>Gameplay event on May 1st
You hyped bros?
Borderlands 3
If they has any balls they would have announced Epic exclusivity at PAX East and dealt with an honest fan reaction.
Steamcucks aren't people, so it's okay to treat them like shit.
You just know Randy chickend out when it was first announced. When it leaked he was even talking about how it wasnt their choice until he decided to go full on epic shill.
If the guns don't look satisfying to use, something they couldn't do in 1 or 2, then the game is just dead to me outright.
Are you being sarcastic, OP?
It's a fucking BORDERLANDS game, by Gearbox. How the fuck could anyone be hyped for this?
It's like asking if you're hyped for food poisoning or a vasectomy.
Remember to keep up the Randy trolling on twitter his meltdown is hilarious.
Sorry i don't give a shit about Borderlands.
Moze master race reporting in
Where all my FL4K mains at?
It looks like it's gonna be the best game released this year, unless Cyberpunk 2077 ends up being at the end of the year instead of in 2020.
What must we wait so long for Cyberpunk!?
>Yet another cel-shaded, hit-scan shooter that plays like a playstation movie game
wow, i am just buzzing with excitement
>guns werent satisfying to use
>conference call
>unkempt harold
>sand hawk
The list goes on. These are just my favorites off the top of my head. guessing you never farmed for any of the good weapons but thats okay
all of those guns are shit
I’m playing through 2 right now with the handsome collection and holy shit, there is a ton of fucking content. Granted it’s got ALL the DLC content but still. A huge amount of content and I only paid $10 for it. Haven’t even touched the pre sequel yet.
I don’t know why anyone would buy 3 at launch. You know they’ll have a GOTY edition that includes all the released content for $40 or so.
It’s not like you’re getting the end of an epic story or something. It’s just mindless gameplay and memes.
>tfw love pet/beastmaster classes
>tfw FL4K also has the best character design
hell yes I am ready
also i think this might be an advertising campaign
what a bitch, I hope someone eggs him and his car
I wish they would pay me for making threads of games I enjoy.
it should be illegal for game companies to advertise their games. the only reason non-gamers buy games is because they saw an ad for it.
kinda like how donald trump campaigned in michigan and pennsylvania
he had no reason to campaign there but he still did, but because hes a dumbfuck he did anyways and won those states which he shouldnt have in the first place
think about the unfair advantage these game companies get by advertising , its bullshit
>being a chinkcuck
>haha imma pirate the game then buy it on steam later
why do this
if youre gonna buy the game anyways why not just buy it from epic
i was hoping that randy only takes money from other companies if he steals it but i guess i was wrong
borderlands is best played well after launch when you get it and all DLC for $5 anyways
because the epic launcher is a fucking shitpile, steam sucks in its own way enough so why would i want to have to manage two shitty platforms?
>BL2 Reborn TVHM
>Trying to get Conference Call for UVHM
>Realize I'm getting weapons not even in the fucking pool so now not sure if I can even GET this weapon from the bosses that drop it
Well that was a waste of fucking time.
Nah I'll just wait for the crack, thanks
>it should be illegal for game companies to advertise their games
the Reborn mod fucked up the drops like big time for no reason
>Haven’t even touched the pre sequel yet.
Good, don't.
Reporting in.
I might just try and get one without the mod then use it again for UVHM. I'ts nice having new guns and all but fuck me the boss drops are pretty shit.
>4 season passes
you gotta admit
gearbox does know how to make a good DLC
It's just Borderlands 2 with better graphics. Why would I be hyped?
Tiny Tina's DLC is still among the best DLC ever made. Claptrap's Voyage is also fantastic too.
you forgot the most important one
>4 season passes
how did tiny tina's assault on dragon keep do dragons better than most fantasy games
It's a shame how retarded the Borderlands fanbase is.
>Durr u need slag >:(((
Maybe if you're shit
>The writing is le cringe
People don't understand it
That's the anti-Borderlands fanbase, a.k.a Yea Forums.
>>Durr u need slag >:(((
>Maybe if you're shit
slag is only necessary for fighting raid bosses on OP8
Fuck that last boss though.
Or I could just play Destiny 2, with vastly superior gunplay and actual visual character customization. And it's probably even cheaper.
>Tiny Tinas Exploration of Her Psyche
Git gud and better gear, Eclipse&EOS is the best boss fight in the series and an actual challenge.
No, I'm not a dumb faggot who plays shit games with shit character designs.
The more Gearshit tries to viral this, the less I want the game to ever see the light of day
Fuck off and die
The gunplay is a lot better in Destiny, it just has a more satisfying feel.
But I'm a single player or couch co-op guy. I can't bother with a game where most of the content is in raids. I do think Destiny gets a lot of unwarranted hate, it's good for what it is. It's just not for me.
So I'm looking forward to Beastmaster spec BL3.
>being chinky chonh chang
>if this very successful series does the same thing again it won't be successful
dumb ass white boy
>You hyped bros?
this is how I know you are shill
disguise yourself better next time
You know that people have been waiting 7 years for this game right? This is easily one of the most anticipated games ever
wow the playable characters look pretty good this time
what were they names and abilities again?
>7 years
Heh, casual.
>square enix
Does that somehow negate the time we waited?
he doesn't know
should we tell him
The F-Zero fanbase says hi.
>Playing TPS
>Literally every game is nothing but Jack players
i only saw one Aurelia in the couple hours of looking for lobbies to join
Jack is really fucking fun, can't blame people.
why every girl got weird eyes and 5heads
>it should be illegal for game companies to advertise their games
rather have all digital games come out on one single convenient platform
or have them come out on physical media which does not require installing anything besides the game itself
Wait I haven't finished Borderlands 2 yet.
Someone spoil me the ending in 5 words or less so I don't have to play 49 hours of this game.
Canned series don't count.
absolutely not
why would i be
jack dies, a vault is opened
Warrior and Jack die. Vaults
jerry get ipad
so why is timmy turner one of the main badies in this game
I enjoyed my vasectomy. It was a kick in the nuts
Bad guy and ancient evil dies
Map shows vaults in the Galaxy.
Roll credits
So obsessed with a fleeting moment of superiority that you fail to identify a simple joke.
Stay smart, Yea Forums.
Destiny's gunplay is fantastic but it has some of the most overpriced DLC known to man, uneven quality, grinding for interesting weapons, and some awful content droughts for what is supposed to be a "Live service".
I wanna like it since it reminds me of PSO at times but Bungie is somehow less competent than Gearbox at times.
im going to wait for the goty with all dlc to come out on steam for like $10.
>durr hurr durr
yeah okay man, whatever you say
seething steamcuck
Of course i preordered it on the Epic Store, why do you ask?
nah, i got halo on steam to tide me over in the meantime.
im also very patient.
>Of course i preorder, how'd you know?
is this legit or is it just a larper/
how awesome would it be to play the game in 4 weeks
jack dies laughing out loud
user it's been like a fucking month, get an image of that screencap that isn't a thumbnail
It's fake, Gearbox commented on that on reddit.
I want to ______ Moze
gunplay has been surrpassed by any fps in this gen
things like shadowdragon does the looting and customization better also, by making the upgrades the random loots and allowing you to plays with a gun you like at all time.
they will have to come with some amazing things to impress beside having one interesting gun every 1million th.
It's 1 season pass with 4 dlcs you dummy
Not that it makes it okay, but at least be accurate
I want to rule 63 moze so I can play a dude.
I hope she speaks only Russian.
i'm expecting the Salvador treatment: mostly english but with an accent and some Spanish/Russian one liners thrown in
You obviously take video games too seriously. Get some friends on, play the campaign, have some fun. Borderlands is a perfect platform for that.
I really hope they work on the menu and the ui in 3.
At least alllow the tracking of more then 1 quest at the time.
Said it before, will say it again.
People like borderlands?
Not really
I just wanted to know what's Zane gimmick
War is coming
Idk but the announcement trailer looked fucking horrible.
How were the guns unsatisfying in #1? I agree that 95% were bland in #2, but the gunplay in the original is some of the most cathartic I've ever played
>Revealing a Borderlands game's gameplay is somehow significant
Why are people looking forward to this exactly?
They aren't really changing much, are they?
About to start TVM on the presequel just so I can hit level 30 to play the Claptrap DLC. Isit really worth it?