We recreate vidya environment. Guess mine
Nvidia SPADE
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Those fucking clouds are amusing for some reason
right as according to keikaku
Yup, that one was easy because of the halo in the sky. Drew it from memory and it surprisingly wasn't that far from it
Should fill in the blak areas to get the tiddy grass
disregard this im retarded
Silent hill?
Yep. Pretty much easy mode.
this program is broken
everything comes out busted
fucking garbage piece of shit
Some people have that problem. Try another browser
I only have firefox but thanks
is it just me or does this look like a screaming man with a bleeding head wound about to punch the screen?
This works pretty good
Not just you.
I can see that, weird
an attempt was made
Is this where those 2 hunters are in Silent Cartographer?
That looks really nice. I drew a guy on a boat.
>yet another soul/souless thread
hint angry dragon
I tried to draw a tombi pigs dick
I think I know because I also tried that
2fort, home.
I really have no idea what's the market for this program.
Valoo wasn't angry, he was in pain.
this shit is dope
To show off machine learning, I think
Firedink Shrine
There is any tool to generate textures?
thanks doc
Okay, legit one, try to guess it, cut it a bit since the screen is usually 16:9
ah yes, smoky mountains
this is what i get for using a meme browser
i guess I'll boot up chrome
I think it turned out recognizable, I did it from memory.
Really reminded me of that Elder Scrolls VI picture
looks cool, whatever it is
The beginning of MGSV
Its supposed to be this.
Oh, duh
windows xp background
Still nope. And here I was sure it'd be the easiest shit in the world. I can't even think of a tip that won't spoil it. What, I say open world and you'll instantly know?
is it whiterun?
shits not loading on firefox
you fucks are slowing down the site to a crawl
how long is it taking for everyone's sketches to compile?
Oh shut up is the beginning of BotW, thats the Death Mountain
we fucking broke it
You broke it guys, congratulations