The Absolute State of SONY

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On a good note, PSN is a safespace now

>Sony limits distasteful content

boo hoo

What does 3DPD women claiming to be sexually assaulted have to do with anime titty

>distasteful content
>doesn't remove battle royale games

Fucking distasteful genre. Pedophile breeding grounds. All those children.

Absolutely nothing.

How the fuck would the Metoo thing affect the game division? And before someone start saying that they are only censoring japanese games, let's not forget of Super Seducer, the game they pulled out of the PS Store.

Sony knows most #MeToo claims are bullshit, but they also know the same hambeasts who make the false claims hate the thought of men being attracted to fictional characters. As a result, they’re banning your anime boobies to convince you to settle for the 3DPD in hopes you’ll placate their insufferable social justice bullshit.

Not a damn thing. Just people sticking their nose into things that's not any of their business. No kid looking at anime tiddies has been struck mentally disabled or started trying to breed with trees.

>this kills the So(n)y

As long as this is limited to adding mysterious beams of light to the ecchi games which historically have bad and repetitive gameplay then I couldn't care less.

But if, say, Street Fighter 6 comes out for PS5 and they censor the T&A, which is the strongest point of Street Fighter 5, then bye bye Sony.


>most #MeToo claims are bullshit
That's wrong, though.

What is rating?

Not even once.

You can just not play those games then though.
There's no point in censoring that shit when you can just choose not to view it in the first place, like a normal reasonable person.
Sony's flipping off a significant portion of their playerbase with this puritanical bullshit.
We're veering towards a world like in fuckin Equilibrium with these decisions straight out of the mind of a 90yr old conservative politician.

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A Sony spokesman told WSJ:
>Sony is concerned the company could become a target of legal and social action.
>We don’t have criteria in written guidelines or that sort of thing because the policy was introduced kind of suddenly in the wake of the #MeToo movement.

Another spokeswoman added:

>[Sony has] responsibility to our users as a platform holder. [It’s] so that creators can offer well-balanced content on the platform and [gaming] does not inhibit the sound growth and development [of youngsters].

The Wall Street Journal also mentioned the disappointment of several game developers for this new policy, particularly in Sony’s own homeland of Japan, where sexually explicit content is more widespread in games. Not only are they concerned about the potential limitations to their creative approach during development, but they’ve also pointed out that the lack of written guidelines is proving problematic in itself.

The CEO of a small Japanese studio said:
>You don’t know what they will say until you complete the work and submit it for review. And if they are not happy, even if they allowed the same degree of sexuality a few days before, we need to take it back and ask our staff to make adjustments. That’s very costly.

Another executive from a Japanese developer didn’t mince words on the outcome of this policy:

>What they’re saying to us is basically go find a niche somewhere else.

How will this game fair now?

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Sakura Taisen has never showed tits.

Sega fucked up by choosing snoy.

This is going to be censored too?

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Based Sony is filtering weeb shovelware!

I doubt it. Rockstar gets a pass because they make a shit ton of money with these games.

They are slowly moving to PC

Some aren't, some are.
Weinstein's is real, there's legitimate proof of his shit.
Vic Mignogna isn't, there's no fucking proof other than 'she said he said' nonsense.

There's cleavage right there. The series is another one of those "problematic" dating sims too. You can't expect it to go unscathed.

If they do it and BTFO normalfags then I will be super happy.
I think they said there will be shower scenes or something like that in this one. Also fuck you.

Somebody should tell Sony to look at the music video industry and ask themselves if video games are really the issue here.

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censored only on playstation

Honestly. As sexual content in a game ever done any harm? People have cited books and movies as causes of death. Even people try to point the blame on violence in video games for violence in real life, but when was the last time someone was raped and the rapist said it was because he played too much DoA.

Only niche japanese games that sell a couple thousand units get hit.

Sony's censorship raped my games.


I don't get the sony nanny mentality, most people buying games with their own money know what they're getting into anymore, some 10year old wasn't going to buy a titty anime game in the first place

Do I have to be american to think that every other game being about killing people is tasteful? Maybe having a school shooting every other day would help me come to such a conclusion.

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It is as lewd as Persona 5, which is not at all.

and the sony fanbois that were calling nintendo a kids toy will defend this lol.

Whoa, Vic is a total douche who totally used his position to sleep with many of his coworkers and maybe some fans, many of whom were married at the time. But he never did so without their consent.

I guess they figured out this loss in neckbeard money isn't as big as a loss in facing a big backlash for letting some weird-ass weeb rape simulator into the PSN store

It makes sense as a business decision. It's the same reason to not allow porn games into the platform.

Hey guys resetera just imploded and is having a mass exodus

Metacouncil is the new site. It’s over we’ve won

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Likely , they will have to rethink the whole whore and brothels thing .

*Hits pipe*

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a snoyfag. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying, subscribing, playing and defending a game console corporation solely so they can go and get your games censored by Californians. All the hard work devs put into their beautiful anime girls - sculpting their bodies, making them wear sports clothes, making sure their breasts jiggle, playing with them. All of it has one simple result: their game is more enjoyable for the men that will buy it on another system. Made the perfect game? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random alt-right russian hacker incel who has nothing to do with a Snoy console, who just buys the game on Steam. He gets to virtually pet the anime girl's head every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way the nip devs intended. As a "man" who has a Playstation, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 7 years of your life simply to support games for other men to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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It’s like Betamax vs VHS taught them nothing.

This makes me feel better about building a beefy gaming PC

It's not actually about the children. It's about staying on the good side of journalists who keep track of this stuff. They start putting anime titty games out on their store and they'll start getting negative stories about it in the media. It's not worth the potential bad publicity.

bad publicity.

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There's already multiple rating bodies out there, what they're doing is unnecessary. It should be a settings toggle or part of parental mode if they needed this to be done.

It's pretty much "we'd rather lose the sales of niche titles than be accountable for what some kid buys with moms credit card"

It's publicity for anime titty games, but people already know what Sony and Playstation is. If parents start seeing a bunch of stories in the media about how Sony has pornographic content available for download on the playstation store they'll buy their kids xbox instead.

>It's not actually about the children.
>It's about staying on the good side of journalists who keep track of this stuff.
Link me the articles of american journalists whining about the sub 5000-sale mature and adult games that were released only in japanese.
>They start putting anime titty games out on their store and they'll start getting negative stories about it in the media.
Those were already being sold on the platform for a long time before this mess. Part of the backlash is them pulling this out of nowhere when everything was fine before.
>It's not worth the potential bad publicity.
There was no element of this until they went full retard and drew attention to these markets.

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>violence and gore good
>cartoon girls bad
California is stupid

Picked the fuck up

Persona 5 Royal will for damn sure be coming out censored. Resetera flipped their shit at the pool scene in P5 saying it was sexualizing minors.

GTA 6 is not gonna happen anytime soon, Rockstar themselves said the game is too problematic and they are afraid o release it in the current global political climate. You can expect a new Midnight Club instead.

Yes, it is.
Behold, the people who decide "global standards of decency".

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Your fault for being a snoyfag. Stay salty we control your vidya gaems. You wouldn't have this issue if you weren't loyal to one platform, fag.

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what game on left

Retards didnt believe me that this is the main reason why they cancelled Code Vein.

Vic's shit has been known for years. No idea why you retards are still sacrificing yourself on the cross for the dude. He's never getting his jobs back.

Yes and no.

Yes there won't be any "objectifying" depictions of women.

No, because there will be sex scenes where the woman is on top, in control, the man is subservient and passive, then at the end the woman leaves you for another man. You the protagonist will just "be happy for her."

Western games are fine. So far this has exclusively targetted nip games.

Until neckbeard losers and anti-censorship advocates actually get of their fat greasy asses and attack advertisers/spark real backlash like trannies do, you're going to be considered a non-threat and you won't be catered to.
To get what you want, you have to be an actual threat to their bottom line.
At the moment, the only thing you'll ever see from censorship whiners is just that, whining.

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stop showing your children female anime tummy
now encourage them to go to the rally or else you bigot

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I support this just to make anti-SJW heads explode.

Fuck Kusony

t. former proud sony consumer

As a note though, there's still many of the old unccked ps/vita games out there that I haven't played that I'll still buy like the prior genkai tokkis and bullet girls phantasia for instance. At least all of those will be forever safe. Hopefully.

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ah ?

Why are Americans defending Sony so hard?

I don't see anything offensive in this webm. Cast members at disneyland dress crazier.

because it makes people le mad

can't wait for the alt-right to make the rainbow flag a symbol of hate somehow

what disgusting hyprocrites

Based and redpilled. Who the fuck cares about weeb games anyway?

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Everyone needs to boycott the PS5.

bootlicking is genetic for them

I've seen plenty of those types of articles about games on steam, which has a much more laissez faire attitude about stuff on their platform, and onsole makers don't have the excuse of being an open platform like PC. Also parents generally buy consoles for their children so it would be especially bad for them. You don't have to be a genius to put 2 and 2 together. Lots of articles about the content on gaming platforms, especially anime porn games, so Sony is clamping down on it.

It’s sad that bitches like you are crying and moaning about not being able to see tiddies in your shitty “games”. Fucking grow up and go watch some porn. Shit, even /h/ laughs at you idiots.

Why would I do that?

>”Based” invented by Lil B, a Bernie Sanders supporter
>”Redpilled” invented by the Wachowski Sisters, two transgender women

SJWs are literally based and redpilled.

Because I don't want to play censored games.

Why the fuck is this always the same tired nonargument given in every fucking thread? Are we actually just being invaded by bots who repeat the same things forever?

I thought Kanye popularized based? Did he just steal it like the talentless hack he is?

>but they’ve also pointed out that the lack of written guidelines is proving problematic in itself.
Why is this allowed? It allows censors to be as arbitrary as they wish.

Wasn't that confirmed to be a honeypot for whores who wanted quick fame?

If a plane flew over this parade and rained napalm down on every participant I would feel zero sadness.


I don't care what you want to play, fuckhead.

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But I'm not an anime titty fag and think you guys are acting stupid as fuck?

Doing the lord's work user. Ignore the resetera discord trannies, stay true

You need to take a break from this site, man. Fucked your brain up.

You know what, they know who their audience is, and I gotta respect that.

>Sony censors women
>Sony doesn't censor men
>Sony is literally misogynist

>Genkai Tokki
Excellent taste user.

>dude why do you need blood in games just go on liveleak

To be fair, Super Seducer was the lowest quality shovelware you could possibly make.

>I've seen plenty of those types of articles about games on steam
And where is the massive financial hit? Why did PC and Steam end up growing as a market?
>You don't have to be a genius to put 2 and 2 together
But you do need to be a retard to factor in a 2 when nothing calls for it
>Lots of articles about the content on gaming platforms
Link them, and how much the american consumer outrage resulting affected the niche japanese market income

>relax we aren't going to take away your games

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It's too bad devs like Square Enix, Atlus, Bandai Namco, and Sega won't.

Forgive my drunken wording, but I wrote that because I read many posts and watched a good deal of videos that pretty much describe metoo becoming a crusade thing going after people they don't like, not to unveil behaviors like Weinstein's. Like what happened to louie ck

Can the mind of a Snoyfag create an actual argument in favor of this?
All I see are ad hominems, goalpost moving, and deflection.

But Resetera sexualizes minors.

You don't have to be a member of a group dealt injustice to assist them. It'll be your games next.

Animations look a little strange, but looks pretty high quality otherwise.

I just don't understand why people have such a chip on their shoulder when it comes to Japanese games. At this point I can only hope it gets worse and they start censoring literally everything so people will say something about it.


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Because leftists are racist as fuck to japanese and asians.

t. Asian

There are no snoyfags, you moron. You're being played by false flaggers and trolls since fucking 2003, except now those who fall for it actually believe it. No one defending censorship here actually means it. I fucking hope so

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saying a company that has full rights and control over products released on its platform is "censoring" is a non-argument. they're "censoring" in the same way that mcdonalds "censors" its menu by not allowing spaghetti to be served at it's restaurants.

Get over it, find a new platform to play on.

>food analogy

This is exactly a stupid ass argument and it's the same thing that ironically leftists have been fighting all along and now they become the very thing they hate, fascist nazis.

Also an asian here, it's worse when you don't agree with their political stances on top of that.
I wonder why self-awareness is rare in this part of the country.

>No one defending censorship here actually means it.

Are you retarded? "Based" came from Lil B.

whats not to like about it?

pornography literally makes you dumber, sony is doing all of us a favor by censoring that shit

Last of Us 2

Like I said, those people can just not pay any attention to those games. It's those thin skinned losers that have a problem.
Literal rape sims are one thing, but shit like censoring the ass cracks in dmc5 is just ludicrous. If these people want to live in China, they can move to China. Let the United states be the United states. They're not gonna quit video games if they aren't getting all their pandering demands met.
They still have their graphics intensive walking/cuck sims like God of war and last of us. Nobody's getting harmed when you allow a game to have naked women in it, no matter how loud sjw's cry otherwise.
Sony isn't some weak little company, they won't feel any backlash from these people. They're all bark, no bite.

being dumb is actually being smart
*thinks about politics* durrr
that's way dumber than anime titties

I got blackpilled or redpilled or whatever, hard when I was in college and thought I was a liberal. I even voted Obama. But then my family got attacked by black people at our restaurant and as a response to it, we put up bullet proof glass only to be protested against and told to tear it down because it was racist. I swiftly voted for Trump in 2016.

Fuck the left. They're the most racist fucking people I know always using our race whenever it's convenient to them. Asians are schrodinger's minority to the left and that's why I'll always fucking hate them.

And now they have the gall to continue this blatant racism into trying to ban hundreds of years of japanese culture. Fuck them so fucking hard.

>food analogy
okay brainlet, its the same as Best Buy choosing to not sell termite control products.

>can't even get food analogy right
If you had to use this garbage, it would be like India getting butthurt at beef in american burgers and demanding they universally be swapped with something else.
Would Mcdonalds be intelligent to concede to them?

No amount of memes will make me believe that fucking fourchan users of all places, defend censorship.

Yeah you can "join" them as long as you shit on every aspect of Asian culture constantly as part of your atonement program but if you don't agree with them you're a self-hating Asian with internalized racism. It's fucking schizophrenic.

it's pretty much the ultimate winnowing fork over who really belongs here. I assume the best in people so I assume no one means it.

>And now they have the gall to continue this blatant racism into trying to ban hundreds of years of japanese culture.

What's worse is somehow no one sees it as racist but the moment something minor happens to any other race, the racist bigot shitlord card is played in full stride!

Journo's have less power now than they ever had, which wasn't that much to begin with. Seriously, there's no point to Sony suddenly turning into puritans.
Everybody loses. Sony loses customers and money. And people lose games, features, artistic integrity, etc. etc.
It's blatantly fucking pointless and just plain bad.

it's part of the reason i mostly spent time with other asians during my university years in the states

Also post more Carl.

It's funny you think journos are anything but pawns

Yeah good luck with that bro.

Which country?

Show me literally any proof other than testimonies.
Also, so what if he got his dick wet with consenting women?

>censoring/banning stuff I don't like is OK

USA sadly
the racist leftists have too much power here

Why are Playstation fans okay with censoring when it comes to Sony but would absolutely have a field day shitposting if it was a different company?

>Dude Life of Black Tiger and Life of Mayo? Those are tasteful games.
>This fucking animated tit in an M-rated game though? That might hurt our reputation!
nah fuck off you and sony are both retarded.

Isn't metoo supposed to be about irl shit wtf

You do know that Yea Forums has visitors from Resetera and Reddit. Right?

It saddens me to see Sony going back to its old shitty ways. I fear that the PS5 is going to be the PS3 all over again.

Leftards like this are the new puritans.

You never asked those anime tiddies if they want to be a sexualized object you bigoted nigger

If PS5 is going to fail, it definitely won't be because of it censuring obscure anime games.



>select female character
>get #metoo'd

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fucking /thread
Nothing will get done because the people who complain about these issues are less competent than trannies.


Has he ever been refuted?

>>What they’re saying to us is basically go find a niche somewhere else.

xbox wins again

Its Sony going back to thinking their shit doesn't stink is what will.

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include the one from their ceo about "global standards" being decided by califags

Get in here sane people

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no one in japan gives a fuck about some white steam over some tits or reduced breast size

lr2n japanese mentality, you failed wannabe weebs

>live in japan for 5 fucking months
>trying to push for societal change to fit his own norms
What are westerners like this

Fuck off Tina.

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>olympics 2020
It's only going to get worse

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I doubt he even lives in Japan. The whole post reads like LARPing.

Racism at it's finest

>it's not (thing i pretend i'm against), it's actually(buzzword)

Reading this actually made me mad.

>source: really trust me bro
Nice try. If you could read Japanese you'd know they're absolutely seething right now.

Not really. The most that'll happen is Akihabara stores pushing certain materials to the back of the stores, and maybe comiket skipping a year, but the moment the olympics are over things'll be right back to normal. Most nips hate the fact that the olympics are coming to them, and will in no way bend over for it.

>games get censored on Playstation because Californians want to drum up virtue signalling brownie points
>JUST Playstation
>on any other platform, it's uncensored and has all the content, at the same price
>people are actually defending and praising it as if the "evil, harmful, incel pandering weeb garbage" is being phased out
I literally cannot comprehend

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Yeah, my games have already gotten fucked for other reasons and none of you cared. Fuck off.

Why is nationalism bad again?
>Dude, just let your corporate elite prostate to foreign powers.

Why would some Resetera fag larp about living in Japan?

That's it lads, you succesful memed the nips.

Funimation found evidence m8

Japan is glad bros.

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>tfw there'll never be a sequel to Nier Automata now

>You can just not play those games then though.

That logic applies to you too. Play games published by studios that allow sexual content

Ever read Resetera for a longer time? The whole board is full of made up WE DID IT threads. They come up with the most elaborate stories just to convince themselve that they're actually not crazy and most people just think like them.

how it's too late to make laws before 2020 c96 is going ahead and is going to have tons loli doujinshi

and this just aired in japan

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Why do shitposters shitpost?

Because if you are that attached to your country you're kind of sad. I plan to move to a different country in a few years because who the fuck wants to stay in the same place forever.

Why isn't it made optional? Why are they signalling to buy elsewhere?

Like what?
Funimation isn't exactly a detective agency, they barely get what they're mainly supposed to do right.

Where's that from?

This site
I somehow managed to reply to some unrelated post instead.

Unless you have specifics that relate to the topic at hand you can fuck off. What has Sony done from the top that fucked your games like this? This is actual company POLICY now, got anything like that?

Oh, thanks user

Everyone on the forums agree with them though. Who are they trying to convince? When I see posts like that I just see pure insanity.

Trust me, it's this one dev I know. If only you could see his face after Sony magnanimously fixed his game.

Damn so no more golden sonychad memes?
Looks like they're going full yaasss kween

No one is allowed to disagree.

reminder that nintendo paid GREATLY last time they told developers to censor shit hard.
they still havent recovered from the ps1 soaking up all the third parties.

same thing can happen now. I bet ms would love to take them all in.

This. Sometimes I fee like some users are just saying shit to fit in.

>yfw Xbox somehow becomes the console associated with lewd games and actually profitable in Japan

Raising the morale.

i bet you haven't even seen your own backyard

liberals have gone so far off the deep end they are now the prudes.
>think of the children!

Yeah looks like the fun is over sadly.

That's the thing. Things are different now, and only the niche, smaller devs will have to jump platforms. Bigger devs like Square Enix, Sega/Atlus, and Bandai Namco will stick to PlayStation regardless. If anyone is going to pay here it's the consumer.

wait, onions isn't wordfiltered anymore?

Because people tend to care less about the welfare of things they're not attached to. A lack of civic virtue is how you get elites who happily undermine countries out of personal benefit.

Fucking retarded mods

>haha BASED sony censoring games I had no interest in
>w-what do you mean it's not censored on other systems?

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It doesn't have an effect on me personally yet so I don't care. If you cared that much about your games being censored, you'd have a larger marketshare and they'd be afraid to touch them.

You don't know the half of it. Bernie Sanders is getting called right wing now.


Yes! This'll make those loser neets really happy! They don't know what they want, they are depressed after all. Gotta make sure they don't have a small fantasy to escape their shit lives into.

>think of the children!
they certainly are

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Bought all of these for PS4 all uncensored. Maybe the games you play are trash??

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Yeah at least with the religious right it was easy to just tell them to fuck off. Now there are hordes of people out there that hold the belief that fiction is not separate from reality, or at least that certain fiction is BAD NO NO DON'T LOOK AT IT MOMMYYYY

Also, as of late, Nintendo hardware has been significantly behind the competition. The bigger devs know that normal folk want bigger and more detailed games as time goes on, so it's not as simple as leaving for another console.

Lol y the fuck are you depressed? Are you that much of a bitch?

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>fiction is not separate from reality
Resetera is the new XKCD they have a post for everything.

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Don't fool yourself. Those are alt-right copes who forgot your values just to defend a company.

Dead or Alive: Xtreme 3 Scarlet release on both Switch and PS4. The PS4 version was censored, and the Switch version remained untouched. The PS4 version sold more than the Switch version.

Anons, I present you, the official Sony censorship mascot.

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What is the one on the middle left?

I don't know about that, if I was a ten year old kid again I would buy games with anime titties.

>games which were made before the new censorship policy are not affected by censorship
Gets those neurons really fired up.

Fiction is reality because their lives are based on fiction. Call a man in drag a man and you are a bigot, suspend reality and call him a woman and you are righteous

imagine buying a dilationstation 4 or looking forward to the 5

>normalfags are finally awaking to the censorship craze from Sony
It might be too late, but I hope they are rightfully shit on for once

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You'd think they'd realize that the only righteous way of curbing real injustice is to be a cop or something. Of course they probably conveniently have reasons that all law enforcement is bad so the ends justify their means

SJWs like you breathing the same air as me is pretty distasteful imo.

Those were all released in the last two months you faggot

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I'm not so sure? If the termite defense product was "high tech" they'd have that somewhere in the store.

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Those games are 5 GB big. Combined. Why the fuck you bought them on disc?

They don't really make games that get affected. Well maybe Atlus.

>games which were made before the new censorship policy are not affected by censorship
It's a really complex problem but together we'll tackle it.

Because why the fuck not? Physical is superior to digital

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Then let my trash games be as filthy as the creator's intended. Let me enjoy my garbage in peace.

>Only niche japanese games that sell a couple thousand units get hit.
Remember when you said nobody is taking your games away? Slipperly slope is real, and you will never be a woman.

Bandai Namco has already felt Sony's tentacles as well.

Guess user likes physical media.

You idiot the censorship policy was enacted 7 months ago. This isn’t new, since then all the major titles like Selkirk, kingdom hearts, tales of Vesperia and others remained untouched.

You retards have zero fucking clue what’s actually getting censored because you don’t fucking play games

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>maybe comiket skipping a year
They already changed palace s and will be before the Olympics:
Just to avoid "polemics"

its not too late, its just in time for piss5 announcements.

Atlus had to tiptoe around the policy with the new Catherine

Play on PC like we forced the ducking Japanese neets to do and they single hands fly ruined the pc market in Japan and made it very unappealing to publish games on the platform. Go on we want you to kill pc gaming

>For all the players
they forgot
>Except Japanese players

post yfw BASEDstation is now OFFICIALY the #metoo console

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whats it with the sony shiteaters in the thread

No they didn’t the game released unchanged. Stop making shit up you people are retarded

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It really isn't. And Chronus Arc is 200 MB big. Why the hell would anyone want to play this from the disc?
Judging by the pic you uploaded, I assume you're a faggot who likes to brag about expensive things he owns, and not the one who actually plays them. After all, all those Kemco games are just ports from Android.
It's so sad, I don't want to make fun of you. I just feel sorry for you.

It's a lewd beach volleyball game. That anyone on the Switch bought it AT ALL should surprise you.

The KIA and OAG retards keep getting shit wrong and making shit up.

Scenario. Year 2020. Sony policy unchanged. All Japanese devs announce they will be dropping support for Sony. End result?

You got a source on that?

That’s kind of the point next to nobody gives a fucking shit about the censored games. All the titles in question are on par with kemco garbage. This will lead to nothing because people only give a shit about games if they’re popular

Reminder that only moderate conservatives, moderate liberals, and centrists have ever historically been against videogame censorship. /pol/ is trying to sell Yea Forums the narrative that the far-right-wing has always been against censorship, even though in the 90's far-right-wing Christian soccer moms wanted videogames censored.

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Atlus themselves said they had push the limits on what they could get away with. Meaning they were definitely restricted in making the newer content. You can't tell me they were allowed to do whatever they wanted.

You are 100% retarded all the Japanese devs work through Atlus, NIS, Square Enix, or Bandai namco

They are all supporting Sony

Snoy could probably get by just fine. They'll only be in deep shit if people stop buying their console as a povertyball machine.

If they kept it to degenerate loli and rapeplay I'd be okay with it, happy even, when they came for the wholesome cheeks and sideboob it became a problem.

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everybody moves to xbox,switch or pc except for the biggest fifa niggers.
sony consoles are super redundant now. they cant even keep exclusives anymore.

You’re reading games journalism puff pieces and fucking think they’re real. That’s marketing you retard.

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Is letting people enjoy what they want as long as it doesn't violate the rights of others or US law, a centrist view?

nice to see they appreciate foreigners joining in to shit on sony

Based user laying down the truth. Fuck the far right and fuck the far left.

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That's clearly a what if scenario user.
Probably won't hurt too bad. They have a ton of Western games.

nigga more people own a ps4 than a switch

>trying to tie #metoo with anime girls and some boobs
HAHAHAAHAH totally not subverted goyim!!!

Where are they going to? It won't be Microsoft since they aren't Japanese. They could do Nintendo but then that would just leave them vulnerable to the cartridge royalty bullshit that occurred with the NES and SNES. Possibly PC but who will be the digital platform to hosts said games?


I think they truly believe that everyone else is getting the same shit deal as them.

All of those companies are releasing games on Ps4 well into 2020-2021


>I will report this here for everyone.

>There are no mysterious lights in Catherine: Full Body. (We went as far as we could go without the light shining.) To everyone worried about that, we love you. (We received about 10 more of the same question.)

>– Studio Zero Sheep Man No. 1

>Literally say you had to keep this new element in mind when making your game
snoy cope is strong

Bro. This is literally a what if. It's not supposed to be factually correct. Main point I presume is how well would Sony survive without the support of Japanese devs.

Is there like a drawing or lottery before each console gen where one company is forced to do some dumbshit move?

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He probably doesn't have one like any filthy apartment-dwelling urbanite.

This. People who stick to their homeland are more likely to contribute and try to improve things as opposed to someone that just comes to live there briefly, try to impose his foreign standards on a given place, then just leaves when he doesn't get his way or the place isn't trendy enough. Then he seeks out another place with the same corporate-sponsored pseudo-culture he's comfortable with, and once again impose himself there.

Well, it's been a fun ride guys.

Attached: FGO Dance.webm (446x440, 1.92M)

~3x the install base, of course it would sell more.

>I'm going to be exiled to gachashit in the future
I could always just take that vacation to Gensokyo I always dreamed about

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What the hell happened to using the ESRB then?

nips use CERO
the thing is, california trannies think they should also do CERO's job for them

>PS5 supports PS1-4 backwards compatibility
>Certain games will be blacklisted because the content it presents doesn't agree with the current social climate

Not good enough.

There has to be. It seems impossible that EVERY generation, without fail, has had one company become massively retarded for seemingly no reason.

>there is no escapism
It makes sense when you realize most of them are clinically insane and can't differentiate between fiction and reality, that the two just blend into each other.

A sane person can create / escape to something fictional while realizing that it is fictional and completely separate from reality, while your typical leftist, the fiction becomes their reality and that is why they fear it.

The japanese don't know what's acceptable for themselves, user.
Americans do.

You're vastly overestimating the amount of people who care about this when an infinite supply of free porn is a phone tap away. As long as fifa and souls still come and go the consumer base won't give much of a shit.

>schrodinger's minority
Who the fuck protests a window

Are imaginary tits that scary to some people?

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>Millenials actually defend censorship

You guys are going to usher in the worst period in human history

they'll just blame it on boomers
I see two very good reasons to censor her anime.

Niggers will protest against anything that gets in the way of their thieving ways

Do black people even care about asses and titties in anime games.

for faggots yes

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the implication that you think they might be thieves is racist
nevermind the fact that there are actual thieves in the area

>Literally afraid to get sued over made up SJW bullshit

Late stage capitalism truly is horrific. Everything has to be either sanitized or destroyed until it no longer offends anyone

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Why does Xbox win agian? Why not also the Switch/PC/anything that isn't Sony win?

Shut the fuck up millennial.

Actually, user. What you see here are grieving sony fanboys.

Remember that the first step in the grieving process is always denial.

Eh, not exactly.


drama queen

What's the source of this gif?

who is afraid? that one faggot with wow porn?

>Another red herring in the war against waifus

Who is behind it all?

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So much weeb trash, kys please

nice try shills

Are you shitposting? If not, give us the juicy details.

Not him but I've been doing it already. The last thing I purchased for my ps4 was my playstation now subscription, to play Snoy games when Snoy was actually good.

No, it will still have all the raunchy content they're known for, just all the ass and titties will be blurred out.

But all the dicks will get slow motion full screen zoom ins.

Thieves or not, the way (ghetto) black people act is generally suspicious or just plain weird and I forgive Asian bros who interpret the behavior of some black people as hostile.

Not that I haven't seen similar mannerisms in other races, the common factor seemingly low socioeconomic standing, but it is more pronounced in blacks.

If they don't want to be sued, yes.

I'm not condemning him, user.
I was saying that people will be retarded and claim you're being racist, when you might have a very good reason to do what you are doing.

I hate twitter

I'm not seeing anything about Resetera imploding or migrating ti MetaCouncil (though that IS a real site), so I'm going to assume you were shitposting. Well played.

Because the Left is filled with pathological liars.


They don't have the balls.

Play games on Playstation if you don't want to get #MeToo'd.

Then they're going to get sued.
Or it won't go to ps4.

Hook line and sinker. Well done user.

Sony has no games.

Or ps5, whatever comes first.


I doubt rockstar give a fuck about any of this. They live in their own world and do whatever they want.

>Then they're going to get sued.
And they'll win and it will be in the scope of their legal budget. For a megacorp it's a pussy ass excuse.

>As long as this is limited to adding mysterious beams of light to the ecchi games
That's where it starts user but don't think for a second it will stop there. If you give progressives an inch they'll take a mile.

>And they'll win and it will be in the scope of their legal budget
You do realise that Sony regularly lose legal battles, right?
That said there's no amount of money that could change the fact that they would be working with a bias rather than maintaining impartiality.

>you'll complain when they already have the influence to fuck with street fighter
yeah user, when you complain then, that's when they'll buckle

I know that this is probably bait but the issue is that where does that censoring of 'distasteful' content stop?
Anything and everything is distasteful according to someone, it's a very subjective concept.

Once you start censoring certain types of expression you create a precedent for censoring other types of expression for other reasons, all under the blanket banner of taste and propriety.
Eventually you end up with an ecosystem where everything is controlled by a small number of authoritarian ideologues who use this censorship to control what types of ideas and expressions the rest of the population is exposed to, thereby controlling their thoughts.

This might seem like a simple, silly 'OH NO DEY CENSORING MUH ANIME TIDDIES' but in reality this is a topic that places the integrity of the entire free world in danger. It's just that serious.

Like they won when they were sued for false advertising with the vita?

You can't prove anything, either can anyone else.
All the Vic shit is and always has been highshcool level gossip

Fuck Snoy. If you aren't a so.yboy and you like videogames, you have a duty to not support them anymore.

Make vidya great again *dabs on sjws*

Attached: snoy.jpg (1000x523, 99K)

I cosplayed as one of those complete sluts before and some ugly guy tried getting his picture taken with me! LITERAL RAPE. COVER THEM UP.

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Reminder that the metoo shit started with false allegations.

That's exactly what I'm. Sony hasn't released any good games recently anyway. I canceled my playstation plus subscription and I'm pretty much just stopping buying Snoy games altogether ever since I switched entirely to PC.

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Why don't we just be assholes and send sony concerns about violence as well
then when they start getting rid of 90% of western games maybe other people will care

Both sides in this picture are insufferable.
One's a racist, the other's 'liberal' using conservative tactics, making them conservatives themselves.

you're bad at this

If i stabbed him in the head with a sharp pencil, would he die? I just want to repeatively stab him in the head with a sharp pencil.

Protip user, all digital is physical too.

>having to get up to change discs just to play a different game

I'm laffing at you.

his mind powers would emit a forcefield around his head

Based stroke poster.

>How the fuck would the Metoo thing affect the game division?
By sweeping claims of their western AAA devs doing those actions under the rug.
It's funny everyone forgot about someone calling out Naughty Dog for bullying him out of the company when he was sexually assaulted by someone up top*hint hint*

You wouldn't be able to penetrate his psychic mind shield. He's just too smart.

Covington kid did literally nothing. Not just nothing wrong, but LITERALLY nothing. Leftist media is corrupt and sjws are mentally ill.

Get redpilled, kiddo. *dabs again*

okay retard

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Would it absorb the impact, or would it just cause it to bounce?

Blocked an Indian, played the victim, now trying to make bank as a false victim.
All in a days work for a Republican.

>Blocked an indian
wtf does this even mean?
He was literally just standing there. he didn't even SPEAK
there is literally video of the entire thing

>Blocked an Indian
Fake news, the Indian ADULT walked up to him, the respectful conservative kid didn't know what to do and just stood there.

Your lies have been exposed. Literally no one except mentally ill sjws believe the leftist media's lies anymore.

Attached: wrong.gif (480x287, 437K)

>Video shows the Indian walking up to him and him obstructing his path.
>Not block
>Posting a gift of a russian colludier where the AG is confirmed for running a massive cover up for him and the DoJ and WH is in panic mode.
LMAO at you.

Story time?
That sounds like something that could spiral into a big mess. Now that they've associated metoo with this trash

>pornography literally makes you dumber
Where do you redditors get this shit

this. Leftists only give a shit about indie shit and story driven games, they don't care about JRPGs outside of maybe Persona.
This is all hardcore weebs and alt-right copes who are pretending the free market is more important than freedom.

He's lying.
The hentai and ecchi industries in Japan have been growing steadily for years, in fact over the last 10 or so years there's been a steady but noticeable shift towards this kind of sexually implicit content being more publicly acceptable as in the past Japan has been very conservative publicly and has kept all of the sexual stuff hidden.

>I was merely pretending to be an SJW!
The funny part is that it doesn't even matter if you are joking or not, because being an SJW in the current year is already a hilarious punchline.

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>He doesn't deny anything
>Creates a strawman instead
I'll give the right wing one thing, when they aren't being fascists, they're extremely consistent with their 'debate' tactics.

>It allows censors to be as arbitrary as they wish.
Exactly. They need arbitraryness. You think they're going to ban GTA because hookers? Of course not, but they'll ban Senran Kagura because cleavage.

You mean resetera.

Reminder that even if any of this is true,
>Toei are still pissed off and may pull license from Funimation for bringing their IP into disrepute
>They still committed a crime and can be punished by the law
>Defamation isn't the only charge being filed.

The best way to deal with this is to just amplify Sony's message here. Let everyone know that Playstation is the #MeToo machine now. Normalfags may not care about weeb games getting censored, but when the people that actually buy and play video games see that association, it will do more damage to the brand than help it. People are fed up with identity politics. The media just hasn't figure it out yet, because they're always a little behind on what their audience actually wants.

Imagine living in a country for a mere 5 months (if it's true in the first place) and thinking you already have the whole picture of the society there.

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>They need arbitraryness.
If they continue without solid rules imposed on everyone then they're going to land themselves in deep shit.

Censorship is bad, but people getting enraged cause they censored some sexed up 2d loli girls is worse.

Nobody has to refute a position based on retracted falsehoods. The old man even attested to intentionally coming in between them and the Kangz:
Fuck off, retard.

How so

Yes, I did direct link, because you don't deserve an archive.

And then the racist kid blocked him.
Nice try though.
Since you now can't poison the well using them, feel free to read up on how Barr is running a massive cover up for Trump and conspiring with him to keep the most damaging and criminal facts from ever reaching the public.

Does THIS look like a loli to you?

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Yeah man, I'm glad I don't have to see cleavage when pulling out a woman's ribcage through her back then driving it through her skull.
Also you sound exactly like Christians did back in the 90's early 2000's so congratulations you sure showed them.

>smash censors camilla's tits

>smash allows joker to have a fucking gun


you retard.


Attached: schrier lolicon.png (1918x788, 401K)

>Thinking leftists don't try to censor games they don't play

I bet that group is really popular over there. Do they have a name? Maybe a list of accomplishments?

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I don't fucking believe you

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>nintendo covers up cleavage on their own rated E game
>sony covers up cleavage on third party rated M games
Not the same thing.

By group he probably means him and 2 other people made a facebook group. Notice he didn't mention any achievements. Just what they're pushing for.

how is it bait when it's actual censorship

this is a western issue not console specific. only PC is immune.

>Here at Sony we like to censor games and then pass them on to outside rating bodies for further censorship to ensure your product has been thoroughly filtered through layers of moral authoritarianism

Thanks Sony

Attached: -0.jpg (1242x1233, 237K)

>Censorship is bad
>People complaining of censorship happening is also bad
What a solid argument. Apparently you just dislike everything no matter its standpoint.

Because the only person who deflects with "...Nintendo..." are consolewar shitposters. No, it's not okay, fuck off.

Kind of depressing how many pedos/pedo apologists come out of the woodwork when articles like this come around. It's easy to pretend like it's uncommon until you see all the comments pretending like they care about free speech, when its really about leaving questionable underage content in video games.

Anyone who owns a console is a shitposter because consoles are shit.

Maybe it's not bait, but the reason Sony is getting railed harder because this affects more people. Plus the outright dickishness of it.

I don't see how censoring an outfit or 2 is the same as censoring numerous fanservice games across the globe and making Japanese developers submit reports about their game in english and on California time.

Yes, both are censorship, but Sony deserves way more backlash because of the severity of it.

All consoles do this.

Only PC allows no censorship because of modding.

Execute all Reddit/ResetEra users.


Why'd they accept it to begin with? Did the government fall for the "muh tourism" money meme? How do they even decide who gets to host the Olympics, anyways?

that isnt exactly loli now is it?

But the timing of this is spot on, it's weird
Who's the bigger and louder group Weebs or SJWs?

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>Yes, both are censorship,
It's not even censorship in the case of Smash. Smash is NINTENDO'S game and they decide what's in it.

Thanks Jews...

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This is unironically one of the many reasons why it's important that SJWs get BTFO politically before they gain even more power & influence, causing all kinds of bullshit like this to keep happening.

fuck off kike

Smash is a children's game you autist. Not the same thing. Fuck off with the consolewar bullshit.

Fair enough.

>childrens game

so a gun is ok but some boobs are not okay. like I said, this is a western problem, and it's on all platforms.

>t. angry obese pedo

>they're slowly buying up all the anime studios

>a new Midnight Club
>with nu-rockstar budget
Literally the best fucking timeline, though it won't happen. Next up is obviously Bully 2.

Attached: mdx.jpg (640x912, 126K)

Alright, my bad. What I meant to get across was that the thing with Smash and this aren't comparable if at all.

I know most people in this thread are trolling. But if you're actually a bootlicker then do humanity a favor as a whole and stop pretending that you're human and kill yourself already.

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Gta 6 might not be able to be on the console

What does a bunch of whores sleeping and dating producers for movie roles and fame, then years later when they are too old to keep doing so and don't have the acting talent to earn a role, then decided to go back into the cookie jar to cry rape for more money and fame have to do with videogames?

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Is that really the spin you're going for? That some people minding their own business and had their games ruined aren't proven champions of free speech so they are invalidated? Make it less obvious at least.

Not sure about that

But Harvey did start the #metoo movement

>When the right tries to censor Rockstar: lol whatever we do what we want
>When the left tries to censor Rockstar: w-we're w-worried about the p-p-political climate

A little tryhard, but still based.

I mean, the xbox should be getting most of the multiplats I'll want to play so I'll just buy that instead. There's always an alternative.

Attached: Keepingthisthreadabreast.gif (480x270, 808K)

>What does [insert literally anything here] have to do with video games?

It's depressing how many times this question has to be asked these days.

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They knew how to pick their battles. The right, even during the late 90s and early 2000s was already the fodder for jokes and becoming increasingly irrelevant. The left on the other hand still dominates media and executive positions, even if it's just lip service.

Only on the internet is it not self-evidently the case that games that depict exploitation minors, simulated or otherwise, are super degenerate. Meanwhile in respectable society, at least banning this shit is not controversial.

PC is the best alternative if you want multiplat, sony for one or two exclusive and nintendo for the huge 1st party support and one or two exclusives as well. xbox don't have shit

Yeah they're not real so it doesn't matter how you spin it. Society should catch up on this reality vs. fiction thing. Most people would agree murder is pretty bad but we play games with it anyway.

Why are you here then. Go back to wherever your opinions are validated unquestionably.

>exploitation minors, simulated or otherwise, are super degenerate.
How about going after REAL pedophiles who hurt REAL children instead of bugging those of us who are quietly enjoying our niche games.

PC gaming doesn't have physical media so no thank you I'll stick to console for now. I've already decided I'm getting the xbox now anyway. I want to play halo and fable again as well.

Holy shit games might have to actually be good instead of fapbait for horny men.


>I'm not abusing children for real only pretend, so it's totally fine
What the fuck am I reading

Guess we should ban anything that depicts unwarranted violence, simulated or otherwise. Hell, ban anything that makes anyone uncomfortable. Because hey, only a shitty person would want to make others uncomfortable, right?

I'm playing 1 right now and it kinda did, like fanservice on old anime, but I'm not playing Sakura Taisen for tits.

>games might have to actually be good


Both are equally obnoxious but weebs at least don't try to invade into other people's circles and tell them they can't enjoy the things they don't like.

The writer for the game already said he's having a hard time thinking up stuff for VI because of how the current political climate is.

You wouldn't even be alive in a respectable society, you imbecile.

People who can discern fiction from reality, you god damn fucking schizo. How about you join the rest of us? It might actually make you happy because you won't go into neurotic bitchfit over people spanking their meat to fucking words, lines on paper, and pixels on a screen.

>I want to play halo and fable again as well.
Oh, sorry, if I knew you had such a shit taste I wouldn't even replyied in the first place. my bad

w-w-w-who cares just have sex incel.....

Why do people pretend to care about such trivial shit?
It's not like you'll see a change as a whole in your lifetime and after your just dead and either way how can you care about something that you can't experience first hand?

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>I'm not murdering people for real only pretend, so it's totally fine
yes that's how it works

bacause its fine
go resetera yourself fag

Attached: 1 (2).jpg (1440x810, 271K)

is it weird that I immediately identified those boobies?

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I didn't ask for your opinion in the first place. People play different types of games. Deal with it.

you mean the pedo game with the young girls making out in a church?

Holy shit how can someone misinterpret what a loli is this much...

By being a fucking retard who tries to use jargon to show off his nerd cred, but all it does is show much of a disconnected poseur he is.

I have sex and care about freedom of expression.
What's your excuse dickhead.

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No actual children are being abused, but the consumer is being degenerated by jerking to it, that's an irl tangible effect. Is the left consistent with this justification? Not at all, but that doesn't mean you aren't using a strawman.

Considering the people that want this content banned are abusing children for real while trying to ban the pretend fictional children is the more disturbing prospect here.
Or are you saying you don't know about the UN being caught raping and prostituting kids?

None of these games get ''censored'' they get localized. If they didnt have to make these changes you would never get a game. So quit screeching to the high moon that your shoddy loli games need to be adjusted due to different cultural norms.

only a tranny would type like that

Don't you realize it doesn't stop there

>Or are you saying you don't know about the UN being caught raping and prostituting kids?
Get mental help

>for the official Japanese release
>released in Japanese
>solely for Japanese audiences
>in Japan
You didn't think this through did you?

I think he was being sarcastic.


Post proof of a causative relationship, then we can talk about degeneration.
Hint: You can't.

>None of these games get ''censored'' they get localized.
No, pay attention. Sony is telling Japanese devs that they can't have lewdness in Japanese releases as well.

Holy shit are you for fucking real

All these people who are screaming loli games, most of these games are of teenagers around 15-16 years old. Do you guys even know what a loli is or for that matter what the definition of pedophilia even is?

Attached: 12246622_10208253409553107_1258669039601472800_n.jpg (960x960, 224K)

Science has better things to do than study the effects of watching simulate pedophilia by incels

> But what research we do have shows exactly the
opposite of what ECPAT claims: that access to representations of non-existing children is not
associated with greater social acceptability of sexual interaction with children,8
and that it may
actually decrease rates of actual sexual offending against children.9

evidence to support your claims?

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It's censorship no matter what word you pick. They don't have to do it at all as evidenced by things like uncensored versions being available on other platforms while Sony adds dumb light ray censors. Suck my dick.

Hags need to be censored desu, loli is perfectly acceptable.

Between loli hentai and paedophilia, I mean.

Way too look like an idiot.

I feel sad that I defended Sony before for being better at not cutting up their games like Ninty, especially Treehouse localizations.

If MS were to successfully combine their Xbox brand with the PC space and then manage to pull a Steam by having lax to no content restrictions, then they win. What a way for Xbots to make a comeback and nab the gold.

If you unironically get your news from /pol/ on topics like this, the jokes on you m8

Lucky, Sony did this..
All those #metoo posts from DoA girls, final fantasy girls, peach and Samus was the last straw for me.

Plus it's been disproven multiple times with no correlation between violent video games and violent behavior.

Which is pretty much the same thing he's implying only with jerking it to "children" and wanting to fuck actual children.

I'm just mad because I'm a girl that likes to play as eyecandy or cute loli or whatever,I don't care and they're just taking that away from me

era trannies have been pretty quiet on this...

>Source: my ass
Okay, here's my refutation: Dumbass.

Attached: Fuck_You.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Thats because these games dont make money in japan anymore, gacha mobile gaming dominates the market there now. They must pander to the west now.

Intern or low level might have a sex harrassment case cooking.

Please enlighten us.

Attached: I recognize that bulge.jpg (780x1332, 158K)

To be fair, Comic LO would consider a 15yo as a loli.

You're kidding yourself if you think North American based Microsoft is going to be the torchbearer for pedophilia on consoles going forward

i really dont get what the exploitation of women from wealthy jewish men has to do with tiddie vidya...

At least somebody that looks 15, anyway.

Attached: 1518213583999.png (147x164, 21K)

9-15 is prime.

>Marie Rose tweets #MeToo
>half of Yea Forums gets v&

Attached: 1553489754631.jpg (3840x2160, 443K)

she killed millions tho

Fuck off tranny

I'm pretty sure pedo bear would slap you across the face and say "Too old, dumbass" if you brought him someone that looked 15

i literally posted the source

Attached: [FFF] Hataraku Maou-sama! - 02 [BD][720p-AAC][7F767B98]00:24:46.359.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

>Rich Jews in America sexually harass women
>Obviously Japanese video games are at fault

I'm I going crazy? Is this what going crazy feels like?

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Give me ONE reason Sony won't lose next gen.

Attached: 1494426259500.png (385x420, 179K)

Yes, but they still use 15 as the upper threshold for what a loli is, any user stating otherwise is a retarf.

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It's just yet another "woke" company hoping on a trendy hashtag because college age upper middle class cucks spend money on that shit apparently.
Just your average dystopian late stage capitalism, where the market dictates your fucking morals, and you will like it, goy.

>Following #MeToo Concerns
What the ever loving fuck do videogames have to do with women coming out about sexual abuse?

Attached: madness.png (372x249, 93K)

He can have his preferences but that doesn't make me any less wrong.

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Give me proof. I haven't read a single Comic LO with a 15 year old.

Blatant subversion and corruption in front of everyone faces and the retards think they are fooling everyone

I want to fuck that retarf loli.

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I don't expect them to be a torchbearer for the loliest of loli content but there's still a possibility for them to be fine with happy boobs.

If they aren't, well then PC is the only thing left. Might be a good incentive for the Nips to upgrade their aging hardware. Them increasing their foothold in the PC space can only be good for everyone else since there will be less hoops for them to translate to gaijinspeak if they want that overseas cash.

But that looked nothing like the tiddies in the other picture. I thought you were posting something unrelated.

They pulled super seduce? Why? It was completely inoffensive. Youtube bait, but funny youtube bait

I've never had a chance to use this image before. The perfect moment has finally arisen.

Attached: too old.jpg (600x445, 18K)

Except "science" has actually sat down to study the prevalence of "pedophilia" in men.

>Sexual arousal and arousability to pedophilic stimuli in a community sample of normal men

>Heterosexual Men’s Ratings of Sexual Attractiveness of Pubescent Girls: Effects of Labeling the Target as Under or Over the Age of Sexual Consent

What does the LO mean, user?

Dumbass read my post again. I AGREE with you.

Not unless they charge Marie Rose for crimes against humanity for all the billions, nay trillions she has killed.

I think LO has 8-14 as the bounds. If you want to go lower you have to get the irregular anthologies like Digital Puni Pedo

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>*any more wrong
Goddamn am I a retard.

Absolutely based and prismatically redpilled.

PC isn't immune
steam censors things sometimes

The sexual attraction to 15 year olds would fall under hebephilia, not pedo.

(((studies))) are A ok when they justify your flavor of degeneration? Suppose that's true of everyone.

come on now, that would be commercial suicide

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can't we spam porn retardera?

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While I Have Not Played A Japanese Game For Over Two Years I Still Find Censoring Content Distasteful And Won't Be Coming Back to Sony Next Gen

>i have no argument and i must shitpost

Can I still play the PlayStation and not buy games that are censored? I'm mostly a Square Enix person and sometimes Capcom.

>gets btfo
>tries to shrug it off
All you had to do was post one (1) causative study.

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Can someone nuke California so I can move out?

You need to sign up with a "real" (uni or professional) email that the mods need to approve before you can post.

I'm sure that will teach them that you have a mature counterargument worth listening to

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LO considered 9 to be the lowest, last I checked.
Since when did loli (re: lolita) ever have a specific age range, outside of >15=too old?

Oh cool, so I guess you have no argument other than ad hominem.

Attached: unsightly.png (411x518, 226K)

loli is a body type though

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fuck... I want to see them ass blasted

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2019 is going to be the last release year for me. I aint buying any PS4 game that comes out after this year

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>there are people who dont like loli

What faggots

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"Hey what's up this is Jeremy of The Quarter Pounder With Extra Cheese And Slabs of Secret Lard Sauce here and we're going to discuss about Sony going full SJW." *farts*

>... *visual age range...

>Can I still play the PlayStation and not buy games that are censored?
are you asking for "our" permission? You can do whatever the fuck you want. Think for yourself.

But they still kept the hardcore gore. Good to see they have their priorities straight. Graphic violence is perfectly acceptable for everyone, but a cell shaded boob that's still covered isn't. Sometimes the world is so retarded, I think I must be dreaming. Hopefully one day I wake up.

But they're always assblasted