How is Nomura going to fuck up this timeless classic? I'm not talking about gameplay...

How is Nomura going to fuck up this timeless classic? I'm not talking about gameplay, I'm talking about story/writing changes.

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no purple

Let him release it first. It`s been 4 years.

>I'm not talking about gameplay, I'm talking about story/writing changes.
Oh, really? Well, then probably that not much at all. FFVII is his favorite FF, he was responsible for a lot of how it turned out in the first place, and he holds it in too high regard to change too much of the source material beyond trifling details. At worst, I suspect he might change around the order of certain events, but not change much of those events themselves.

Gameplay is what I'd worry about.

4 years of working on other projects.

But he butchered his own characters in subsequent releases.

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No matter what he does people will claim he fucked up somehow.

>story/writing changes
Hope you enjoy your new main villain.

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I hope they were serious when they said that FFVIIR will have no continuity with the compilation. I wouldn't be mad if they rewrote Advent Children to be less retarded and made it DLC


do you know how boring this is for devs? you think you want it but you don't. just play the original you pessemistic shithead

He's already been pretty much removed from the project, but his name is being kept on it for advertising. It was fucked even before he knew that he was going to be on the project. Episodic, adding in the compilation shit and the want to avoid turn based combat. Bringing in Cyber connect, just to fire them when it wasn't going SE way. There is no hype surrounding it anymore and not just because of no news.

Who are you quoting. I think theres plenty of room for them to expand on FF7's writing in the remake. My problem is Nomura.

or maybe you should just accept nomura is a hack

Wtf are you talking? All that hack did was design the characters. Kitase and Nojima wrote the story and Sakaguchi created the world and supervised the project.

>timeless classic
>JRPG that looks and plays like shit

>makes another thread

y i k e s how gross

Nomura influenced several story decisions. FFVII is a product of several people, the whole team pitched in.

It's already fucked by being split into three different games

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Does anyone actually still think this is going to be released? In my opinion it's more than clearly cancelled at this point. If it's really going to be a 3 part trilogy it will fail too, people would be so disappointed with the first part the sales would drop off a cliff by part 3.

TFW Toriyama created the personality concept for Cloud and the wall market section

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I have a feeling that they they changed it back to one game after they moved to in-house development, but I'm probably setting myself for disappointment. There is no limit to SE's jewishness.
There's no way its cancelled, it's just been on the back burner so they could focus on KHIII. We're almost definitely hearing about it at e3.

>Zack's death went from him being quickly shot down to him ascending to JRPG Heaven while JPop plays

I expect the worst.

How do you make it less retarded?

Toriyama's crazyiness in small doses is good. It's just when you give him control over entire projects does his meth-induced insanity spiral out of control.

A total rewrite only using the original AC only as a skeleton. I'd like it if they gave Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz their own motivations besides muh Sephiroth and muh jenova.