umu, Rome has arrived
Umu, Rome has arrived
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Bisexual deviants get the bullet.
Whore of Babylon
I love my retarded emperor
>such an unpopular loser all her generals rebel at once and senate declared her a criminal
I liked better when he was either a statue or an anime girl
>Not Pontus.
kill yourself, Whore of Babylon
Quite frankly I find the portrayal of Nero as a young girl fitting.
Would you risk your life in battle for this Emperor?
I love Nero(Nero) posting, I favorited a cute picture of them together but i burred it under porn fug
You'll be turned into one of us.
pure, undistilled Cancer, go fucking back to that goddamn already
does anyone know anything about this umu figure? i wanna preorder it but it's expensive and I wanna make sure it's of good quality before i do
That's literally impossible, bisexual degenerate.
This is saber's board, if you don't like it then fuck off to your own
the original fat tit Saber is still inferior to the original
but at least they window dressed her as a different character
but thats not best girl
Fuck you Nero! You ruined the only non gacha Fate branch remaining. Now we will be in the gacha hell forever.
you're not allowed to post that image without the pasta.
i wanna fuck this girl while she laughs
Type-Moon fags are literally the gayest people on Yea Forums.
>Ruining CCC/Excella series
Learn to type, ghetto monkey.
STFU worm slut
make me saberfag
When you say that you're supposed to post a girl that's not a skank, my friend.
tituria is the only good seiba-like
Made for stallion cock.
Nero is shit!
son, that arm
Give it
When will she be in an actual good game?
Extella link is pretty good.
Nero was a terrible emperor though
Worst saber even that gender dysmorphic fuck Mordred is better
nigger mordred is a good girl
only for getting her abs licked
>decide to copy saber
>give it a cancer personality
>give it gigantic tits to please turbovirgins
>give her a stupid dress and cut out the breast area so said turbovirgins can salivate over her titties more
Fate got fucking stupid
Fuck off christian propagandist
>destroys a kingddom just because
>will kill you if you state the fact that she is a woman
she's garbage
respect the lord nerd
more then just that
she's cute
i wanna touch Umu's umus
oh fuck not again
>ruining Extra games
Extra has always been a Nero circlejerk though
She's the ugliest of all the females saber
>being this gay
Is Last Encore worth watching just for Umu?
This looks like the face of a girl that has cock thrust down her ass cleavage.
Last encore isn't completely awful, but its more of a quick fanservice runthrough for people that already like extra.
nothing is worth watch if she is in it desu
the real question is why haven't you bought it yet?
Based Gawainposter
I liked it even though I didn't play the games but then again I'm a huge SHAFT fag
Umu was great (first time I experienced her character) and some of the episodes were really solid
6/10 overall I guess. Watch if ur a Umu/SHAFT/Fate fag
>Umu was great
Femlets never learn even among sabers shes a fucking midget
I really want to but it's like 200 dollars and I want to be sure it's worth that kind of coin before I buy, i don't know really anything about figures, I don't own any. I like Umu and design; I want a quality figure of her.
I want to princess carry her so bad.
you do know that thing is heavy as fuck
She may be a fatass but its rude to call her a thing
For me it's snek
Redpill me on her.
for me it's penthesilea
Shes a snek she sneks around
Yandere princess that was so pissed off she turned into a snek and burned a dude alive inside of a bell tower
Fucking tertiaries
Sounds like a pure, loving wife to me.
Go! Go!
Where is she on the power scale?
she knows if you tell any lies no matter what and each time she finds out, you lose a command spell
Yikes. Into the trash.
>whore trying to act cute
This was made by someone with autism
Nu-Fate is for absolute retards and Nero perfectly exemplifies this
>Calling a thot a thot while posting another thot
The fact she canonically wears that white leotard as a blouse/top speaks for itself
oldfate sucks ass and the only thing the series has going for it is waifus
Literally fucking gay
Fate sucks ass in general. Tsukihime was better.
Sore loser because his shota boyfriend is dead.
anti-bisexuals can eat shit
You mean sane people?
There's nothing sane about being a sperg over the fact people have interest in other people.
Of course humans can, humans can eat glass too, but I don't wanna to; repressed gay, porn addict, attention whore or """person""" with arrested development.
I think in all your spergery you forgot how to write a sentence. Keep crying over bisexuals I guess.
funny enough, she IS from a time where it was normal for powerful people had multiple wives
so its possible to have a harem with her, just dont lie about things
Ok, enjoy your AIDS or how you have to be in the closet to have decent chances with women or how straight men only want you because "muh threesome".
>All bisexuals are bugchasing orgylovers
I can't even get mad at this because it's so uninformed that it's hilarious
Well, most new cases of AIDS are from gay and bisexual men.
below the dick