So when the fuck is this coming at?

So when the fuck is this coming at?

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>when the fuck is it coming at
so this... is the power... of xbro english....

im a foreigner apologize

soon enough

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beta emails for the first beta flight for reach should be going out soon. i think MS is going for a june release for reach

i just want to scream homophobic insults at squeakers again

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Where are my boys at, let's do some Halo 2 LASO runs

>No release date
Oh no, I don't feel so good

Just give us a ducking date Microsoft fuck

Coming out in March bro
Coming out in April bro
Coming out at the very end of April bro

why did they decided to even announce it if theyre still months away from doing a closed beta

You DO have at least 3000 Halo Gamerscore, right?

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It's going to be at or just before September.

There's no ad campaign of huge lies this time so 343i had to find another way to kill all the hype.

Nobody knows.
Microsoft/343 just announced it because they still have fuck all to show for infinite and they need something to generate hype even it they have nothing to back it up with.

Fuck MS account recovery team.

June makes the most sense. Two months of beta the first big push to PC and a snazzy E3 reveal. That and they said all games were coming by the end of the year. Starting in June they can launch a game every month and finish in December.

>Starting in June they can launch a game every month and finish in December
I never thought of that and it does make sense. I'm still hoping it's sooner though tbqh.

All of you sit down. Nobody on Yea Forums is higher than me.

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reach is coming in june

Does that require the shitty mobile twin stick shooters? I'm at 8.5k and I've nearly perfected every game but haven't played HaaH WaaW 2 and those two twinstick shooters.

Don't think so. TMCC alone is like 6k. And most of the base games have 1500 thanks to DLC.

What's going to be the game that has the highest playerbase, anyway? I suspect 3 or 4 but CE will also have a steady boomer population


4? Lol, it couldn't even survive back when it released. 3 and Reach. Due to playlists the one that is the Halo trilogy only, on Xbone it was always number 1.

PC version got delayed again.

4 couldn't even survive on its own, let alone against every other better Halo game.
>Due to playlists the one that is the Halo trilogy only
Patrician taste.

2290 of that is MCC
1,035 on Halo Wars 360
a completed Halo 3 (1750)
1410 on Reach
420 on Halo Wars 2
695 on Halo 5
1222 on Halo 4
880 on ODST 360
340 on Halo CE Anni 360
390 on Halo 2 (Games For Windows Live)

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lmao. The only reason anyone played it was because it was shoved in with all the others in the MCC.
Now with custom matchmaking options there's literally no reason to even have it installed in the MCC.

Japanese FPS fans are a rare breed but they're cool as fuck.

idk but I'm simply just waiting for like 15 fucking video games to finally come out in the meantime these AAA fucking train wrecks get released regularly its infuriating

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4 was actually originally alright in MCC because they removed the killstreak/loadout/perk shit for most matches using it, but then for some retarded reason they added it back

You were saying?

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No joke, I love seeing them draw DOOM and Halo stuff.
Has there ever been Japanese fanart of Duke, do ya think?