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What are some of the best, recommended potions to get in RPGs before battle?

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I eat stuff like that all the time and I weigh 125 lbs and am pretty ripped.

What gives? How do I get fat?

>all that protein and fiber
Literally how

its fake

>125 lbs
>pretty ripped

are you 4' tall?

No I am 5'6 and very dangerous. Put your shin guards on before you think of calling me 4' again...

>What are some of the best, recommended potions to get in RPGs before battle?
The strongest you can find.

Genetics are all that matter. Anyone telling you otherwise is taking you for a ride/

Reminder that mana potions are sentient and they intentionally make themselves taste like shit to avoid being drunk.

if you eat one of those a day you'll get as fat as you could ever want

>Sugar still less than like a 32oz soda and the thing is literally chocolate incarnate

As a diabetic this would legitimately kill me.

Unless you have god tier genetics that don't give a fuck.

Like that lady who drank 5 Dr peppers a day and lived to like 110 laughing at her doctors who said she'd die from it, because they all died first.

It's all genetics man. I'm skinny myself and eat shakes like these all the time and don't gain weight at all. It's like my body don't take the sugar or something but I do feel the energy

the FDA should put a daily percentage for sugar like they do for the other stuff. americans might hesitate to put this in their mouth if they saw 690% next to it

>125 lbs

Fake or not, Americans will still order several of these and question why they're fat.
>t. American

>the FDA should put a daily percentage for sugar like they do for the other stuff.
The sugar lobby would never, ever allow that.

how many dr peppers you drink has nothing to do with your weight, if you have less than your calorie expenses you won't gain anything. now getting diabetes is a different story

You guys seriously should be careful. I became a type 2 diabetic 3 years ago and I was 153 at the time. You dont have to be fat to get diabetes, you just need to have a set amount of carb/sugar overload that overtakes what your body can handle. Mine was fruit juice.

You won't be 18-22 forever.

I'd take like, 2 sips. Shit with too much chocolate taste like ass. Things like chocolate syrup covered chocolate cake.

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>girl sits on her ass and eats 3 of these a day
>gets fat and enjoys every meal
>demands men still fuck her
why can they do this?

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>Americans will still order several of these

Do you unironically think your body would accept multiple helpings of 2600 liquid sugar calories? Unless you're a 6'10 weightlifter you'd feel like vomiting after half of the first one.

Lieing or very ill. You be the judge.

Damn, ya I heard of stuff like that. This one dude in my city got like some pre diabetic stuff due to protein shakes. Apparently the ones he kept drinking had lots of sugar in them

I guess I could have a tapeworm or something but there's no signs of it.

>why can they do this?
because men will enable that behavior hoping it will get them laid

fucking unf

That's still an easily stomachable heh level of fat. If you wouldn't fuck that then you aren't a straight man.

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For me, it's the authentic mexican liqueur

Attached: Full health restore items.webm (640x360, 2.95M) "Maternal obesity and fetal metabolic programming: a fertile epigenetic soil"
>Infants born to obese, overweight, and diabetic mothers (even when normal weight) have increased adiposity and are at increased risk of later metabolic disease.

>Getting defensive about being called short
Cover up there manlet, your insecurities are showing.

Given that I did pineapple juice pretty much daily, and the concentrate I used was refined, it was pretty much 90g per cup. At the time I didnt even realize how fucking bad that was. since sugared starbucks coffees are like 60g per cup. And now I physically cant have fruit juice without my sugars going up by like 200 points. So its pretty much all flavored waters for me now.

Because men are desperate and will fuck anything.

You'd be surprised. Fat people are disgusting enough to be used to it.

Why is it always Mexicans? Why is their cuisine "JUST TAKE A BUNCH OF CHEAP SHIT AND THROW IT TOGETHER AND EAT IT"

Even traditional Mexican cuisine is just that.

I eat stuff like that all the time and I weigh 67 lbs and am pretty ripped.

What gives? How do I get fat? Am 4'12 btw.

Yep my mom was type 1 diabetic and I got it later from her.

how about this then?

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She's still hot. Doesn't need to demand anything. Tons of fucking dudes are probably lining up to fuck her.


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Mexicans are poor

>have been on sports teams since a kid
>have stayed relatively active even after stopping
>workout religiously
>still have a belly because I love bbq and sweets like OP
Count yourself lucky dude. I’ve just accepted my pudge art his point

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>263g of pure sugar

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Look at all that calcium, must be good for the bones!

Still just short of unfuckable.

he doesnt understand since hes either
1 not obese and obviously has never tried to binge on this shit
2 is obese but through more normal means
im going with 2

The carb is honestly worse. that breaks into sugar as well.


Because it tastes good and it's cheap

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It's fake.

There's no possible way 32 ounces of something could have 2600 calories in it unless it was gasoline or something

Uh.. pretty sure you're obese.

doubt that would do much. Dumb asses still eat fast food even though the calories are listed on the menu now.

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Everything breaks down into sugars. Better stop eating food altogether.

Man, Americans and their seasonal health crazes make me absolutely sick. First gluten, now carbs. This shit is like gastronomic astrology.

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fuck off yuropoor

He's referring to freedom units, not communist units

lbs you ninny. who weighs themselves in kgs anymore?

Why haven't you gotten a girlfriend who knows how to cook, Yea Forums?

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Knew a dude that was skinny that got type-2 diabetes


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I know how to cook, and I hope one day my food will make her smile

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>tfw have mostly fast food, soda, and whatever cheap sandwiches/oatmeal i can be bothered to make
>105lbs 5'6
>had a kidney stone though lmao
>wont stop me from drinking the carbonated jew though

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Because I do the cooking.

that's weak

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Yeah I think that's it, not even I'd touch something that rotund.

Just drink water with lemon or lime, it's tasty. After literally a week you don't crave soda anymore.

>not knowing how to cook for yourself

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Touching my pots and pans is my equivalent of some redneck and his pickup truck. Do it and die.

>manlet in the background getting on the table to reach the top of the rack

They never fucking learn.

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>Work at a Baskin Robins, generous tips and get a lot of alone time
>Human orb comes in every so often and buys nearly a 3 quarts worth of ice cream and toppings and calls it her "special sundae"
>She's friendly enough but it looks like walking around is a labor for her
> She's gets bigger and bigger every time I see her
>She hasn't come in nearly 3 weeks
Did I kill this woman?

Depends on how bad are the stretchmarks if none present one might still stick it in. Cutoff tier right here

Enjoy dying early

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Start making Green Tea at home and drink with no sugar. Very soon you'll feel like every soda shit is too sugary and will taste disgusting.

Fool, I'm an architect
I can handle anything

like throw some lemon/lime juice into it or something else?
dont like green tea, or tea in general


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Yes, just squeeze a lemon or lime into a pitcher of water.

i wanna stick my dick in her bellybutton

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1L bottles of Mountain Dew have a bit more than half the amount of sugar.

They use the term "sugars" for a reason. The nutritional facts would become a bloated monstrosity listing an ungodly number of different types of sugar, especially for that abomination in OP.

don't be ridiculous user, you gotta feed her first

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Not you user, the store did. Even on your days off, you go and get that ice cream.

Doggy styleee!
More cushion for the pushin'

Now that there is what I call, Fun Size.

>The sugar lobby
Actually, that would be the Corn cartels with their syrups.

I'd smash her like a plate in a greek restaurant