Post games that you enjoy but Yea Forums don't.
Enjoy that others don't
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Learn English.
Quit being a misogynist faggot.
Isn't that the most SJW game ever?
Maybe if you're an overly sensitive /pol/ bitch. There's obvious references to MLK and holocaust shit but that's not what I liked about the game. Never cared about that.
Is there a difference between /pol/ and Yea Forums users?
Not really, no. /pol/ fags just get triggered even more easily when there's niggers in their game.
The Division 2
Is the remake any good?
Hey Yea Forums how do you stop 4 /pol/ users from raping a white chick?
Why does Yea Forums hates ryona?
What remake?
>You've played: 79 hours
Don't really remember much beyond thinking it was kinda shit in the end.
V is stupid.
I meant remastered..
Why did they make Ellie a lesbian?
I like it. I've played the originals on PS1 and think the remakes are pretty damn accurate. The voices are worse but oh well.
Many people on Yea Forums hate it cause the hitboxes aren't identical and some other autistic details. In the end it's basically the same game with a new layer of paint. So you could also just replay the originals with an emulator if you're unsure if you'll like the remake.
Halo, every game from CE to Reach.
Does Naughty Dog have a agenda? Also wasn't he have autism?
>Also wasn't he have autism
wasn't you as well?
Heroes of the storm
Naughty Dog didn't make the remake. And no, they did not have an agenda in the fucking 90s, no game company did. Are you 15?
>Also wasn't he have autism?
I don't even know what to say to this, had a laugh though, bless you user
No I just feel like that they carter to tumblernites.
Dark Souls 2
Horizon is great and people just shit on it because the protagonist isn't a titty monster they can jerkoff to. The game is a lot of fun with interesting combat mechanics. I guess the open world aspect is pretty generic, but the combat makes up for that. Plus it's really pretty.
Again, ND made Crash in the 90s, +10 years before any games company had something you could all an agenda
The remake was made by an entirely different dev so whatever
It looks very similar (just in looks) to Breath of the Wild which came out at a similar time and obviously Zelda is much more popular than some new attempt at a franchise. That pretty much killed the game on Yea Forums, because everyone jerked off to breath of the wild when it came out.
BoTW > Horizon though, that I do not deny.
>interesting combat mechanics
wow, so fary cry combat but with robots is interesting now ?
Can you post some more HZD pics?
Thanks for reminded me. I lent this out like 6 months ago and forgot about it.
I hate myself for wanting to play this.
Didn't they make uncharted and the last of us?
I never understood why David Cage simply make his content movies instead of video games.
I shit on HZD because after the first two hours, nothing happens. You unlock every weapon and combat type really quickly, and then the game just fucking drags on after that. It's boring. It's really fucking boring.
>I hate myself for wanting to play this.
Same but I can't help it. It's my guilty pleasure. Never owned the game myself so I'll buy it on the Chink store once it's out. No ragrets though.
You could still watch it on Youtube if you really don't wanna buy it but I recommend watching at least 2 playthroughs where different decisions are made cause there are actually different endings.
Yes but what the fuck does that have to do with Crash Bandicoot??
While I can safely assume that nobody ITT has played Guns of Icarus, I'm sure Yea Forums'd hate it because pilot chads constantly have to tell stinky crewfags what to do and we'd all know you'd just sperg out and quit.
The president in the game was basically Hillary and she was evil and corrupt
There saved you a few hours
Actually ending in David Cage game good one.
Just watching games defeats the purpose for me. Worst case scenario, I'll pirate it on PC or something. I'll probably just wait until it's like $20 or less on PSN though.
Post tits
Never said there was agenda when it came Bandicoot.
Sounds about right.
I never understood why the game give you very detailed backstory.
The graphics in this game are so detailed that you can't identify useful things in the background. To solve this problem, they had to put a HUD full of information on top of the real graphics, reducing the game to something that could be rendered by an ATARI, and all the art that cost millions became mere dispensable background.
A real shame.
And the artists who created the protagonist clearly have some prejudice against beautiful people.
She was more like Trump in a Hillary costume. She's a conservative who was elected because of her fame rather than her political history.
Is this good?
It's true though. Literally the first game of that type that did that.
Because that's what all writers do with a strong independent female lead, user. Especially when it comes to post-apocalyptic settings. For whatever reason, they can't possibly fathom the idea that a tough chick could be into dudes because they're already too "manly" themselves. And fans of these stories don't help, either. Take games like Life is Strange and Telltale's The Walking Dead, for example. Both of these narrative-driven games give you full control over who the female protagonist ends up with, male or female, yet it's a common headcanon that both chicks are as gay as the day is long. And the devs totally support it. TV and movies do the same shit. Even cartoons. Legend of Korra was served up to the SJW gods simply because Korra was too manly of a chick to be with an actual man. It's happening more and more as time goes on.
Another reason is they do it to be diverse for the sake of being diverse. It's why they are making so many white characters from already established works black in the movie/tv adaptations. To get praise.
But my theory for Ellie is that Druckman wanted to separate his character from the headcanons of perverts as much as he could, in order to keep her as pure as possible. Obviously that doesn't work on everyone, but by officially establishing that she doesn't like dick, it's harder for male fans to self-insert as her romantic interest. It's retarded, but there you go.
She was more of a mix between Hillary and trump
Nice pseudo intellect user.
Mankind Divided
The Witness
Republic Commando
Fable 2
Isn't it already 20 bucks on PSN?
Seething. The game is meant to be played with the HUD off.
yeah, that's the stuff
Witcher 3
Only brainlets hate PoE
But this isnt a game it's a movie
Why do you leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace for your anti white propaganda?
What is this celeb faggot video supposed to show you retard? I was talking about Detroit and its endings and not his other garbage. Shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about.
The combat is what it makes so shit, user. Way too repetitive and boring
What is that even supposed to mean
I don't give a fuck about safe spaces
Then let me hate people of color and jews in peace
T. Obsidrone
What difficult are you playing on?
citation is needed.
nice try.
the ryona or the tits?
Still don't see it.
Reminder that David cage games suck.
Did you even try different weapons out?
You can do that but calling DBH "the most SJW game ever" is just being a giant baby is all what I'm saying
fuck off leftycuck
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 2
all wh*Toids deserve the rope tbqh
>lel shit analogy
Heavy Rain is pretty bad and Beyond Two Souls is abysmal but at least one third of Detroit is actually good. Also what part of "games that you enjoyed and Yea Forums hates" did you not understand?
Not that you'd care because you are just sucking eceleb dick and spout their opinions about games you never played instead of forming your own.
the sims 1
civ v
wind waker
Why is this thread popular?
Can't even refute shame.
The new Tomb Raider trilogy is fine
>posts an e-celeb video
>thinks he has an opinion
Stop posting.
poor triggered /pol/tard :(
Wasn't all foes human males?
Then post either lewd or ryona content of Aloy you insecure faggot.
Please don't mix Bloodborne with all that cancer, thank you.
>le funny men on the internet said something so I need to have the same opinion xd
I don't know shit about Cage games but you're just being retarded either way
>post games that justify your shit taste
Funny I was going to say the same thing about you.
No faggot, its because to be strong you have to fuck bitches. Taking dick is for pussys. Thats why strong characters of any gender always fuck bitches and get money.
What logic is this.
Are you literally 12? What kind of low IQ "insult" is this holy shit
>Wasn't all foes human males?
No, a lot of critters
you're not alone
State of Decay 2
I liked it too. It was really cool how a narrative emerged over time purely through gameplay.
Still want a counter arugement.
What's the best part of the game?
Tombs. not as good as some of the earlier titles, and not as good as some Zelda dungeons but, I liked them
Are the deaths brutal?
relative to?
Me too my dude
Dont hate a game just cause some unfunny faggots on the internet told you to, grow a spine
lol one of my kinks is lesbians getting dicked .
Fuck you go sucks a dick.
Are Tomb Raider reboot games have brutal deaths?
Fucking love this game
10/10 English and 11/10 argument, bravo user
Not really, it just used the robots as a stand in for jews/holocaust and niggers/American Civil Rights Movement.
While that is the backdrop for the entire games setting and reason to exist, one third of the game is an extremely fucking awesome buddy cop movie, one third running from the law with a stolen kid drama, and one third black lives matter/antifa revolution simulator.
It's not bad, and the buddy cop section is kino as fuck. The robot lives matter third of the story can be pretty cringe too, but starting a resistance is fun, and the choices are high stakes.
This iv Yea Forums, therefore, any game
it is . But is a decent game and to be honest if the SJW's were more about pumping new franchise instead of screwing with existing ones they wouldnt be so hated.
Thanks I tried my best.
Is there a way of making Detroit independent peaceful way?
Probably Atelier Series.
im a huge fgt for those.
Are you okay user?
Also the protag from the buddy cop part is antagonistic to the other two so if you want to you can do full robo genocide.
People who think the game is SJW garbage have no fucking clue
Underrated game. Has some balance issues and the usual rpg quest issues but other than that it was a damn good attempt.
Depends what you mean with independent. The androids can "win" in a peaceful way but it's also the more boring option. Going full war mode is more fun and kino.
13-2 is my favorite mainline final fantasy but only because of the combat the rest of the game is still trash
Not to worry lads I got this