A critical look on KH3


Serious question, does you expect Osaka Team to fix 90% of the issues reported here with Final Mix DLC or is the game fundamentally flawed to the point where band-aid tier patches is the best possible expectation at this point?

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I expect everyone will come into this topic and hate that video before they watch it.

Is the video "it's not like KH2" over and over?

I'm not going to bother answering your question because I know anything other than "Yes, KH3 is garbage" is going to piss you off and tell me to cope.


A lot of what Bizkit047 (One if the far better hardcore KH fans) mentioned here hits the nail in the head, too bad fanboys will casually dismiss it.

>game is worse than it 12 year old predecessor
>why is everyone comparing it t kh2

Nah, Bizkit made it and he actually jot down plenty of what KH3 did right and admitted to having an enjoyable first play through.

>Game isn't an exact copy of it's "predecessor"
Only it is. KH3 is the logical conclusion of what DDD established.

I hope you aren't implying that's the sole reason why KH3 isn't as popular as KH2.

Bizkit is fag, and so is anyone else still obsessing over this game.

>Youtube "essays"
Imagine being SO RETARDED that you let unqualified strangers on the internet make your opinions for you.

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Any community around a game series that post/make videos online never offer anything and there's no point in interacting with them. Rarely you get 1 or 2 people like Bizkit who is critical and should honestly just be hired on QA for fuck's sake.

Biskit, yes. Any of his followers who some how get "0/10 worst game" out of him saying "Ehhh, I'm not feeling it but I can see how people could like it."

Meant to add a "...No." at the end there.

Quick rundown, please. I'm currently taking my biggest shit of my life and can't concentrate on anything at the moment.

I agree since it doesn't matter if you praise or hate the game it doesn't make any difference. He actually tries to think of solutions instead of just blaming devs which is why people listen to him instead of just listening to opinions.

>shilling your own YT

Fuck you for mentioning "KH3" and "Critical" but it's not news about Crit mode, fuck you!

their opinions only matter if i agree with it

No its worse than it predecessor...which is bad because it came out 12 years after how do you go kh2 final mix to the mess that is 3

>No its worse than it predecessor...
I can say with confidence KH3 is better than DDD.

At least DDD wasn't an over bloated mess was so brain dead easy you can literally spam to win.

If being easy is all it takes for a game to be bad then DMC5 is the worst of it's series.

You could literally just spam flow motion and balloon to win, come on.

>then DMC5 is the worst of it's series.
Probably I never played it though if DMC 5 is easier then DMC 2 then that's an achievement.

nope, bizkit047 made it and he's pretty much the only khfag you should listen to aside from dean

bloodybiz is a fucking autist and should be ignored

It shouldn't be an exact copy, it was supposed to be better and it ended up worse.

>what it did right
>it uh looked good
>sure this section was bad but uh Kh2 was also bad here

he could barely come up with anything good baout it kek

on the bright side square confirmed that they were reworking a lot of the combat for critical mode

Yeah it's pretty easy. There's only one enemy type who can actually fight back in a meaningful way and it only appears like three or four times. Vergil though awesome feels more like a mid-game wakeup boss than a finale battle. Still a good time though.

NO that's bad

they say a lot of things. they said that they implemented everything they wanted but you can clearly tell shit was cut and changed.

>everyone tries to deflect to KH2 everytime 3 is criticized
>everything 2 did wrong 3 actually did worse
How did it end up like this?

>sequels shouldn't improve on their predecessors
Okay retard.

Stop being obtuse. The console titles are treated differently than the handhelds. That's why the gameplay was based off of kh1/kh2 and gummi ships were brought back. I'm sick of you idiots saying we should compare it to the handhelds. Nomura has come out and said they designed the game as a follow-up to kh1/kh2 style.

I feel people just need to give up, the game at its core needs to be changed completely for it to be considered good and Nu Square wont do that

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People think pointing out flaws in a previous game makes it okay for the new one to have even more flaws. I don't get the logic, but people on here do it all the time.

but that ruins my argument and shitposting

this guy is a KH fanboy and he could barely muster up anything good about KH3 hahahaha

I honestly don't care for this guy. He comes off a kinda pompous for someone who spends all his time playing one PS2 game over and over.

>Nu Square wont do that
Nomura might be able to give them an ultimatum if he vows to quit if they don't let him.

Why do people expect a game the same quality as KH2FM when it wasn't made by the same devs?

KH has always been shit, the only reason you like it is because you were between the ages of 10-20 when it came out, AKA fucking retards

Because the new devs have had 13 years to pick up their fucking slack.

the current dev team has been making KH games for far longer than the original team. it's expected that they should have surpassed the original dev team by now.

Why are there two KH speedrunners called bizkit?

Honestly, when some asshole on the internet pretends to be some kind of supreme authority on a video game, I usually just drown them out. Not saying KH3's an amazing game or anything (though there are definitely a couple things I like about it), but who the fuck is going to watch an hour-long video of someone pointing out all the flaws in a single fucking video game? Seriously, this shit's a HOUR LONG.

Thanks I haven't seen any long video essays on KH3 yet, this will be a good start.
Reminder you can have your own opinion while being interested in what others think, they're not exclusive.

because they fell for the Nomura meme thinking he did everything himself instead of it being a collaborative effort. I call it the George Lucas effect

bizkit is the most reasonable khfag in the community. seriously, everyone else is a fucking autist

You don't have to take everything he says at face value, it's about taking in a lot of various opinions and comparing them against your own. Seeing where maybe you're wrong and where they're wrong so you may form the one true correct opinion.

Nope. In order to fix most of what's wrong with the game, they'd basically have to turn it into a completely different game. The best we can expect is for them to update, modify, and add a few things through DLC.

It's still literally an hour-long video about someone talking about a video game. That's what really gets me. This is literally 60+ minutes of someone talking about this one game.

Nice proof.

I have no idea why people love Nomura, he's a good artist and I like his style. But he's just a a character designer, he didn't even write the story and scenario for the games. At least Kojima used legos to build the levels for Metal Gear Solid, but even then he's just an ideas guy for the rest of the series, he can't make a game and it's not his job either.

because and it's even worse because on multiple occasions their ideas got close to working, but they fucked it all up in some other way.

For example, Re:Coded had the best combat out of all of the command deck games, but they made you almost never play the fucking game and forced you into numerous minigames for every world. Olympus was the worst offender, being nothing but a fucking turn based combat minigame for the entire world.

You can't even blame Nomura for it because he specifically asked to have his old Tokyo team back for KH3, and he got them taken away from him so that they could be split up to work on other projects like FF15, FF7R, and other games.

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People get really in depth when they care about things.

He did his research and wants to present everything and not leave anything out? Video games are wicked complicated to make, why would it be shorter?

People waited for it for over a decade and hard core KH fans had really nothing else to fill that hole other than shit mobile games. This is the one time I'd allow a video of this magnitude to be made about one game

He's the director. Someone has to take charge. That's his role. Without someone up top directing things, no game would get made at all.

>"I brought the gummi ship back because it's a mainstay" = "the whole game was meant to reflect the last few numbered installments"

Then write it down somewhere. Written essays are more effective than spoken ones 100% of the time anyway.

KH2 is on a higher pedistal than it deserves really. Go back and play it. I did before 3 came out. The amount of combat that can simply be reduced to guard and attack spam is hilarious. Use reflect or magnet/thunder combo for an even easier time.

If there's anyrthing I know it's that people are stupid, lazy, and illiterate. A written essay would go nowhere.

That doesn't mean he directs the gameplay, I'd say the lead designers are responsible for most of the crap ideas AND good ideas in the game. For a director he's pretty bad at management but with studios that large he probably did the best he could, so much of KH3 was outsourced.

His criticism video are actually watched by Square, though. They've released a few patch updates that specifically fix minor problems he has pointed out in vids and posted public logs of issues. He was even invited to Square Enix NA to try KH3 before anyone else.

Honestly, it's better than KH2 but not as good as KH2:FM. Combat can be fixed, but the Disney plots may need to be remade

So why is there both bizkit and bloodybizkit?
What's the link between limp bizkit and kingdom hearts?

No wonder he has an ego.

People don't read game critiques, jesus they don't even read game reviews they just want the score that comes at the end. A video you can play at double speed along with footage showing what's wrong and how it worked in previous/other games is is more effective in my opinion

They can't, at least not with Frozen. That one's fucked.

>so much of KH3 was outsourced.
You're thinking of FF7R, the only thing Osaka didn't do was the gummi ship and even then that was the Einhander devs which are still Square.

KH3 was the best KH game since KH2.

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nah, it's easily the best one.

KH2 isnt flawless but it setup groundwork that the games after it couldve improved on yet didnt

Now THIS is the Bizkit I like. He's not some KH2 Final Mix fanboy like Bl00dyBizkit. Bizkit in this video called out people who mindlessly bash KH 3 and also called out people who mindlessly worship KH 3. This video is pretty spot on. KH 3 is a good game but it can be a great game with a little more work

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A couple endgame bosses doesn't suddenly make 2 a completely different game. If 3 is worse than FM it's worse than the original too.

No, that's just who he is. Most Twitch streamers are undeservedly egotistical, which is probably why they stream. The guy works retail, can barely play other games to save his life, and streams a Disney PS2 game over and over to 500 people max.


he barely said there was anything good about it. he said to stop bashing it because um KH2 isn't perfect. it's the same BS cope.

He literally starts the video with all the praises of KH 3. What are you talking about?

the problem is that a bunch of people forget how bad launch KH2 was
launch KH3 is in a slightly worse position, but almost every criticism that it has is the same type of criticism that KH2 had before final mix.
it's fucking stupid that they repeated the exact same mistakes though
>very little postgame content
>difficulty is a joke
>triangle to win

that said, the main issue is the fact that KH3 even made these mistakes in the first place. They can easily be patched away and fixed with the DLC, but it shouldn't have happened in the first place.

>Spends 20 minutes praising a game
>he barely said there was anything good about it.

iirc their names were similar out of pure coincidence
they're basically completely different people

>his praises
>it uh looks good
>combat is the best Osaka team has done (still no tokyo team)
>the music is really good, like you can't bash that

and that was it.

people criticized kh2 at the time. Yet they and critics still rated it much higher at the time than the current KH3.

Stop shilling your shitty videos on here Bizkit.

The truth.

I'd have have more faith if this wasn't the same team that wanted the command deck to return from KH3. They can say a lot of things at this point.

No it's cause kh2 dickriders shit on 3 so you bring up that 2 did it too. But then the fickrider response is "3 did it worse" or 2 is older

Critics maybe but fans no.

Yeah KH3 has no late game stuff to do which does suck and it's retarded they would even make this mistake to begin with. It's also disappointing that after so long the game still feels rushed. But even KH2FM on critical is not that hard. It may have been hard 10 years ago when people were kids or something though. I also think that people playing KH games for so long allows them to have a certain base level of skill coming into the games, that trivializes future games. They'll never be as hard in one's mind as the first "hard" KH game

That's a perfectly reasonable argument. 2 was 13 years ago, why does 3 make the same mistakes as it? And in some cases actually makes the mistakes worse than 2 did? Games are supposed to get better as the series goes on, not worse.

>fans didn't shit on KH2 at the time
Oh boy, underage b&s are here!

that was exactly what I said numbnuts. Similar issues, but the game is in a worse state overall, especially since some things can't be patched
>story pacing having nothing happen for 90% of the game
>voice acting practices being complete garbage. You can tell how long Donald was in the recording booth with some of his lines
>disney having a blatant stranglehold on some parts of the game.

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>He's the director. Someone has to take charge. That's his role. Without someone up top directing things, no game would get made at all.
he took so long with vs13 that they took him off it.

They had to re release kh 1&2 twice to gwt them to be good.

How long has ff7R been in development?

Nomura is a shit director who accidentally produced gold with Kingdom hearts. The only other good game he produced was the world ends with you.

I was saying people didnt rate 2 higher than 3 when 2 came out.

What did Mickey mean by this?

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But the sequel should be BETTER than its predecessor though. KH2 being bad is no excuse for KH3 being bad.

KH3 was suppose to fix every problem the series had in the past or at least most of them, not do the same mistakes
of course people are gonna be harder on it then a God damn PS2 game released years ago, that's like saying cause KH1 had broken magic spam its okay years later for KH3 to have it
its like they learned nothing from the criticism over the years

I'm still glad they abandoned the samey hallways of KH2. Every world in that game was pretty much the same, a series of linear hallways.

Well if only stench of the wild retards used this logic

>I'm still glad they abandoned the samey hallways of KH2
You're joking right? The only worlds that weren't long hallways that put KH2 to shame were the giant empty rooms with very little to do in them.

No one gives a shit about your terrible opinions Olette Smugposter. Go shill your inferior game elsewhere.

I really liked the worlds in 3 overall. They reminded me of exploring the worlds in 1 for the first time. Frozen was the worst because of obvious mouse meddling but at least it had a cool boss.

>A couple endgame bosses doesn't suddenly make 2 a completely different game
Critical Mode really made the game interesting. I also remember KH2 being piss easy compared to KH1 at the time, and there was no platforming whatsoever. In retrospect, I did have a fun time with 3, aside from a few Disney worlds. The combat needs tweaks, but I'm confident it can hold its own after a balance update.
It wasn't bad, but rather overhyped. It's just a serious update shy of being a great game

>it's fucking stupid that they repeated the exact same mistakes though
>the main issue is the fact that KH3 even made these mistakes in the first place.
>They can easily be patched away and fixed with the DLC, but it shouldn't have happened in the first place.
might as well give another (You), because he's getting a lot of illiterate retards today

make sure that you read a post carefully before you post user, you were literally agreeing with him

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They do though? I'm not sure what you mean?

>Olette being a Christfag because her VA is a Christfag
That's a nice touch

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fucking this, every time I see kh3 being criticized its always being compared to its predecessors. like can the game be reviewed by its own merits. even fucking bizkit in the video brought up how kh games in the past have had shit final bosses. like how the fuck is that an excuse

Youre delusional.


You go back and farm for synthesis materials, ingredients, chests, and lucky emblems and you tell me you enjoyed walking from point A to point B back and forth 5 times over in Corona or Monstropolis.

No they don't. Alro the nintendo dick rider has a vid called "how zelda does the Ubisoft towers right"

Fuck off faggot

Would a patch even fix the game? Frozen and tangled will still be empty worlds

This is next level selective thinking

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I understand when people get mad when people compare to different game series like shitposters comparing KH3 to DMC5 but getting your panties in a bunch when people are comparing games in the same fucking series? Grow a pair you whiny bitch.

Are you okay? Who the fuck are you even talking about?

I really wouldn't mind Frozen and Tangled worlds being replaced by Square Worlds. It would instantly improve the game's pacing and story

Of course they are going to be compared you absolute brainlet

What the fuck is wrong with his voice and if was one of the folks shilling the game that got invited to the preview event his opinion is null and void.

I wouldn't mind replacing Frozen with Hollow Bastion

>launch KH3 is in a slightly worse position, but almost every criticism that it has is the same type of criticism that KH2 had before final mix.
This argument needs to die.

KH2 vanilla's gameplay on top of not feeling like a floaty piece of shit actually had proper damage scaling, fair enemy ai, colosseum tournaments, actual diverse magic utility instead of spammy AoE, individual drives forms you could actively manually instead of based on random proc. garbage that is the situation commands, reaction commands that rewarded you with certain actions while ironically nailing the situational aspect better than situation commands themselves, etc which were viably possible to improve upon based on that foundation. It's only weakness was being easy, masking depth.

KH3 has NONE of those benefits, and combined with failing to improve KH2 vanilla's weaknesses it bought a whole new can of worms favoring flash over mechanical substance (yet again by the B team), which gives me no faith in Critical Mode actually adressing problems related to fundamental design flaws plaguing KH3 at it's current state without resorting to remaking a different game.

It's based

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>The only other good game he produced was the world ends with you.
Which fucking sucks considering how he ruined it with the Final Remix port.

I can feel the rage you had when writing this.

What did he even do on TWEWY beyond character design yet a-fucking-gain? It's clear he's never been the brains behind any game he's ever made and I'm 200% certain he wasn't actually the one behind KH 1 or 2 either, he's just the face of the series because the other dude was too shy.

Wow Olette VA is a qt. How old is she? I don't want to be a pedo

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So pure

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I feel like KH's combat system lends itself substantially better when under the "less is more" philosophy in regards to gameplay additions.

0.2 on proud while not flawless didn't have as many tools as KH3 yet wound up being much more challenging in comparison, especially if we compared secret bosses. Osaka Team really should have scaled back on the flashy stuff imo.

the only numbered kingdom hearts game he actually wrote was 3 and surprise surprise it was the worst written one. He was also the one who decided to keep using Osaka and not Tokyo.

18 you fuckin pedo

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Mitsunori Takahashi was the lead battle planner for KH2 and directed the superior Dissidia 012, and apparently he's working on FFVII:R so at least there's hope for that one.

I believe you on the first part but I'm pretty sure he's on record saying he thought the Osaka team was retarded and deserves to stay in handheld hell where they belong.

I remember there was a dude on gamefaqs who actually claimed that the writing quality in 358/2 Days (which Nomura also wrote the script for) was on par with the best Final Fantasy titles. I kid you not.

>Olette original VA
Olette just so happened to be blessed with two gorgeous VA. Also, fun fact, Olette original VA use to date that fat fuck ugly creature who created Adventure Time. There is a chance Yea Forums If he was able to hook up with this qt anything is possible

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I kept hearing some novelist wrote Days, was that not correct?

>Nomura: The Osaka Team has been responsible for handling the development of the handheld games like KHBBS, as well as titles like KH Re:COM and the HD remasters, but from the beginning I had always wanted them to grow into a team that could develop a main numbered title for consoles. They had gained plenty of experience with the KH series while developing non-numbered games, and the Tokyo team had begun work on another title by then, so the time was finally right to leave KH3 to them.

He wouldn't have allowed those talentless hacks to work on a mainline KH title if that was the case.

As it currently is, this franchise is fucked under the B team unless they're outright replaced. Which sadly won't happen either especially thanks to KH3 earning 5+ million sales and getting decent reviews.

Oh god I looked him up. How in the fuck did he manage to pull such a babe? I look better than him and I’m ugly as fuck

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I want Nomura to die for his stupidity.

>They had gained plenty of experience with the KH series while developing non-numbered games, and the Tokyo team had begun work on another title by then, so the time was finally right to leave KH3 to them.
I genuinely want to fucking kill myself.

It's over bros.

I guess he has
>a big dick

>tfw no qt religious girlfriend to go on picnics with
Why does life hate me

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The only reason KH3 is so easy and "accessible" is because his SE handler wanted the game to be an entry point for his kids.


>wanted a game labelled 3 to be an entry point

It went back to being radiant garden

Whsts the problem here? It was obvious Osaka team was going to become the main KH team since the Tokyo Team is too busy making Final Fantasy VII Remake and I like how Nomura had fate in his new team to continue the series

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Considering how KH3 still shipped with loads of issues regardless i wouldn't put too much stock in that, at least with the KH ps4 remaster the issues that needed to be patched were feasible.

>Best girls voiced best girl
It should come to no surprised

Having faith means jack shit if they don't have the skill to back it up, why Nomura thought making a bunch of shitty handheld entries would prepare them for a proper sequel to 2 I'll never know.

>Whsts the problem here?
Osaka Team
>the Tokyo Team is too busy making Final Fantasy VII Remake
Outside of Takahashi who else is there from KH2 that hadn't been split off to different projects/outright left? Dissidia NT had certain members from Tokyo Team KH and we know how that went.

My expectations are severely tempered as fuck right now.

He looks like an autist and he has zero fashion sense. I guess it is connections since Olette’s first VA is the voice of the Flame Princess of Adventure Time

fuck off and discuss the game

>fuck off and discuss the game
fine...it's shit

It fucking sucked.

Happy now?

Which Olette VA do you prefer?

New one because it's an actual teenager instead of a 30 year old sounding like a teenager

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He’s more familiar with 1 and 2FM than you’ll be familiar with anything, ever

Besides, what’s wrong with forming opinions based on critique and discussion? Kind of the point

that video is way too generous. the game is just completely fucked there's no saving it. further more they don't care.

>use balloon spells
>Sora and Riku steamroll everything

>don’t use balloon spells
>game becomes unplayable and unfair Osaka game

I don’t know how they balanced that damn thing, the end game bosses are literal cancer without balloon

The new Olette VA makes Olette sound adorable!

He actually help came up with the idea for the dual screen system and personally researched on how to have it take advantage of the DS hardware
>Working on the title now, the experience of making the DS title It's a Wonderful World that released last year was very helpful. It's a Wonderful World from the planning stages aimed to make use of the DS's features, it became a game that utilized the functions of both screens and the touch panel only the DS has, where you could carry out a battle that was simultaneously different on the top and bottom screens. I personally researched the DS while developing It's a Wonderful World, wondering what to do to make Kingdom Hearts work on the DS. As a result, I felt the best response would be to bring the action elements natural to the Kingdom Hearts series to the DS, a reverse idea to the new directions that It's a Wonderful World took to when adjusting to the DS, furthermore I had confidence that it could be powered up and new elements could be implemented.

>As a matter of fact, I tried to make the title of It's a Wonderful World only numbers, but because it was a new series, I gave up the number title since I feared it people wouldn't remember it.

>Kando: In the beginning the three of us kept sending game ideas and were in arguments about it.
>Arakawa: Right. I remember being chewed out by Mr. Nomura. He’d say “No, we could do this on the PSP,” or something like that. The hurdle was really high from the get-go, because we set out to create “a game that can only be played on the DS.”

Oh boy, do I have a video for you:
It's actually a very good and insightful view at the whole series

>All those original worlds
>Locked behind cutscenes

It hurts....

>reduced to guard and attack
>use versatile magic for better results

Yeah that’s how action games work user

>Too generous
Oh because the video is actually speaking facts and not just mindlessly bashing the game but praising it and addressing its flaws too in a professional way. Fuck off retard. KH 3 is a good game with flaws. Simple as that

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Honestly Biz is right in that its the best Osaka has made
But I think that there are too many problems and flaws for them all to be addressed and balanced and THEN making a true post game based off of what they fix
It is possible to fix some of it, it is possible to make new bosses and make them fun, but the core game has too much in need of fixing for people to be satisfied with it

I've come to terms that the next game before KH4 and KH4 itself will be even further improved versions of KH3, so I will at least have better expectations for those games rather than an overly patched and updated flawed game like KH3

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Not that retard, I'm in the middle of the complaint about fire spam being too OP. But most of his pros boiled down to "well at least it's better than the handhelds", I'm not entirely sure the game is salvageable if your biggest positives of the game were that it's not the worst in the series.

She's so perfect. I wish she was in the game more

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Not really a versitile magic system. Reflect is basically a free counter and magnet nullifies all regular combat.

I just finished watching the entire video. It was very interesting as a fan of the game and series. I love this game, and I believe it's even better than 2 for the most part. But he is correct in every single thing he pointed out for the most part. One thing he said though, was that keyblade switching had a delay and he didn't know why. But this is because the animation for whatever attack you're doing must end at the same time you are pressing the button to switch. Once you realize this, it becomes much easier to switch keyblades, but this also confuses a lot of people who don't really understand how the gameplay works, thinking there is a crazy delay when there isn't. He praises the combat, and the only things that needs fixing is balancing and other miscellaneous issues. Some issues he said felt a little personal but generally recognized, but that's fine. Videos like this are made purely because we love KH and it's gameplay, and we just want it to be the best.

I haven't played KH3 yet but yhe pedantic arguments people have over arguments for and against it is fascinating to see.

How come Bizkit047 is so based yet Bl00dyBizkit is such an annoying faggot?

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Any RikuxNamine fan art? I got plenty of SoraxKairi and TerraxAqua

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Based biz putting osakacucks in their place.

Notice the "good" is only 1/4 of the vid.

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Nope, pages and pages of RikuxSora though.

And Biz said Final Fantasy XV was a bad game so why are you calling him based Bazztek?

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>only that faggot Barry decries 3
Are you retarded?

>One thing he said though, was that keyblade switching had a delay and he didn't know why.
I don't remember this at all. Timestamp?

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because one is just a reference to a shitty band while the other one is a combination of a shitty band reference and a tampon joke.

The fact that he hasn't changed it since should give you all the information you need. Liking a shit band is one thing, but keeping middle school level humor in a username means he missed an important developmental stepping stone mentally.

It literally happens when you switch mid-combo due to loading forms and it's fucking annoying how flow breaking it is.


Ok, but at which point in the video does he mention this? The keyblade switching is literally one of the first thing he commends.

What's with the random stupid whiteknight trying to team up on him, people like that are pathetic retards

Kingdom hearts has been shit since BBS, as much as people shit on II for complicating the story at least it was a finished and complete game. The fact that III is a fucking mess could have been predicted months ago.

The Osaka team are fucking failures at even making a game FUN.

No, it's the same even if you don't have one. You have to time it right as Sora's attack animation ends.

bl00dybizkitz is actually so fucking cringe. Bizkit047 actually dislikes him quite a bit for how negative and angsty he is, so he's been sticking up for KH3 more than he might've if Bl00dy hadn't made such a big unnecessary stink about it

Fuck off fags, I'm a hard KH fanboy and I agree with Bitz, 3 was just downright subpar but it's obvious no one's controlling nomura anymore.

I expect the VII remake will be the final nail in the coffin for SE.

A combination of trolls, diehard fanboys, casuals, and people who were already dissatisfied with KH2.

>people who were already dissatisfied with KH2
Literally who was dissatisfied with KH2? That effectively means that the only game you liked in the series was the first. I'd like to meet this mythical fan.

Platformer fans I'd guess, people who prefer Disney to shounenshit and are upset it took a background seat?

KH1 platforming was also complete dogshit, though.

It was not bad at all if you were good at Sora's movements and platforming in general.

No, it was shit. Just because it was 'passable for a JRPG' doesn't mean it was good. The only good platforming in the entire series is the Cavern of Remembrance and certain KH3 worlds.

It was still platforming and I guess that was good enough. I for one definitely enjoyed the exploration in 1 more, especially in places like Wonderland with all the neat little puzzles in the bizarre room. The fact that 2 took it away completely certainly must have soured a few fans.

>1 hr 15 min
What is up with video game autists making the world's longest videos? Why can't people express their points concisely? What turbo autist watches these bloated pieces of shit?


It wasn't. You're just terrible at platforming. It's not hard to maneuver Sora in the air to jump onto a platform, and once you get high jump platforming becomes even better. we aren't talking about level design, which is exactly what CoR excels in.

Platforming is literally 100% level design, you unimaginably stupid pile of shit. It's literally the concept of arranging platforms in a way such that it is stimulating to get from one to the other. You have literally no idea what you're talking about.

This oh my fucking God I hate Bl00dybitchin so much. Literally if it’s not 1:1 exactly the same as KH 2 Final Mix he bitches to no end. He’s so fucking annoying and comes off as a whiny cunt. And then when people tell him to shut up being so negative all the time, he gets all pissy. Bizkit on the other hand praises the game for the good and also point out it’s flaws with it sounding like he’s attacking the game or being overly harsh.

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Level design and platforming are completely separate things you moron. When people refer to the platforming, they refer to platforming mechanics. This is why you hear such complaints in KH1 such as "sora is too clunky". My argument is that he isn't, and he just needs to be tightly controlled by the player. Sorry to burst your little bubble; try not to be so angry.

They are the two things intersected, you moron. You can't have good platforming with shitty jumping mechanics, just like you can't have good platforming with platforms arranged in a retarded way. It's like this:
>KH1 and caveman-tier movement, with passable platforms
>KH2 had god-tier movement with shitty platforms
>KH2FM fixed this with the Cavern
>KH3 actually got it sort of right
Anyone who thought that KH1 had the best platforming in the series is literally fucking braindead.


KH3 was shit and this series is dead

No Final Mix DLC can fix this turd of a game

>KH3 was shit and this series is dead
Until the next game comes out!

The next game is going to be another mediocre handheld shitheap so don't hold your breath.

Which means fewer people will buy it. Which means the series is dead/dying.

I will buy it. And I will enjoy it. And you can't stop me~!

Fortunately, literal cocksuckers are lower in quantity than actual KH fans who are disgusted.

So where did Kingdom Hearts touch you? Tell the lawyer. Everything.

Reminder that this is how commies do 'banter': they literally cannot conceive of an opinion that doesn't exist as a result of molestation.

You should apply to your local movie theater with that amount of experience in projecting.

You should apply to your local morgue with that amount of experience in communism.

I'm glad that Biz took a way better approach to all this than BB did. BB's a total faggot.

Fuck off bazz

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Ecelebs opinions aren't real

Hey this thread is a zoomer safe space get out of here you boomer fuck

imagine being this shit at video games

dream eater paths and drop bonuses give you so many stat increases that you destroy everything on every difficulty, balloon just happens to be the easy way out that actually limits you a bit since it roots you more than some offensive options would

His point was that the game is pure shit, not that it's easy to break. Of course you wouldn't understand that, because you're a corporate cocksucker, and there is no antidote for that.

He literally cried that he needed a crutch spell to do anything in such an easy game. That doesn't make the game shitty, it makes him shitty.

I love how Bazztek keeps saying KH is dead when FF XV is the one that’s actually dead for good

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No, the point is that a certain spell is so fucking OP, that you have no reason not to use it constantly. A mark of a good game is balancing their skills, not making you purposefully limit yourself by not using the free win button. The reason you're confused is because you're too stupid to even live.

He's thankfully not even in this thread now fuck off before you summon him.

>implied that I needed it

No I fucking didn't, I just said it was unbalanced and unfair, that doesn't mean I struggled with it. I've done Level 1s of every game in the series, what else do you want me to prove?

DDD is shit, and the end game is cancer. End of story.

I listed a reason to use other moves right in my first response, Balloon roots you for a second while you cast it while other offensive options don't. This actually makes it a detriment to stack your deck with at times.

This user understands context and how to read

Unbalanced and unfair on the player's side maybe.

Except it doesn't matter that it roots you for a second, because it does more damage than any other skill by several leaps and bounds. You're literally retarded if you think this is good balance.

ok barry, go jerk off to your pile of garbage.

That was literally half of my point, balloon makes the player broken, and without it, the lack of stagger and hit stun on bosses from standard attacks makes the game incredibly annoying

Command deck was a mistake

People like you are part of the reason he's such a sperg, and a large part of the reason KH discussion falls to shit.

ok barry

Only game worth your time or anyones time is 2FM emulated. The rest of the series is straight garbage and it makes me increasingly furious in these when people say they like other trash games like BBS and DDD

I love BBS and DDD! They're my favorite games in the series!



You liking any of that osaka garbage shows you aren't actually a true fan and should shut up

>not worth the time

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The original CoM is good, eat my dick.

1FM is nowhere near 2FMs level of polish and only nostalgiafags like it, fuck off.

I love all the Kingdom Hearts games! :)

t. bl00dynigger

>shitty card gameplay
>shit story that goes nowhere
Fuck off fake fan
If you like objectively terrible games like any KH game that is not 2FM you are not a true fan.

I’ve actually played it for the first time a few months back and genuinely enjoyed it. I actually got into KH thanks to vanilla KH2.

1 is nowhere near as fun or deep as 2FM, you waste your time playing anything else

>Spends 20 minutes praising a game
>video is an hour long

t. can't platform
t. can't beat Platinum Cup Sephiroth
t. got lost in Deep Jungle


Nah, I genuinely liked it. I also liked KH2FM if that helps.

Nigga shut the fuck up. You aren't a fan by any means. BBS and DDD are solid experimental games.

>only liking 1 game makes you a fan

Hey bl00dybiz, didn't know you poster here

If you aren't constantly calling on game devs to fix their shit like Bl00dy Bizkit does then you are not doing your part.

Ignore him, he probably thinks everything earlier than 2005 is unplayable

>it’s a KH2FM autist sperg episode
I’m sick of reruns.

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Kill yourself. Put a bullet into your retarded fucking brain.

Even if they fix most of the shit, the franchise is fucked anyway.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is literally The Last Jedi of the series.

He LIKES KH1 you fucking mongoloid

The Osaka games are entirely different discussions

I'm sick of corporate cocksuckers that can't ever see the problem. Reminder that in a non-clown world, the critiques from the audience would actually mean something.

Yeah that's what I fucking thought, fake ass "fan". I'm still alive by the way. What are you going to do about it?

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KH1 was so bad Tokyo changed the entire structure of 2FM to get rid of the negative parts of 1. 1 has more in common with osakashit then 2FM
you should want games to be good

>What are you going to do about it?
Continue to live my own life, and call you out as an absolute cocksucking pile of shit.

You're a brainlet then and would rather eat osakashit then want a good game.

Those are some nice words. Too bad you're not a fan, lol.

You would eat any type of shit osaka gave you wouldn't you. You would probably beg for more.

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It doesn't matter how many fucking times you post this bullshit it's NOT fucking true. Shut the whole fuck up posting this shit in every goddamn KH thread you idiot

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Says you, corporate cocksucker. Lol.

I like all KH games. But I fully understand all the flaws each one has. That being said, 3D and BBS are still solid titles. Experimental ones, but solid.

Still not a fan.

Damn, replying to you again. I didn't even finish my post. You must be ass ravaged.

Then you're not advocating for good games

>Damn, replying to you again. I didn't even finish my post. You must be ass ravaged.
This is a jew, btw.

Which games out of the handhelds do you feel handled Command Decks the best? I feel like Recoded actually did this pretty well.

>all these people ITT who are fine or even supportive of Osaka team and their garbage games
I guess it's okay people kill themselves. Suicide doesn't matter if it doesn't effect you.

Just kiss already you fucking faggots holy shit the both of you are literally arguing over whos a bigger fan of sucking Mickey Mouse’s black cock

I already got KH3 though.

Re:Coded for sure. That game is definitely overlooked by so many people.

If they're black I don't care

You are absolutely wrong.

Your suicide would increase the thread's quality dramatically.

I feel ya. It was fun as fuck.

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Are Osaka games good?
Are Osaka games shit?
Also no.
Is 2FM best in the series?

The end.

>If I don't like it then that means NOBODY can like it
Shut the fuck up Christ Alive just accept the fact that people can love a game that has flaws . The Kingdom Hearts community is so fucking toxic now goddamn

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Even if they somehow fix the gameplay in some miracle way the story is the still fundamentally fucked. It's clear they rushed the story just so they can hype up the new saga, all the plot points just get swept under the rug to allude this next game. What was supposed to the be the conclusion of a 17 year old saga ended up being sequel bait which completely tarnished the years of emotional investment people had with the series. What's sad is KHUX's story is even more fucked at the moment so I doubt this next game is going to live up to any amount of hype it's trying to imply with the secret ending.

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fuck off nigger

You mean like KH2 was?
KH1 is the only game that made spamming X an unlikely way to win without grinding levels. Every game afterward (with the exception of the original CoM) was simple enough that you could just spam the attack command and maybe Cure every now and then to coast through everything.

Re:Coded had potential to be great even, the command deck actually worked. It's such a shame it literally never gets to shine for half the game because of shitty minigames and datascape rooms that are cramped as fuck due to poor camera control options.

Brainlet what was better than 3 that came out after 2?

And yet Bloodborne vanilla is actually one of the weaker Souls games but with the Old Hunters DLC it becomes one of the better ones.

The combat does shine though when you're not doing the retarded mini games.

Well KH3 sure as hell isn't Return of The Jedi of the series.

Welcome to 2019

Except it literally is. You commies forced your bullshit, and this is where we stand.

KH3 can't be ROtJ

I didn't want to kill anything after playing 3

You keep using this word
I do not think it means what you think it means

KH1,COM, KH2=Original Trilogy
KH3=Sequel trilogy

I didn't watch the video because it's over an hour long and I don't have the patience right now.
However, I don't think they'll fix most the problems. I see them fixing some problems and adding more content (that could help me overlook some of the flaws). In my mind the best, most likely scenario is them using the KH3 groundwork and improving it significantly for the next KH game(s).

>Bolsheviks. people who want non-jews to suffer and die, ala the Holodomor
>what's the Holodomor?
That's the problem.

yes what does this have to do with the context of the situation at hand in this kingdom hearts thread

I just finished KH3 today and had a great time with it. There were definitely problems but I genuinely enjoyed pretty much all of it and lots of love clearly went into the story.

The only reason you fucks are hating on 2FM chads is because based Bl00dy has made each and every one of you butt blasted over the fact that he's right and you're not.

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A bunch of commie faggots trying to swoop in.

are you gay

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>and lots of love clearly went into the story.

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Bullshit. The ending made me want to shoot Nomura in the face.

but people are just talking about kingdom hearts here

And they're all commies.

Coming from someone who actually loves the narrative of KH, the story of KH3 was atrocious. I would forgive it's lackluster gameplay mechanics if Nomura delivered on the story build-up but he didn't. Plot points weren't given the respect they deserved and were glossed over. Hell, Roxas LITERALLY FALLS OUT OF THE SKY because Nomura couldn't think of another way to get him there. Those things won't get do-overs, and they were treated like items on a checklist.

Leak Washa's Aqua animation patreon exclusives already!

Bloody has autism or some shit, everyone in the community hates him, and the fact that people like clemps and shit point at his video as "fair criticism" when he's such a tard is so fucking annoying.

It makes me wish bizkit047 uploaded his thoughts sooner though I get he actually puts effort into his opinion besides "REE NO KH2FM REEE"

Remember, it's okay to rely on other people you don't really know to solve your problems for you while you do nothing at all.

Also you can get away with commiting countless acts of universal genocide and murder as long as you surrender and say you had good intentions.

how is talking about kingdom hearts communist

Read the thread, you stupid pile of shit.

i did
please elaborate your explanation for us

So what are you looking forward to the least in KH4?

Biz actually takes his time to test mechanics and write out these scripts, he's actually a respected member of the speedrunning community because he's not an obnoxious fag but understands this series, outside of gameplay is retarded.

This, it's retards championing other retards.

yikes, coprophilia.

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Bl00dy is the best speedrunner and his opinions are always correct, he may appear harsh to some, but they're niggers and don't know how to understand subtext

You thought that the handheld games were a thing that you should even fucking care about, but it was corporate bullshit. You're a fucking moron if you cared about the handheld games, and you probably suck a jewish dick.

Video Essays on it.

This. Sadly.

After finishing DMC5 it's fucking painful how we'll never get the equivalent of KH2FM x DMC3 tier Kino. Fuck you SE

Whatever you helps you sleep at night, Bl00dy.

Fuck off. You enjoying shit means this franchise won't have good games any more. Kill yourself, coprophile!

They're all really cool and I want to talk about all of them!

Sorry, the story was a wreck.
>Xehanort is a secret good guy
>the guy who posses bodies with darkness
>the guy who takes tons of worlds to darkness
>the guy who steals hearts

It literally retroactively taints Ansem and Xemnas as excellent villains

>Roxas just falls out of the sky
>the guy with the most emotional story
>the guy with a whole game to himself
>the guy who sacrificed everything
>just falls out of the sky

You're a mentally ill coprophile. Pic related is your ultimate fate.

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Tampon is literally an autist who barely plays any of the games before criticizing their mechanics.
Biz at least takes the time to test shit like revenge values, i-frames, clipping, combo lag/buffering, and damage scaling before he makes a video.
Tampon's only popular because dumbasses like clemps used his video in theirs due to the rush for KH opinions.

Reminder that everyone here hasn't swallowed the JQ, and the jews are doing their fucking damndest to keep you from it. Will you do it? Are you too stupid to even keep yourself from killing your family?

Bl00dy is based and can tell if a game's shit solely by which team is developing it.

fuck off. Bl00dy hates niggers and kikes, which one are you?

The one who understands that you following a fucking YouTube celebrity means you're fucking retarded. You are literally too fucking retarded to defend yourself from the jews. Put a bullet in your own fucking brain, you stupid faggot.

Literally no one likes bloody, Biz has multiple world records and actually plays shit outside of 2FM.
Bloody is to KH what Meleefags are to smash.

Fuck off nigger
Fuck off kike

Why do these people that have *so* much knowledge about game development never take a a crack at it? The tools are out there for them to do so.

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>it's been almost three months
>KH3 copers haven't killed themselves yet

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-The story to become even more of a convoluted clusterfuck that just adds more and more questions
-Live-action remake synergy
-Blue Sky Studios' shitty movies (Though the first Ice Age was good, Robots had a neat aesthetic and Peanuts was great.)
-Modern Simpsons
-Family Guy
-Brave with Sora being that ginger cunt's yes-man
-Oswald not being in it
-Kairi still getting shat on
-Sora and Kairi still won't kiss
-The shitty throwaway sidegame characters, including the Chris Chan-eyed faggot in KH3's secret ending, being shoved into the game to steal focus from the actual main characters
-The main villain gets off scott-free because he claims to have had good intentions
-Xehanort returns as a good guy for no reason at all

Bl00dy could make a game if he wanted to, but he realizes that 2FM is the most perfect game in existence and cannot make something better.

Nomura getting bored of his main villain halfway through and half assing the whole thing because he's found some new chuuni bullshit he's obsessed with.

Is this the birth of a new barry?

>This thread
And I thought Sonicfags were literal peak autism, KH somehow managed to exceed even that.

I'm sure his opinions are well formed and reasonable, but holy fuck his presentation is absolutely unbearable.

Remember when Nomura claimed Roxas was 3's utmost secret? I assume it's because he knew how disappointing this was all going to end up.

Question was rhetorical. I know he can't make anything, none of these autists can.

Bloody didn't even know 3 had revenge values when he did his first video. The fuck are you even on about? he hadn't even tested out summons before he called them useless shit on stream when Ralph and Ariel LITERALLY trivialize late game bosses with i-frames/reduced damage.

A 2FMchad who hates KH3 literally just released an entire modded playthrough of the game including new superbosses.


Love went into Donald and Goofy, that's it. Everyone and everything got the shit can, even Sora himself.

Literally fucking anything not made by SE in-house in the Action category.

No, it's the real Barry, this faggot couldn't leave well enough alone and called him here.

Literal Meleefags.

Anyone in there right mind realizes that Bl00dy is the greatest kh critic and speedrunner, Bizkitfags just like him because they're closeted osakafags and can't handle the fact that there games are shit.
Dumb nigger
KH3 only had revenge values added in last second because someone from Osaka remembered that 2FM existed for a millisecond.

What are the new bosses?


Kh3 combat is so much more fun and varied than vanilla kh2 its not even funny. And no shitty bars to keep you from playing with the games systems

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Retarded faggot

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Oof. That's gotta hurt.

Fans and critics disagree, coprophile.

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It really pissed me off, Roxas is absolutely my favorite fictional character ever, it was almost insulting

I really don't know why the story of saving everybody wasn't split up throughout the game

Oh wait, yes I do, there are literally no returning OC worlds for anything to happen in, besides the gimped Twilight Town

A full Riku fight, Sora (Final Form), and Vanitas Remnant


>modded playthrough
This is the same thing as making your own game from scratch.

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Is there any Kingdom Hearts e celeb that doesn’t have autism, not cringe, or not an attention seeking cunt ? Because this community went to utter shit

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>and lots of love clearly went into the story.
You've got to fucking shitting me. KH3's dumpster fire story was so abysmal even KHfags who shilled it's convoluted plotline with "no u" won't defend it.

Even Sonic 06's trainwreck story of all things was ironically far more entertaining.


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dumb niggers

Continuing the series past KH2 and focusing on other characters besides Sora was a mistake.

You're gonna get banned again barry.

Fact:.people are only pushing the disappointment/bad meme because it took a long time. "Such a disappointment after such a long wait!" The uneducated always default to the most interesting narrative regardless of accuracy.

If KH2 released only 2-3 years ago no one would say this shit.

Besides, KH3 is much better than BBS, Coded, DDD, and 358/2 Days. But casuals who previously bitched about only playing numbered entries, or none at all, before 3 are the primary shitters now.

Oh great Bazztek is here.

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Seriously, had RG been in the game I have no doubt that's where Roxas plotline setup in TT would have completed. I guarantee that fucking shitty smartphone was specifically created so they could give you plot dumps without actually letting you visit the worlds.

The problem is that Sora is the 2nd least interesting member of the cast only behind Kairi

>KH3 is better than absolute shit

not an accomplishment


>snapped xd
It's always capeshit kids who hate on KH and anything with quality.

Millennial whining about critical thinking. Don't you have some late night show to mindfuck you with dull tripe jokes? Or capeshit movies?

>If KH2 released only 2-3 years ago no one would say this shit.

DING DING DING DING. We have the correct answer folks.

>when you can't refute any of the criticism against KH3 so you have to hide behind a cringy strawman

Yeah that's gonna be a yikes from me


fans rate it the lowest out of all KH games.

Maybe they'd be more interesting if Nomura wasn't constantly shoving in disposable sidegame characters into your face every single second.
Even worse is that as of KH3's ending, they'll now never go away.

>if Days, Coded, BBS, and DDD didn't exist specifically to setup all the plot that 3 crapped out on then no one would care
Yeah, no fucking shit you idiot. Every one of those games was created specifically to pile more hype onto 3, and it didn't live up to any of it.

I will never not be fucking mad at this. One of the all time best KH moments and until KH3 retroactively ruined it, no amount of story updates will fix the bastardization I felt from this soulless rushed mess of a game. None.

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when's the soonest we can expect to get new KH news so we can stop having these awful threads

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Maybe they'd be more interesting if Nomura wasn't more interested in pushing his gay ship that Disney won't allow.

he's cute tho

>tfw he remain the undisputed best boss in the series
How the fuck did they make mange to make him and the data orgs? Is it another Kojima situation where the guy that made the actual MG games good left and the hack took over?

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Kingdom Hearts 3 was a good game. Yeah it had flaws but it was still enjoyable. I had way more fun with Kingdom Hearts 3 than I did with Final Fantasy 15. Just goes to show how bad Final Fantasy has gotten

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Meleefags have always been right, about everything. The elitism and volatile criticism stems from a love for good gameplay that the brick wall that is casuals can't comprehend. Everyone whose played a video game more than once can feel good gameplay; the depth, the nuances, the raw mechanics of how a game works and functions. Nobody except diehard passionates of the medium go into vocal/written detail about it, but it's something that everyone can feel on a surface level. Melee had good gameplay, Brawl didn't, and everyone felt it. KH2 had good gameplay, KH3 did didn't, and everyone felt it.

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Woah what the fuck. Of course 2fm is the best of the series, but are you faggots serious that 1fm is on par with trash like bbs? Go fucking check your brains

>No Radiant Garden
>No End of the World
>No Traverse Town
>No Daybreak Town
>No Destiny Islands
>No Disney Castle or Town
>No Mysterious Tower
>No Castle Oblivion

>Gimped Twilight Town
>Land of Departure is a hall and a room
>Graveyard is boring as shit
>Scala is a room

Fuck me

>people criticized kh2 at the time
lol not to the degree that's going on right now
fuck off revisionist
kh3 isn't the best but you don't need to cry about kh2 at the same time

Lightning in a bottle I guess

>KH3 is much better than BBS, Coded, DDD, and 358/2 Days
>calls others casuals
DDD and Coded and purely plebfilters that are 1 million times better than KH3, and BBS and Days both still have more content than KH3. I think you’ll understand why people believe KH3 is a massive disappointment when you realize they’ve spent years on this game (13) hyping it up releasing a multitude of titles only for it to come out with less content than previous games and wrap up things in a rushed manner.

People are stupid tho. More forms, more attacks, better spells, better defense system, better movement.

KH2 only wins out because of critical mode having well balabced difficulty.

Imagine dedicating your life to and getting elitist over children's video games
Unironically have sex

the vanitas mod is what KH3 should have been

They cared.



he says as he posts on the Yea Forums video games board

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>Oh wait, yes I do, there are literally no returning OC worlds for anything to happen in, besides the gimped Twilight Town
What on earth where they smoking with the world roster with this game? For all they touted about them being filled with content the end result feels so slapped together its disgraceful, should have ditched Frozen and spent more resources on TT, RG, and Schala.

Nevermind that even Mysterious Tower is no longer playable.

lmfao you sound bad at vidya
kh1fm isn't a godsend but it's certainly not skippable-worthy
2fm is still my favourite with re:coded right after
again, you a bitch

>More forms
Doesn’t KH3 only have 4 forms that get reused under different names?
>More attacks
KH3 has less abilities than KH2
>Better spells
>I can spam fire and win every fight, that’s a good thing, who needs skill or rewarding gameplay???
Literal caveman
>better defense system
>If I press block I get a 100% free counter attack, it takes so much skill
At least reflect costed mana and actually needed you to time it, and even then, it wasn’t a free follow up.
>better movement
Objectively false. KH2 controls better and has a better camera than KH3.

It hurts friend, it hurts

I can't watch it the same anymore, same with playing 358, it was all for a rushed ass conclusion for him.

Why the saga ender the one game Nomura decided to rein in the convoluted explanations and plot points in lieu of rushed nonsense

>every kh thread is reduced to this

Attached: 1555446403822.jpg (716x520, 65K)

There was no point to making some retarded forest for Lea and Kairi to train in, the tower can have whatever rooms Yen Sid wants in it just use Merlin's power to make a room free of time so you can visit the two of them whenever. Also add sparring boss fights with all the guardians of light because fucking hell if you aren't going to give me limit attacks with them during the war or be in the same place as them during the rest of the game let me interact with them somehow.

God shut the fuck up about a game you've never played, Melee is ONLY shill'd for because it's what people used to GET INTO Smash to begin with.

Anyone who says Brawl is mechanically inferior to Melee are fucking retarded, it's been proven time and time again that Brawl is hands down the best smash game mechanically. The fact that the melee community literally keeps begging to be adding to tourns every fucking year is one of the reasons why it's fucking garbage.

Even Sakurai admitted that Melee was a party game with barely any thought put into character balance. You like and enjoy Melee because it's what you're used to, it's like trying to convince someone that their mother can't cook.

bara user here
back to /khg/ you go

why was*

Thought they were on the right track after Phantom Aqua, god will I never forgive this shitty company again.

Thats what happens when the latest game is a genuine disappointment

Biz just redpilled the entire community and BB's upcoming review will be the final nail in the coffin.

>Why the saga ender the one game Nomura decided to rein in the convoluted explanations and plot points in lieu of rushed nonsense
Probably because people kept pushing the meme of it being confusing. The man is a being of pure spite that made a dress out of fucking belts because people kept making fun of his fashion sense.

It's strange that you don't understand that the jews murdered JFK. But continue, by all means.

>Melee is ONLY shill'd for because it's what people used to GET INTO Smash to begin with.

Agreed, Go on....

>it's been proven time and time again that Brawl is hands down the best smash game mechanically

Andddddd stop

Biz literally said the game was fine but could be fixed, you delusional barry?

Days wasn't that much better. All the plot that Roxas should have been a part of was instead handed off to Xion because ???

Attached: Fuck Xion and Fuck Coded.jpg (900x1350, 298K)

Why would I care about Biz when JFK told me the jews murdered him because of the nuclear program?

>Thats what happens when the latest game is a genuine disappointment
This. You wouldn’t have threads like this if the game was genuinely good, you’ll probably have consist “KH3 thread” threads if it was. Yea Forums barely even talks about this game outside of shitting on it since it really was just that bad.

>better movement.
Biggest lie on this thread by far.

That fact that they cannot replicate good movement from a PS2 game in 2005 is absolutely fucking pathetic.

>what DDD established
So, it's shit?


Kh3 has things other than abilities to make up for that

Yea, its too easy

Reflect is way more broken than kh3 counters

Kh2 does have a better camera but kh3 is widely considered to have the best movenent in the series

Name one thing brawl does worse than melee, name one single mechanic in brawl that makes it unplayable.
Even ultimate is better than Melee.

Depending on how the final mix DLC is I'll wait for my final opinion. It's 2019, so if they barely fix anything my reaction will still be this.

Attached: pathetic.png (1212x970, 1.18M)

>Needing a Youtube personality to tell you how to think
Unironically end your life

>huge circular arenas that trivialize avoiding enemy attacks
>firaga spam trivialize every boss
>no bosses on the tier of even kh1 sephiroth
>floaty as fuck air combat
>no meaningful combo finishers (none of them give you iframes or utility a la Guard Break and Magnet Splash, respectively) or combo modifiers
>animation lag between key switching
>blizzard is useless in combat, aero is almost useless
>links are gimmicky and take away control of sora
>focus gauge is only used by shotlocks so there's no actual resource managing
>can win endgame fights by doing nothing due to OP party members and terrible enemy AI
>most keyblade transformations are copy-pasted (6 kingdom key clones, hero shield and chef keyblade identical, shooting star and hunny blaster identical, classic tone and toy story identical)
>entire campaign filled with padding and time wasting gimmicks lik collecting crabs, flying baymax, rail grinding, ship combat

Anything Im missing? Just finished my Proud Lv.1 run and these were my issues with the game.

Attached: do nothing to win.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

I agree, but it definitely helped fill in the blanks about what he did for a year, and why he left the Organization to begin with

the RAX trio is endearing as fuck anyways, so it's cool in my books, even though it's not as impactful as what we have in 2


Anyways, I actually don't like Melee, 4 and Ultimate are much better

I genuinely think the main cast shouldn't have expanded beyond Sora, Riku, Kairi, and Dinsey. The extreme bloating of the cast was the series biggest flaw

You can spam cure and use physical attacks while bosses super armor through your hits, or you could spam balloon. Whats so hard about this

Goddamn that fight was so awesome.

Game was shit and Yea Forums responded accordingly, go figure.

>KH3 doesn’t have more abilities/attacks than KH2
>KH3 is piss easy
>KH2 has better movement and a better camera than KH3
So we agree?

>Reflect is way more broken than kh3 counters
No true in the slightest. You can literally one shot the super boss in KH3 just by blocking.

Agree with everything here except for
>aero is useless
Nah, it's the best tool for clearing mobs outside of stupid fucking Disney rides

Brawlfags dont even know tripping is in the game because all of them ise modded versions of the game

meleefags have never been right about anything besides tripping

Speedrunners found out that Thunder is better in almost every instance, there's no reason to bother with Aero unless you getting it free from a Situation command (Ever After).

its ONLY uses are those heartless in Corona that it strips their armor and the Scala clones fight, that's why I said "almost useless"

>Brawlfags dont even know tripping is in the game because all of them ise modded versions of the game
imagine being such of an autist you think normies think or act like you

I was fully expecting that, but he surprisingly comes at it pretty objectively and not just sucking KH2’s dick the whole time. Hell, he starts off with KH3’s positives and mentions flaws in KH2

Don't expect much

lol look at the like/dislike ratio
even the cock sucker fans arent showing up to defend this
even hardcore cock suckers were disappointed by kh3

Kh3 has more abilities, just not on the abikity menu dumbass

Kh3 is too easy

Kh3 has better movement than kh2, but kh2fm has a better camera

You can only do this with a drive form tho, and its a glitch.
You can erase endgame bosses with reflect spam in kh2fm

btw, Kh3 has over 10 drive forms

Imagine being so delusional you think normies like Brawl and didn't just abandon it the instant Smash 4 released

i never said that
you said they downloaded mods
nobody did that but smash autists
get your shit together fag

Its actually a pretty good video, and i prefer kh3 to kh2

>Anything Im missing?
Just off the top of my head: Attractions, controls poorly, less content than previous games, shit worlds, glide trivializes a lot and has multiple glitches surrounding it, Ultima weapon is busted, terrible voice direction and dialogue, too many useless cutscenes (even for KH standards), no kino moments like the previous games had, warping is just a shit gimmick that highlights Nomura’s FFXV butthurtedness, Verum Rex, things happen just to happen when this game tries its hardest to explain everything. But in a gameplay sense you got most of it

What do you expect honestly?

Shill your garbage elsewhere.

No I said that brawlfags use modded versions, not normalfags
Normalfags dont call Beawl the best game in the series, they've completely abandoned it

>Its actually a pretty good video,
Agreed. But
>and i prefer kh3 to kh2

>mfw emulating 2FMkino while laughing at KH3 copers on 2nd monitor

It feels good to be this chad.

Attached: 2019_04_18_49.jpg (1920x1017, 168K)

kingdom hearts is critically gay

Kh3 is better than 2 at everything except difficulty and post game content. Sorry you dont like that.

Not much.

Add the Shark Heartless to Pirates of the Caribbean. The Ocean is fucking empty and there should be a reason not to stay in the water too long.

Attached: shark-backgrounds-the-meg-shark-vertical-scary-shark-backgrounds.jpg (640x1138, 52K)

>Claiming to support the best game in the series
>Emulating instead of playing on console
You don't care about the series at all

Jesus, you're a bore. I'm talking do you expect a new area, bosses, voice acting?

If the dlc adds superboss versions of the Organization team fights or the mysterious adversaries I will be happy. I had fun with those fights but I want more of a challenge.

the vanitas mod is dogshit. literal the definition of flash over substance

wrong, you're confusing it with osakashit

meant for (You)

>KH3 has more abilities
>but it doesn’t
Uh... it’s okay to admit it doesn’t have more abilities than KH2.

>Kh3 has better movement than kh2
Literally untrue, KH2 controls better in every way than KH3. There’s not a single moment in KH2 where I felt like controls messed me up, meanwhile in KH3 it’s extremely sluggish and air combos almost always end up on the ground because of how slow and drawn out the entire combat is. If I do an air combo I want to do an air finisher, not a ground finisher.

>You can only do this with a drive form tho, and its a glitch.
>its a glitch.
Nope. That’s how the game was designed, unbalanced and shit. Can you imagine having the ability to one shot the strongest enemy in KH2? Never ever.

>You can erase endgame bosses with reflect spam in kh2fm
Literally only Larxene due to her RNG knives having the ability to attack multiple times. Reflect is really good, but block and counter in KH3 is broken.

>Kh3 has over 10 drive forms
KH3 has 0 drive forms. And most of the form changes in 3 are copied and pasted across different keyblads, the only difference being the name and maybe particle effects. Speaking of which, I don’t think there’s a single form change that’s unique in 3.

You're making shit up. Everything in your comment is untrue. I bet you played kh3 for 5 minutes at a friends house.

What I'm hoping is that Nomura comes out with his big retarded gotcha moment and reveals that that autistic fujo bullshit is half right, then gives us the 3 we actually deserves. What I expect is a critical mode that won't really fix any of the real issues with the combat and some cutscenes about Xion.

>Speaking of which, I don’t think there’s a single form change that’s unique in 3.
Counter Shield you moron

>no arguments
I accept your concession

t. hasn't played it

99% of posters ITT (especially the KH3 copers) wouldn't even get past Shan Yu in the Vanitas mod.

Attached: IMG_04_18_39.jpg (2048x1536, 455K)

>no damage floor for base Sora
>base Sora's physical kit is retardedly designed for AoE fights in terms of animation but in terms of hitbox is used primarily for single targets.
>All finishers have some kinda startup lag where you're vulnerable during them
>"revenge value" consists of 5 or 8 individual Sora hits (not including SitCommands)
>no Sliding Dash
>no physical crowd control outside of Magnet Splash in 2nd form
>Grand Magic doesn't use Focus

I mean how can i argue with someone lying through their teeth? I cant refute things that are already clearly untrue. At least play the game before you shitpost about it.

>Kh3 is better than 2 at everything except difficulty and post game content.
>Worse combat
>Worse physics
>Worse bosses
>Worse original worlds
>Worst OST
>Worse camera
>Worse enemy ai
>Worse performance
>Worse final world/boss by far
Nope not really.

>Sorry you dont like that.
Sorry for being intolerant to being served literal dogshit? No need, shill.


Opinion discarded

Kh3 is better than kh2 in everying you listed except camera and maybe boss design (although the keyblade graveyard is awesome and the final boss is better in 3 by a long shot)

Are you seriously implying KH3 wasn't riddled with copy/paste shit?

Attached: 1555293412480m.jpg (630x1024, 98K)

Not the fujo bit you dipshit, the "it was all a dream" bullshit. There's no excuse for how poorly 3 was written beyond Nomura thinking he's some clever little faggot playing games with people's expectations.

>can’t prove KH3 has more abilities
>can’t accept KH3 controls worse
>can’t admit KH3’s guard and counter is more broken than reflect
>can’t come to terms with KH3 reusing forms across the handful of keyblades this game has (less than KH2)
It’s not that you won’t counter my claims, it’s that you can’t counter these facts. They’re all true and outright denial of any of them proves you’re lying through your teeth and don’t know anything.

What the fuck kinda cope is this?


>completely just copies KH2 art
>makes it worse
KH3 fangirls will defend this

>no Sliding Dash
What the ACTUAL FUCK were they thinking.

Even fucking DDD implemented basic close-ins with the first strike during combos, this bi-polar ass team as swear to christ.

What are you talkijg about?

If you play kh3 then you'll see that everything i say is true tho?

And kh3 has second form, rage form, shield, hammer, claws, wand, spear, flag, skates, yo yos and ultimate form. More than 2.
Play the game.

>Repetitive battle quotes
>Doesn't even fight like Vanitas
>Flashy light effects
It's a shit mod desu

That fight was fucking awesome, such a memorable moment.

I forgot the guns and canon forms too

>hammer, claws, spear, flag, skates, yo yos
Literally no difference between any of these, just changes your base attack animations and makes your magic an AoE shield.

idk bro. you'd figure shit like sliding dash and (2FM's) Flash Step would be easy to implement but hey not everyone can copy genius. I genuinely miss Flashstep and slapshot.

None of that shit matters anti Barry. KH3's transformations are almost entirely either sluggish as fuck or do shit damage. Compare Blizzard Blades, assault claws, and stormflag to Valor Form. Compare yoyos to base KH2 Sora. Ultimate Form (no nuke) to Final Form.

I'm sorry that you suck this much but 3 just doesnt feel good to play. slow animations and shit damage. cope

Lmao no difference except that it changes how the character plays. You dumb mate, you dumb.

Only barry still uses the cope meme. But kh3 keyblade forms have really good damage and other unique attributes like increased range or hitstun, a unique dodge or guard, etc, so you're dumb too

>it changes how the character plays
It absolutely does not, all it changes are the attack animations, stop fucking lying.

The fight itself, the absolutely banging BGM, Roxas' return were all done well IMO.

The problem is mostly exterior shit. •Roxas should not have spouted exposition - there should have been RG scenes before KBG that explained how the scientists were going to bring him back.
•Roxas should have been playable with Sora KO'd. I dream for a team of RAX - especially since the scene right after shows Axel standing just fine - but even just a Roxas + Xion duo would work.
•Roxas should have been more involved with KBG after whooping Saix's ass. He should still have a personal vendetta against Xemnas desu.

>Donald and Goofy are useful both in gameplay and story.
I’m very happy about the latter but the former feels so odd after all these years.

Claws and Nano dodges are dogshit, Hunny and nano counters should have been abilities that base Sora could learn. but even so, there is no particular reason to use hunny blasters (or Nano arms) unless you're doing a lv1pr run and pining for Second Chance while going against Demon Tide.

I think 2's mob encounters generally suck, its level design is ass, among other things. It has a good combat system, but that's it.

Lmao play the game you dumbass. It even changes your square button options, range, hitstun and more

I agree roxas should have been playable. Sora should have been knocked on his ass with Kairi and axel should have stayed in the fight

Claw dodge is fucking awesome, i killed marulxia by using that move exclusively

The blasters are actually really strong but the wand is better, you're right

"M-muh Tokyo team"
Will you vapid autists shut the fuck up already? SE confirmed last year that over 100 staff members from Tokyo Team worked on KH3, and guess what, it was still a fucking letdown regardless of Osaka Team's presence:

The golden age is over.

Attached: IMG_20190418_001044.jpg (618x308, 64K)

I agree with you. I still prefer kh3s combat too, just not its difficulty

Honestly, Bl00dy was forever changed when he wasn't invited to the premiere event back in May. That experience of feeling so left out SHOOK him to the very core of his fragile being. Ever since then, he was adamantly against KH3.

Attached: bl00dycringe.png (772x482, 57K)

>Literally no difference between any of these, just changes your base attack animations
Uh oh!!! Look at those different abilities! Blizzard Blades even comes with Glide!

Attached: totally the same.png (1920x2160, 1.95M)

>different abilities

The actual form changes are all relatively the same.

Lmao btfo. How sad doyou have to be to shitpost about a game you've never played

Starlight abilities
>Hidden Potential
Hero’s Origin abilities
>Hidden Potential
You really showed them

Glide is usable no matter what form as it is a Base Sora ability.

The form uniques are the individual attack styles, Nano/Barrier, auto-shot, attack dodges, and Second Chance/Once More on GF/HB.

Not even Jared?

Yes, but you get Glide at the Keyblade Graveyard. With Blizzard Blades you can use it before that.

Wait, who bombed the USS Liberty?

what in the fuck are you talking about

>With Blizzard Blades you can use it before that
Only in its form change, which means it’s basically useless is and like you don’t even have it.

Well of course I don't there, that's a second save and I'm in Arendelle to get it. It's useful in San Fransokyo since you can store Blizzard Claws and switch to glide around, then switch to something else to attack.