What do they eat?

What do they eat?

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Giant rats
Before you ask, the giant rats eat moss

what does the moss eat

Dung Pies



wat gaem?

The same thing everyone who lives in a castle eats.

The asses of their relatives.

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Your fat fucking mother you stupid fag

>Not recognizing this masterpiece
Start questioning your life choices.

Smaller rats.

they eat food, motherfucker


Soulsfags are insufferable.

what a bunch of fatties lmao

There's no food in the whole game, I'm pretty sure they only consume estus for sustenance.

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Cope, idiot.

Borderlands 2

Cope with what? You're stupidity? How is that supposed to work exactly?

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undeads dont need to eat, they sip estus tho. siegward does estus soup and drink beer too. in bloodborne everybody is a junkie.

literally allready a classic

They drink milk

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I thought it was Lordran but where's the gargoyle tower huh? Huh guy? Huh?

Got u ther m8 :)))

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nothing, they are all undead and do not require or ingest food.

my ass

That seems like a very cheap and convenient way to cover up such a blatant plot hole

With me enjoying Miyazaki's masterpieces while you still try to justify yourself not being able to beat his games.


>Half the game is the lowest point in the entire franchise

DaS1 brings all the mongs

>You're stupidity


ikr? Look at this idiot LMAO!

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oh no, not the most common mistake in the English language. How will i ever recover.

What was Gwyn's tax policy?

herbs/grass is salad in a way. moss must be a veggie technically right

its Boletaria

Whatever they want.

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well he linked the whole race of people in this cycle to fule his kingdom for eternity. who was behind the

LOL @ the faggot pretending to argue with himself to make souls fans look bad.

A-user? Are you there?

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What was his endgame?

Fyi that’s not lordran, lordran is a third series of semi circular ramparts surrounding a mountain and a big ass tree


Shut up, fag.

i watched that shandification video too. however, i'm able to susbend my disbelief for dark souls 1 given the fact that there's literally no living population aside from some tourists from distant lands. they probably brought snack, that fatass way of white cunt definitely did. i always felt there was enough going on for the food thing to not bother me.

It's not though lmao

This seems like the blindingly obvious solution. The fuck you mean "what do they eat"? They DON'T eat. What did they eat? Imported food, like all cities.

Yes but what are Gwyn's taxation policies?

probably retarded, like all medieval taxation policies

>ugg ugg... where city get food if no farm?

literally like something a caveman would say


a complete enigma

it's not a fallacy if it's right

to not have end

They obviously receive shipments of grain and fruits and vegetables and meat like, ALL THE TIME
are you stupid? you can't build a fucking castle if you can't even afford to have food shipped to you

>when american soldiers and german POWs teamed up to defend this place from the soviet onion

anal london

You piqued my curiosity but it seems you were wrong about who they were fighting against.


Unless theres another battle I'm not aware of.

What was Gwyn's tax policy?

It's never right if it's a fallacy.


Wrong, actually. Informal fallacies can quite often not render an argument false. For example, an appeal to authority ISN'T a fallacy if the authority is really an authority on the matter (e.g. if I say "vaccinations are good because doctors say so", I am not being fallacious).

Ad hominems are an informal fallacy.

>vaccinations are good because doctors say so
Surely doctors saying anything has nothing to do with whether vaccinations are good? The authority figure has no input on the actual nature of something.

Based ESL-kun

Its also the wrong castle, Neuschwanstein was just a big loot pile that never even saw the war.

That example does not relate to the initial premise.

I just realized the intro CGI has nothing to do with the geography that's found in-game.

What? I thought you didn't know what game this was

Oh you're going to have a field day once you play Dark Souls 2.

I've played it, it's fucking awful.

sorry my butthurt lads, not even the best of its year!

Enjoy your hackanslash gaem tho

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