6 years

>6 years
>BB's game is still untranslated

Attached: Fate_Extra_CCC_PSP_game.jpg (408x700, 156K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The extraverse ruined fate

Fate is for dumb faggots

BB is outdated

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because its fucking trash

CCC being good is literally a meme, the entire first half of the game is retarded filter because they realized they couldn't make the game they wanted on psp hardware and rushed something out instead

You had 6 fuckings years to learn nip. No one to really blame but yourself for waiting so long for a project that's a bit too ambitious for its size as a PSP game with that much dialogue for a dead platform in the west.

What about Foxtail?

Foxtail is all the beta ideas they couldn't use shoved together into a manga publication, mostly the Sakura 5. Most of its events are completely different.

foxtail is garbage because nasu gave all the ideas they had to a literal hentai artist who can't write for shit and also forced it into being a tamamo route.

they should have just remade CCC on the ps vita, but FGO was out by that point and nasu really needed to get extella out so they have had an excuse for the lostbelt arc.

It also ha the best coverart of all fate games

Which Sakura is this?

The entire main route is translated on Youtube. Literally google it.

That's not all that difficult to do

It's trash
and tamamo is shit

Wish Suzuka was the servant instead. What I would give to play another Fate RPG with Li as my servant, or Robin.

old or young li?


Either works honestly, but Old Li would be great. Legitimate old guys tend to be the coolest.
Probably Top 5 CMs

garbage event and made beasts into a bigger joke then they already were

>VR high school setting
>omnipotent mastermind fucks entire thing up and everyone teams up to escape
>to fight the villian of the chapter you have to argue with them, the more you win the more their clothes get torn apart
>mastermind shitposts 24/7, appears in "monitors" many times and has it's own story section just dedicated to shitposting about unrelated and unfunny bullshit
>mastermind is actually a hot girl
What did Nasu mean by this?

Attached: 1507860547191.jpg (1330x744, 418K)

>dead system
>dev is actually dead
>as much text as all of F/sn
>back when Fate was only JUST getting slightly popular due to Fate/Zero
>would have to hire an entire separate team to port a PSP game toanother platform and get it up to modern standards which probably involves redrawing all portraits and rework everything
makes me think

>Legitimate old guys tend to be the coolest
good choice

go back to your trash general

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you should realize the reason nobody translates TM games into english anymore is because the english community is cancer and no JOP wants to get stuff they like tainted by niggers

that you don't need meta bullshit to make a fun game

/fgog/, /alter/ or /tm/

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Don't forget /c/ threads that are basically generals

Male god of love in Dark Sakura's body
has a slutty split personality that wants to destroy humanity by drowning it in hedonism and believes the best way of accomplishing this is to pull them all into her inner universe so they can get endlessly fucked by infinite Sakuras

Reminder that CCC is not being translated actively, the youtube videos don't have the true route and that there is no real summary of the true route ending.

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fuck EOPs. also bitching for free shit and not willing to do anything for it

t. faggot
fantranslator drama and bitching when someone else decides to do """their""" project is far worse

nasu is upset he didn't get to rewrite heavens feel, so you'll never see shirou again.


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It's what she deserves.

>pull them all into her inner universe so they can get endlessly fucked by infinite Sakuras
Man that would be terrible haha

theres literally nobody fighting over any TM project right now. they're all free.

nobody wants to do them.

It's terrible if you're a Buddhist.