Guys stop making fun of this man already. He's just having fun Yea Forumsros

Guys stop making fun of this man already. He's just having fun Yea Forumsros.

Attached: 1555439978312.webm (1280x720, 1.96M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1528345674276.webm (600x336, 2.86M)

i was at work and that fucking blacked scene came up you fucking prick

Attached: trish.png (476x1440, 972K)

Attached: 1526586147096ns.webm (600x336, 1.46M)


This is your brain on capeshit.

>*cough cough* NO FUCKIN' WAAAY!

Attached: laboBird.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

>ANOTHER anti-Nintendo thread
Fuck off snoys

this is what happens when society no longer gives any pressures for finding food, shelter, and security.


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>No porn
Ummmm yikes much?

Fuck sony so much

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This has to be one of the fakiest reactions i have seen.

Why do people watch those stupid live reaction videos?



Children getting excited. Dumb social media teens who want to feel superior over someone freaking out, even though he's faking it for numbers.

Attached: 1554364616099.jpg (624x420, 47K)

The problem with reaction videos is they are not actually natural reactions. People exaggerate themselves for the camera that is filming them and the audience which will eventually view the video.

I doubt this man would have behaved in such a manner if he was not filming this, perhaps he now wishes he didn't film it in the first place.

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Attached: 1555360797967.webm (1200x675, 2.91M)

This shit is so cringe and has literally nothing to do with vidya


Also children who laugh at funny faces. This shit is aimed at mentally prepubescent people who laugh at funneh faces.

>Average nintendo consumer

Attached: 5f2.jpg (1440x1378, 171K)

source on the 2nd blacked scene with the phone?

Why would a human being ever cry because of a piece of entertainment?

I wish star wars was still related to Vidya beyond EA being a bunch of fucktards mega Jews.

This has no fucking business being synced up so well.

Attached: 1531400307369.jpg (512x512, 143K)

What even is the original reaction? Game of Thrones?

Not even kids cry like this for toys

It's the natural evolution of let's plays only they don't even need a gmae anymore

Are you forgetting #DumbledorsArmy shit after the election? He's one of those people, no doubt.

whoot is this?

Nu-Male Wars

just let the poor guy enjoy himself, no bully :(

Whats up with the aids lesion on his face?

Yea Forums here, Söy Wars

This but the opposite. We don't need to constantly be reminded of your very gay nigger dick obsession.

Bless whichever user made this

Attached: 1555517312636.webm (852x480, 2.88M)

This is some fucking top tier timing on the edit.
Stand up and take notice "special boys" when you try to make a Sony version. This is how it is done.

Attached: walking dead.webm (640x360, 1.8M)

>when you hate the white male but have to defend the white male basedkin or risk losing even more fans

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I think it’s cool that a piece of art can invoke that kind of emotional reaction in someone, regardless of how you feel about it. Let people enjoy things, no one said you had to befriend this guy, you all just obsess yourself over him for no reason.

I've seen some highly sensitive person like that irl so it might be true.


me on the left


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Thanks Nintendo!
