Joker straight up uses a knife and a gun

>Joker straight up uses a knife and a gun
So when the fuck is pic related going to be a fighter now? Come the fuck on.

Attached: Dante.png (504x880, 333K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>he even does rainstorm

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Seriously, fuck Joker. All I was thinking while finally watching the gameplay was how close we were to just getting Dante.

After Resident Evil at the very least.

We can get DMC 5, anything is possible right?

Yeah, RE DEFINITELY deserves a rep and is kinda the sleeper candidate imo. No reason not to put a RE character in by this point.

I fucking hope.

When a single DMC game is on a Nintendo platform.

how would his moveset be?

>What is Bayo 2

Fucking sucks that Itsuno deconfirmed him under the basis of him not having any games of his own on Nintendo platforms. I guess he just doesn't keep up with Smash, though.
Leon's a character I've been rooting to see in Smash for a good while now. Was always one of my dream Capcom picks along with Dante, X and Zero.

I really hope Switch gets a port of 5 and DMC HD Collection or something.

It'd incorporate Style switching in some way. Maybe all of his normals and Smash attacks would incorporate Rebellion.

Final smash: SSS Dance Macabre

That's not a rule and you know it. There are no rules. If Nintendo and Capcom agree, they could add any character they wanted.

Not a DMC game? Are you actually fucking retarded?

Dante has appeared on a Nintendo console at least. Joker hasn't.

Attached: VJDante.png (540x578, 171K)

give him style switching using his taunt buttons, with his actual taunts being used when you hold down the taunt buttons instead
incorporate devil trigger somehow
Almost all of his moves change based on his current style.
>Gunslinger has him use E&I, Kalina Ann, Coyote-A, etc. Specials are skills like Rainstorm/Honeycomb Fire for B, Gun Stinger for Side B, any of the charge shot variants for Down B, and a rocket jump/downward shot using KA for Up B
>Trickster has him focus on Rebellion/Sparda/DSD depending on what Dante they use, and increases his mobility. Gives him an extra jump and airdodge, etc.
>Swordmaster incorporates other weapons that Dante is well known for such as any of the gauntlets like Balrog, Cerberus, etc.
>Royal Guard could have similar sword attacks like Trickster, changes specials to his counters and release

final smash has him do an SSS combo ending with a jackpot. Could be dance macabre or a sick every weapon combo. As long as the style gauge appears and he hits SSS and taunts at the end

It's a rule and you know it. Only characters that has Nintendo history are allowed.

I can't find any other thread to ask this so i'll ask it here
as someone who DOESN'T have Nintendo's online service, should I even bother getting the Smash Bros DLC collection?

no one cares about this loser, literally zero personality in terms of a 'video game character' hes some random OC donutsteel by capcom that wanted to appeal to edgy and emo teens at the time that were dying their hair and the older age demographic that were buying PS2s to watch movies and do other bullshit. hes literally gay

Shin Megami Tensei has been on Nintendo for a very long time. Devil May Cry has not.

Persona 5
>SMT is Persona
oh so you're retarded.

Thank god, fuck this shitty meme irrelevant meme character and his cancerous fanbase

Bang bang pull the trigger when the gun's to your head faggot.

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I'm still waiting for Viewtiful Joe to be confirmed as DLC

Persona is literally a series within the SMT franchise. Like it or not, it's SMT.

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I hope all DMCfags fuck off from Yea Forums forever. Devil May Cry isn't notable or popular enough to deserve representation in Smash Bros.

If Nintendo classified it as SMT, then Jack Frost would be in the game. Jack Frost is not in the game, so it's not SMT according to Nintendo. Also the excess amounts of Persona music and costumes and Zero SMT music or costumes. Surely if Nintendo thought SMT and Persona were the same we'd see references to Strange Journey, SMTIV, or even SMTV

>it's SMT

what about final smash as sin devil trigger?

>DMCfags can't accept the truth
Fuck off.

Dante is only in the Sony versions of VJ games.

What does me saying Persona =/= SMT have to do with Devil May Cry?


Because only DMCfags are trying to disassociate Persona from SMT to justify wanting Dante.

>what is SMT (deny it all you want, Persona is a SMT spinoff) and Persona Q
>what is cross promotion for Persona 5S
So again, DMC has not appeared on a Nintendo console and until he does he has zero chance of being in Smash.

Dante is a r/eddit character

I'm only correcting your mistake.

>Singlehandedly creates the action game genre as it's known today, inspiring numerous imitators
>One of Capcom's biggest series
>Dante is one of the most iconic characters in vidya
>All the games in the series has sold at least 1M copies, with 5 selling 2M in 2 weeks, an amazing record for a single player game of its type in 2019
But you're right, DMC doesn't deserve to be in Smash. Meanwhile, Fire Emblem's notable and popular enough to deserve 7 characters, right?

Attached: Dead bait.jpg (767x819, 47K)

You know what game (singular) hasn't appeared on a Nintendo Console?
Persona 5. No amount of mental gymnastics and blood relations can change the fact that you can not under any circumstance play Joker's game on a Nintendo console.

>white straight male with toxic masculinity
>r/eddit character

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>Dante does an SSS combo
>finishes it by using Quadruple S and enters Sin Devil Trigger
the only problem is that judgement is a really long attack in general, so much so that just popping SDT and using judgement would work as a final smash too.
1:12 in case it fucks up

Fire Emblem is a Nintendo series and thus are not required to follow certain standards that Sakurai has for third party characters.

Dante simply falls short, not to mention that everything he can do is already done by Bayonetta and Joker. Dante would at best be a Joker echo.

Yes. R/eddit hates SJW more than Yea Forums where do you think all the gamer gate and r the donald faggots came from? Intelligent people don't care about imaginary politic wars online. Stupid faggot
>le get motivated xD *does air guitar solo and eats a pizza*
Dante is r/eddit as FUCK

>comparing a Nintendo first party series to a third party series not on a single Nintendo platform
That is certainly something a smart person would do, right?

>Are you actually fucking retarded?
>He took it seriously


Fuck you I want MvC2 Jill

>i'm only pretending to be retarded
Simply epic.

>Completely ignoring my post because it doesn't follow your narrative
We're done here, this thread can be archived now. Don't reply to me until your IQ increases substantially

I'd be fine with both of these gunslinging nutters.

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dante is literally the type of character that makes redditfags seethe because he's too hard to control.
the only people there that can handle him are the ones on the dedicated DMC sub, and even then specific game subs are generally unaffected by the rest of reddit's faggotry because of how that shithole works

>Singlehandedly creates the action game genre as it's known today, inspiring numerous imitators
Bayonetta represents it better, plus she's more iconic and popular.
>One of Capcom's biggest series
>Dante is one of the most iconic characters in vidya
Bayonetta is more iconic.
>All the games in the series has sold at least 1M copies, with 5 selling 2M in 2 weeks, an amazing record for a single player game of its type in 2019

It may not be a DMC game, but Bayo feels like a better sequel to DMC than the sentai shit we're stuck with.

Ah, just a resetera tranny. Expected to be honest.

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Stay seething nigger
>big FE fan
>get all the reps I want
>Devil may cuckolds foaming at the mouth for smash representation because V was mediocre and they're becoming irrelevant again

Here's to no Dante in smash and another 5 years of DMC threads filled with nothing but unfunny r/eddit memes and monster shilling. Goodbye. Enjoy irrelevancy.

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When a Nintendo console can run a DMC game then.

>plus she's more iconic and popular.
>needs ps3/360, pc, wiiu and switch ports to sell 2 million

>sentai shit we're stuck with
DMC was always meant to be sentai/chuuni

>Bayonetta is more iconic and popular than Dante

>Ah, just a resetera tranny.
Ah, r/eddit tourist. Just as expected.


She's in Smash and not Dante. That's evidence enough to me.


>giving even a single (you) to baitposters
You clearly need more power.

really grasping for any meme you can to try and fit in aren't you r/eddit tourist? Why don't you le get motivated to kill yourself and bang bang pull the devil trigger on your head. Goodbye to you and your irrelevant series btw lol. No smash rep for you.

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DMC5 is an upgrade of DMC3 and 4. So no.

don't even play smash lmao have sex incel

Yes, we acknowledged you are fucking stupid. Get over it.


DMCfags might just be the most cancerous group on Yea Forums. Cancerous spamming of DMC threads, cancerous spamming of Dante in Smash threads, cancerous spamming in general.

Devil May Cry was a mistake.


Enjoy irrelevancy

Attached: soy may cry.png (1000x560, 921K)

Ah yes Joker from the famous Persona Q2 series and Dante from the Project X Zone series

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>DMC was always meant to be sentai/chuuni

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>Dante in smash threads
No, fromdrones are worse by default and the amount of Banjo threads completely trumps Dante. In fact Shantae, Doomguy, Chief, and geno were much worse

Dante and Vergil are already here though

Attached: vergil joker.png (1572x1988, 1.46M)

>wanting a soiboy in smash
No thanks.

>In fact Shantae, Doomguy, Chief, and geno were much worse
>forgetting about Steve

>saying dmc is onions
>when he plays smash

Only 1 wasn't 100% chuuni because it was RE3.5

Banjobros are less cancerous by virtue of Banjo having Nintendo history.
Shantae, Doomguy, Master Chief and Geno also has valid reasons to be in Smash unlike Dante.

>Nero May Cry 5
>Another shitty Dante load out
>V existing as a required playable character

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*comes behind Dante and snaps his neck*
*puts a bullet in Vergil and Nero's head as they approach him for vengeance*
*puts a baby in Lady and Trish*
*gets into Smash unlike irrelevant weeb fag*
Ah feels good.

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Steve threads aren't genuine, just baiting discord trannies

>>V existing as a required playable character
>Capcom doesn't copy the gameplay from Chaos Legion for V.
What a fucking wasted opportunity.

They will use it on DD2 summoner class, V was clearly a testing ground

Yes all of them deserve to be in over Dante, but that's not my point

>he didn't grow up with both characters

I can see Master Chad ripping Dante's screaming skull off his body and tossing it aside while holding his own smash invitation in his other hand.

Nope, Joker alts are all color coded after the Persona series, that color in particular is a reference to Persona 3.

>Wal Mart Doomguy who became a bitch boy in his own series
>doing any of that
He will continue to jerk off to his virtual waifu while the real FPS Chad gets in

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Joker is in persona q 2 for 3ds


They should tested him in-house and then thrown him away and just given Dante another weapon so he didn't have a loadout with three fucking Rebellions.

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>Dante grabs a smash invite
>Oh yeah dude *does MJ moonwalk and screams "THE NARWHAL BACONS AT MIDNIGHT*
>10,000 weeb faggots jack off
>just then two figures appear behind him
>Each grab one arm and brutally rip Dante in half
>they take Dante's invite, rip it in half and high five as they both walk in
>final shot is doom guy's boot crushing Dante's head

Based and redpilled.

Joker has literally nothing to do with Nintendo

SpiderBrony is that you?

Yes he do. He's part of SMT, which has a rich Nintendo history.


That was the most disappointing part of the trailer. After seeing jokers move set, i was like this is what dante probably would have played like. I don't think he gets in now.

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I know that but it's still a funny resemblance

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fuck dude....... thats so brutal...................... rock on!........... radical! fuck!!!

Fujochads always win

I hope never

better than le epic pizza and motivation chunni shit. Hypocrite faggot.

Dante is in Project X Zone 2 on 3DS.

Why did reddit attach to Doomwhy so hard after Zoom 2016? Almost ruined the character for me

>What is persona Q2?

Also Dante was only in the playstation version of veiwtful Joe you absolute FUCKING RETARD

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>Dante is in Project X Zone 2 on 3DS.
They already took Ryu from that game. You're welcome :)

In what way is Persona more relevant than DMC

>Dante reveal trailer.
>Morrison throws a smash invite into Dante’s desk.

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Not even arguing against dante just pointing it out. Would be cool if he got in but id rather Phoenix

Step aside Dantefags, Heavy deserves to be in Smash Bros more than your weeb anime swordsman literal who.

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damn man... ripping the skull out of dante's body? now that's .... that's .... FUCK!!!!!! im listening slipknot right NOW

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For one, Persona is actually popular and culturally important.

*snaps fingers and sings billie jean*

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>Chaos Legion
That whole game was a wasted opportunity. It was boring and repetitive and it's a shame because it was a cool idea

Smash fags everyone

rip the skin......... out of his body?? WHILE HE'S ............... ALIVE? ................... damn fuck.... this world is so dark ...............

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>Dante SSS bullies every character

Oh, so where's Devil May Cry in Smash? Uh, it's not there? I guess it just isn't popular or even culturally important after all.

>Joker hasn’t
But he’s in smash

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DMCfags are unironically as bad as Stevefags.

Why are SMTfags such giant children about everything?

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Stop arguing for 5 seconds and tell me if i should throw my money at this or not

>culturally important
The only culturally important video games is shit like resi and DQ

I recommend you to you are a fag

>Cancerous spamming in general
Hmmm I wonder why DMC fans spam so much? Almost like they've been trained to do so by something.

Guns are overrated. Signs would be much more interesting.

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>posts the western cover of Shitsona

Devil Summoner doesn't have the SMT title in Japanese either, you gigantic pedantic child.

No one grew up with "le wackey and crazy methhead dancing homeless man" that's in DMC5, so I don't know what point you're trying to make here.

Imagine being so sóyfilled that you unironically want Dante, the ultimate sóy character, in Smash.

90% of the DMC4 fanbase is retarded Tortanic zoomers that only appeared around DmC's shitstorm. Before that happened DMC4 was almost unanimously despised for Nero being a whiny little cunt that consumed half the game at the expense of Dante being blatantly unfinished.

Yea Forums certainly did

And isn't SMT.

>Devil Summoner isn't SMT
Cringe, I hate zoomers so much.

I guess you're right, most of these faggots weren't even born when DMC1 released.


I wish that DmC had succeeded and replaced DMC so that Smash threads wouldn't have to suffer from DMCfaggotry. Hell, DmC2 would most likely have been better than that putrid pile of trash called DMC5.

No shit, the majority of fujos and underages DMC threads only played 4


Attached: samefag.png (960x628, 526K)

>number of posters has only gone up by one

>139 posts
>38 ips

Attached: shygddt.png (974x737, 595K)

>The Fucking samefagging in this thread
Jesus Christ

He has Dante and Virgil alt colors.
Get fucked

When and why did this meme start?

Whoa that would be so dark and badass

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Dante would play totally different than Joker

Yeah hed9 be slower and weaker

Not this game because Itsuno deconfirmed it
RE is a lock

Not at all. Joker pretty much has Dante's moveset. Even his stats are exactly like Dante.

>random people on the internet please tell me how to spend my money!
I don't know you. Do you play a lot of Smash? Then buy it. If you don't then don't bother.

>he represents SMT
>literally nothing from SMT in smash with him
>nothing from Persona 1 or 2 either

Yeah and Duck Hunt is exactly like Banjo xD

Not him but they're under the same umbrella. It's not really surprising SMT isn't getting repped (although I would've loved some SMT IV music tracks in the game) because it's a niche series

>literally nothing from SMT in smash with him
You know, except for Persona, which is considered part of SMT.

Dante is literally just Chrom with a gun. His addition wouldn't even be interesting from a gameplay standpoint.

>11 music tracks
>Curse skills
>Mii costumes from 3 and 4

Seems like a lot of stuff you big crybaby.

It's a whole new character. If the playstyle looks fun then by all means. If nothing else it the Mementos stage alone seems worth it. And it'll be good fun when you play it with friends and family.

I doubt you were born when 4 was released


>Each grab one arm and brutally rip Dante in half
What is this? Mortal Kombat?

It would be, for one his gimmick would either be switching styles or weapons giving him different movesets (Sword Fists other) to combo into

You've heard of it haven't you? The legend of SpiderBrony?

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>which is considered part of SMT.

Scorpion's trailer having Scorpion perform a fatality on Dante and snatching the smash invite away mid-fatality would be absolutely kino.


he's in

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Now I'm really mad. I shouldn't but

The worst part of these smash × persona threads is people not knowing the difference between Smt and non-Smt.

Its getting out of hand.

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Agreed. It's like saying that Pokemon Mystery Dungeon isn't part of Pokemon, or that Final Fantasy 7 isn't part of Final Fantasy. Absolutely mind-numbingly infuriating.

Sword is too long

Why’re smashfags so angry and cancerous

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>when persona comes to the switch.
See what happens?

I'd like dante in smash but I'm also cool with this

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There's numerous Shin Megami Tensei titles on Nintendo consoles.

>no personality.
>but an MC that you can self insert into does!

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Dante was in SMT Nocture tho

Which wasn't on a Nintendo console.

>teleports begin him.

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>Joker hasn't.
Smashfags are literally braindead.

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>Devil Summoner isn't SMT

>rated M
Is it mara right?

>P1 and P2 fags tout themselves as mature individuals far above the plebs
>Spend all day crying about more popular things and not moving on
I don't get it?

>could have had door kun or chad
>instead we get harry potter

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I wish I had the means to gas Smashfags off the internet

There’s tons of other capcom games on Nintendo consoles as well. There’s no rules for who’s allowed in smash anymore. The argument that “franchises that haven’t been on a Nintendo console don’t belong”. That got tossed out when cloud joined. Don’t go saying anything about ff7 FINALLY making it to switch. What happens if dmc collection make it to switch?

Never played Persona Q 2 because the first one was horribly mediocre but the first game had kind of a dark twist and it was about a girl who spent her meager life in a hospital and died and was so apathetic the grim reaper took pity on her and made a pity dimension for her.

You see anything better to do
today then?

they'd just be immune because they're constantly stewing in their gaseous odors already.

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>pong,tetris,dragon quest,tomb raider. crash and doom are not in smash
I guess they just aren't popular or even culturally important after all.

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Guns and swords have been in smash since the very beginning, why do people keep bringing up this stupid argument to beg for their shitty characters?

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>victory screen is pic related
pure kino

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Pong is in smash

>That got tossed out when cloud joined
Final Fantasy has a rich history on Nintendo consoles.

what version of Dante would they add? I doubt DMC 5 since the realistic look doesn't fit smash at all.

None because Dante don't deserve to be in Smash.

>*comes behind Dante and snaps his neck*
>*puts a bullet in Vergil and Nero's head as they approach him for vengeance*
this wouldn't hurt any of them barry

Attached: 1555464656579.jpg (650x500, 53K)

I cheered and laughed when I saw this scene. Pefect fucking ending to the game.

thats color TV-Game 15 you fucking heathen

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someone give these smashfags the barypill

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You have to have some serious cognitive dissonance to call any community cancerous if you're a Smashfag.

>Never played Persona Q 2 because the first one was horribly mediocre

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I really, really don't like first person dungeon crawlers. They're so boring and repetitive.

why dont you anime faggots play th MILLIONS of other anime fighting games instead of trying to turn the one unique fighting game into another generic anime fighting game
Its not even fun playing Smash online, its always the same boring chink cartoon bullshit

Imagine being offended at anime.

Everyone on this website is "cancerous"
The videogame community is "cancerous"
I don't really get why faggots like you always try and act superior to smashfags when you faggots cry about your baby toys just the same

>shitty Dante load out
Imagine having opinions this bad

First cell was scariest villian in all DB
god he was horriyfing

>>Another shitty Dante load out
It's his best one yet, though. Balrog should have just chosen a style and stuck with it though.

Imagine defending generic artstyles because weeb faggotry has infected your brain!
Anime is creatively bankrupt, almost every anime character looks exactly the same.

then don't go saying that it was mediocre, you just don't like the genre and that's fine.

Have sex

I like turn based RPGs.
I don't like turn based RPGs that avoid putting any effort into visuals by making it exclusively first person and only showing the enemy and some magic effects.
It's just a regular turn based RPG but with the bare minimum put into it.

So you don't like mainline either?

Fuck no, I hated fighting Dantes in MvC 3.
He would break the game and become Bayonetta 2.0.

At the risk of coming off as a "nocturne baby" (as if that's valid criticism), I've gotten 20 hours into SMT4 before dropping it. I hate it. I liked fusing demons but that's all. I wanted to keep pushing to experience the story but the gameplay absolutely ruined me.
I'm doing a second playthrough of Nocturne instead and loving it all over again.

>Trying to pretend Nero is a bad character to play
5 Nero is great, you might be able to make an argument if it was 4 Nero with his KYRIEEEEEEEEEEEE syndrome.

who gives a fuck about Dante when the superior cock sleeve exists, he's basically the new face of DMC anyways

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Man, I don't know what to say, is fine that you don't like it and is ok but you can't really say that it was a mediocre game when you can't really appreciate it for what it is, same with mainline.

I will not turn this into a "what game is better discussion", I'm just saying that before saying a game is mediocre better be sure tat it is because the game is indeed mediocre and not just personal preferences.

To me, it's like taking DMC and making it first person against still sprites for enemies. You can claim there's more to it than that, but for a videogame there needs to be the "video" aspect to it. If I don't have anything to look at but numbers and a magic effect that's going to repeat for 80 hours I feel like I'm wasting my time.

>joker being in one spinoff game on nintendo counts
>dante being in one spinoff game on nintendo doesn't

>the only thing that matters is visuals

>>dante being in one spinoff game on nintendo doesn't
Because he wasn't on the nintendo version, genius.
That's like saying because bayonetta 1 is on ps3, then mario and zelda should be on Playstation Allstars because their costumes are in Bayonetta 2.

>Devil Trigger mixes in Smash
yes please

Not iconic enough, Dance Macabre is more likely

Please don't childishly exaggerate like that. You know better.

That's your entire argument
You claim they put the bare minimum in just because the visuals are bad, and then go on to say that you don't even care if the gameplay is better

The gameplay isn't better than Nocturne. The fusion mechanics are, which are not a big deal for me at all. The only thing SMT4 does differently is the Smirk mechanic which everyone agrees is shit.
If I had to choose between Nocturne where I can see my entire party acting, moving, attacking, and reacting to enemies over SMT4 where I stare at a static image of an enemy, I'll choose Nocturne.
THAT'S my fucking problem. SMT4 can't grab my attention because it's repetitive busywork made on a shoestring budget.

Attached: frrrranky.jpg (400x400, 92K)

Dante has never appeared on a Nintendo console unless you count his minor inclusion in PxZ.

He's doing Noel's Drive you stupid bitch

Not him but it basically played like EO, except almost all the player characters are broken to start with.

>except almost all the player characters are broken to start with.
I fucked around with a lot of characters and they more or less play the same except with a quirk they may be stronger with since they can all equip personas of your choosing.

There were a few builds you can exploit pretty early on, like Naoto insta-death builds, junpei repeat-attack (forget the skill name) builds, Aigis just having all the DEF and buffs in the world, P3MC and P4MC having lots power plus eventual heat riser/debilitate. It just kind of bored me.

If you're just comparing Nocturne and IV then alright, 4 is worse, but you won't convince me that Soul Hackers and Etrian Odyssey 5 are bad games because I don't see my characters dancing about in battle

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I can't convince you of that because I never played them, I'm merely speaking of my experiences with the first person dungeon crawler RPGs I've played. I just put more value into seeing visual actions and reactions to my inputs than you do, I think that's the big difference.

Leon will have priority because of RE4 alone.

I do want Dante and Vergil and Nero though.

Attached: Leon_holding_knife_RE4.png (560x500, 196K)

>I do want Dante and Vergil and Nero though.
I'd be fucking ecstatic and satisfied with just Dante but if they went the whole 9 yards with the other 2, I'd die a happy man.

I'd honestly want Nero more though, he seems like he'd be way more fun to play between the Devil Bringer, the Buster, and revving.

I really can't believe dmcfag has been shitting up DMC threads and even threads that mention DMC this meticulously for at least a straight month. What did DMC do to him?

When your pic related gets a good game.

So never.

Go back to playstation allstars, faggot.

Will they use DMC4 or DMC5 Nero though?

I hope Dante and Vergil are based off DMC3 though.

I'd rather DMC4 Nero for simplicity's sake. And 5 Nero could be saved for MvC4 or the next Capcom vs. game.

For Dante, just give me his 5 version I guess, although I'd like 3 for Artemis. There was a rumor from awhile back that it'd be 4 Dante though.

Yeah, it'll probably be DMC4 Dante/Vergil/Nero just for consistency's sake.

>Devils Never Cry Smash remix

Attached: 1551988275195.jpg (280x330, 17K)

Attached: 50e.png (250x250, 36K)

DMC5 Nero with the Devil Bringer.

Attached: nero5smash.png (1920x1080, 3.1M)