Why was Super Mario Odyssey such a disappointment?

Why was Super Mario Odyssey such a disappointment?

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It was?

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wouldn't call it a disappointment, but i prefer the mission structure of 64 and sunshine to the freeform style of odyssey. i could do with less stars that are more challenging to get rather than a fuckload of them that are everywhere.

Even if you try your damn hardest you'll never turn the Mario fanbase into the Sonic fanbase. Fuck off.

It wasn't all bad.

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it was better than sunshine, then again, what isn't?

>Implying Mario Sunshine is not the worst 3D Mario game and that Odyssey is not God's gift after the souless 3D World


>Finish game
>Post game is just a slog-fest of a collectathon

Also, what the fuck they've only been releasing new costumes. Where are the new levels?

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why are there so many Boomers here recently

Nah. Not as good as Zelda, but a great game nevertheless. Reminds me of Harry Potter 1-3: 3D platformer, tons of secrets (game designers know what's up), different mechanics throughout the worlds. Helped me to stay sane the last spring.


>Implying Sunshine is better when there is no freedom in what stars to get
I can't replay Sunshine anymore. I'm sick of the same exact 49 missions to beat the game with no variation at all. What were they thinking? Also FLUDD makes platforming and precision pointless, while all of the "secret" levels where you lose FLUDD have weird collision. I used to love Sunshine, but fuck if it isn't a travesty of design.

it just doesn't really make sense from a game design perspective to have like 5 moons in a level that are just "ground pound this glowing spot" or "break this glowing box" and then have a moon that's behind a pretty substantial platforming challenge and have those two things be valued the same. not even to mention the toadette moons and the fact that you can buy an unlimited amount of moons.

Odyssey is way better than Sunshine. Sunshine is the only one that deserves like an 8/10. The rest of the 3D Marios are 9/10 and above.


Only contrarians think Sunshine is peak Mario.

I agree. I think I'm just too old-fashioned to properly enjoy Odyssey more than 64 and Sunshine

can somebody edit the abs guy to be galaxy since it would piss people off

>the absolute state of Nintendie memes
We get OC like recently deceased mother and the best you can do is paste Mario heads on existing memes. Literally wojak tier.

If you genuinely like Sunshine you're either a kid who played it as their first Mario game, or a shitposter
And if you sit there thinking you're neither of those things give it a replay some time and watch your opinion sink

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>OC like recently deceased mother

Really its only problem was that it was way too easy. Even the post game is easy as fuck.

Then I guess im a contrarian since Sunshine is pure bliss, plus a few blue coins.

This, the game is fun otherwise


I geniunely like Sunshine. It's a flawed piece of shit but I enjoy mission structured games. It was my second 3D Mario platformer after 64

>it just doesn't really make sense from a game design perspective to have like 5 moons in a level that are just "ground pound this glowing spot" or "break this glowing box" and then have a moon that's behind a pretty substantial platforming challenge and have those two things be valued the same.

Wrong. It makes sense that they want as many players as possible to make it to the end of the story.

You can't get 100% completion without doing the challenging moon and the easy ones. For a completitionist the value isn't in an individual moon. There's only value in collecting them all so how easy one moon is to another is arbitrary.

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i like it fag, bite me. i also like 64, the rest of the 3D mario's can go fuck themselves.

Odyssey wasn't a disappointment, honestly. It has the best movement since Mario 64, better and more polished level design than any game in the series to date, and yeah, it's easy, such is life. Every 3d Mario game is easy, the only one that gets close to being hard is 64.
You play these games to have fun, not to overcome a challenge. Unless you do, then I'm sorry.

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>And if you sit there thinking you're neither of those things give it a replay some time and watch your opinion sink
I have literally never changed my opinion on any game after replaying it a decade later
not everyone is a retard, user

because it was built around gimmicks rather than good platforming levels

sunshine has some difficulty, in the fludless levels

gravelchuck really just makes his comics to be exploitable doesn't he

>Why was Super Mario Odyssey such a disappointment?
What? When did this occur?

He said Odyssey, not Sunshine.

>hat throwing shit
>not a gimmick

Because of the ending.

No, I know the Mario 64 post game is the best, what with the...

That's LITERALLY sunshine though

>water jetpack that invalidated platform
>not a gimmick

Galaxy was the best, imo.

>Captain Toad got a DLC map pack before Odyssey

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Do you guys really hate Odyssey? I love the game, still working on it. I left it on my night stand at home 300 miles north though...
Anyways I love Odyssey and 64 DS. I never played sunshine or the original 64 though due to accessibility.

its fun. I just like sunshine and 64 a lot more, personally.

I dislike Sunshine the most because it has by far the least amount of freedom in it.

It was no Mario Galaxy 3.

But muh favorite cuckold YouTuber, dunkey, said it was the best.

We better get Odyssey 2 at this E3.

>Thinking Odyssey was bad
It's a fucking shame that this board is so far gone with subhuman trash that OP has to make threads like this to get discussion on wonderful games like Odyssey.

>galaxy 3
Never fucking ever

Welcome to NeoGA/v/, everything Nintendo does today is the worst.

Collecting stars was not fun, because there were too many of them.
They felt like blue coins.

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That's the beauty of post-game content, user. You don't have to do it if you don't find it fun, as it's not part of the main game, and all.

Even if you don't like how the majority of the moons are collected, you still can't argue the mobility and actual level design is one of the best for a mario game. Not to mention all of the little things like coins in areas that can only be reached by a whole lot of precise jumping no normal person would do.

I feel like playing 64 and Sunshine again
Does the Wii U have either of them?

if you hack your wii u you could play both, nintendo seems to really avoid having GC games be on the newer consoles.

>Collecting stars was not fun
Objectively false

Super Mario Galaxy is my favorite Mario sheerly because of the atmosphere and story
And before everyone (rightfully) starts calling me a faggot for caring about story in a Mario game, just watch this short clip to remember what Galaxy looked like
What a masterpiece. And I also loved the mission design.

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There's a reason I made that poll. It's very well liked mate.

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Good thing you didn't collect stars.

>the lumas dying at 1:26
i didn't even know what was going on when I played this as a kid

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>140 voters
Wow, what an amazingly convincing data set

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Wow, great point. Maybe I'll painstakingly bump my own thread for an entire week so I can get the count up to 1000, so it can say the exact same fucking thing.

Where's Galaxy, faggot?

>make a new thread once a week
>post it in mario related threads whenever
Really fucking hard

>SMO gets more than SMG
The rest of those are legit save for that.
For shame.

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It was disappointing to me because it didn't feel like a Mario game half the time. That half of the time, I was turned into some wierdass thing possessed by his hat that controlled nothing like Mario. That, and some of the levels didn't feel like they belonged in Mario. Scratch that, MOST levels didn't because a lot of them were made for you to go through as something other than Mario. The whole game felt like a spinoff or like Mario was modded into some other platformer.

it's no masterpiece

I hate you. I hate you so fucking much that I'm going to do it, just so I can forever shut down the "Odyssey bad hurr" shitposting.
Vote fags.

Galaxy isn't a true 3D Mario game

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>Nintendumbass that mad about Mario games
You're giving your own community a bad name. That coming from an idort.
Someone get the cross.

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I liked it, especially the cappy-less parts and koopa races. But it felt more like a puzzle game than a platformer. By that I mean, you're just looking for the answer, and a huge chunk of the moons are things like "ground pound here," which gives the game basically no replay value.

Ugh, fuck Odyssey
I liked 64 where you just went up the same path 5 times with minimal or no changes and got a little further
I like bloated, artificial length a specific way that caters to me y'know

This. I really liked Odyssey and am glad they went back to 64/Sunshine's style, but the next game really needs to put quality above quantity in terms of collectables.

Rosalina was the best part by far. That and the gameplay being a direct upgrade from any game in the series and actually managing to be fun despite shitty motion controls trying to strangle the industry

>When the crazy spin-off that was supposed to be a crazy cross-over feels more like a Mario title than the most current actual mainline Mario game had

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Sunshine is completely fucking garbage though. You just do the same 7 missions over and over (lose fludd for a moment/collect red coins in fludd-less zone/race spaniard/squirt water at bowser jr, few unique missions otherwise). Yoshi is more retarded than his pointless inclusion in SM64 and the levels have a serious identity crisis (though the island motif is comfy the worlds have no personality to them, aside from the harbor and amusemet park worlds). And then 24 of the shines are hidden behind blue coins; many of which only appear in a single chapter. So be prepared to scour every level dozens of times searching for coins if you don't use a guide.

Odyssey is also shit, but at least there is actual jumping and not just squirting water and hovering over ledges and generally experiencing no platforming in a platformer.

Do you just Hate Fludd or something? honestly Sunshine was Great, there are even segments where Fludd is taken away from you and you have to platform old-school style, its great.

There’s literally nothing wrong with Mario Oddessy

And the level design is the peak of the series including 2d mario.

Wasn't a disappointment at all, at least not for me. I just wish they didn't reuse so much
>Platform challenge
>Platform challenge but slightly harder

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I want to see them Put Delfino Island in Mario Odyssey honestly

it wasnt at all

because in the year of our lord 2019 it still didn't look as good as this

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>what the fuck they've only been releasing new costumes. Where are the new levels?

What an entitled pleb child. Nintendo are giving you stuff for free that other devs are charging you real fucking money for and you're still whining.

>b-but why aren't Nintendo pooling their finite resources into making an entirely new game for me for free?

KYS moron.

Nah Odyssey was fine though.

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lol who are you trying convince?

>That, and some of the levels didn't feel like they belonged in Mario. Scratch that, MOST levels didn't because a lot of them were made for you to go through as something other than Mario.

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at least it isn't galaxy

>That, and some of the levels didn't feel like they belonged in Mario
Why do people still think this is a valid complaint?

The entire fucking point of the game is that you're traveling worlds that aren't just the generic desert, ice and grassy plains theme. You're venturing outside of Mario's mushroom kingdom world. It's a reason it's called Super Mario ODYSSEY you fucking idiot. You're literally traveling to different locations that's different from your average vanilla Mario shit.

The fact that you couldn't get the theme of the game despite it being constantly hammered in our faces shows how stupid of a person you are.

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When you have literally no arguments, you start stuttering and sputtering nonsensical things.

Not really, but Hottakers gotta Hot Take.

meant for


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I just want another 3d mario with missions and no movement/combat gimmick
I want to jump around a free environment without needing a water jetpack or some other gay shit

I loved Odyssey
It’s a damn good Mario game

Sunshine > Odyssey > Galaxy 2 > 64 > Galaxy
Literally facts

So Odyssey.

Can honestly say that's never happened to me, although that it is pretty fucking hilarious seeing it..

I genuinely love Isle Delfino. Sunshine sucks.

>When you're so bad a game with a literal jetpack crutch is too difficult for you

Please don't tell me 64 and Sunshine are the 3D Mario games you hold in high regard

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>Unironically posting game grumps footage

>no movement/combat gimmick

Mariofags are too diverse
You like sports?
Mario got you
Mario is here
2D and 3D platformers?
Bitch I’m the king of the genre
Just play Super Star saga and Bowser’s Vore the rest are pretty bad.

>He thinks 2/3 3D Mario games are bad
Stop shitposting with Naga.

So Odyssey.

Be careful, you'll trigger the snoyfags that think using a character in an outrageously wide variety of genres = rehashing.

Yo I got you Fampai
Here’s the gif

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>the hat isn't used to extend your jumps
>the hat isn't used to possess enemies, which brings about more movement and combat capabilities, and is required

So what you're saying is that you've never liked any Mario games.

I beat the game 100% and I happen to like FLUDD better than the clunky platforming. The level design just sucks dick that hard.

Mario 2:
Mario’s fucking pissed

>Post game is just a slog-fest of a collectathon
That's all the 3D marios though. Collecting blue coins in sunshine was pain. Getting 100 coins in every level isn't fun either.

>cheese edit

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Are you intentionally being retarded and pretending to not know that mario 64 exists?

It was really fun. Honestly I kinda wish I could wipe my memory of it and play it blind again

The Mario fanbase is one of the better vidya fanbases out there.

>triple jump isn't used to extend your jump
>caps aren't used to fly, become metal, become intangible which brings about more movement options, and is required
You were saying.

>implying 64 wasn't filled with "gimmicks"

>triple jump
>exclusive to mario 64

>temporary powerups are the same thing as a gimmick that you always have (inb4 pedantry regarding sunshine)

>sunshine: the 3d mario game with a water jetpack
>galaxy: the 3d mario game with a spin move
>odyssey: the 3d mario game with the hat gimmick
>64: the 3d mario game

I got you

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>triple jump
>>exclusive to mario 64
>new movement option never before seen in the Mario series until that point
>not a gimmick

>temporary powerups are the same thing as a gimmick that you always have
>wing, metal and vanish caps found within almost every stage
>also exclusive to 64 and required to progress
Can't have it both ways, kiddo.

It really is
Just something about this Fat Italian plumber from Brooklyn just puts a big smile on my face


3D World was a disappointment (3D Land wasn't!), Odyssey was great


Galaxyfags are obnoxious

That's like arguing that picking up shells in 3 is a fucking gimmick
You are either the dumbest motherfucker on earth or are purposefully being dense

Fuck you 3D World was fantastic and Champions Road was kino.

>64: the 3d mario game with the hat gimmick
If you hadn't noticed 64 was all about hat gimmicks to the point where they added even more caps in the remake. Hell, Mario could even lose his hat.

>That's like arguing that picking up shells in 3 is a fucking gimmick
If we used your logic it is. Can even take it a step further and say throwing shells up was a gimmick in World since it was exclusive to it.
Like I said you can't have it both ways either they're all gimmicks or none of them are.

>temporary powerups that are used for only a handful of stars and are entirely optional
>the main gimmick of the game which you use constantly and is required

>>sunshine: the 3d mario game with a water jetpack
>>galaxy: the 3d mario game with a spin move
>>odyssey: the 3d mario game with the hat gimmick
: the 3d mario game with the cap gimmick

>3d land: the 3d Mario game
>3d World: the 3d Mario game

>no movement/combat gimmick
>you had 3 useless jabs in the very first 3D Mario game
>a useless air kick (that's only useful for speedrunning)

Every 3D Mario game has it's gimmicks.

However gimmicks doesn't necessarily mean it's shit. Galaxy's spin gimmick was pretty cool and it worked.

Swap odyssey and sunshine

Don't hurt yourself user, you fucking retard.

I played thru odyssey on yuzu and it was shit
compared to galaxy and sunshine it was not worth playing at all


>temporary powerups that are used for only a handful of stars and are entirely optional
>>the main gimmick of the game which you use constantly and is required for a handful of stars and is entirely optional
You know, if you had actually played Odyssey you would know how much you can actually do without using the "gimmick" just like 64.

>caps are temporary and optional unless you're going after 100% completetion
>cappy is entirely optional unless you're going for 100% completion

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>temporary powerups that are used for only a handful of stars
Then they're just as much gimmicks as fludd, cappy or the spin on galaxy. None of them are necessary to finish the game with.

Odyssey's post-game content is literally where the difficulty picks up. You don't have to play it, but you're missing out on more fun.

If you play a game just so you can rush through and collect the key item, then you're not truly experiencing the fun level design it has to offer.

>finally get a home console with portability
>Doesn't use Galaxy or 3d world style small levels focused around a certain theme or mechanic that would take advantage of the portability for quick shots of platforming with no filler.
>Instead goes the full opposite and makes huge levels with barely any content in them.
I really don't understand why. Were they just afraid of being called rehashers? That'll happen anyway.

You use the hat to fight bosses

>the spin
>not necessary to finish the game
Are you fucking retarded?

And you need the vanish cap to fight chief chilly, what's your point?

It wasn't, you're just a sour ole bitch

Are you or did you forget you're playing a platformer?

too many fucking moons. Game should have had like 1/4th the amount.

Sunshine still sucks though.

Or rather luigi going invisible in the remake.

You literally can not advance past the intro stages in sunshine and galaxy without using fludd or the spin
This has to be fucking bait

So what you're saying is that you didn't bother to actually do any real platforming.

>an optional boss in a bad remake
>non-optional bosses

Oh I forgot that you could just platform your way to delfino plaza and skip the goo piranha plant miniboss, my mistake. Or that you could just moon jump past every crystal and launch star in galaxy.
You fucking cretin.
Is anyone else seeing these fucking posts? Am I arguing with a hallucination or something?

Because it was Mario 64 made by people who think that speedrunfaggotry is what made 64 great

Literally the most disappointing game I've ever played

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Look at those goalposts fly.

You can not fucking argue that when you just reached as hard as you just did. You can NOT try to say that the goalposts have been moved if you tried to fucking use a REMAKE'S OPTIONAL BOSS AS A FUCKING ARGUMENT


It was okay, but it definitely had a quantity over quality problem.
I never felt any joy getting moons. I didn't feel like I accomplished anything.

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Hoo boy, look who's flipping a gasket.
Look, if you didn't want to be proven wrong you shouldn't have said these things were gimmicks in the first place and then change your own definitions.

both had gimmicks but the hat was the better gimmick

What the fuck are you talking about?

Sunshine was not my first Mario game, nor was it my first 3D Collectathon, Mario or otherwise. I still love it to death. I think Isle Delfino is fun to explore , with great diverse atmosphere. The music is fucking fantastic. Fludd, while rendering a lot of the platforming moot, is fun to fuck around with. Who didn't enjoy speeding over water the like fucking Flash. The controls are extremely sensitive, but alows some crazy speedrunning shit if mastered. The game only falls apart when you try for 100% as many of the shine are fucking horrendous. The stupid blue coins, the paCHINKo machine, the gas ass lily pad ride over poison. But if you are just playing the game at a leisurely pace, doing the bare minimum to beat bowser, sunshine is god damn fun.

My definition of gimmick is an unusual unique mechanic that is exclusive to a game (inb4 pedantry in regards to galaxy 2) and very prominently featured

Well yeah because it was the only one that accentuated the platforming.

The crown is from New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe

can someone translate these runes please

>good games
>shitty games (but also mario 64)

Great you agree that the caps in 64 are gimmicks after all they're both unusual and exclusive. If we go by that then punching, kicking and throwing up are also gimmicks after all they were also only seen in one game. Then there's everything about Mario 2.

Basically it's just course clear and sandbox.

Not him but him having saved the webm doesn't mean he knows where it comes from. You on the other hand must have watched all of their videos to know. Fag.

What kind of mongoloid retard do you need to be to think this?


I don't see why people just go and reveal themselves like that. It's like they don't think before they post.

Huh, guess that one broke you.
Did you mean to post another rule change?

Can we filter this garbage word already
I can't STAND zoomer lingo

same. yikes and oof are worse though

they're all equally great in their own ways

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user, people have been using literally figuratively long before you were born.

Don't forget incel

Why do people ask for open world games but then absolutely hate it?
You're basically asking for a universe of Mario to play in. Like real life, but Mario. It's called VR, but at that point, you're basically asking for escapism. If you seriously are 20+ years old and seek escapism to this degree you're a failure of humanity and should just off yourself now because you're not going to find this release of depression you have.

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Nice try, Sunshine.

Because you're a zoomer who unironically thinks Sunshine wasn't the worst game in the series.

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>zoomer for liking the second 3D mario

>temporary powerups
>64 exclusive
galaxy has them too

Because he's shitposting. Why do you think he's gone on this tirade about gimmicks without knowing what a gimmick even is?

Alright, after over an hour and getting warned for spamming, we're up to 401 votes.
Odyssey's barely in third for the best-liked game.

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>getting all of that nonsense from "I want another mario 64"

>cap based power ups that haven't been seen outside of 64
>not exclusive
If you aren't samefagging then it's just sad that there's more than one of you.

I want someone to mod Sunshine so Shines can be done in any order. Fuck, they already have a multiplayer mod for it so I can't imagine it to be impossible.

I refuse to believe that anyone can be this dense. If you seriously can not fucking distinguish 64 from sunshine and odyssey then you must have a literal, actual, genuine mental problem.

>Sunshine is 1st place

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Was it?

Whoops, well 402 now.

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Hey, you

>sunshiniggers voting their game to first
Fucking how can anyone think it is the best game?!

>these temporary powerups are different from those temporary powerups because you touch a hat to use them instead of a flower
genuine autism

>pretending to like Sunshine
>in the same breath as insulting Odyssey

Some people won't know you are fucking with them, and that is sad.

Got fucked over by that (auto), didn't ya? Don't feel bad, it happens to me a lot too.

God damn that stupid countdown. I swear it never used to continue counting down to an auto post if the box was closed.
Anyway, you know you said
>and no movement/combat gimmick
Did it ever occur to you that 64 is the only game with a real combat gimmick?

>fludd is needed to kill some enemies
>spin is needed to kill a bunch of enemies
>hat is used to possess enemies, which is basically defeating them

It's almost exactly 50/50, which kind of makes sense at this point in time. Maybe a literal decade ago it'd be far more skewed in favor of 64.

Oh wow you pulled the autism card when you ran out of legitimate arguments.
Tell me, where do the caps in 64 appear outside of it?
Also when has Mario ever had his hat act as an armor mechanic outside of 64.

its fun


Sure, but the best?

i prefer 64, but sunshine is close to it for me

>Tell me, where do the caps in 64 appear outside of it?
I'm going to edit your question to be less pedantic
>Tell me, where do temporary timed powerups needed for certain missions appear outside of 64?
Galaxy 1 and 2.
>Also when has Mario ever had his hat act as an armor mechanic outside of 64.
Sunshine had a similar mechanic but it was not prominent in either game

Do you even know what a combat gimmick is?

it was a little too easy, and what WAS hard was stacked all at the end which removes most of the reward since it's basically just to get darker world and even then darker world isn't even that hard. I would have rather had the game just be harder throughout but of course we can't have that

>Stonetoss OP is a faggot, more news at 8

Why are you trying to dictate to me what I meant by my post?

Because none of them are related to real combat at best they affect the environment. Possession in particular doesn't even kill the enemy.

Mario 64 is the worst of the 3D Marios. Mario's control feels kinda stiff and, while it does have a lot of courses, a lot of them feel like filler.

Not to say that 64 is a bad game per se, but Sunshine and Odyssey built off it for a more polished experience.

You know, the sad part isn't that you had to edit the question given to "win" your argument. It's that you considered it important enough to you personally to do so.

Sunshine's still great. Is it perfect? No. Is it's age starting to show? Yes, but it's aging a hell of a lot better than 64 is.

It was very good, it just felt like it ended a bit too soon.
I wish they made a few more kingdoms instead of give you a bunch of weird padding after the credits roll. I set the game down at 800 moons, but I feel like I had gotten all of the interesting moons by the 600 mark.
It was still fantastic though.

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Mario Odyssy was reddit af, and nowhere near as good as 64.
Never played Sunshine though.

Literally nobody will claim Sunshine is better than 64 or Odyssey or whatever, I have massive nostlagia for it cuz it was THE game of my childhood and even I can see the glaring horrible fans it had, and knowing how the GC was doing it's clear it was rushed for that time release frame.

Far and away better than Sunshine

for me it's

>Galaxy over Odyssey
That's all that matters to me

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Gamecube era kiddies has the most autist fanbase of all time
>F-Zero GX
>Metroid 1
>Wind Waker

It all checks out.

Official Tier Ranking Of Mainline Mario Games (top to bottom):
>Mario Galaxy 1/2
>Mario 64
>Super Mario 3D World
>Literally any 2D Mario Game

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This. Fuck those normies who replied to you, I felt the exact same way.

Oddyssey was just as bad as 3d Land and 3d World. It didn't feel like a Mario game at all. Nintendo has lost their touch.

Shut the fuck up retard, the data was fine and now it'll be biased. Never reproduce.

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Super Mario World less than every 3D Mario game
Super Mario Bros 3 less than every 3D Mario game
Super Mario World 2 not the best one in the series of all time

Shit taste, off yourself nigtendrone.

I loved it. I was just left wanting more even after the post game.

The only real problem with it is that having so many collectibles in each level makes them feel tedious instead of rewarding.

Like when I finished the game and unlocked all the extra moons, I just stopped playing because I didn't feel like doing "ground pound this one specific location" 100 more times.

>Mario Odyssey was reddit af
Who actually says some shit like this?

Attached: tenor.gif?itemid=11545295.gif (480x480, 2.49M)

>t-those dumb asshole shitposters! Ill show them! Ill spam this strawpoll!
>Sunshine and 64 rise over Odyssey and maintain their spot for 2 days straight

Are you happy? Are you satisfied? You fucking Söydesseyfaggot nigger? To see that your retarded nu-nintendo game isn't the messiah you make it out to be?

the game has like 900 fucking collectibles though, even for collectathons its retarded, only DK64 with its like 3000 is more retarded. I sort of get the appeal of platforming but I never understood this genre, I can't stand shit like MGR having so many things to collect and its insanely tame compared to collectathons

>implying I'm upset
>implying this isn't the turnout I expected
>implying these implications
You fool, you have no idea what you're talking about. My point has been validated beyond any reasonable doubt. No one can argue that Odyssey is a disappointment anymore, the "hurr Odyssey bad hurr" shitposting is defeated once and for all.
Now it holds a spot as the third most well-liked 3D Mario game.
I've won.

2Dtard spotted

You didn't win shit. You sampled fucking Yea Forums of all places. That's like 5% of the population that played these games.

This thread has ALL factions arguing at each other. And the best part is that the OP didn't even bring up any Mario game besides Odyssey. All he did was slap Mario faces onto a fucking stonetoss comic and now everyone is going ballistic. It was just a fucking bait but you cant help yourselves

>Odyssey wasnt that good because..

3DZoomer spotted

Attached: 1518766316817.png (196x197, 29K)

>That's like 5% of the population that played these games.
I'm certain that's not even 1 percent accurate itself. More like 0.0005% of the population that play games period.

It's fun arguing with a strawman while you suck your own farts isn't it?

You can blame the fact that the switch is a handheld rather than a real console for that.

>implying sampling Yea Forums wasn't my intention
You fool, normies already love Odyssey. All I had to prove was that Yea Forums at least liked it.
>t-the thread was bait anyways!
Like I give a shit.

But it's the best UR MR GAY

>142 votes.

>Moving around is not inherently perfect like in 64 and Sunshine
>Copies Banjo Kazooie collectathon formula
>Bosses are boring and corral player into fighting them with ugly looking energy barrier rings
>When you beat the game you do so with little sense of accomplishment as Nintendo removed difficulty progression in favor of throwing in hard post-game stages.

Then something must have happened in your life that distanced you from the genre. Super Mario Odyssey does nothing so outlandishly terrible to make it "the most disappointing game you've ever played."

Quit being so fucking dramatic.

But then we can't spell Bidoof, and that would be a damn shame.