DMC5 is a success

>DMC5 is a success
>Sekiro is a success
>MGR is like a cross between those games
They can't not make a sequel now, right?

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I don't think they'll bother with anything Metal Gear after Kojima left

Imagine if they took some of Sekiro's combat mechanics with that original trailer they showed at E3.

Been thinking about playing this game again, remember hitting a wall on the highest difficulty where everything was a 1-hit.

MGR's perfect though. It doesn't need Kojima's writing since it's an action game more than it is a MG game.

Which mechanics are you thinking of? Posture might be good, but it might slow it down too much.

Of course they will!
since Konami ownes the license they will money milk it dry with ea tier shit
see Metal Gear Survive

Still Platinum needs too imitate his style in writing and story telling

>Hoping for anything from Konami
It's time to give up user.

2deep4u writing? Make Yoko Taro do it. As long as he doesn't have anything to do with the combat.

Platinum is too busy making crap for the Switch.

>Action games did not exist before Sekiro and DMC5

>I don't think they'll bother with anything Metal Gear after Kojima left

Attached: packshot-1c175d789c3c12a884531152002bf1a0.jpg (500x713, 132K)

i want a MGR game but with gray fox

Attached: gray-fox-mgs1.jpg (600x300, 50K)

>MGR is like a cross between those games
Dial-A-combo's are shit.

DMC is shit

Your taste is shit

I can't imagine Konami making good decisions anymore.

They keep making record profits year after year though. Pachislots weren't a mistake.

No, just DMC and the retards who think comboing potato sacks is the pinnacle of action games.

Platinum games are for retards that think mashing buttons with zero regard to positioning and dodging/blocking at the last second against attacks is the pinnacle of action games.

I thought pachislots were dying and gatcha was the new hotness?

>mashing buttons with zero regard to positioning

yeah, that's another reason why DMC is shit,

MGR is a pile of shit, mechanically. I don’t think it’s got the stylish expressiveness of DMC5 or the meticulous, precise demand of Sekiro. It’s basically a mid-tier action experience that is remembered entirely for its narrative and presentation.

Don’t reply to people jealous of success, they’re only using you as a punching bag

Jesus Christ, every time DMC spergs step out of their circle jerk generals they just embarrass themselves.

>Jesus Christ, every time DMC spergs step out of their circle jerk generals they just embarrass themselves.
Refute the claim that Dial-A-Combos are shit. How does having most of your moves locked behind combo-chains instead of accessible at all times like in DMC not incentivize mashing?

how about i just keep insulting one track mind fanboys instead?

I guess you're too brainlet to even try having an argument, then.

I want a new MGR bros. it's been too long.

MGR has about as many command-accessible moves as DMC5, on a per-weapon basis. It has fewer weapons, but hey. They’re accessed marginally differently (back-forward, forward-forward, circle, rather than lock+back and lock+forward) but hey.

It does also have dial combos, but then, so does DMC5. Every weapon has 2-3 different dials available in DMC5, based on input pauses.

No, i literally just not respect your opinion at all. It would be like arguing with a dog.

No one needs Kojimas writing, there are better writer out there.

It's Ironic that you accuse others of being one-track mind fanboys when you can spout close-minded bullshit like that just a few minutes later.

Like what?

People that default to shitposting instead of trying to have a discussion are the true fanboys.

What part of i don't respect your opinion enough to engage with you in a "discussion" did you not understand? People think they can say dumb shit in this place and then still be treated as something else later when it suits them. You're gall to stand there on a high horse is fucking hilarious, this was your first post in the thread Just fuck off back to your hugbox general and stop bothering people with your autism.