Nvidia SPADE

We recreate vidya environment. Guess mine


Attached: smartsketch.jpg (906x616, 267K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1555488907779.png (905x617, 827K)

Attached: 1555493420985.png (930x658, 691K)

Attached: 1555497044332.png (931x655, 483K)

Those fucking clouds are amusing for some reason


right as according to keikaku

Attached: 1548897680069.jpg (916x641, 167K)

Yup, that one was easy because of the halo in the sky. Drew it from memory and it surprisingly wasn't that far from it

Attached: 1345408-17screenshot00_10.jpg (400x300, 30K)

Should fill in the blak areas to get the tiddy grass

Attached: b31621fb-521e-4cba-9f8a-6184728ce450.png (256x256, 75K)

disregard this im retarded

Attached: 1526845899918.jpg (986x644, 155K)

Silent hill?

Yep. Pretty much easy mode.

Attached: Swastikatree.jpg (205x162, 17K)

this program is broken

Attached: what why.png (1616x793, 673K)


everything comes out busted

Attached: is this fucking broken.png (1551x857, 687K)


Attached: 3d91eca5-bf29-470d-9885-f50157c3d464.png (256x256, 124K)

fucking garbage piece of shit

Attached: yeah this program is fucking garbage.png (1536x833, 660K)

Some people have that problem. Try another browser

I only have firefox but thanks

Attached: 006e6651-9765-4a49-9777-2906ae729e7d.png (256x256, 120K)

is it just me or does this look like a screaming man with a bleeding head wound about to punch the screen?

This works pretty good

Attached: Capture.png (919x617, 708K)

Not just you.

I can see that, weird


an attempt was made

Attached: ae86b6b4-b89c-40a9-b28d-97fdbdd187a7[1].png (256x256, 120K)

Attached: Daiohnoghn.png (889x627, 601K)

Is this where those 2 hunters are in Silent Cartographer?

That looks really nice. I drew a guy on a boat.

Attached: boats.png (925x625, 645K)

Attached: 4923bad9-2a13-4a59-9c30-84675ff3bf10.png (256x256, 120K)

>yet another soul/souless thread

Attached: hahgayyyyyyyyyyyyy.png (885x644, 526K)

hint angry dragon

Attached: 684dcfa9-d4d4-4778-8036-7cebf3c3c8a7.png (256x256, 99K)

I tried to draw a tombi pigs dick

Attached: hmmmm.png (950x637, 749K)

Attached: 115.png (894x630, 636K)

I think I know because I also tried that

Attached: what's this.png (256x256, 105K)



2fort, home.
I really have no idea what's the market for this program.

Valoo wasn't angry, he was in pain.

this shit is dope

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at 8.19.19 PM.png (907x640, 734K)

To show off machine learning, I think

Attached: Only 90s-00s kids will remember this.png (256x256, 111K)

Attached: nvidia dose.png (908x612, 400K)

Firedink Shrine


There is any tool to generate textures?

thanks doc

Okay, legit one, try to guess it, cut it a bit since the screen is usually 16:9

Attached: nvidia.png (887x491, 525K)

ah yes, smoky mountains

this is what i get for using a meme browser
i guess I'll boot up chrome

Attached: meme browser.png (904x615, 934K)

I think it turned out recognizable, I did it from memory.

Attached: Capture.jpg (444x609, 25K)

Really reminded me of that Elder Scrolls VI picture


looks cool, whatever it is

The beginning of MGSV

Its supposed to be this.

Attached: outset-island-from-the-legend-of-zelda-the-wind-waker.original.jpg (1612x898, 287K)

Attached: 1.jpg (444x612, 21K)

Oh, duh

windows xp background

Still nope. And here I was sure it'd be the easiest shit in the world. I can't even think of a tip that won't spoil it. What, I say open world and you'll instantly know?

is it whiterun?

shits not loading on firefox

Attached: 1554783292290.jpg (480x560, 25K)

you fucks are slowing down the site to a crawl

how long is it taking for everyone's sketches to compile?

Oh shut up is the beginning of BotW, thats the Death Mountain

Attached: seriously.png (805x569, 1016K)

we fucking broke it

You broke it guys, congratulations


Attached: Sneed (3).png (956x657, 806K)