The real debate.
These vs
The real debate.
These vs
>Le genesis good controller may may.
Fucking kill yourself. It was average then and it's useless now.
Saturn pad. The Genesis 6 button dpad always felt too loose to me.
>bought a Sega Saturn from Ebay with an external device for USB
The d pads are godlike stay buttmad nindorko.
Saturn without a doubt.
stop it 8bitdo
>performs input for hadoken
>Ryu performs it like a rounds later
No thanks shill.
The Saturn pad, was there ever any doubt?
Where the hell do I buy a usb Saturn pad? The brand in the OP has shit ratings on Amazon.
>see 8bitdo praised everywhere
>Yea Forums says it's shit
I want a clear blue Saturn controller, fuck.
If you are referring to these, those aren't the same ones.
Retrobit recently made a new batch with Sega's build quality, so it feels like the real thing.
From some reviews, it seems that there are still some bugs to iron out (first shipment doesn't work on switch but they are working on it, and it's difficult to change the inputs of the dpad from diagonal/analog as advertised). So i'd wait for the second versions to come out first.
>Retrobit recently made a new batch with Sega's build quality, so it feels like the real thing.
Yeah I'm not going to just believe that. I've touched Retrobit's previous controllers and they were worse than trash
The ones in the op just came out and apparently are good, they worked with sega to develop them. Wireless coming soon(tm).
Go and check the reviews. They have been much more positive. Even the die hard sega enthusiasts say it feels like the real thing, only thing missing was the clicky sound of buttons for the triggers.
This one is beautiful. Apparently they'll release a Sonic Blue one too. I'll buy that one for sure.
They'll release analogic version of this pad too.
I really like my two 8bitdo controllers.
The SN30 was used to beat Zelda II, so it gets a pass from me.
>a bunch of reviews praising 8bitdo
>all of them got the controller for free, sometimes a whole suite of controllers
This and /thread
t. 8bitdo representative
Oh shut the fuck up stupid zoomer. Those pads were godlike. If they weren't so good you wouldn't see these companies trying to recreate them. Those pads are the real best retro style controllers. SNES d-pad always made my thumb sore as shit playing Street Fighter.
When does the second version come out?
These actually are, completely unlike their old shit. These are sega licensed. My local shop stocked the genesis ones 2 weeks ago and I bought one. Sure enough, you absolutely can't tell the difference from a real one from back in the day.
>hurr durr just like the original
retroshit shills out in full force it seems.
Just get the 8bitdo.
Does anyone know if the Hyperkin ones are any good? They're so cheap I'm kind of wary.
No one is talking about 8bitdo, 8bitdo.
Why don't you love me, Yea Forumschan?
Where should I look to buy them? Local retro shops? It doesn't even look like they stock them on their website yet.
The greatest most aesthetic controller design ever made. Its like nerd porn.
Nevermind, looks like they are on Amazon. Just an extremely new listing.
because two of the controllers I tested were bad?
saturn all the way. genesis button sare too sticky
I want something with a similar size and feel to the Genesis 3-button, but with 6 face buttons and 2 shoulders.
I have both the hyperkin and retrobit, both are great. The hyperkin perfectly fine.
Still mad our Genesis Mini is coming with this controller and not the 6-button version. Although most of the feel of that controller for me IS the complete lack of shoulder buttons.
As stupid as it may be, I am sure the reason for it is because the three button controller is more memorable to people. The Genesis model they are using is the original and it shipped with these controllers.
3 button is literal shite.
>is the original
It's very important that the headphone volume slider work on it in this case.
Well this is about nostalgia so they want to maximize that.
It wasn't shit. It actually got the same amount of buttons as an NES controller funny enough.
it was GOAT then, it's GOAT now.
fuck off, thumb stick fag
got sf30pro and m30. both perform just like the controllers they imitate. You either have wireless interference (i did, not anymore) or short stubby thumbs.
no shoulder buttons exist except for 8bido.... which is saturn size, bigger than 6button but smaller than 3button.
if u want 6button but 3button size... I only know 3 options
>mat catz
>high frequency
>sega's wireless 6 button controllers
I remember when 6 button Sega controllers came out. Was pretty epic
>tfw you lived long enough to see scalperfags get fucked over on Saturn USB controllers
Hell I already own a Mayflash adapter but I'll buy one just to try it out. Can't wait to try it out on Fightcade.
>tfw I have thin, girly thumbs
The first ones. They are supposed to be a lot closer to authentic. 8bitdo one looks like a shitty bootleg. Which is disappointing considering how good they did with the Super Nintendo ones.
Should I buy a pad? Currently using a xbone elite controller Which is godlike for every other game but absolutely shit for fighters.
>Google the genesis mini
>comes with the superior 3 button controller
>bloodlines already confirmed
What is the chance we get mickey mania, Aladdin, robocop vs. Terminator??!!
It's not genesis without them.
big hands, slender digits is objectively the best combo
>all that shovelware licensed games
Segadrones really were starved back then huh?
retrobit controllers are garbo
>bought some Japanese Sega Saturn
>Now I want that see through version with USB
Genesis Aladdin is great!
retrobits are way worse than 8bitdo except some of the early sn30s and n30/pro
no. its amazing
The six button is better than the snes controller.
It's one of the best controllers of all time, only the Japanese Saturn controller is better.
If webm related has a digital pad actually like the original one it will the ultimate controller.
Zero chance, expect no licensed games for this.
yes, but this one is licensed by Sega and has high quality.
But there's always some 8bitdo guy postign about it.
How long ago were these reviews? All I find are a month old
They should have made it wider so the sticks don't clack together.
I have the SF30 Pro.
The build quality is very good, many of the parts are interchangeable with a genuine SNES controller, and overall it's my favorite controller for playing most classic titles. That being said, Yea Forums tends to hate them for the following reasons:
1. They are seen as a basedboy symbol popular with the type of obnoxious "retro gaming" Redditors that like to collect mini consoles and other trinkets--the ones who are more into the hobby than the games themselves.
2. Their one major flaw is that they are known to have overly sensitive diagonal inputs. This is mostly due to the fact that the contact pads on the PCB are larger than on an original SNES controller. It can be fixed by placing paper hole reinforcements over the contact pads, which also improves the feel of the d-pad (in my opinion). It's a shame they have that issue, but after the fix, they are truthfully the best "retro controller" in my opinion. After the fix, the d-pad is pretty fantastic.
>Lienced by Sega and has ****HIGH QUALITY****
>No one posts the most influential and most ergonomic one, along with the best API and architecture of any console let alone controller.
what kind of fighers?
I found DoA and SC to be good enough with a ds4 but totally shit for KoF.
What's this?
Nah, it's dogshit for fighters.
Are those out yet? Because I need something comfortable like the Saturn controller to play fighters
And wasnt retrobit supposed to release some adapters to use the old controllers? Is there even a good adapter to use the old saturn controllers on the PS4 at all?
Yeah I was about to ask this because OP's, then read this and got disappointed.
I never liked how small the MD 6 button controller was. The 3 button's size was perfect though
It was shit for the 2d fighters, because the dpad was painful. But the controller was actually perfect for Soulcalibur 1
I heard there were issues with quality control also.
typically when Yea Forums hates something that means it's good
This looks like it'll be just as good as the SF30 Pro. Although maybe the sticks should be more spread apart.
i wanna know how these compare especially the ones with analog sticks
A shame that the fucking sticks are too close together, otherwise this would truly be the perfect controller, assuming it has a USB connection to reduce input lag.
sticks are too close
>awful hard plastic convex stick
>awful D-Pad after making amazing pads with the GEN and SAT
>awful controller
>awful triggers
>4-button layout even all of your noteworthy games are arcade ports
>single stick in 98/99 when Sony had already shown that dual sticks were the future
>cord points in the wrong direction
>rumble not built into the controller when again, dual shock had this
>poor ergonomics
>have to use a gimmicky and overpriced VMU
The Dreamcast controller is honestly one of the worst controllers made by SEGA. It's jarring how much of a step backwards it was compared to the near perfect Saturn controller.
You got short monkey paw thumbs. You know some scientists have linked thumb length to intelligence?
It's like a revision of this thing
saturn 3d control pad is better.
that "thing" is the best controller ever made.
nope the ergonomics are shit
This thing had more buttons than that other thing. DC controller also had a worse d-pad. How odd they would downgrade like that.
Except the pic you've posted is miles better than the Saturn controller even if it's shaped like a disc. Its only real flaw is how few games actually support since it was made so late in the Saturn's life cycle.