"user, can you help me up the stairs?"

>"user, can you help me up the stairs?"

what do

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Push her over, steal her crutches, and 360 and hobble away

>Hate cripples

I will release you from your agony child, hold still.

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>Y-you too...

I sweep the leg.

>Ellis gets to fuck this every night

>Violet gets to fuck this every night


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Glad to see Clem is still a cutie. Not season 1 cute, but still pretty darn cute.

[Glass Her]

Help her up the stairs.

Sfm tells me another story

Prove it faggot

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yeah because sdsms is like 2 years behind m8

selfdrillingsms fair played

That's what you get for not letting AJ empty half a clip into her.

Trade off for having James killed for being a total idiot.

walkers dindu nuffin

Getting to call him out on his nonsense in the cave was pretty good tho.


Cause fanmade porn is canon, right?



Oh she's cute alright

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You will never get to defile Clementine.

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Refrain, motherfucker.

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she looks like a blacker Ashly Burch

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