Horror game

>Horror game
>Enemies move objects you put to block a hole or door

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Nice pic, you have any recommendation for a actual good horror game?

god i wish that was me

>when you go a week without fapping

>try to enter room
>enemies have pushed a dresser in front of the door because they're afraid of you

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>zombie game
>they're actually called freakers

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Sauce on that pic?

>Eating runny lasagna in bed

>Zombie comic
>They are actually called Crossed

>enemy knows where you are
>it decides to fuck around with you by making noises around you and confusing you before it screams and runs at you

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>download that stupid Ayuwoki meme game
>game doesn’t stop when you pause it

Spooked me right good it did

Propably junji ito


>Ghost can't harm you
>Instead it fucks with the furniture you have blocking the door so the monster can't get in.

>Player character is deaf
>Suddenly shit is just there with no warning

Ito wishes he had this kind of detail on his drawings.


Glass Staircase

Games and films that do that are fucking cancerous as fuck. Just fucking call them zombies like normal people for fuck sakes and just pay the copyright of the name if your so afraid to use the fucking tag name of it goddamn.

>enemy has glitched out and frozen in it's spotted you/running over to ruin your day animation
>don't want to get closer because it might make it start moving again

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That's not it, they call them different names to try to 'distinguish' themselves to the other billion fucking zombie games/movies/shows/whatever they exist now.

Sony is a piece of shit, every person with a working brain cell has been sick and tired of fucking zombies for years already, they have jumped the shark on the genre and played the rope with it.

Or maybe yours just mad hte Shitch can't handle having hundreds of freakers on screen at once?

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>actually using the term 'freaker' like daddy Sony tells you to do it
Fucking tool.

>Two doored elevator

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what does your favourite porno flick have to do with horror games

Darkwood is what inspired my post. also alien isolation

You mean 'your'. As in yours, not 'mine' as in mine.


>the centipede things in chapter 2
Stop, I was scared enough when enemies could push their way through my meager defenses easily

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It's one of Mark Riddick's Illustrations

Just spam deflect. Oh wrong game...

It's genuinely the most terrifying game I've played. Probably because it's mechanics driven instead of experience driven like most horror games.

>get to silent woods homebase
>there are savages in there and night is already falling and I only got one almost spent torch, little bit used board with nails and a molotov for weapons
>unfamiliar environment, time running out, trying not to aggro the two savages outside
>find the oven and light it but WHERE THE FUCK IS THE FUCKING GENERATOR
>no time left, get to the center room of the house, close the door and block the other exit with bathtub
>night ambiance kicks in
>in the dark, only take torch out every few seconds for a sec
>one savage busts in and breaks the tub, i manage to kill it with 1/3 hp left
>hide in the corner by the door
>another savage comes in through the door
>but it doesn't see me, just walks against the open door while im on it's other side
>this stalemate goes on until sun comes up
>+150 Trader reputation
fucking love Darkwood