Play archeage, m'lord

Play archeage, m'lord.

Attached: play.png (1920x1080, 779K)

Other urls found in this thread:

show me the max bust size first

I was in Sleepers, first guild to actually take over a fully defended castle
the whole system was complete bullshit honestly

>Get Ganked by P2W Bullshit: The Game
Fuck that. It was fun during beta but since Trion (RIP in piss) sold their soul for that F2P cashgrab shit it's awful now.

>Install chink spyware to get fucking wasted by korean p2winners


>this is a korean dwarf

Attached: dorf.png (1920x1080, 818K)

What's the goldshire inn equivallent of AA?

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>he doesn't know archeage is under new management now and is free of p2w

Not as cute and funny as other korean dwarves

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Cute tummy.

Is it True?

archage is the farm mmo right?

I quit at level 30 and haven't touched it since

It's still alive? I played the fuck out of it before that xpac but they kept fucking with servers, and making people lose their property so I quit.

Your own house.

lmao you can't just say random shit like that without PROOFS

Game wasted so much potential, not even the private server was fun enough to stay.
Erenor was a complete whale gear sink.

after what they did to rift? no no no no

>google archeage
>first result is still trionworlds

How big is the game? My folder is 38gb, because I had to redownload it due to the launcher not working, but I don't think it's supposed to be this large.

Did they fix they remove the cash shop that basically ruined the game? No? Then fuck off.

what year is it

Did you even read my post? I never said it was large. I initially only downloaded 14gb and then it didn't work. Then I downloaded it again and now it seems to have added the same amount and I'm not sure if it's supposed to be 38gb.

really makes you think...

Attached: hmmmmmm.png (308x112, 46K)

I remember my game client being 36 or 37gb back before they added dorfs

I did, played on launch.
Everyone went super baby mode and avoided all pvp zones for trading unless they were in a massive convoy.
Then they banned blockades so you coudn't defend against convoys.
Bots took all the land, factions were unbalanced as fuck, game is massively pay to win a subscription being required and does not take a tiny amount of in game currency to buy, stamina system timegating all gold gain, class system being open in theory but in practice everyone plays like 3, 1v1 combat is either decided by gear or whoever lands the first CC, cryengine runs like ass and every massive player created zone takes forever to load in even on an SSD, and so many more problems.

It sounds great to begin with but damn it has so many fucking flaws the game is not worth playing and I have little faith they will ever make it worth playing.

Trino actually died
s to shit on grave

Why so i can grind for hours for the fucking privilege of cutting down trees?
Yea no fuck you

>Korean mmo
that's sum fag shit mayne

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My bad. It downloads 14gb of compressed files and unpacks it as it goes. I remember it being like that back before they added dorfs, and the game was 36 or 37gb back then too.

Ah good thank you. Steam version is pretty fucked then, because it never unpacked it, not letting me launch the game until I messed with some text file.

I spent 150 buckaroos for the alpha as a birthday gift for myself and that's probably objectively the dumbest purchase I've ever made but damn if it wasn't fun experiencing the game at its absolute best. I still miss it, though launch BDO was a close second best.

Even if they were the best company ever it doesn't matter because you're not going to get many people to come back to a game that went down in flames, its reputation is forever tarnished.

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goddamn I miss launch BDO
even though they lied from the get go about what they game was it was still fun.
fucking shame how they only made it worse and worse over time and now it's not even worth downloading to play as a dressup game.
pay to win, gear based piece of shit

imagine making a pvp game, removing open world pvp, then making the entire combat system based around gear instead of skill and then selling that gear for real world money
like what the fuck is wrong with koreans and people that play korean mmos?

wheres the loli archeage poster
i like his gifs

Steam was offering refunds for the $150 AcheAge pack for years. You could've just refunded it, regardless of how many hours you've played it. I had like 500 hours on it and 2 years after launch I noticed that you could hit the refund button under your licenses.

They just need to make an Archeage 2.
I just want an MMO that has the combat style, dynamic world, naval combat, and house/farm management that Archeage had.

Does it still run like dogshit?

This was such a good MMO on release, I remember it fondly, really fondly. Despite the glitches and exploits, it had real SOUL, grinding to get your ship, your house, piracy, the trials... I don't think I ever had as much fun in an MMO than in that moment, obviously I quit after reaching the endgame shitfest of constant grind and praying to rngesus. Tried ArcheRage not long ago and had some fun too but ended up quitting.

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>I spent 150 buckaroos for the alpha as a birthday gift for myself and that's probably objectively the dumbest purchase I've ever made but damn if it wasn't fun experiencing the game at its absolute best.
Same experience here. I had a blast and miss it but I don't feel good about having spend $300+ on the game.

Roleplaying is against the rules.

>This was such a good MMO on release
>2 hours+ queue before every login
I'm not so sure about that.

Yeah, but I'm sure that once you were inside you had a blast right? I think everyone here did. If I had to tell someone to make a new MMO I'd tell them to look at ArcheAge for reference in a lot of things related to sandbox mechanics.

>back in the queue
That doesn't really affect how fun the game itself was once you got in, though. The huge queues didn't last past the first couple days on most servers.

It's much better. Used to only be able to play this game at Low-Medium and still had a lot of FPS drops. Now I'm running it almost entirely maxed out at like 50-60 FPS and my PC is still the same piece of shit it was back then.

>every character looks like cheap 3d porn models

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Get over here and fuck me yourself you coward!

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>2 hours queue

The headstart had maybe queues of 30 minutes at worst and the game was pretty good during that. Then headstart was over and all the BR's put it to 10 hour queues. Weekends were impossible to play.

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So it is good in the current year?

no point in playing archage anymore when BDO does everything better

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how the fuck did you get a refund on a 2 year old purchase?

>doing anything good

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I literally just started playing today.

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I enjoyed both and wouldn't say they're remotely similar enough to be comparable. Yeah they've got boats and housing and farming alongside a standard korean loot/grindfest, but the way they go about them is vastly different.

Trion told Valve that they should offer refunds to their customers who are not satisfied with the game due to how badly they botched the launch. This was before Steam even had a refund system.

You can still request a refund if you have a founders pack, it will instantly remove the game from your account and give you the money.

Are you having fun yet?

wasnt this game p2w af , why should i play it ?ç

does your faction matter?

Same,lvl 16 on Jakar

mmos aren't fun from lvl 1

It was p2w in that the way to win was to pay another player who had lucky RNG $3000 for a top tier weapon or $100 for a few connected farm plots, but paying Trion to win didn't get you very far when I played.

Short answer is, yes.

well let's say I wanted to pick an Firran, and my friend wanted to pick a dwarf, would we be able to play with each other? or is it like wow where we just couldnt interact?

Then when do I get to have fun?

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Once you've worked your way to level 30 and get to build your first boat.

Enjoy sitting in jail for 2 IRL days for petty theft.

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No. You both have to be on the same faction to lvl together.

it was a hypothetical, just tell me if I can play with my friend or not if we choose opposites

uhhhh the $150 alpha shit wasnt even available on steam m8

is there any way to switch or is it locked from the start

Yea Forums Give me the name of a good mmorpg please.
it doesnt even need to be a 8/10 or a 7/10 just a mmorpg that has an active player base and is fun.

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is there any beast race ?
and beast, not one of those "clipping ears and tail" shit

There's a third pirate faction you can both join by committing enough crimes but you'd just be hindering yourselves if you join it before hitting max level. You also won't be able to understand each other in-game without spending hundreds of thousands of gold each on learning each other's language.

Are all the trials like this?

It's locked. Eventually you can go either pirate or player nation together, but that's not recommended for new players.

Get your head checked out, you delusional retard.

>Playing Korean MMOs

This looks incredible, downloading rn

The only MMORPGs left with an active playerbase are WOW,FFXIV,GW2,ESO,BDO.Pick your poison.

thank you

Did they implement actual armors yet or do you still have to buy expensive costumes to not look like a hobo?

This game was actually a lot of fun, before the Russian and Korean bots took over. It became a shit show really fast.

The race in can look pretty beastly, especially the males, but everyone who picks it tries to make a generic anime girl. Pic related is what female firran are supposed canonically to look like. Similar situation with the demon race, which can look pretty demony, but everyone goes for shit like in the OP. But other than this, no.

That's the founder's pack you mouthbreathing dumbass. There was a separate ALPHA ACCESS pack ONLY from trion themselves long before that. Your fucking cuck ass never even got to experience what the peak of the game was. They fucking ruined it in BETA not even launch.

I used to play the Godfather's theme everytime I was a jury

You can buy costumes from the marketplace and yes people actually sell them quite often.If you're in NA they're almost always waiting to be bought.

>grind mob X til your level increases
>have chance to upgrade gear
>lose months of progress
>new zone comes out
>now you can grind mob Y
>get enough resources to upgrade gear
>lost months of progress

Yeah having progression be behind rng, having pvp be entirely gear based or number based, and having pay to win aspects in every part of the game really sucks. It's almost like BDO is more a mobile game with a pretty coat of paint than an actual MMO.
Wow this PvE is engaging I just killed my 1millionth enemy that didn't respond to my attacks in anyway, wow this pvp is great chad just one shot me, wowwowowow

BDO fails at everything it tried to do except visuals.

forgot pic

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ESO is decent, but has massive issues with how they handle expacs/DLC.

this seem acceptable

Do they cost a lot or are they somehow really affordable?

Unless the they implemented player set AH prices in NA now, you're spouting bullshit.

I actually really like the mix of DLC and chapters. That said, I subbed this year so I could access all the DLC and I already had Morrowind and Summerset.
nah look at the date of this pack and smoke some cock you ignorant faggot

Considering the costs of gearing up they're ridiculously cheap and it depends how many parts you want or an entire set it's less than 300m.A TRI boss weapon is twice that.
Literally bought one after getting the game for free with the battle royale mode.Wasn't even grinding for that but had the money from leveling and selling shit.

BDO is easily one of the worst MMOs I've ever played. It doesn't even feel finished desu.

~240m you can make that in a week by casually grinding,doing rifts and selling all loot.

here's a more accurate representation than early concept art of 1 gender.

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I'm in EU and costumes are constantly being sold on the marketplace what are you on about?Just order at max price and either wait or call it on server chat.

It's not the mix of DLCs and chapters that I consider bad, it's how they handle it. If you don't stay subbed conistently you have to spend so much money for all the content, it's ridiculous. It's also dumb, because they don't have a single "Full package" version which comes with everything and gets updated constantly, like most other B2P/P2P MMOs.

Sounds okay I guess. Maybe I'll give it another shot then. Did they optimize the game better tho? My PC is pretty shit and it didn't run so well on it when I tried it back then. Also is there a free trial?

>complains about gear making a difference in PvP
do you know what a mmorpg even is? BDO doesn't require gear upgrades and 15 hours of grinding mobs every day if you don't care about guild PvP. you can level to 49 in a span of 30 minutes, then simply opt out of non-consensual PvP and do your fucking farmville simulator or do world bosses and scrolls, without ever giving a shit about max GS gear, because literally nobody can attack you. you're like a SJW crying about shit that doesn't affect you. If you hate PvP, just do your horse breeding, trading, crafting, boating across the ocean and what not. none of these things require PvP with big ass gear scores. have sex, incel.

>human face slapped over a fantasy body
they need to stop this shit

>free trial
They were giving the entire game for free last month with 5 kills in BR mode.And yes there is a trial which can be extended with a friend code,check the forums there are still way too many codes available.Also try finding people to gift you the game either from the forum or in-game after reaching lvl 30.They get exclusive pets so they try to give it to newbies.

yeah opt out of what the game was designed to be until the carebears cried and turned it into a soulless grind machine with no reward

I played NA just a few months ago and never seen cashshop outfits selling on the regular. You only had a certain handful selling now and again. The only way I can see that changing is if they changed it so that players can set their own price on the AH.

>BR huehuehue scum put but on trial
>jury unanimously votes guilty without hesitation

ArcheAge launch was a treasure.

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>They were giving the entire game for free last month with 5 kills in BR mode
God damn it, I always just miss shit like this. But at least there's a free trial. How would I go about asking for a gift tho? Literally just beg for it?

That's because they fulfill orders and get their money instantly.Have you enabled the on screen notifications for the marketplace?Mine's constantly showing outfits being placed or fulfilling orders(eu)

How does the trial system work? How do people get put on trial in the first place?

Do you have down syndrome? Nowhere does it say that we were talking about some retarded alpha pack. So either you're knowingly moving the goal or you're actually suffering from some kind of retardation.

>they need to stop this shit
No they don't. Only the east does this, the west goes full bestiality, which is fine if you're into that sort of thing, i guess.

I wouldn't describe their faces as human, but I get what you mean.

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liora go kill yourself

yes, god forbid fantasy races in fantasy games

I just think of a sub as buying crowns anyway. If you're going to buy 1500 crowns, might as well sub for a month instead. You'll still get 1500 crowns, but you'll get access to all the DLC too.

I had notifications for several classes. Some would go up every so often, others not at all. Never once saw the dream set for witch go up.

>infinite levels exist
>therefore I must subject myself to eternal grind
or you become an adult and just focus on PvE that doesn't require it

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I guess, but I still think it's not quite a good system yet. At least the content you get is good tho.

Sure, but they gotta appeal to people and most people aren't furries. A catgirl with a furless tummy/face is about the extent of what most people will tolerate and that's what they went for.

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Ask in server chat or check the new adventure section in the forums.When I started there was a guy gifting a few codes for NA but I was EU not sure if he's still offering.But as I said try reaching lvl 30+ and make a post with a screenshot if nothing works it's not begging since it provides them with a great pet well worth the gift price.

Players who commit crimes like playerkilling get put on trial once they die in PvP. Then a random pool of players who have no crime points decide on whether the defendent is innocent or guilty while the defendent has to defend himself. Naturally, it devolved into a hilarious shitfest everytime.

Alright, thanks, I appreciate the help.

Isn;t everyone running 10 alts for the free labor?Why the fuck didn't they make the game B2P with a more balanced cash shop.The population and quality would've been better.Fuck F2P

Attacking allied faction members, breaking allied faction vehicles or stealing allied faction crops results in blood stains or footprints.
People can report these blood stains and footprints which will cause you to accumulate crime points.
When you get 50 crime points, you become wanted.
When you die in PvP, you get sent to a trial at your faction court house.
The jury is selected from a list of people who have not been wanted and have completed the juror quest.
You have a chance to make your case to explain why you have all these infractions against your faction, then the jury will vote on not guilty or a list of set jail times (which are based on your crime points and infamy points(crime points from previous guilty trials)).
It's a system that is constantly abuse and poorly implemented, but can be fun sometimes.
a seperate 'alpha access' pack never existed and all of the founders packs were present on steam

Fuck that makes me angry that I missed the release of this game.From what I've read it seemed like an actual sandbox type mmorpg

people are saying they are even worse tho

They rotated in new packs in every few months. There were loads of different founders packs, gold packs, and silver packs over the years that all had different stuff in them. Before the game's launch, the founders pack included alpha access. After launch, the founders packs obviously did not include alpha access since the alpha was over.

>I spent 150 buckaroos for the alpha
>for the alpha

Archeum packs*. They didn't start releasing packs on steam until after launch.

I can literally 1shot people if I'm a single AP above them because of my AP bracket.
Sorry but in no world is this reasonable, kys shill

uh huh
The discussion started with the $150 ALPHA pack. Please, do us all a favor and kill yourself kid

Alpha packs never existed and I don't know why you keep bringing it up. Founder's packs did and they were all present on steam before the last CBT.
>Founders Packs are promotional packages that players may purchase, prior to the full release of the of the game, to show support and gain exclusive items and benefits.

>The Archeum, Gold, and Silver Founders Packs were released Thursday, April 24, 2014 and will be available through the games headstart period/until release.

$149.99 -
$99.99 -
$49.99 -

Please link this "alpha access pack".

or yknow, let people have their cool beast race since every other shitting race on the planet is souless fapbait

Not him but I started last month what do you mean by bracket?Is a single AP that strong?

by bracket I mean when you hit a certain AP you get a bunch of extra hidden AP. Resulting in a guy who has 1 sheet AP more than you in actuality having 20-30 more. I play a DK so it's really noticable how easy I blow shit up now

Lineage 3 never ;_;

Did this game get an Elin equivalent race?

It wasn't literally called an "alpha pack" you nonce, it was a pack that gave access to the alpha so that's what people call it. It was 5 years ago, of course people are going to get the name wrong.

>Founder's packs were all present on steam before the last CBT.
but AFTER the last alpha test. The last alpha was in August 2014 and the release date on that steamdb page you linked says September 2014. Thus they weren't "alpha" packs.

You just linked it yourself you idiot. The steam packs werent available until SEPTEMBER on steam. The Archeum pack was available prior to that on trion's site in APRIL. And it fucking mentions ALPHA access in the link here:
Just because your retard ass didnt know this game existed until near launch doesn't change the fact that at MINIMUM three people in this thread paid $150 months before september to play the alpha. And what a game the alpha was. So many fucked up changes from alpha to beta to launch.

The game is gear>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>class>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>skill
Just drop it

The betas were shorter and more focused on individual aspects of the game. The alpha let you get a feel for the full experience before it came out without having to deal with BR swarms or Russian hackers.

Zoom in on the feet. I want to see how detailed they are

>It wasn't literally called an "alpha pack" you nonce
Then why do you have no proof of the existence of an "alpha pack"?

>it was a pack that gave access to the alpha so that's what people call it.
Those were the Founder's Packs. Secret Packs were the ones that were released after launch.

>but AFTER the last alpha test. The last alpha was in August 2014
Original Release Date: July 22, 2014
July comes before August, just FYI.

>of course people are going to get the name wrong.
Then don't be an incel and claim that you know it better, when you're factually wrong.

>Original Release Date July 22, 2014 – 07:00:00 UTC (1406012400) 5 years ago
>Steam Release Date September 16, 2014 – 17:00:00 UTC (5 years ago)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>STEAM Release Date September

Steamcharts says this game has an average of 300 players...obviously they have their own client but if they haven't put out playerbase stats you can assume it's dead

Nobody called it al "alpha pack" until You're having a semantic argument against yourself

except there is no fucking pve that's the point retard
all mobs have zero AI and behave in the same way
all the bosses are just damage sponges with movesets that literally do not matter
the only progression is levels either lifeskills or combat level
gear progression is entirely rng and once you hit full TET as I was you go literal months without upgrades and more often than not you lose progress with your effort

the game is ass get over it virgin, the models chars aren't even worth fapping to

Are you seriously not aware how releases on Steam work?

>Steam Release Date September 16, 2014 – 17:00:00 UTC (5 years ago)
>Original Release Date July 22, 2014 – 07:00:00 UTC (1406012400) 5 years ago

Original Release Date refers to when the DLC was made available for purchase and could be played.
Steam Release Date is set by the developer of when a game actually had been released.

>July 25, 2014 – 22:21:24 UTC
>Change #618479
>Added releasestate – released
>Removed section_type – ownersonly

This means, on july 25th, you could buy a Founder's Pack and play the beta on Steam.

This is done, because "headstarts" and "betas" are not considered by steam to be full releases, just like preorder betas aren't. That's why you can play a preorder beta for 200 hours and still be eligible for refund on steam, because it is not considered to be released.

You did.

>Korean MMO
>Fun at the start
>Ends up in legal trouble, strays away from what they promised, listening to the wrong players for input, and p2w
Why is it always the same story? Why can't Koreans make a proper MMO?

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>if they haven't put out playerbase stats you can assume it's dead
That's actually pretty rare for an MMO to do outside of describing how successful their launch year was or when they broke a new record, like WoW breaking their record almost every year, up until Cata or MoP, or FFXI announcing it had like a quarter million concurrent subscribers (which was a lot in the pre-wow days)

koreans always have great ideas but always succumb to greed and the actuality is they never deliver
only smaller scope korean stuff is ever playable

surprisingly though the last korean game I played, maplestory 2, isn't pay to win at all it just suffers from lack of content which is better than a good game ruined by greed it's just a good game with not enough good

Every company wants to flaunt an incredulous stat. Fortnite is in-house too and they did it several times.
If a company hasn't, you can assume the numbers are pathetic

So is this game good now or something? Why are people talking about it all the sudden? Does it have stupid shit like LFG?

>Why are people talking about it all the sudden?
Because someone decided to make a thread and people who enjoyed the game decided to post in his thread.

What a stupid post.
How true is this video archeagetards? I played the private server when it launched but stopped at 3k gear score because the grind was getting too autistic already

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This is one of the major reasons BDO is a dumpster fire.
>only 3 sets of mediocre looking armor from start to end game
>All armors are buyable cosmetic jumpsuits.
>no way to obtain cosmetics through accomplishment like pvp, dungeons, achievements
>literally a grindfest where you pay to play dressup
The combat is janky and fucked too.

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I don't want to watch some fag talk for 7 minutes

>e-celeb shit
Man I really hate that Yea Forums has people that unironically just regurgitate opinions of these stupid fucking faggots why do you watch these dumb videos. I could gain the same information by reading shit here, steam reviews or on any forum. Stop giving these autistic mouthpieces money

>Maplestory 2
I wanted to love the game, CBT was a blast and launch as well too. Except I have no idea who they had working on it but they were pretty damn incompetent.
-Screw up the custom clothing shop by not enforcing copyright or stolen ugc rules, therefore you had people making a butt ton of money from their Naruto ninja bologna. As well screw up the prices to list your item for sale making it harder to do so unless you previously sold stolen ugc shit.
-Time gate almost everything which added with RNG could lead to weeks of progress down the drain. You'd have mates who are already doing chaos dungeons when you're still trying to get past +11 when both of you play the same amount of time and around the same skill level. Shit goes further like enhancing gems and gem slots you could write an entire 500 word essay due tomorrow on the timegating alone
-Devs made it look like you could do the chaos raids as long as you had a good group, "gear doesn't matter as much ;)". This was completely wrong and people realized you not only needed decent gear but decent gems for that gear and also a pet that was leveled up, A PET FOR WAY MORE DPS.
-Speaking of devs they also listened to the Korean MS2 refugees who wanted the game to be p2w/serious grind/etc. Devs listened and made the game worse. With the poopsockers with their gear almost maxed sold dungeon/raid runs which the prices could only be afforded by a gold buyer. This is in turn made it so the party finder was spammed with run selling
-Dungeons/raids were also shit with "fairfight" mechanic to the point you didn't want to level or it'd nerf your damage and certain classes were next to useless due to it "balancing" passives.
Within 3 months the population for the game plummeted. It used to be 60 or so channels now it's around 15. Which even MS1 at least has 20.

>Korean MMO
That being said, whatever happened to Blade & Soul?
That game had the most fantastic leg models I've ever seen

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well good news for you
they're fixing basically everything before the new content drops this summer

when they brought the game from korea they didn't really rework the game to work without all the pay to win crap
they just shat it out as fast as they could, which was dumb
but now they're listening, removing rng, lessoning timegates, allowing trading of high tier crap, etc
really doing a lot of good

BnS is still massive in korea and still gets updates here, they just got one recently
There's I think 3 mobile games planned and no new game for PC. One of the mobile games is literally blade n soul 2 so they aren't doing just spinoffs

Well shit, maybe I should give it a shot again.
But is it still alive outside of the far Ching Chong?

i miss CBT area MS2 it was amazing, playing with guild for a few months was a blast but it fell flat, it was a 'social mmo' with no reason to be social and the raids/RNG/pets ruined it

NA is not exactly popular, the pay to win stigma hits hard in the west and BnS got slapped with it a long time ago
worth a shot though I mean there's always new stuff to play still

t. actual autist getting mad at this shit lmao

>the pay to win stigma hits hard in the west and BnS got slapped with it a long time ago
it's the one thing I hate the most.

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Korean MMOs are trash and are a big part of the genre dying, along with WOW's copy pasted system based game design.

>Within 3 months the population for the game plummeted
this is true for every mmo though
up and down as content comes and goes
ms2 made the same mistake ffxiv did with HW and put a 6 month content drought, it can always bounce back if the planned summer expansion is a lot and with them fixing all the rng stuff, removing fairfight, fixing time games, etc it has a pretty good chance
also a console port seems likely as they have put a lot of work into the controller play for the game. if it's crossplay like ffxiv it'll be a massive bump in playerbase

I'm still very skeptical. Especially when I have stuff still in my recommended like this

The steam client doesn't even work. Anyone who plays does it through the publisher's launcher.

Post more pretty demon ladies

rerollers are ass
but since they removed fairfight from hard modes balrog takes less than a minute to kill and is being farmed so hard you can easily just buy wings with good rolls off the market
make money selling legendary weapons and you can just buy good wings in like 3 weeks easily

I wouldn't mind it on switch or something. Since it already feels like a mobile game, might as well make it "mobile". As far as content goes they released their content too quick due to poopsockers and "muh raids/world first" bullshit rather than edging and releasing their content bit by bit. It feels like they rushed on some of it too, Sky Choretress. People were so angry about the chaos raids it felt like they gave is that quick so it'd distract us. Which I almost felt bad for the devs when it wasn't even a week and people already were calling it Choretress.

>y-youre just mad!
Keep sucking e-celeb dick and hopefully one day you'll gain the intelligence level to realize your opinions magically match those retards you sub to.

does this game have androgynous looking boys

it's really only a chore if you make it a chore
just doing your weeklies is good enough and rumbles were a pretty fun addition
the issue is that you have to rep grind on every new character you make, it's really draining

but it's alleviated a bit since running your hards doesn't take hours now and you can do 15 rogs in under 30 minutes, leaves a lot of spare time for other activities


It has elves, yes.

I hope you enjoy it and I hope it's unfucked, I played from alpha/beta/opening and had a good 4 months of fun exploring and sailing and diving. Then they killed it for me.
Never again, but I hope some people can have the fun I did.

show me some cute boys

Looks good. How's gameplay?

>tfw you'll never play archeage again and play music with strangers as you sail the seas
I really wish more games would have a similar music/instrument system.

There's a Unreal 4 upgrade coming soon, that I'm waiting for. Because the current game stutters and tears like nobodies business, I can't stand seeing it.

Just play Dorf Loli

>Then they killed it for me.
>Never again,
is game PTSD a real thing?
you are robbing yourself of a good time because of some past trauma

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I'm having enough fun at low lvl at least

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Sell me on this, what makes it different from something like WoW, ESO or FFXIV?

Just play black desert already

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I did at launch, can you play music in it? And by music I mean player-made custom songs. Didn't like how all the gear looked the same and the leveling in that game.

Just blast it through voip.

Open ended gameplay loop.
I wouldn't play it still, unless they add in a fresh start again, but you would be years behind people who know the ins and outs of the gameplay/money systems.

What? There's vociechat in BDO?

in this pic you look cool. weird race tho

Albion online went free just a few days ago, you might want to try that.
I heard the servers are saturated with people waiting on queues right now

no you cannot play custom music
and sailing is fuck ass archeage does it way better
do not play bdo that guy is a fucking retard

t. guy who has played both for thousands of hours
archeage is the better of the two in the current state

is there a /fit/ slider for the women?

It got built in voip for guilds n shit sometime last year
everyone I know muted it cause there's always some guildmate the ruined it for everyone

it was incredibly buggy and shitty though so no loss

Literally 0 people use it, the game is infinite P2W in that more than half of players genuinely spend $100-$1000 a week, no one sails anymore because it's pointless, and there's no social interactions in the world aside from guild chat, or unless you're getting ganked because you're penalized hard xp and money-wise for being in a party. I spent $200 on the day I quit which did absolutely nothing for me and I'm fucking glad I did or I would have still been caught in the Korean trap of spend $100 to get 1% stronger and be stronger than a guy who spends no money and who's played months longer than you, while another guy spends $1000 to get 5% stronger and he'll forever be better than you

To this day I cannot describe the bile I feel over how closely they came to the perfect MMO, just to absolutely rape it with p2w cancer.
Nothing has ever come close to the fun of bullying physical nerds as Dreambreaker, sneaking around the enemy continent in order to steal radishes.

Is this true? Is it really not p2w anymore?

Me and most of my guild instantly dropped the game the day they added the ability to pay for top tier gear.
BDO is a fucking joke nowadays

why dont you play it and find out

Project TL?

The first month of this game ruined all MMOs for me forever. I've never gone back to playing them because they all pale in comparison.
>tfw getting a clipper
>doing trade runs across the sea
>getting harpooned by pirates and crawling into a safe zone while being reeled in

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>get early launch
>get my best friend to play
>make a home next to my best friend while we have a LAN party
>gives me ownership rights so i can make a cow farm
>join local guild next to my house that owns the entire beachside property
>supply cow shit to guild so we can give speed boosts to our trade ships and prevent piracy or engage in piracy

Probably the best time i've ever had in an MMO. My name was Merlin and I was a dagger spell mage that could combo people 1v1 and kill them with giant meteors.

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First month of ArcheAge is probably where modern MMOs peaked.

It was unbalanced, shit PvE, bot infested and korean mobage systems like labor points are the main issues with the game (besides the later P2W shit) but god damn was it magical.

The sailing, farming, non instanced housing, faction PvP, trade routes, character builds, naval warfare, illegal tree farms (as in outside boxed in farms - anyone could harvest these once planted so people would go to great lengths to scale mountains to plant trees in some hidden valley on the edge of the map) and literal player pirates complete with a FFA pirate island were all peak fucking ideas with great execution

The pirate island is probably the best area in the game.
You got the best rewards for taking trade packs to it from the mainland - my guild would load up a fleet with packs, sail to the pirate island and haul all the packs with carts to a guild VIP at the vendor so he could sell them all for special tokens to buy bigger ships for the guild to use. These big ships took forever to get if you were grinding tokens by yourself, so everyone chipped in to get the guild economy up and running. Of course since this is FFA PvP, any other guild could lay in ambush on the island waiting for less member stacked guilds to arrive with packs, kill them and turn in their packs themselves. Not to mention an actual neutral pirate faction that players could join if their crime points were high enough, and they had headquarters in the sea nearby. There was also a frequent world boss spawn on the island that was fought over a bunch.
Fights would also break out over the tree farms since if you had a lot of trees planted, you'd probably want to defend them with some mates.

I feel bad for any PvP/sandbox MMO fan who didn't experience ArcheAge at its peak. Something that good won't come along again. And no, private servers with "fresh starts" just aren't the same

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god I had so much fucking fun with this game. I wish my computer was strong enough to record it all

I'll never forget logging in the for first time and hearing someone try to play the harry potter theme song but they had shitty music skill so they would miss a few notes here and there.

We had a guild mate that spent all of his income on being a musician and just played music for all of us on guild pirating runs/trade runs

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I can see why people say they enjoyed the game in beta or at launch. Not hard to imagine having fun until you hit endgame and have it ruined by p2w shit. It's not really bad so far. Just boring questing but that's whatevs. lvl 11 and got my first mount/pet.

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Whats you IGN and server so I can stalk you

yeah nice blog and avatarfagging retard
nmnobody cares

I'm not telling you.
Calm down, sperg-kun.

>I'm not telling you.
Wow rude

Cow mount and boot skill REALLY were defining traits of this game.

I remember I spent like 2 hours making a brown elf girl that I posted in the /vg/ threads around launch and people wanted to fuck my character.

Fun times.

>it's free of p2w guis trust me lmao
>immediately leaves the thread

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post her

In ArchAge, as the bard whatever the fuck class, can I change the songs that play when I use my musical skills?

I want to roleplay as a medieval metal band with some friends.

Okay I'm starting now. What are some good class combos for malediction?

i'd have to re-download and remember my account password to get shots.

just be yourself

But I'd rather be decent than myself

>level up fairly quickly
>take to the high seas with 3 bros
>use the lasso ability to yank people off of their ship's steering, causing it to be dead in the water
>invade huge galleons filled with level 20s, murder them all and slowly take their loot to turn in zones
>get messages about how we made people quit the game
it was a fun 2 weeks

Dumb Pecorine

Sorry, your mom called and needed someone to fuck her pussy immediately.

At least it's not bless

Is there any of these MMOs any good?

>Is there any of these MMOs any good?
hello u stinky BRfag

I only play MMOs for the ERP. How alive is it in this game compared to say Tera or FFXIV?

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It literally just depends on how much of a slut you're willing to be. Just fucking get online and go find some lonely retard.

Why do KR games always have terrible character design?