Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

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What a fuckedup midriff

because I like my dialogue choices to actually matter

delete neps

embrace ateliers

I want to play something with good gameplay AND cute girls doing cute things. Why hasn't any jrpg developer ever put these two together?

I'm playing World of Final Fantasy Maxima. Leave me alone, sow.

Define good gameplay


Because despite all my rage, I have to go and make my wage.

This nep is amazing.

because the monsters are taking a break right now, and so too I

I am. I've already played the main Nep games.

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Recommend me a good one and I'll start it right away I can only play on PC though
I prefer the ones with big titted girls in it.

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Persona 5

I just want some more Compa.

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Too tired. Whenever I play any rpg I will need all my energy and dedicate basically the entire day to it.

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It's kinda abstract but I mean something that delivers an engaging experience, it could be an action game or strategy game or anything really, essentially it has to operate on understandable game mechanics and offer a series of varied challenges that the player overcomes with strategy and skill.
Generally jrpgs will have a poorly designed battle system that makes strategic depth impossible and will fill the game with boring repetitive encounters which add no value and simply waste time. The rare exceptions are lacking in cute girls.

Does this count?

If you're not joking, please explain.

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>Generally jrpgs will have a poorly designed battle system that makes strategic depth impossible and will fill the game with boring repetitive encounters which add no value and simply waste time
How many JRPGs without Final Fantasy in the title have you played?

>Does this count?
Already beat it hundreds of times.

Dark Souls is a WRPG.

I dunno, a couple hundred at most? I used to be more tolerant of bad games but I still remember the awful parts that made them a lot worse than they had to be.

Can't think of anything else that meets your requirements, sorry

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Have you played Legend of Heroes? It's long and slow paced. The story/characters spans several games:
>Arc 1 (on Steam)
Trails in the Sky FC
Trails in the Sky SC
Trails in the Sky 3rd
>Arc 2
Zero no Kiseki*
Ao no Kiseki*
>Arc 3 (on Steam)
Trails of Cold Steel
Trails of Cold Steel II
Trails of Cold Steel III**
Trails of Cold Steel IV**

*Untranslated, but there exists unofficial translations here:
**Untranslated, but will be translated and released on Steam

I'm playing a french mmorpg that plays like a japanese trpg.

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Because I fucking despise JRPG gameplay and am not a fan of the lack of player agency.

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You look like you've gotten into the deep end of the trails hole. How are you liking it? And I'm curious, was the first game boring or meh to you?

I tried to set the trilogy up for japanese text and voices for when I replay it eventually, but you can only do one or the other it seems, except the first game still worked with both somehow.

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The Wafku artists deserve a fucking medal

Because I don't like JRPGs

Play better JRPGs. Suikoden, DQ3/5/IX, Any Romancing Saga games as examples all ahve lots of player agency and unique gameplay

I'm playing dofus though.

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>despise jrpg gameplay
>so he should play some of the dullest jrpgs out there
You're just trying to scare him away for good, right?

I mean, I can agree on Suikoden or DQ, but calling SaGa of all things dull is frankly puzzling.

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As a whole I definitely like it and I'm really looking forward to Trails of Cold Steel. Especially since Tita and other Trails of the Sky characters will show up in the third Cold Steel game. But the first game was indeed a bit boring, it's like a long prologue with little plot. But once you've finished it I can promise you that you definitely want to play the sequel.

It's honestly just a big ass game split into 3 parts. It's not really fair to review them individually.

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You're insane if you think romancing saga games have dull gameplay.

1 and 3 seemed pretty bland to me, there might be some wonky mechanics in the background but really it's very basic and straightforward. There's a reason saga is popular with casual gamers and women compared to anything more involved. Maybe there's something different about the levelling system but you just attack and fiht battles and get stronger. You can even learn new skills randomly from attacking.
Random enemies made up the vast majority of those games and the fights were boring as hell. RS1 was really barebones and overall very uninteresting and RS3 had some major balance issues, I was still facing beginner tier enemies at the end of the game.

I'm literally playing thrift store Chrono Trigger right now.

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Because I don't like turn based combat, weeb character designs, or overly emotional anime melodrama

because they're all censored shit

Damn, Neptunia looks like that now?!

god I want to sniff her tummy and armpits

Because there is a difference between JRPG these days and playable anime. I don't want to play the latter and the market is full of that common denominator bullshit for mentally inferior teenagers who are entertained or challenged by paid actors pretending to be children doing cute or disgusting things for a living.

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>playable anime

If only she stayed in that form forever...

sakura taisen

There's something off about this tummy

>It's honestly just a big ass game split into 3 parts
Split into two parts, you mean. The 3rd is mainly just fleshing out the side characters and setting the rest of the series up for Zero/Ao and Cold Steel.


Because SaGa Scarlet Grace still isn't in English yet

You forgot to tip your fedora.

playable anime is freaking great. now i dont have to balance my limited free time between the two.

>it's very basic and straightforward
I guess that's why everyone bitches about the series being full of arcane, convoluted mechanics.
>There's a reason saga is popular with casual gamers
It isn't, SaGa is as hardcore as it gets, and it's popular with women because the character designer is a woman who makes male characters who are more appealing to women than men.
Then again, it's clear you have barely even played more than an hour and you're the usual shitposter, so I won't waste any more time than this on you.

Playing this and Chocobo Dungeon on Switch.

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Are there any good new JRPGs to play on PC?
I've been watching anime for the past week because I have nothing to play

>There's a reason saga is popular with casual gamers and women
The fuck, everyone hates SaGa because it's too hard and nonlinear

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Ah yes, saga targets mobile gamers and browser game players because they're ultra 1337 hardcore gamers.

Everyone hates saga because it's a really poorly designed, boring series. Whatever 'good ideas' exist are hidden in too much tedium to be worthwhile.

>barely played more than an hour
I played 3 all the way to the end (and regret it). I gave the other ones a fair try because I got tricked by people like you, though I ultimately dropped them. I just want other people to have the information they need to avoid sharing the same fate.

I played the Final Fantasy ones on the Gameboy and had a good time or are you guys talking about something else?

I saw there's a new game coming to the Sakura Wars series and I haven't played one of them before. Which game is the "best" one and on what platform? Doesn't matter if it's only available in Japanese

>It's brainlet-kun
The absolute state of (You)
He's just the usual SaGa hater that shits up any threads that mention the series, leave him be.

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Asura's Wrath

Better play Crossbell before Cold Steel, literally no excuse

that nep is cool

i hope IF/CH isn't stubborn like takaki was and moves nep off the playstation

but i am

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I'm planning to. Hopefully the PC version won't be too painful, I've heard it is locked to 30 fps.

How bad is YSVIII on the switch? I have Tales of vesperia in my backlog so I will play that next but I am debating if I want to get YS VIII or the FF games on the switch.

30 FPS and such aren't really all that bad for the game since it was a port of a PSP game. Plus translations are pretty decent albeit sloppy at times but the main story and side quests are well done.
I wouldn't trust Ys VIII on Switch or PC if my life depended on it. It is fine, but the 30 fps with dips is a hard sale for me when it is extremely focused on timing and fast paced combat.

Juggling several right now

>Neptunia rebirth 1
>Ys VI
>Shining Resonance Refrain
>Persona 4 Vanilla(Stuck on Izanami)
>Resonance of Fate
>Record of Agarest War Mariage
>Last Remnant
>Fairy fencer F advent force
>Dark rose valkyrie

Also planning on getting Cold Steel 3, Fire Emblem 3 houses, Dragon quest XI S, death end request, dragon star varnir, other Ys games, this year.

Guess I will grab it on ps4, thanks.

It works fine on PC though

I'm playing God Eater Resurrection right now. I'm actually enjoying myself.

I still see people talk about it being a gamble no matter the system currently whether on discord or leddit. So yeah, if you can get it to work. Personally I still experience weird graphical issues.

How much of your time was spent in those games mashing A to win the most mindless battles? If that's a good time to you then enjoy, but that's not a good time to me.

I don't know who you are talking about if that's supposed to be one person. I can guarantee you that I'm not the only one that doesn't think much of the series.


Is Tales of Berseria fun?

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Odyssey is boring

Need to get back to Death End Re;Quest. Left off at the second chapter because I got distracted by other things.

>I can guarantee you that I'm not the only one that doesn't think much of the series.
Don't worry, we're all too aware that brainlets come in number, and no, I know exactly who you are because you shitpost in the same exact way every time, but I'm glad you at least lurk the /vr/ threads to get some new material now, variety is the spice of life or so they say.

damn it I know this anatomy is fucking awful but exaggerated proportions always get me no matter what

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too much grinding

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Wanted to finally start getting into Dragon Quest but can't find my DQ IV cart

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Play SMT Nocturne hardtype

Ah yes, the classic shitposting strategy of posting accurate criticisms of a game. Instead I should accuse anyone that likes the series of being a single person and suggest this would somehow invalidate the facts.
Clearly I lack the IQ to comprehend your thought process so I won't bother. Hopefully anons can make up their own minds on the series.

>accurate criticisms of a game.
What accurate criticism?
You don't even know what you're talking about.


There's only a handful of them out there where I don't think the combat is insanely boring.

Just a few hours into the first game. Kinda slow start but it's alright so far. Let's wait and see

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If you're fine with moonrunes try the remake of 1 for the ps2. 1-4 are connected (though 3 has a different cast) while 5 has a different MC and is in English.
Don't get your hopes too high you you go in expecting a srpg/jrpg, the combat sucks and it's mainly a dating sim.

Recently started FFX-2 for the first time, that game and FFXII are the only FF games I've never played.

Really enjoying it, it's like playing with dolls sure collecting pretty outfits for them but I honestly love it.

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>cute girls

Play all the games on Dreamcast or Dreamcast emulator. All 4 games are on that platform and your save in previous games carries over to 4 as it is a huge send off.

because they're all samey bullshit gameplay with garbage stories and shit characters

Yuko and the demons you get are cute though.

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>not like my EPIC games
>goes back to playing shooter 263