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Latex bodysuits are fine too

This just makes it better.

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What was the old design?

What kind of """"""men"""""" plays this kind of garbage?

kek at all the pathetic indie "dev" that don't even publish on sony platforms but are the most butthurt about their publishing policies. All we need is Eva crying about sony's censorship and the cuckception will be finalized.

Who is this exactly?

>"to help sound growth and developement of young people"

lmao what the fuck

>You aren't a man if you don't hate boobs and titillation

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>you aren't a man if you are a weeb

You are all so fucking stupid.

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>being such a slave to your dick that you pay $60 for shitty japanese fapbait when any normal guy uses internet

>How dare you enjoy yourself in a way I do not approve of. Why don't you enjoy yourself like ME
Stop thinking about what I do with my dick faggot.

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Ironic cause you faggots care what a tranny does with his dick, apathy faggots like you are the reason for the decline to society

I don't lure children into cutting off their own dick to become part of my personal hormone therapy dungeon harem.

>Starts talking about tranny dick out of nowhere
Something on your mind user

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absolutely fucking based!

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You lure them to be pathetic neets that watch Japanese cartoons all day and buying body pillows

Not an argument

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>You lure them to be pathetic neets that watch Japanese cartoons all day and buying body pillows
Sue me.

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It's helping my growth alright.

Nice self portrait but what does it have to do with the conversation?

i legitimately don't get your reasoning are you conflating watching anime and buying body pillows to being in the same level as tranny? I really don't get why you care so much about a guy jerking off to anime or other titillating media. Stop being gay and thinking about what I do with my dick while talking about trannies. I swear why the fuck are their so many faggots on Yea Forums.

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go dilate your open wound somewhere else please

This appeals enough to latex fetishists that they would forgo the censorship issue to get more latex fap material. The artist should have added layers of robes over the character. 1/10 execution.

>Virgin bikini tries showing as much skin as possible, to obviously show off ass and tiddies, usually ends up looking retarded and embarrassing as it immediately draws the eye to sexual characteristics, childish and sacrifices aesthetic for blatant sex appeal, slutty and silly 100% of the time
>Chad bodysuit naturally accentuates the entire figure and feminine frame, creating a strong silhouette and allows the eyes to wander around the characters body, appreciated by men, functional and believable, stylish and versatile with the ability to be sexy or serious.
It's wild when you realize that Taimanin Asagi characters have less tryhard designs than Xenoblade Chronicles 2 characters.