thread 404'd while i was downloading 2070 to make this screenshot of a useful feature they neglected to keep
Anno 1800
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Has it been cracked yet? I want to play it but I am broke until a few weeks from now.
they both have this feature
2070 or 1404?
1800 does not, lets not start this again
Is there a better layout than this for distilleries?
1800 does not have this feature.
i literally used it in the open beta
You're probably misunderstanding what this is about.
You're thinking about the buy/sell limits for AI purchases.
No idea, I'm not nearly far enough in my game to need so many. For how many citizens is this?
Could probably condense that quite a bit using workforce modifiers, I think it's only -5 for +50%. Removing a lot of the farming space.
Not yet I don't think, especially if you aren't going to mess around with Trade Union bonuses.
How do I get oil from the new world if I don't already have an oil tanker? I can't figure out how to get electricity on my main island and can't build a tanker because that requires electricity
That amount could support 7000 farmers, or 4000/3000 since artisans and higher don't use schnapps. That is purely for selling I'd imagine or transporting to other islands.
Wouldn't unions make it a lot better to have the production buildings tightly clustered somewhere? Even with suboptimal planning I managed to have 13 slaughterhouses in one radius all getting a huge bonus
I'm not even close to that amount. I just like to make these single warehouse designs.
If you stack bonuses and unions, yes it would be way more efficient to turbo boost singular steps of production and have other islands feeding the end factory. With unions and work modifiers the layouts become way different, similar to what Noiras did in 1404.
I just couldn't get into that game. I always find myself returning to 1404
So how much fish, sausage, and alcohol and other luxuries do I need to keep in stock for my own citizens?
I feel like I'm missing a stat window or something...
Either work it out for yourself based on consumption rates, or.
Use a calculator to do it for you.
what shocks me more than the lack of that feature is that so few people seem to miss it. i haven't played that much yet but i can't even imagine how it is late game when islands will constantly have 0 resources, especially building materials.
post cities
>Completely removing all the trees from your island.
China in a nutshell I guess.
>two marketplaces right next to each other
For what fucking purpose?
>Staring map has beautiful fields of lavendar
>find myself constantly building around them and the surrounding treeline because muh aesthetics
Fuck efficiency I want dem flowers no homo
How do you transport workforce to and from islands?
I heard you need a building but i don't know which building, allready have artisans.
>Get to Artisans again
>Decide I don't actually like this map again
>Start a new game again
Literally me.
Just wonder but do AI get literal cheat headstart on higher difficulty like any other 4X/strategy kinda of games?
Like every Anno, the AI never quite "plays" the game you're playing. At least, in this one, the AI actually competes with you, but their supply lines don't really matter.
Haha holy fuck.
I just finished the campaign and I got a mission to get 500 engineers to the big island. should I do it? do I get something? also what do I do after the campaign?
I've noticed that some of them start off more advanced and can do shit like factories and Artisans much earlier than you possibly could.
No content
Too many shit islands, hard to find a decent one for the main city.
>finish campaign
>bring 500 Engineers to Bright Sands
Really wonder if I should even bother. The AI pretty much took all useful islands in hueland while I diddled around with the story.
To build some ships and kick them off them. China and wibbly are pushovers. The fat lady though is a force, she snowballs quickly.
Did you got good boy points for finishing campaign? I didn't
I want to fuck the china lady after taking all her cities.
The building is halfway through tier 4. It really should be a tier 3 building though to be honest.
wtf is her problem?
Out of the Admiral, the Psycho and her she was the first to declare war on me.
>all that schnapps
>check AI islands to see if they have quests
>see this cosmic brain grain mill
>he doesn't eat ground pork
>He dosen't mill pigs for easy peasant slop.
Those homeless have to eat SOMETHING.
I didn't know PS2 games looked this good
>prison island sells potatoes
So i'm not the only one, i've been doing this for like 10 times, and even bailed the campaign map.
Does the income get worse at Engineering?
I'm at Artisan and already making like 3k on medium difficulty.
Finally got to moving out some of my dirt industries.
The pigs are now on pig & schnapps island.
Still have a bunch of heavy industries on my main island causing lots of pollution tho.
Also is there a limit to zoo size or can I just blob it all the way over the city center?
>Does the income get worse at Engineering?
No. I finished Engineering at 30k income and had like 8k before before my first engineer.
Is it a valid strategy to keep all production to the 'main island' and ship the raw resources (wheat hops fur etc) from others? Seems convenient to free up space on the capital isaldn and only build up to farmer shacks elsewhere.
Could someone with the game in english and bought directly from Uplay (not steam, this is important) upload their Anno1800.exe?
I'm doing something that may save lifes
What anno games should I play?
They look fun but I don't know which ones are worth playing
kind of, especially because of the eventual loss of appeal through pig farms and pollution
gotta keep your island clean if you want to tax your investors
either this one or 1404, maybe 2070 too depending on which setting/era you find most appealing
>CTRL+Shift+R puts you in first person street mode
>Even has foot step noises, shift to run, space to jump and you can interact with random civilians to hear some lines of dialog
but they really need to fix the roads phasing through the ground in this perspective and keep the dialog tied to the model of character or something. Seeing a big tough lumber worker speak like a dainty old aristocrat is a bit disturbing.
I prefer shipping end products for anything up to artisans (Sausage, Soap, Beer, Bread, etc.).
Otherwise you just have way too many raw resources to ship around.
Getting sick of all this crashing
I have some questions if anyone can help me with them
Is this game comfy?
How's the online? Can someone describe what is it about?
Should I play the campaing first or just go and have some comfy islands?
well new one is pretty good
The campaign is more comfy than free-play.
Crack when?
Whose your favorite AI?
Mine is this Ms. Doubtfire lookin' bitch.
So good at being nice and friendly but also a conniving backstabbing shit.
just like your mom
Are there power-levels tied to the AI or something?
In every game she is the most dominant AI, while chinagirl gets shat over by her.
>Excessive propaganda can cause riots
Who redpilled my workers?
I think its tied to both their difficulty level (if you go to custom game settings and choose the competitors, it shows you their level), and their personal strengths and weaknesses.
For instance, she seems to get to Artisan and industrial shit WAY faster than the other Advanced level AI I've seen.
Meanwhile that cocksucker with the handlebar mustache who loves money, tends to spread his wings a shitload earlier to maximize profits.
Just call them white supermacists and they will get back to work
Sorry I bought it on Steam just to be petty and spite Epic.
nice joke
something like what?
The problem here is that if it's bought from Steam then the exe will ask of me the steamapi whatever happens...
I'm trying to get the game working on multiple languages for those that bought from a russian retailer and then activated that on uplay instead of connecting to a VPN and buying it from there, thus ending up with a RUS/Chinese copy
Oh it's you. Here's an idea: maybe start learning Russian, Pavel.
Ok so apparently building like this will eventually cause your civilian buildings to keep catching on fire due to proximity dangers. But if you don't build like this, you start getting money problems.
This is different for Anno.
can I get a quick rundown on the clown pepe meme?
Does fire really matter that much?
I just place a few firefighters where necessary and as long as its well in reach the fires get put out effficiently.
Not like it happens often.
/pol/tards who think they have to perform publicly about how much they love LGBTQ+ things / immigrants / etc to not get ostracized by the "far-left" mass culture, hence the merging of pepe and clown attire.
What the hell are some of those items for? Monica the piglet, seedling, etc.
I want to FUCK hannah in her SLOPPY pussy
You attach them to certain buildings and give they give bonuses. Also you can bring them on expeditions for different bonuses. Animals get used in the zoo which increases a city's attractiveness.