post your taunt animation
Post your taunt animation
Other urls found in this thread:
Based joe pesci
what am i looking at?
what fucking affliction does this man have
Serious question. What condition does this guy have?
I just love how seamlessly he just goes into his idle pose after doing the taunt
This entire fucking confrontation was meme-tier.
it seems that he is having fun
The human body always amazes me. How could such spindly legs still support a torso, especially bent that way?
How fucking based is that???
Imagine your last breaths is this man's doing.
that thing looks so fucking frail
Photoshop a cock in her mouth
beating this "thing" with a metal baseball bat while its unholy shrieks fill the air would be fantastic
It's pretty mindblowing. We are both extremely fragile and incredibly resilient, on a case by case basis. Some unlucky bastard is born with freak ass legs and arms and is having a good time dancing, meanwhile some bloke fucking dies because he ate a peanut or a fish he wasn't supposed to eat. Life is fucking fascinating, man
>boss taunts you
>you can taunt them back
what she says
I really want to know if this is real and what condition this guy has. The backwards legs makes me think it might be fake
>"Wanna make out?"
what is it with trump supporters and triggered da libs? It seems to be the sole item on their platform
based chad tbqhwyf
Based Chad putting thots in their place.
Speak english
what anime is that?
You're on Yea Forums, we don't believe in fun here
I don't need any Taunts, my simply presence is enough to make my enemies Salty.
My Alt-Right Cousin Vinny
>insight: 99
>feel like this should creep me out
>it doesn't
What was this from? Looks entertaining
>free palestine poster
>probably supports a ton of jew owned media/products
>feels like it should at least make my skin crawl
>it doesn't
Nothing better than taunting an opponent after dominating them.
A great terror looms... Ludwig the accursed is coming...
because it's easy and fun.
Johnnie and Michael Miller
Im not 100% sure, but maybe he has genu recurvatum
You have to be over 18 to post here
how the FUCK is her legs bent like that?!??
This right here is why we need euthanasia in babies with abnormalities.
anybody got the original foe comparisson?
He has Updog.
it's from a ps1 game called guardian recall
100% organic cringe
This is how I dance but I'm not cute enough to get away with it
Wholesome and cute.
Sure, it's right there user.
based Firminho. Liverpool are going to wil the CL
Unga Bunga
I forgot to hover over the filename. My bad.
Very cool taunt, would not mind being taunted like that.
Whats Updog?
What’s updog?
can those winds pick people up, or are the latrines just light enough + being hollow
also would hitting the deck and being flat be a good way to NOT get fucked up
based nigs
Kenshi 2 is looking great.
subhumans are real
How do you get updog?
Somebody shoot these newfags.
You know, at least you came back, admitted it, and apologized.
You're an alright person, user.
It ain't her legs ;)
It's unlucky that a woman can dance as shit as possibly and still be cute doing it
>Whats Updog?
Nothin' much, what's up wit you?
Beautiful people can get away with anything. Even murder.
he's 56% american
What were you eating under there?
There’s nothing better
Girls can't fuck other girls!
Oh god no don’t summon him
this one really gets the tourists up in arms
There is a video of this guy dancing to Hall and Oates "You make my dreams come true" and it is awesome. Wish I could find it
The fuck? Is this an anime about CHEERLEADING?
Under where?
Under where?
There's an anime about sky-ironing, user.
Your mom's cunny
Based star platinum with the jotaro taunt
this dude's foot reposition is fucking amazing
that one guy died to bring the world this gif and it was a worthy sacrifice
I could never find myself supporting either side of the argument. On one hand, orange shirt was a drug user and therefore societal scum. On the other hand, I just hate fat people
How were you able?
what the fuck
>s2 never ever
It fucking HURTS
>tfw never taunt, ever
even in games with emotes/gestures like say, for honor or dark souls, I always just use the most neutral ones
anyone want a full dump?
>punches when the guy looks away
>limp wrist destroyed by chad religious street bro
trailer trash turf war waged over a mattress in a dumpster
I know. I really wanted to see them take off and run with their success. I know there's a lot of material not covered from the LN too.
>israel is bad because there are jews in it
this is the political opinion of a retard holy fucking kill yoruself slmao
There's no need to taunt, just keep on styling on them.
Very nice yore ugleh
Any other flavors?
Do you have the other gif of the chibi version waggling it's eyebrows?
That's the one I'm looking for.
for what purpose?
I can't wait for inner-city ghetto fast food chains to replace these for ones with built-in cameras as well as alarms that shriek out in response to impacts like this. Then corporate will have to sweep it under the rug once they see all the snapshots of the ones that do this are actual nignogs.
>all that piss and shit mist in the air
You have the reading comprehension of an American.
Holy fucking cringe
What sort of demon creature is this?
Yeah, I taunt the shit out of them with this.
Always makes 'em go red.
Show me a better taunt
You fucking can’t
Can I get a nude Tayne?
the internet is american and if you aren't american your usage of it is a privilege not a right so watch your choice of words
nah, sorry. only the short-stories if you can call them that.
lmao at the chestlet
Holy fucking based
Wait, hold on, I got a better one
Also my idle
Why do you think he was turning around? The ceiling sentry gun was deploying
>two fat guys have guns
>decide to threaten them regardless and throw a bat at their head
>guy and his wife are surprised when he dies
It's a fawn dude, look it up
Ala verga mis ojos
found it anyways
I can, but then again I couldn't imagine myself being dumb enough to stay around there with those armed idiots in the first place. Best to de-escalate the situation, leave, and just show the law enforcement video evidence of them brandishing firearms like that.
Absolutely nobody would be surprised. This is coming from an actual African American who has lived in a ghetto neighborhood all his young life.
>Be me, apply for a job at a clothing store in a white neighborhood
>The interviewer is a black guy
>after he says I got the job, he talks about how he's glad that I wasn't one of those ignorant blacks
>"I fucking hate those niggers"
>mfw he's right
Fast forward 5 years and I'm in some advanced engineering courses, I haven't seen another black person in months and I'm fucking glad because of it. One thing you'll never hear in the media is that black people hate themselves. Chris Rock put it best himself back in 1999.
Even fucking worse holy shit
Hyper Universe, it's dead
look at this gondola-ass motherfucker
Do you have any stuff on the game?
purpose is for whites
Not him, I recognize that gif.
I have the other one saved from that thread.
...and a flarhgunnstow.
come on bro you are making us look bad
only got stuff like pic-related and the description of what the game is supposed to be. I honestly don't expect it to come out ever
I can't tell who's arm that is.
is this female bugs or is he playing again. I swear to god he's the source of me liking traps dude this is deep fucking rooted i can't believe it man
I thought taunts were banned from games these days except single player.
how old is this gif?
We have too many problems that begin at the home, but hardly anybody wants to admit it or take the first steps to fixing them. And then ostracize the ones that want to get away from that shit.
doc can I get a refill?
standing still is the ultimate taunt
That is not suitable for work.
thanks user
This is not the right dose doc aaaaaahhhh.....
>Let's analyse the world's problems in a meme thread on a videogame imageboard
Indeed and the retard tried to attack with a baseball bath. He could had avoided all the situation.
the bitch screaming always cracks me up.
>im gonna kill u
>gets killed
The Legend.
Das rite whyte boi. I'm posting on this board, what chu gonna do about it?
Is this from one of the movies?
Yeah, same here, user.
I don't get how his legs don't snap with how hard he's dancing. I kept wincing in expectation.
>guy is surprised when he dies
It's always bugs in drag. Crossdressing is one of his signature moves, it gets him out of anything.
I'm proud of being privileged, fuck you
I played it thinking it was like a side scrolling brawler or something, was really disappointed when it ended up basically being a MOBA.
Our skeleton and tendons are very strong, even when there are no muscles
He has no legs. Those are prosthetics.
you remind me of this one giganigga in my engineering courses. cool guy.
>Half of Yea Forums wishes they were this guy.
Have sex.
You can be fine with Jewish people as a whole but not like the decisions Israel made you snow nigger.
>implying the girl wouldnt get turned on after getting pissed on
>tfw an American posts
Pls be bait
>repent sinner
>his shirt is pointing at him too
can't wait for the next Ace combat
MOAR /ss/ PLZ!!!!
The destruction of the black family unit was the one that hurt you guys the most.
Why the fuck did you feel the need to (you) me with that drivel? I have no fucking interest in the decisions of Israel, you're on a videogame board you mentalist.
That's cool black user, i won't mind if you get a white girl or hopefully you get a cool black woman as you.
If you're white kill yourself you pathetic cuck
i love black hookers.
they're cheap, high, and dont say no to anything
god i wish that were me
>having literally no achievements or sense of self worth that you group yourself in with the successes of other people who have the same color of skin as you even though they would think you are nothing but a degenerate peice of shit
Anyone who cares about interracial reproduction or cares about a skin colors 'identity' being ruined really needs to fucking do something with their life. Pathetic.
the mom?
Terrible Lighting
So real talk everyone in this confrontation is an asshole, however the fatties are in the right. And fucking Chad McWidowife is screaming and throwing his life away over his right to put a mattress in a fucking trash can, which you cant do because the trash people wont take it.
Im not saying he deserved to get shot for that, but he was LITERALLY asking for it.
Not to mention they censored the hell out of a few bits for the West, then made the changes global and called it progress.
i wanna ponk the ponk.
the guy filming it
how do i court this thing? very interested in what its like to fuck it.
we already did it
Live vicariously through the achievements of other people who happen to have the same skin color as you, or get a life and literally stop caring about completely pointless things.
You need a strong charm goblin spell.
Well yeah, the skeleton is what the rest of the body hangs on it would have to be strong.
Definitely in the right situation, but generally humans are dense and aerodynamic if they huddle down close to the ground, but if you were holding onto something that could act as a foil, or wearing a wingsuit or something, that dust devil would pick you up.
Means nothing. Last (you) from me, have a think about it.
>quick full body assessment
>notices kid is positioning himself to throw punch
The situational awareness and split second analysis of that boomer is incredible
>silent hill will never get a proper sequel
it hurts bros
no kike
Just pick it up and run, it can't pepper spray you or anything
Kids and sticcs can die from it.
Haha stupid touhous
>taunt backfires
my gif folder is horribly unsorted.
just search "matsumoto window cleaning comercial/prank"
Is this Dragon's Dogma?
found some info on a quadriplegic
>...when I was in the act. She looked at me dead in the eyes and said, "I can't feel much, but are you enjoying it?"
>I told her that I was, in between my breaths.
>She then said, "I'm glad. Enjoy it enough for the both of us!"
Holy shit she's like a 10/10 in terms of face and curves. but the four missing limbs knocks her down to 6/10
What's the reason for this? They've still got functioning parts in the groin don't they?
The boomer could have Chumped out and punched back, but instead he realised what a soiboi his opponent was and simply taunted him.
I bet she has a cute and humble personality with a good sense of humor from being deformed so that brings her up to an 8 at least.
boy that zoomer was wise to walk the fuck away after that, the dude caught his fucking fist in an instant
That'd probably stop me dead.
sorry, meant "parapalegic". went looking for quadrapalegic info, only found parapalegics.
yes, quads still have feelings
paras dont.
holy shit dude.
Is it contagious?
if you're a white girl, yes, very contagious
If my funeral isn't like this what's the point in even dying?
Become as Gods. Become as Gods.
i know, right? fuck that, ill just live forever.
This is some ancient magic
>shorts under skirt
such a weak looking punch i doubt it would have did much anyways
cute. sauce?
you don't like girls that act like boys, faggot?
More like double-based
I'll always love my messiah.
maplestory 2
sadly it's dead
>Not having interactive two-player taunts
god damn that is some flat chest she has.
You should get treatment.
>that one unironic /pol/ token black mascot
Fucking pathetic.
chris rock said later in life he hates this skit because it just made white people more racist.
Atleast he's not a tranny like you
Typical Leftist coward.
the look of bitterness in that niglets face.
>black people not having foresight with regards to their actions
colour me surprised
it is
thanks doc?
Amagami Brilliant Park.
Basically Roller Coaster Tycoon: The Anime
thanks doc?
Based black hand poster
>According to a recent study, researchers found fecal matter on every touchscreen they tested at eight different McDonald’s restaurants. The amount of fecal matter found on each screen was “enough to put people in the hospital,”
Based nig saving the next dope from smearing his hands in literal shit.
>The amount of fecal matter found on each screen was “enough to put people in the hospital,”
That has to be an exaggeration. I can't imagine anyone with an immune system will go to the hospital from touching one of those things, unless they're scooping lumps of shit off them and eating them
My sides
Do people actually go out and do this
What a fucking loser holy shit
bix nood muh nigga muh fuka
American politics have become one big sport, where all that matters is your team is winning so you get to make fun of the other team.
I hear it
>It seems to be the sole item on their platform
It's because they can't argue against facts, you just can't, so when facts aren't on their side they pull as many distractions as they can. Smoke and mirrors.
Its like an out of season superbowl.
must be australia
It's Pro-Wrestling to the extreme.
Pretty much. It's just a bunch of people trying to feel superior over the other side and like they are on the correct team.
what is this?
That's actually fucked
Now this is the Yea Forums I remember
Man I'm glad white people don't do drugs from an early age without even being forced to by their parents.
jesus that bod
damn that chimp shat himself when gorilla came at him
That boomer straight up out of an anime
this was immediately following the election
This was a very fun thread, and I had a pretty good time.
Thanks everyone, goodnight.
>enemies cant be taunted
>that ocular pat down
what the fuck is wrong with black people
thank cnn for this cringe
Brian Stelter
How can I make this girl place every single inch of her body on my face?
based black man!!
>She ends up kissing a black dude after this
What a bitch
he knew what he was dealing with
if its grey its gay
if its blonde go fondle
me irl
Dan "hold her tighter shes a fighter" Schneider
>TAA on
who's the girl?
i remember this happened right after the election. The dude has full fucking rights to what hes doing. This dude is actually one of the few BASED AND REDPILLED people ive seen
what the fuck did she think was gonna happen
this animation looks so familiar but I can't remember...
>having thoughts
It's cute how naive you are.
im good how are you
>22nd century Americano
I love the balls these Jews have, they don't even bother hiding it anymore
>It's because they can't argue against facts, you just can't, so when facts aren't on their side they pull as many distractions as they can. Smoke and mirrors.
t. triggered libtard.
What a cutie patootie
I gotchu
so anal isnt off the table
I fucking hate these retarded fat hillbillies. Neither side was in the right but you cant go around killing pepole because you were "thretened".
Professional wrestling
Jesus Christ
Who is she
I wish she would body me in bed.
Your death.
Keeps getting better and better
Imagine if some poor sod was is the middle of taking a massive shit in one of those.
based pink poster
The madman
I haven't seen this in years. You have any of the others?
cute and funny
Some high tier pixel animation
>listen here you little shit
Alternatively he whispered the entire gorilla warfare pasta into his ear
That's hot.
That's a younger gorilla, you retard.
Yea Forums spends most of their time hating on women but then likes this kind of stuff.
seriously what the fuck is that?
Mad, beta?
So that's where the budget for that anime went
Only oldfags will remember this one.
Ok newfag
An actual footage of a prehistoric man
I still hear the music
Based as Fuck.
What do you think of how niggers are presented in the media and general society vs how the black community sees them internally, as contrasted to other races and their "niggers", e.g. how white trash are presented in the media and general society vs how the white community sees them?
Would anyone be kind enough to provide sauce?