why was this game so perfect, bros?
Why was this game so perfect, bros?
It was until EOTN came but i still miss the community to this day.
The development team had a clear vision and knew exactly what they wanted to be and was great because of it, instead of trying to copy World of Warcraft.
>no items treadmill
>great skill combination system
>double class on top of that
Fuck ArenaNet.
Fuck soul reaping nerfs.
Fuck minion cap.
Never forget
Never forgive.
I will never forget the first part of the game about Ascalon and the Charr. It was so memorable and so well done.
The sea of Jade was so comfy. Totally not Kowloon was aids though but still enjoyable
same here.
Is it still playable or are servers shut down
there your friends now in the sequel
Still playable, but you will have a hard time to find a player in there.
>tfw completed all campaings playing exclusively with another friend
To offset that you can now customise a full party of 8 and even micro the shit out of them if you want.
the peace started with eotn though
thats not true. The commubity is still strong. Just don't join reborn.
tell us more. I haven't played this game in years. I will reconsider to install it.
>hacker in our mission party
>gets banned mid mission
>dhuum, the avatar of death actually appears in the game world and kills his character
only saw this shit once and it was great. old GW was too good for this world
pre minion cap necromancers blew my mind the first time i saw it
>implying this isn't the best Sword Elite
Sadly, NCsoft took over the development part of GW 2, hire people with no vision, and go as far as only having WoW beta players and pander to them. Heart are one of the reason why it exist in GW 2.
wanna play but why is this still selling for like $40?
>not having one singular boss monster that spread havoc and pain everywhere
NCsoft wants you to play the new ones, not old one.
gw2 is better
cope and have sex
the only things gw2 does better is control movements and cosmetics, both are marginal
gw2 is boring as shit they're not even the type of game at all anyway.
it's still populated but everybody plays on american district now. Pre searing is very alive too. Just join a guild and have fun. You won't even notice any difference. Also all content possible to clear solo or with heroes. Pvp is only active to fixed times.
>s gw2 does better is control movements
Not even control could save it. Mount MIGHT as well be there at the start of the game, but you're still stuck with no fluid movement in an instance.
I replayed it on christmas actually and it was so much fun I dicided to check older mmos out. Ff11 is next
Isn't the server dead?
flesh golem is not remotely comparable to having and sustaining 150+ bone fiends/horrors or 300+ bone minions per zone
This happened to me in early WoW during Zul'Gurub when it was brand new
>raiding with my bunch of former EQ pals
>we get to a boss that starts as 2 animals
>you gotta kill them at the same time
>we do
>it bugs and the next phase doesnt start
>nothing happens, can't continue
>we put in several support tickets
>wait around an hour
>GM answers us, literally spawns as a gigantic Cenarius inside the instance
>cenarius walks into the boss area and spawns several copies of the boss
>cenarius one-shots them with a gigantic thunderfury
>cenarius says to enjoy the rewards and sorry for the trouble
>mfw we get like 4x the drops for that boss because we had to wait and deal with a bug
>mfw nobody cared or thought it was that much of a big deal
>mfw i look back on it ~17 years later fondly and with such nostalgia because i never thought it would become a corporate, soulless husk money-mill
I like my Golem full of enchantment and watching it plow down a mob without dying. Also, Verata's Sacrifice instantly recharge, making it have +10 regen at all times.
>Also all content possible to clear solo or with heroes
you ever try clearing UW with heroes?
fucking nightmare
FoW is easy but takes a bit of time, UW is undoable tbqh
you can solo all of uw as assa