>breaks the metagame so hard that it gets its own tier
how the fuck does that work?
Breaks the metagame so hard that it gets its own tier
Like this
You dont mess with the fug
Fug is the strongest.
He's like Brawl Meta Knight, or Smash 4 Bayonetta, so in other words stupidly overpowered.
Mega Fug is way more OP than either MK or Bayo.
I don't understand people who play pokemon competitatively and use legendaries/psuedo legendaries.
Just seems overpowered in lame. There are like 600 pokemon; use them.
It's like if you were watching a yugioh battle wear both players have OP cards like exodia or blue eyes stacking their whole deck. Just cheap and lame.
Finals should be completely devoid of legs
in anime or in real life? blue eyes is kinda shit irl
Imagine a pokemon with good HP, above average defenses, top tier attack stats, and top tier movepool, with their weakness being their average speed and their 4x weakness.
Now imagine if he could get a power up in the middle of battle for absolutely no cost that erases both of their weaknesses while also buffing his other stats to good defense and godly status attack power. And he can still use any item he wants just to add a little cherry to the shit cake.
Sasuga gamefreak
Being a legendary or pseudo-legendary doesn't guarantee you'll be good, is the problem. You'll never find someone claiming regice or goodra is too powerful, for example.
Uberfags wanted Uber to be treated as it's own tier instead of a glorified banlist for a very long time. Mega Fug was just the perfect opportunity for this due to how badly he broke Uber.
A character's matchup against Meta Knight is largely what defined Brawl's meta. And that's still after banning the most broken aspects of MK (infinite Cape invincibility glitch, stalling for free under the stage and timing out). His hitboxes typically can't be clanked. His jab catches cross-ups. His recovery is unparalleled. He obliterates aerial approach with Mach Tornado and his sword. Shuttle Loop is a quick and safe kill move. He can glide almost endlessly and get insane kills doing so. His smashes are insane, Down Smash nearly lagless. His down air is an absurdly big and safe hitbox than singlehandedly removes all options of characters like Ice Climbers. His up air is so fast that it is faster to use up air and jump rather than make two consecutive jumps.
>blue eyes
The only legendaries that can be considered overwhelming are the cover ones anyways. Then there's shit like Articuno, which has absolutely zero worth.
imagine mega arceus
Blue-Eyes won huge tournaments, at least before the MR4 rule change. They had Blue-Eyes Alternative and several other easy ways to bring out beaters, Synchros with great protection which brought back the material, and they could use Galaxy-Eyes rank monsters. Even throw in the Chaos MAXX ritual monster which was unbeatable for an unprepared deck.
His jab was awful, but everything else you said is true.
Maybe I'm biased cause Smogon quickly kicked Mega Fug upstairs , while the Smash community couldn't decide whether to ban Meta Knight in time.
> giving a flying fuck about tiers or metagame in kiddieshit
I hope you're angry
You know more than me. I always thought 2 tributes for no special effects was a waste.
Looks like you are angry enough for all of us kid.
theres a metagame in pokemon?
>Smash 4 Bayonetta
>stupidly overpowered
Said nobody ever
this. Fuck Landerus
Are you retarded
>Just seems overpowered in lame
Not all legendaries and mythic pokemons are good
Blue Eyes itself is shit, but it has plenty of support that made it actually good back in the day, with Chaos MAX being an extremely powerful boss monster for the deck even today. It really got fucked over by rules changes when Links were introduced, but it is still better than it might seem.
They made Mega Mewtwo X and Y totally reasonable, but then went nuts and not only made Rayquaza, Groudon and Kyogre's Megas insanely good, but also made it so Groudon and Kyogre's transformations aren't even technically Megas meaning you could use all three on the same team.
>Mega Mewtwo X and Y
>totally reasonable
yo when the fuck we getting primal Dialga?
Meanwhile smashfags never managed to ban bayo
Was the mega fug Z move ever possible?
>Primal Kyogre used Ice Beam
Pokemon play is in tiers.
Different communities is what it boils down to. Smogon had six generations to learn how to construct a good and non-cancerous meta. Brawl players were up the river without a paddle, separated from Melee in that Melee never considered a full character ban. It was a very different game and old lessons couldn't necessarily be applied from either Melee or the FGC because the organizers weren't FGC. People did ban MK, pretty early, but it never fully caught in the wide-ranging community and some people just argued that a character should never be fully banned. Pokemon has had endless entries that rarely made meta-redfining changes (the biggest is probably physical special move split).
I don't want to. Technically his attack stats wouldn't be as high as fug since he had 150 base offense to begin with, but arceus already has superior HP, defenses, and speed and somehow an even better movepool that fug.
Right here buddy
top kek
Are you retarded
When gen 2 starters get their mega
>Ability multi-plate, treated as all types at once, immunities override weaknesses
>200 in every base stat
Mega Ray can't use Z-moves
Gotta give Necrozma some sort of claim to fame
I do hope we get new mega's in sword and shield, or sinnoh remakes
Isn't Exodia an instawin? I don't know anything about Yu-Gi-Oh other than Karibo = Magikarp
If a Pokemon had every single typing, wouldn't it still be weak to Rock, Grass, and Ice, or something like that? I remember reading that somewhere.
When is Quagsire going to get his mega?
>Mega Luxray that makes him not shit
I wish, yo. Megas and Z-Moves are done, by the way, GF's entire business model revolves around removing features that people like.
we fugposting now?
>tfw Articuno was (and still is) my favorite Pokemon
>literally only good for STAB Icebeam roflstomping Lance in E4
Not even that actually since that fucker had a hacked Aerodactyl with Rock Slide
A lot of Yugioh cards instantly win. Exodia is just brick fodder unless you have an insane draw engine (most cards you'd need for this are banned) or are ungodly lucky. Nobody has ever actually used Exodia.
>*Ting ting*
It goes like this:
>Smogon creates its own metagame with certain restrictions/rules that make things a little less retarded than competitive play, called OU
>over time it’s clear that some Pokémon are way too dominant to be allowed, such as most legendaries
>this results in a banlist called Ubers
>to ensure that people who like to use these Pokémon don’t get fucked over, this banlist doubles as its own metagame
>even though some Pokémon overcentralize it and others are bad in it whilst simultaneously being too strong for OU, there’s nothing too ridiculous to warrant banning things here
>Mega-fug is introduced
>so strong that it’s literally a hindrance not to use
>it gets banned
Is this bait?
Heard you talking shit like i wouldn't find out.
>150 base offense to begin with
no he doesn't you retarded sinnohfetus
>reading comprehension