Is Sony finished in Japan? Is the Switch about to become the go to console for weeb games?

Is Sony finished in Japan? Is the Switch about to become the go to console for weeb games?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>shitty games that sell less than 10k
>SONY IS FINISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

actually yes
japs on twitter are really fucking angry at this interview


>less than 10k sells
>a bunch of angry japs
I don't think their wroth will impact anything

Sure, why not? I always thought that platform was PC

You mean incels otaku loser that don't matter?

Sauce pls, i really to see this lmfao

AHHAHAHAHA they better say a new fucking excuse

>to protect young people
>loli is legal in japan
>They have literally half of our rate of abuse

think of the children!!

>Is Sony finished in Japan?
More or less. Sony fanboys don't need to worry about that though, the full impact should be less than 15-20 million users worldwide. The Playstation brand can still stay afloat with being both a DVD player and a go to platform for story driven and sports games

Is the Switch about to become the go to console for weeb games?
Either that or everything going to go to smartphones. Japanese gamers are still 5-10 years behind when it comes to PC gaming

>protect young people
Is this an admission that ESRB ratings are useless?

>Japanese devs can't put softcore ecchi content in their PS4 games any more
>mfw they move to PC instead where they aren't restricted so they ditch the ecchi bullshit and go all the way with full nudity and actual porn

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Sony is done for unless they backpedal hard & fast on this. Japan literally will not buy any games not named Pokemon unless they have ecchi in them. Japan will stone cold drop PS5, both customers and devs. And when the devs drop PS5, all the weebs in US and Europe will drop PS5. The only reason anyone ever bought Playstations was the Japanese games on it. They are committing corporate suicide because they don't understand their own product or its audience.

Winners will be PC and Switch since that's where the Japanese devs will move to, and their customers follow. Maybe Xbone has a shot too if they attack this angle fast and market themselves as the "hardcore console for mature gamers, everything uncensored unlike the gaywads at S*ny". I doubt they have the cunning to do that though. Either way though, Sony is doomed unless they backpedal.

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I told you about them Nanban traders bro

>rating system isn't enough
>we need to dictate what our customers are allowed to see based on our personal, retarded san franciscan sòydrinker viewpoints

>japanese devs are finally making good PC ports that support 4k and 144hz
>Switch is getting lots of RPGs and waifushit since you don't need a lot of power to render fucking anime graphics
>Fromsoft will work for anybody now, may never do another exclusive for Sony
>we're still expected to pay for online
is there even a single solitary reason why anyone should get excited for the PS5?

Fuck Snoy and Snoy apologists

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cencoship goes for everything being released on the platform so basically sony took n intendos place

How the fuck is a joke from 20+ years ago still relevant?

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>Literally only people who buy games in Japan
>"Don't matter"

>no titty Mortal Kombat GOOD
>no violence titty game BAD

SJWs won.

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It's a marketing tactic.

The people making these decisions already have a bias against these types of games. They are just using the tried and true "protect the children" line as marketing.

Normies think anime stuff is weird, so people will think this is good. Even tho they already censored DMC5.

They will come for their games soon enough.

Imagine defending a corporation that cuts out content in games that are available unmolested on other systems just so you can "stick it to those incels"

All those 10k-20k selling games add up and convince people to buy the console user. Banking all your sales on 1 game a season is a dangerous gameplan.

Yes. Murphy's law has proven parents are too stupid or lazy to regulate what their kids experience but still bitch about them being exposed to it anyway, so Sony is taking the matter into their own hands. This is why game systems need to incorporate an ID scanner every time someone goes to play a game with suggestive and sexual content.

Sony owns FGO so no, this is about Gravuve photoshoot games and VN's 99% of this shit doesn't leave Japan

>Sony has made an Internal Censorship board.

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Lame, I prefer ecchi with a nipple slip at most when I consume non-pornographic media. Senran's lack of nudity is a selling point for me, it's nice to look at but relaxing.

i am also interested in some angry nip posts

>Capcom still support them
>Square Enix still support them
>Sega still support them
>Bandai Namco
>Atlus somehow still support them

Sony is killing itself, but unless Nintendo launches a really powerful hardware, things will still be the same, people will buy their PS5 to play DMC6, RE8, FFXVI, Kingdom Hearts 4, Grabity Rush 3 and so on.

Remember folks, Sony owns Funimation. How long until this seeps into anime directly? Likely already is.

Funimation is already under a ton of shit with the Vic Mignogna Controversy.

On a more positive note, at least Sony is being open about this shit so you can save your money. When NoA tried to pull this kind of shit, we weren't even sure if they were going to make these kind of changes or not until the either the game came out or someone leaked it.

Where's all the Jap 3rd party support in Switch then?

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Life is shit.


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1)No they don't since it's the same people buying these games, this isn't an audience that's growing, Sony knows who's buying what

2) no one bought a PS for Mary Skelter, or Gal Gun, they buy them for the big name titles and functionality

Remember folks, Sony owns Aniplex, who your favorite gachashit game, until when will you suckers support Fate Grand Order?

No one gives a shit about Funimation of Muttland. Sony owns Aniplex and that's where you should keep your eye on.

Nintendo fucked up by releasing an under-powered tablet. Just think if they actually had a competitive console at this point. I hope this just gets Nips to push PC harder.

It already has, both with some anime tied to Funimation and Aniplex. That near-rape scene in SAO Alicization was toned down in most regions outside of Japan

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How is censoring a game costly to do? Just slap some white mist or mosaics or something on the offending material.

>Sony is killing itself but they're still winning

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well at least animation isnt gated behind a 500$ paywall known as a console.
thats the real funny thing to me. why would i ever invest money in this shit again when all the anime and games and MODS for those games i could ever want are readily available on a pc which also has a ton of other functions
when will consoles just die. i can't be the only one who sees how stupid this business model is getting

>360 wins its gen
>microsoft goes fucking retarded for the next
>PS4 wins its gen
>sony's going fucking retarded for the next
Will we ever see a console win 2 gens in a row again? How does a single success make entire companies so arrogant that they do shit so stupid?

Is Snoy the single strongest push to making japs get into PC gaming?

Pedos deserve slow agonizing painful deaths

do you think they won't need to pay the people who have to scour over every part of the game looking for stuff to censor?

Sony keeps changing the rules forcing devs to go back and constantly make additional changes.

If they sell less than 10k why are they such a danger to young people like Sony says? Seems like the only people buying those games are people already invested in anime tiddies.


>How is censoring a game costly to do?
Every single change requires testing for one.

>torturing someone you're going to kill anyway as a "punishment" when you have no plans for them to reflect on their actions
Dirty third worlder monkey your concept of justice is nothing other than sadism.

GTA6 will get a free pass for full-frontal nudity, drug use and prostitution because normalfags buy that shit in droves and Sony wants that sweet 1 year exclusivity.

The censorship controversy is barely acknowledge except by weeb incels. Normalfags don't care.

This was actually brought up by a former Nintendo of America employee. Sometimes localization teams make a lot of unnecessary changes to a game in order to get paid more money, things like altering graphics, giving a game custom dialogue, etc. Yea Forums actually used to make fun of Nintendo for adding outdated memes to localized games a few years back

it ironically it'll make the games more money since you'd able to actually sell the games in South Korea and Mainland China, both markets will overtake Japan next gen and helps lower production cost by releasing only 1 Asian version of a game instead of 4.

60 posts in and there's zero source of devs saying censoring is costing them or gooks being angry about this
Sounds like fake news to me

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What does it mean if I think the left side of this image is based and the right side is cringe?

>sell the games in South Korea and Mainland China
That's not going to happen unless the violence gets toned down. Normalfags will notice then.

100,000,000 is more than 10,000
in fact GTAV probably sold more this week than every VN on PS4 combined.

I thought this was apparent with the Dragon Maid dub.

What a sad state of affairs. I heard that slimy s o y faced localizers tell the Japs all sorts of lies about the West, that we're all left-wing faggots and fictional girls with big tits don't fly over here. Fuck them all.

But you know what? Maybe if they take away our vidya, our electronics, and maybe if they deplatform us from everything, it will force us to take to the streets.

Not a lolicon but I agree it's not the same as pedo.
If it was the same there's no way pedos would risk ruining their lives to get CP.

Based retard

>Using the buzzword "incel"

Im still waiting for the source OneAngryIncel

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Mods need to make a sticky because fucking faggot Nintendo shits keep spamming this shit

>two hideous greasy dykes make out with each other on screen for a full 5 minutes
>anime girl wears a bikini

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You're right genius, going over the entire game to make a bunch of changes, then testing all those changes is all free. People historically love working without pay

>I don't think their wroth will impact anything
They will if they refuse to buy the big ones from the other Japs companies sarting with death treaths from twitter and stalking to their homes, attacking you family and friends and destroy your life until you kill yourself

Im still waiting for that proof

post yfw ps3 was your last sony console

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>To retarded to realise any change to a game requires money, to implement and test this shit.
Do you think staff and assets are free?

>tfw switched to PC over consoles since last year

It turned out to be the best decision.

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Show me the angry nips posts

>360 won its gen

PS3 surpassed it in lifetime sales in the end. I really don't know where this meme comes from

I think you underestimate the percentage of Japan's population that fits that description.

My fucking sides.
You niggers can no longer deny the fact that consoles are toys for children.
This is what happens when you hamstring yourself to a platform for kids, enjoy it, because it's what you wanted.
Better not see you faggots ever take offense to being called consolekiddies, because that's what you are.


Isn't this just the 1990s all over again? Sony is the new Nintendo and Nintendo is the new Sega. And weeb games are the new Mortal Kombat 1.

You need proof that making changes to a game you've already submitted and then resubmitting it therefore losing weeks if not months is costing people money? Isn't that self evident?

Bare nipples > barbie doll nudity > full nudity > porn > clothed > cocktease bullshit and censorship

>Xbone has a shot too
They don't. The same interviewer asked Microsoft for a comment and they said they have no comment aside from blah blah sexual harassment policy blah blah equality. This is all Nintendo's pie

Because conservatives weren't killed off


The original article only quotes a "chief executive of a small game developer in Japan," blame WSJ for protecting their source's identity.


Yes Nintendo is seething because once again they made a system to weak to harbor any game

Looks like red team and blue team are switching places again. Used to be the Christian right that was against this sort of stuff, now it's the left.

This is all "liberals" mate.

>placing a white bar or drawing underwear a bit more large on a CG costs insane amounts of money

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>360 wins its gen
Even with a one-year head start + permanent price advantage, the 360 still sold less than the PS3 WW.

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You know most conservatives aren't edgy trolls who do what they do just to be against the mainstream right? The most conservative people are bible-thumping prudes who want to ban porn and content like this

>No they don't since it's the same people buying these games
Blanket statement. Just because the game has anime tiddies doesn't mean that every otaku is going to slap down cash for it. The audience between a game like Arcana Heart and Date A Live is completely different. And even putting all that to the side, completely cutting out any chunk of your audience is a retarded business decision.
>no one bought a PS for Mary Skelter, or Gal Gun
Some do. To say that zero sales have been made by Jap games on the PS4 is dumb as shit.
>they buy them for the big name titles and functionality
If by big name titles you mean GTA and FIFA then sure, but if you want people to actually use your console for more than once a year you're going to need the support of multiple devs to help fill out the time. Sony's current plan of less frequent, but higher budget games isn't going to keep the attention span of customers.

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If they just said "We are a Californian company now and we don't want to be associated with things that don't agree with our political agenda", I'd still be pissed but not as pissed as them blame literally anything but themselves

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>Actually thinks it's just 2D CG's
>Actually thinks that even if it is a 2D CG, you have to pay someone to edit the CG, then implement it, then test it shows up as it should.

I'm on 2chan right now and they don't give a single fuck.

This irritation is fake news.

It's been a while since I wanted to murder someone this hard.

The people who are pushing for this censorship are authoritarian in nature, that makes them conservative.

In case you don't understand.Look at the Conservative Order, Conservationism has always been authoritarian in nature, that's where the 'tradition' part came from, they want to go back to the days of monarchy and oligarchies.

I thought they were against cultural imperialism.

>tits bad
>lgbtq+ gender fluid good

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>soccer moms who go to church every Sunday and advocate for abstinence only sex ed that also dont want little Timmy to see any boobies have now become liberals since the 2016 election.
user please

>The most conservative people are bible-thumping prudes who want to ban porn and content like this
Yeah and are these people based in California making these decisions? No.
You know who are the people based in California making these decisions, "Liberals".

And that somehow costs the entire warchest of a dev team? I wonder how VN companies stay afloat given they have to change CGs all the time during production

It's more the cost of lost sales, retard. It could be an unpaid intern doing the censoring but they are going to piss people off and lose that potential money

No its all about gachas now and thats a good thing

im looking forward to what japanese developers are going to do now that sony's decided to completely abandon the japanese market

imagining these developers abandoning japan to try and sell their titles in the west is hilarious

once you burn japanese bridges that's it, there's no rebuilding it

How is this not considered racist?

>thinks changes to a finished product don't cost time and money
fucking brainlet.

>It's more the cost of lost sales, retard.
>DOAX3 is censored on PS4
>sold better than the Switch version despite that one being unaffected

>And that somehow costs the entire warchest of a dev team?
Yes. Or do you only think it's 1 CG or something?

> I wonder how VN companies stay afloat given they have to change CGs all the time during production
Mate VN's are expensive as fuck.

Asians are tied with Caucasians when it comes to diversity points.


cuz these savages need to be enlightened

You seem to know a lot about this, care to tell me how much money does it take to add sun rays on CGs? Go ahead we are all waiting

Hey faggot facts are facts. Point out where they are pissed off or fuck off.

It's almost like SJWs are pulling a page out of the satanic panic

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>Mate VN's are expensive as fuck.
Yet companies like Alicesoft have been around for decades, seems like people are just talking out of their asshere

That's because Japs have already abandoned Sony, consoles are a dying industry in Nipland

I remember the Right saying this long ago. What happened? I thought the Left advocated against this kind of strict censorship practice?

Yeah, and "liberal" means freedom and small governments but authoritarian leftists co-opted the term.

>Censor lewdness in VNs
>Not censor lewdness in gacha
>Force the weebs to play gacha and turn them into gambling addicts
>Make gorrillions in cash

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>That's because Japs have already abandoned Sony
Is this what you tell yourself in your sleep while nippon devs keep announcing games for PS4?

>on a CG
Or if it's 3D, changing character models and then also changing every piece of clothing and armor to suit the smaller boobies. How hard can it be to rework every asset, jeeeesus

Yeah the censorship is soooo terrible. Look at this this game is ruined!

have sex

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Yeah, this is why I refused to buy the Blu-Rays of it because they allowed SJW shit forced into the dub and the VA who did it said "she can do whatever she wants" and anyone who cared about the dialogue being faithful can just fuck off.

Why do you think I've been putting quotes around "Liberals"? For fun? I know these dick bags are authoritarian, but they identify as Liberals. If you think these people are the same group as the soccer moms, you're wrong.

>thinks is only CG
Cutting content always cost money, retarded, including existing content. You dont need to be a genius to know something so obvious.

maybe need to reframe it as whomever is the oppressor/authoritarian - something the founding fathers sought to fight against

>billy d

>doesn't even name the game

>1 guy


so are all vanillaware games coming to switch instead now? that might explain why their game got delayed

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>Cutting content
So far no content has been cut, only altered slightly to look more prudish

Yeah paying money for inferior product is sooooo cool. Support the developers, don't pirate their product, they worked very hard to make sure you get an inferior version of the game.

have sex

>so are all vanillaware games coming to switch instead now?
Do you want them to go bankrupt?

It doesn't even matter if I play these games or not, the censorship is symptomatic of a larger problem and if you can't understand this then you're a retard who can't see the forest for the trees.

>ask for proof
>get it
>"t-that doesn't c-count!"

Typical liberal.

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>So far no content has been cut
What that fuck are you on about user. They've been cutting content through censorship since PS3 days, I still remember the butchered version of Yakuza 3

>Sony goes racist by censoring Japanese developed games to protect young people
>Those young people play M rated games such as Battlefield, GTA, Red Dead Redemption 2, Call of Duty, and other M rated games that has online

Doesn't Sony know that young people play mainly M rated games especially just AAA M rated games?

This is going to fuck Sony in the ass hard because Japanese devs will abandon Sony and makes games on Switch and PC instead. I hope lawsuits happen so Sony gets screwed even harder.

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>The west shamelessly admitting it wants to conquer other cultures.

I'm sorry, did I accidentally sleep in a time machine?

>I still remember the butchered version of Yakuza 3
You mean something Sony wasnt responsible for? You mean the hostess minigame which was on 4 anyways? You mean the cut minigame that only made sense if you knew Japanese culture to a T?

if they're not allowed on sony then what are they going to do?

boobs bad
violence good

Your big tech leftist overlords are contrarians. If the right banded together to say this was good in the name of Christ and that women SHOULDN'T flaunt their tits in fiction, the tides would change. In short, they came for your video games.

You what? The company which only has a few official translations with most not being censored. That Alicesoft?
The company which made the game Evencile is still $45 on steam, uncensored?

Honk honk

>if they're not allowed on sony
But their newest game is still being released on PS4

>Don't get affirmative action like other races that aren't white.
>But don't get the same privileges as whites.

Is being asian the worst thing you can be in the west?

PC eroge is also dying though, it's not a sustainable market for developers right now.

>cut minigame that only made sense if you knew Japanese culture to a T
Yes look at all those people confused by 0. The game barely makes sense to westerners. What the fuck is a sushi how am I supposed to know these things

> gender fluid
Like love juices?

>VNs are expensive
>Alicesoft managed to survive despite that
>y-yeah bbbbbut

>So far no content has been cut
>Yakuza 3 Remaster and Senran Kagura Burst Re: Newal have content cut because of that
this without mentioning the games that are not launching in the west and that are banned from PS platforms

>A company had to pay someone to remove the nipple, then someone else to program it into the game, then someone else (if not a group) to test the CG still shows up correctly. All because of Americans

Pretending to be retarded wont make you win the argument, but still a nice try

Also imagine thinking a nipple in a bra matters, so it's better to cut it off.

They can't keep getting away with doing this to us

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>censorship to protect young people
>hentai is a google search away for young people

ez. sony is retarded. parents should be protecting their kids, not sony. its not their job. sony is acting like kids are gonna get their parents to buy this shit, and if they do, well then its obviously okay then.

sounds like sony is just scared.

Honestly, Sony doing this should be giving Nintendo and Microsoft a huge advantage in the console market, especially Microsoft since they were always came in third to the "Big 3" consoles.

Japs will all move to Steam now

Guys it's finally happened. I'm looking at wood prices on home Depot. They took our games and I just wanna make shit.

If you actually care about this shit unironically have sex.

Meet a girl, be nice to her and go balls deep and ejaculate inside her and you won't care about this anymore.

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>VN's are expensive
>Despite it people still buy the games, and merch
>Company survives
Holy shit user, you're a genius. This is even without unnecessary censorship, which ups the costs even more.

any tips?


All I get out of this is that women should be ashamed of their nipples

>for weeb games?
For games in general.

Had sex last night, still annoyed. It's the principle.

that's what parents are for How the fuck is a kid going to buy and KEEP a fucking hentai game? In the other hand we have some ugly dykes eating their fucking mouths out in TLOU2 and that's a good thing!

No, I would just end up having both.

you can do both, you it right?


So all communist Russia had to do to combat censorship is to have sex? Fuck if only they knew.

Yeah dude just fuck that will solve all your problems lmao who cares about the world being on fire just get a gf and watch sportsball lmao

>just get shackled with a kid and child payments
fuck off

>sportsball lmao

Cringe, kys

Both of these are false. I bouught a PS5 for stuff like Senran and Gal Gun. Fuck off. Sony being Japanese friendly is one of the reasons so many people stick with it. Sony without Japanese games is going to fucking tank.

you guess

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And now that company is bankrupt oh wait it isnt this is just OAI making shit up

I've had 15 girlfriends in my entire life and i still hate this fuck off.

>games are censored only on snoystation
>can just pack up and play the games anywhere else without censorship and cut content for the exact same price
>snoyims are happy that we're entering a "new era" and weeb incels are being BTFO for being on the wrong side of history

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You're thinking that those will move on to Switch instead. What is more likely to happen is those games will stop existing period with the occasional one hitting Switch only.

Ah yes there's nothing more conservative than the #metoo movement and tranny parades

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You know if all you Americans buy a Switch your shitty puritanical Christfags and SJW cunts will come for Nintendo.

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Are you a misogynist? You must be, otherwise you wouldn't be so quick to encourage people like me to interact with women.

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Don't worry they're just Homo Sapiens Superior. They know what's best for everyone. And yes, their hypocrisy makes my blood boil too.

Now I wondered how Funimation got away with doing the English dub of the Valkyrie Drive anime which had tons of nudity and bare tits and nipples, along with some scenes of sex?

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*hits pipeweed*

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if you like to watch niggers play sports then you are a faggot

Is this guy for real?

Either they will start releasing their games on PC or a Nintendo console or they will stop making games that need censoring.

Lets hope they jump ship to PC gaming or Switch at worse instead of the other solution.

no, all the console cucks who grew up with consoles should be old enough to work and save up to build a pc setup.
you have to be really fucking retarded to buy next gen that isn’t nintendo.

SJWs are literally incapable of understanding principles or moral standards.

>being so obsessed you can't see the straightforward marketing exercise even though it's written in mile-high flaming letters

> no one bought a PS for Mary Skelter, or Gal Gun
Bought it for jailbreaking and Yakuza. What's the reason of purchasing another dudebro CoD device? Sony won't tank, but it will be a sad future.

The story blew up yesterday and now it's everywhere. You're a fucking retard. You can't gas light reality, dumbass.

>And now that company is bankrupt
They're out of pocket dipshit, which if the game does't profit, or even break even due to the added costs, the games won't be brought over. Worst case, companies CAN go bankrupt. Are you just retarded? Do you know how many games where never localised due to the expense of it all, which is also due to censoring shit for different regions? Do you actually have under 50 IQ?

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>that isn’t nintendo.
Yes you need to be extra retarded to do that

Kind of half right but not really.
Conservatives have always been pretty anti-sexuality, but there's been an exploding in size subgroup of leftists who also condemn it for different reasonings now.

Shit sucks either way

Only if Nintendo stops being fucking retarded and the Switch "Pro" is powerful enough to actually play 3rd party games (it won't be).

So we just need to find out who these employees are and kill them? Sounds easy enough.

I'm joking FBI, I'm joking, don't kick my door down.

The game already came out and made its money and from what I've seen the company is still kicking, again people are making mountains out of anthills

Yes? This is the point we're at.

I'm correctly pointing out that the people pushing for censorship in video game aren't the true left, but conservatives. You got people like trying to claim this is actually something liberals want. They don't.

>only people who identify as liberals want to publicly censor products so they can sell a family-friendly brand
lol ok fag

Are you stupid? Microsoft is in the US. They are in fucking Seattle.

If you think that they won't censor your lolis you're going to be disappointed.

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The average retard here apparently doesn't know the difference between SIE and Sony music it seems

SIE can't tell Sony music what to do and if they tried they'd be told to fuck off.

If enough fags complain to the execs in Tokyo, you'll see something change but no, everyone is content to merely bitch and moan like the children they are

Remind me again when Sony replaced its entire executive with locals just because they moved buildings.

>5 months so far
>thinks he can give inputs on the situation
holy shit imagine being this retarded

No way in fuck will the switch become the console for weeb gamers, you people are the same fucking degenerates that make MCU Trailer reaction videos

Oh yeah Steam LOVES sexualized minors in videogames. Idiot.

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a snoyfag. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying, subscribing, playing and defending a game console corporation solely so they can go and get your games censored by Californians. All the hard work devs put into their beautiful anime girls - sculpting their bodies, making them wear sports clothes, making sure their breasts jiggle, playing with them. All of it has one simple result: their game is more enjoyable for the men that will buy it on another system. Made the perfect game? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random alt-right russian hacker incel who has nothing to do with a Snoy console, who just buys the game on Steam. He gets to virtually pet the anime girl's head every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way the nip devs intended. As a "man" who has a Playstation, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 7 years of your life simply to support games for other men to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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Loliculture has been a thing in Japanese media for decades now and no one gave a fuck until a few years ago when radical leftists started rising up. They are drawings and not one study has ever found that liking lolis leads to acutal pedo shit, because it doesn't, just like how violent videogames don't make people shoot up schools.
Inb4 autists who can't come up with a counterargument just call me a pedo

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*blocks your path*

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How is #metoo relevant here?
It's a movement about not letting people in positions of power sexually abuse your underlings
Literally nothing about censorship, nothing about women in media. Post the article instead of a screenshot of the title, how do they spin this

If business insider isn't just clickbaiting and is actually telling the truth, steaming is a dumb censorship decision by Sony because literally no one goes on twitch to see someone play a tiddy game

>protect children

>literally wants to ban anime figures
How can you be so fucking weird?
It doesn't even seem to be tied to an ideology, at least when it was weird moralistic christian shit you could at least understand what the fuck their mentality was.
Now they just seem to hate sexuality for the sake of it, no moral or logical backing, just against it.


You are literally retarded aren't you? Do you honestly believe that unless a company goes immediately bankrupt, it's not a problem? They've already paid more money to censor shit that shouldn't have needed to be censored. Lets see if they can keep it up, or consider the western market worth the costs.

>aren't the true left
Fuck off with this no true scotsman shit.

>Hey guys I have a cool plan lets boycott an entire culture this isn't weirdly imperialistic or racist

It's true. Deal with it.

These conservatives also love to push trannies and overall faggotry in games, something "classic conservatives" loathe
So what are they? pozzed conservatives? convenience liberals? conservacucks?
Liberal and conservative labels dont hold any weight anymore

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have sex

>How is #metoo relevant here?
Liberals seem to think that playing even a single "sexist" game makes men more likely to rape.

I have had sex many times but I’m still a virgin on the inside.

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>Do you honestly believe that unless a company goes immediately bankrupt, it's not a problem?
>They've already paid more money to censor shit that shouldn't have needed to be censored.
And how do you know this?

>blew up

I guess audible indifference is about as exciting as it gets for Nintendies since 90% of the time they have no games to play.

Nobody is going to care about censorship until they start doing it to series that people care about like GTA

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I dont even have to read this thread to send a bunch of you absolutely apeshit by calling you pedophiles. The accusation alone makes you go into full schizo defense mode

They’re called Neocons

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On one hand, I haven't been interested in fanservice bullshit since I was like, 16. I still love porn and lewd shit, it just does nothing for me in games, and too often the Japanese use it to distract from bad gameplay or writing or whatever. On the other hand, I despise censorship enough that I still don't like what's going on. I don't understand people who aren't in the height of puberty who love fanservice filled bullshit, but I still think you weirdos should have every right to consume it without having to worry about papa Sony or anyone else telling you no.

>The story blew up yesterday and now it's everywhere.
Yea Forums is not everywhere


>censorship is to protect young people

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>lol dude just have sex it's the only thing that matters haha imagine caring about something other than having sex what are you an incel

I bet your some gangly little fuck boy who offers weed to women hoping you get to fuck them when they're high

It isn't true. Every other country in the world uses the correct definition of liberal except the US. Those authoritarians are leftists and they do want to censor games just like the right-wingers in the 90s.

>How is #metoo relevant here
pic related.

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Mins you this censorship deal is being promoted by Resetera’s Nintendo discord because they want Sony to die and Nintendo to be #1 because the Sony trannies are banning things the wrong way and the Nintendo trannies will ban things the right way. Do not discuss the pros or cons of censorship, only shitpost, shitposting is the only way to salvation do not take a side.

>For now
What the heck can they even do? Aren't all figures super limited because they only make enough for preorders with a handful of extras?

Cool you're a retard.
>And how do you know this?
Are you fucking kidding me. You are truly stupid. Not only has the arguments been laid out all thread that you need to PAY PEOPLE to censor shit. you have the FUCKING OP

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It seems more like right wing shitposters love to blame #metoo on anything that has a woman in it

>censorship of games is bad
>Tiddies being censored
>It must be #metoo

Literally free clicks

Forcing developers to include such things is authoritarianism as well. If a developer wants to include trans and gays, or whatever, by themselves, that's their right.

>it's the only thing that matters

I mean yeah, if no one had sex the human race would cease to exist.

>Nobody is going to care about censorship until they start doing it to series that people care about like GTA

It already happened with DMC V. Stop disgracing Tim.


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My conclusion:
>sony wants to distance itself from weeb culture/oversexualized anime in general
>there is no implication that serious games (that is, games with a stronger narrative than "look at these jiggling titties") are at risk
>the DMCV thing was probably done out of an abundance of caution by Capcom (didn't want to risk having their patch delayed, I imagine)
I see no reason for concern here.

>Is Sony finished in Japan?
Sony was finished in Japan because they only buy handhelds and mobile games.
Not that it matter, its a small country

I'm sure you'll count a simple (you) as it working but I'm going to just slide in and mention how I don't need to even go into loli defence mode because the vast majority of the games on sony platforms being censored didn't have lolis in and none of them were actually pornography, but retards like you keep chiming in with lolis as if this is the same thing as the steam loli purge a couple months ago, this is not that situation, this is a different situation, stop getting it twisted.

Straight from Sony themselves.

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You're talking as if removing a covered nipple from a image costs hundreds of thousands of dollars which isnt the case and OP's""source"" is basically someone saying 'dude trust me'

DMC didn’t get censored retard. You OAG cultists overreached again and lies to us outright. You can go to hell with the SJWs you despise so much

you might as well of just called them "yellow monkeys" you racist moron

but you can have sex with anyone
the unspoken part is have sex..... with someone hot

>Those authoritarians are leftists
Wrong, again. The fact you bring up the world shows you didn't pay attention to history. Research the Conservative Order and every prominent conservative thinker of the 19th century, they all advocated for a return to authoritarianism or using capitalism to create a tiered system where the rich were the oligarchs who controlled society similar to a monarchy.

Oh, the "My boss assigned me to work on a game with lewd content, so I'm suing the company for sexual harassment" type of danger.

it's only cultural imperialism when the U.S does it

Without breathing, the human race would cease to exist.

>interviewee literally cites the movement as one of the reasons
>"hurr durr right wing shitposters"
fuck off shill.

>Billy D

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>fired and shamed
The ResetERA mentality, everybody.

Based SONY.

>DMC didn’t get censored retard.
It did but fans' complaints got the US version uncensored.


go dilate your open wound somewhere else

I don't read One Angry Gamer, it's sensationalized garbage. I just know that Trish's ass had lens flare on the PS4 version and not the PC version (no idea about the Xbone version).

Why are people complaining about MK11 males being attractive?

I am a pedoweeb and I agree with you. Nobody cares about this who isn't into underage girls.

Sony goes full normalfaggot.

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>OP's""source"" is basically someone saying 'dude trust me'
OP's source is a Japanese dev saying
>Dude trust me, it's expensive

A random shitteater on Yea Forums is saying (that's you by the way, I know you're retarded so I'll have to point this out for your pea brain)
>Dude trust me, it's not

I fucking wonder who I should give more credence to, hmm?

Other sites are reporting on this too.

A market niche that was being served in calm quiet without any drama was suddenly forcibly pulled out into the open and slaughtered for all to see by sony just so they could virtue signal to people who weren't even playing those games or pay attention to them.
The way they've been talking about it too implies it will have an effect on future "more serious" titles.
I'm sure they wont want the nudity present in cyberpunk 2077 given their reasonings with the metoo movement, there was a scene with a lot of naked bodies of questionable victim status present in the dang demo never mind the rest of the game.
I can't see that not being effect by this unless they literally instate a double standard that should also get people pissed off.

Is this what an NPC looks like? That's not how "conservative" is used in any colloquial sense. How can you look at shit like the Dragon's Crown debacle and say those people aren't leftists? So Jason Schrier is a right-winger?

Why don't they admit it then?

Calm down Billy, don't blow a gasket everytime someone points out what a clickbait shill you are.

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I'm sure PQube would disagree after what Sony did to them last year.

>NPC meme

whitepill me Yea Forums before I fucking kill myself

Snoyniggers will defe--*sees the topic*--oh, they do.

cry more npc

Just conveniently ignore everything else he said faggot

Since when is it a companys job to protect the children from adult content?
It's the parents fucking fault if they don't watch what their children are playing or buying via credit card or one of these pre-paid cards.
Sony is just blaming these games for this censorship BS because the company is too scared to tell these lazy bums to pay more attention as to what the kids are doing on the console.
Also why do they include Europe for this?
For fucks sake Europe is sexual degenerate central are they too lazy to make an american version and an international version?
My god the person who is pushing this idiocy should get fired asap because he is ruining Sony's reputation and makes them look retarded.

Yes, Schrier was acting like a conservative during the Dragon's Crown shitshow. He might have views that are left leaning, but in regards to his shaming of Japanese art, that was wholly conservative.

Also I enjoy you're now wrestling with your internal programing and invoke the NPC forced meme.

The NPC meme will always be pathetic. Get a brain, morans.

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He does realise that the Japanese literally will not argue with you out in the open right?

You know that the OAG is not even the original article. right?

There is a loving God and He will relieve you of this burden (Satan's clown world) in time

Except said Japanese dev has been given no name so if i wrote an article of a Japanese dev saying 'it's really not expensive' you'd believe me then?

This is actually a tactic which has been used by many authoritarian regimes or during forgein occupation. Sex is a powerful distraction from basically everything.

It straight up did. Only for the Western PS4 version too.

Of course he does user. He's been there for 5 months.

>still didn't address what he said because you don't like the NPC meme

>The commentary over the video talks a lot about choices and whatnot, but we don't really see any examples of it.
That is true. Thx for img, user.

Yeah, for like 10 minutes. After that I'll return to my senses.

cry more NPC
you know deep down your a talentless machine

You ever heard about the threats sakurai got well expect that user

I still love the fact the nose is part of the original concept art.

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people who complain about the de-sexualization of women in games tend to harp on about how "but men are still made sexy" then they post tons of examples of just.. the least sexiest men ever who just happen to be ripped or strong claiming it as a double standard.

As someone who likes titty armor a lot I wish they'd get better arguments and examples.

Rest assured, I am.


I want to believe, user, I really do, but I don't know for how long I'll be able to take this

He thinks watching anime as a kid and now living in Japan for a a few months (I'm gonna guess as a JET) qualifies him as an expert of the nation's society and culture.

This. They are extremely polite and probably called him a baka gaijin behind his back

And? How does that make OAG not clickbait trash?

Do you think these threads with the cropped OAG image for the OP aren't shilling threads? Are you high?

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2077 is a grimdark serious game and there is no suggestion that such scenes are for the player's titillation/no endorsement of the action onscreen.
Softcore porn anime games are pretty much the opposite, and much more likely to be considered objectification.

I couldn't say with certainty. If you want my best guess: Weebs are still a big enough money maker to be worth the risk to some degree, so they're starting off with mild censorship (with minimal public comment on it) and evaluating its reception before they either double down on it or dial it back.

>360: 84 million
>PS3: 83.8 million
Also the Wii won that generation so even if PS3 did beat the 360 it still lost unless you want to make the argument that the XBONE didn't lose because it placed second with the Wii U and PS4 generation

Thanks for proving my point?

user that’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard a kid can ask their parent to make an account

tell women to cover up: sexist pig
tell women to take it off: sexist pig
somewhere in the middle: ehhh you'd look better with a half shaved head and pinkish blue hair dye

"it's not the looks that count"

It's a poor argument because men are aroused visually. It's a good argument in principle if the sexes were the same, but they aren't. The real argument is that men are not being catered to, while women are, but there is enough plausible deniability that SJWs will claim women are still oppressed in gaming.

What is it with virgins thinking that you lose any and all interest in sexual things after losing your virginity?

Do you realize this is just echoing what said to bait you, right?


You do realize they removed it via the 1.07 patch.

>so if i wrote an article of a Japanese dev saying 'it's really not expensive' you'd believe me then?
Yeah if you published an article on a news site, yeah you'd have more credence

You do realize that one predates the other right?

Only a liberal would care about some backwater site possibly shilling. Back to >>>/era/

So its okay to demand devs change their character around to be sexually pleasing to you? I didn't realize Yea Forums was pro-censorship now, I thought SJWs were the only ones demanding devs change their character designs.

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How so?

>It's okay guys, they walked back on it after people found out.
>I'm sure they'll never do it again.

the original article:
Brainlet, at least do some research, OAG only gave it a clickbait title and is not even the only with a article about it.

I dont disagree
But this really can be said only for indies with this very intention in mind from the start
all these "wokes" staff inclusions begins by removing or out numbering the original crew, then you get 40 "narrative designers", HR, diversity quotas or whatever for every programmer and they just reign over creative choices from that point on
This happened on telltale, bioware, blizzard, dice, they all behave on the same mindset and aggregate nothing to the company

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>possibly shilling

See you even agree with me that its clickbait, not sure why you're so butthurt.

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>of just
What's with the mouth breathers changing 'have' to 'of'?

>ugh sexualizing women bad
>whoa sexualizing men good

>Michelle S
That's a guy, right?

These are a vocal minority of people and are at a fringe of political leanings, the average joe doesn't give a shit about anime tit ninjas, the only way they've been turning average people against this stuff is with outright hyperbole or lies.
You'll notice a lot of them bring up loli whenever this shit happens now, it's because it's the only foot they actually have to stand on, despite all the sony games not being pornography at all, and the vast majority of them not having any lolis in anyway.

What I'm getting at user is, this is just a result of a misinformation campaign, and will probably not be a permanent status quo.
Times change all the time, and it's only effecting sony anyway, you can still enjoy your booby anime games on different platforms, hopefully the devs jump ship to somewhere else instead of putting up with sonys shit.

I can sympathise with you a lot, I'm addicted to pornography and these games give me an outlet outside of constantly looking at full on pornography, for someone like me it's not always about masturbation but just seeing some tittys and some skin, it's relaxing, just keep your chin up user, this shit will pass hopefully.

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they're so mentally damaged that they have convinced themselves that every problem in their life is the result of them still being a virgin

so they come on Yea Forums where they can write some fiction about their pretend fantasy where they did "have sex" and now they are so far above it they never have to think about women again

it's their own fiction where they have become a great sage after having sex and can now talk down to others just like everyone always talks down to them

kind of sad really

None of the faggots in that picture could stand up against, let alone punch, an armed insurgent of the fascists they despise. They are weak parasitical creatures that are protected by the government's mercenaries and could not survive on their own.

Someone prove to me that this dude is retarded. Any anons in nipponland?

Nice reddit image, user. Maybe you should go back.

Congratulations, you just described 90% of the country, because we're no longer living in the fucking stone age that you apparently want to go back to.

>totally has nothing to do with how they're brought up or their culture
>they also slave away for meager pay and STILL don't steal even tho it would be so easy
The only reason why the crime rate is low because they have no backbone for absolutely anything (and are also too depressed to even go outside).

user, I just type "Sony PS4" on google news and this topic is feature and the PS5 reveal is on the later results

t. tranny

I mean loli is available literally anywhere in the world, doesn't explain real pedos at all

All of their western corporate HQs are based in California m8.
Stop doing damage control, we all know Sony and California are both shit.

He made a comment about that guy called ''punch all Nazis''. The fuck are you talking about?

Reminder that japs are problematic and all of them need to be censored

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>if you don't like wojacks you're a tranny!
No wonder you niggers call everyone discord trannies. You can't call people redditors as an insult because that's what you are.

Don't put words in my mouth faggot. I want a white, Christian America without niggers, kikes or spics, with a thriving working class and infrastructure, clean streets and healthy, happy people.

*human species

>and livestreaming

There you have it. It's the same people who keep a tight clutch on Television.

It has never been about morals, it has always been about advertising.

Oh no! not our shitty pedo visual novels with no gameplay!

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>protecting young people

heh they are acting like japan is an apocalypse land, while their priests raped loli and shotas

I mean he looks heavy enough that he can probably put up a fight by weight alone.
So you want a fantasy world, that's real nice. Anything else you want to add to your fanfic?

>Literally everywhere, including Kotaku and Silliconera are shitting on Sony for this

Whats with Resetera being the only place that support this? Are they actually just Yea Forums bait accounts?

>Everthing before current year is the stone age
>The world began after WW2

You don't have to be there to know he's retarded. Like the shit they're pushing with the anime figures. What kind of store would sell them? A store that sells anime shit. So the figure BAD but regular anime and manga GOOD? No that's retarded.

Nothing you said contradictions what I said. The fish rots from the head if you have someone who wants to push an agenda. You didn't mention Naughty Dog and Neil Druckmann. He came in with an agenda, purged the people who would have fought him on it, and is now having free reign to do what he pleases. But that's more just shrewd politics in general than something ideological. But the fact he wants to impose his ideas on the market as a whole, is where it becomes authoritarian.

And to be honest, this is where we just hit the black and white, good verses evil situation of should video games be fun. Personal, I'll side with people like Reggie who says 'If a game is not fun, why bother' every day of the week.

gaming is a hobby for incel otaku loser in japan

don't like brainlet meme because you identify too much with it? sorry for your low IQ, projecting user.

Just search youtube for vids of people in Japan. You'll soon learn the the Japanese don't really argue too much, but most are surprisingly open about shit and don't like banning stuff that's already available.

That's the problem with censorship in the first place. Hit a kid for eating candy, and you'll never find out whether he never ate candy out of fear or his own free will. Did MK devs bend to outward pressure with their costume designs? Comments by their art lead are evidence that this is the case. That's why you decry censorship before it takes root before it becomes too late, you coward.

That's roughly the last time a random person was expected, and could be expected to, stand up to an "armed insurgent".

That is not fantasy, it was a reality at one point before usurious foreign vermin weaseled their way into positions of power and influence.

Resetera will defend everything Sony to the bitter end. That's not a hyperbole.

PC in Japan is either the western games platform or the "mmo console".

I love how the neolibs want to censor everything. They'll be first to go when the revolution comes.

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>western "values"

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accidentally posted early. forgive me

>be single parent
>raised in traditionally strict household despite being so relaxed and laid back
>have TWO kidds
>twins, but 1 boy 1 girl
>both age 13
>their mother died in labor so someone has to take care of em
>they both like vidya
>they gotta share because i aint buyin two PS4s
>let em play whatever they want, just be present if its rated M
>if they ask questions or need answers i will provide them, no matter the topic
>if theres swearing i let them swear
>let them see the world and how it can be a little sooner than most people would
>the boy likes red dead redemption 2 because its a good fuckin game and he likes western guns n shit wants to be a cop
>the girl likes senran kagura games because she discovered anime and wants me to buy anything she finds cute. she wants to be just like those titty ninjas
>both of them are expanding their interests more and more
>both of them get along with each other
>they eventually find porn
>gotta give em the talk now
>they ask me whats happening there and explain to the best of my ability without going overboard
>they both understand pretty well what the significance is
>they both figure out theyre different by then
>told em "you can watch porn if you want, i just dont need you two doing this stuff til youre 18 ok?"
>they both take that demand very well
>the talk and its encompassing subjects goes smoothly
>they even had questions about specific shit involved in it
>they both seem to have matured a hell of a lot faster than expected, not foul mouthing anyone, not even slightest form of disrespect, both are also doing well education wise
>pretty sure letting them do their thing and being chill helped them out
>one night during dinner they ask "hey dad how come you let us play these games when other kids parents dont?"
>"When I was growing up, I wasnt allowed to. If I had kids they may like to have a relaxed parent thats there for them. Something I never had."
sony should ease up desu

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It's like this with every board. On /k/, you have people shitting on expensive guns and find out they have a $100 mosin. On /o/, shitposters benchracing $80k cars when they either take the bus or drive a $2k shitbox.

>All the cancer from NeoGaf, concentrated in ResetEra
>Surprised they have retarded opinions
I wish they were Yea Forums bait accounts, because then you'd know it was a joke.

>including Kotaku and Silliconera are shitting on Sony for this
Show me links cause I can't find any.

This is why having a kid requires a license you mean. Otherwise it's a crime.

That was never reality. An america without blacks never existed. You imported them from day one - at which point, by the way, it wasn't a christian america. Your founding fathers had a few things to say about that, after all. An america without latinos? Did you forget the part where the US annexed large territories full of latinos?
A "thriving working class and infrastructure"? Well, i guess if you want to try to win another world war that somehow leaves the US untouched, you may be able to bring it back. Don't forget the heavily regressive taxes required to make it happen.

Most pedos don't rape children. I think 10 year old flat chests are the most
beautiful things in the world but you don't see me abusing anyone. I am just not going to have sex.

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>what is the second amendment

The olympics are a fucking mistake and none of these Snoy shenanigans are helping. On the other hand the jap devs need to wake up, pull the cord, and jump off this fucking train and get onto Nintendo or even Microsoft (though lord knows how they are gonna start acting like if they get a high influx of weeb games on their console).

the moral of the story is i took a huge risk and let them do whatever they want however they want, and both of them turned out pretty damn good
it could have easily backfired but im glad to see my effort paid off. censoring shit doesnt help with anything. it only makes it worse.
im going to genuinely hate dealing with them when they become adults but hopefully they dont cause too many issues

You sound like a Jew

This is extremely depressing, bros. All I wanted to do was jerk off to video game titties. That's it.

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To be fair, the Japanese legal system is completely fucked and it wouldn't surprise me at all if people just aren't bothering to report crimes.

I wonder how high the rape levels has gotten in england because of immigrants

Tranniestation 5 will be a massive flop in Japan just like Tranniestation 4

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Nigger the founding fathers had slaves. You're retarded.

>single parent
>TWO kids come out fine
user youre either full of shit or one of the luckiest motherfuckers on the planet. literally

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This is Microsofts time, If they want to have some relevancy in the future, and put a foothold in Japan, they might as well take up all the anime tiddie games that Sony is censoring

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I live in England. It's fucking high. Plus they get covered up all the time.

at least they buy games.

How many people actually carry on a day-to-day basis?
Also, it's a really pathetic nation that can't even maintain the peace and has to rely on the people using armed force to do so.
You sound like a retard.

Having the capacity to rape is similar having the capacity to steal. I think everyone has that capacity, but because poor people are unable to fill their needs due to their circumstances, they are more likely to steal. Similarly, pedos are more likely to have their sexual needs unfulfilled, so they are more likely to exercise that capacity to rape.

>censorship is to protect young people
Literally half of the games that have sold 1+ million units on the PS4 are rated Mature. The fuck outta here with that bullshit.

>The numbers don't add up, japan doesn't have as much rape as anywhere in the world
>I know let's invent unreported rapes now it adds up

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lolicon was legal in the UK up until 2009

Entirely possible depending on the circumstances of being single. It's just statistically unlikely.

It is surreal how they are acting more like us than as Resetera

Protecting children from what? Seeing a loli in a skirt? How the fuck is that going to cause harm but watching a demon rip the heart out of a man while wearing lingerie isnt?

There are no liberals in the US. Its almost impossible for an American to be a true liberal, it goes against centuries of history.

with how things are going im worried that user's kids might be getting along too well

Niggers aren't human like Abos, were an extreme minority of a select few people and they were kept seperated from whites at that time. The term "racism" was invented in 1910 by a Jew and Jews are behind the transatlantic slave trade too. People saw niggers for what they were at that time i.e "not human".

The best thing to be done now is to deport them all to their homelands, and execute those who won't leave.

>Plus they get covered up all the time.
that part I didnt know about. Thats kind of frightening. Why would they even bother covering up rape stuff, aren't sjw liberals popular there too? You'd think they would be hard at work stopping this kind of thing


woah it's like people outside californian tranny circlejerk don't believe senran kagura is child porn

How much will this affect non-fapabait games?

by covered up all the time he means like... twice in 50 years

>Even people from "Gamers are dead" websites are shitting on snoyfags

How will they ever recover?

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unknown so far
capcom did censor a butt in devil may cry tho because of this

When will the Otakus rise up and purge these insufferable liberal western ex-pats?

And they're subbing 11 anime this season alone. FUCK FUNIMATION. fucking burgerization ruining anime.

There are liberals in the U.S, and that's why America is dying.

Was for

>Why would they even bother covering up rape stuff, aren't sjw liberals popular there too?
Yep. That's why it's racist to point it out.

Mate pic related is real. Cops cover this shit up out of fear of being racist

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You want to know the crazier thing? The British Muslim prosecutor is the one calling out the politicians for trying to cover up the rape gangs and sex traffickers. He even brought attention to the fact that the Muslim men were specifically targeting white British girls.



in my state nobody cares about ps4, everyone i know either plays xbox or pc games
I had a hard time selling off my ps4 for a mere 150 dollars in pretty good condition, the only thing about it was apparently it had a 1tb harddrive in it which is how it was sold to me by gamestop which they shouldn't have had in the first place, so because of that i couldn't even sell it back to gamestop
i didn't sell it because of any censorship, i was tired of having a paperweight that demanded i pay money to play kofxiv online only to have nobody to play with
fuck you fighting game fags for wasting my time and money

wait what did they change in dragon maid?

[Insert borderline brainless comment about how the SJW master race is ruining everything and is the cause of all cancers and problems in the world.]

Let's try using our brains for a change, eh? Censorship is dumb, but it's not like there is a perfectly easy solution here either. If we could just flip the "turn on the tits" switch we'd have idiot parents and brain-dead politicians go ape on both sides. Bad parenting is more worth blaming. Little Jimmy didn't need to play Senran, but Little Jimmy's dipshit mom bought him it anyways.

Little Jimmy's mother then had a shit fit and blamed Sony for it.
Sony gets sued by little Jimmy's mom.
We lose in every sense of the word.

Meh.. why do I bother explaining, I'll be called a "closet SJW" anyways for speaking perfectly rational ideas. Fuck.

You literally just described every gaming """journalist"""

>think of the children!
oh i am

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You do know that ''asian'' doesn't mean just gooks?

Added lines about the patriarchal standards that encourage women to dress slutty but slutshame them when they do. No, I'm not exaggerating.

This is some quality LARP.

> we'd have idiot parents and brain-dead politicians go ape on both sides

>protect young people
>rating system exists

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Calling Muslims bad will get you locked up.

Yeah but it's obvious as fuck in what they're doing.

Reddit is also cheering this. Especially /r/Games.

Oh look, a moderate. You're so cool and level-headed and reasonable. Jk kys s o y soaked faggot eat crow cookie cutter

But pissing off your userbase is the opposite of marketing. Marketing is supposed to get people to buy your stuff, not alienate them

Make enough of a stink and they'll back pedal on it.

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you're thinking of the western audience that keeps these games profitable

>the only way to stop bad parenting is by incentivizing bad parenting
No, you're not a closet SJW, you're just a simpleton. Remove letter ratings entirely and only provide content descriptions. Force parents to understand what their kids are playing.

>San Francisco

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This entire post has to be bait.

There are several communities that brigade "vulnerable" nerd communities to try and shift opinion and establish their narrative.

You haven't seen much of Resetera then.

They're showing conservative values by pushing for this censorship

Well nobody ever said being a pedo is fun. I am happy for people who can actually get an erection looking at a woman lol.

ResetEra mods will literally vet you before allowing you to join. Either this dude is an amazing troll, or actually believe the shit he says.

Who fucking cares if a 4 year old child sees some breasts?

>Games that arr not meant for kids
>Sony censor them to protect kids

Nothing makes sense in this shitty world.

retarded boomers

What funny thing is snoys biggest game is now FGO which is sexualizing underage girls(even FS/N is adult game)

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How's it feel to be BTFO so hard?
Why do liberals even come here trying to deny liberal lunacy when it's plain as day?

When are we going to get a scandal that sinks that stupid fucking site?

you only see that shit in places like akihabara, and even then youve gotta go to porno shops to really see that kind of stuff


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This is false. There was a lot of people there angry at this too. The conversation was closed due to them acting too aggressive towards each other according to their mods

>inb4 reddit

I just checked it.

I didn't say make an account, I'm talking about a State ID that needs to be scanned each time someone goes to play those kind of games. That way, it's on the parents heads if their kid gets access to that content

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No it's requiered over there. Even if you know it's bullshit you still have to make it appear like the next communist revolution is just around the corner. Defeatism literally gets you banned. The kool aid meme is as overused as it is real.

You're kidding, right? This has to be a joke.

Please go outside and rethink what you just posted

If it sinks in, you get banned. So never.

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I'm just saying that the statistics play out the way they do for that reason. That doesn't discount the fact that there are people with the moral fortitude to not steal even if poor, and not rape even if sexually unsatisfied.

those fucking puritans!
clearly it's the fault of the right

Its not the censoring that annoys me, its the hypocrisy and racism of Sony that does. If they want a have a gay pride parade fine whatever, but to say thats ok but fictional characters wearing a bikini isn't, then thats just dumb.

>Go to Resetera look to look at this topic. All they keep saying is glad they banned pedo games. Ignoring the fact that all games are affected.
>inb4 i can't read nip
Your fault.

>censorship is to protect young people
I thought that's what we have the content rating system for.

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Imagine being such a dumbfuck boomer that you still unironically believe that liberalism means what it did 20 years ago.

>Lets try to use our brains for a change, eh?
Sure. Okay, lets.
>Censorship is dumb, but it's not like there is a perfectly easy solution here either.
The solution here is to just not buy what you don't like. Nobody is forcing anyone to buy a video game. That is, to the extent of your definition, the simplest and easy solution.
>If we could just flip the "turn on the tits" switch we'd have idiot parents and brain-dead politicians go ape on both sides.
I'm going to assume by this comment that you're under the age of 25. Back in the 90s, there was a huge stink about violence in video games. People came chomping at the bits to get violent video games banned. In the end, they created a rating board called the ESRB to basically monitor the content of said games and inform parents of what they should and shouldn't buy.
A few years later, the Columbine shooting happened and the spears were brought back against violent video games, especially DOOM which was released in 1993. Lawyer Jack Thompson also tried to get violent video games banned, especially Grand Theft Auto, citing the Columbine shootings, even though GTA didn't really reach popularity until 2001 with the release of GTA 3.

If we're going to move away from violence and look at the current subject matter. We can go back to 2008 with the release of Mass Effect where people wanted that game banned for displays of "full frontal digital nudity" somewhat spearheaded by author Cooper Lawrence.
Mrs. Lawrence later went on to watch the "sex" scene in Mass Effect and basically dropped her crusade when she realize it was basically nothing and she was getting worked up over nothing.
The reason I bring this all up is because you're basically bending a knee. You're saying they need to do exactly what they want to "Avoid trouble" when people have been fighting against censorship for literal decades. Get a grip.

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sometimes I wonder if SJW's are just a falseflag made by republicans to annoy normal people and make them lean right.

I'm honestly feel very powerless and sad about the direction that this gaming world is going to. What can we even do? these sexphobic trannies are literally winning despite being the vast minority... I hate it...

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It's the best way to go about this rather than outright ban those kind of games from the platform

>What the heck, you guys don't even speak Japanese?

the shift to america didn't affect anything guys i promise

Sad thing is nobody is going to do anything. And normalfags will keep purchasing SONY consoles.

Buy your games on PC. Not even joking.

>All of these games were in development before Sony moved to Commiefornia
makes you think

damn this reminds me of when xbox were doing a bunch of stupid shit and sony were just quietly contemplating doing the same thing. then e3 2013 happened and all was well.

The United States has shifted to the far right thanks to Republicans. and Center right democrats like Clinton enabling the Republicans.

and EXPLOITING underage by the gambling addict bait "gameplay" mechanics.

>not using the underage girl kiss from the last of us dlc

if youre gonna use an image use that one

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>waving fictional anime girl butt in front of adults in their own homes
>waving real man/tranny ass in front of children in public

it's fine, in a few years culture will shift back and this will be seen as the dark age.

Just do what the rest of sane anons do and pirate everything. The industry can die for all i care.

Move to PC and wait for the pendulum to swing back. Same thing happened back in the 90s.

I hope you're right, user

PC is really expensive. I might actually get a Nintendo console for the first time in my life. It's unbelievable.

Apparently F/GO is under a different branch of Sony, the one that's still Japanese instead of run by keked commiefornians. Any attempt to censor F/GO would probably result in Sony actually collapsing and the Japanese government having to bail them out due to their importance to the Japanese economy.
but it sure does make you think how fanservice gacha games like F/GO just keep making more and more money while console SJWified movie games forced to pass SJW morality panels don't. Owing to the multimillion dollar Hollywood marketing machine they have to employ to make 'em they're bleeding money really.


take the clownpill. Its only thing left after the blackpill

>it's fine
I don't think so... the modern age is different. there's this social media and stuff to make this kind of virtue signal censorship "easy to support". Is it even possible to "culture shift" anymore?

How do the zoomers feel about sjw millennials?

No it means you want to be a boy today and then a onions boy tomorrow and then an ostrich the next day


What is this clown new meme

DO NOT give these companies/game devs any of your money

zoomer here, I feel powerless

Well, I don't play any of the censored games to begin with, so it's technically doesn't affect me at all. I'm just worried about the censorship domino effect, especially when they're aggressively trying to change Japan's otaku culture itself...

They are doing it the wrong way.
They should put porn into everything to indoctrinate the younger generation into having sex and solving the demographic crisis.
They already do it with actual porn, especially hentai.

>implying only people in japan would not bother to report crimes
i think you forgot that other countries have niggers, with their no snitching culture, which alone probably eclipses the japanese in terms of unreported crimes

>incels otaku loser
aka "seinen demographic"

What I want to know is - what fucking children are buying Senran Kagura?

It's not just the censored games, don't give Sony any of your money. Don't buy new games, don't buy things off the Playstation store, etc

Look at all these soccer moms trying to censor our tiddy games.

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They'll just make ANOTHER one. Remember NeoGAF dying because one of their mods being busted for CP? We all thought that was the end and then they made Resetera.

the christians could only complain and state why, and maybe some would listen, these faggots now? they'll close your bank account, they'll remove your payment processor, they'll censor or remove your game outright, have ICANN domain registrar delete your page from the internet, banned from selling at any major internet stores, coordinated 24/7 hitpieces from multiple media outlets, i think i am missing a ton.

some moms going ham on rock music and vidya back in the day, not even comparable, maybe the comics code? but there were comics made and sold that didn't have that, and they weren't destroyed or stopped from doing that

I need Ys9, so...