Fallout 2 > Fallout 1

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>Fallout 1
>Fallout 2

>dude pop culture references haha



Glad we agree.
Every fucking original Fallout thread I walk into I see you shilling your stupid fucking sex mod.
Fuck off.

t. hasn't played FO2 at all

nu-Yea Forums and /y/ners would hate the shit out of Fallout 2 because of the huge amount of lesbians appearing there.

What lesbians?

Did the russians deliver?

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Haha yes! Omg so many memorable moments like:
> ke'eng raat wants his cheesy poofs!
> le scorpion with glasses plays le chess
> back to the future

Good jesus in hell soon as I get access to the computer i think ill do another playthrough.

Why do retarded memesters only remember the stuff that doesn't matter and not the actual roleplaying?

Nothing in Fallout 1 is as interesting as Broken Hills or has as many endings

Attached: Fo2_Broken_Hills_Ending.jpg (640x480, 154K)

shoo shoo zoom zoom.

Omg yes broken hills was my jam. Marcus the smart mutant nearly made me wee myself at the time. Who'd play him in a live action movie? I think whoever did Thanos would be perfect.

>it has five hundred endings therefore it's good

>talking deathclaws
>talking rats
>game filled with pop culture references
even though fallout 2 had some good memorable moments, the writing and atmosphere is dogshit compared to fallout 1
fallout 2 is wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle,I played fallout 1 like 10 times but i could never bring myself to play fallout 2 more than 2 or 3 times

Haven't played Fallout 2 yet, but from someone who played and sort of completed Fallout in 2018, I gotta say I loved the fuck out of that game.

Did that retarded autist shill his mod again lmao?

Fallout 2 is just more of it, with much needed QoL improvements.

They drank their own kool-aid.

Wrong. Fallout 2 was total shit. The enclave was full of memeing fucks instead of feeling menacing like super mutants in 1 did. The dialogs in the game were extremely poorly done. The strongest armor in the game was at the same time the best disguise in the game. The game was also just a rehash of the first game.

3 is genuinely good. Second best to one to the point where I consider it the first true sequel. 2 was absolute reddit humour nonsense loved only by avellone fans who just joined the series at NV.

The one that lets you fuck Katja in 1?

Was that russian fallout game good in the end?

Much needed humor as well. 1 was so boring coming at it from a modern perspective. We have enough trouble in our lives, what's wrong with having some fun in our escapism?

yes, i loved it

fallou 1 > fallout 2 > fallout tactics

fallout tactics > fallout 2 > fallout 1


They're still adding shit aren't they?

How do I git gud at Tactics, senpai?

Love Fallout 3

Because a game like Fallout 1 is better than escapism. Life was truly awful in Fallout 1. Everyone was miserable and the atmosphere was dense and menacing. When you stopped playing you had a good time but you appreciated your own life a lot more since it is so good in direct comparison.

What happened to Fallout? Could we have prevented this?

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Yes but NMA and RPGCodex would be considered terrorist cells.

It was over the moment it became too popular for its own good. Fallout 4 was truly awful in most aspects but they completely buried it with Fallout 76.

>3 is genuinely good
3 is fucking dogshit, fuck are you smoking?

hey guys remember Fallout 76?

play turn-based mode and use aimed shots

Its held in massively high regard everywhere but here but even that has started to change as avellone has repeatedly embarrassed himself and his fans find it harder to fellate him. As reddit is turned more and more away from Yea Forums 2 and NV will rightfully be ridiculed and hilariously shit games.

>hates fallout 76
>plays fallout 4
>plays fallout 3
>doesn't break into bethesda HQ, take hostages, and demand that they make more games like Fallout: New Vegas
No wonder the series went to shit, you people are fucking pussies.

3 is poorly written but like those guys I enjoyed it too. It was a completely unique experience and the world was extremely interesting. In 95% of open world games the world is empty and there is nothing to do but in Fallout 3 no matter where you went you always found memorable stories and things to do.

I don't know what Yea Forumss gripe with Fallout 3 is. There is nothing else quite like it except for New Vegas which is basically a mod of Fallout 3.

I replayed through it recently and found it to be god-awful in every way and it just made me want to play New Vegas instead.

add more buzzwords to your post

Can you do a character based around explosives in fallout 1/2?

Michael Dorn could still play marcus, easily.

Attached: Michael%20Dorn.jpg (1140x1140, 74K)

this must be bait

not really.
throwing skill sucks as and grenades are rare
traps skill is useless, however you can get dynamite and c-4 commonly enough, but both are useless in a direct fight
big guns has a rocket launcher, which is a great weapon in both games with its armor piercing rockets, but rockets in general are rare, heavy and expensive.

I replayed it two years ago and except for the horrendous urban system I affirmed what I first experienced in the game. It's an open world game that manages to make exploration meaningful, interesting and rewarding. No matter where you go there is something interesting to find.

The main quest and the dlcs were really bad and I probably couldn't stomach doing those again though.

>No matter where you go there is something interesting to find.
everything to find is just caches of bottle caps and chems.

Got any reccomendations to build you character wacky but strong?

modded New Vegas>fallout 1>New Vegas>fallout 2>the rest

unarmed jinxed+10 luck

I won't enter an internet debate over this. You're free to believe what you want. There are more than enough people loving Fallout 3 that I feel validated in any case.

what are you talking about? I bought 15 copies of Fallout 76 on release day

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ok. but fallout 3's "rewards" for exploration are still hugely exaggerated. The game doesn't have many unique items, like armor of guns to be found across the wasteland. Most unique items are quest rewards, which doesn't really fall under the "exploration" aspect.
Every sewer or old building is filled with the same enemies in ghouls, raiders, mutants and mirelurks and rarely do you ever encounter and area that is actually unique in terms of design or aesthetics.

I won't disagree that it can be fun to get lost occasionally in huge, sprawling metros or office buildings, but those are never resolved with any kind of meaningful reward, just a small haul of ammo, bottle caps and chems. And part of that getting lost in the first place comes from the fact that every location is just so drab in appearance and so similar to every other location like it in the game.

For me the real reward in exploration was finding npc's and locations. Everywhere you went there was some interesting event that would happen. Quest rewards were also often some kind of event or some kind of change in the world which felt really rewarding. Caps, ammo, weapons etc were mostly just loot for me and not the real rewards.

fuck off reddit

I agree only because Enclave armor > Brotherhood armor
Also, Gauss rifle is the best weapon.

Fallout 1's Tandi is cuter

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Fallout 2 could have been better than 1 if it hadn't been so rushed.

The question is, will they deliver this time?

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Literally the only interesting thing Fallout 2 did was make the high-tech guys the antagonist faction, unlike Fallout 1 where they were the good guys.

1. Serve the public trust.
2. Protect the innocent.
3. Uphold the law.

how does this lawset make killing ninjas that haven't killed or attacked anyone valid? because muh pubic trust? did the borg not watch me get defibbed and revived by the pubic trust?

Bethesda focused on the wrong aspects of the originals (wackiness and the 1950s pre-war aesthetic)

Fallout 2 best gameplay (add the missing content patch for more shit)
Fallout 1 is too easy, youre just too strong too early on, not to mention energy weapons are unbalanced

>Retconned the Great War into starting thanks to a shadow illuminatisque government thinking it would be easier to establish a NWO with a significantly less populated world
>Drops the lesson of the very real consequences that Politics can bring us.

I think I had a bad time in 2 because I became a slaver but never figured out how to capture the slaves instead of kill them. I also remember trying to sell an old man into slavery in Vault City and he wasn't worth as much as a wheelbarrow. Pretty sure I would have gotten more npc interaction and quests without that.

>Fallout 1 and 2
>get a crit of a heavy weapon
>you're instantly dead no matter what you do even in power armor
Biggest flaw of those games, prove me wrong.