Welcome to the multi-store world

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>one game on Rockstar’s social club
This guy is fucking stretching it.

>ea got cucked out


Is he insinuating that everyone buys/plays the games that they watch on stream?
Or that stores have any connection to the quality of the game developed?
Or is this just a shill meant to get attention while being facetious?

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Imagine being sirgay

What's next? Having each game on a disc and having to put it in whenever you want to play it? The world has truly gone mad!

>have to download 6 different online game stores
>they're all always online bloatware
>all of your personal information on any store is scanned and logged by any other store so that they can all sell it to China
>all the stores running in the background always hogging CPU
>all the stores monitoring what you're looking at on your web browser

What store is just chatting on?

I, to this day, still do not understand the appeal of watching someone play video games.

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>riots launcher

yeah show me the lot of games of riot

Twitch is weird. I just looked now and that WWZ game fell to 9.6k. Does the twitch watching audience only care about a game for a single hour then go back to Fortnite or something? That's a pretty big drop in a single day.

ever been depressed?

Sure, but I'd rather watch a movie or actually play a game.

What type of game is just chatting

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The truth about Twitch is that it isn't neccesarily about the game being played. Its become a platform for the broadcaster personality, so the viewers don't move on to another WWZ stream once the broadcaster goes offline they just stop watching and/or spread out to other preferred personalities

guys look on the bright side, we might have competitive strategies to create better products. The lazy shits at Valve may actually have to step up their game for once...

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>Rockstar social club

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Considering how hard artifact flopped I don’t think we are going to see anything new by them for a while.

Not to mention Anno 1800 was available for purchase on Steam up until yesterday, AND is still available for purchase on uPlay.

or they can take the wave of hate maded by epic and make a new game and money.

>on Twitch
Wow, it's fucking nothing

>or actually play a game
Then you have never been depressed.
Depressed people lose their impetus to do even the most mundane functions let alone play games.

>lazy shits at Valve
I really hope you're joking. When you step back and take a look, the amount of value you get from Steam is pretty remarkable. The controller configuration and VR support alone far surpasses any other storefront.

>Rockstar social club

When is this faggot going to make the epic store player data public like steam does

it's a tag added for twitch thots so they can get endless donations from retarded virgins without actually having to put any effort

>Two of them are Tencent games
So just how bad IS the botnet?

I used to stick around for the old Yea Forums stream sites for retardy, communities used to be good until it became E-Celeb Worship instead of an actual chat.

2 things that don't mean shit to their core users. If they're not lazy they're definitely blind and deaf.

>Anno is dying and World War Z is already dead
That didn't take long.

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Why do you retards act like stores like uplay, Microsoft store and origin haven't existed for years? It's how I know this epic whining is all manufactured

Fair. What do you think they need to add?

>m-m-my sadness is different!
Nah, you're just a pussy.

Just give Source 2 to developers already and get rid of their bumbling ass backwards desk on wheels

literally everybody and their mother complained about those 3

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I watch to see how is the gameplay or when I can't afford it/my PC can't support it.

And All of them are on Windows which the real platform for PC gaming

What a fuking retard, Twidder should be banned from /vee/

>>I really hope you're joking. When you step back and take a look, the amount of value you get from Steam is pretty remarkable

Honestly, Steam drone, has Valve made anything successful in the past few years?

>Steam machines? Flop
>Steam controllers? Flop
>SteamOS? Flop
>Steam Link? Flop
>Shartifact? You better believe that was a flop
>Source 2? Not even made to even be a flop
>Steam Videos? Flop
>Steam VR? Fired devs

Literally the only money they have is from rent controlling other peoples games like a corrupt landlord, and that's gonna end soon.

And all of them are shit. Your point?

Can we have a new rule where we ban anyone posting a twitter screencap?

Twitch isnt weird youre just stupid

>Welcome to the multistore world
>says the epic games employee who built steamspy to scrape data analytics off of steam to figure out what games people had and used that information to eventually build the epic store, enticing people in by offering free games that were on large amounts of wishlists

nah you just never been depressed.

Lots of people watch the videos for the players' personalities or their comedy. I watch OneyPlays because the revolving door of guests that Chris has on are all funny and great to listen to. I usually put on their stuff in the background while I'm playing my own game or working.

expect if you actually had depression you'd feel that way that he described.

based retard poster

>Sure, but I'd rather watch a movie or actually play a game.
If you're depressed then you wouldn't wanna go either of those cause you're interest to do anything would be gone. Any worth would feel pointless so you wouldn't do it


come home, old man

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Well when I was at my lowest point, I used videogames as an escape from the rest of the world, but I know what you mean, because I did that with pretty much everything else.

Maybe they should just stop being depressed then. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

>why didn’t people do the thing they did?

Because they did?

>107k people in the camwhore section

Twitch was a mistake

Good for story games that you can't be bothered to buy

>Microsoft store
>no one ever complains about that trash
Is this an elaborate troll?

But watching other people play games is okay?

Their controller support sucks. X360ce, antimicro, ds4w, j2k even ahk are better alternatives that dont take 30% tax from you.
Steamvr is an exessive software layer, my porn games, like HS, work with my hmd directly without problems.

Jokes on you, I was posting just to get a cute image like that!

Literal numale cucks

Let's plays can be funny if the youtubers are funny guys that can improvise and crack jokes, but I don't really get watching unedited streams
I like to watchh gameplay footage for a bit before I buy a game, but I can't watchh streamers without getting bored quickly

>push the narrative steam is a monopoly and needs to go
>push the narrative that steam has little relevance in the current era of multi-launcher environment
So which one is it?

I'm not saying it is
i feel you and it is different for some other

>don't mean shit to their core users.
>controller configuration
>bettering the fucking thing you fucking play the fucking game with
>don't mean shit to core users

this shit lasted like 5 minutes wtf and wwz looks like a halfway l4d

Did they ever fix Epic's security?
I know security is a crapshoot for most games to begin with but I remember Epic being particularly bad. Did they fix it?

>using a website thats notorious for having paid streamers and fake viewer count as a way to elevate egs

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>people using controllers for most games much less Valve games

me too until i watched aris streams