Havent been on in 2 years
What the fuck happened to this board
Havent been on in 2 years
What the fuck happened to this board
get out while you still can
I plan to, i just want some answers.
Back to Plebbit you go
1. Reddit
2. Shills.
3. Phoneposters.
also /pol/
Yea Forumseddit.
Unless you're from Reddit, then apparently /pol/ is taking over every day.
Case in point.
/pol/ and Reddit are the same thing you moron
What's different from two years ago? To me it's been the same hellhole with the same shitposting since 2014.
guys help i am so fucking butthurt over /pol/ but i dont know how to shit up every fucking thread with it
any advice?
Lotta this
>2 years
Literally nothing. It's the exact same
Yes, but it feels like they've gone down a few extra dozen circles of hell.
And a lotta this
>Have Sex
>AHEM! *ding ding ding!* Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>*CRUNCH CRUNCH* Insert pretentious opinion *burp*
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>*Shitty thing about game* What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of *insert band or album*
>*Smacks lips*
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
>Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
>astolfo/Gerudo Link thread
Nothing happened to it aside from the constant influx of totally new users. People still just don't want to use the board for video game discussion. That's really it, you're better off finding someplace else to talk with other people that play the same games as you.
cry harder
you can't be this stupid
Yea Forums has been a lost cause for 5+ years
Shit got tribal and political after the election, /pol/ infested the board worse than before, jannies only clean up actual vidya thread and leave up thinly veiled political shit, blatant false flagging is more popular than ever but people reply to it anyway, either cause they're stupid or cause they're trying to fan the flames.
He's right though, /pol/fags are literally the new furries
Based and attentive
>Nothing happened to it aside from the constant influx of totally new users
Younger, and a broader group. Worse, in other words. Yea Forums has gone to shit because it's been swamped with shit people.
You know a majority of /pol/ could give less of a shit about video games, right? Yea Forums is the new Yea Forums using /pol/ as a scapegoat because /pol/ is a significantly better board than this piece of shit.
t. Resetera tranny
I came here from Reddit because it slowed down and censorship :) Sorry fellow 4channeler's, I don't have any Pepes.
Since when do you have to care about video games to shit up Yea Forums?
The paranoia about /pol/ is unironically one of the biggest problems on this board. Literally every thread has somebody bring it up, out of nowhere, leading to an off topic diversion.
/pol/ is not taking over, any post that says words you don't like such as kike, nigger, or being critical of women is not a /pol/ conspiracy, it's the site in general.
>new words bad
Case in point
for real nigger?
Other than that that's sums shit up quite well
Go to resetera then nigger
you forgot trannies and faggots from resetera
When they are spammed all the time, yes.
He's right though. You're an oversensitive fag, Reddit or Resetera are more your speed.
They're more open to censoring things you get upset at seeing.
No thanks they all have their heads up their asses. Talking to them is like talking to a wall.
Reddit and reset trannies post here now because their own communities are so shit.
>muh resetera boogeyman
Imagine living scared like this, i honestly pity you
It's literally the same.
/pol/ is the new Yea Forums but the containment wall completely failed this time instead of just leaking
So reddit pretty much. Seems like the right place for you
And they're shitting up ours.
Almost like they're the fucking problem.
Reddit doesn't censor the word onions, so that's a plus. You'd like it there.
It's all been the same since the US election. There's a cancerous breed of shitposters that came here in 2014 after Goobergate and /pol/ harbor, and an even more cancerous wave that came after the election bullshit.
I never thought I'd say this, but I miss 2011-2012 Yea Forums.
You'll probably get a warning for starting this thread, if not a ban. That's one of the problems here.
>the /pol/ scapegoat is dumb
>b-b-but there's totally resetera and reddittt refugees infiltrated here
I wonder who could be behind these posts
>muh /pol/
>muh GamerGate
Speaking like a retard in the form of a meme hardly proves him wrong.
Nah Reddit is a shit hole too. If you spend a long enough time you can predict like 90% of the top comments. If they got rid of the points it would be godly.
So clever, much impressive! You showed those fucking /pol/tards fellow 4Channeler!
Most of them aren't even new. Straight up over 10 years old
someone's a bit upset
Yea Forums was just as bad 2 years ago retard
If they got rid of points it would still be the trash it is rn. The only reason Yea Forums tanks both trannytera and plebbit is cuz anonymity and the choice of being anonymous.
There's a bunch of trannies now they constantly cry about /pol/ (a board on this site) while all being from ResetEra (a different webstie)
I just remember when there weren't Twitter threads everywhere, and the worst we had to deal with in politics was Anita Sarkeesian and Feminist Frequency. The board memes are also just worse these days (Sony anal vore, brapposting, cuckposting, etc.) I was sick of all the Costanza and >implying shit back then, but I'd trade modern Yea Forums for that in a heartbeat.
>The only reason Yea Forums tanks both trannytera and plebbit is cuz anonymity and the choice of being anonymous.
This, being anonymous keeps the attention fags away
That's what removing the points does. It just leaves people with account names (you can easily create a new one). Right now people focus on getting the "right" comment at the right time to get the most amount of points. It matters a lot to them and it makes their opinions look good.
It's true, real vidya threads get deleted all the time
I rather have trannies from resetera than /pol/fags, at least they are fun to bully meanwhile /pol/fags have the capacity of arguing like a toddler
On the top of my head i remember Risk of Rain and DMC
Twitter ruined this board, fuck EmptyHero screencaps for enabling this degenerate garbage. No, it's not funny that you posted it here to laugh at, we were all aware of the filth on Twitter we didn't need to post it here and saying screencaps are garbage does not mean I condone what the retards say in them.
everyone started using "kino" to describe games. same with "soul" and "soulless.
people use "discord tranny" instead of "faggot" or "autist" now. "Seething" and "lives in your mind rent free" are now the default response to someone you disagree with.
I used to browse here like 7 years ago. I just stay for the danganronpa, risk of rain, hollow knight and horror threads. if you dont have any threads you like seeing a lot, just leave dude. it sucks here.
>Havent been on in 2 years
Have sex
>I rather have trannies from resetera than /pol/fags
This place is pretty much how I always remembered it. Still one of the best places for vidya discussan.
>tfw I was in a non fatfag Skullgirls thread that got deleted
2016 elections happened
Also /pol/ is all three of these at the same time
You can bully them into suicide, meanwhile /pol/fags can only reply charts or copypastas and simply wont stay on their containment board
This turns me on. I love MILFS.
>soul vs >soulles