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Other urls found in this thread:



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is night elf hunter a good ganking class? I'd like to drink some orc tears

>Paying Blizzard money after they’ve actively ruined all their games for the past decade
>SERIOUSLY trusting them now or anyone affiliated with them
Don’t be mad at the people that are telling you it’s gonna suck.

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>beta of a 16 years old game
enjoy the trainwreck
tortanic will look good soon

Man I don’t even shit on people for wanting this, I shit on them for trusting in the same company that made them unable to play this game the way it was

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Beta comes out, WoW token available, Hypes dies

WOW! Can't wait to play a game I played 15 years ago! IN BETA!

>paying 15$ a month for a 1 1/2 decade old game
>giving money to the shitshow that is nu-blizzard
>paying 15$ a month for a game you can play for FREE
The only good thing about WoW Classic is that private server developers finally have official numbers to tweak items now instead of going off of feel. Thanks for betatesting, blizzdrones!

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Damn I didn’t even think of it like that. I thought blizzard just took the code from Nost and reverse engineered it

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>Can't wait to play a game I played 15 years ago
This position is so weird. People play old games all the time. I recently replayed freelancer, which is a game from 2003.

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looks like a troll?

At this point Blizzard really should release source code of Vanilla WoW.

Can't wait for nu-Blizzard to heavily moderate Barrens Chat and Trade Chat for the 2019 audience

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theres a new wow classic branch as of 30m ago

wow is dead
blizzard doesn't deserve your money
get over it already you faggots

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>Where's Mankrik's wife?
>sucking my schlong lol
You have been disconnected from the server.

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Nu WoW is dead

WoW is coming back.

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Yeah but playing the 15 year old version of a MMO won't bring them back.

And the people you played with 16 years ago have long since moved on

>WoW Classic
>It still runs WoW retail engine


What is it about people actually enjoying video games that makes incels feel the need to try to ruin their fun?

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>Test game for them


>Increasingly nervous retail cucks in this thread
Cope harder faggots as you know the day approaches when we all go home again.

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>I recently replayed freelancer
You the boss
I wish the multiplayer in germany wouldnt be dead

Retailfags are trying to cope because they know their game is a lost cause, that's about it.



>the tl;dr is as long as the original post
What did they mean by this?

All RP aside, who actually intends to play this for more than 2 months?

You're a special kind of retarded if you don't think Blizz is going to start sending out C&Ds like mad to literally every vanilla/BC private server

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I always play FRESH servers until Naxx is released. I only care about the PVP aspect of the game and Naxx gear causes Vanilla PVP to break down in multiple ways. BWL+ZG gear is peak fun for me.
I'll probably stick around for Naxx on official FRESH and just swap over to max SBV Protection because that is fun as shit and doesn't work until you have Naxx gear.

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You're a special kind of retarded if you think Blizzard can do anything.
Nost cucked out at their first C&D, but Twinstar and Warmane have been receiving C&Ds frequently and longer than Nost has even been around and its done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

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I know I will since there's nothing better to do when studying. My weekly routine is going to university like ~2-3 times a week for a couple of hours, taking the dog out, going to the gym and then wasting time playing and shitposting. Got a couple of friends joining me too and we're going to run a comfy 3 man through all the content.

You're paying for a service. Someone could give you a free car. Or someone could loan you the same car with small incremental payments which pay for gas, damage, maintenance, etc. Its the security that it'll always be up and maintained and not fall apart in a month like most pservers.

Honestly I'm just excited to be able to play vanilla with modern addons that actually work. Threat meters that are actually accurate, buff/debuff timers on allies/enemies, WeakAuras, modern raid frame addons, etc.

On top of having no more giant swathes of chinese players.

I honestly think they need to smoke some weed but if you're the type to bitch about how other people have fun because you don't like the company mediating the process you're probably an annoying cretin to begin with and the herb would be wasted on you. They would just say dude weed lmao and go on assuming their piss poor anxious unsatisfied life is worthwhile.

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Would it even have transmogs or is everyone back to wearing clown suits?

>he thinks addons will work


World of Warcraft is an objectively good video game. It is no different than Super Mario 64 or Metal Gear Solid.
Yes, you retarded shitstains vomit this into every single thread. It wasn't an argument the first time you did nor is it the five hundredth time.

>he thinks there will be no addons


Such a sad, desperate post

This is good. This is very good. Assuming a July release date, a May beta literally gives us months to comb over Classic and find whatever fuck ups Blizzard inevitably managed to pass through. Remember all the shit that was wrong in the Blizzcon demo? People need to hammer bad shit home HARD so once everything goes live, the game is what it needs to be.

How long do you think it will be until Neo-Blizzard bans somebody for corpsecamping people in Hillsbrad? I give it a week.

WoW was a really good MMO, legit good game. Also represents the death of the MMO Genre.

stealth pet shadowmeld memeshot

>download classic
>quest until you get to the barrens
>drops some bants
>get banned because the player base is nothing but numales and women
It's like expecting it to be old Yea Forums but instead it's just reddit

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so i will get into the classic beta because i played the orignal world of warcraft beta right?

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>wahh I can't call people niggerkikes, this game is full of ESS JAY DUBS

What's the chance of it being an open beta?

>seething retailfags


>you dont need to play that character
>you can take a break
>you should do other things in the meanwhile
yea i reported some retard for corpse camping me once , i just learned to play hide and seek

>bants = /pol/
these are the faggots you are going to be plying with

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>Honestly I'm just excited to be able to play vanilla with modern addons that actually work.
You won't be able to.

>Got a good job
>My birthday and 4/20 are coming up
>Joker dropping out of nowhere today
>Stevefags BTFO'd
>Classic beta might also be dropping out of nowhere
It's all coming up me

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already confirmed NIGGERS

Should I roll a Pandaren Monk or Tauren Death Knight?

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based me

Jesus christ I thought this was something important.

Take good care of yourself and more good things will eventually come along

In this case bart is supposed to be the classic fags

The amount of depressed losers in these threads desperate to find (and make up) flaws is hilarious. Not even sure if it's terrified retaildrones or TORtanic-posting teens. Go play a video game instead of seething at them lad.

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>something important
twitter ops are all the rage

You mean “was”

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Would be cool if they give keys based on your billing history. No need to give beta keys to the cucks still stuck in retail farming 10 year old raids for mounts nobody gives a shit about.

>I will blindly trust a developer because my optimism outweighs my caution of their constant fuck ups

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You are setting the standard ridiculously high if you expect that to happen. You're forgetting what the WoW community is like these days and that vanilla is a thoroughly explored game these days, it won't have the shine or lustre it used to when it was completely a fresh new thing.

It'll be cool, yeah, but expect that shine to wear once people rush through Molten core and the like because those mechanics are nothing these days.

how do you get into beta. I wanna try before I buy :)

you're underestimating the rush of nostalgia and all the old memories classic will awake.

lmao searched my old guild's name and found a video

Attached: fucks_wrong_with_your_arm_dude.jpg (355x696, 32K)

Nostalgia has created this stagnant game market you retard

>trusting the devs who made pic related with classic wow

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>pre order beta
>he didn't signup for the original beta


its all gonna be totally fine
yep, totally fine

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I do and would gladly play on private servers, but having an official one is just the better option for so many reasons.
To make it clear, under no circumstance do I trust Blizzard to get all or any of these correct. But I still trust them more than some randoms operating out of somewhere in shady legality land.

Oh so your money and information just goes to home grown jews and not the gopniks running a server out of their toolshes

If it's good, then we have stable populated classic again that won't get shut down. If they fuck it up, then we don't play it and go back to private servers.
You autists are pathetic and it's really sad that you have nothing better to do than throw temper tantrums about people enjoying things

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That's pretty bad

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Can't wait to roll Dwarf and get a Human or NE girlfriend

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>During the second concept meeting about how to expand the Wailing
Caverns, Chris said, “Just make a boss room like the Crone Room in The
13th Warrior.” I told him I liked that idea and built it beyond a cavern with
a flooded ravine.
After seeing the second iteration, the game designers said it needed to
be a lot bigger, and I was all too happy to accommodate them. This was
long before pathing code was finished, so no one could actually test what
it was like to fight monsters. I added to the layout two gigantic wings.
But I still worried that it wasn’t “a lot bigger” and put in the fourth
addition: a maze section. I wanted to see if there was something interesting we could discover about mazes that would enhance the gameplay
experience (spoiler alert: there wasn’t). After we learned mazes weren’t
fun, I revisited the dungeon and took great pains to overload the maze
with props and doodads. I even put a mushroom trail throughout it so
people could take the shortest route through without getting lost, but as it
turned out, the mushrooms blended in with the rest of the clutter

Attached: thankstigole.jpg (1338x1796, 243K)

Wanna know a sad fact? this OG doesn't make video game anymore.

>expecting newbliz to deliver the original experience over a privately ran server

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Not having to play with the fucking chinks and russos is reason enough to pay for Classic.

I remember seeing this video on youtube about creating trees for the game. They had two hundred versions of the same tree or something insane like that. What a time to be alive.

>neutering Barrens Chat because people find it childish
The revival will be dead on arrival at this rate.

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I was wondering where the majority of shitposters saying the same ol' song and dance were
they are in this thread.

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Hunter is the best ganking class next to rogue, especially if you can snipe someone from behind a tree or something

>no chinks or russos
you haven't played retail wow since tbc right?


I don't want to start flames, or to hate, i legit don't. I played wow from vanilla until legion on and off pretty much.

Why are people so keen on vanilla? Wow peak was TBC, vanilla is very barebones.

Is nostalgia THAT much of a drug?

BROS I NEED A FELLOW NEET TO BE EITHER A HEALSLUT OR THE TANK, IF TANK I HEAL. warrior alone is useless, and as a two man team we can grind gold via DM jumpies, reserve orbs in strat live, etc. also WPvP. im gonna roll on EU servers, and plan to be alliance. human paladin if healer, human warrior if tank. im open to playing horde, though.

drop a discord, steam or whatever. dedicated neets make the best team

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You're trying so hard to fit in yet your reddit spacing just is so obvious
Go back to your home

TBC was the downfall of WoW. Increasing the level cap was a terrible mistake, and flying was highly misguided.

Why not just play a classic private server?

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>Wow peak was TBC
That's nostalgia talking. People who think WoW peaked in TBC all coincidentally started playing WoW right before or in TBC

No reddit spacing or memeing aside, i just want a concrete answer from nostalgia blinded faggots, surely there is more than just that, nostalgia.

>blizzard is so shit they need a beta of a 15 years old game

Not that guy, but the "Reddit spacing" meme is fucking autistic. You'd only know about it if you actually went to Reddit. I've been here for 12 years and I always put a space in my paragraphs cause it makes it easier to read.

Half the people who harp on about this I have to assume are ESL, or come from a culture that takes a different approach to prose.

retailkeks mad they can’t carry over transmog and mounts to retail cuz they started in wrath/cata/mop and missed out on when the game was good

Go home

Projection and deflection in one post.
That's some serious asshurt reddit

Why not just read the thread before asking something that's already been answered?

try harder fagbo

No actually, I'm this guy . I don't even agree with that user about TBC being the peak. I just think you're fucking sperging over nothing.

go home

>Blizzard still in charge of it.

>getting this horrible crushing pain in my right ribs/body
>could die before classic launches
anons I'm going to the doctor in 5 minutes to get myself checked. please be there with me in my thoughts.

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How old is this picture ? You're currently supposed to have always something to do as a DK Frost.

But Classic is home. :)

What, ribs cancer? It's probably just a muscle stitch.

When you need to add an “if” you’re already setting yourself up for disappointment. I’m just telling you the truth.

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Not them but I played since beta, and raided hardcore through Vanilla/TBC/Wrath. I think TBC was probably the best - That said I didn’t PvP much and I hear that got fucked with arenas and flying. But from a PvE perspective, TBC is when classes started getting their coolest tools, there were heroic dungeons and the raids were evolving past “just have 40 awake people to clear”. But it was also before everything got “””streamlined””” in Wrath.

Do these betas get wiped then gold releases?

good luck user
i'll gank some discord trannies in your honor if you die

Don't insult my dark skinned thicc waifus tho

Look how mad you are.
Maybe this place isn't your speed.
Try going back?

>mfw literally a 30 year old boomer when classic launches
>playing an orc warrior in 2004 and an orc warrior again in 2019
it is surreal, isnt it?

Attached: 1541316829263.jpg (750x673, 65K)

I'm gonna put an extra space in my paragraphs just for you, honey.


You're telling people something they already know as if you're le owning them by revealing it to them
You have literal autism


>Getting mad on Yea Forums

Attached: buttpained.gif (350x290, 1.66M)

How can you possibly excuse the absolute state of that game. There are 3 specs per class * 9 classes, so there are 27 different characters you can roll, roughly speaking.

How many of those are viable? Please, I'd like an actual non-bullshit answer from you. WoW is the epitome of having fun the way you're told you should be having fun, there are virtually no impactfull choices you can make regarding your character.

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Apparently I have to keep reminding them because these threads constantly keep popping up.

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just thinking about leveling up again and downloading this game to be uninstalled after a day just makes me feel so fucking lazy I dont have the spirit left to do it again that time passed long ago,

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Uh, sweaty?

I think someone's project a little.

the whole reason this is happening is because there are a fuckton of people who just want this one thing. we don't care who is making it, it could have been nostalrius, remember? and retailfags could have had their shit but no blizzard got greedy. this is the result. you all have only yourselves to blame, we were happy and you fucked with us and we fucking wrecked your shit, or classic would not be happening. be humble.

dunno . t16 was mist i think

Seething now are we? yikes....

This kills the classic

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Based and home pilled

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>Release an mmo with zero testing
Big brain plays from user over here.

It's not going to be anything like that and you know it

belfs on damage control in the forums

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>Blizzard ruined it all for us
>So now we’re gonna pay blizzard because we’re blinded by nostalgia
Yeah you sure showed me user.

Attached: B41CB4C8-499E-4207-94BC-02BBD62ED192.png (262x281, 86K)

Wow, this thread is full of S E E T H I N G retailfags. Where are my based classic bros at

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Same only with undead shadow priest

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23 Threads of you posting this.
Obsession really is a hell of a drug.

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Apparently you can't read if that's what you're saying.
People are weary because it's Blizzard, but they're being cautiously optimistic because it's fun. Fun, something an autist like you doesn't understand. Being excited for the possibility of something doesn't mean you're going to be devastated if it doesn't come together.

Find something better to do with your time than foam at the mouth with autism the moment you see anyone enjoying anything

Classic WOW and Degrees of Lewdity threads cause by far the most rage on Yea Forums. I don't know what it is about those two games in particular as they don't seem related.

Its literally just retail players upset at the fact more people prefer how WoW was over what its become.

Mechanically 1.12 was a better designed game than a game that was updated for over a decade.

all these coping retailcucks
have a nice summer ;) I know I will.

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Maybe heed the warnings of anons like me to not get your hopes up. If blizzard is still fucking up retail this badly, what hope do you have for classic to be good?

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>classic wow
blizz drones and retailfags who hate that WoW is getting saved from Battle for Asseroth
newfags who can't beat their meat because people don't spoonfeed them

>Degrees of Lewdity
That has a /d/ thread that the maker of the game itself lurks and sometimes post on.
He has already said the dude that makes Yea Forums threads is some raging autist and he disowned him for it.
So it makes since that people call it out.

Reporting in
Retail fags still mad

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>caring about 15 bucks

same to you bro. See you in STV

Attached: bang bang.jpg (600x408, 40K)

Post the full version you fuck, image search yields no results.

>modern blizzard

Try actually reading the post you just replied to you absolute retard

Night elves are for fags and danish people but a dwarf hunter would be good, yes.

Cautious optimism has no place anymore with Blizzard you fucking nigger. Nothing they’ve done in the past 10 years deserves cautious optimism and Classic is no different. Save yourself the fucking pain and just move on

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who ever told you that was lying
t. casual mythic frost DK who quit because it's boring as fuck and shitty

who cares about a little pocket change... i mean if you're in the poverty bracket i'll pray for you. i'm gonna spend this summer smoking weed (legal btw lol) eating the dopest sandwiches and pho and playing classic wow.

No point arguing with someone who can't read
Stay retarded user

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





imagine getting banned for saving durotar and azeroth because making war with enemy horde lmao

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Personally I think that UC is a shameless rip off of a low budget Tim Burton set
I hate it
I wish I could have seen Metzen's vision for it

mfw ret dwarf pally

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>who the fuck wants to play horde

Didn't you find someone before who was willing to play with you?


I sincerely look forward to the crying a few months from now. Not out of spite, but out of tough love. I will forever say I was correct and never let up on it when I and so many others are proven right

You cannot handle this, and you are one hundred percent upset that you cannot change my mind.

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Nah it’s not that. It’s that you're planning on paying the company that took everything from you like a cuck.

Unfortunately though its not.

Blizzard are going to ruin WoW again, because they are doing progression rather than new content/features. I dont think people realize how quickly WoW got ruined with convenience features and mechanic changes. The moment Wraith drops its dead.

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>I will forever say I was correct
True signs of an ignorant peon

fuck I hope Satansdildo makes vids on classic that stuff was the shit

Give me a paladin build that allows me to solo quest and heal dungeons, please.

>people excited for a decade and a half old game
>not even a remaster in any meaningful way
>a conscious attempt to make the game feel as close to the busted jank it was back then
>muh memories
God damn this decade was bad. Remasters, remakes, reboots and re-releases. Enjoy your half-eaten hamburger you picked off the sidewalk, I guess.

Hold me, bros.

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You guys do realise the nostalgia will wear off and the servers will be empty as a desert within a year.

Ignorance would be me saying “yeah dude we’re going home and it’s gonna be great!” You on the other hand continue to reply when you know I’m right

holy with but take reckoning

How about you come over here and enjoy my cock you faggot

why do people keep saying this when private servers are constantly packed? What's the point of lying for no reason?


What’s the poInt in for something when you get it for free?

>you know I’m right
Keep telling yourself that because only you believe it. but then again you're your own god.

No thanks, I'd rather not catch anything.

>implying people won't pay to be free of chink goldsellers and third world f2p scum

>classic dies within a month, only players left are zoomers following around some random streamer
>meanwhile, retailchads will get 8.2 with nazjatar and all the azshara content
>classicucks will crawl back to retail

you are gonna get owned


Attached: 1554430868946.png (298x40, 2K)

If i spit in your mouth for free will you take it?

I “am” my own god user. Thanks for the compliment.

Blizz has the infrastructure to support more people and also make servers faster and more responsive
A lot of pservers have massive bugs and lag which can make it unplayable at times. Classic wow will be the definitive wow experience. Believe me

You’ll have to pay me for the privilege, worm.

Attached: A7117F77-9304-486E-9346-056801741441.png (808x538, 301K)

What does it mean?

>that feel when you hit level 40

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It could drop as early as next week. I almost jizzed when I saw that. Holy fuck

>Classic wow will be the definitive wow experience. Believe me
Uh huh. Is that before or after they go back on their word and add in flying and other quality of life changes nobody but retail fags ask for?

This isn't an argument until it happens

>It's finally time...

Drink up boys, where finally going home...

Attached: 0211.jpg (1024x576, 95K)

think its supposed to be patch number

>Wojack poster
Zoom Zoom

You can stop now user. All all this attention you’ve given me has me completely erect.

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I thought it was 1.12 patched?


Attached: Come home feel man.jpg (180x180, 11K)

because you can't get it for free. Blizzard's version has the correct values for everything instead of hacking mechanics together in a way the hosts think is correct

>this stupid fucking argument
have you even seen the blueposts? the classic team is the best part of blizz right now

>took everything
yeah and we fought back and now they are working hard on my classic wow. like the war on marijuana, i fought and won against retailwow. what are you not processing about this?

why would they do that? if you want QoL go play retail. you get access to both current shit and classic with the same sub. classic is literally immune to that kind of begging.

Oh I get it. You’re blindly trusting them to just “not” do it

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Not even the dude you were talking to.

I'm guessing Blizzard is considering Classic to be the official patch 1.13.

No, I'm saying there's a possibility for it to go either way so it's not an argument in either direction until we see
Were you dropped on your head as a child?

>I thought it was 1.12 patched?
aka 1.13

>immediately btfo so hard he resorts to lying and making shit up
worked, seething and rekt. Fuck off

we're all coming home bro

Attached: coming home.jpg (249x207, 7K)

eh, they're going to update it? what's the point of having a vanilla server then it's going to go away real fast

Was there as much pushback and "It will fail" posters when OSRS happened? I can't really remember.

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there was a patch 1.13 but it was just bug fixes so nobody cared about it

>making crossfade warrior gank comps with whirlwind axe
gonna be fun desu

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blizzard uploaded a fresh beta build to their CDN just now

Fuck people have been saying they'd launch it 2 weeks before or after 8.2 to try and generate as much hype as possible for WoW as a brand and I didn't think they'd be able to launch it in time. If the beta doesn't go horribly wrong then it really could be early-mid summer

Here I’ll play out a scenario for you that might sound familiar
>No we won’t add flying to this next expansion
>Well okay we are now because people wanted it
>We won’t do it again next time!
>Oh well I guess we will now because people wanted it.
>Sharding will only be in the game for two weeks to help take pressure off the server
>Oh well since it’s all going fine we’re just gonna keep it in classic
>Fought back
user you’re a retard if you think they aren’t doing this just to shut you up. They know shits fucked, yet at the same time their fattest whales who want to stroll along on easy mode are the ones keeping their game afloat. They’ll capitulate for money’s sake and you know they will.

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no, Yea Forums was overrun by shills back then as it was now. People enjoyed good vidya then, now it's all a bunch of onions crazed smashfags

Imagine actually shilling for Activision.

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I liked 31 holy and 20 prot. I used it to aoe in solo pve, be indestructible in pvp, and heal raids. Also gives BoK for everyone too.

There isn't a single private server hosted in my continent and I'd rather play with ping not in the triple digits. Tell me how I can get that for free.

Clever. Very clever. Now, mere days before the shitty 6 month mount subscribes expire they start that.

It's a small group of Yea Forumstards that have a (You) addiction.
Most of these images are the same in every single thread made about Classic.
The attention whores are in full force that's all.

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so july release confirmed?

>gimping your character permanently just because "hurrrr im not le fag elf xd"

No. To believe Blizzard at all is retarded. When the game comes out maybe I’ll be proven wrong, insofar, I’ve yet to be proven wrong

>thinking that the classic team is under the supervision of activision
here we see the guy who has never worked a day in his life. he goes around thinking that he knows how corporate entities work, when in reality the only thing he knows is that mummy is bringing home tendies

I'm still here tho

Whats the link exactly? You can play betas for free as long as your account is flagged.

this, the board was ruined by people that hates video games and uniroically use "soÿ" buzzword for vidya they don't like, it's a sorry state

You’re the dumbest nigger out of all of them if you think for a second that the classic team won’t bend the knee

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Literally everything everyone like you cried about Classic has been proven wrong so far
You're in the wrong here

>he thinks that nelf racials are better than dorf racials
enjoy getting anally pummeled by stoneform

Wait, why are retailfags seething? Shouldn't you be happy more people are going to play WoW?

and then they release tbc classic and the hype is back for another year :)

I actually like video games, I just wanna talk about classic in peace but no, we gotta have shills spamming our threads

they know that people won't be forced to play BfA anymore, and that their shitty retail version will be cast aside in favour of the superior version of the game

Oh yes of course
>Classic is being built on the current WoW engine
I’m so awfully wrong
>Blizzard goes back on their word at every opportunity to do so
Why oh why can’t I see the light?
>You think you do, but you don’t
God why am I so retarded?

Because most people will play Classic instead of BFA.
BFA will be a wasteland, so all the hours they spend farming transmog and pets are all for nothing since everyone is moving to Classic.

>Classic is being built on the current WoW engine
>I’m so awfully wrong
Not him but didn't they said that during blizzcon?

Former retail cuck here, I became disillusioned with Blizzard after BfA launched getting rid of everything that made Legion fun, do not underestimate the jewery of nu-Blizzard. They’ll find a way to fuck this up and monetize you like the pay pig you are

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>giving Blizzard money ever again

it's finally happening bros
beta imminent

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Sharding isn't going to be in Classic, what makes you think that?

They actually took Legion and then put the Vanilla numbers into it.

One thing that can be said about TBC for sure is that class balance was leagues better than Vanilla's. I wouldn't say it makes it better than Vanilla overall, but it sure as hell was a definite improvement.

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It's people getting tired of all the blatant shilling

he blocked me for no reason, I don't use discord much so he might have thought I ghosted him but that wouldn't explain the block. strange

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>Classic is being built on the current WoW engine
Nobody said it wouldn't be and it has zero impact on the game

>Blizzard goes back on their word at every opportunity to do so
Hasn't happened yet

Fuck off retard

we love corporate entities here


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>They will release classic the same day XIV launches they new expansion just to cuck Square Enix

OK I'm going to be a paladin damn it
I want to look sick in tier sets and do good healz

Nostalgia goggles will wear off in 3 months. Screen cap it.

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They fucking said so.
Oh gee that just magically removes all doubt I have, not like they can’t just reactivate disabled features with the flick of a switch

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they're releasing either 8.2 or classic within the same week as shadowbringers for sure. they've always timed patches to drop at the same time as competitor expansions.

>Hasn't happened yet
if you think I’m just talking about classic then fine, but don’t just pretend the past decade has been a bunch of coincidental fuckups on their part

XIV killed bfa. And it will kill classic too. Get ready blizzcuck

>They fucking said so.
For the first day only and only in starting zones
Don't get me wrong, that's shit and it shouldn't be there at all, but the game as a whole is not going to be sharded and this is really a non-issue

So many (You) attention whores in here.
Jesus you people need to get a life or do something besides sit in threads trying to get attention.

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tbc killed the game in so many ways
Not only wow, it killed warcraft as an IP
It ruined all the story and character development from wc3 and it killed wow as a game with its philosophy changes

Only retards that raided karazhan like tbc because they could actually do some degree of content

>private servers don't exist. Screen cap it.

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Classic is not in the same genre as XIV or BFA.

Its actually an MMO, unlike those which are just online instanced RPGs.

You mean the servers with just a few thousand players and 90% of them are chinks and russians?

>if you think I’m just talking about classic then fine
That's exactly what we're talking about you retard
Concession accepted

Same here. Why be a pussy healer and wear a dress when you can be decked out in plate and drop phat blessings

>Jesus you people need to get a life or do something besides sit in threads trying to get attention.
>need to get a life

did you notice you are on Yea Forums?

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What do you gain from telling lies on the internet?

We want one thing, vanilla WoW. This shit is not vanilla.

Cool but when will we get FFXIV 1.0?

I used to be a retail cuck until the Diablo Immortal shit and BfA, I honestly hope you guys find what you’re looking for with WoW Classic, but with the way I saw them fuck up retail to such a massive level and the direction the company is going I have no confidence that they can produce a well made product anymore. I think you guys are overhyping this, tho maybe I’m just pessimistic. Good luck guys, I hope home was as you remembered

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Packed with what? A few thousand bots and 500 humans? Private servers are and always have been a joke.

The servers could literally just handle a few thousand players and most of them were chinks and russians.

It literally is

have sex

This is 4channel

>Yea Forums means no life xd
We are past 2016 retard

Remind me, what patch was sharding implemented in vanilla?

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Hopefully it will be free, because I'm willing to try it out honestly.

They already had a demo, why do they need a beta as well?

I'd honestly rather save the magic of vanilla for the actual release instead of blueballing yourself.

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You guys act like we're retail cucks like you retards.
Guess what happens if they fuck it up?
We go back, back to nost, elysium, lights hope, kronos, you name it.

We don't need it, but we're joining because it's finally official, if they fuck it up we'll simply leave just like we left years ago while you, you bunch of mouth breathing monkeys that kept paying every month no matter what, stayed farming dumb mounts or pets.
It is in their best interest to replicate it without fucking up or they end up with a product that no one wants.

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I'm guessing they'll drop 8.2 first, after people get bored with the 3 hours of world content+ 2 hours on the new dungeon people will get bored of BfA again. Classic then drops within a month (same week as Shadowbringers) so people don't unsubscribe and they get to level their characters whilst raiding on their mains on weekends, there'd be no benefit to launching Classic and then 8.2. All media hype will be on Classics launch and that'll completely dwarf FF14's potential to get any new players since nobody will hear about it. If it wasn't for Yea Forums I wouldn't even know that expansion was a thing

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the day when classic launches and utterly DABS on bfacucks will be glorious. say bye bye to your cheevos and barbie dressup closet and mount collection. your shit will be fucking OVER.


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>source: my ass

You fucking stooge. You absolute buffoon. You contemptuous ignorant nitwit.

do you have a cute ass?

That doesn't answer my question. Let me repeat it for you: What patch was sharding implemented in vanilla?

unpopular opinion: BFA was supposed to be a trainwreck

Much easier for them to have lotsa random people on the internet test and find all the issues, than doing it themselves.

>no counter argument
Thanks for admitting you were wrong!

who is this ''we'' guy?

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For what purpose

>Because most people will play Classic instead of BFA.
Just looking at the number of views when Classic was announced vs BfA is enough to show that this isn't true.

We're going home bros

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No they put a lot of time and money into these xpacs
It's pointless to make them fail
And Activision would have never let something like that slide. They are the most money hungry company out there. Worse than EA.

I'll play it if it's free. Otherwise Activision-Blizzard can go fuck off

for teh lulz

How much are the shills getting paid for this? I mean it's the most blatant shilling I've seen.

Five cents have been deposited in your EA account.

Popular opinion: BfA is a trainwreck

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>They already had a demo, why do they need a beta as well?
you're american right?

>Just looking at the number of views
On what?


bro we are larping to fuck with people why dont you get it yet

>Just as long as the normal post.

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Oh you're retarded. I see keep moving.

>"Paladins are so based and epic and chad bro!!!"
>Try it out on lights hope
>Literally just auto attacking shit to death slow as fuck
>Gets kited and raped by anyone with faster movespeed
>Reck bombing is fun but gets boring after the 10th or so time and the setup is annoying
>Get bored and quit level 40
Yeah fuck this. I'm just going to roll an ele shaman and just one shot people from long range. A toast to hordebros and shocking the gay out of alliance trannies!

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I never played WoW in my entire life but these threads are comfy. Can kinda feel the good memories from the posts alone. Im happy for you, bros.

based and shockpilled

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what kind of lgbt representation did classic wow have

>ion completely assraping bfa
>but being a staunch defender of no modern bullshit in classic

>ion completely kills classes and looks soulless in bfa presentations
>looks happy in classic stuff

>classic scheduled to be released and getting constant content exactly when bfa experiences content droughts

>streamers and other dumb shit all quit/quitting bfa and just waiting for classic

You know memeing aside, there could be some truth to this.
Internally but stealthy fucking up bfa to prep up classic to the top by a handful of old developers.

It's too much to just be a coincidence

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Unironically believing Classic will be more popular than BFA and calling others retarded. That's just cute.

because anything after legion was bound to be shit with the inevitable pruning

so this was the time to experiment. the expac would be a wreck, and their attempt to revive it would quite literally be their 'battle for azeroth'

true gankers are undead rogues, not faggot elfs

Come join us bro all are welcome.

Imagine being deluded enough to believe this
your shitty archaic game is getting 100k players on release day at most, and it's dropping down to 1k Artifact-style after a week when the nostalgia wears off and everyone realizes vanilla is shit
On that day, I'll be there to laugh at you. I'll be delighted to see you deluded sad sacks of shit crying and resubbing to BFA.

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Maybe not intentionally, but it was destined anyway. It is the WoW cycle. Vanilla good, TBC bad, WotLK good, Cata bad, Pandas good, WoD bad, Legion good, BfA bad

The entirety of alliance is a tranny faction

You have no proof. So i call it as i see it.
Next source will be your ass i'm sure!

>wtf why are people talking about video games instead of politics

it was destined and they were aware of it

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Vanilla pally is absolutely miserable, I'm sorry anyone convinced you to waste your time leveling one.

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is Yea Forums an alliance or a horde board?

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go back

What the fuck are you talking about? Proof about what? That BFA announcement had more views? Fucking lol user

Is this from them always overcompensating for issues in the previous expansion?

>resubbing to BFA.
it's the same sub, you know they're not competing right? If anything people who are currently playing BFA will start playing classic since this xpac has gotten completely stale and boring

>Every thread it's just the same dude spamming "WE'RE GOING HOME" wojack images.
Whatever you say shill.

Nothing after vanilla was good.

Some were better than others but it was still worse

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Fuck blizzard, it's so obvious they're going to release Classic on the same week as Shadowbringers. I was looking forward to playing Shadowbringers for a few weeks, but there is no way i'm missing classic launch, and playing FFXIV inbetween patch cycles is the worst, the players you're stuck trying to do catchup savage with are beyond braindead.

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>realizes vanilla is shit
I do play on light's hope you realise. I love this game and will continue to love it when it releases

Ion was a hardcore vanilla raider, he's the one who came up with the idea that c'thun was unkillable in his original state.

If private servers are anything to go by it will be

I know you're retarded but keep your stupid away from me okay?
Here's a final (You) now makes good use of it and buy a rope and a chair.

Literally nobody who want to play classic is sub to retail wow right now you retard. This is a entire different playerbase. I think it will hit you pretty hard when classic breaks 400-700k views on twitch.

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Horde, all allys are babys and play on PvE servers

it doesn't matter, we're both going home. Classic threads are like the episode where protagonists and antagonists team up to fight a greater evil, which are always kino

alliance obviously. Fuck disgusting h*rde niggers


You need an active sub to play classic. i.e. You don't have to buy BFA but you still have to pay 15bux a month.

>Not practicing leveling on Lights Hope right now to get ahead of the pack on launch
Oh no no no, it's like your uni graduation doesn't line up with release and you won't have copious amounts of time to play for a year

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this is legitimately depressing


imagine having taste this terrible

You keep living in your little world kid, kek

newfags are alliance trannies
oldfags are horde

Nowhere to go back to. Unlike you, Redditor.

Depend if the real players are going horde like in retail or not.

Horde but I'm playing Alli for classic because I played horde in vanilla.

Why do you people care so much about playing and paying a sub for some old ass game you played as a kid? I'm genuinely curious.

Fuck the (intentionally lower case) h*rde.

Yeah, gotta hurry and hit the cap and have nothing else to do.

STV was the real pvp zone.

>he didn't play scriptcraft

oh shit I almost forgot ...


>oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo





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Why don't you say the same thing when any other old game gets discussed?

>ion killing retail intentionally so that activision will actually greenlight classic wow
>metrics prove that there is still a demand for traditional style MMOs, reviving the entire genre
>enter the third golden age of MMOs
he is taking the fall so that we can all go home again

>played as a kid
there's your answer

Their life sucks and they wish they could go back to being kids.

A few oldheads at vidya are teaming up wit Godd Howard for one last job. They're going to save vidya. Fallout 76 was an intentional trainwreck, as was BFA, intended to force publishers to fire useless diversity hires while also providing more $ for development. Good games soon my friend.

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I'm still waiting on Corecraft, bros.

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>reaching 60 quickly and enjoying myself at the same time because hunter and know how to do it quick
>ganking the fuck out of dumb lowbies and get good rep within the realm by helping others getting ganked

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the prodigal nigger returns

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>I'll be delighted to see you deluded sad sacks of shit crying and resubbing to BFA.
No. One. Who. Wants. Vanilla. Plays. Retail.

Fucking moron.

Are video game players the consumer base with least standards, they get abused for years then comes back with their tails wagging when a shit company throws a bone at em.
Is this masochism or stockholm syndrome?

>you played as a kid

I was a junior in HS when vanilla released. Speak for yourself zoomer.

Only people that think Classic will fail are lonely.
Prove me wrong.

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>Dude why are people talking about the pending rerelease of one of the most influential video games of all time
>Where are my smash and e-celeb threads?!?!?

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Beta is a terrible idea, remember all the bugs and broken shit from release? It should be just like that again.

Neither people want to capture >that feel again.

Shockadin my based dude

Twitch streamers and e-celebs are hyping up it so all Zoomers want to play it.

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So you where a kid.

That's the best part of playing on pvp servers and youvget saved or save some one from the opposite faction

>Playing a fantasy game filled where you can be a savage orc, a broodoo ooga booga troll or a cow person
>Pick a human or a tiny human and level up in human areas
If you play alliance you may as well just wagecuck you'll be getting the same experience

Attached: 83234_v9_ba.jpg (1080x1440, 247K)

>tfw going to be a minmaxing raider
>tfw camping casuals and seeing their tears in the threads complaining about "minmaxing faggots ruining my comfy leveling and lowbie ganking"

Not to mention all the false bug reports that """""vanilla veterans"""""""""""" from private servers are gonna make, wasting the devs' time.
If anything, there should be some kind of stress test for the initial zones.

guys i have no idea whether to go priest, mage, or lock, please send help

only interested in pvp most likely

man not getting credit if you died sounds fucking brutal

Garithos was kinda based but then again he teamed up with unde*d and fucked all of the humans in Lordaeron.


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Is gonna get better now that the official one is coming back
Nigga Nostalrius had like 15k people at peak hours at one point. Official servers will have much less than that, because they're most likely gonna be capped again. Unless that's what you were talking about, in which case, somewhat valid argument.
Lolno. Blizzard is absolute shit at security. I have been hacked 4 times in my life. Fucking three of those were Blizzard accounts. Private servers have legit better security.

On top of this you will be paying Blizzard. The people who ruined this game in the first place. You are legit retarded to trust Blizzard more than people who are actually passionate about the game.

>playing as an ugly mutt because DUDE FANTASY LMAO
sorry bro, your faction sucks until tbc

>tfw rolling glorious blonde hair blue eyes human paladin
>tfw bouncing between Tirisfal, Silverpine and Hillsbrad murdering undead players during phase 2


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Truly based

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Misery loves company and retailcucks are miserable

>tfw lvl 60 tries to gank me in redridge
>tfw I pop bubble and hearth out
this is why you play pally

>>drops some bants

>murdering undead players during phase 2
Classic is 1.12, not alpha. Retard.

I was in my mid 20s as was everyone else I know who played. It's gonna be pure boomer core m8.

How do you get your blizzard account hacked now?

They literally dont let you login outside your regular IP and have had authenicators for over a decade.

not even shitting on vanillafags since i play wow currently and will try classic, but yea i have the feeling it will be just a fleeting thing.. will get bored of that too and go back to regular wow

love mmo's and wow still is the best one out there fuck final fantasy, black desert and eso

>Not to mention all the false bug reports that """""vanilla veterans"""""""""""" from private servers are gonna make, wasting the devs' time.
Yeah a beta is going to ruin the release for sure.

>If anything, there should be some kind of stress test for the initial zones.
I doubt they need stress tests with the current infrastructure.

Warlock. I loved my mage, but in patch 1.12 locks did as much damage as mages plus pets and mages are much more fragile.

I am playing a Dwarf hunter followed by a Human rogue

How did anyone ever manage to crack my super secret code of name+birthday?

>private servers that do dealings with chinese gold sellers are safer than a AAA company
maybe don't post your password for the entire public to see, nigger

t. retard

>he doesn't knows

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He's never been the bad guy. He made the best addition to the game in any expansion with mythic+.
There's someone higher up making him implement the shitty parts to drive up hours played.

Two of those hackings were actually around a decade ago. The last one was a couple of years back and I did use the Authenticator at that point as well. Blizz security is simply shit.

They are better then Blizzard, yes. My passwords are fine, Blizz security is shit, shill.

But who's getting in the beta?

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>vanilla world pvp

Attached: 7qwrHl6.png (718x610, 350K)

>What is leveling alts
>What is rep grinding
>What is dungeon farming
>What is raiding
>What is motherfucking World PvP
I want obvious catababies to fucking leave

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nice choices, hunters and rogue were able to pull off some really cool stuff back then. See world of roguecraft and other such videos


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Not you lol

The biggest streamers like soda and swifty ofc.

>better then
No wonder your accounts got "hacked".

Ive logged into multiple private server streamers account because they use a generic password thats logged on and use the same username on everything

People with old active accounts
Random people

While I've never played WoW, I honestly doubt that classic will be the game you all once loved. As much as you want to repeat the past, you can't. The difference is you all have changed since then. I don't actively wish for it to be bad, or for people to hate on it. I'm just saying you should be prepared if it turns out to be a disappointment.
Would be nice if I'm wrong though. Nothing wrong with people actually getting to have fun again.

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I have a feeling I'm gonna get in
But I don't want to play just yet

All you WoW faggots btr be using ventrillo while playing classic.

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>Alterac Valley (version 1.12)

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It better be free. I'm not buying WoW again.

I never used any of the programs that became popular after vent, so yeah, I will.

> ventrillo
> not teamspeak


>You will never be a head dev at Blizzard during the golden age of WoW
>You will never be a head dev at Bungie during the golden age of Halo
Stories like this make it sound awesome

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It will, but we don't know if it'll be tied to the retail subscription. It probably will but that's fine.

>Initial diff vs BlizzCon demo: new database format, a LOT of files removed (client should be smaller now). Looks to be based on 8.x now instead of 7.3.5.

>Initial diff vs BlizzCon demo: new database format, a LOT of files removed (client should be smaller now). Looks to be based on 8.x now instead of 7.3.5.

>Initial diff vs BlizzCon demo: new database format, a LOT of files removed (client should be smaller now). Looks to be based on 8.x now instead of 7.3.5.

I can't wait for everyone to use Joana's guide, then coming here to complain that leveling is boring.

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being able to play vanilla content without having to deal with slavs, arabs, chinks and fucking any and all europeans is a dream come true and i will never go back

We don't want the fucking past, how many times do you morons need this explained.

It's not nostalgia, it's the game being better, it's the game being insanely more fun and enthralling.
Why do you think nostalrius and elysium and lights hope got so many people?

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So what add ons are good for Vanilla?

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And they're both intolerable consolewar fags.

>tfw enlightened enough to enjoy both factions

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Buy the new store mount and get access to the WoW Classic Beta!

Last 2 levels is excruciating otherwise its ok.

What stupid shit has current-WoW done that makes the old one better?

and asmon and probably mcconell by extension

for me, it's the alliance.

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which do you like most as a spellcaster?
>sucking dick

should make the choice a little easier for you.

>Looks to be based on 8.x now instead of 7.3.5.
That's good since 8.1 the game got a nice bump in multithread performance.

Wait a minute is this real?

Tier 22 is the first raid of BFA

We'll be using BFA era addons.

joana's guide is for literal retards and doesnt work if there is more than 1 person using it at a time in any particular leveling area
joana is fucking washed up and hasnt done anything vanilla related since 2007 and his video guides then showcase him as a clicker and a keyboard turner. he's going to get ravaged in leveling times

Literally too long to post.
Google it

And then raid finder ruined the fun.

Non play like a real man.

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They are going to invite streamers who actually played vanilla, not literal whos pretenders.


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But mages can't heal.

anally devastated that nigger mage

Thats good, classic addons are crap

Cant wait for ported quest addons come beta

>people liking OOT is just nostalgia, just play SS instead

Based and red pilled to be honest.
But you could have taken him at fullhealth and mana

People are actually excited to waste their life a second time

Yes all games nowadays are boring id rather waste my time on an old friend then a new whore whonwill bore me.

Beta on April 24.
Release was slated for July, but got moved up to June due to faster than expected development. Blizzard's typical beta period is always about 2 months, so expect release around June 26.

What are you doing right now?

based pence playing classic wow

4 days 20 hours played is impressive, I don't care how you cut it. I can't think of a better guide. Optimal pathing would be a bitch to plan out on your own, especially if you haven't done it before.

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this will be my 6th? time playing through classic :^)

>Why do you think nostalrius and elysium and lights hope got so many people?
Nostalgia. Clinging to the past.

It's not wasting time if you enjoy it
Believe it or not some people have fun playing computer games

the same could be said with heroin you ape

>no dishonorable kills during phase 1

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It was free and you could bot as much as you wanted.

Holy shit retailfags must be terrified to spam every thread like this.

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Says increasingly nervous man for the 10th time today

will world of warcraft classic be free to play?
if not, LUL

>Summer 2019 in Northern Hemisphere will begin on Friday, June 21

>Beta coming any time now


imagine being that playing and paying for a 20 year old mmorpg

>Why do you think free private servers got so many chinese farmers?

Why do so many retards like you exist? Like how can you possibly be this fucking stupid?

am i the only one that remembers for every sliver of gold there was a pile of shit in original wow?

Shut up tranny

>Implying it's one user

Not wanting to hear a word doesn't mean that word isn't relevant.

It won't be just a time sink, better play 16h a day if you want to be able to raid MC cause of ilvl req from retarded pugs

they are gonna cuck xiv fags aren't they?

>dude I pay 15$ per month to play a classic server, why are you so dumb EGGS DEE


>Now that I have established retail is trash classic is sure to be a success

I don't see why they both can't be trash

>Implying they wouldn't enjoy that

Imagine clinging to the past so hard that you delude yourself this much.

No the fact that it's not nostalgia that draws people to those servers is what makes it irrelevant

the game has been eroded from being an RPG with social elements to a single-player loot hallway with deliberately timegated content to make sure you have to say subbed to see it.

the world is not massive since you're in queues for 90% of your playtime and sharding technology deliberately divides up players into random instances so there is no sense of community.
the game is hardly multiplayer because 90% of content is piss easy and soloable and nearly all group content can be done by sitting in one place and waiting until your queue timer pops and then mindlessly pressing buttons without saying a word to your groupmates.
the game is no longer an rpg since there is almost no customization in how to make your builds and stats have been streamlined to the point of ridiculousness with +mainstat being the only thing that matters 90% of the time due to the way item level works.

people want to play an MMORPG. modern wow is not an MMORPG. vanilla/classic wow is.

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Part of me hopes so. Just look at the FFXIV general. Absolute degenerates playing catgirls, pretending to be women, and then masturbating to text.

It's either a sub or a cash shop.

jesus christ please no gearscore addons

this is how you ruin the game

Ey FAGGOT, you still here? Might roll with you if you're still here.

Won't matter. you are going to need to be fully nax geared before they will invite you to a normal 5 mans.

based, fuck h*rde

>Attacking distracted enemy players
>Attacking players 5~ levels lower than you
>Probably couldn't win one-on-one in an even fight

Is this the power of ganking?

make the new thread niggers

nobody beats hunters in 1v1 fair fights lol

Gearscore would literally be non-functional in classic simply due to itemization being so difference. For example, Stamina comes out of an items stat budget in 1.12, whereas in WotLK, Stamina, Armor and the items primary stat (str, int, agi) were intrinsic to the item level, and the stat budget only applied to secondary stats.
So in classic you can have an ilvl 64 piece of gear with only Stamina and Spirit, or Edgemasters Handguards which increase your weapon skill and are only ilvl 47 iirc.

There's absolutely going to be gearscore and raider IO type addons. Hope you all enjoy your "Classic" experience.

no fuck you

false, blizz already said they will be banning such addons

>Gearscore would literally be non-functional
watch people fucking use it anyway

Can't wait to only rush to a couple of specific bosses in a few specific instances while ignoring everything else!

lmao ff retards don't even know how classic works
Anyone trying to use that shit would get laughed at and branded on the realm, some of the best items you can get in the entire game are literally from dungeons.

Then comes resistances and other shit, it's completely impossible to do ilvl or gearscore in classic.
On top of blizz saying they're gonna literally ban these addons


So just like how it was most of the time when it was used on retail. It will come.

gearscore shouldn't be as much of an issue due to how itemization worked in vanilla. not to say those addons won't exist, but the creators will have to account for a lot more variables than just item level, which is going to throw a massive spanner in the works of the reliability of such addons and whether players will actually trust them.

Sounds fine to me, just makes it easier to avoid groups that are going to wipe on MC trash.

>>sucking dick
redundant desu

>everyone has had 15 years of research to make the sweatiest, most autistic gameplan to get world first and run the server
>want to enjoy my casual experience
>ultra tryhards flying through casting 10 spells on perfect cooldown tag my mobs

nice "game" you got there

>So just like how it was most of the time when it was used on retail.
Not even a retailbaby, you're actually a FFag, that's sad.

So what are the essential BFA addons youll install on Classic come release?

okay, enjoy the 'vanilla' experience that you cucks called to be as close to the original as possible

>sounds fine to me, i love quality of life improvemnts

kys yourself

erp addons

what an annoying fucking UI

Will retailniggers go even more insane and shitpost with increased fervor the closer vanilla servers are to release? Will their hatred and madness reach a point at which it's too much even for them to handle?

I must have imagined people wanting you to have higher ilevel than what you could get from the content they where doing then.


>using anything other than retail hotbars


Even pservers have tons of people with no idea what they're doing. In the first few weeks especially classic will be full of retailbabs with absolutely no clue what they should do

But Blizzard is the greater evil

they killed that in wrath. truly the most based addon to ever exist

Anyone else just going to blacklist retailfags? When people ask to join my dungeon groups, I'll ask if they play BFA, and if they say yes I won't bother inviting them.

I feel this will help a lot with keeping the retards out.

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We've seen how this will go.
Runescape 3 players shit on the idea of osrs before and all the way up until its release, and what happened?
It ended up being even more popular than any other version in the games history and still is.

Nobody likes eating crow, especially not the shit eaters that are used to the state of the current game insisting new is better than old.

They're about to be faced with the fact that all their transmog and cheevos amount to shit when people move on to classic, and that's all they have to show for their 50,000 hours of play time.

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but user, you'll be subbed to bfa too

>In the first few weeks
Most players won't make it past the first day or the 1-6 areas.

Eventually they'll wise up to it, but yea, I'm steering clear of those degenerates as well.

Even though I really don't care about classic I'll probably get it since I've gotten every beta for every xpac and new game since Wrath. Sucks it's directly linked to accounts or I'd probably just give to someone here