How many times, Yea Forums?
How many times, Yea Forums?
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Reminder that -8 is literally a pedophile
Nothing wrong with that.
Fuck off.
2 or 3 times
Its videogames
None. -8's stuff is cool for a glance but I can't beat my meat to it. Plus it feels weird to jack off to Rhythm Heaven since I like the games so much.
Incorrect statement unless he fucks real children. That or you don't know what "literally" means.
What's next? He's Literally Hitler?
Reminder that no one cares.
I don't see video games
and that is a good thing
Why does everyone like having sex with this girl?
At least he admits he needs help and doesn't deny it. He's not like you who bring this shit up because you are a closet fag who browses reddit and complains about gay people on r/donald because you can't handle being alone in the world and you wish you had real friends, but in reality you are just a closet fag who brings up stupid shit just like everyone else from reddit.
Get the fuck out of here and go back.
>semantics of the phrase "literally a pedophile"
I don't know much about this minus8 guy, buy if you have to get into categorizations of trying to redefine SEXUAL INTEREST IN MINORS, you yourself are a pedophile.
4-5 maybe
>He's not like you who bring this shit up because you are a closet fag who browses reddit and complains about gay people on r/donald because you can't handle being alone in the world and you wish you had real friends, but in reality you are just a closet fag who brings up stupid shit just like everyone else from reddit.
That amount of coping and projecting, holy shit. Get help.
I don't have to redefine shit, bitchboy.
These aren't minors. Those are cartoons. Cartoons don't have emotions or feelings, because they're not real.
The first step of grief is denial friend. Don't be stupid and accept that you are a closet fag.
Get help.
This remix is bullshit, my perfect runs were ruined by both false endings
Has he killed himself yet? He said many times he regretted ‘coming out’ as a a legit pedo.
Pedophile doesn't mean "fucks kids" it's means "wants to fuck kids". You can be a blind quadrapalegic and still be a pedo. -8 wants to fuck kids
As soon as you admit you are a closet fag. Notice how you never said I was wrong.
You are just as mentally ill as the rest of us, how about you get help first then you can preach.
so it 90% of Yea Forums
I'd say 2 - 10
You sure seem to know a lot about the behaviors of Reddit. Maybe you should consider going back. Also Minus8 is a pedo, deal with it you stupid pedo sympathizer.
>Actually capitalizing the R in reddit.
How to tell you are from reddit 101
>Notice how you never said I was wrong.
Because baseless assumptions aren't arguments worth debating.
>You are just as mentally ill as the rest of us
loool, as I said, projecting. Speak for yourself, faggot.
-8 has stated that he actually has the desire to fuck children in real life you stupid incel, l2reading comprehension
Reddit. Reddit. I typed Reddit again with a capital R. Seethe harder, kek.
Go back to twitter you faggot
>Hur dur im smart you are dumb hur dur so I dont have to argue with you
>Look I use lol but put three o's instead of one so that means you are stupid
reddit closet fags everyone.
So here's the thing:
If I want to fuck an idealized version of a kid that exists purely in 2D format and has absolutely no corellation with how real children look or act like - am I a pedophile?
Don't answer, rhethorical question, because I'm not. I may be lolicon, shotacon, whatever, but those things and actual pedophilia are not interchangeable, because 3D children are fucking disgusting.
There is no attraction to characteristics that real children have. It's attraction to fictional depiction. A depiction which cannot be harmed in any way and has no rights. Weird, right? But that's just how it is.
Ah, that's a shame and I'm glad that he does his best to never act on his urges. I just assumed that it was some retards misrepresenting facts again.
Pedophiles are not bad people, they just have a mental illness that should be treated with state funded psychology and rectal electrodes
>he's actually getting mad
lol. Keeping seething you closet pedophile. And stop projecting your reddit faggotry and mental illness onto others while you're at it. I will reiterate, please get help and stop using this site. You're clearly unfit to handle it.
I don't think so, it's like how I would fuck a 2D guy because there is absolutely no way the 2D guys I would fuck could exist in 3D.
I fantasize about 12 year old Japanese girls maybe once every 5 months
I also fantasize about milfs, fucking my non-existent sister, rape, fake breasts, impregnation, grandmas, but most of the time just big ol tiddies and wide hips.
Am I a pedo?
Yeah okay but what about the ones who have actually exploited and fucked children and scarred them mentally? Should they just walk free because "muh mental health made me do it"? People actually suffer at the hands of these sick fucks, and they should rightly get punished for it.
Is it a good or bad thing this flash introduced people to Rhythm Heaven?
I honestly don't know anymore.
>Thinks I'm getting mad
>Still not denying he is a closet fag himself from reddit
Jesus christ how embarrassing.
Dilate more, tranny
Yeah ok.
I think about killing people a lot but I've never done it.
Not a murderer.
If I did I wouldn't see any reason not to punish me.
I don't get it. What does that background from Rhythm Heaven Mean? What's -8? Why is people talking about beating their meat?
You're gay, sorry buddy.
Keep grasping user. You made the original claim, so the burden of proof is actually on you. But feel free to give me another free (You) while you desperately try to get the upper hand in this meaningless conversation. I'll be waiting lol.
Today I will remind them
Why are so many straight artists pedophiles?
Care to justify your contrarian morality, my nihilistic friend?
Are you comparing sexual orientation to pedophilia now, user-kun? Because it's a little different.
Again, pedophilia implies that you want to fuck real children.
Sexual orientation means that you are just predominantly attracted to members of certain sex, regardless of medium that they are represented in. The fact that you are gay does not mean that you want to fuck little boys, just that you are attracted to your own sex.
One is a crime, another one is basic principle of a human mind. What point are you trying to make?
>Still not denying
>Still being a faggot
At least you got past the first stage. Now you just have to get past anger friend.
I would fuck 2D guys I find attractive but I never found a single 3D guy attractive, am I gay?
You wish, cocklips.
I only find 1D girls attractive
But I might consider being penetrated by a 4D girl
>I'm a real psychologist
Right there is where I stopped reading
>am I gay?
Yes, very.
It's not like you read anyways.
No. But it doesnt even fucking matter because pedo has basically no defintion among the population, some retards want it to mean you feel attraction to anyone a minute under 18, others want it to mean you rape kids, others want it to mean you feel attracted to kids sometimes, some want to turn it into some kind of fictional vs real thing, and then there's the tiny minority that actually uses it as means, which is the exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.
The word basically is a meme word with no meaning on the internet.
Ok retard
Most likely repressed gay.
You wouldn't find it attractive if you didn't have the leanings in the first place.
Just like drawn scat and real scat.
>If I want to fuck an idealized version of a kid that exists purely in 2D format and has absolutely no corellation with how real children look or act like - am I a pedophile?