Reminder that Mewtwo is a girl
Reminder that Mewtwo is a girl
good for you, furry
a thread this for this
reminder that mewtwo is an angry virgin
Thank God there is a female Mewtwo, that boner I had as a kid for thinking it was female is now justified
I don't see it.
Only in that poorly received one off film.
im gona make thread bout pokemon gender xd
im so kool look i can post it on the diskord xd
isn't mewtwo a cat?
Technically, Mewtwo is genderless, but with hips like those, it's easy to see why you think that.
Why are Mewtwo's feet so big?
And it wasn't even actually referred to as female i in the film, it just had a female voice actor.
Why did it speak with a man's voice in the movie then?
>voiced by a transwoman
Ok virgin
user, that was Meowth and Lt. Surge and some other minor characters, but not Mewtwo.
trying too hard
There's a second movie with a second Mewtwo who is female
We can go thiccer
Smash/First two movies Mewtwo is male.
Later movies are female.
Game is ambiguous and whatever you want.
>Going so off model your pokemon drawing looks more like it belongs in Angels with Scaly Wings
Get the fuck outta' here.
Its just a good thing I stop caring about the anime after Gen2 and the games after Gen 3. Pokemon franchise went fucking downhill from there.
Mewtwo is asexual. It was literally grown in a lab
Mewtwo would rather fuck a human than a Pokemon
No. The first mewtwo was male. The second made my by team galactic was female.
Reminder that if the tailfag shows up, you're to respond exclusively with confused/disgusted faces.
Tailfag unironically has good taste, though.