
>Japanese business journal Nikkei has a new report on Nintendo's plans for the Nintendo Switch with new details on future models. USG independently translated the report, which claims that a "next-generation" model of the Switch, different from a planned "inexpensive version," has been postponed. The reason appears to specifically be with getting the Nintendo Switch operating system running on this new hardware and an issue with power consumption.

>It's not clear based on the wording of the article whether this postponed model is the rumored Switch "Pro" or a complete hardware sequel, like a Nintendo Switch 2. What is reported, however, is that there is indeed more powerful Switch hardware in development, and Nintendo has encountered technical difficulties with it.

>ikkei refers to this as a "small bargain version of its main game console 'Nintendo Switch,'" and says it's releasing this fall. While it's reportedly designed for portable outdoor use, the report also suggests that it will be dockable and playable on the TV. This goes against earlier rumors that suggested the smaller Switch would do away with the TV component of the current Nintendo Switch model.

tl;dr: Switch Pro will come next year at best, while the Mini will be released in this one as it was always planned

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Other urls found in this thread:


>still no physical evidence anywhere that either of these exist

Good. Can't wait to buy one. The current one is too big and expensive. The joycons are a gimmick. Just get rid of them entirely.
>But then you can't play in tabletop mode
Don't care
>But then you can't use docked mode
Just make a mini dock and bundle a pro controller with it. Done.

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Will the mini have better battery life?

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The Wall Street Journal literally confirmed their existence months ago

This isn't going to happen because japs gonna jap.

second hand information, I won't believe it until I at least see it

>leaks have never been accurate
I'll never understand you faggots that stick your hand in the sand and refuse to entertain these. The entire Switch launch presentation was leaked on Yea Forums.

can someone explain to me the whole dock/undocked thing. I don't need to buy anything seperate than the console right? Going to buy one at the end of the month but i have literally 0 interest in playing it hand-held, so i should be fine with just the console and pro-controller yes?

Good thing Nintendo is going through a drought of games, cause then you don’t feel like you’re misaing out on anything

What was leaked was what some guy setting up the demo area saw.

Having Nikkei report it is the best proof it exists because Nikkei has reported the existence of other Nintendo handhelds and consoles for the past decade or two and has never been wrong.

Isn't the switch mini literally a Vita?

leaks are more often wrong than they are right

The dock is mostly a piece of plastic with some tiny wires that allow the console to use most of it's power to run games in console mode. The issue with it is that for what it does it's fucking expensive and boosts the Switch price for about $80

>Fake news

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>and boosts the Switch price for about $80
just because they sell the docks separately for that extortionate price does not at all mean that's how much they actually cost to manufacture

Nope. It has games.

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>The entire Switch launch presentation was leaked on Yea Forums.
yeah, by a guy who actually physically saw it, which it kind of my point. This hardware revision rumor is quite literally a case of "he said, she said" with no hard evidence backing any of it whatsoever. Nobody has seen new hardware; no developers are aware of new hardware nor have dev kits (which would absolutely have been distributed by now for a "pro" model). I cannot say definitely that it's all bogus, but I am lenient towards this being misleading information at best.

Isn't Japan selling dockless Switches for about 2/3 of the original price tho?

>boosts the Switch price for about $80
The components are worth about $30 at a consumer level. They probably make it for about $10-15. The AC adapter is probably more expensive.

>"uh uh uh actually my leak wasn't wrong they just delayed the thing"
god just shut the fuck up you stupid attention whore


look at those bazongas

So do i need one if i plan on using it purely on the TV then? Or do you use the dock for hand-held to get more power out of it in hand-held mode

>hardly even two years old
>already thinking about a Switch 2
Holy shit, I hate this modern industry.

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Nikkei has leaked Nintendo handhelds for a long time already. The fact that this is Nikkei confirms the existence of it since they're never wrong. We wont really see real evidence until Nintendo officially announces it.


>So do i need one if i plan on using it purely on the TV then?

Pretty much. There have been third party docks that try to make the thing run on console mode while undocked, but it's heavily risky because it gets overheated like you wouldn't believe (and because it may also brick the thing)

Virgin mini
Chad peep

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>He thinks it's a switch two

It's a revision. A side grade. A 2ds.

Nothing wrong with that. Don't like it? Don't buy it. Buy the original switch.

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They were saying the exact same shit this time last year and it never happened

fags who jump on any leaks are unbearably stupid

alright cheers, i'll look at the pricing of some then

>durr we should keep making games for old hardare and keep to 8 year cycles durrr

>24,980 yen
>5,000 yen less than a normal Switch bundle
>does not include dock, HDMI cable, a Joy-Con Grip, and an AC adapter

The delayed version is closer to the DSi/New 3DS than an actual succesor. Same thing applies with the Switch mini being closer to the DS Lite/GBA micro

>Nintendo Switch 2
fucking greedy cunts


>Switch Pro delayed
God fuckin dammit, at this rate I'll end up getting a Switch once the Switch 2 is right around the corner.

Maybe the switch pro will be an actual upgrade then if power consumption is an issue and the hardware is changed enough for an OS reworking


>It's not clear based on the wording of the article whether this postponed model is the rumored Switch "Pro" or a complete hardware sequel, like a Nintendo Switch 2
Read the OP, anons. Not my words.
Then what's the fucking point.

>Dragon's Dogma
It's "ok when Nintendo do it" filosophy
Nintendo is the greediest video game company after EA

Pro isn't a Switch 2. It's a side grade.

It's not a new console. It's not called the switch pee.

It's called the PRO.

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Nintendo literally said they're not making a revision and all talk about it is from dying sites desperate for clicks. Stop believing this shit you retard.


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Console comes with everything you need, including a dock. So, yes you have it right.

This. Personally I suspect nintendo either priced the console itself at a loss with plan to gouge on peripherals to make it up, or the stupid high price was to set a psychological anchor point in case of future parallel processing docks.

Why would they drop the joycons? They make thousands from the joycons alone.

They said that about the 3ds and the wii

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It'll be $229.99 (75% of Switch price rounded up to the next $9.99) and they might tell you to buy an AC adapter separately.

b-but top analysts said the switch is a dying console that needs a hardware refresh before july to survive!

the PS4 pro released 3 years into that console's lifespan, your point?


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>Nintendo just takes the Apple approach with a new Switch model every three years, and dropping development support any models that's over one generation old for their first-party titles

have sex

And that's why Sony always wins baby
Suck it nintenerrs

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You do realize this is industry standard, right?

Console manufacturers start kicking around ideas for next-gen hardware about 1-2 years after their last launch. Only reason gen 7 lasted as long as it did was the Great Recession.

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Find a way to love yourself, dude. Easier said than done I know, but that's what you have to do.

Literally the moment you stop caring so much(as long as you don't do it via blackpill) one will fall into your lap.

27 year old here. Enroll in a college class. Find the ugliest girl and talk to her. Then ask for her number for studying together, then fuck her. That's how I lost it after finally getting fed up.

Everyone already has a usbc cable.

>happy that I can enjoy pokemon on the better switch
>this shit happens
>now need to decide between:
>get old switch, play pokemon day 1 without spoilers and without bank
>get new switch, don‘t play pokemon day1, get spoiled, play with bank
Nice thanks nintendo

that wasn't a revision, it was a straight-up downgrade

The Switch has a single micro USB slot on the bottom. The "dock" is a station you plug the Switch into to connect it to the power cable, HDMI cables, some extra USB slots and some additional processing power all at once. The little plastic dock case holds all of that. You do need one for TV play since that's how it connects to the input device.

Honestly? Kill yourself, your kind is unsaveable.


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Alright buddy this is the easiest way to cheat in life. It's really tough but I'm sure you can handle it.

50 push ups, sit ups and squats every single day and take a cold shower before you go to bed. After doing this for a minimum of 40 days all your problems start getting solved in mysterious ways.

pathetic fucking faggots

Look here. We have an example of an insecure console fag. Look at him in his natural habitat. His moms basement.

See him cry as non-virgins pork his mother over his head while he bitches online over stupid nonsense.

Good, I was waiting for this, I wasn't planning to buy a regular Switch or the Switch Pro, I was waiting for the Mini.


>Rumored console is delayed
and nothing of value was lost

>push ups, sit ups and squats every single day
Based and baldpilled.

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>he doesn't know people buy Sony+nintendo or MS+nintendo for the most part

Winning the console wars by not playing.

Look here. We have an example of tge one word whinnie. He adds nothing to anything he comments on. Nothing but shame.

>people expecting Switch 2
And the budget model is the 2DS.

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>everyone already has a usbc cable.
Yes, but not everyone has a good enough charger and they'll have to pay out for an adapter with enough output for the dock if they ever want to play docked.

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They call it a "next generation" Switch. Looks like Nintendo is going the Apple route.

>The reason appears to specifically be with getting the Nintendo Switch operating system running on this new hardware and an issue with power consumption.

So they have to be using the Tegra X2 if that's the case, correct?

Nikkei called it a next generation Switch.

How the fuck can it be delayed if no one knows about it let alone when it's going to be released?

They're not using a chip made for cars.

Most likely. But isn't Tegra X2 pretty much identical to X1?

>Looks like Nintendo is going the Sony route.

>Expect something from nu pokemon

Dude, probably until 2050 we'll something competitive from gamefreak according to this gen standards.

Apple route. That's why they're refreshing their Switch with a next gen revision like Apple does with the IPhone.

Fuck off ESL

>hate what they stand for
If you don't have a woman who'll stand with you, look somewhere else
I always wait for the 2.0 or Pro or whatever version of the console, kinda tired of being sold something, then a year or two later, seeing a better version, late but worth it depending on the shit

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Or like how Sony did with the ps4 pro
And vita slim
And ps3 slim and super slim
And psp 2000, 3000, Go and street
And ps2 slim
And psone

Or any of their phones for that matter.

Isnt it kinda weird that they suddenly qay the "Switch Pro" is getting delayed? Almost as if they're trying to cover their bases or something.

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But xy prebank was the best

Yet Nintendo is doing it around the same 2-3 year mark that Apple does.

Actual Nintendo insider here. I just shit my pants

Sucks for you m8. I met my gf off craigslist 8 years ago. No other place to meet women since I worked overnight. Thankfully we knew each others friends, but never ran into each other.

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It's even more strange how something without a release date can even be delayed in the first place.


>that while before the game was datamined
It'll never happen again.

They don't even know if it's a Pro version or next gen version for this stronger model.

Nintendo may have planned on getting it released this year.

it's a Switch Lite, a cheaper model for kids to be launched with Pokemon this year

Why are people so fucking stupid?

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Yeah just like Sony.
Seriously you can keep on going with the apple angle but Sony practically pioneered these useless revisions.

>Not announced
How fucking dumb do you have to be?

underage b&

>Nintendo may have planned on getting it released this year
user, no one knows when it's going to be released, period.

No it's okay, you don't have to provide an argument if you know I'm correct.

Considering it's cheaper, probably not.

You know the ps4 pro was released 3 years after the original right?
The ps4 slim also already existed by that point.

Still upset that it didn't say Mint, best team regardless.

>d pad
This meme needs to end. The fact that the buttons do everything a dpad can do in addition to things it can't like pressing opposites at the same time makes them objectively better.

What about this?

Attached: NES-101-Console-Set.jpg (3920x2120, 1.52M)

Until trusted video game news sites like Kotaku reports it, I dont give a shit about non gaming news sites and their relevance to the discussion.

This. Pokemon is a large enough franchise it makes sense for Nintendo to cater to it.

This is a much better design.

All i want is just a fucking Dock only version.

This, it also works for Metroid Dread (Metroid 5) which is Nintendo EPD Production Group No. 7 and MercurySteam's game.

The buttons are more accurate, but it's more difficult to quickly slide from right to left for example.

>Everyone already has a USB-C cable.
Is this true? I've never seen anyone even in public have one other than the random idiot who spent $600+ on a phone of all things.

You mean that thing they've been doing with their handhelds since the fucking Gameboy Pocket? You know the Switch is a handheld, right?

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More like sega with their megadrive.

My guesses:
>new Tegra chipset, more powerful and energy efficient, exactly the same as the Pro version
>no HD rumble, detachable controllers or motion controls
>can still dock, but you need to buy a new controller for docked play
>redesigned dock, similar in appearance to the Wii U gamepad charger, won't fit in the old dock
The Switch Pro will look like the current version, while offering the same hardware upgrade as the Mini, but with a better screen and more internal storage. The current Switch model will be discontinued.

My favourite thing about this rumor is how it has been around since before the switch launched and will keep getting "new info" every few weeks until any kind of revision happens, then everyone will shout "Heh, totally called it, I'm basically an industry insider"
These "rumors" have no fucking basis aside from wild speculation, it wasn't delayed, it just doesn't fuckin exist yet and its going to keep getting "delayed" until its true

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It's still in a transition phase. Unless all the cheap Chinese electronics on Amazon move to USB-C, it may still take a while. They are widely available though.

Why does it say it will be produced by Foxconn? Don't Nintendo make their own hardware?

Apple releases a new phone every year.
Sometimes multiple models at the same time.

My favourite thing about this rumor is how people like you deny it exists until nintendo announces it.

It's not really speculation but a fact since Nikkei has never been wrong about Nintendo hardware.

Nintendo designs it, and Foxconn produces it.

>After people round out she got married to a black man and had a kid with him the memes stopped


You don't hate what they stand for. You just don't know any good ones. Go meet some. Find one who isn't horrible. They do exist.

Doesn't that company have suicide nets? Kinda weird for a company that is equivalent to Disney for Japan.

It'll still be a weak pos. More when Ps5 and Anaconda come out

Assembly is split between Foxconn and Hosiden.

You're in denial.

Foxconn is one of the largest factories in the world, other companies design the stuff and give it to them to mass produce.

Be honest. You'd buy one right?

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It's releasing next year especially with the delay. Use your brain.

>inb4 different cartidges for Switch Mini games

Foxconn is actually from Taiwan though.

>Chibi models for p5
Still makes me mad


No, give me the Pro model.

>You know the Switch is a handheld, right?
And also a console.

Except this next generation Switch is said to look different than the current Switch.

If a Switch Pro comes, will it still work on the same dock and will it be the same size as my Switch? Don't want to have to buy new carrying case.

Do you have a switch?

Looks hand-cramp inducing as fuck.

And still get more sales than those shitty PC clones when it releases.

If it docks and has 0 performace discrepancy, then I'd do it and hack my day 1 Switch

>will it be the same size as my Switch
It will be the same size as a Wii U gamepad.

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>confirmed a rumor

I think Nintendo will be looking at closer to $200 for the Lite.

Get rid of this crap and I'm sold.

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Probably gonna be 179.99

hello 2010

Would they really make their next generation Switch the same size as the Wii U gamepad? Wasn't that shit huge?

It wasn't that big

IIRC this is an intentional software limitation, since Fortnite and Warframe both support voice chat though the headphone jack. This goes the same for the weird bluetooth headphones that Nintendo will allow to use with the the Switch. I think they will only allow like 1 Japanese brand, which is stupid because Sony makes sold by far the most headphones in Japan. Like does Nintendo not know that Sony even exist?

I mean they'll look similar in the way the joycons can be detached, not that will be exactly the same as the current model. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo started adding shit like cameras and extra features to the more expensive model. Overall I don't think there's much to change from the current design, aside from adding a real dpad and maybe giving it analog triggers.

handhelds are consoles too you fucking mong.

>Just make a mini dock and bundle a pro controller with it. Done.
i hate to say it because i already bought the fucking thing but you're totally right

Pretty big for a handheld/TV combo

If it ends up looking like this, i'd buy one in a heartbeat. Reminds me of the Gameboy Advance.

Not really.

Attached: switch_wii_U_comparison_2.jpg (1200x800, 74K)

>4.7 inch
nobody wants that 3ds shit ass resolution

Don't worry about it. Nintendo isn't that competent and greedy.

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No they aren't you turbo autist

>And also a console
Handhelds are consoles dumbass

Same. GBA was a comfy portable.

>he thinks handhelds are not consoles.
embarrassing. do some research user and stop making stupid claims, it's LITERALLY a video game console that's self-contained.

You're making a fool out of yourself. Handhelds aren't consoles.

That design isn't much different from the Wii U charger. In fact, it blows my fucking mind why Nintendo designed such a shitty dock in the first place, it's a waste of fucking plastic and has no real reason for being like that.

They are literally....LITERALLY called handheld consoles you fucking brainlet. What 3rd world ESL shithole are you from where this isn't the case?

They are consoles

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Retailers also call them consoles, so good job on being wrong on multiple fronts.

I cannot believe people don't believe WSJ. You kids do know who those people are, right?
They're literal business analysts that get paid for factual information on future stock profits.
These are the people that get paid more than most surgeons to varify and know their shit about businesses and their future products.

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Phone games, you forgot the word phone.

I've never bought a single console or handheld revision if I had already bought the original, honestly.

So do i getva discount for the pro since i own the og switch

there's no reason to believe they would ever get rid of the docking feature. Who ever thought that was the case? I'd understand not selling a dock with it and having fixed joycons (I'd love both of those things), but there's just no logical reason to ever think they'd remove the "switch" capability from the fucking nintendo switch. It's not like removing the 3D from the 3DS and selling the 2DS, it's removing the clock control for the system.

Maybe at gamestop or ebgames

Yep. $50 off the Pro when you trade in your Switch.

It's a next gen Switch.

You didn't have to reply to me 4 times user

on the official nintendo store, you ass bandit

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Yes, I stopped giving a shit about Nintendo's home consoles with the Gamecube, handhelds are where it's at.

Best NES controller. The classic has aesthetic, but this has comfort.

>inb4 merely pretending
imagine being this assblasted.

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>giving out free (You)'s
Yea Forums is too easy

So Switch 2?

are literally 20 seconds between eachother. how to easily spot someone who's new as fuck

>"no it doesn't you fucking retard"
Surrender accepted

go back.

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You do not need new hardware.

Smartphones have surpassed the Nintendo jews. Do not buy the "new" Switch and Nintendo will be forced to release their games on android.

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business anons, explain where the mini fits in an ecosystem of 3 systems?

>OG model gets a price drop to around $250
>Pro model launches at $300-350
>mini revealed at $200 because it would be stupid to sell it for less
as a consumer, you walk into the store and see all three. if you have money, you obviously go with the pro edition, it's going to be the definitive version moving forward. if you poor(lower income), you're now faced with choosing between a featureless model with better battery life and true portable, vs the original system that likely has the same specs but with features and only $50 more.

who buys the mini? the 2ds sold well because it was $100 under the 3ds.

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Hopefully the mini doesnt have the fucking stick drift that all joycons are currently plagued with

I'd buy it at $175
I know they won't do it, but why do you think selling it under $200 is stupid?

Based and redpilled.

OG will stay the same
teeny weenie will be like 229 (lol)
Phats will be 350 or 400 with a game

component cost is still relatively expensive for the switch. I can't imagine a $149 tag this soon, especially when their 3ds is still selling for $149.

Okay, this is epic.

>Just make a mini dock and bundle a pro controller with it. Done.

What did he mean by this?

You're a big guy

>no joy cons
>have to open the whole console if i want to clean the buttons or change the sticks
>no dock play
besides not being poor, i'm also not a retard

How will this next generation Switch differ in appearance to the current Switch?

We've been getting Switch revision rumors literally since the week the Switch came out. Excuse me if a few of us are waiting to see some actual proof it exists before getting foaming at the mouth over it, then furious when it turns out to be another fake.

Keep being retarded you autistic dumbass.

But then you can't play 2 player Smash with friends on the go.

How do we know it won't have a new redesigned dock (probably bought separately) for the ability to use pro controllers
Just because it has a new priority for functions doesn't mean it will omit them entirely

removing the joy cons is something so retarded i'm not surprised Yea Forums is approving it
one of the main switch gimmick is the local multiplayer everywhere thanks to the 2 joycons you carry all the time, they also want to sell you MORE expensive 70$ joycons, removing them makes absolute not sense
also reducing the size of the whole table will only fuck battery life further, the only way to do it without a lot of compromises would be to use the smaller die size Tegra X2 to save on power and also get better battery life but at that would defeat the purpose of a low cost smaller switch since new hardware is more expensive and Tegra X2 has never been used in anything besides smart cars
you all will get a switch just like the current one with shittier display and 16gb of storage and you will like it


>absolute not sense

P.S: I agree completely and don't mean to detract from your comment.

cringe censorship SJW

We already knew this as of 2016, Iwata said it himself before he died.

its my problem with english, i though in going with NON but then i though that might be wrong
this happens every fucking time

there are plenty of people who don't use that shit
this is the same company that made a 2d version of a 3d console, not to mention that terrible red brick Wii, but w/e

switch pro never existed
It was not delayed

Why do people think a smaller Switch would somehow end up being cheaper and not more expensive?

>all these early adopters desperately deluding themselves that there won't be an upgraded version
Loving every laugh.

These retards dont know japanese
The original is talking about the switch successor not a switch pro but a completely new console that is obviously on the works because nintendo is always working on their next machine
There was never a switch pro

And? Being a standard doesn't necessarily make it good.

wasn't the Wii mini a thing for canada only?
the 3DS got real complains from people suggesting that the 3D effect could develop a lazy eye on children and many other shit, the feature was used by anyone so of course they removed it
Switch joycons however are different, AGAIN, theyre selling these shits for 70$ a pair, they WANT to keep selling them

*the feature wasn't being used by anyone so of course they removed it

>trusted news sites like Kotaku

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Nintendo literally always says that they don't plan on making a revision, but I'll give you a little hint as to why we'll see one.

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You could have used "makes absolutely no sense" or "is absolute nonsense" For future reference

Nikkei can suck my balls. The console has only been out for 2 years. I just bought my switch TODAY

Then return it while you can and rebuy it later after the price cut.

>implying pokemon doesn't have the power to drive sales like crazy by itself
a cheaper revision might help but i don't why they'd want to sell a cheaper console with a game of this sales potential

I'm going to get a red one.

>The reason appears to specifically be with getting the Nintendo Switch operating system running on this new hardware and an issue with power consumption.
While them focusing on these optimizations is likely true. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if there is simply a simple underlying reason such as them aiming to expand their install base as widely as possible with the cheap version first.
Before the Playstation and before the next Xbox.
Only so that they can release the more powerful version after the next Playstation and Xbox. And make adjustments accordingly.

To expand the market before the competition. And then challenge the competition after the competition.

I know you're right. But fuck, I really wanted to get in on the action by now

And that one has been delayed.

Because Nintendo has always released a Pokemon game worldwide around or at the same time a revision gets made

>Game Boy Advance SP = Ruby and Sapphire
>DS Lite = Diamond and Pearl
>2DS - X and Y
>Switcharoo = Sword and Shield

It's a pretty obvious pattern.


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>While it's reportedly designed for portable outdoor use, the report also suggests that it will be dockable and playable on the TV.
I wonder where the cost savings are coming from. I guess all they're taking out is the dock and some joycon components. Maybe the screen will be slightly cheaper?

In any case I can't really see a price reduction of more than $50.

Really? Gross.

That mini couldn't be compatible with the current dock, the buttons/sticks would hit it.


>everything after GBA is not a handheld due to low battery life
>everything before can be played on the GBA due to backward compatibility

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Damn if they released them like this and in these colours I’d buy one.

see Where the fuck do people think these insane cost reductions are going to come from

RMA yourself.

Still won't able to run PS5 and Xbox next gen games.
Why does Nintendo limit themselves with shit hardware?

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so they have a unique selling proposition


Was proven fake a few hours ago, keep up with the news brainlet.

Even if the Mini is literally a joyconless Switch it is still the vest version.
>It's cheaper
>The switch won't get next gen games anyway
>Why the fuck do you want to play upscaled 720p games on your TV when you can play them on the damn handheld.

Go check the source Nikkei is using moron, its literally that some unknown guy said he saw something. Its "my dad is nintendo" tier.

>why would you want to play games on the tv
Maybe so I can use a better controller and not have the entire screen move when using gyro controls?

Dumb nin-toddlers

Soitch is already terribly overpriced.

he didn't say it was good, stop deflecting

Not according to any of the teardowns I've seen, the ones at launch all estimated the cost of parts at $250 or higher, without manufacturing or shipping.

Nintendo has been profitable with this shit since day 1. It's been over two years since launch now. They can sell it as is for $200 and still make a profit.

Yes, all of the big 3 were profitable from day 1 this gen, nobody wants to be a loss leader any more.

You think they've managed a 33% price reduction in two years? That seems rather optimistic to me.

>can still dock it

so it's a literal upgrade? fucking niggers

PS4 and Xbone were both price dropped by now. And Sony certainly didn't lose money dropping to $300 after two years.

But we know how Nintendo works with profit margins. They'd rather sacrifice sales than "devalue" their systems.

>technical difficulties
Which means
>we will release the first Switch revision,4PSwitch(For the Poor) this year and next year and half we will release another Switch revision, XXX-xtra Large Switch, that is actually more powerful! please understand[raughs]
Classy Nintendo.

>And Sony certainly didn't lose money dropping to $300 after two years.
They dropped to $350 after 2 years. They didn't hit $300 until late 2016 with the PS4 slim.

Judging by typical patterns in price drops I think it's pretty reasonable to expect a $50 Switch drop this spring or summer. Probably timed during one of the slower months.

that's almost perfectly designed, but it needs some controller-like grips.

>Sony practically pioneered these useless revisio-

Attached: Sega-Genesis-Model-2-Monster-Bare.jpg (1024x669, 85K)

>Mass speculation
>No proof

In your dreams autist.

honestly, every aspect of how they designed the switch is fucking stupid. as someone who owns both, the wii u was much better designed hardware than the switch.

Learn to live with it because it doesn't get any better.

t. 30 yo boomer

Enjoy the 360p.

It's been over two years and it's going to be at least another one

You're trying to smuggle in the negative connotation of the word "early adopter" as if it's applicable after several years

Attached: 1503806269572.png (900x900, 46K)

You retards it's a next gen Switch

You're so fucking dumb but then again this is Yea Forums

Commit suicide.

>smash player

>Its a another episode gaming journalist
God damn retards can't even be bother to check their sources and not use google translator.

Attached: 1553558379699.jpg (1080x1075, 129K)

You're why Yea Forums is the most retarded board on Yea Forums

All I wanted.

You realize, if the 2DS is anything to go buy, it'll have really cheap plastic, mushy buttons and bottom of the barrel. piss yellow screen right? When they say cheap they fucking mean cheap

>Knee jerk reaction is the mini is stupid idea

>see this picture

Nintendo does 4D chess again. They have the Japanese market in their pocket now.

I unironically hope it's NVidia's decision to upsell an RTX grade Tegra in response to AMD's strides with the PS5 and the OS/power consumption stuff is a cover.

what kind of screen display should it use? though? something higher quality than the original switch screen, I hope.

It'll use reject LCDs just like they did with the 2DS

Sony is suiciding as we speak. No games... movies coming, blowing their load early with hardware leaks, rabid censorship program launched. Arrogant Sony is doubling down on being arrogant.

The Switch mini is going to do amazing in Japan.

between that, and Sony being hostile to Japanese developers, they pretty much gift wrapped Japan for Nintendo.

one of the worst shops iv ever seen

>less features

If mini is shittier in every way but size then probably gonna wait for pro then hack my original Switch.
If it's on par for the most part then probably gonna get one to hack.
Mostly just want to have a Switch to keep as an emulation machine and the other for occasional online. Switch is the perfect emulator console.

Attached: retroarch.png (960x720, 18K)

So what you're saying is I have to gobble down every single "my dad works at nintendo story"?

How many handhelds have you seen that need two heat vents and a 50% underclock on the CPU to keep the thing from overheating?

I'll wait for the switch mini pro New XL

They're called handheld video games consoles because they're a certain kind of video game console that is held with hands, but because that's a long and cumbersome term to say, people call them handhelds for short

There are also other kinds of video game consoles, and what one might typically associate with video game consoles is called the home video game console, or simply console for short since it's the kind that came before the handhelds

Are you for real

Attached: hands.png (423x266, 62K)

>Metroid Dread

Nice meme.

Not a meme, Sakamoto soft confirmed it in a Spanish interview last year.

>switch is the perfect emulation console
Not as long as Retroarch is your only option it ain't.

??? Why would you not use retroarch? Emulation needs runahead to be worth anything

>Something that hasnt been revealed or confirmed yet is """"Delayed""""

Just say your source was fucking wrong

Attached: trash.jpg (832x584, 82K)

I'm a lifelong Sonyfag but I'm interested in a Switch for Breath of the Wild, I want a revision that stretches out the screen to use all of the black border and would never even dock the thing just play it in bed.

Attached: 1552223041676.png (850x1278, 471K)

This reminds me how much I want a d-pad joycon (an official Nintendo one not some janky mod)

I like how these "leakers" are using the word Delayed to hide the fact that they were wrong

>2018 Switch revision!
>2019 Switch revision!
>UUUUUH, one of them was delayed!

this is a weird thing because Switch DOES in fact have the typical Voice Chat support, but they want to try and promote their shitty app, so their first party games are stupidly convoluted while third party games are simple and straight foward

Because every time I try to use it it'z a confusing as fuck setup and then it's a total buggy mess?
The vita repository was literally broke for like a year
They finally released an official build and then a "bugfix" for hakchi and it's completely busted and way worse than older now removed builds, even though they hyped it up as being stable
And when I went to install it to my switch last, there just wasn't anywhere to get the xci version, or the cores for even the nca version. I was told to use the online updater but I refuse to turn wifi on my switch as I have no way of setting a dns up and I dont even trust the dns, I want to use my switch for online someday

The OG switch is an on old orphan process. My guess is they drop it and going forward there are two models: a Pro with the same profile as the original just it runs the old docked profile portable and adds a new higher-performance docked mode, and a Mini that only supports the OG portable mode, the latter being passively cooled.

>confusing as fuck setup
You literally just select which cores you want, and then each core has it's own options. No idea why people have so much trouble with this

It's also the only way to remove all of the inherent input delay that comes with emulation. It's impossible to go back to standalone emulators after runahead and frame delay completely change the experience

Because it won't have the detachable joycons (cutting a huge amount of cost/complexity) and will be passively cooled (cutting more cost/complexity).

waiting for the pro

The OG Switch, if you have a hackable one, takes really well to overclocking. You can have it now essentially.

>The joycons are a gimmick.
Joycons are only a gimmick if you don't have friends, which is probably why most of Yea Forums hates them.

I'd much, much rather have single system emulators that fucking WORK and only have straightforward necessary options that just fucking WORK than the bloated mess of Rdtroarch, where it's always a fucking gamble if things will work or not. I never had any issue with nesterDS. I never had a single issue with snes9x on my Wii. But guess what I constantly get trying to use retroarch on any fucking system? When your own stables are unfunctioning piles of crap that you claim work great you can die in a house fire, fuck you.

I have friends and we just use pro controllers. The joycons have only been used for Mario Party, and we only played Mario Party once because it was awful

I would trade the joycons entirely if it meant having a decent dpad and grip

but the joycons are trash, and the stand straches the screen

well not everyone is retarded user but you do you. no worries

Will likely be the same as the Pro. They won't change the shape at all to maintain Labo compatibility.

The 'pro' version is going to use joycons too user so I wouldn't get my hopes up there

then I'll wait for the pro mini

Yes. When it gets hacked it will be the ultimate portable emulation machine

The X2 is a minor touchup to the X1 and its Jetson devkit runs the same software from the get-go. It must be something truly unique to both Nintendo and Nvidia (and quite beefier too) if its giving them power draw and OS issues. At this point I'm willing to bet they're transitioning to 7nm to make it work.

Android is irrelevant in Japan and have rampant piracy, Nintendo would beber launch games on it

I love this so much

fucking nintentard,there will be a switch "pro" and no,Nintendo isn't consumer friendly,enjoy your 60 dollars remake and 70 dollars games

I just hope the new switch has a glass screen. I'll buy one if it does.


1. Why do people think this cheaper model will be smaller?
2. Why do people think they'd do something as retarded as to make the joycons non-detachable?

>a glass screen
For as long as you've got a screenprotector, it's unironically uperior to a glass screen. Glass screens are only superior if you for whatever the reason never bother with a protector. Otherwise glass screens are just a liability in addition to being more expensive.

>Just make a mini dock and bundle a pro controller with it. Done.

No way they do that bundle since it would push the price point above the base model. The point of a mini system is to sell to both the budget and portable demographics.

They designed it that way just so you could do the simultaneous joy can lock in and to make it less prone to break when kids change from docked to handheld

Does switch have a good button? I have never play them yet and planning to buy them when animal crossing is out. I have a vita and psp for reference.

>Everyone already has a usbc cable.
Don't you need a specific kind of USB-C cable? Which is why you can't use any generic dock to output as well?

>people are shitposting over something that we don’t know exist

Reminder that we have been hearing about revisions coming since late 2017

When will you fuckers ever learn

So you can plug in one of those three ringed headphone jacks and it works?

While I think the bulky dock looks retarded and would prefer a smaller one, seeing the way my niece and nephew handle their Switches lead me to believe the smaller one would lead to it breaking the connector very quickly.

You think they'd remodel the joycons?

Doesn't the fact that they're still pushing Labo confirm undockable Joycons in general?