ITT: Thank god I didn't pay for this

ITT: Thank god I didn't pay for this

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But it had the best gameplay in the series.

It's a great game though

it's a masterpiece compared to zero time dilemma lmao

This especially with some of the puzzle rooms. Had a few times where I was really left scratching my head for a bit to figure out a puzzle especially some of the golden files. Don't think I ever got stuck for more than a few minutes in 999 or ZTD.

I honestly think you have to be an idiot to play this game and not like it. Not because it's so perfect or anything but because it's such a niche genre, a puzzle heavy VN, and it does that so perfectly the only explanation for not liking it is that you stupidly bought a game that doesn't appeal to you at all. Why would you play a puzzle heavy game if you don't like puzzles? Or are you really gonna try to argue the puzzles in VLR aren't good?

t. Brainlet

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Remember when Yea Forums sent a compilation of people's pictures of their 999 and ztd watches to Uchikoshi in support of him releasing his final game?

Why the fuck are there so many retarded falseflag threads up right now?

Same, bought God of War for the PS4 over these shitty games and loved it, pirated the "999 series" later and I was fucking glad I did because I couldn't bare the terrible dialogue and puzzles, played the first one 3 hours and the second one like 1 hour, the third one looks fun but I'm not wasting my time with this garbage anymore

time zones

Not sure user but you may not enjoy Visual Novels with Puzzle gameplay

VLR is my favorite VN from Uchikoshi. I'm looking forward to Somnium Files. I just hope to god he does not retread the same themes AGAIN.

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No, I don't remember Yea Forums having /mlp/ tier dumpster tastes.

I like that one chick's titties, though.

He has a game with Kodaka coming up, he's probably not going to do anything with the story and he's there to keep Uchikoshi from repeating the "Ever17 plot twist"

Sigma and Phi's relationship in this game was golden, I can't stop loving this pair. With all the bad stuff I've heard about ZTD about them, I'd rather keep it this way and pretend it ended in the second game.

The third game plot twist where completely retarded
If you're absolutely not going to play it read this: they are father and daughter

At this rate, I'd consider this the best choice. ZTD's only saving grace was all of the memes generated from how awful it was.

>hospital room gold file
Jesus christ

Yes, I regret submitting my pic for that dumpster fire.

>siggy phi shipper
I feel your pain brother, I loved the dynamic between the two of them in VLR. They went through way too much shit to get roped into that whole lol, I'm your father bullshit. I saw it coming, but I was praying it wouldn't, unfortunately I was wrong. It especially hurt after that one ending where diana shot siggy and cold hard phi broke down in tears. Fuck ZTD to hell and back.

>Not appreciating the greatest brotag ever and all the wonderful hidden dialogues throughout the game
You're missing out man. I went in expecting more of the same from 999 and ended up completely falling in love with Sigma. I hate shifting and all the shit introduced in ZTD, but I would pay good money for another game with sigma as the lead.

>Better than the first one worse than the ZTD
there you go

For me it's pic related but god why did I pay for this

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The entire 999 series is so fucking overrated. Ace Attorney and Danganronpa are way better and deserve their popularity.


Nope. I'm done. I'm so fucking done. Thanks a lot for letting me know I should never touch that game ever. My anger knows no bounds right now.

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ZTD is like "The Room" of videogames, it's pretty fun to play and follow the story because of how bad it is even if it ruined the franchise

>999 overrated
>danganronpa isn't and is better
I know this is a troll post, but fuck you anyways.

Be glad you found out here, rather than 20hours into the shitfest called zero time dilemma.

It's like a trainwreck, you think it can't possibly get any worse and yet somehow it continues to disappoint you.

>I know this is a troll post
No it isn't. 999 is some Jap pseud splurging out on some high school philosophy that he just discovered and passes it off as high brow, with babby-tier puzzles. Danganronpa is a stupid comedy/mystery game in the vein of Ace Attorney that doesn't try to be anything else. The music, art style, humor and everything else surpasses even the best of VLR. Stay seething

I want to marry the robot.

Throw some more buzzwords while you are at it

Is it okay to fuck a copy of a copy of your daughter who was brought up by that first copy of your daughter?

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So you have no argument got it

Bait thread?
Bait thread.


I don't have to respond with arguments for someone that didn't say any arguments you idiot

Why? VLR is a great game.

No regrets. 999 and VLR were kino as fuck, a sequel that properly finished the series was a dream for years.

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>5 years ago

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The only people who care this much about 999 are just contrarians who got mad Danganronpa was more popular. Even Japan doesn't give a shit about it. I enjoyed it but it's so overrated by contrarians that it makes me want to hate it.

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>filtered by giacomo and friends

>tfw that one video with ode of joy playing while showing the hype increasing in the threads until it got announced got taken down
>all those edits and fanart
I want to go back

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Has it ever occurred to you that people enjoy Zero Escape, Danganropa and Phoenix Wright on equal terms? Of course it hasn't, filthy shitposter. Fucking waste of time.

nigger I cared about 999 before DR1 even got a psp fantranslation
I still like it a lot, and I like the danganronpa series too, but less than 999

>A game made by Kodaka and Uchikoshi
This can either go really well or ZTD part 2

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>really well
You v3fags are easy to please

t. brainlet

You know, in the grand scheme of the story, phi shouldn't even exist. The events of VLR hinged on the worst possible outcome of ZTD, which needed VLR to happen to even begin with. Delta and Phi are byproducts of a paradox.

Depends on which version of them we're getting. If we get DR2 Kodaka with 999/VLR Uchi, it's gonna be a fantastic game. If we get ZTD Uchi with DR3 Kodaka, we're screwed.

Are you ready for the crossover of the century?

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>same exact fucking twist reveal from Ever 17
>story goes nowhere
That said, it had the best feeling of swapping timelines I've ever seen. Of course it's all scripted, but figuring out where and when you needed to go to and having Phi pick up on what you're doing felt cool as hell. And the puzzles were good too. A few really creepy moments, and most twists were decently foreshadowed. It was disappointing in some big regards but overall it felt worth it. Never felt inspired to try a third game though, even back when it seemed like it would never get made.

Post >yfw Luna's ending.

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What twist are you talking about specifically?

>user's faces when Blick Winkel is canonically the morphogenic field

>Operation Bluebird
>Trailer gets released
>In a time when I was getting back into saw
>Awwww yeahhh

I don't know what happened. It should've been perfect for me. I think I enjoyed it more than others but the pacing was off, the twists were more fucking stupid than jigsaw's "I was helping him the whole time", and the fucking plot made no sense or had ANY context. Fuck the ending too. I was so fucking hyped just to play Saw with psychic powers and twists.

Honestly thought it was going to have a plot twist where the only way to win is to shift to a timeline outside the Zero Games.

>I think I enjoyed it more than others
>the pacing was off, the twists were more fucking stupid than jigsaw's "I was helping him the whole time", and the fucking plot made no sense or had ANY context. Fuck the ending too
What did you enjoy then?


>yakuza zero on the list two times

i guess it might deserve two spots

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Eric being tired of the BULLSHITTING, a bit of Q.
SADISTIC CHOICES. Had a ton of fun in the beginning to the middle. As soon as they said Zero's name it went from a 8/10 to a 6/10 to a 3/10

You should watch the videos of Uchi's idol A-set. One of them has a saw in it, a big big one.

Similar quality in writing.

Oh no I'm following it. It's a bit too chuub for my liking but I don't know, maybe it'll surprise me.

>even the creator of Bluebird said it was a mistake

The anime? Kodaka was barely related in that.

Enjoying Eric is the patrician opinion, made 30% of the game fun

Still happened on his watch, just like the killer killer manga.

Same. I cringe through every damn video. I haven't watched most of them. I find both her english and japanese voice irritating as hell. I would skip them if I wasn't so damn sure they're gonna reveal significant plot details concerning the game.

eat shit nigger, VLR is a masterpiece.

Eric was legit my favourite character. Usually I hate it when characters go off the wall and do stupid shit because of miscommunications. But it was so entertaining seeing him just fucking snap and go balls to the wall. I think it's just because they introduced the sympathetic side of him way too late in the game. I'm not a big fan of him forgiving Mira at the end. But the whole story shit itself right in the middle.

My only disappointment is that they played Carlos and Dio completely straight. It's such an anti-twist.

Oh I meant the entire game desu. I'm not too big of the character designs yet. It looks like a compile heart or NIS game. I'm being prejudice, I know. But there's so many low quality Japanese games coming here it's starting to ruin my outlook.

Have you seen the last one?
Al these videos look badly especially in lip-sync, I hope it's because this was made with marketing funds.

Getting ZTD vibes....

>tfw bought 999 and Virtue's Last Reward on PSN
>still haven't played Virtue's Last Reward

Should I get around to it?
