This was ALL the storage you got with a PSP

This was ALL the storage you got with a PSP.

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unless you bought a new one?

I remember getting this for $60 back then. Crazy how things change

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Yes in a time digitial games wasn't really an option for the PSP nor Nintendo DS, and the games didn't have installation files, those 32mb were solely for Save Data which were like 500kb in size.

>tfw put porn on one
>could easily hide it

Digitial copies weren't a thing in the PSP's first year, so those 32MB were all for Save Files.

*sips* yep those were the days

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>tfw bought a 64gb psvita card when they were """"cheap"""""

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>$119.99 at launch

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DS didn't have external storage until the DSi anyway.

Sony dared to pull this propietary bullshit in a time their Memory Stick was long dead and they had already started just accepting Micro SDs in everything they made, what the fuck were they thinking?

and? digital copies weren't that big back then

>Had PSP with decent sized memory card
>Hacked it with that image trick that turned the screen red
>Had a ton of emulators and games on it
>Had a ton of music and movies
>Had a ton of porn

Literally the best mobile device back then.

Literally selling the Vita at a loss and trying to make it up with required memory card sales.

2048 times larger.

And this size.

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Yeah but a lot of people used it as an MP3 player too, 32 MB isn't shit. I think I eventually bought a 1 GB, was at least $50.

the PSP Go came with 16 gigs of storage

my nigga

played the fuck out of SNES9x PSP, had to overclock to 333mhz but it was good hot but good

Mine's expanded as far as I could take it.

Just 32GB between both storage sources.

Years later down the line when digital copies were a thing for the PSP, and that model failed so why bring it up?

Same, that’s the emu I used too. Also that gameboy emu gnuboy (I think?). Oh and I remember trying to play SM64 on that N64 emulator Daedalus and getting like 7FPS, that was fun

And then there was all the homebrew shit like super mario war PSP

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>Yeah but a lot of people used it as an MP3 player too,
Yeah lots of clueless blockheads, just get an actual MP3 that doesn't look like a brick inside your pocket.

Why carry an mp3 player when the psp did the exact same shit but also had games, movies, porn, emulators, etc

Took literally a decade after the PSP launched to reach this.

I did get one years later, I wasn't made of money when I was 14 though. They were still expensive and it was a choice between a $250 iPod or a $250 PSP that also played music.

The old days

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