this a joke, right? is this how the mainstream feels about Ninja and other twitch streamers?
Ninja Time's 100
Other urls found in this thread:
>making gaming what it is today
The fuck?
>someone to whom we owe a lot for making gaming what it is today
what did he do? how did his involvement in video games change anything?
Everyone knows Pewdiepie is the most influential online video game guy.
fucking based
>making gaming what it is today
What did he do?
Honestly yeah, he's much more influential than ninja
Hahahaha he looks like an old lesbian.
>we owe a lot for making gaming what it is today?
a husk of what it was?
What the fuck does that even mean? He has nothing to do with games beyond streaming and selling time for him to stream them.
>someone to whom we owe a lot for making gaming what it is today
vomit, imagine having to write these meaningless blurbs. he streams 1 game and was a literal who a couple years ago. dayz came out in 2012 btw. why don't they feature the modder what made that instead. that's right, because he's not a meme, he's not "sexy," he's not known.
too problematic to make the list, sweetie
No. The media is desperate to push this angle in order to try and make esports into a thing and get people to take mobile games more seriously.
It's a corporation backed thing.
Who else? You or anyone around here? Some youtuber faggot? I don't know how much it means to be the most epic gamer in the world, but if it's anyone it has to be Ninja.
Remember when Ninja was an autist in the Halo 3 scene who kept getting kicked from teams because he couldn't go 5 minutes without starting shit?
What did he do?
This guy is still alive?
Who the fuck is this green haired fuckface? Never heard of him before.
According to five seconds on google he played 3 once. He was a reach baby and terrible at it.
>making gaming what it is today
he's internet famous for like 1 year
There is not a more boring eCeleb than Ninja, and that's saying something.
marblecake, also the game
They're both cringe as hell.
Found the RACIST!!!
he's the easiest way to explain videogame streaming to the normies
I dislike him honestly I think the only people who like him still are underaged morons who need an online big brother to cuck them
isnt this like the nobel prize or that star walk of fame? you just pay someone I think
Dangerously redpilled kid right here.
Just kikes shilling for another cuck influencer that furthers their goals.
>Remember when Ninja was an autist in the Halo 3
no but I only ever watched halo 2 glitch and compilations videos. even had a teacher in my spanish class that would let me use his computer to watch them.
Why be famous when you can just game comfortably with no worries of people subbing to you while you just stream vidya and play with others? That being said.... I am up to buying one person a copy of Dragon Ball Fighter Z (regular) for under $14. Who would like to play me at it? Win or lose. I just want to promote the gift of gaming with everyone and have a good time.
nice diary entry, nobody cares
nah it aint how the mainstream feels about it
my neighbours dad bought her spot into a top 100 interview, it's pretty useless and everyone knows it
>plays vidya online for almost a decade
>becomes largest platform on site
>donates thousands
>last year starts a viral campaign that transcends the site itself
>plays fortnite for a year
>pushed into phone ads
How did the world become severely dumber with the advent of the internet?
literally who
Remember lads - subscribe to pewdiepie
in what way is that guy influential?
>/pol/ the post
Wheres moot in that list?
>game dev
work 24/7 paid in cookie crumbs and gets recognized by company name instead of their name.
plays video games all day, recognized by name, gets millions for screaming at new games made by people above.
wow working hard is for suckers in this industry
user I...
ninja's only claim to fame is being popular on twitch, he wields exactly as much influence as the average instagram model, and he's done fuck all for gaming. probably the least deserving person on the list.
I cared
Nice diary
He saved and changed video games for the better, user. Can you say the same?
Can you?
can somebody break me down who is ninja?
I don't understand why mainstream media pushes this clown and literally nobody else, he's the Paris Hilton of gaming who's only famous for being famous.
how so?
>you stream online and people watch it.
>NINJA streams online and people watch it makes perfect sense now xD
based and oldfag-pilled
who cares? Why are you so mad about something that doesn't make sense.
Takes a dummy to know a dummy, dummy
Ninja is the one these writers' kids talk about, so it's literally all they know.
He's the most popular but to outsiders, being popular basically looks like he invented streaming video games as a profession
Triggered nigger can't even come up with an argument against it
found the insecure copelet
>for the better
>companies focusing on making streamer friendly games that appeals to children filled with micro transactions
thanks ninja.
Where's Pewds?
It's not dumber,it's just that more dumb people have the possibility to share their stupidity with the others.
Ninja was playing professionally since around 2007 and was well known in the Halo 3 days.
You could say the time quote about pewdiepie, unfortunately.
Yes, I can. I helped in the development of Rise To Ruins. All Ninja did was entertain autistic children by playing Fortnite
>Making gaming what it is today
By being a literal nobody outside of the mind of that weird kid who took MLG Halo seriously for multiple years, and then popping up out of nowhere with an advertising contract with a rapper?
i have not been taught good enough words to describe by disdain for the word "influencer"
whenever I happen to catch a glimpse of him on camera (lil bro watches him), he always looks like he's packed full of adderall/coke
I still maintain that videogames is a hobby you should be embarrassed to let people know you indulge in. Ninja is what people see gaming as.
The Virgin Twitch Streamer
The Chad Let's Play Youtuber
No he wasn't. He played in a handful of regional tournaments and did terribly. No one had ever heard of him.
Why is Satania there?
this and he wasnt the first or anything, and theres plenty of other streamers almost as big so..
working hard is for suckers since the ancient times, it's just how humans function. You didn't see a medieval King work more than the local peasant
What the flying fuck!? An absolute fucking nobody until Fortnite and he's a legend that gaming owes its success? Fuck, anyone is more worthy than him, Peter Molyneux, Todd Howard, Pewdiepie, Bobby Kotick, even that faggot who made Undertale. What the fuck.
Ninja has undeniably helped contribute to a more positive view of "gamers" in the mainstream. I was talking about it with my therapist the other day actually.
Time magazine is calling games today garbage
>Caring about TIME in the year 2019
just ignore it, that magazine hasn't been relevant for decades and and you're doing exactly what they want. They knew putting that dipshit there would stir up a bunch of attention, and here we are
Shame his wife is divorcing him the instant he moves into a new home.
What the fuck is wrong with her?
What did Ninja do for gaming? Huh?
>Gaming is almost 40 years old
>Time: Look at this beta male with purple hair, you see him? This guys plays Fortnite. Thank him for making modern gaming great.
>"But he doesn't make the games? Or do artwork? Or coding? Does he even..."
Like it or not, he was hugely influential.
he made it into what it is today, Time magazine is telling you who to blame for this sorry state, user.
Why cope when I can afford games to give out? I enjoy playing vidya with random folks. How about you who calls out lashing at a complete stranger you know nothing about other then what he posted? At least I gave out a game for free heh unlike Ninja does with his viewers subbing to him to get into giveaways
: = Snake uses this explosive to go into the room where president of Arm's Tech Baker is located and then does a shootout with Revolver Ocelot.
!! - Divide by ? - Time - another word for a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones.
??=(Another short term for Mister)
>Magazines and websites need readers to stay relevant
>Currently popular things attract more readers
That's the full extent of reasoning behind decisions like these.
imagine being this jealous
Great contribution, guy. Really interesting take.
Why is Satania in the top left corner?
he has only been popular for like 2 years and all he plays is league of shitgens and fortnite
Samefag. Embarrassing. Pathetic, really.
and hitler was the most popular political leader to the nazis
I actually playtested Ubisoft games (not even an actual paid tester). A fucking irrelevant position yet even I can claim to have done more for gaming.
>somebody unironically believes that this goofy looking dude has something to do how gaming
the internet gave a medium and a megaphone to stupid people
>denying facts because reee wahhhh me no likey normies
Cringe. How do normalfags even breathe?
He's influential in the same way Kim Kardashian is influential, nobody knows who they are other than they're famous for being famous.
Well pewdiepie is just himself (not like his scary shit game-time)
Ninja is faking his current personality, he actualy only cares about playing competitive games and destroying faggots
Yeah but Pewdie is hardly a gamer, he fucking reviews memes and OCCASIONALLY plays games. Don't count, if anyone should have the title it should be people who literally made video game streaming huge, the original juggernauts of twitch. The oldschoolers like Sodapoppin, Lirik, Dr Disrespect, Timthetattman, Summit1g etc. THESE are the people who made shit like Battle Royales and DayZ huge, niggas like Ninja just jumped on the bandwagon.
anime gurl
>Remember this thing?
>no but did you know that I used to do this completely irrelevant thing as a kid?
wtf user nobody cares
Daily reminder
Again, you're battin' a thousand today. You're like the Einstein of Chan forums. Great stuff.
time has good taste i suppose
Tyranny of choice and laziness. Why access libraries of knowledge and learn new things when you can just entertain yourself and be social, falling for whatever trend is fashionable at the moment?
>no argument
Not the other guy but he was influential and that's a fact. you can continue to seethe though
Not really.
He is the most popular streamer but he didn't innovate the model or medium, nor did he popularize the profession.
There were streamers before him that were pretty popular too who did literally the same shit
In what way was Ninja influential then?
hes literally just a popular streamer. this is the most uninformed journalist comment ever who very clearly didn't want to research shit
>someone to whom we owe a lot for making gaming what it is today
You mean ruining the industry with free to play cancer full of screeching kids and BR trash? This shit better be ironic like putting Hitler on the cover.
>Why access libraries of knowledge and learn new things when you can just entertain yourself and be social, falling for whatever trend is fashionable at the moment?
Says the guy spending his time on Yea Forums
Every kid ever knows about him and wants to become a streamer thanks to him
He made video game streaming mainstream, like it or not that's hugely influential
Time has done a good job of getting a bunch of people who haven't thought about their terrible magazine in years to pay attention to them.
Good job doing exactly what they want you morons
This world becomes more of a joke as each day passes..
>this a joke, right?
Yes, TIME is a joked.
>You mean ruining the industry with free to play cancer full of screeching kids and BR trash?
F2P cancer dates back to facebook
Screeching kids date back to gaylo
He hasn't regularly played video games for almost 4 years now. His channel is just three layers of thin irony about how he really doesn't want to put any effort into his channel but he can't just walk away from 90 million subs either.
It's pretty clear to anyone paying attention that they're pushing Ninja to be the first "Hollywood" gamer, as he's someone who is easily controlled and non controversial.
Except he didn't
Do you know how I know he's not the one who 'made video game streaming mainstream?'
Because Pewdiepie literally did that first and even had to talk about why he was focusing on that more than his edited youtube videos
People hate fortnite kids, if anything he made gamers look even more stupid now
well according to time, yes I can
since its not true
>non controversial
to be fair, the fallout stream was even worse.
Ever since about 2003 or so this shithole jew world has made me want to blow my brains out
Particularly the media and how the lemmings let it think for them
No this is how important they see marketing to zoomies as.
because a normal person won't recognize industries unless there is a big name to attach to it
You're proving him right.
why was he mad at the kid? he literally streams for kids like those.
Didn't he just drop like a cool million on some house for his thot and after all that she's divorcing him? LOL
>Because Pewdiepie literally did that first
No he didn't. Pewdiepie started the movement, Ninja claimed it.
You don't have to like it, but Ninja ended up being hugely influential and denying it because you don't like it is incredibly childish.
>Watching video games.
Ha ha hah.... HA HAHAHAH
>based Satania made it to the front page of Time
_toddlers btfo
That was from before he got popular and started faking his personality.
Man i would love it if some autistic zoomer mark David chapmaned ninja infront of his wife.
Or maybe even charles manson
Quit trying to act like you're not in the know for these babysitter streamers.
I feel like Tyler is gonna go down the same road as pewds,
>gamer that gets really popular but then just goes rogue out of nowhere
>disconnected boomers pretending they know internet culture
1. This was before he got big
2. The reaction had some justification
3. It could be interpreted as him getting mad at the homophobic slur
4. It doesn't outweigh his usefulness
Also, not related but it's pretty clear that Ninja is a closeted homo.
Kid called him a faggot.
Why arent they celebrating the creator of instead? Without him, Ninja would have no place to stream
Play with a rapper,
Bleached his hair in feminist approved colors,
Fortnite dance on stage
Streamed of twitch
Showed up for paid promos that got press coverage
Playing his cards right not stirring the pot when it came to politics
Debuted through battle royale like dr. Disrespect but had a adolescent appeal to younger audiences
Video games in general have been shit for some time and there’s nothing and no one else to promote
>Also, not related but it's pretty clear that Ninja is a closeted homo.
He has a wife
Only one has been connected to a mass shooting
Okay, but still disproves your point because that means the actual contribution is Pewdiepie's, and Ninja is just taking credit for it.
So Ninja didn't actually change the format or make it more popular than it already was (because Pewdiepie is still bigger than Ninja).
Ninja is just the face of the movement*.
*At the moment
oh no no no
>modern journalism
So does my dad but he's still a fag.
Unironically, as the most popular streamer among 12 year olds (the core vidya audience), he is the most important figure in video games to this day
He didn't even do anything for streaming. Streaming was already huge before him and he became big only because Fortnite did with him as the only person streaming it at the time.
>denying it because you don't like it is incredibly childish.
where did he say he doesnt like streamers or ninja? attacking ad hominem doesnt really hepl your point
your the one saying that cause ninja was named by time that hes the one that made a difference in game streaming. every couple of years, theres some new BIG STREAMER
imaqtpie, pewdiepie, this year it's ninja.
therell be some new guy in a couple of years and everyone will claim he made game streaming what it is
>Okay, but still disproves your point because that means the actual contribution is Pewdiepie's, and Ninja is just taking credit for it.
No, that's not what I said and that's not what's happening. Ninja "claimed" it by being more likable to kids and a more marketable person. He was the influential one. Stop being an idiot.
pick one
>living under a rock
pick two
the first time I heard about this faggot was during this years Dorito Pope show. how is he influential? i thought he played fortnight on a stream.
Who is connected to a mass shooting and how?
cant figure out the Divide by ? one
is it supposed to be "22"? (like catch-22)
Celebrities are unironically the biggest cancer and threat to Western Civilization.
Why do we place so much influencial importance on actors and singers? They didnt dedicate their lives to studying politics or economics. They are They're entertainers, nothing more.Do people just enjoy being spoken down to and always need a surrogate parent?
Its uncanny how much power these people have, now I know why Aristotle was so suspicious of musicians.
If we put these people in their place. The kikes would have no one to speak through ans would have no power.
>he actualy only cares about playing competitive games and destroying faggots
isnt this the point of online gaming? why would you fake otherwise?
>made gaming what it is
>shilled fortnite
Oh the irony.
Not Walshy or Tsquared
Without Halo mlg forging the scene for competitive gameplay streaming there would be no twitch and no ninja.
talking more about actual influence and not fortnite shit
>suck his dick so he'll mention your shitty dying boomer magazine to his massive audience of zoomers
Pure advertisement.
>all those comments claiming gaming was a loser activity before ninja started streaming a year ago
I hate this "community" so goddamn much, I really do.
>streamed of twitch
My fookin sides
it's just a game bro :)
They hate because they’ll never be us
>They didnt dedicate their lives to studying politics or economics
that's a good thing. we need less rats in society.
Lmao fucking Rise to Ruins? That's just a pretty good videogame.
Being the new top streamer doesn't mean he broke new ground on a movement or trend that started before him.
Name one thing he did that changed the existing trend of video game streamers. Just one. Not about him, but how he influenced the trend.
Its divide by Zero and OP was a douchebag that posted a trick question. Its C3 not C4. The key has been redeemed.
New Zealand shooter told viewers of his video to sub to pewdiepie.
So? moot had the same position back in the day, not like it matters.
read the thread
so that makes pdp connected to him? are you retarded?
What part of "he's the one who made it mainstream" do you not understand?
I just can't get zoomers. How is watching someone play vidya fun when you can be doing it yourself?
That would be acknowledged if he wasn't a literal Nazi.
>Completely ignoring how PewDiePie constantly dogwhistles to the shooter's ideology.
Time is a far left shitrag, who cares what they say.
Pretty much the key was >C37ZD-D5CJG-MR0WA
Please stay on your containment board, thanks
I know this is bait, because Hitler did make it into Time magazine
>He made money for the Jews at Twitch so he's a good goy
Wake up, sheeple. The world doesn't work the way you think it does.
The part where it happened.
Cause I distinctly remember Pewdiepie being the shithead to make it mainstream.
Again, Ninja is the most popular by far but I remember seeing kids talk about Pewdiepie's streams way before Ninja or fortnite hit it big.
please remove yourself from the gene pool REtardera tranny, kthxbye.
You seem like a bro. I'd play, just need to get my videl up to scratch. Whats your discord/steam
Is that Satania on a Time cover?
He's not terribly wrong.
>Cause I distinctly remember Pewdiepie being the shithead to make it mainstream.
Pewdiepie isn't every kid's idol. Kids don't want to become streamers because of pewdiepie. Pewdiepie was controversial and didn't hit the mainstream thanks to it.
You think you're different from others but if and when you're ever presented with the opportunity to get millions of subs and lots of money, you'll change your tune quick.
so again.. how is he associate or related? Is this how memes work? If a deranged man use my meme before he kills someone that makes me associated? If shooter said: "May the Force be with you" that would make George Lukas associated with him?
are you really this retarded?
Older forms of mainstream media only cares about other mainstream media. Video games to them was in it’s adolescence and now is it’s big break so to speak. This is only because esports is on television and it’s impossible to ignore how many people watch streamers or lets plays.
Literally who? I had never heard of this guy before, like, a year ago. And now I see him in fucking ads.
Who is this faggot?
Influental, aka talked about. Nothing really impressive
>I never watched a single video of his
The image actually says the username of the person's twitch. Its literally
Also heads up. Indiegala has Dragonball Fighter Z on sale for under $14
Time doesn't write the blurbs for each peson. That's a football player.
A new money making puppet for the Jews at the top.
>Why do we place so much influencial importance on actors and singers?
Because emotions, entertainment, joy and love is what moves humanity. Science, mathematics and politics is something we need to do, not something to wake up for.
You sound like an autist desu ne
Gamers hate fortnite kids, because it reminds them that videogames are children's toys and maybe not something you should identify yourself by.
People don't notice a difference between fortnite kids or minecraft kids or pokemon kids
>reaction had some justification
I agree with your other points, but this one is just utter foolishness. Getting triggered by a child on the internet is the absolute opposite of anything that can be justified.
His being a useful idiot definitely makes a lot of sense, though. I often forget that the power game is most easily won when you can take advantage of influential, oblivious morons.
can we just do what st. tarant did with all of this degenerates?
>All it takes to be influential in 2019 is to sit in your mom's basement and play video games on a livestream
Top fucking kek, video games have been mainstream since fucking 2007.
Literally who?
He's not even a top Fortnite streamer anymore, why do they keep shilling him?
Isn't this literally on the level of saying honey boo boo is influential?
I'm also really fucking sick of whatever retarded shill team spams this retard on Yea Forums every few months.
Not back in 2016 he wasn't.
>Pewdiepie isn't every kid's idol
Agian, not anymore but he was back when he was the most popular youtuber and the big fish on the streaming scene (along with some other fucks like imaqtpie or summ1t).
Game streaming didn't hit the mainstream in 2017 you know. That may be when the suits at google and amazon and various publications thought it did, but it was pretty common to see kids who played league to watch any number of streamers on their phones.
It's been mainstream for a while, the main difference with Ninja isn't anything he did, he just happens to be the main streamer for Fortnite which is really big right now.
Eh... I have more chances spending $5 or even less then that on gambling to make my bread. Why even ask others for money when my work *part time driving* does it for me? I'm set. I just want to help others enjoy games is all. For those that can't afford it or can. It doesn't matter. I never put my face on the stream. Just voice. People can get to know me but not personally know me know me. I am just random guy that just like to give the gift of gaming with no catch or obligating others.
More like "aka, my kid talked about him once"
>completely making up absolute nonsense about a guy that watches memes for a living
I hope he's been saving those checks and not spending like a retard because his 15 minutes is up here pretty soon
Because the list isn't a list of who's the most in the news right this second.
You're a poopyhead! Want me to spell it out?
I'm not seeing anything here that proves it wrong. Ninja is the one that played his cards well enough to break the mainstream and he's a huge inspiration to an entire generation of kids
Who is this homosexual?
In the eyes of the normalfag the justification is the homophobia. Swearing at a kid for insulting you and calling you a slur is more justified than just swearing at them. Remember this is from the point of view of mindless sheep and the people trying to manipulate then, people can put up with celebrities being assholes or whiny bitches because they worship them.
Genetics and bone structure, you can't pinpoint any apparent flaws by looking at him, when in the case of an incel you can find a flaw in a split second
>Apparently this is the guy that posted the code
woah there pal zach anner is based and redpilled
>playing games
maybe half a decade ago, I still enjoy the random vr video
>Satania made it in Time's
Imagine your inspiration being a interchangable fucking streamer.
You underages never cease to disappoint me.
Something needs to be done about society. You can say 15 minutes of fame all you want, but that just means the next retard in line gets 15 minutes of fame.
Based, honestly
Well, there are some things that ruin the people and the internet
>smarthphones and geek culture
after 2007, the first iphone and shows like big bang theory become something normal, geek culture become something normal and people want to participate even if they don't know jack shit
People want attention, before internet and smartphones, if somebody become an attention whore, people just ignore them and thet go away, but now people on the internet don't ignore them anymore, people give the attention and the idiot think, he's a genius.
internet before was just for kek, funny videos, shity stories, talking with friends and strangers, etc. But after corporations have seen you can make money, they start to take over. And now they have shill all over the internet.
they ruined the internet, now everything need to be a meme to be funny, corporations and even important people use them for propaganda and free publicity.
How much cocaine/meth is this fucker on?
>not Todd Howard
What? I have two little brothers, both of them watch tons of dumb streamer crap, neither even really knows who this faggot is.
>he's a huge inspiration to an entire generation of kids
>Imagine your inspiration being a interchangable fucking streamer.
>You underages never cease to disappoint me.
I don't understand stupid 13 year olds either user, but denying that they exist and that this is what's going on is pretty retarded
the media is. George Lukas has mainstream appeal, Pewdiepie is just some guy who films himself.
Not to mention that he said nigger as a form to display his rage due to bullshit once and there was another time where someone with a racist name popped up and he laughed but not because of the name. The guy shot someone who told pewdiepie a sob story about how pewdiepie is so important to him and shit
ignore the spoilers, the media doesnt want you to know those.
Thanos dies to Thor before the opening credits, but he has already destroyed the stones. The rest of the movie centers around using the Quantum Universe to retrieve the stones from the past timeline.
Natasha and Clint go to retrieve the soul stone, with Clint sacrificing Natasha to access it.
Stark builds a gauntlet to wield the retrieved infinity stones to reverse the snap.
Banner has become Hulk permanently, but retains his intelligence and memories as Professor Hulk.
Scott, Hulk, Steve, and Tony travel to the battle of New York to retrieve the mind, space, and time stone. Steve fights his past self.
Thor is living with Korg and Miek, getting drunk and not caring about what happened. Hulk and Rocket go to get him, and his beard and hair are messy and grown out.
Hulk tried to wield the Stark gauntlet, but it appears to be too powerful for him.
Steve dual wields his shield and Mjolnir, it’s unclear how mjolnir comes back. Thor still has Stormbreaker, possible meaning he’s become unworthy due to him neglecting his duties.
Sam is the first dusted avenger to come back, we hear him say to Steve “On Your Left,” then we see T’challa and Shuri coming out of a portal, and Sam flying out.
Big scene with all the Avengers, including Wasp, the Guardians, Spider-Man, vs Thanos and a revived Black Order. It looks like the big fight in Ready Player One, but we actually care about the characters
Stark reunites with Peter and gives him a hug
Carol gets the short hair she has in recent comics, and Peter Parker gives her the Stark Gauntlet
>You think you're different from others but if and when you're ever presented with the opportunity to get millions of subs and lots of money, you'll change your tune quick.
Not everyone is bound by greed. There are those that would even pass the million of profits onto others before himself. Altruism is a thing and while people would seem like its a meme thing to say. I would say fuck giving others a hard time. I would rather make it easier on themselves when I am better off with what I make currently with my part time job. Living by your means and simply put having a positive outlook on life and helping others feel better is a way that it needs to be. We all deal with negativity daily. Theres no need to add to that stress am I right?
You really shouldn't take what time says seriously.
Because to say he's influential is to say he influenced anything that wasn't already in place before he got there.
>he's a huge inspiration to an entire generation of kids
About as much as any of the streamers who came before him. That's what I'm trying to get across: Ninja isn't really the influential one here. I can hardly say he did anything beyond being one of the first Fortnite streamers to make it to where he is.
Because that's the real most Influential Person in this story: Fortnite. It's having all manner of celebrities accuse it of using and popularizing all these dances they don't own because of how much it's making on them.
It had a cross-promotion event with the biggest commercial movie of last year.
It's the game that's actually being played by every kid and their mom.
To put it context, Ninja is the guy standing in front of the entity that's actually speaking and influencing people. But because Ninja happens to be in front, all these Time writers can see is him.
It's like saying Reggie is the influence for people playing Nintendo games when it's actually the fucking console and advertising campaign
>we owe a lot for making gaming what it is today
Whoever wrote that probably never played a game in their life.
Probably is not even mentally stable to begin with.
still never be as good as Shroud lol
Because the issue is that Ninja isn't influencing anybody.
The real influencing actors here are Twitch (Amazon) and Fortnite. They're the ones that are convincing kids to want to be streamers, not Ninja.
Sauce? Either way, sounds gay.
>sample size of two people
Okay, this is epic
I didn't say I was exempt.
Also Carol hits on Peter
>About as much as any of the streamers who came before him.
Your denial is incomprehensible
Time does this to drive sales and word of mouth and you're only playing into their hands
Which game was it, JSR?
>caring about a 3 hour capeshit movie
Archaic medium is starved for general consumption and grabs onto what's 'HOT'. They just don't realize that the millions of people who are actually into this kind of shit will never be into TIME Magazine.
But that's retarded, unless you're projecting. Everyone watched Smosh, but they weren't fucking inspirations. And they also had the benefit of, you know, actually doing skits instead of playing video games.
>making gaming what it is today
"le epic gaming" culture should be wiped out of existence.
>Every kid ever knows about him and wants to become a streamer thanks to him
So my brothers aren't part of "every kid," or are you just spewing bullshit?
It was Dragon Ball Fighter Z. Apparently its on sale on a third party Key Reseller website Indiegala for $13.49
It's not denial, it's a basic memory of how this shit has been growing over the course of years.
You can literally see the growth as well as the rate of growth of twitch viewership over years
It's been progressive, as much as YOU want to deny it.
There is little in the actual statistics to suggest that Ninja hastened the growth of Game Streaming as a profession's popularity.
>new game trend (let's say it's Chess 2.0)
>3 billion player base
>new bigdick streamer has a billion followers
>TIME: Finally, game streaming is finally mainstream and gaming is finally cool, thanks Chess 2.0 streamer
finally someone to blame
is ninja still a big deal?
>a fucking zoomer streamer is a Time 100 entry
I wonder if people who were my current age when Arnold became governor of Kalifohrnia felt the same way I do now.
Well Fortnite is still a big deal, so yeah
Yes. Let us thank Ninja for validating the trend of Live service gaming poisoning the industry and bringing a new sort of hell for consumers and game developers alike while executives that pay people like him literally millions to shill their games laugh their way to the bank.
Fuck him
>implying arnold didn't fix their mess
>Everyone watched Smosh, but they weren't fucking inspirations.
Because, as is the entire fucking point of this, Ninja is the first one who had that effect on people. Can you not read? Are you just agreeing with me?
You have literally no fucking clue what this word means, no interpretation of this situation could even be remotely construed as projecting
You guys fail to realize that gaming is still a hobby for kids, at least thats how the media still sees it, and streamers in general aim at children to entretain, in our youth we used to talk about pokemon, final fantasy, and metal gear, now its all about battle royales and twitch fags, I know because I work at a school and this shit is all kids talk about.
times top 100 is completely based on superficial pop culture, not any understanding of long lasting cultural impact
its also completely out of touch which why why so many absolutely irrelevant people are on it, like tiger fucking woods
L I T E R A L L Y W H O ?
just some guy who plays some game
>APM that makes assfaggots look complex
I cannot understand this. As a former autistic pro gamer, I spent 100 hours playing fortnite, and my gameplay looked identical. As does literally thousands of peoples. Hell, it looked more complex, because this is before they nerfed weapon swapping.
He is interchangable with every other streamer. I don't understand where you're getting influence outside of the fact that he obviously has family connections.
and then shilled Apex for EA.
About to start my stream up. Anyone up for comfy lobby rounds of Dragon Ball Z Fighters? No worries. I'm trash even though I went to a local lock-in and won a trophy by accident.
Where's the cock?
Keep the puffy vulva, sure. But where's the cock?
Well, and it's not like it's made by anyone with any credentials or insight.
It's celebrities who became popular in the past passing the popularity torch to whoever they heard of most recently.
Wanna know who the fuck pushed Ninja for this shit? Some fucking football player
I mean I can draw it in for you if you like futa user but we might need to bring this to /h/ or Yea Forums or /trash/ for that sort of thing
>He is interchangable with every other streamer.
To you maybe, but not to the current generation of kids and the mainstream.
Stop being a closed-minded retard
To be fair everyone did. Shit, I even got $200 for playing the game twice on my stream
>is this how the mainstream feels about Ninja
The mainstream never freaking heard of him - neither did i until people started mentioning him here
Look at twitch numbers, retard. And then kill yourself, zoom zoom.
I mean if I really wanted to be cynical, they have a point. People like Ninja really did help make gaming worse.
It literally could’ve been anyone. They simply didn’t have Drake
Its fucking hilarious how Yea Forums loves Pewdiepie now.
This is maddening.
Oh, he definitely is
Cause you know who he replaced in terms of videogame-celebrity popularity? Pewdiepie.
Would you say Pewdiepie was irreplaceable? Evidently not because Ninja literally replaced him as the face of gamers.
That's like saying "Halo/CoD/Overwatch/Fortnite isn't interchangeable! A whole generation of kids and the mainstream will remember it forever"
These kids do whatever is popular, they do whatever their friends are doing.
It's why CoD got popular, it's why Overwatch got popular, it's why Runescape was popular, it's why Fortnite is popular.
I know this because I observed it in my actions, my brothers' actions, my nephews' actions. Kids do shit to fit in with their friends, they aren't that observant or critical or choosy of what media they consume.
>Look at twitch numbers, retard.
The numbers right now don't mean shit, we've been in 2019 for 5 months.
>And then kill yourself, zoom zoom.
Non-argument, thanks for admitting you're wrong!
I wouldn't say I love him, but the transition from him to Ninja is really a perfect example of how game streamers are basically the gaming equivalent of boy bands.
Which, fittingly, one of which was named in this year's Time 100 as well.
dude thats so deep
>actually falling for the bait
Haha. You don't belong here.
Nigger showed up literally 4 months ago playing Fortnite and he's made gaming what it is today? This is literally a clown world
Look at the numbers for the past 5-6 years.
How about you look at the fucking numbers.
not really, Time magazine is doing what it has always done and nothing written in it has ever mattered, like literally all other corporate media
>Streams with no mic/mic are kino
>Streams with a Webcam are shitters
Of course the ultimate deduction is that majority of Yea Forums hates people making $ out of gameplay as a career since other people are either working part time/full time or are NEET.
The reason why Ninja is still relevant is because people still come back to him because of his streaming. Don't watch him and simply put avoid any videos of him being shilled everywhere and he will become a shell of a former successful self. Just take Etika. Fucker had a mind trip and his last stream was him giggling like a retarded autistic child on crack cocaine while looking at hentai and illegal shit that wouldn't allow on YT and Twitch all together.
Avoid people that stream with cams folks. If you are looking for content. Seek out those that do walkthroughs, tips and trick videos.
People only put their face online just for recognition and fame. Nothing more to it. Its School 2.0 and those that are Well influenced, Networked, quirky and rich enough or friendly get ahead.
Why do I keep seeing this mediocre nigfag everywhere?
Does he have rothchild tier parents or something.
Is that why he got literally 0 people to floss at Times Square?
what do you think he meant by this?
>Try to watch some gameplay to see what a game looks like/is like
>Every faggot and his mother (literally) plaster their fucking ugly ass faces onto the screen covering half of it
>They didnt dedicate their lives to studying politics or economics.
the rock never started wars and displaced hundreds of thousands for "democracy" and taylor swift didnt tank the economy in 2008, if you think slimy politicians and jewish bankers arent the worst thing to happen to humanity then youre just retarded and theres no saving you
>tfw they have to push this guy because the other guy turned rogue but has 100mil subs on youtube
Apparently from what a previous post said
This guy's stream doesn't use a cam.
Though his gameplay is much to weak to watch.
Never even heard of this guy up until a few months ago when he got famous for streaming Fortnite?
>If you are looking for content. Seek out those that do walkthroughs, tips and trick videos.
I'm actually gonna start doing this with my own voice soon but I get extremely nervous just thinking about it, especially since english isn't my first language but fuck I wanna do it.
Why do you care about what is basically a popularity contest? Why do you care about anything that TIME posts/publishes? Why are you posting twitter screencaps on my Yea Forums, you normalfag scum?
So basically they are just paying attention to him because he made a bunch of money, right? Gaming is obviously much worse post fortnite than it was before.
I always find it amusing how shitty articles or lists keep telling me who I should find "influential" or look up to. Besides even ninja said that he was just right place right time, dude toiled in obscurity for fucking years as a halo player and his heart was always with FFXI, something he can't play because his 5 year old fanbase shits on him for it
I don't want streams, I just want a quick snippit of gameplay so i can see if I want to play or not. I really do not care about streams, that shit is for lonely autists.
>studying politics or economics
That isn't important neither. That's as worthless as women studies. All humanities are.
Pewds said 'nigger' once and now he is forever shamed.
Then stick with the game's store page for the gameplay videos, IGN I guess or Kotaku or siliconera or any other website. Because without people to give coverage on the videos you are SoL.
I have
They indicate that streaming has been growing in popularity as a pretty constant and consistent rate since 2013
>The reaction had some justification
No, it didn't. Trash talk has been a part of gaming for a long time and he started raging like a retard over a couple words from a kid.
>It could be interpreted as him getting mad at the homophobic slur
That's the excuse he gave when he watched the video a while after on stream. He was not upset about the supposed homophobia. He was just upset that a kid had the nerve to dare and insult him on stream.
Not to mention that he started making fun of him and saying he sounded like a girl. Why would he do that if the homophobia bothered him? It's not too far off. He should've just owned up to it and said he overreacted instead of trying to make excuses.
4, or so i heard.
It doesn't matter dude, you're just nitpicking shit that nobody else really cares about, Kim Kardashian did a sex tape and she's still one of the most influential women in the world.
Some games are being designed with streamers in mind now. I think that's partially why there's been a push for censoring sexual content. To say the big names have no control over how games are being made means you aren't seeing the whole picture.
I guess you're a fan of his? That's not even a good comparison and it seems like you're just trying to change the topic because you can't actually defend your favorite streamer sperging out at a child online.
>Ninja is a puppet mouthpiece in training for the media elite in the area of gaming and that's the only reason he is promoted.
>I guess you're a fan of his?
Yeah dude, got the t-shirts and everything, fucking moron.
What you're witnessing is mainstream media trying to look hip and cool and down with the kids. It involves complete ignorance of the topic and repeating overheard buzzwords and phrases that they don't understand.
You know Moot was on Time's 100 as well.
Really makes you think about society.
Nobody even knows who ninja is outside of twitch.
"made gaming what it is today"
I don't really know who he is actually.
I don't think I care. I'm old.
He just happens to be most popular twitch streamer for now and also most shallow yes man there is which is a godsend for all those big bad corporations.
getting sick of this meme
>Pewds plays Fortnite for the first time ever
>dwarfs ninja's view count
Get dabbed on zoomers
I mean yeah, he's a major influence. He's the number one streamer on Twitch, one of the biggest websites for young people. You may not LIKE Twitch streaming/streamers, but he's influencing people whether you like it or not
Deralin this shit thread
the only reason i watched (streamed) infinity war was cause of thanos
ur telling me the only character i like dies immediately
>Science and mathematics cant move or entertain
Nigger, do you think Newton or Einstein found it boring? They fucking loved it. They'd rather sit and discuss a physics problem for hours than see some fucking movie.
Yes, but the rock and taylor swift tell people to excuse those fuck ups and publicly condemn and tell others to condemn those that think otherwise hence the "Racist" or "Rapist" thought crime. How many careers are destroyed over a tweet (((they))) disagreed with???
And this is why America and the west is failing. Youd vote for a fucking inbred hick who ass kisses Israel over someone knowledgeable in their field
>Nobel Prize for Peace and Literature both lost their credibility
>Pulitzer Prize for Music lost (Kendrick Lamar)
>TIME 100 lost
Are there any prestigious prizes left in the world? Or is the old media really going to die down without any awards of note left, something worth winning?
Even DSP is more noteworthy as he was one of the first streamers
/pol/ brought these shitheads to the site.
>pol + pewd
That's literally a media lie
Who the fuck is Ninja?
>he doesn’t find doing science or math entertaining
Sub 100 IQ, ladies and gentlemen
Every major scientific and mathematical
rollin rollin rollin rollin roll
a person skilled in ninjutsu.
a person who excels in a particular skill or activity.
"the courses vary—you don't have to be a computer ninja to apply"
It's just so crazy when you put it that way. Clown world.
Oh shit, some guy got mad in an online video game. I'm sure he remembers this time he got BTFO while he's swimming in his big fucking pile of kid allowances
He plays fortnite(used to play Halo Reach I believe). He also was subject to the joke known only as "ligma".
>reddit humor
>everything a company does ever is all part of a big masterplan to get into your head broooo
Hello fellow zoomers, please buy our magazine. Please. We're desperate, nobody buys print anymore and we have too many 100k staffers that won't take paycuts
He asked for it.
>he's the easiest way to explain videogame streaming to the normies
Remember when he was the host for the New York's New Year event and how nobody recognized him? The gaming community only knows him for being "that guy who plays Fortnite" and only his fanbase gives a shit about him. He just got lucky, just like almost anyone who manages to hit big in Twitch, which is still meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
I wish gaming had never become so mainstream, articles like the OP's are just pathetic.
Didn't Ninja guy say we should subscribe to pewdiepie
I don't get streaming but I really liked Many A True Nerd's Fallout YOLO playthroughs. Because of the self-imposed constraints there is some dramatic tension (the run is over when he dies), and I watched it while I was having dinner or lunch. It's not something I'm very invested in, just a convenient, light-weight youtube video to put on while eating. I imagine it's the same for streaming
>Why do we place so much influencial importance on actors and singers?
Uh, we don't? How has a celeb ever influenced your life choices other that "what do I want to watch tonight"? They're trumpeted in the media and that's about it.
testicular bill of rights
blame the ZOOMERS
for everything really
>nobody's posted this yet
HEs asking why society does
It’s because that’s the type of person your average citizen sees the most in their lives right next to extremely public politicians
It all has to do with visibility
This is a thing of all ages user
Would it be fair to put Satoshi Tajiri on the list when the Pokémon hype was at its highest? This is pretty much the same thing.
Dude doesnt even get respect from the game company who’s coattails he rides. Timthetatman gets more ingame content and isnt a piece of shit like Ninja.
Have you seen who is the President of the US? A failed businessman, who owes money to mobs around the world, but got voted in because he was a d-tier reality star.
No, he won because the leftists made an absolute joke of themselves in the elections and the years preceding it.
I don't think you realize how insane you look to onlookers.
t. slav
Markiplier is a riff raff, troglodyte, bedlamite, lugaroo!
Ok but why is Satania there?
So hes right
I love that Ninja triggers the fucc out of /v. Priceless.
He still won the primary against candidates who would have been far more competent administrators than him
no none of the above option on any of them so didnt vote
I wasn't following it closely but didn't he destroy them in debates?
>for making gaming what it is today
censored, lootcrate p2w, casual, dumbed down, flavor of the month multiplayer cash grabs
thank you whoever the fuck you are, you are the reason video games are shit according to Time
>Ok, Ninja. Just don't be an alt right and we will chose you over Pewdiepie.
literately who
>Over a decade later and Yea Forumsirgins still think they are relevant
You are forgotten, your shitty opinions unwarranted and unwanted. Carry on.
For those who are not in the spot light.
You need peace and tranquility
Serenity now
Insanity later
Not especially
There bits and pieces where he basically talked about the meta aspect of elections (advertising and donors) but he could barely answer most debate questions with an actual substantive reply.
Rubio and Jeb, for as bullshit as they were, did have answers that acknowledged some of the hard realities of running a country and were solution based rather than meme based. Fuck, even Perry had a better answer on immigration than Trump
He won because most of America in the rural areas have very low iqs and can get tricked by con men. Its why hes had 4 rebirths publicly since the early 80s, while everything around him falls.
Same thing happend with Reagan except Trump, who votes Democratic, copied trickle down economics.
But you use the term “leftist” unironically so you probably werent even alive for 9/11
>Sodapoppin, Lirik, Dr Disrespect, Timthetattman, Summit1g
all huge fucking faggots
>being this much of an underage
Pewdiepie isn’t even that recent but he was originally a let’s player
Brood War is the first, best, and most demanding Esport. Ninja doesn’t play it therefore he means nothing
It's pretty rage inducing to see him being so succesful, he makes like 10 times the salary of a doctor in just one stream, plus he does reruns of said streams so he is literally always earning money
Haven't people already forgotten about him?
He is literally the most watched streamer and the one with most subs in the entire Twitch platform, what do you think?
I thought his view counts have taken a nosedive
Pewds isn't pc enough, for our grabbler overlords
If a dude shouts out your name before slaughtering some dune coons you're connected to the shooting. It's unfortunate but that's the nature of the beast. Your name can't be a war cry without connecting you to that event.
not anymore, now he is just some bitter old faggot with anger issues
jews support their own, they promote their own. they shape the narrative to make their contributions bigger than they are while down playing any negative aspects that may exist
April 1st was like 2 weeks ago
get with the times
>Defending PDP
Sometimes I forget you retards are now actually of age
I can hear it
>nobody has a motivation to do anything, people just spontaneously do stuff for no reason :D
your position is just as a baseless and even more nonsensical.
>Stop liking what I don't like