Here are your new raid armor sets, bro! We hope you like them because we had more time to work on them, you know...

Here are your new raid armor sets, bro! We hope you like them because we had more time to work on them, you know, with us removing class specific sets and all :^)

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Azshara's armor sets are definitely the worst they've put out in a while. Even worse than Uldir and those were boring. Dazar'alor proved they could still do cool sets though.

I dunno man, personally the Dazar'alor sets looked like something out of Monster Hunter, but I guess that's subjective.


Mythic versions aren't that different from Normal. Besides, what does it matter? In Legion sets from Normal somehow managed to look interesting while still leaving room for improvement for Mythic

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Sets always look terrible on human males. Worse than on any other race and sex.


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thats actually objectively wrong
although i assume you play a blood elf female or something so your brain is damaged

>Sets always look terrible on the one body type they're made to fit
lol. enjoy your stretched out helmets fat cow

>people still play this shit

>exposed neck

All armor sets sorta just blend now. I haven't play wow since wrath and this set could had been during that time. Its amazing how little if anything at all, has changed on their artwork.

Ah, Legate Lanius, glad you could make it.

Because it's too difficult to actually make a bulky plate set, they can't even throw the ''engine limitation'' card since they already shown they can do that in Antorus

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Exposed neck on plate sets is right up at the top of my pet peeve list along with HUGE GLOVES ittybitty little boots and exposed hands / fingers + everything else covered up along

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>playing wow

almost as bad as using twitch emotes

...why are the leather elbow guards stitched onto bandages? That's amazingly fucking stupid

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I feel like i've seen these before...


No thanks, I’ll stick with what I got

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I wish plate robes would actually be somewhat bulky. Also T2 revamp never fucking ever

>we want the aquaman audience

Wasn't this set just a direct ripoff of warhammer's armor style, even in a universe already ripped off from warhammer? The wax seals etc. don't fit in with anything else from the warcraft universe. it's a cool looking set, don't get me wrong.

Personally, tier 5 is the best looking overall tier with rogue and warlock being particular highlights

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I personally preferred t4, I found a lot of t5 sets to be way too edgy and overdesigned and the paladin set was pretty meh, unless you played a Draenei. Priest's t5 was fucking fantastic though