Why have I barely heard about platinums best game?

Why have I barely heard about platinums best game?

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When it came out everybody wrote it off as licensed shovelware (like TMNT) and now that the action games community at large has finally started to acknowledge that it was as amazing as the few of us said it was, you can’t buy it anymore.

It's a damn shame, I know it's been said a lot but it really is a revengeance for transformers g1 fans.


So fucking cool.

Revengeance is pretty shit, TFD is far better. It’s also a lot closer to Bayonetta anyway.

I pirated it and loved it, but forgot to buy it before it got de-listed.
I should send Platinum my money because that game was fun as fuck.

Much as I love the game, I do wish there were more than 3 moves that weren’t locked behind canned combo strings. Granted you can do a lot with them because of the way hitbox cancelling works and how air combat is identical to ground combat, but it’s still a little reductive. Knock enemy up, knock enemy back, stop enemy moving. Those are your options, not even unique to your weapon.

it was fucking kino but because that TMNT dogshit game flopped the budget for the sequel apparently was fucked, so no sequel ever. thanks a lot Platinum you dumb faggots

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Huh, I didn't know this got delisted.
I think I got this with Playstation Plus a few years back, any reason given for why it was delisted?

Enjoy expensive G2A keys.

The game got removed from steam.

It doesn't help that you can't buy it digitally anymore

They were never gonna make a sequel. Activision signed a 3-game contract with Plat, none of the 3 games was successful commercially in the slightest, and then like 2 years later Activision didn’t even bother to renew their license for the properties.

Activision lost the Transformers license. They delisted all of their Transformers games including all the High Moon ones.

Oh thank god, someone finally started talking about TFD.

1.) Is there an SS prime's axe? I feel like prime's axe is just a D - B tier and it becomes battle blade after that.

2.) What's the funnest way to build wheeljack? I'd prefer to use his wrenches and three weapons, with at least one being heavy, in order to make use of his unique traits. What TECH and what weapons/skills? I don't wanna just give him a spreadshot, i always do that. and i don't wanna spam weapon energy potions so gimme a build that can fund it's own heavy weapons.

2.5) How do i build sideswipe and why should i play him? He's the first one i played with but ever since beating normal mode i've learned he seems to offer nothing other than quickest ulti charge. His dash isn't that useful, bumblebee has just as many double-vehicle attacks and even more if you count his counters and rush attack, and he can't use any weapons taht are unique other than his flare gun (meh?) and swords (nothing special).

3.) Am i just bad or are most of the guns kinda trash? I can force myself to use them and do okay, but they don't seem to offer exciting gameplay. I'd rather stick to spreadshot/launcher/sniper and to a lesser extent blaster/dualblaster/assault rifle/machine gun and just do easy status effects and vehicle attacks. In bayo, some weapons were easier to use than others, but everything had a purpose! Can someone help me conceptualize the other classes and why i should care? I know about delay launcher + ice already.


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I feel like TFD took bayonetta's "dance with the enemies" idea to the extreme. It lost even more of DMC's "your combo really matters" and went full flow with it's dodge > counter attack mentality. This isn't a bad thing, and it's one of my favorite Cuhrayzee games, but I think it's even more pointless to try for cool combos here than it is in MGR. It's funny too, cause TFD has SO MANY moves and weapons, it's just....they've all been blurred as far as how particularly useful or unique they are. I feel like fists, swords, dual swords and axes all have the same moveset, just with a different final move in their respective "mash only punch" strings and different placements of the same 5 vehicle/double vehicle attacks across their alternate strings. They are really pretty tho, cryo weapons are bar. Also, while simple, hammer is a fun change of pace.

I can answer a few of your questions:

Sideswipe’s leap is the best non-spark gap closer in the game and can ground-to-air. Upgrade it with TECH to increase its range to maximum and you can basically press the button after any knockback and still be in-combo.

Guns spark on headshots and knockbacks; heavy cannon guns are perfect for guaranteed sparks because they always trip a stinger/dash veh atk, and because of how gun offsets and input buffering work you can use a heavy one-shot cannon (or shotgun) to spark into shit.

Also, guns are just good for killing if you play as a shooter. Because guns are the only weapons you can use while remaining in vehicle mode, it can be very fun to go full Twisted Metal Vanquish and speed around shooting shit. Don’t use guns too much on foot (except as status shitters and sparkers) because of the mandatory walk while firing, but full speed run (drive) and gun gameplay is awesome, it’s just a totally different thing from the melee combat experience.

Also also, there’s a bit of gun tech where switching guns resets the fire rate cooldown, so you can do some dumbretarded shit with multiple launchers or heavy guns by bringing 3 and cycling them as you fire to shit out 3 shots near-simultaneously.

There’s some interesting stuff at work with the rush attacks, and the fact that you can JC your uppercut post-hitbox lets you tech rising launchers into your arsenal. Actually, a lot of the post-hitbox frame cancels developed by Nier Automata players are equally applicable to TFD, especially because the way its jump and movement physics works (no vertical snaps).

Wheeljack can Burnout through the ending of his spark attacks (the stationary missile ones). He has to be played VERY differently because of how his sparks work, because you have a lot more manual control over his location. I find him super frustrating for this reason but you can do cool shit with him when you can very easily chain spark attacks into rush combos (whereas other characters typically find themselves past enemies when they spark into a full-speed drive, which actually slows you down on the rush because you have to 180 back to the enemy to keep the combo going)

I remember being excited that a new tmnt game came out. Never really looked into it, but what made it so bad?

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Literally was non-functional, like it was only barely play tested. Glitches out the ass and some really just bad fundamental choices made. It's probably the only Platinum game where the boss fights are god awful.

Everything. Enemy attack telegraphs were giant MMO-style floor markers, the core mission loop was a slog, game was 30FPS locked, no couch co-op, the combat mechanics were barebones, the bosses were 9-healthbar damage sponges, all of the unique abilities were just cooldown commands, and the AI couldn’t be disabled so it basically played itself if you bothered to be stylish.

The crying shame of it is that it had, bar none, the very best movement mechanics of any game P* has ever produced, and some really interesting dodge and block mechanics, but none of it got to shine because it reduced itself to the worst kind of faux-MMO imaginable.

the main game was fun but I immediately lost interest in any of the more serious content once I realized getting high level stuff was gonna be an autistic grind, if not for that I probably would have put way more time into it because everything else is great

One of Platinum's best games, its a very polished and condensed "Platinum style" you can get, really. Plus its full of great G1 fanservice you'd think a small japanese company would either miss entirely or just not bother with at all. In the age of Michael Bay, this game was a godsend that never got anywhere near the attention and positivity it deserved.

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Depressing. Guess we may never see another good tmnt beat em up.

Actually this video demonstrates the game perfectly.


Start a mission, fuck off to enjoy the smooth movement and dick around exploring, then suddenly MISSION CLEAR because the AI went ahead and played for you.

The most fun I had in the game was the tutorial mission, because it was the only time you played solo. If they had unlocked the framerate and let you disable the AI partners I would have been able to have fun with it.

I'll admit i haven't played in a few months so i'm a bit rusty, but can't most characters continue a combo after a full speed dash by buffering the spin or pulling a gun on contact? I guess you have to hit them with spreadshot or something to stop them, which may do more damage than you want, but i feel like wheeljack's burnout tech doesn't solve a glaring weakness, but maybe i'm undervaluing it. Do you know if energon attack + or ranged attack + or vehicile attack + tech boosts the power of his projectile vehicle attacks? I was too lazy to farm tech and test but i was always curious. He may be insane if you can stack ranged + and give the benefits to two or three heavy canons as well as half your Vehicle Attacks.

The game basically drowns you in an ocean of weapons, you get to a point where every time you enter the main hub you’re selling them by the dozen just to stay under your limit. You can craft a SS 7-slot weapon with max rank with all your preferred skills so fucking easy.

Thank you for your insight, but i think i didn't form my question well. First off, i understand the spark mechanics pretty well and i'm not having trouble winning at anything. I SS ranked all challenges and difficulties, and i just love replaying it for funsies like most platinum/DMC games. What i want with WJ is for him to feel more unique. I personally consider core gameplay for any character to revolve around combos into VA into shovespark/gunspark/etc, dodges into counter attacks or dodges simply to offset, and occasional use of ultis and ranged weapons outside of combos as situation dictates. But characters sprinkle their own flair on that. BB has double VAs on most things, and one of the lowest cost Abilities. Slide lets him continue combos in a new way, and use the invincibility and stuns to control combat in a new way. SS also has double VAs and i just learned that i'm sorta sleeping on his dash, and his ulti is hella fast. Prime can use big boi weapons, does a big boi ulti and ability, and has 6 tech slots to really milk his stats to the limit. Also he has charge offset and can parry offset his charges....but i dunno if that was intended (it is dope tho) Grimlock also uses big boi weapons but his vehicle form and ability are far far more nuanced than basically every else's, giving him a lot to chew on when considering kool kombos or just efficient mob clear. What does WJ do that really rocks the boat? So far his coolest aspect is his ranged VAs and burnout mechanics but it seems kinda simple compared to everyone else, except maybe prime if you don't count his glitches (?). Shield offset seems kinda meh, and big boi guns are nice but spreadshot kinda does all you need.

Does flame attack up affect grimlock ulti or WJ ulti?

I have no idea, I hate Wheeljack.

Yes, you can spin attack to cancel your spark (into another spark at max Overdrive) but because it nulls momentum you can’t flurry from it. But the real advantage to Wheeljack is that you can decide whether to burnout or to stay where you are; combos don’t fling you around. This gives you more control, but IMO also makes him less fun to play, especially since you can’t (AFAIK) pull focus off a well-timed spark, which is super fun with Bee.

It's a good game but grinding for weapons is a fucking chore.
The art style is GORGEOUS though and the gameplay is Nier Automata/Bayonetta so it's automatically good.

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Shot game. Bought the physical version for 7 bucks at walmart and felt ripped

Have sex

Grimlock was fun as fuck to play, grappling bitches left and right.

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>, a lot of the post-hitbox frame cancels developed by Nier Automata players

I beat nier but was very disappointed by it as a cuhrayzee game. I've seen a few donguri combo videos, but other than whaling on enemies in the debug mode is there anything worth doing in campaign once you're maxed out? Also i wasn't aware of any advanced tech other than buffering charges while you do stuff and that air-dash attack that's really tight on the timing. Can you spoonfeed me how to have fun in nier? What are these post-hitbox frame cancels? You mean just dashing after an attack or something?

I don’t think elemental stat ups affect anyone’s ult for code reasons, and WJ’s is random anyway.

I actually feel like WJ was a missed opportunity; he’s built as the “ranged character” but doesn’t really offer much advantage even if you enjoy using guns over melee. If he had been able to run at full speed while shooting or regen Energon via melee strikes or something he’d have fit the role better; as it stands, there’s not anything he can do with guns that you can’t do with Prime.

>No Beast Wars Platinum game.

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Imagine playing anybody but Grimlock

botlets like bumblebee don't even bother replying

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But surely you've heard a lot about Bayonetta

Anyone else loved the story? I've been a TF fan since i was a tyke and it really warmed my heart, especially after the bay movies. Seeing Prime INSTANTLY give up the sum total of cybertronian history to protect humanity was so perfectly Prime. The big giant tendrils attacking the city were very dark of the moon, but everyone acts all quipy and G1y. It's great. Also dat fucking MGR style music.

Best themes?
1. Final Batle
2. Constructicons.
3. Shockwave

Also mods when? I wanna give myself any skills/tech/weapons instead of farming. Been playing a fair amount for years and my inventory still isn't PERFECT.

Never ever.

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Does you got the touch play at any point? This is important

First, you can’t be cuhrayzee in Nier because everything dies too fast, that’s the sad reality.

Second, because of the way dodge and jump cancels work in Nier, you can kill attacks after the hitbox and still apply the hitbox. It also looks pretty cool because the game typically leaves the weapon animating without you. A very early (as in demo-early) tech was to dash cancel your jump-heavy so that the sword would continue to lift the enemy through your rising attack while you stayed grounded. You could also double-jump cancel certain attacks to null their momentum, so shit like air-dash-heavy-sword-slam could be used to fling you forward without landing in a recovery anim.

Overall, though, Automata’s combat is shit, trying to squeeze depth out of it is like trying to wring drinking water out of a damp dish sponge—even if there’s a little bit in there, it won’t be enough and you won’t enjoy yourself.

Once you level up too high you automatically kill bosses in 1-2 hits and you literally can't "have fun" outside of the arena battle with the level 130 one-shot-kill enemies unless you start an entirely new game, sadly.

No, but you can tell where they wanted it to.

Shittiest spark game imaginable, he sacrifices all of the depth of tech for canned grapple anims.

Grimlock is the (DMC4) Nero of TFD.

Devastation is by far the best licensed game Platinum has done. I'd honestly put it on par with Revengeance.

Yeah i hear you. His wrenches do have energyon drop level 3 by default, but you really need to fill his 6 slots with speed to make him work imo.

Also we all run one gun per character with 5 overdrive + and an item pull + right? Like, that's standard? I boxed myself into builds like that on everyone and now playing WJ and trying to make use of his 3 guns requires more energy drop skills. It all feels like so much work when you can just counter > VA > shoot > VA > spin > launcher > half combo > you are now in overdrive > shove > VA > forever.

Maybe it's the HSK of TFD, maybe i should just try to not abuse it. Everyone feels so slow when you don't have overdrive on tho....

>Automata’s combat is shit,
That's like saying dark souls combat is shit.
It still feels good to move around in. The only problem is everything dies too quickly.

Go play DMC5 ya fucking tranny

I feel like Beast Wars is more suited to Dynasty Warriors tbqh, and that's a compliment. I think Transformers: Beast Warriors would be fun as fuck

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I wish more action games copied Aztez and let you continue to juggle a dead enemy forever, until you dropped the juggle or triggered a finisher. It’s a perfect way to balance difficulty and player strength while still letting you have punching bag fun; you earn your retarded improv-jazz minute long juggle by getting the enemy’s HP to zero in the first place, and have to sustain it by never letting his body come to rest on ground like some demented corpse-based Tony Hawk.

All these playing calling Devastation and Revengeance good are trolling right?

You guys should look up morninglord22. Grapples are only a small part of grimlocks gameplan. The real shit comes from his dinomode spark mecahnics. Your rush attack can be triggered immediately after tapping O once, you do not need to reach top speed like other bots. Your rush attack is the same as your shove, but coded different, meaning you can rush into shove. Both of these are invincible, hit AoE and spark (if you're in OD for the shove). You can also JC the end right when he lands (fairly easy timing) and go into an aerial shove....which, you know, is a giant belly floop of invincible AoE bullshit. Basically do this 5 times and now you're in OD and you can keep on shoving and jump shoving and maybe actually trigger one of the sparks to quickly go bot and shoot some galaxial launcher or whatever you want, before shoving, VA back into dino and belly flooping again. I think it's P fun. Also clearly busted, your score will shoot through the roof with all the repeated rush attacks you are triggering. Cause the dino shove counts as a rush.

Automata movement is too stiff, defensive maneuvers balanced too heavily to the player, and the guns are extremely OP (you can cheese any encounter by mashing dodge and holding shoot, as long as you can keep your reticle on the enemy)

I just wanna be able to play as Dragon Megatron.
>Automata movement is too stiff,
Did we play the same game? Your movement is so fluid you're practically water.

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>tfw there might not be another good transformers game in ages

I do :^)

That's sad. Anyone have a prefered way to spend their level down items and save slots to maximize fun potential?

I am really disappointed with Aztez. Some elements like corpse juggling are cool, but so many moves feel useless and combat can feel stiff. Most enemies are too easy, but then the bosses are real bastards unless you are good at counters or wanna abuse rifle/gauntlets.

I really enjoyed both. MGR was far shallower than bayo, but i loved the story/tone/designs/music. Usually these aren't important selling points but I dug MGS and even enjoyed the cyber bullshit in 4, so seeing MGS go batman-beyond was fun. Also even tho it was shallower, the showy blade mode and counter mechanics were fun to play around with once in a while. Doesn't have the depth of DMC or bayo in terms of combos and neutral game, but it's still satisfying on it's own simpler merits. TFD is fantastic imo. Possibly better than bayo, but it's hard to say. Also i don't have perfect builds yet so i can't accurately gauge it against bayo's max potential. Maybe you're playing them wrong? Did you enjoy other character action games?

It had Nemesis Prime. Fucking awesome, but not much to do except grind for weapons and the weapons don't really change/look different.

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>Anyone have a prefered way to spend their level down items and save slots to maximize fun potential?
I'd tell you if I could even get them. I'm too shit at the game so I can't beat the final arena rank, otherwise I'd have a separate save file with the fruits, use them all to de-level to 1, then save in a DIFFERENT save file just in case I want to restart from level 1 with everything still unlocked again.
But again, I can't do it. Those level 130's just ruin my asshole.


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Dodge isn’t snappy enough, it’s like moving underwater. Huge windup, drifty glide, nasty lerp back into walk. Jumps suffer from the same weirdness, with a really long start-up and animation mismatch (try dodging immediately after a jump, your character will just instantly teleport two feet closer to the ground because their collision capsule doesn’t match their leap at ALL).

Automata spends too much time trying to look smooth to actually BE smooth, it’s got all the responsiveness of Noctis in FFXV. Huge mess. A shame, because TFD and TMNT both had actual buttery-smooth movement with nice, natural jump arcs, momentum preservation, snappy dodges, etc. Even Bayo, with its god-awful air-glue DMC jumping, had some responsive high-velocity movement in the form of Panther Within.

>Some elements like corpse juggling are cool, but so many moves feel useless and combat can feel stiff.
Did you just play through Arena or did you actually do campaign?

Maybe it's because I played an assload of Nier Gestalt but I'm extremely happy with Nier Automata. It's way, way better than Gestalt's gameplay and other shitty action games I've played like Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll.
Maybe you're just used to god tier combat that you see anything not as good and think it's automatically shit?

I know him, and Tetsuo9999, and noble7jamie, and SaurianDash, and the only TFD player I can take seriously is MariusUrucu because he’s the only one I’ve ever seen actually aim his gun instead of abusing LT spam.

Prove you’re good at TFD, turn off aim assist. I hate that mouselook is borked in TFD on PC

All the fights had kickass themes, but my favorite might be:

Are there any guides for this games combat or nah?

I have 41 hours in aztez and i've barely touched arena. I usually try campaign with smoking mirror after first turn. I'll admit i play with training wheels tho. I start with spear and after mirror i pick rifle. I also pick up club when it spawns, clear map to fight emperor basically every time before cortez arrives, and like....30% of the time i do the underworld boss. He's....he's kinda tough and i suck at parries.

I realize that abusing strong things can be done in any character action, but enemy aggression seems so light before 75% the way through campaign that i don't really feel incentivized to do stuff beyond basic guard/dash/blood/swap cancels. The knife is p fun, and i can juggle with the laser gauntlets forever, but sword is just a shitty spear with an easier guard break and gun and club are too brain dead. I gotta git gud with claws and fists tho, maybe i have yet to truly experience aztez.

Based, my friend.

It's tough, i watched some youtube videos. You really gotta farm a lot. Get a podcast or a chill playlist cause it fucking sucks. I forget the exact build....you need lifesteal, damage + range damage +, crit +, some speed, i think there are chips that give A2 better/longer rage mode and you want that....i'm sure youtube videos show it well.

Also there's a reddit topic i can't be assed to find that organizes all the information on what chips are best at what level. Most chips are best at +8 for slot efficieny, but some are better with like two +3 or something else. Movespeed works that way, or something like that at least.

I am trash, i only use aim assist :/. I only really use it for firing while driving tho. During combos, your gun aims forwards by default, right? And i only use it for a quick spread/launcher shot for the spark/status.

Sword's endless ground combos are ridiculous because you can cancel any 4-hit into a trip swing and continue them. Enemies cannot block the sword, enemies cannot escape the sword.

The only useful thing with spear is that it elevates you as you air combo so with carefully timed blood summon commands you can stay airborne forever with minimal effort. Claws are okay, fists are interesting but the lack of a real block makes them tough.

I'll cop to the fact that most of the enemies in Aztez are pretty middling in terms of aggressiveness, but remember it's an arcade game. The objective is to hold the high score, and part of that is how you approach combos, parries, weapon use, and (of course) your ability to complete mission bonus requirements on the fly. The game also does a piss-poor job of explaining a lot of the really important mechanics that apply to the strategy game portion, but there are things you can do to set yourself up for certain missions and/or avoid certain things. Actually, learning the board game's rules is harder than learning the combat in a lot of ways.

During combos, your gun aims where your reticle is pointed, which is usually NOT at the enemy in question. Aim assist makes pressing Aim auto-lock-on for a second, so you can spam it for easy aim.

I do think in a better-balanced TFD, you would be able to have aim-assist only apply when you use it mid-melee, and only EXTREMELY briefly (just enough to center the camera, not to track). But TFD's shooter mechanics are badly balanced because it was designed with controllers in mind and its mouselook is atrocious.

I like the genre a lot, but haven't found a game yet that matches Bayonetta in its depth. MGR especially is extremely shallow and saved by excellent set pieces and music

Saurian Dash did a short mechanics rundown series on YT, and some other folks have done videos on various buffer and/or cancel mechanics, but there's not really like one central source that explains all of it in great detail.

Aren't the shooting mechanics more poorly designed cause you're supposed to play on max difficulty and most of the time things are a total cluster fuck with side-stepping melee enemies closing gaps and dropping lightning fast melees? Like i can't find time to just stand and shoot, except for when all i have left are seekers or insects. It basically seems like it isn't MEANT to be used without the autoaim. Like complaining about lock on in DMC

Pretty fun game with amazing soundtrack but I got through the main story spamming light attack and dodge roll. The vehicle combat was cool and the flow between switching modes was fluid and satisfying but the ways some of the later levels were designed you couldn't really stay driving for long which was annoying. I'm not the kind of person to try to break the game or minmax so I only got one playthrough out of it and completed some of the extra missions. Glad I got it for free, probably would never have bought it.

It would be better if you could use the mouse to aim properly in that context, because it would be like a twitchy arena shooter when you went to your guns as a primary form of DPS.

Unfortunately that opportunity is wasted, despite the potential for high speed movement while shooting with vehicle mode.

Looking back, i fucking loved Dragon Megatron

Oh i mastered the board game portion very early on. I'm used to big IRL board games with a billion more pieces rules, states, phases etc. So it was fun but not overwhelming :D. I'll stream some aztez if you want tips on board state

Come back to us when you've cleared Prime Difficulty, it's the sort of thing that makes Ninja Gaiden Black players sad that they can't Izuna Drop. Seriously, TFD on Prime makes NSIC Bayonetta 1 and DMD DMC5 look like a joke. It's a clusterfuck of constant enemy presence and neverending two-shot combos even at max stats, top-TECH and with SS max-rank weapons.

Where can I download Devastation?

I suppose you are right. Modders really gotta get on this. I feel that guns do crazy high DPS if you put any damage at all on them tho, so much so that it feels like you're skipping fights if you overuse them. Then again, the same can be said of simply mashing attacks with named weapons. I find it funny that the highest damage way is the easiest to execute. Vehicle attack chains get you the score tho, and they're safer since the VA acts as a dodge and can trigger your focus.

How did you not love him as a kid?

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>also it's dash goes THROUGH enemies, which is absurdly useful
I dislike that about it. See, the beauty of the sword is that the dash gathers enemies like a snow plow, and the sweep not only nulls their blocks but juggles for a long duration as well. By using a 4-hit-to-sweep loop with dash interrupts, you can start at the left side of the arena and just slowly scoop up all the enemies as you move right. On the Plague levels you can gather all 16 enemies present into a single combo in the first 10 seconds of combat and then get a 16x per each strike from then on.

What's your position on the global Aztez leaderboard, BTW? I'm 35th for campaign.

I've tried, user. I've tried using Cheat Engine to move the Look Speed past the cap to kinda fake it (the problem with mouselook is that its capped per-frame at the maximum analogue value per-frame, so while it can aim gently, it cannot ever accelerate the camera faster than holding the right analogue stick would do). This limit seems to be hard-coded to that value and, at the very least, MY amateur ass has not been able to change it.

I've also unpacked the files (which are proprietary, but MGR uses a similar format so there are tools for unpacking them) to see if a master settings table can be tweaked, like it was for MGR camera settings, but I've found nothing. Only some XML tables related to master weapon stats.

Nobody will ever mod TFD.

Dragging bitches through the dirt and slam dunking them was way too satisfying.

>Starscreams theme

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I miss TF Beast Wars!

>Starscream's stage

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Soundwave’s stage is the absolute best. Dynamic attack-manipulated hex grid.

That sounds like hell. I'll try it.
Funny that you mention Ninja Gaiden Black because that game got WAY better on Hard and Very Hard.

>tfw walmart stopped carrying used games
>this game, in all four console versions, was the most common used game
It hurts, bros.


It’s spectacular. The game has a built-in Sturdy mechanic (nothing can kill you unless you are already at minimal HP) but you basically get two-shot by anything and you are adrift in an ocean of hitboxes.

The soundtrack for this game was so fucking good and I am pissed we will never get more.

>EB games only sells ps4/xbox360/switch games.
>All the used games in the bin are just a million copies of shitty sports-year games.
>Two entire walls filled to the brim with funko pop.
Gaming is dead and it's been dead for years. What we see is a corpse.

The worst part about it is that I'm getting into Transformers now and I missed out on the Cybertron games for ps3/360 and this. My best bet to find them is to check FUCKING gamestop

I remember being interested but seeing some reviews score it low due to it being very straight-forward.

You a break-a muh haart.

I feel like i gotta playtest more stuff. I'm pretty sure that ONLY the spear and knife can dash past enemies. Maybe the fists? All other weapons have that same snowplowing effect. However, you can still snowplow easily with spear by simply doing what i described before, 5 or 6 hits, guard cancel, walk forward. If you wanna let them fly farther, just don't attack after walking forward and instead catch them with guard break and guard cancel the hit, then you can Down Y to restand. If you wanna dash into someone you can simply swap weapons to not-knife and you're golden. Also the spear is like 2.5x longer than sword, i find it easier to group enemies and interrupt people that may be further back in a mob. use dash attacks to interrupt larger mobs and guard cancel and turn when you get to the other side.

Didn't check, don't know. Probs trash. I always go for the bonus condition and get it 95% of the time, but i don't farm combo points on mobs too often. I assume the leaderboard is full of people that always group the last three enemeis up and just loop them until X5000 hits and then sacrifice them all or something, right? Most i've ever bothered with is like 300 or something.

Vaguely related, but I'd kill for Prime to be in a Gundam VS.

Straight forward is relative. Just getting through the game can be accomplished by dodging and mashing attack, but most of the fun in platinum/DMC games comes from trying for score and messing with more challenging weapon sets. Saying it's straight forward is like saying Dark souls is straight forward if you start with master key and run an int mage. You get out what you put in, basically. I think it's one of platinum's best. Up there with bayo 1 and wonderful 101. I like it more than MGR for gameplay, tho story and style they are incomparable imo.