.
If it's so old that nobody remembers how bad it was that doesn't mean it was good.

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This girl is pure cringe

t. Leo
I hope someone breaks in and hotglues all your naruto figurines you fucking faggot

No but if you want to play D&D I can get you an invite for a donation of 20$. This is for dice, pens, paper, books, etc.

>Bree gets invited to the private server

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Podcast girl was definitely in these threads. She talked about reddit as an afterthought, and described everything that happened here.

There weren't any real sidegrades to choose from. Power content was locked to whatever pool you chose, plus the incarnates and hero patrons near the end of the game. Some patron powers were absolutely phenomenal in PVP, but for the most part they weren't that great.

I don't see why we should wish death on someone for hosting a server privately for 6 years in secret, even if it was my favorite game.

Off with yee discord tranny

I don't want him to die, just some light strangulation until he releases the code.

Since we're on the subject of superhero MMORPGs, what does Yea Forums think of my cutie Gundam hero? Work in progress, looking for some opinions/help with color schemes.

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>It wasn't that bad
>It's not a big deal
>It's up to him what he does with it
Did she just pretend to care about the game and the community?

If we can get any info on the server host/ip address, I might be able to manage something.

she got an invite

Because he had access to the only way to play the fucking thing, and was given it with the full intention of spreading it to the community

They've moved the game forums today.

Its okay, I guess. If you could get more bot parts, it would certainly look better.

For fucks sake he fully intends to go back into hiding.


I think silver or white would work better instead of the gold.

Stay mad, MMO peasant.
Imagine being unironically upset because you weren't invited into a secret club of people with shit taste playing shitty game.
I bet you are among those faggots who constantly shit all over the board with WoW Classic threads.

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indeed they have

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God damn it she clearly just got an invite.

All three admit they were invited and thought the server was well known

Fucking retards on this podcast

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And he should die because you werent included?

>Talk to a bunch of my old CoH friends
>This is quite literally well known
>Somehow I was left out of the loop
>People assumed I, a ten fucking year veteran, would know about this
I feel like I'm the only fucker who DOESN'T know this.

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Basado y rojo empastillado.

>thought the server was well known
I had to replay that part. It's so fucking well-known, that they failed to ever mention it in last few years entirely. What the fuck am I listening to?

Did anyone see if they got a patreon bump or something, because this is some weird shit to pretend this was all somewhat public knowledge

Thanks, I think I'll try silver/white instead of the red and gold. I feel like the red clashes too much with blue.

>podcast girl admits she was invited to the server six years ago
>it felt like a work in progress
>says her account got deleted
>she checked up on it later and was told it was still a work in progress
holy fuck, it's all imploding now

>tfw you only got your gearscore to 410 before ncsoft shut it down

any fellow heroheads know this feel??

>This is quite literally well known
Like fuck it was.

>being surprised that some podcast sided with this guy
I don't know why you guys would be surprised when you've done jack shit about this drama except for sit in these threads and bitch about it.

Do they talk about what they're going to do with the server.

based andi poster

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Fun fact, apparently this was well known for all my friends who were active redditors.

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He’s form La Plata tho’. Provinciano, pobre y con olor a ano.

>website that broke the news first (thus setting the narrative for all of the other """"""""""journalists"""""""""" who will just skim that article and summarize their own) is exceptionally charitable to argie fuck

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There's no way. I've searched for a City of heroes private server and the only thing I ever got pointed to was SEGS and Paragonchat. I didn't want to play a shallow husk of CoH. I wanted to play a superhero MMO. I never would have guessed Paragonchat was a smokescreen for a fully functioning private server.

>City of Heroes

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it wasn't well known except as an urban legend. whenever someone brought it up they either got shadowbanned from whatever thing they were posting on or they got ridiculed by skeptics or shills.

the dude who owns it is obviously spiteful enough that he kept this in the dark and gaslit anyone who even discussed the concept of making a private server, i think we have more chance of ncsoft bringing the game back than getting any source code from this dude.

It is imperative that something be done in real life this guy and his cult are an experts of internet discussion manipulation. For years they have manipulated discourse to hide their shit and you can clearly see the dialogue is being manipulated in these threads.
The forums have been moved, the server has been moved, they're throwing pocket sand in everybody's eyes and regrouping elsewhere. Obviously they have no intention of giving up so you threaten some real life it's the only way now. Threat is enough, just fear you know.

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they just got the invite, is all

We can take what we want if we must.

I say everyone from buenos aires must die.
t. santa fe

I wish I was fucking joking.

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So what were the great and crappy powers in CoH? I haven't played since it was just CoH but this topic has me hankering for a time when "control" was an actual archetype rather than the trinity

Is that a Symbiote Merula

Attached: Cheer up Crew Cut Colored.jpg (878x796, 67K)

Why does CO have to be such shit

perhaps our bug brethren can help us out

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He's already in the process of changing the server/forum addresses, he's going deeper into hiding

>Reporting on something
>Lol was in on it from the very start
>Admit they were in on it from the very start
I thought journalist was supposed to be smart. At least not as dumb as the girl on the podcast. How the fuck do they expect to have any credibility when a massive conflict of interests is right there?
>We are disappointed at the community
I'm disappointed at these cunts

when did 4chanons become anti-dox

Every game community is like that. Guild Wars 2 is full of trannies. FF14 is full of trannies and diaperfags, WoW has futa goat girl, etc.

But argentina is "friendly" with china.

Of course, one of a few

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Isn't 2chan more widespread in popularity in Japan compared to Yea Forums in the west?


I think that's 2ch

cripplechan is working on it

I meant the gameplay, but yeah there's that too.
CoX was also full of ERP

When Gamergate happened and SocJus decided it needed to maintain a permanent garrison here

>deeper into hiding
>full name, address, social media, license plate made public

Attached: ummm.jpg (466x422, 16K)

your average nip knows about 2ch, but only degenerates use it.

You mean they made more besides the ones I asked for?

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>Come on guys, I remember saying that these emulators exist!
What the fuck is wrong with her?

It becomes extremely suspect when someone claims to love something extensively and then hold a very indifferent interest on it only some short time afterwards. If a relative died, sure I would be upset about then than now, but I would still have strong feelings about it. This would be the equivalent of him saying he doesn't care they died and it's for this reason it makes people extremely suspicious. Sure, saying he was involved is a large stretch, but it makes him more probable a candidate now than not, and ruling out the possibility is equally ignorant as claiming he is involved on that statement alone.

It's just the damage controllers flooding the thread. Everyone else is just trying to keep the thread from getting deleted.