Monster Hunter is shit and I hate it and it's too hard. Where's the lock on? Why does every weapon have so much lag...

Monster Hunter is shit and I hate it and it's too hard. Where's the lock on? Why does every weapon have so much lag? Why do I keep getting kicked from online just for carting three times?

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Lol git gud fag

Monster Hunter thread

>Why do I keep getting kicked from online just for carting three times?
>carting three times?
Next time just say "Monster Hunter Thread" since some people can't tell classic OP bait from genuine idiocy. Like this chowderhead.

Anyway what so you think NEXT is about? You think we'll see it at E3?

MHW at least has lock on. Click the right stick.

Not all weapons have slow movesets, but you do have to commit to a move when you use it. If you want something a bit forgiving, try Charge Blade. You can spend time guarding while you learn monster movesets but still have good mobility in sword mode, which is how you'll play 90% of the time.

Play offline if you're getting disconnected. Carting will cause the party to fail so until you're better and don't cart as much, play on your own to get more familiar.

why the fuck is khezu in GU but not gigginox?

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Not ~every~ monster from all the generations could be in the compilation game, or else there'd be no point in playing the others again.


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>Anyway what so you think NEXT is about?
Pretty much just expecting it to basically be Portable 5th or something.
>You think we'll see it at E3?
Depends on whether Capcom think it would clash with Iceborne or not.


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>Why do I keep getting kicked from online just for carting three times?

No one likes giggi, everyone likes Khezu.

If you like giggi you are a shit taste faggot
If you dislike Khezu you are a shit taste casual faggot

seething nintendo retard fanboys will never ever get mainline Monster Hunter games on their bing bing wahoo fisher price toys ever again

A friend recently gifted me monster hunter world to play. I had a lot of time fighting monsters as they appeared and going up the chain of quests. But now that I beat xeno'jiiva it appears that I must grind a ton to unlock new fights, which are just the same monsters with more stats. This seems kind of lame.

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i wanna fuck tama

I don't think they'd clash, since NEXT/5P would be the Switch Monster Hunter and Iceborne would be the other consoles'. They localized GU after World was out, after all.

If not E3 then probably TGS since Icebourne will presumably be out the door or very close to it.

They're both high pitched screaming sons of bitches, one can only imagine if they were ever in the same zone together on a map. It felt really weird not seeing Giggi in GU's Deserted Island.

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Do optionals to get up to HR49, but yeah a lot of it is going through and fighting tougher versions of existing monsters in order to unlock stronger weapons and armor, plus decorations and augments. Whether that's enough to keep your interest is your call, but even if it isn't, it took me almost 100 hours to finish the main quest. Seems like a decent investment either way. I dunno why people tend to feel unsatisfied after Xeno.

Some part of me feels bad for taking down Soulseers without touching their bubbles. I'm very careful not to.

I wanna fug the monsters

Would a Deviljho do?

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i wanna fug that pickle