See streamer with only 3-4 viewers

>see streamer with only 3-4 viewers
>hit follow
>they get a burst of joy on cam

Attached: file.png (1000x1000, 952K)

Other urls found in this thread:

charitable and virtuepilled

>see streamer

Attached: 1555158591149.jpg (1600x900, 152K)

Have Chex

Attached: file.png (770x770, 871K)

>kys instead of kill yourself

Attached: 1501017876020.jpg (640x604, 36K)

>see streamer with 0 viewers playing my fav game
>type "youre bad at this game"
>leave stream

Attached: F407C70B-2941-435D-9DD6-9F481ED97796.jpg (1000x800, 109K)

>watching streamer with 3-4 views
>follow him
>heeeey user with the follow, hows its going buddy
>leave and never come back

kys you're of self

get ye gone zoomer

>anime poster thinks his fat opinion matters

Attached: 1549343048155.jpg (586x580, 75K)

>write "Have sex" in chat
>leave before he can respond

>anime posting
neck yourself faggot

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You were in my stream the other week, weren't you?

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samefag, seethe, cringe, and bluepilled

>calling out lurkers
>having a follow notification

kiss your sister?

Attached: 2lewd.jpg (228x392, 43K)

>assumes samefag
>being this new

>Not being a warm and inviting host in your own stream

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Based and cringepilled.

Enjoy failure

>see a lone streamer playing game you're interested in
>3 viewers

Attached: zoomer twitter.png (628x698, 208K)

>based frogposter

Attached: thotslayer.jpg (474x266, 19K)

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>can I get some sub hype in chat
>chat is too dead to care
>streamer repeats himself with an upset tone

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>on cam

I'd rather be that then a tool.

>see streamer with only 3-4 viewers
>roast their shit gameplay
>he bans me
>i sub just to piss him off even more

>streamer knows when you've entered and starts talking to you immediately

Attached: herd u were talkin shit.jpg (728x729, 200K)

Based animu poster

I really pay zero attention to streamers and "streamer culture" outside of maybe watching Retardy or Saltybet occasionally but I assume a "thanks for the follow" at most will suffice, people in small streams really don't want to be called out by name.

I cant imagine what its like doing something that only a handful of people might take a passing interest in. While seeing others, some who have only just started doing much better.

>name myself ThanksForTheFollow
>streamer says Thanks for the follow thanks for the follow

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That's why people give up pretty quickly. If you're not truly unique then you're going nowhere fast unless one of the big boys shills for you to get you started, the market is too saturated for your average boring lets player to build a following.

>see streamer with only 3-4 views
>hes watching southpark on his second screen
>not interacting with chat at all
>want to call him retarded
>follower only chat

>see female streamer
>print out picture of her face and cum on it

>dubstep follower alert with your name throbbing on the screen
>unfollow and never come back

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Follwer alerts are fucking retarded, nigga you ain't going to have a flashy ass message show up unless you're throwing down cash.

>watching streamers with mic or even cam

based and redpilled

keep yourself safe

Honestly no mic is a pain in the ass, having to tab out of the game to type to some idiot because they don't like hearing human voices is a loss most sane people are willing to take

>search for a stream with no facecam
>literally the only one is some russian with his mic set way too high
>who fucking sucks at the game

>keep following and unfollowing
>alert keeps going off until hes forced to turn it off or ban you


>streamer has no cam
>can hear just by his voice that hes fat

Starting chit chat is fucking stupid, but if you expect the guy to actually tab out to type to you while in game is insane person thinking.
Guy can use a mic to respond to you, but he should mute it if he's eating or something

quill18 is the only streamer worth watching

user, i don't chat, i just wanna watch the gameplay
twitch is mostly for fags looking for e-friends

i am not one of them

I wish I could pick up on this. How do you tell someone is fat over mic?

>see streamer
>he's cutting bamboo

>Watch live format
>Complain about the one thing it's used for, interaction with chat
Watch a youtube video you fucking idiot

Fucking zoomers kys

*heavy breathing intensifies*

What's with all the fags coming into our threads and making fun of streamers and Lets Plays? Streamers are are a great way to unwind when you don't want to play a game yourself and hanging out in chat and donating is the equivalent of going out with friends. I'm still in the company of people I like and instead of wasting money on stupid alcohol, I can donate to my favorite streamer and feel good knowing I'm furthering the career of someone that brings me great joy and a lot of entertainment. I mean, what's the difference between a small donation of $30-$50 and spending that at the bar? I don't feel like shit in the morning if I donate unlike the hangover I'll eventually have...

heavy breathing
generally lower voice because fat on neck
lip smacking sounds

>begin streaming
>only 1 viewer
>its you with the stream open in your cellphone

Hold me bros

t. mad fag looking for e-friends

a lot of stuff on twitch doesn't have youtube vids
like practice runs from skilled players for example
they mostly just release their best runs on youtube while practicing on twitch

back to drooling after female gaymers with you


I can't tell if this post is ironic or not and it scares me.
I like watching streams myself but if you think anyone in the chat or the guy streaming is your friend you're insane.
I'd only stream for some revenue, anyone claiming they aren't is lying, if you can play games like usual and make money but all you had to do was respond to people that's ezpz, but you're not friends

>immediately unfollow

are you cute?

Have sex.

>t. mad fag looking for e-friends
Yeah dude, because seeing an IRL streamer broadcast "Niggerniggernigger" is looking for efriends.
Do you think anyone trying to converse with someone or simply tell a joke is your friend you stupid faggot, do you think I'm trying to be your friend by responding to you?
How fucking autistic are you, really?


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But no facecam, because facecam is for thots and trannies

Only time I hear that is when they breathe directly into it and anyone can do that.

Based and weebpilled

>only alternative to blowing your money into some gaymers ass is to buy alcohol with it
you are just a low-life piece of shit

>facecam is for thots and trannies
Get this man a one way ticket to Copenhagen.

Despite what Yea Forums will have you believe it's almost impossible to get any viewers with no facecam. Most viewers want to connect to you and feel that you're their friend, which is harder to do with only your voice.

How do I make it bros?

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aww back to your safespace hugbox
and don't forget to donate to your favorite vidya millionair

Get viewbots

Are you like 14? Christ.

link us to your channel please

>Took this much time for such a terse response

cope and seething


Not related but
Gimme new ideas for TikTok memes

I lurk here since 2010, go fuck yourself

stop using deadmemes for a start

I feel like a lot of people secretly start like that
I don't want to self promote on here.

>hit unfollow

>frognigger tardspeak

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Have you tried not being such a massive underage faggot?

>see streamer with 0 viewers
>want to check it out but know that if he/she is constantly looking at viewercount and will probably try to initiate conversation the moment I join

get friends and copy gaycornerlads

Or you could use that money to buy another game



Poors get REALLY asshurt at the concept of someone making money


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>streamer forgets that hes streaming
>opens up porn
>watches some gangbang video and keeps watching the same scene over and over
>has 3k viewers before he gets banned
>he wont realize his mistake until he shuts off his pc and gets asked if he really want to shut this program off
imagine the shame

Fuck off weeaboo.

>streamer starts steam
>his camera is pointing to the ceiling because he was afraid someone would watch him masturbate

That's.. that's actually very sweet, user.

>lurking on foreign stream to practice another language
>they are actually good and fun to watch
>decide to follow them
>they get overwhelmed with joy, say your name on camera and thank you for following them
>too insecure of my knowledge to respond in their language
>quietly unfollow and leave their stream never to come back again

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Shut the fuck up.

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>streamer bans anyone that says monkaS because pepe is a hate symbol

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whens my turn?

>fill thumbnails with colour and vibrance
>capitalize BUZZWORDS in title and end with an elipses...
>get sponsored by a botnet chrome extention or mobile game
now you made it.

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>if my life can’t be happy and full of supportive people the least I can do is make someone else’s life happy and full of support

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>>who fucking sucks at the game
am i the only one who enjoys more watching people being bad at games than pros?

>edgy anime nigger


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Oh was it on all the time? *snort* HM

>check out a stream
>someone subs
>streamer stops what he's doing and starts singing

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Shut up flatty

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Just be good at the game you play instead of a variety streamer that zoomers treat as a friend simulator

>Virgins sees someone likeable
>Instant hatred wells up inside of them
>"TAKE OFF THE FACECAM" the ugly one said
>"YEAH, AND THAT MIC'S GOTTA GO" said the other with a voice crack and a lisp
>And Chad just sat there and said
Don't forget to follow!

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pepe is just a good identifying feature that the poster is underage and a gigantic faggot. Who fucking cares if its a hate symbol desu.


i have been thinking of streaming just me playing shit i like with no facecam and little to no commentary, since i don't like those - specially the excessive commentary - though more people would be like me, would you watch me Yea Forums?