So, is this gonna be like Mass Effect but actually fun?

So, is this gonna be like Mass Effect but actually fun?

Attached: subverse.png (1024x576, 994K)

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Nah not really

no to both. just watch the ripped scenes on xvideo after launch. or don't they will suck too. actually never mind there won't be any launch

>just watch the ripped scenes on xvideo
Eh, it'll destroy the whole point. You have to earn your fap.

They fuck dog aliens for free, you don’t have to earn shit

Mass effect protag is a giga chad tho, here you play as a massive faggot

fuck off shill

I wanted to say I'm sorry about all the cuck comments I made before. I see your point about not self inserting and it totally makes sense now. Turns out I was just angry about nothing the whole time and I should let you guys enjoy yourselves. It's just porn afterall and no one was hurt in the process. I hope you all enjoy this game and have a nice day.


Why earn something you can get for free? Don't be a cuck and work for the right to watch a girl fuck an alien

0/10 nice try cuck

This, Shepard would be slaying pussy 24/7 if he wasn't too busy saving the galaxy and being a total bro.
The protag of cuckverse will most definitely watch every party members get railed by space dogs and science monsters before getting sloppy seconds.

its studiofow, dont get ur hopes up

Maybe I'll send you 20 lbs too if you post your kickstarter. There's no need to be upset.


Attached: romance.png (680x231, 13K)

You play a self-insert and I have some bad news for you if that's how you see the main character.

cuck XD

>torpedo titties

>There are anons actually playing this cuck game
>There are anons that get offended at getting called cucks

Why don’t the people behind rance make a kickstarter, the can actually make a game, deserve neetbux more than fow thats for sure

Replying from last thread

>Only realise now what I have always been
>a ChadBull
Blessings to you based user

time to spam cuck again

Attached: 1554027371003.png (926x1280, 1.45M)


Yes! Yes! Yes!
I appreciate the effort of this post and agree. It will be a lot of fun.

Attached: 1447289734663.jpg (210x240, 33K)

Earlier the fow defense force was claiming he isn’t a self insert, which is it?

>I wanted to say I'm sorry about all the cuck comments I made before

Attached: 1555527264310.png (680x231, 12K)


reminder to laugh at all the anons parroting the NTR hate meme

Attached: pfft.jpg (1024x576, 78K)

Finally accepted that it's NTR


If NTR does exist how avoidable is it?

>not self inserting as the mindless beast that violently plows hole after hole wether the female likes it or not

Attached: b6c0ffcc0ccefc093bc5017ee42cd1cd.jpg (700x397, 53K)

Holy shit stop shilling your cuck game you bunch of fags

>self inserting as a flesh dildo
user you need to believe in yourself you’re worth more than that

I always self insert as the one getting plowed/the bottom.

That’s pretty gay user

How many copies do you think they'll sell after reaching 1,000,000?

>find femdom
>ball busting
Kill me

I don’t think it will ever come out so zero

But it'll come out as EA

That's a pretty bleak outlook user. Do you feel this way about other aspects of your life too?

No just about kickstarter porn games, by fow of all people

>Not even denying that it's NTR anymore
Legitimately laughed

Every fucking day with this shit. Shills to strong. Watch this shit stop popping up when they funding bullshit is done.


This does seem like the worst aspect of the game so far. Then again we haven't seen a lot of him. What I heard in an interview though is that they don't want to make a real main character cause that's work they don't want to do. That's why the character wears a mask, so that they can do minimal animations on him. I personally think it's a mistake to neglect the main character, but in their defense they probably are right to say that most people care more about the girls than the main character.

>New stretch goal
>Create a real MC

you cucks are pathetic

I just like centaur women and there is few stuff with them.

So do you got a source or not?

What's the point for them not to release the game? Turn-based XCOM like is probably the easiest shit you can make so is shmup and they definitely capable at making 3D porn. Instead of running away with million $ it's clearly better to finish the game, sell it and start a campaing for Subverse 2 or something.

>be me
>le playing subverse
>my girlfriend start fucking 5 aliens from planet neegroe infront of me

So, if you watch non-POW porn you're a cuck, right?

>studiofow target audience

Why is everyone caring about this game?
They have shit taste and no idea or experience about gameplaymechanics.
Their animation sucks too.
It isnt even something new. We had this shit a thousand times but from people with actual skill

>has the ability to become anything he wants from a tentacle beast to an entire group of men to a literal stallion
literally me

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Ditto on this user’s request

You only delay the inevitable

dev shilling

Found it myself

It seems the dude kills himself at the end.

No, it's Mass Effect with cuckshit

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Are pimps and brothel owners considered cucks since their girls get fucked?

Attached: 40k.gif (275x206, 97K)

Are the futas?


Like HES the one I’m interested in here

Oh, yea, same here. It's just funny threw that in there to try and make it seem tragic.
The sex scenes are damn hot.

Do they date their hoes? Also pimps don’t do it for free